121 Syllabus
121 Syllabus
121 Syllabus
DESCRIPTION. Switching converter principles, PWM, phase control. Rectifiers. AC and DC converters.
PREREQUISITE. EEE 53 (Electronics Circuits II)
CREDITS. 3 units. (2 lec, 3 lab)
At the end of the semester, you should be able to accomplish the following:
• Provide a basic understanding of power electronics circuits
• Appreciate well established topologies of different conversion technologies
1. 3 EXAMS (40 pts. each). This is a written examination to assess your understanding of the topics.
1. EXPERIMENTS (80 pts.). These are mini experiments conducted in the laboratory.
2. 1 MINI PROJECT (30 pts.). This is a requirement to be submitted towards the end of the semester.
The mini project will cover topics to be discussed in class.
a. PASSING THE COURSE. To pass EE 121, your lecture and laboratory average must be at least
60pts with the lecture component having at least 50 pts. This is non-negotiable.
b. FINAL GRADE Your lecture and laboratory grade components will be the total accumulated points
divided by 100. Your grade in EE 121 is the average of your lecture and laboratory grades. Each of
your lecture, laboratory, or final grade cannot exceed 100%.
c. APPEAL FOR CORRECTIONS. Appeals for corrections to exam results are only valid for up to two
weeks after the exam has been returned or until the deadline of submission of grades, whichever is
d. MISSED QUIZ OR EXAM. If unexcused, you will get a grade of zero for a missed exam. If excused,
a missed exam will be replaced by a comprehensive exam at the end of the course. Missing more
than one exam, whether excused or not, will merit a failing grade for the course.
e. INCOMPLETE. Failure to submit the report for the machine problem will merit a grade of INC
provided that you have a passing average in the lecture and laboratory (at least 60 points).
f. NO REMOVAL EXAMS. I will not give a grade of 4.0.
g. ABSENCES. Unexcused absences exceeding 3 laboratory meetings will merit a grade of 5 for the
You will be automatically enrolled in the UVLE course created. All lecture materials and other announcements for the
lecture classes will be posted in the page.