Course Outline ELEC 1002 Electrical Principles I
Course Outline ELEC 1002 Electrical Principles I
Course Outline ELEC 1002 Electrical Principles I
This is an introductory course in electrical principles, concepts and relationships. The course
covers resistance, current and voltage relationships, power and energy; circuit analysis;
capacitance, magnetism and inductance; steady-state and transient response. AC theory is
introduced. The labs supplement the theory by using lab connections and computer simulations
to illustrate operational and analytical concepts.
Describe the characteristics of magnetic fields. Distinguish between permanent and
electromagnets. Apply the right hand rule to a current carrying conductor. Identify the direction
of flux for an electromagnet. Define flux density. Define magnetomotive force, permeability,
reluctance, magnetizing force, hysteresis and retentivity. Apply Ampere’s circuital law.
Describe electromagnetic induction. State Faraday’s and Lenz’s laws. Define inductance. List
the factors governing inductance. Calculate equivalent values for inductors in series. Calculate
equivalent values for inductors in parallel. Define steady state condition for inductors. Calculate
values for current rise during transient conditions. Calculate values for current decay during
transient conditions.
Define an electric field. Define capacitance. Describe the basic construction of a capacitor.
Compare an electrolytic capacitor to other types. Calculate capacitance for capacitors in series.
Calculate capacitance for capacitors in parallel. Define time constant as related to a capacitive
circuit. Perform calculations for transient conditions for charging and discharging a capacitor.
Assessment Element 1
Weighting: 20%
Assessment type: In-class tests/quizzes
Special facilities: e.g. none
Time/duration: 45 minutes
Assessment Element 2
Weighting: 30%
Assessment type: Laboratory Report and In- Laboratory Observations
Special facilities: Electrical Laboratory and Computer facilities
Time/duration: in - course
Assessment Element 3
Weighting: 50%
Assessment type: e.g. Final examination
Special facilities: Examination conditions
Time/duration: 3 hrs
To assist learning, the assessment process is designed to provide the student with timely and
regular formative feedback. The objectives of small group sessions are designed such that the
investigative Learning Outcomes of the unit will be assessed on more than one occasion by
using evidence available in Laboratory Reports. Attendance at practical sessions is a pre-
requisite for the validation of any work assessed through Laboratory Reports. Students must
build and test electrical circuits that exhibit the full range of student learning.
The main assessment instruments for this unit are: problem solving exercises completed as part
of the assignment and quizzes, laboratory exercises and submitted reports, and an examination
to test basic understanding and knowledge.
Boylestad Robert L, Introductory Circuit Analysis Prentice Hall, ISBN 0-13-097417-X