Shinobigami Clans Overview

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Hasuba Ninja Army Kurama Shin Clan

Hasuba Ningun Kurama Shin-Ryu

Expertise: Technology Enemy: Kurama Shin Expertise: Martial Arts Enemy: Bloodline of Oni
Goal: Collect Ohgi from members of the other clans Goal: Prevent the rise of the Shinobigami

A clan of warriors, they were

Originally descendants of founded by the ancient Kyoto
the legendary Saika Ikki army, Eight warrior-monks.
they focus on researching and The Kurama Shin Clan are
developing new ninja equip- masters of incredible and
ment. powerful martial arts. They use
Their mission is to research these arts not only to strength-
and reverse-engineer all of the en their bodies and spirits, but
various ninja arts, so as to also to ensure that monsters
replicate them as tools and gear and ninja remain hidden,
that anyone can use. undiscovered, in the shadow of
Their ultimate goal is to unite society.
all the clans under their They are proud and honorable
banner. shinobi.

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Lost Ones Hirasaka Agency
Haguremono Hirasaka Kikan
Expertise: Stealth Enemy: Hasuba Ninja Army Expertise: Scheming Enemy: Otogi Private Academy
Goal: Fight for yourself, without being controlled by others Goal: Protect Japan’s national interests

They are a Japanese secret

intelligence agency with strong
ties to the ancient Hirasaka
In truth, the Lost Ones are not a
Shinto Order.
true clan, but they have power
Well connected deep within the
and influence that cannot be
government, their highest
priority is the safety and raison
The Lost Ones are the ninja that
d’etat (national interest) of Japan.
are raised free from clan influ-
Their primary tools are political
ence, brought up in small
and economic power gained
villages or taught in secret by
through subterfuge and espio-
their relatives. There are also
fugitives from other clans within
They manipulate from the
their ranks.
shadows to protect Japan from
They sometimes band together
the shadowy world of demons
to help and support each other,
and magic which constantly
but they don’t really share any
threaten to escape into the every-
common goal beyond that.
day world.

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Otogi Private Academy Bloodline of Oni
Shiritsu Otogi Gakuen Oni no Kettoh
Expertise: Strategy Enemy: Lost Ones Expertise: Sorcery Enemy: Hirasaka Agency
Goal: Discover the secrets of others Goal: Collect information relating to the rise of the Shinobigami

On the surface, Otogi Private

Academy is a boarding school
for the elite and gifted, covering
elementary through high school
and beyond. They are the descendants of the
In reality, they are a secret beings that were called Oni or
training academy for boys and Tsuchigumo in ancient times.
girls with unique and special In addition to human sorcerers
powers; powers they cannot and people with unusual powers,
control by themselves without there are also many non-humans
guidance and training. like vampires and lycanthropes
Otogi Academy has an extensive called “Nightgaunts” in the ranks
network of national and interna- of the Oni-Blooded.
tional funding and research Having a long history of being
grants, as well as backing from persecuted by those in power,
several global secret agencies. As they have a deep hatred for
a result, they often recruit figures and institutions of
international exchange students. authority.

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1.04 Cover 1.06 Skills
Those who lurk in the World of Shadows must keep their true identities a secret Next, the character’s Skills must be chosen. Skills are the disciplines and tech-
when moving in normal society. To that end, every ninja adopts a Cover that niques that the ninja have spent countless generations perfecting. Skills are di-
they wear to deceive those around them. Each player may, if they wish, decide vided into six Categories, and each clan specializes in one of those Categories.
their character’s Cover. If a player cannot come up with a suitable Cover, they can Here is a brief explanation of each Category and Skill:
roll 1d6 on the Clan Cover Chart to find a Cover that suits her clan thematically.
Each character knows three Skills from their clan’s specialized Category and
Clan Cover Chart three more Skills from any of the Categories. When they choose a Skill, the play-
Hasuba Kurama Lost Ones Hirasaka Otogi Oni er should circle it on the Skill Matrix in the center of the character sheet.
1 Researcher Detective Part-timer Bureaucrat Traveler
School Important: When determining if a Skill fits the situation or not, please regard the
Office Worker entire Skill’s description rather than just the Skill’s name. In many cases, the Skill
2 Mechanic Martial Artist / Corporate Police
Revolutionary includes a suite of related activities.
Self Defense Technology represents the ability to effectively use various tools and devices.
3 Artisan Athlete Artist High School Poet
Force Ninja with an affinity for Technology can skillfully use concealed weapons or
4 Architect Bodyguard Host/ess Lawyer College Trade/Import specialized equipment. Members of the Hasuba Ninja Army are skilled in the
Technology category.
5 Doctor Mercenary Gambler Politician Professor Mystery
Security Religious Dilettante
6 Programmer Writer Lecturer Engineering The ability to effectively use and repair machines and electronic devices.
Guard Leader
Use of gunpowder and fire-based tools; knowledge of the properties and
handling of heat and fire.
1.05 Convictions: The Six-Fold Path Hydromancy
Use of tools that control water, including diving equipment. Also includes
knowledge of various other liquids.
Next, the character’s basic personality should be determined. Ninja usually fall Acupuncture
Knowledge of acupuncture and pressure points. Use of needles to effectively heal
or hurt.
into one of the six Convictions described in the Six-Fold Path. A player may
choose from the Convictions shown, or a 1d6 may be rolled to determine the The ability to conceal weapons in equipment and everyday items, as well as the
Hidden Weapons
use of such weapons.
character’s Conviction randomly.
Apparel The use of clothing to distract and disguise, or to hide/store various objects.
The Convictions of the Six-Fold Path help guide a character’s words and deeds. If Ropework
Skills associated with tying knots securely and throwing ropes, including for the
a player ever finds themselves unsure as to what their character would do in a purpose of capturing people.
situation, they may refer to the character’s Conviction for inspiration. However, Climbing The ability to quickly and safely scale walls, fences, and natural obstacles.
a Conviction is not strictly required. A player may ignore the Conviction rule if Torture Knowledge of various tools of torture, and the use of them to inflict pain.
they have a clear image of their character’s personality. Includes the use of smoke bombs and other tools of distraction; as well as the
Demolition destruction of locks, windows, mechanical devices and the like with or without
The Six-Fold Path explosive devices.

Strife, destruction of society or even self: You want to watch something specific, or The ability to quickly dig holes through walls and the earth below, or perform
1 Chaos Burrow
perhaps everything, burn. excavation.

You can't abide hypocrisy or weakness, and seek to correct the world through the rule
2 Order
of law. Martial Arts refers to abilities and techniques used to hone one’s control of their
body. Ninja with an affinity for martial arts can often move extremely quickly
3 Self Honor, money, power, an ideal, safety: You strive to further some personal goal Martial Arts
and are capable on the battlefield. Members of the Kurama Shin Clan are skilled
Family, a friend, a lover: There's someone you care about, and you seek to protect in the Martial Arts category.
4 Passion
You are willing to sacrifice yourself for your clan, a purpose, or a person you believe Riding The ability to skillfully drive vehicles and control riding animals.
5 Loyalty
Skill with firearms, cannons, bows and other projectiles. Also includes knowl-
You believe in a future where everyone can be at peace, and walk the path of brother- Ballistics
6 Peace edge of ballistics.
Shuriken Use of all shapes and varieties of shuriken and throwing knives.
Hand-eye coordination and manual dexterity. Can perform precise movements,
Sleight of Hand
and quickly execute ninja secret/magical hand-gestures (Kuji-in)

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The ability to manipulate one's own body. Keeping perfect balance or dislocating The ability to make people do one's bidding through superior planning and
Contortionism Manipulation
bones and joints also falls under this Skill. pulling strings from the shadows.
Footwork Walking without making noise, hiking long distances, and keeping your footing. Rumor-Monger- Create new information – true or false -- and spread it through networks of
Speed Running, parkour, and the art of moving yourself quickly from place to place. ing people in order to achieve your ends.

The ability to leap great distances, glide through the air, and land safely when Represents financial power, and the ability to get what you need when money is
Aerial Arts Finances
falling from great height. involved.

Hand to Hand Unarmed combat and grappling: The ability to fight with one's bare hands.
Blade The use of all melee weapons, starting with swords and blades. Strategy represents the ability to improve one's chances of winning skirmishes
and battles. Ninja with an affinity for strategy have strong analytical minds, and
Unholy Strength The ability to lift, carry, and throw incredibly heavy objects. Strategy
excellent command of battlefield tactics. Members of the Otogi Private Academy
are skilled in the Strategy category.
Stealth represents the ability to hide one's presence, while at the same time
confusing or misdirecting others. Ninja with an affinity for stealth have Knowledge of nutrition, including food supplies and logistics. Also the skills
Stealth Cooking
heightened senses and are adept at self-preservation. Those called "Lost Ones" by required to cook delicious or highly nutritious foods.
the other clans are skilled in the Stealth category.
Creature Mastery Control the actions of animals, beasts and insects.
Nature Knowledge of the natural world, and how to live and act in the wild.
The skills and knowledge to stay alive in high and low temperature environ-
Survival The effective use of terrain, landmarks, natural cover, buildings and local
ments, underwater, and other extreme conditions. Guerilla
information in battle situations.
The ability to infiltrate enemy territory or dangerous locations and remain under
Infiltration Representing the force of will, this Skill is used when overcoming hardships,
cover for long periods of time. Willpower
stress, turmoil and confusion.
Running away from predicaments, freeing yourself from bonds, sliding out of
Escape Tactics The Skill of efficiently maneuvering units and troops.
slippery situations.
Listening to activity through walls and from above ceilings, as well as electronic Memory The ability to remember facts and recall minute details.
hacking ability. Observe the movements of the enemy, then analyze and break down their
The ability to make sounds at a distance. Also includes mimicking the voices of powers and capabilities.
others. The ability to encode and decode messages. Also knowledge and use of hidden
Invisibility The ability to hide oneself. gestures, secret languages and cunning metaphors.

Disguise The skill and tools to impersonate another person. Use signals, signs, writing and calligraphy to pass information or relay secrets
and influence people.
Olfaction The ability to analyze various smells, and to mask one's own scent.
Make use of the networks of people around you, both in ordinary life and the
Multiplicity Perform many tasks at once, as if you had multiple clones of yourself. Contacts
World of Shadows.
Concealment Hiding people, objects and information is all under the purview of concealment.
Perception beyond the five ordinary senses, allowing one to predict events and Sorcery includes knowledge of the monstrous, the magical, and the manipula-
Sixth Sense
outcomes based on experience. tion of otherworldly forces. Ninja with an affinity for sorcery understand the
rules of the cosmos, and can use legendary magic and esoteric religious power.
Oni-Blooded ninja are skilled in the Sorcery category.
Scheming is the ability to make things happen in accordance with one's plans by
manipulating people and objects. Ninja with an affinity for scheming have a gift
for diplomacy and negotiation, and are excellent at influencing others. Members Transformation The sorcerous ability to change all or part of your body into something else.
of the Hirasaka Agency are skilled in the scheming category.
Summoning Summon creatures from other planes to do your bidding.
Necromancy Control the spirits and bodies of the dead.
Medicine The knowledge of how to heal sickness, treat wounds and remove illnesses.
Define a space, line, or area, and control everything that is allowed to pass in,
Knowledge of poisons and other toxins, as well as the ability to employ them Barrier
Poison out or through it.
Binding The ability to seal away the sorcerous and unnatural abilities of others.
The ability to set and avoid traps. Utilizing various sorts of traps and mecha-
Trap Create and control the magic inherent in words – both spoken and written – and
nisms on intruders or pursuers. Kotodama
in esoteric Chinese characters.
Pull together evidence on people, places, and things, then use it to determine
Investigation Use sorcery to create realistic and believable illusions, and to manipulate the
what happened. Illusion
Bluff The ability to hide your true intentions, and detect when others are lying.
When people see you or look into your eyes, you command them to act as if by
Influence others by planting ideas, suggestions or thoughts in their minds. Domination
Inception suggestion or hypnosis.
Clairvoyance The ability to see visions of events in faraway places or even other times.
Performance Art, music, dance; abilities and knowledge related to all of the performance arts.
Your mind can slip into the bodies of others, taking control and forcing them to
Seduction Using charm and people skills to deceive or control others. Possession
act against their will.

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