Internal Stakeholders' Feedback On The Senior High School Curriculum Under TVL Track

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Jojimar Sj. Julian

Ph.D. in Science Education


Before the existence of K to 12 program, Philippines is the last country in Asia and one of
the only three countries in the world with ten year pre-university program. Thus, the implementation
of K to 12 Basic Education Program is hoped to be a transformative vehicle for local and national
development (Department of Education, 2013).

Senior High School is the last two years of the K to 12 program which includes Grades 11
and 12. Department of Education envisions Filipino graduates having the sufficient mastery of the
basic competencies needed to develop themselves to the fullest, and competent to live a meaningful
life or to pursue a higher education. Introduction of different tracks for example, was designed to
ensure that education is relevant to all youth. The Senior high school curriculum offers applied and
specialized subjects (depending on their track) and, core curriculum subject (Gestiada, Nazareno &
Villanueva, 2017).

There are 15 core curriculum subjects in Senior High School which are taught in non-
negotiable 80 hours or 20 weeks per semester. The K to 12 program is even designed to let the
student feel what TVL Track is in an exploratory track in the junior high school level through the
Technology and Livelihood Education (TLE) courses.

Truly, curriculum is incomprehensible for beginner teachers as they actually practice

teaching in the mainstream. They realize its nature, worth and instabilities. They learn that
curriculum is customized not universal, because it is made according to needs of the society. As a
result, they experience and bring about some changes which are responsive to their learners’ needs
(Bilbao, 2015).

In spite of the sound aims of the curriculum, everyone is aware of the shortcomings that the
program has at the moment. Critics argue that the benefits, particularly for poor families are
incomparable to the costs associated with keeping children in school for extra two years.

Along with this reformation of the curriculum is the spiral progression approach. This
approach inhibits student’s mastery in one field of science. Resurrecion and Adanza (2015) assert
that teaching science in an integrated approach requires specific training and should have expertise
on what to teach first and possess the required teaching abilities. Unfortunately, this is not true in
the Philippines, particularly in small school where science teachers are obliged to teach all the
arrears and even subject that is beyond Science. Consequently, teachers tend to use the instructional
strategies that are easier for them to carry out, rather than the one which is responsive to the need
of the learners.

In order for students to be called science literate, they should not only know the theories
behind a certain environmental phenomenon but also be able to uncover other related phenomena
through investigation. This is done through laboratory work and experimentation, more simply
called as inquiry-based learning, a type of learning strategy which majority of the Filipino science
teachers find difficult to develop among their students.

The lack instructional materials and insufficient number of teachers are other shortcomings
of the program. Being in the transition or adjustment stage of the curriculum SHS teachers are still
grasping for the best instructional materials that could temporarily suffice demands of the
curriculum This includes the lack of learning and teaching materials, textbooks and modules.
Teachers also teach subjects which are not in their area of specialization.

These concerns in the curriculum may lead to teachers' ineffective teaching and students'
ineffective learning. Meanwhile the teachers' effort in trying to adjust to the changes and in giving
their best instruction despite of the lack of teaching materials should not be taken out consideration.

The researchers being senior high school science teacher have identified concerns
experienced in the context of teaching and learning process in Senior High School (SHS) under
TVL track. The lack of instructional materials and equipment makes the curriculum quite hard to
realize. Besides, the congestion of topics inhibits the teachers to facilitate learning efficiently
Furthermore, because of insufficient number of teachers, they are obliged to teach subject which
are out of their specialization. These and other problems prompted the researchers to conduct a
study on determining the understanding of the internal stakeholders on determining the DepEd’s
VGM on SHS curriculum under the TVL track.

Objectives of the Study

This study sought to answer the following objectives of this study:

1. Describe the understanding of the internal stakeholders on the DepEd’s VGM on SHS
curriculum under the TVL track
2. Assess the alignment of the curricular objectives to the DepEd’s VGM of the SHS
curriculum under the TVL track
3. Identify the resources/equipment available to support/sustain the curriculum of the SHS
curriculum under the TVL track in terms of:
a. Physical environment
b. Emotional environment
c. Social environment
d. Academic environment
4. Determine the employability of TVL graduates and the areas of curriculum which needs to
be retained and enhanced on the SHS curriculum under the TVL track

Significance of the Study

This study aimed to develop understanding on the current implementation and evaluation of
SHS-TVL curriculum based on the perception and experiences of school principals and SHS
coordinators in some identified schools. The result of this study could develop awareness and
address the challenges raised by the informants in the implementation of SHS. Through this study,
administrators could provide necessary modification on their teaching strategies and assessment
and provide relevant and appropriate instructional materials and equipment to teachers for a more
effective delivery of the curriculum. The result of this study can be an input to assist science teachers
and to adjust their instruction based on the VMG’s of DepED considering the availability of the
instructional materials, the type of learners they have or the track that they are handling. This will
also enable them to examine the contents carefully and find relevant and appropriate teaching
strategies for each lesson. Students are the end beneficiaries of this study. They will be guided on
the right track of honing their scientific knowledge, skills and attitudes.
Definition of Terms

For better understanding of this study, the following operational definitions are as follows:

Constructive alignment is an approach to curriculum design by ensuring alignment throughout the

process, from the forming of learning outcomes, to the choice of teaching methods to assessment.

Content experts are persons with deep understanding on the content of Biology: they are college
professors, instructors, medical practitioners and others.

Formative assessment is used to inform both student and teacher as to how the learner is
progressing. Integral to this process is the feedback that students receive from the teacher and this
should be used to improve both the learning of students and the teaching practice.

Learning outcome is a statement of what the learner is expected to know, understand and/or be
able to do at the end of a period of learning.

Summative assessment is used to grade students at the end of a module or to accredit them at the
end of a program.

Teaching strategy is a plan for someone else’s learning, and it encompasses the presentations
which the teacher might make, the exercises and activities designed for students, materials which
will be supplied or suggested for students to work with, and ways in which evidence of their
growing understanding and capability will be collected.


The DepEd vision-mission stated that the institution’s dreams of producing learners who
have love for their country and skilled enough to contribute to their country’s progress (De la Cruz,
2018). It is essential in every institution, particularly in schools to have a mission-vision as a guide.
DepEd vision, mission, goals and objectives (VMGOs) sees to it that every learner must have an
access to quality, equitable, culture-based and complete basic education in an ideal classroom
situation. The environment from where the learning happens must be conducive, child- friendly,
gender-sensitive and safe for the learners.

This vision is then translated to a breakdown of the curriculum in the elementary, high
school and non-formal education. Curriculum is a set of learning content and experiences that are
selected, organized and implemented by the school in pursuit of its institutional purpose. It is
important to understand the over-all purpose of the Philippine educational system (Garcia, 2001).
Aside from the curriculum, learning situations are created towards the contribution for the
achievement of the vision.
The basic education systems underwent a transformation through the implementation of K
to 12 program. From a basic 10-year education period, two senior high school levels were added.
As such, the DepEd is confronted with both old and new challenges to improve and deliver basic
education for all. While the problems about the lack of teachers, classrooms, facilities and
equipment still exist, the challenge of curriculum revision is also vital (Manhit, 2018).

Through senior high school, learners are given the chance to immerse in industries and
workplaces. However, meeting national needs is the utmost priority. In this respect, the DepEd is
overhauling the curriculum to establish a spiral approach designed to challenge and stimulate
learners and develop their critical thinking.

There were number of students who graduated from senior high school at over 1.2 million,
invalidating fears that many students would drop out after finishing Grade 10 (former fourth year
high school). According to Sec. Briones, the chances of getting a job in the company where SHS
graduates had work immersion are higher as the companies usually hire those whom they have
already trained (Mateo, 2019). Moreover, a survey conducted by JobStreet earlier showed that only
24 percent of employers using the employment website are ready to hire the first batch of graduates
of the K-12 program. It is a challenge at the same time for K-12 graduates to develop their skills
and be the company’s engine to growth. Coupled with the right attitude, graduates will surely
succeed in the labor market.

While SHS provides an opportunity for completers to get employed after graduation through
the Technical-Vocational track, only 38 percent of the 1.2 million SHS learners took the track and
decided to seek employment after graduation (Montemayor, 2018). The government should also
take steps to address the lack of classrooms in public schools with the increasing population of high
school students and the poor procurement of learning materials. It is truly important that DepEd
proposes concrete, long-term solutions based on evidence for better result and higher chance of
getting quality education.

DepEd maintained that the third year of SHS implementation is already in a good position
in terms of the required infrastructures, materials, and teacher training. However, the department
noted it still needs to strengthen its collaboration with the community and private sector to improve
on the alignment of education with the companies’ employment requirements. Despite severe birth
pains, the SHS program is here to stay. There is a need to know as soon as possible which parts of
it are working and which aren’t. Proper monitoring and evaluation should have been implemented
right for better outcome.

This study covers the understanding of the internal stakeholders on the DepEd’s VGM on
SHS curriculum under the TVL track with principals and SHS coordinators as the informants of the
study. It also aims to assess the alignment of the curricular objectives to the DepEd’s VGM of the
SHS curriculum under the TVL track. Through this, the researchers could identify the
resources/equipment available to support/sustain the curriculum of the SHS curriculum and
determine the areas of curriculum which needs to be retained and enhanced on the SHS curriculum
under the TVL track.

Informants came from Castanas NHS (Quezon), CEFI, Polillo NHS, Tipas NHS (Batangas),
Mogpog NCHS (Marinduque), Bangbang NHS (Marinduque), Buenavista NHS (Marinduque),
Guinayangan NHS (Quezon), and Cardona SHS-stand-alone (Rizal).


This research utilized a descriptive-qualitative study. Specifically, it used descriptive-

evaluative. Descriptive-evaluative was employed to describe the understanding of the internal
stakeholders on the DepEd’s VGM on SHS curriculum under the TVL track; assess the alignment
of the curricular objectives to the DepEd’s VGM of the SHS curriculum under the TVL track;
identify the resources/equipment available to support/sustain the curriculum of the SHS curriculum
under the TVL track in terms of physical environment, emotional environment, social environment,
and academic environment; and lastly, determine the employability of TVL graduates and the areas
of curriculum which needs to be retained and enhanced on the SHS curriculum under the TVL track.

This study utilized the purposive sampling technique. The research sample are the
informants came from Castanas NHS (Quezon), CEFI, Polillo NHS, Tipas NHS (Batangas),
Mogpog NCHS (Marinduque), Bangbang NHS (Marinduque), Buenavista NHS (Marinduque),
Guinayangan NHS (Quezon), and Cardona SHS-stand-alone (Rizal). It only includes the one
principal or SHS coordinator and one TVL teacher in SHS department.

Written informed consent and verbal consent were sought and obtained from the informants.
Participants were assured of confidentiality. The data were collected using a structured interview
guide. The verbal responses during the interview were fully recorded, transcribed and translated
verbatim into English. Themes were generated. It was conducted in the above-mentioned schools
situated in Region 4A and 4B. The data collection was held on March 2019 to April 2019. Thematic
analysis was used to interpret the responses of the key informants.

This chapter presents an analysis and interpretation of interviews conducted with teachers
and administrators of senior high schools offering Technical Vocational and Livelihood (TVL)
track in Region IV-A. The study was undertaken to investigate the Internal Stakeholders’ Feedback
on the Senior High School Curriculum Under Technical Vocational and Livelihood (TVL) track in
Region IV-A. A qualitative analysis was used to discuss the different themes on internal
stakeholder’s feedback and how the themes are being utilized in a Technical Vocational Livelihood

Theme 1: Vision, Mission Goal and Objectives of Department of Education

The first theme identifies the perception of the administrators and teachers of senior high
schools offering Technical Vocational and Livelihood (TVL) track in Region IV-A.

The Department of Education released a Department Order Number 36 Series of 2013

entitled the adaptation of the Vision, Mission, Goals and Objectives that will be used by the offices
and schools under the Department. The Dep Ed order stated that the meaning and message of the
VMGO should be carefully explained to all Dep Ed employees and stakeholders.
Figure 1. VGMO

Looking at the Figure 1, when the respondents were asked about the alinement of the VMGO
of the DepEd in the TVL program the administrators presented their own views about it. The
administrator of the schools in the region had the same perception and thinking on the Clarity of
the DepEd VMGO.

“The Department is trying to achieve better result by clearly communicating the VMGO to
the stakeholder through meetings and presentation of school reports/accomplishments. The school
administration and faculty members are always trying to keep in close contact, selecting their ideas
and making them feel that they are an important part of the organization”

It is also well stated in the interview extracted from the teachers that their VMGO of the
DepEd address the current context or needs of the community and national. All of the teacher’s
respondents affirmed this statement:
“The Vision, Mission and Goals of the school met the needs of the community and national
goals, since hairdressing that we offered in our Senior High School are in demand. We conducted
a meeting including the stakeholders to discuss the course to be offered. We also administered a
career guidance program.”

Moreover, other respondents stated in terms of current context or needs of the community:

“The VMG of our school is supportive of the notion that education must be learner-
centered. The curricular offerings entail competencies that 21st century learners should possess. It
addresses the needs of the community by providing lessons geared towards skills development and
values formation which are necessary in nation-building.”

From the above statement of the teachers and school’s administrators the VMGO of the
Department clearly address the needs of the students and the community. It is also aligning with
the mandated provisions on the constitutions that the right of all citizens to quality education and
community development.

In terms of clarity all respondents both teachers and administrators had the same
interpretation on the clarity of the VMGO. It was clearly stated on their answer:
“The VMG is self-explanatory. The words used were easy to understand. However, the
school has to constantly relate this VMG in all activities conducted by the school so that it will be
fully understood and instilled in the mind of the stakeholders.”

The above stated statements clearly showed that the VMGO achieved its objective to
carefully explain to all Dep Ed employees and stakeholders.

In terms of the provision of “Collaboratively and Participatory conceived/developed”, all

teachers’ respondents had the same perceptions and thinking as they answered:

“The vision of the department of education posts the development of competent Filipinos,
equipped with skills. It is the vision in which all the schools are adhere to. It is concern with the
community and national goals of developing citizens which can contribute meaningfully in building
the nation. Apparently, that is the need of the present time.”

Moreover, one (1) school administrator stated his interpretation on the VMGO on
community development.

“It is relevant in the community since course offered is really appropriate in the location of
the school where the port of the province is located. (TVL-COMBI-tourism, bread and pastry,
tour guiding and ..) ….for Balanacan only, this can be apply to other school where the needs of
the community is aligned to the course offered”

Furthermore, other administrators stated that:

“It is relevant considering that our program offering was based on the available industry
partners in our town/municipality. There were expert teachers who are qualified to teach the subject
and are linked to other industry partners for immersion and employment purposes.”

In terms of the VMGO’s alignment to the relevance of the course to the community one
administrator emphasized that:

“It is relevant considering that our program offering was based on the available industry
partners in our town/municipality. There were expert teachers who are qualified to teach the subject
and are linked to other industry partners for immersion and employment purposes.

Parallel to the above stated answer, two teacher’s respondents explained that:

“With the response of the parents, people in the community, the LGU, it is important that
they know their role towards the development of the school and the students”
It is very evident that both teachers and school administrator have the same perception on
the alignment of the VMGO to the relevance of the course offering to the needs of the community.
It is also clearly identified that the VMGO is to promote a healthy environment with in the school
and the community and its relevance to the community development.

In terms of integration or separation to the course or subject offering, evidence to course or

subject offerings under TVL track/school activities. Both respondents shared the same perceptions
on the above stated items. In summary they have the following answer:

“The VMG is clearly integrated in the course or subject offerings because the school
designs hands-on activities that would enrich the skills of the learners and enable actual application
of theories learned inside the classroom. For example, our FBS students are having their
culminating activities during school occasions like teacher’s day, school trainings and foundation

“The VMG is always integrated to the course offerings as well as with the school activities,
thus, helping the students to develop their values and their full potentials.”

“I think it is not, but I’m sure. As I observe, the VMG are incorporated across all subjects.
For example, BPP is commonly thought to be for women only. But we also encourage male
students to take the course. This is evidence that we live up the VMG- that is, children learn in a
child-friendly, gender-sensitive, and motivating environment.”

DepEd and respondent’s ideal subject integration and separation parallel with one another.
It means that they had the same idea on the development of the student’s and community through
subject offerings.

In time efficiency one school’s administrator answered:

“Time efficiency is quite a serious matter. It really takes longer time to realize the output of
a specific curriculum. The competencies needs longer time to ensure mastery. Time allotment
spelled out in the curriculum guide was so theoretical in the sense that it doesn’t fit to the actual
scenario of the teaching-learning process.”

In contradict to the above stated answer, one teacher respondent answer:

“I was able to finish teaching all the learning competencies of BPP, so I guess that it is
time-efficient. But it would be a lot more efficient if I am only focused on SHS TVL only.”

The answers identified that in terms of timeliness on the implementation of the VMGO the
respondents have different perceptions on the timeliness. In this context the department should take
into consideration on the experience of the people on the field to have the betterment of the service
offered by the department.

Lastly, in terms of promote external factors/support systems especially and linkages of the
school both school administrator and teachers respondents have the same idea of tapping the the
full potentials of the outside environment in the full implementation and realization of the VMGO
of the department.

One school administrator describes in terms promote external factors/support systems esp.
Network and linkages of the school:

“As stated in the VMG, YES. It promotes linkages. MOA and MOU were crafted among
stakeholders to establish partnership specially in Work Immersion activities. Donations are also

Another school administrator responded that:

“It is very evident that there is a promotion of external factors especially during the work
immersion period of the student since they were absorbed by different agencies or organization.”
Furthermore, teacher’s respondents answered that:

“VMG promotes external fosters/support system because the organization alone

(administration/ faculty and staff) cannot performs its task efficiently without the support of
stakeholders and the whole community.”

Another, teacher’s respondents clearly stated on this answers that:

“Yes. We have been gaining a lot of positive feedbacks from our partner institutions. That
promotes wider linkage of the school in the years to come.”

In consonant to DepEd Order No. 36, Series of 2013 the department should have 100%
responsibility on the dissemination of the departments VMGO and have the equal opportunity for
both school administrators, staff and the stake holders in understanding the VMGO and take full
responsibility on the full implementation of it.

Theme 2: TVL Curriculum

The second theme discusses the curriculum of the Senior High School in different schools
in Region 4A. It is based on the perspectives of the heads of respective schools who actually
supervise and monitor the program and the teachers who actually teaches the TVL curriculum. It
will argue on the alignment of the curricular objectives on the VMGO of the institution, how the
schools admit, promote and retain students. It will also determine if the TVL program matches the
abilities of the senior high school learners and define the factors affecting them why in some cases
students cannot pursue to finish the course.
Figure 2. TVL Curriculum

When the respondents were asked about the curriculum being used by the DepEd in the
TVL program the heads and the teachers presented their own views about it. On the other hand, it
can be interpreted that TVL curriculum is clearly aligned with the VMGO of the institution, learner-
centered and attainable. For instance, most of the heads of different schools in Quezon and even
Cardona in Rizal confirmed these assumptions:

Since DepEd VMG is learner-centered, yes, SHS curricular objectives and VMG are
aligned.The curricular objectives of the Senior High School are aligned with the Vision, Mission,
and Goals of the school since the school wanted to produce competent and efficient graduates
through developing their skills and values. The students are provided positive learning through
different techniques to enhance their chosen craft.
It is also well stated in the interview extracted from the teachers that their TVL curriculum
is aligned with the VMGO of the DepEd, that it is learner-centered and attainable. As one of the
teacher respondents affirmed this statement:

“I make sure that they are applying learner-centered approach where students at the end
of the lesson are able to do the expected tasks confidently and need less supervision.”

The respondents stated that teachers develop knowledge, skills and attitude of the students
as one of the mandate of their VMGO. Also, another respondents from the teachers of TVL program
supported this idea and states her views in the following way:

“Yes, it is aligned with the VMG of the DepEd. It is achieved through developing the
knowledge, skills and attitude of the students in every lesson/competency tackled by the teacher.”

Parallel to that, one of the principals being interviewed stated that one of the obvious
manifestations that their curriculum is aligned with the VMGO of the institution is through learning
designs facilitated by their teachers teaching the TVL program of the SHS. The respondent states
her views in the following manner:

The curriculum objectives of the SHS under the TVL are attainable and aligned with the
school’s VMG (providing Filipino learners with quality, culture-based and complete education).
VMGO is achieved through learning designs facilitated by the teacher. The curriculum guides were
followed with some modifications depending on the needs and situation if the learners.

One of the teacher respondents also confirmed that the content of the VMGO is integrated
in all subject areas; she presented her observations in the following way:

“The curricular objectives of the K to 12 TVL track is to develop learner’s desirable values,
skills and understanding through the helpful techniques and guidelines and its provisions for
practical application to real life situation for life-long learning, these are aligned with the VMG of
the school which can be achieved by integrating its content in all subject areas.”

It is also noted in the statement from the interview that positive learning approach is being
implemented by the teachers handling TVL program.

“The curricular objectives of the Senior High School are aligned with the Vision, Mission,
and Goals of the school since the school wanted to produce competent and efficient graduates
through developing their skills and values. The students are provided positive learning through
different techniques to enhance their chosen craft.”
Some of the respondents also highlighted the capacity building given by the institution to
ensure that their teachers are well equipped and confident in their line of specialization.

The curriculum objectives of the SHS under the TVL are attainable and aligned with the
school’s VMG. There are lessons that are interdisciplinary, inquiry-based and helps develop
critical thinking. In school, our teachers use varying strategies to cater varying types of learners.
We are conducting INSET for teachers’ capacity-building.

Another concern being raised in this study is the ways on how the schools admit and promote
students enrolled in TVL program. Correspondingly, some of the principals mentioned that there
are no particular criteria on how they are going to admit students in this particular track. However,
most of the teacher respondents are saying that passing the required competencies, prior knowledge
and skills and interest inventory test are needed in admitting TVL students. Likewise, there are also
heads agreeing that students should have interest in the specialization before they can enroll in the
program. Statements are made in the following way:

“No particular criteria. As long as they have completed the JHS DO 8 s. 2015 is followed
in the retention of the learners.”

“There are no criteria set for the admission of TVL students, as long as they passed all the
subjects in Grade 10. They can enroll in SHS.”

The learners who want to be admitted in the TVL track must have acquired the basic skills
of the course offered by the school. It provides them a great edge in performing any tasks in TVL
with less supervision. Students under the TVL must undergo the 80-hour Work Immersion in the
partner industry of our school. In order to prevent retention, students must pass all the requirements
needed in the course.

Moreover, learners were given interest inventory test wherein their acquired competencies
related to the track they are going to enroll will be determined and recorded for future use. They
are also monitored in their performance whether they will be promoted or retained. We also
encourage our learners to undergo assessment.

In addition, all public school heads and teachers agreed that promotion and retention of the
students should be based on DO no. 8 s. 2015 issued by the department. The following views are
presented in the following way:

With regards to promotion and retention policies, DepED uses one policy guidelines on
classroom assessment (D.O. 8, s. 2015).
On the contrary, private institutions like CEFI revealed that there is no particular criterion
on how they are going to admit, promote and retain their students. As recorded in the interview it
flows in the following manner:

“During admission there are no particular criteria in our intuition in admission of the
students as long as they need that track or program we absorb them with open arms, in TVL track
we don’t have retention policies, unlike different school, as long as the student passed all the subject
the student can move up next school year.”

The respondents also gave their opinions on the relevance of the TVL curriculum in two
ways, first is how it matches with the abilities of the students and how it applies to practical
problems. Majority of the respondents both the heads and the teachers agreed that TVL curriculum
matches with the abilities of their students. However, two of the principals contradicted the
statement by saying curriculum doesn’t match with the abilities of their students in Guinayangan
National High School and Polillo National High School respectively. As the interview go their
statements presented in the following way:

“Yes, it matches the student abilities. However, we do not have enough facilities and
equipment which delays the practicum of all students. The content is relevant to practical problems
because it was decided by the people I have mentioned earlier. It was surveyed. Some of the students
are transferring out of the school because the tracks they want are available in other school.”

“There are no proofs yet that school curriculum does not match student abilities. The
content is relevant. SHS TVL finishers are employed according to their courses of study.”

“In some cases, the KSA required do not match but it is the duty of the school to enhance
those KSA of the learners.”

“The curriculum is very relevant to answer the practical problems of the students as stated
by the respondents unanimously.”

“The content of the curriculum matches the abilities of the students. It is relevant to the
practical problems and can be able to help the community and the students to have their own career
path, whether they will go to college or not.”

Admittedly, financial incapability of the families where TVL students belong is the primary
reason of the students why they encounter difficulty in pursuing the course. Likewise, delayed
learning materials, unavailable or expensive ingredients are also challenges they came across along
their journey.
The learners have difficulty in sustaining and providing their needs in performing laboratory
activities especially in Cookery whereas they have to look for available ingredients, and buy other
necessary materials for their performance. However, the school has allotted fund to provide some
materials and ingredients (but not all).

The learners have difficulty in sustaining and providing their needs in performing job sheets
in BPP which requires some expensive ingredients. And yet, these ingredients, most of the time are
unavailable and have to be purchased in advance. MOOE provides some of it, not all. Hence,
students need to provide it at their own expense.

Theme 3: Senior High School on Process

The success of every program lies on the proper implementation of its processes. And to
implement the process properly, readiness in all aspect of teaching such as in terms of the
equipment/resources, teaching forces and the support system must be observed properly.

The third theme discusses the processes in the implementation of K to 12 in the Philippines
specifically of Senior High School-TVL. It is based on the perspective of the school administrators
and teachers of SHS department regarding the availability of the resources/equipment, teaching
forces and its support system.

Figure 3. Senior high school on process

The third theme is divided into three subthemes, importance of resources/equipment, quality
of teaching force, and accessibility to support system.

The first subtheme is all about the importance of resources/equipment on the

implementation of K to 12 in the Philippines to support the curriculum in Senior High School. When
the respondents were asked about their observance about it, most of them says that there is no
enough resources/equipment and even no classrooms and laboratory rooms for public schools upon
the implementation of K to 12 but partnerships with the external stakeholder make it possible to

“In the beginning it is not sufficient, but through partnership and networking, the equipment
needed had been completed. Although, there is still a need for rooms and others, it is enough for
the population of our TVE students.”

In addition, one of the school head says that the insufficiency of resources/equipment can
be procure through the school’s MOOE.

“Our TVL offerings has available resources and materials to support the curriculum. Set of
instructional materials for laboratory performances were included in procurement plans through
school MOOE. We were able to procure equipment and tools needed. In addition to the Deliveries
of TVL tools from Regional Offices to sustain the program. We think it is enough to sustain the
program. However, we are still in need of extra classrooms and laboratory rooms.”

However, in a private school, the tracks/ strand offerings depend on the availability of

“Before CEFI open senior high program, CEFI only capable of offers two tracks, we have
four different track the academic track, technical and vocational, sports and fine arts, CEFI only
offers the academic track and technical vocational track which all the materials and equipment are
available for example in TVL which is cookery CEFI has Hotel and restaurant management course
which can accommodate the laboratory materials of the cookery program if the students choose
HAS, we also have laboratory to support we have Medical Technology, Radiologic Technology,
Physical Therapy, and nursing, if the student chooses ICT we have information system course that
can accommodate the laboratory needs and equipment of the TVL program.”

Enough resources/equipment plays a very important role in the learning of the students
especially to the TVL students on their laboratory activities. First, it will help students familiarize
themselves of the proper use of it.
“All the basic baking tools, utensils and equipment are available but there is no appropriate
workshop to be used during classes. No, these are not enough to sustain the course offering in
respect to student’s population during the hands-on activities, they should familiarize themselves
of the proper use of all the facilities but they cannot so that without the complete tools, utensils or
equipment so the activities were done through buddy system or groupings.”

Second, Individual performance using resources/equipment is very important in attain the

standard competency set by the DepEd according to one of the respondents.

“For example, in EIM, we do not have CCTVs so the students cannot attain the competency
on CCTV installation. Thus, they cannot take the NC II unlike the FFP. In addition, the practicum
of the TVL students is on rotation basis because we do not have much equipment to accommodate
all of our students.”

Third is to sustain the SHS programs in the Philippines.

“Our TVL offerings has available resources and materials to support the curriculum. Set of
instructional materials for laboratory performances were included in procurement plans through
school MOOE. We were able to procure equipment and tools needed. In addition to the Deliveries
of TVL tools from Regional Offices to sustain the program. We think it is enough to sustain the
program. However, we are still in need of extra classrooms and laboratory rooms.”

And lastly, the main goal of SHS implementation is to attain quality education. And it is
through quality teaching personnel and enough resources/equipment that will surely produce quality

“All materials and equipment are delivered or about to be delivered, except for books. This
will surely help the implementation of SHS. Teaching personnel should be chosen carefully and
capacitated to come up with good SHS produce. Equipment alone will not do the wonders.”

For subtheme 2, quality of teaching force, as stated above, resources and equipment alone
will not do wonders if there is weak teaching force. Thus, the DepEd requires all TVL teachers
under SHS curriculum to have a National Certificate and must pass Teachers Methodology as an
entry requirement to the department. Most of the respondents say that they have strong teaching
force by hiring TVL teachers with NC and TM.

“Our TVL teachers are NC Holders and TM passers. They underwent SHS trainings and
seminars regarding teaching strategies, assessment, planning and instructional development that
makes them well-equipped and ready to teach in their field.”
“Our TVL teachers are NC Holders and TM passers. Academic teachers were MA
graduates and/or Masteral unit earners. They underwent SHS Mass trainings and seminars. There
were also teachers who invest in attending national and international trainings related to

“In terms of SHS teaching forces, they have strong skills to teach, all of them were trained
on their areas of specialization and passed all the examination that qualified them to teach.”

But, one of the respondents believes that having a NC and TM is not enough to claim a
strong teaching force, teachers must have enough training and knowledge on teaching strategies.

“SHS in general have weak teaching force, majority of the personnel came from industries
and do not have appropriate training on teaching strategies.”

Thus, prior to the implementation of K to 12, DepEd provides free training for TVL teachers
who are not yet a NC passer.

“Teachers still lack NC’s but DepEd is providing free training for teachers.”

Most of the respondents state that all of their TVL teachers have enough knowledge, skills
and attitudes related to their subject which they acquired from different trainings and long
experiences they had from their field of specialization.

“Our TVL teachers are skilled enough in teaching. The long years of teaching experience
have given them enough confidence and knowledge in teaching the subject.”

Another thing to consider having a good quality of teaching force is to have a good teacher-
student ratio and their number of workloads. In private schools and big public schools, the enough
number of teachers is more than enough to the number of students.

“Since CEFI is a private institution of learning, the institution limit the student ratio in 35
to 40 student per class to ensure the quality of education.”

“SHS teachers in big schools are more than enough but in smaller schools where teacher
allocations are fewer SHS are supported by JHS teachers. Teachers workloads and preparation
are tolerable.”

On overall, most of the respondents says that there is enough or ideal student to teacher ratio
which is most likely, 40:1. Even though that the ideal is 25:1, teachers can still manage their
“The ratio of the student to teacher in our school is ideal (1: 25). The workload is
manageable. Teachers’ workload is within the range allowing them to make plans for the lessons.”

In terms of available support system given to the SHS under TVL track to ensure that the
contents are well-delivered in the classroom, one of the respondents state that there is better
environment for public Senior High School than Junior High School.

“Classroom environment is far better than JHS. They are the subject of JHS envy.”

For physical environment, though in some schools, the newly provided building is not yet
finished upon the implementation of Senior High School, they still managed to conduct classes. But
in private schools, they already provided new building conducive for learning.

“We had new building with a well-ventilated, knit and clean and especially safe, this four
corner of the room will shape the knowledge, skills, and attitude of the student.”

The Emotional environment is also conducive to the learners in a way that available
personnel are always present in times of emotional guidance of some students.

“The teacher gives necessary guidance to the student who has an emotional dilemma, CEFI
has guidance office and student affairs office which are open Mondays to Fridays for guidance and

For the social environment, the teacher gives equal opportunities for the student to develop
the social relationship, also CEFI promote and practice the anti-bully rule, CEFI does not allow any
kinds of bullying in their students regardless of gender, race, religion, socio-economics, and
political belief.

Lastly, for the academic environment, the institution has complete facilities for the needs of
the students like, clinic, canteen, laboratory, gymnasium, lecture room, multimedia room and
library that will support the student during their stay.
Theme 4: Employability and the SHS Curriculum under the TVL Track

The fourth theme is about the employability of SHS graduates under the TVL Track. It also
discusses the program of SHS Curriculum under the TVL track regarding which should be retained
or enhanced.

Figure 4. Employability and the SHS Curriculum under the TVL Track

In the interview of the principals/SHS coordinators with regards to quality of assessment,

they mentioned that:

“Assessment of learning is based on the DepEd Order released by the department. Written
test, performances, and quarterly exams were adequately measured to determine the quality. NC
assessment is used for qualified learners who have acquired the necessary competencies for a
given TVL specialization.”

“TESDA assessment is nationally recognized so it sets the national standard in terms of

skills needed by the employee to acquire.”

“In TVL track we assess their skills by means of practicum, return demonstration and
written examination, major exams.”

It means that the quality of assessment was based from the DepEd Order No. 8, s. 2015
entitled “Policy guidelines on classroom assessment for the K to 12 Basic Education Program.”
Moreover, NC assessment is also used to determine whether the graduate can perform to the
standards expected in the workplace based on the defined competency standards (TESDA, 2019).

For the knowledge, skills and attitude (KSA) and employability, principals/SHS
coordinators stated that:

“Majority of the students who have taken the Evaluation after the course have passed the
assessment. This means that they could be employed after SHS.”

“They can have summer jobs after graduation.”

Again, certification is provided to those who meet the competency standards. TESDA
assessors conduct competency assessment process for graduates applying for certification. It
ensures the productivity, quality and global competitiveness of the graduates (TESDA, 2019).
Graduates are employable because of their honed skills.

For the teachers’ experience, the informants cited that:

“They find it fun to teach senior high school students because they are, at the same time,
learning a lot from the lessons that they teach.”

“challenging and exciting…”

“They enjoy learning the course. They have acquired varied experiences which exposed
their potentials and personality as well.”

“They only experience difficulties in terms of materials/resources for the course.”

“those who are teaching subjects that are not in their field of specialization…”
“Teachers found it challenging to teach in senior high school because they are, handling a
much matured learners who know well how to deal with teachers and students.”

Teaching senior high school students are fun/exciting. It is because of the exchange of ideas
where the teachers and students learn from each other. However, according to Llanes (2018), there
were problems such as availability of resources/materials and teachers teaching subjects which is
not their specialization. Also, attitude of the students toward K to 12 curriculum is also a problem.

For the areas of curriculum, the informants mentioned that:

“All the areas should retained.”

“…enhanced the work ethics of some students especially during immersion period.”

“Materials/Resources should be provided. Teachers should also be given more and more
trainings to make every one of them fit into what they are teaching.”

“I think the policy of voucher program should be reassessed or reviewed because the other
students are monopolizing its advantage.”

“…maybe DepEd can add a more national certificate or other than that maybe add
international certificates for the TVL program.”

“…needs to intensify the crafting of programs that promote stronger, more innovative and
more collaborative partnership with different private institutions in order to ensure a brighter
Senior High School exit.”

“…the time allotment and the design of the learning activities must be improved to
appropriately develop the skills and achieve higher mastery.”

“…research related subjects should be enhanced. It is because the time is not sufficient.”

The informants mentioned that all areas of the curriculum should be retained. However,
there are some areas which needs to be improved. Some of the informants mentioned that work
ethics should have an emphasis before deploying the students in their work immersion so they
would know how to behave properly in the workplace (Arsenal, et al., 2017). Also, availability of
materials need to be improved, thus to attain the quality of teaching and learning process inside the
school (Llanes, 2018). While for the additional NCs, students will only have one TVL track to
be taken for the Grade 11 and 12 program. They can take another NCs in other TESDA accredited
schools (TESDA, 2019). Lastly, the Editorial Team (2019) stated that there should be more time in
doing research related subjects because the time alloted in the curriculum is insufficient.
Furhtermore, design of the learning activities should attain the higher order thinking skills (HOTS)
of the students.

Moreover, due to some challenges found in the voucher program, the DepEd released
another guidelines for the incoming School Year 2019-2020 (DepEd Order no. 10, s. 2019). For
sustaining and improving partnership and stakeholders, DepEd released a guideline included in
implementing the Brigada Eskwela 2019 (Llego, 2019).


In the light of the findings of the study, the researchers concluded the following:

Teachers and administrators of senior high schools offering Technical Vocational and
Livelihood (TVL) track in Region IV-A had the perception of Students learn in a child friendly,
gender-sensitive, safe, and motivating environment, teachers facilitate learning and constantly
nurture every learner, Administrators and staff, as stewards of the institution, ensure an enabling
and supportive environment for effective learning to happen, family, community, and other
stakeholders are actively engaged and share responsibility for developing life-long learners. It is in
parallel with the DepEd No. 36, series of 2013.

The concept of the respondents about the curricular objectives of the Senior High School
under TVL is said to be aligned with the VMGO of the Department of Education which is evident
in various programs implemented by different respondent schools. It can be concluded that their
admission is mainly based on the issued DepEd Order No. 8, series of 2015. As called by the
respondents, the curriculum is very relevant and can be of used to solve practical problems in life.
In spite of financial incapacity and family problem, unavailable and expensive ingredients in their
projects, delayed learning materials, the respondent schools still managed to inspire their students
to continue the TVL program and find job related to their track.

Education reform as big as the integration of Senior High School specifically the TVL strand
to the basic education curriculum is really challenging. There are problems might encounter during
the process of implementation and many things to improve but this should be properly address by
the DepEd rather than ignoring it. Since the primary concern of the K to 12 is the learning
outcomes, the DepEd must review the quality of teachers in the Senior High School - TVL,
sufficiency of equipment/resources, student-classroom ratio and teacher-student ratio.
Furthermore, there is sufficient resources/equipment for TVL courses upon the
implementation of Senior High School. In cases that there is insufficiency, the DepEd has the
provision of using the school’s MOOE to avail needed resources. With regards to
professionalization of teachers, the DepEd set professional standard for teachers. Teachers are
required to have a National certificate and pass the TM. Those who have no teaching experience
were trained by DepEd to gain enough knowledge and skills in teaching. And to deliver learning
effectively, the DepEd prepared a better physical, emotional, social and academic environment for
every Filipino.

The assessment made by the teachers was based on DepEd Order no. 8, s. 2015; and from
the competencies required by the TESDA. For the knowledge, skills and attitude of the graduates,
schools lead their graduates to undergo NC assessments. It is because this kind of assessment
ensures that the student has fully mastered his/her skills relevant to his/her TVL program. Thus,
they can get jobs.

Moreover, for the teachers’ experiences, they have exciting/fun experience and challenging
experiences. They are excited because of the varied experiences. On the other hand, they are
challenged by the availability of materials/resources, mastery of the subject matter if it is not their
field of specialization, and the attitude of teachers and students. While for the areas of the
curriculum, informants said that everything should be retained and some needs to be enhance. Work
ethics during immersion, materials/resources, teachers’ training, policy on voucher program,
additional NCs, more partnership/stakeholders, design of learning activities and time allotment
especially for research needs an enhancement.

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