Chapter I234

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The Problem and its Background of the Study


The K-12 Program usage began on batch 2011-2012, and the

first batch of understudies to experience K-12 will graduate in
March 2018. The K-12 Program is seen as a sufficient period for
learning under essential training and its differentiation
necessity of experts and non-experts in our nation and remote
Asian or Non-Asian nations. It offers a reasonable way to deal
with discovering that will empower youngsters and understudies to
secure, know and learn more aptitudes in various fields of
education taking up the professional and later expert degree
courses. (Ma. Araceli Bello Verjom).   

The quantity of instructed is currently diminishing a

result of the various conditions that they face during the days
that they are attempting to step up in their lives. An overview
from the DepEd shows that out of 100 understudies concentrating
in elementary, just 80 of them will graduate and those 80
understudies might be deducted and will become 50-60 understudies
to go to secondary school. In 50 understudies, there may just be
30 of them can just continue to school and just a couple of them
can complete school and additionally masteral degree courses.
(Mama. Araceli Bello Verjom).

The K-12 program of the government will allow students to

have mastery of competence and enable them to cope up with the
lessons. The curriculum is enriched to the local needs of
students to be responsive to choose a specialization that will
suit their field of interests. The present educational plan
offers a progressively adjusted methodology that understudies may
gain and ace their deep-rooted premiums and Learning aptitudes
for occupation salary moving toward the 21st century. With the K-
12 instruction likewise help graduated understudies the abilities
required in the work advertise and get ready obligations and
chance to be acknowledged and work to the aptitudes they gained.
(Ma. Araceli Bello Verjom).

In the wake of completing the K-12, especially in the
senior year of tutoring, graduates are granted an authentication
of competence and a national certificate indicating evidence
permitting them to have center level aptitudes and will be
offered a better chance to be utilized and later become youthful
business people. (Ma. Araceli Bello Verjom).

Technical-Vocational (Tech-Voc) courses are part of non-

formal education in the Philippines. Under the Republic Act 7796,
the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA)
is ordered to give specialized instruction and aptitudes
advancement programs for Filipino students. The tech-voc programs
permit out of school youth and other intrigued understudies to
learn down practical abilities that will set them for business or

Contemplating tech-voc courses fills some needs. It

furnishes understudies with broad hands-on preparation required
in actual industries and other practical evaluations. The
educational plan is additionally made out of competency
benchmarks required for powerful work execution as endorsed by
industry specialists. Taking short professional courses likewise
helps in growing chances and increasing new abilities for the
individual who need to step up in their vocations or dare to new

Specialized Vocational is characterized as a complete term

referring to those parts of the training procedure including the
investigation of advancements and related sciences, and obtaining
of handy aptitudes, perspectives, comprehension, and knowledge
relating to occupants in various sectors of economic and social
life. The objective of technical vocational education is to bring
up application-oriented talents that have related technical
theoretical knowledge and practical ability. Its requirements of
the theoretical study are low, more emphasis and hands-on
capacity and demanding actual working capacity. Vocational
education considered appropriate for professions like automotive
mechanics, plumbers, electricians, and other similar professions.
It is geared towards the practical needs of a specific
occupation. Vocation education is seen as a strategy that
contributes to increasing efficiency and education investment and
can provide young people with the skill needed for employment and

Background of the Study

       K12 curriculum is a system implemented by the Department
of Education (DepEd). Before taking an additional 2 years in
Senior high school, students are free to choose the offerings of
the curriculum: The Academic Track, Sports, Art, and Technical-
Vocational Track. The main purpose of it is to develop learners’
skills for them to be ready to start to work- if they want to-
start a business, or continue college. One more reason why it was
executed was that foreign countries think that a 10-year
curriculum was insufficient and K12 provides basic competencies
to meet the standards of foreign countries in case they work

In Juan Sumulong High School, the SHS offering tracks are

the Academic Track and Technical Vocational Track (TVL). Academic
Track comprises 3 strands: Accountancy, Business and Management
(ABM), Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS), and Science,
Engineering, Technology and Mathematics (STEM). Yet, the TVL
track comprises of also 3 strands: Information Communication
Technology (ICT), Home Economics (HE), and Industrial Arts (IA).
The Academic track mainly focuses on learners on their chosen
field of specialization in college and TVL makes students enhance
their practical work skills to make them job-ready. But some
researches asserted that there is a significant difference found
in both tracks. In terms of the confidence of TVL track, Zhao et
al (2013), says that the vocational track students expressed a
low level of self-esteem. Houtte et al (2012), concluded that
Academic tracks showed significantly high confidence than TVL

This study aimed to investigate the perceptions of Grade

10 students in Juan Sumulong High School toward Technical-
Vocational education and to understand the factors influencing
students’ choice. These were considered as starting points to
create plans for applicable intervention to progress students’
choice for Technical Vocational Livelihood (TVL) track.
The researchers came up with the problem: “What is the perception
and factors influencing junior high school students towards
Technical Vocational education?” with the objectives of knowing
the profile of participants, their mind-set on Tech-Voc Education
before enrolling, reasons for enrolling on a Tech-Voc course,
find out the benefits gained after graduating from one of its
course, to determine how it helped in the development of their
career, and to find out what is their current mindset about it.

The Grade 10 level of Juan Sumulong High School is made

up of seven (7) sections with a total of two hundred sixty-four

(264) Grade 10 students. The researcher will only choose fifty
(50) students out of two hundred sixty-two (262) Grade 10
students as respondents in the study.

Conceptual Framework


 Organizing the 1. Conducting  The perception of

questionnaires. interviews
and surveys Grade 10 Students
 Demographic
Profile of the 2. Tallying of towards Technical-
respondents data in the
questioner Vocational (Tech-
 How do the
Grade10 students voc) Education in
3. Identifying
perceive Technical-
the factors
Vocational Juan Sumulong High
Education affecting the
track School

Figure 1. Research Paradigm

Theoretical Framework

Developmental Theory of Career Development

According to Super’s (1990) Developmental Theory of Career
Development, high school students are at the exploration stage of
career development, which involves crystallizing and specifying
their occupational preferences, while also making preliminary
decisions about their career choice.

Teaching and Learning Theories

Teaching and learning theories say that educators should not

afraid to apply something new for their classroom teaching
approach. This practice will help their students to become
academically productive in and outside of the classroom.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to deduce the perception of grade 10

students regarding the Senior High School Program of the DepED.
Furthermore, the study aims to determine the plans of the grade
10 students about the K to 12 academic programs and their opinion
about its implementation. Especially it answers the following:

1. What does the grade 10 students perceived about the TVL?

2. What are main factors that affect a student in choosing their
3. What is the correlation between their grade 10 average and
their average perception between TVL?
4. What percentage of the grade 10 will take the TVL Track?

Significance of the Study

The study aims to identify the perception and factors
influencing junior high students’ choice on technical-vocational
education in Juan Sumulong High School.

The result of this study will benefit the teacher

and parents by knowing the perception and factors influencing
Junior High students in choosing tracks in Senior High School.
This will help them to improve Technical-Vocational Education and
raise awareness that Tech-voc education is not a low standard of
education. Finally, the researchers will make the study further
and wider.

Scope and Limitations

This study was an investigation of the factors affecting the

choices of the students under K to 12 on which track they would
take for senior high school. The study was only limited to the
Grade 10 students of the senior high school of Juan Sumulong High
School. This study mainly focused on the perception and factors
influencing junior high students’ choice on technical-vocational
education in Juan Sumulong High School.

Definition of Terms

Automotive Servicing Strand - one of the sub-strands under

industrial arts strands that focus on car maintenance services.
Department of Education- is the executive department of the
Philippine government responsible for ensuring access to
promoting equity in and improving the quality of basic
Influencing – the capacity or power of persons or things to be a
compelling force on or produce effects on the action, behavior,
opinions, etc., of others.
Factor - is one of the things that affect an event, decision, or
Industrial Arts Strand (IA Strand) - is a strand under the
technical-vocational track that focuses on hands-on electrical
and mechanical-related courses.
Juan Sumulong High School - is one of the performing schools in
Cubao, District III, Quezon City, Metro Manila, Philippines.
Junior High School- A school usually including grades seven to
nine, called also junior high.
Paradigma a set of linguistic items that form mutually exclusive
choices in particular syntactic roles.
Perception – is the organization, identification,and
interpretation of sensory information to represent and understand
the presented information or the environment.
Refrigeration and Air Condition Servicing Strand (RAC Strand) -
is one of the sub-strands under of industrial arts strand which
focuses on maintaining the good function of appliances like the
refrigerator and air conditioners.
Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Strand (STEM
Strand) - is a strand under academic track that focuses on
innovation, experimental activities, and other science and
technology-related courses.
Senior High school- A secondary school typically comprising three
highest grades.
Strand- a strand is a consistent thread running through a course
offer irrespective of its content.
Technical-Vocational Education- is education and training which
provides knowledge and skills.

Track – A track defines a set of possible course selection
available to be a specific group of stands.

Chapter II


High School is an important period in an adolescent’s

life. It is the time that students are making decisions about

their course taking and future educational and career plans.

Every student carries the unique history of their past and this

determines how they view the world. One of the tasks of high

school students is to explore and plan for their post-secondary

career options.

Foreign Literature

According to Super’s (1990) Developmental Theory of

Career Development, high school students are at the exploration

stage of career development, which involves crystallizing and

specifying their occupational.

Billet (2004) hypothesized that social outlook

determines the perception individuals have of the status of

vocational education. The standard, morals, way of life and the

views of education and potential opportunities are the factors

that influenced the choice the students make concerning education

paths. The literature on student perceptions of vocational

education and their decision-making processes will now be

discussed, with a special focus on the influences from society,

family and personal interest.

In research of Stockfelt (2013) on boys’ educational

aspirations, it was emphasized that aspirations are contextual

and dynamic and should be anticipated in light of the socio-

economic environment being experienced. Her study discovered that

these aspirations are usually associated with employment

opportunities and perceptions of the economic future.

Additionally, she recognized the family as one of the strongest

influences on the aspirations of young people. In the literature,

the social class of the family was a variable employed by

numerous researchers when investigating students’ academic

progression. She depicted the impact of a parent’s level of

education as remarkable when exploring students’ progression


According to the research of Gerald T. LeTendre, Barbara

K. Hofer, Hidetada Shimizu that talks about how students select

their track. They also study how these students are capable of

their selected track. They also examine students from their

country for that how could they pick their track. It shows that

the result of this examination more student is affected through

culture beliefs by which it was proven by them.

Lack of examples of success through the course of

vocational education in the home and immediate community led to

students not being motivated to progress via this course. Using

qualitative methods, she exposed that being in a family with

inadequate economic resources meant that space, situation, and

resources to sustain a constant educational experience were

limited’ (Stockfelt, 2013). She found that this has placed

students at a disadvantage, which limited their educational

aspirations and has admitted that low-income students are over-

represented in vocational education. The cases above illustrate

that the process of choice can be influenced by existing social

stratification in different contexts.

Local Literature

According to DepEd Orders No. 41 and 48 series of 2015

dated august 28, 2015 and October 20, 2015, respectively is the

full implementation of a month-long SHS Career Guidance Program.

The main purpose of this is to guide Grade 10 students in making

informed decisions regarding their choice of SHS Track given the

conduct of the SHS Early Registration where every G10 student

submits SHS Preference Slip containing his first and second

choices of schools and programs to his class adviser.

Consequently, the adviser registers the student for SHS and

electronically submits his preference through the Learners’

Information System (LIS).

A further significant item to consider in the DepEd

Order No. 41 series 2015 is its mandate to promote of awareness

in the importance of choosing a track that suits their skills and

interest that matches the available resources and needs of

society as this will play a crucial role in planning and

recruiting students to engage in the different senior high school

programs. However, this study aims to appeal to every student to

give a second thought to choose the more practical vocational

track. Therefore, the concern of this study is to investigate the

perceptions G10 students on vocational education; specifically

how they feel about the job opportunities it presents and future

earning potential (Harris, 2014). The different factors that

influence students’ choice were also be considered as starting

points to create plans for applicable intervention to progress

students’ choice for the Technical Vocational Livelihood (TVL)


According to Mark Catarroja, the Kto12 system in the

country aims to develop social and economic progress. This

progress is being promoted since Jan 20, 2012, by former

President Benigno Aquino signed a contract by which it

disapproving of the Kto12 system this makes the education system

better. The kindergarten education law has been started

successfully Kto12 system. By which all of the countries have

this system except for the Philippines. Former president wants

the education system much suitable to the new students in which

students can have their job when they finish the Kto12. In

theKto12 system, the studies are being enhanced. This Kto12

system has lengthened the year for high school students it adds 2

more years by which we call the students in grade 11to12 as

senior high school and some known this more likely as college

students. In the Kto12 system, you have 4 tracks to choose for

these are academic, technical-vocational livelihood, sports, and

art design track. This RA 10533 Which is to expand job

opportunity by the reducing job skill for high school graduates.

In this article researchers did have read, how is this

Kto12 system apply to the students and talks about how can you

get a job when you finished this Kto12 system. You can choose

different tracks in the Kto12 system by which involve your

skills. This Kto12 system ensures that students that can't to

college can a decent job if they graduated from high school. The

student that can’t choose their proper track and will be correct

by basing it to their skills.

The Kto12 system wants to secure that all students can

have a job. The Kto12 system has lengthened the school year of

high school students it adds 2 years. It is not only the main

goal of the Kto12 system for you to have a decent job but to

improve and enhancing your skill.

According to Silvia Catalan Ambag (2015) in her study

entitled "Reshaping the Mindset on Technical Vocational

Education: Professionals’ Perspectives", the most common benefit

that a person who graduated from a Technical Vocational Education

is local employment and career opportunities abroad. The study

revealed that if you graduated from a Tech-Voc course, you would

surely receive job offers from abroad since most foreign

countries are looking for skilled and certified employees. Most

foreign nations are looking for personnel and workers with

certificates than college diplomas. Though not all graduates wish

to work abroad. A couple of the participants took advantage of

the partnership between the Civil Service Commission and TESDA

and converted their National Certificate they got from their

Tech-Voc course to Civil Service Certificate. Another benefit is

that they have less job training and expenses when they apply for

a job since they are already skilled and certified. Technical

Vocational Education widens their work knowledge and skills

giving them an edge to every employment opportunity.

The Study of Pala (2012) entitled “ The Industrial Arts

Institution in san Clemente District of Tarlac”; one of the

significant aspects he considered was the trade was the trade

testing of grade six pupils along with the industrial arts

component of EPP in the district. His objective was to determine

whether the grade six pupils along were ready for their secondary

training in TLE. The trade test was patterned after STEP

competition. The result revealed that a great majority of

respondents had approaching proficiency performance and few were

under proficient performance category.

The study of Facum (2011) entitled “ Performance of Grade

VI pupils in EPP in San Jose District of Tarlac” tried to

describe the performance of the pupils along with the three core

areas of which are agriculture, Home Economics and Industrial

Arts. He determined a trade test that was patterned after the

STEP competition. The study revealed that he pupils are

proficient in agriculture and Industrial Arts while in Home

economics their performance fell under the developing proficiency

category. He concluded that instruction delivery in agriculture

in industrial arts was strong; while in home economics, it was

categorized was weak.

Chapter III


This chapter discussed the research design, area of the

study, population, sample of population, sampling technique, and
instrument for data collection, validation of the questionnaire,
administration of the instrument and method of data analysis.

Research Design

Snowball methods design and purposive sampling were used

in this study relating to the perceptions and factors influencing
grade 10 students in choosing their track for senior high school.
In grade 10 of approximately 264 students, 50 were chosen through
the random selection to be the respondents. The control group
consisted of subject-based students intending to graduate within
the year. Internal validity was not guaranteed, however, the
subjects surveyed were unaffected by environmental qualities that
may skew results. The external validity in general terms was
applicable to other seniors of similar school populations.

This study had put in deliberation certain ethical

subjects wherein all respondents report their written response
regarding their contribution through a signed consent letter.
Subsequently, the respondents and their parents were

knowledgeable about the purpose of this research since the
respondents are underage. They were comforted that their answer
was treated top secret and used for the intellectual purpose

Descriptive Research Definitions

The researcher chose a survey research design because it
best served to answer the questions and purpose of the study. 

      The survey research is the collection of data attained by

asking individuals questions either in person, on paper by phone
or online. Survey research is defined as the “collection of
information from a sample of individuals through their responses
to questions” (Check & Schutt 2012). This type of research allows
for a variety of methods to recruit participants, collect data,
and utilize various methods of instrumentation. As it is often
used to describe and explore human behavior, the survey is
therefore frequently used in social and psychological research
(Singleton & Straits, 

Instruments/ Techniques Used

The research prepared a survey questionnaire for the

Grade 10 Junior Learners of Juan Sumulong High School as the
respondents. The researchers let their research teacher make some
suggestions in order for it to be corrected as well.

Validation. The final copy questionnaire was checked and

validated by the teachers of Juan Sumulong High School who were
not included as respondents. The validity of this study may have
been compromised by selecting Grade 10 Junior High School
students as the respondents. The final copy was already checked
and ready for the administration or the permission to conduct the

Administration and Retrieval. The permission to conduct

the study was sought from and granted by the head of Juan
Sumulong High School, Dr. Janet D. Dionio. The Grade 10 students

who participated in the research were informed about the study
and the Research Teacher and Principal’s permission to request
the respondents to answer the questionnaires. Their cooperation
was requested and promised. The researcher undertook not to cause
any disruption during the survey.

The Instrument. The questionnaire served as the

instrument in conducting the survey together with the Grade 10
Junior High School as the respondents. Each completed
questionnaire was placed inside a specific folder because
confidentiality was maintained by the researchers though the
demographic profile was optional. Anonymity was still ensured by
the researchers in conducting this study.

The population of the Study. Polit and Hungler (1999:37)

refer to the the population as an aggregate or totality of all
the objects, subjects or members that conform to a set of
specifications. In this study the population was the Grade 10
Junior High School students of Juan Sumulong High School.
         Statistical Treatment of Data. To present, organize,
analyze, and interpret gathered data with accuracy and
scientifically, the following statistical tools were utilized:

n ( Σxy )−( Σx ) ( Σy )
Pearson's Correlation (r) = 2 2 2 2
√[ nΣ x −( Σx ) ] [ nΣ y −( Σy ) ]



WM= Weighted Mean

ΣWf= Sum of the product of the frequency and the unit weight

N= Total number of the respondents

A Likert-Type-Point Scale with the following interpretation

were provided to guide the respondents' opinion as follows:

Scale Weighted Mean Interpretation
4 3.50- 4.49 Strongly Agree
3 2.50- 3.49 Agree
2 1.50- 2.49 Disagree
1 1.00- 1.49 Strongly Disagree

Chapter IV

Table 1.

Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Respondents

as to Sexual Orientation

Sex Frequency Percentage

Male 25 50%
Female 25 50%
Total 50 100%

Figure 1.

Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Respondents

in Terms of Sexual Orientation

Respondents Sexual Orientation Chart

50% 50% Male Female

As shown in Table 1 and Figure 1, 25 out of 50 or 50% of our

respondents are Male and 25 out of 50 or 50% of our respondents

are Female.

Question #1 what does the grade 10 students perceived about the

Table.1 Frequency Distribution of Grade 10 Students towards
Technical-Vocational (Tech-Voc) Education.

Figure 2.

Positive Perception







Question 1 Question 2 Question 3 Question 4 Question 5

Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree

Figure 3.

Negative Perception





Question 6 Question 7 Question 8 Question 9 Question 10

Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree

Figure 4.
Factors Influencing Grade 10 Students Choice on Technical-
Vocational (Tech-Voc) Education.







1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
ti on ti on ti on ti on ti on ti on ti on ti on ti on on on on on on on
es es es es es es es es es sti sti sti sti sti sti
Qu Qu Qu Qu Qu Qu Qu Qu Qu Qu

Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree

Survey Scale
Perception of Grade 10 Students
towards Technical-Vocational (Tech- Weighted
1 2 3 4 Mean

Voc) Education.


TVL students are very skilled.

1 0 7 35 8 3.02

TVL students have a higher

2 chance of getting employed. 1 7 29 13 3.08

Technical-Vocational Education
3 motivates students to graduate 3 13 26 8 2.78
TVL teachers show excellence in
4 teaching. 3 4 27 16 3.12

Technical-Vocational Education
5 exposes students to real world 0 10 20 20 3.2


TVL are academically challenged.

6 3 14 26 7 2.74

TVL subjects can’t prepare me

7 for my dream course in college. 10 18 15 7 2.38

TVL students will have low-

8 paying jobs. 16 24 8 2 1.92

Technical-Vocational Education
9 and training will not provide 18 21 6 5 1.96
opportunities abroad.
Tech-Voc skills should be less
10 importance in Junior High 21 18 8 3 1.86

Question #2 what are main factors that affect a student in

choosing their strand?

Survey Scale
Factors Influencing Grade 10
Students Choice on Technical- Weighted
1 2 3 4 Mean
Vocational (Tech-Voc) Education.

Career awareness

Technical-Vocational education
1 was not clear to me during 5 23 21 1 2.36
career orientation program.
I am not aware of potential
2 careers after completing Tech- 3 29 14 4 2.38
Voc education.
Socio-economics status

I think Tech-Voc education will

3 not let me obtain income 9 26 14 1 2.14
generating job skills.
I think Tech-Voc education will
4 not give me a high-paying job. 15 18 15 2 2.08

Parental influence

My parents want me to pursue an

5 academic course. 5 19 10 16 2.74

My parent have low regard for

6 Tech-Voc vocational education. 5 28 12 5 2.34

Peer pressure

Most of my friends will pursue

7 academic course. 6 10 21 13 2.82

Most of my successful friends

8 have pursued academic course. 3 13 25 9 2.8

Personal reference

Tech-Voc education is not

9 appealing to me. 5 22 21 2 2.4

My career choice is to be an
10 academic professional. 2 10 16 22 3.16

Academic interest

I like to study academic

11 subjects than Tech-Voc education 2 13 22 13 2.92

I can perform better in academic
12 subjects than Tech-Voc education 3 15 27 5 2.68
Community Regard

The community has regard of

13 Tech-Voc education. 4 14 29 3 2.62

The community has establishments

14 to cater internship in Tech-Voc 1 14 32 3 2.74
The community does see the
15 demand of Tech-Voc education 5 15 22 8 2.66

Question #3 what is the correlation between their grade 10

average and their average perception between TVL?

n ( Σxy )−( Σx ) ( Σy )
r = 2 2 2 2
√[ nΣ x −( Σx ) ] [ nΣ y −( Σy ) ]
50 ( 66,753 )−( 4,393 )( 759 )
r = 2 2 2 2
√[ 50 (386,819 )−( 4,393 ) ] [ 50(11,873 )−( 759 ) ]
r = 0.1231

Question #3 what percentage of the grade 10 will take the TVL

Average Positive Average & Average Positive
Students of Grade Perception Positive of Grade Perception
10 (Y) Perception 10 (Y2)
Students (XY) Students
(X) (X2)
1 89 20 1,780 7,921 400
2 80 13 1,040 6,400 169
3 89 18 1,602 7,921 324
4 91 17 1,547 8,281 289
5 88 14 1,232 7,744 196
6 88 15 1,320 7,744 225
7 86 16 1,376 7,396 256
8 87 12 1,044 7,569 144
9 91 18 1,638 8,281 324
10 82 13 1,066 6,724 169

11 90 17 1,530 8,100 289
12 84 16 1,344 7,056 256
13 89 9 801 7,921 81
14 90 14 1,260 8,100 196
15 89 15 1,290 7,921 225
16 92 15 1,380 8,464 225
17 96 17 1,632 9,216 289
18 95 14 1,330 9,025 196
19 95 17 1,615 9,025 289
20 94 16 1,504 8,836 256
21 90 17 1,530 8,100 289
22 88 15 1,320 7,744 225
23 91 17 1,547 8,281 289
24 82 18 1,476 6,724 324
25 81 20 1,620 6,561 400
26 83 11 913 6,889 121
27 88 19 1,672 7,744 361
28 85 8 680 7,225 64
29 86 9 774 7,396 81
30 82 16 1,312 6,724 256
31 84 17 1,428 7,056 289
32 78 16 1,248 6,084 256
33 90 14 1,260 8,100 196
34 88 15 1,320 7,744 225
35 85 13 1,105 7,225 169
36 90 13 1,170 8,100 169
37 85 11 935 7,225 121
38 87 14 1,218 7,569 196
39 84 16 1,344 7,056 256
40 93 16 1,488 8,649 256
41 94 14 1,316 8,836 196
42 95 16 1,520 9,025 256
43 88 15 1,320 7,744 225
44 83 15 1,245 6,889 225
45 85 17 1,455 7,225 289
46 90 14 1,260 8,100 196
47 87 18 1,566 7,569 324
48 89 20 1,780 7,921 400
49 90 14 1,260 8,100 196
50 87 15 1,305 7,569 225
Total X=4,393 Y=759 XY=66,753 X2=386,819 Y2=11,873

Question #4

Table 2.

Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Respondents

In their preferred track.

Track Frequency Percentage

Academic 40 80%
10 20%
Vocational (TVL)
Total 50 100%

Figure 2.

Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Respondents

In their preferred track.

Respondents Sexual Orientation Chart

Academic Tech-Voc


As shown in Table 2 and Figure 2, 10 out of 50 or 20% of our

respondents are preferred Tech-Voc and 40 out of 50 or 80% of our

respondents preferred Academic Track in Senior High School.


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