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Table Top

~ Adventure Time

~ Core Rulebook
Page 1
Version One
~ Table Of Contents
The Land of Ooo (Introduction)...............................2 4144Lumpy Space Person/Party Bear.................22
Character Building..................................................3 4144Giant/Construct..........................................23
4144Race Choice...................................................3 4144Turtle Person/Gnome...................................24
4144Class Choice..................................................4 4144Demon/Goblin...............................................25
4144Fighting Style Choice......................................4 Classes.................................................................26
4144Thematic Choices...........................................5 4144Scoundrel...................................................26
4144Character Sheet Explanation..........................6 4144Adventurer...................................................28
4144Character Sheet.............................................7 4144Royal..........................................................30
4144Text Only Character Sheet.............................8 4144Scholar..........................................................33
4144Character Advancement.................................8 4144Sorcerer.......................................................36
Combat...................................................................9 Fighting Styles......................................................39
4144Running A Combat.........................................9 4144Brawler.......................................................39
4144Ranged Attacks Vs Melee Attacks...............10 4144Duelist..........................................................40
4144Size...............................................................10 4144Caster...........................................................41
4144Advantaged & Disadvantaged......................11 4144Slinger.......................................................42
4144Status Conditions.........................................12 4144Disruptor.......................................................42
Skills.....................................................................13 Campaign Building...............................................44
4144Athletics........................................................14 4144Quest Hooks...............................................44
4144Lore...............................................................14 4144 Player Rewards: Level Up, Scrolls, & Relics..46
4144Tinkering.......................................................15 4144 Narration......................................................47
4144Awareness....................................................16 4144 Tools.........................................................48
4144Deception.....................................................16 4144 Dungeon Design: Layout & Obstacles.........49
4144Persuasion....................................................17 4144 Example Dungeon.......................................55
Races...................................................................18 4144 Dungeon Design: Enemy Design.................55
4144Candy Person/Breakfast Person..................18 4144 Dungeon Design: Battlefield Design...........57
4144Cloud Person/Ghost....................................19 4144 Combat Without A Grid...............................58
4144Humanoid/Dog............................................20 4144

~ Credits
- Concept - - Art - Ask- TomPreston ebbywaffle - Writing -
Pendleton Ward dragonalth TheCloudPrince Gashak PlutoManiacx Doccit
Cartoon Bunny-Boss ss lanbridge purplekecleon
Network Wthe Visark Leashe

Page 1
Why isn’t there currency?
~ The Land Of Ooo Because on Ooo currency is basically immaterial.
Finn and Jake have a huge room full of treasure,
This game assumes some knowledge of the but there isn’t much to spend it on. Plus,
canonical adventure time universe. The purpose adventurers in this game are mobile, and the big-
of this section is really to explain the systems in cash money-wads they shall acquire are not. We
this game in the narrative, and provide a map. have windfalls instead.

Materials Required To Play Am I supposed to play characters from

the show?
You need a copy of the character sheet for each
player playing, this book (of course), and a twenty You aren’t supposed to and you aren’t supposed
sided die (sometimes called a d20), or some to not. If you want to play out an adventure where
other way of choosing a random number between Peppermint Butler, Pat The Party Bear, and
one and twenty. And of course, pencils or Breakfast Princess solve murder mysteries in the
something else to write with. fire kingdom, by all means do so. But if you want
to make original characters, that is fine as well.

Page 2
~ Character Building
This section teaches players how to build a
character at the first level. If you wish to build a
character at a higher level, just build a level one
one and level it up a bunch using the advancement
section (p. 8)

Unless you are a game master, you need to build

yourself a character, and that character needs a
race, a class, and a fighting style. As a deliberate
choice, creating a character doesn’t involve much.
Characters are very simple when they first start off,
but become significantly more complex as you Cunning represents your character's craftiness and
move forward, because you are given more and resourcefulness in combat. It is most useful for
more choices to make. At level one you need to putting punitive effects on your opponent, and
choose... avoiding punitive effects yourself.
- A race for your character to be Reflexes represents your character's quickness
- A class for your character to fall into and responsiveness in battle. It is useful for
- A fighting style for your character to use moving ahead of your opponents in combat, to
- An out of battle skill for your character to have. avoid the attacks they might try to make.
And that is it. Four choices, and then some Melee damage represents your character's ability
numbers to write down. We will be going through to deal damage at close range, be it with a sword,
what those choices involve in this section. your fists, or your fangs.
Ranged damage represents your character's ability
to deal damage from afar, generally with bows,
Race Choice crossbows, or magic.
Race determines your character's natural aptitude
for various tasks in battle, your field speed (the Write down your race's stats on your character
number of spaces you can move in a turn) and sheet (P. 7). When you level up add the numbers in
your character's size (page 10). First, here is, in the level's column to your stats. The numbers in
brief, what the various combat stats are and do. brackets are "focus" numbers. You can read more
For complete information, read the combat section about them in the character advancement section,
(page 9). but they aren't important at level one.

Stat Rundown Now, here is the list of races playable in the game,
Blood represents much your character can get where you can find them, and what they are apt
beat up before falling over. It is most useful for for. Each race is actually two races with generally
defending against ranged attacks. identical stats. When you write your race on your
Guard represents how much energy your character character sheet, pick one. After you've picked your
has to block hits before having to just take them. It race, go to the page it is on, write down your stats
is most useful for defending against melee attacks. for your first level on your character sheet, and
pick one of the two talents that it offers you.

Page 3
Candy person/Breakfast person: High melee and As for which you should pick, here is a brief
ranged damage. Page 18. description of each:
Cloud person/Ghost: High cunning and high blood. Scoundrel: The scoundrel (P. 26) is all about
Page 19. manipulating people and money to come out on
Humanoid/Dog: High guard and high melee top in the world, regardless of what side of the law
damage. Page 20. it leaves you on. There aren’t many examples of
Elemental/Rainicorn: High ranged damage and scoundrels in the show, but one might count
high reflexes. Page 21. Marceline and Jake Jr among them.

Lumpy space person/Party bear: High reflexes and Adventurer: This is your straight up hero who
high cunning. Page 22. marches headlong into evil to slay it. They are
great with animals and in the wilderness, and are
Giant/Construct: High blood and high guard. Page
admired by the common people. Both jake and
finn would fit well into this mould. (P. 28)
Turtle/Gnome: High guard and high ranged
Royal: This class is pretty self explanatory. The
damage. Page 24.
boons and field moves are all themed around
Demon/Goblin: High cunning and high melee
acquiring land and retainers, and the respect of
damage. Page 25.
others in the diplomatic community. Lumpy Space
Princess, and Hot Dog Princess both fit this class
Class Choice well. (P. 30)

Class determines mostly how your character will Scholar: The scholar class concentrate on making
operate outside of a combat situation, and your discoveries and using science and knowledge to
solve their problems. Princess Bubblegum and
character mainly benefits as they level up form
their class. Classes give you talents, and windfalls. Turtle Princess both fit into this class well. (P. 33)
Sorcerer: The sorcerer class solves its problems
Talents guarantee your success at specific tasks
without having to make a skill check (P. 13), and by channeling otherworldly power. Lots of their
windfalls are worldly gifts that your character options focus on obtaining magical artifacts and
acquires because of their growing wealth, fame, spells to wield the power of the arcane against the
and sphere of influence. Each level you are offered world. Peppermint Butler and The Ice King both
are well suited to this class. (P. 36)
three windfalls, and may pick whichever you like.

Fighting Style Choice

Choosing a fighting style is much simpler than
choosing a class in terms of the character concept
you want to fill.
Want to soak melee hits and throw hard ones
back? Be a brawler (P. 39)
Want to outmaneuver your opponents to stifle their
attacks and dispatch them? Be a duelist. (P. 40)
Want to status your enemies and push people
around while having lots of wiggle room with
stats? Be a caster. (P. 41)

Page 4
Want to deal damage, and don’t care about described as their "self" where they keep a bunch
anything else? Be a slinger. (P. 42) of small and important items relevant to their basic
Want to get in the way of your enemies, and deal functioning. This usually includes their weapons,
you damage in sneaky, unorthodox ways? Be a their clothing, and other small artifacts. Nothing
disruptor. (P. 42) that you include in your self can ever be used as a
tool (see page 49). The GM may rule however that
when you are missing your weapon or other
Skill Choice functional personal item (perhaps crutch, or robot
Choosing a skill is very easy. At the first level you arm, or etc) you are disadvantaged on checks, or
get one skill up, which practically speaking means your damage is reduced in battle. If you are
you get to take one of your skills that is untrained, thinking of making an unarmed fighter, the GM has
and make it into an amateur skill. When writing on ways to weaken you as well if he or she wishes to.
the character sheet you don't need to write That rule shouldn't be a consideration when
anything besides the skill you have amateur in right picking what your character will be like. This
now. information doesn't need to go anywhere on the
For complete information, see the skill section character sheet, so long as your GM knows about
(page 13). For now, just know that when you want it.
to do something that you could fail at outside of Every character must have some means of making
combat you roll a twenty sided die, and you'll have both a melee and a ranged attack with what is on
a better chance of succeeding the more training them. Remember that magic works for both. If you
you have in the area of what you want to do. There are dedicated to making a character fight with
are six skills, and they are used for the following nothing, then a character could, for example,
sorts of tasks… throw rocks he or she finds on the ground as a
Athletics: For climbing, swimming, lifting, jumping, ranged attack.
etc. Additionally, it is nice to know what your character
Lore: For remembering information relevant to is wearing (armor and other garments) and looks
your survival and situation, and understanding like, what their history in the world was, and what
animals and other languages. their goals in life are. Not all of this needs to be
written on the character sheet however. You can
Tinkering: For making things, picking locks, and
inform the other players about it whenever you like.
disarming traps.
Awareness: For seeing, not being seen, reading
subtext, and understanding people's motivations.
Deception: For stealing, lying, and disguising
Persuasion: For convincing people to do things

Thematic Choices
This game gives you a lot of freedom mechanically
as to what your character is actually doing and
looking like and wearing and who you are while
you are out and about adventuring. This means
that when it comes to appearance, you largely
have to pick. Your character gets this space best

Page 5
Table Top
1.This is the name of your character. You choose it.

~ Adventure Time
2. This is the level of your character. It is assigned by the GM and usually starts at 1.
3. This is your class. See the character building section. (P. 4)
4. This is your race. See the character building section. (P 3)
5. This is your fighting style. See the character building section. (P 4)
6. Your size is given to you by your race. Look it up in the race section. (P 18)
Character Sheet
7. Your field speed is given to you by your race. Look it up in the race section. (P18)

Name: ____________________
1 Level: __
2 Class: _________
3 Race _________

Fighting Style: ________

5 Size: ______
6 Field Speed: __
_____________________________________________________7 Hight: ___ Weight __

# Skill Level Thematic Notes/Inventory

8 _____________________________
Max Blood: Athletics: 9
Max Guard: Lore: _____________________________
Cunning: Tinkering:
8.Your level. This is set by the GM and usually starts at Level 1.
9. This is where your stats _____________________________
Awareness: go. See the character building section. (P 3)
Deception: _____________________________
10.Your levels for all the skills. See the character building section. (P 5)
Melee Damage:
Ranged Damage: Persuasion: _____________________________
Combat Abilities Talents
Name:______________ Kind:_____________ 12
Name:_______________ Text:____________
Text:_________________________________ _____________________________________
_____________________________________ _____________________________________
11.This is where your combat abilities go. The name and text
section are self explanatory, and the “kind” refers to whether it is a
Name:______________ Kind:_____________ Name:_______________ Text:____________
toggle, option, or intrinsic. Put toggle tags in the text section. You
Text:_________________________________ _____________________________________
get one at the first level from your fighting style. See the character
building section (P. 3) for more. _____________________________________
12. This is where your talents go as you accumulate them. At the first
level you Kind:_____________
get one from your race. See Name:_______________
the character building section Text:____________
Text:_________________________________ _____________________________________
for more (P. 3)
13. This is where your windfalls go as you
_____________________________________ accumulate them. You get
one at the first level from your class. See the character building
section (P.
Name:______________ 3) for more.
Kind:_____________ Name:_______________ Text:____________
Text:_________________________________ _____________________________________
_____________________________________ _____________________________________

Name:______________ Kind:_____________ Name:_______________ Text:____________

Text:_________________________________ _____________________________________
_____________________________________ _____________________________________

Class Windfalls
Name:_________ Name:_________ Name:_________ Name:_________ Name:_________
Text:__________ Text:__________ Text:__________ Text:__________ Text:__________
______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________
______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________
______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________
______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________
Page 6 ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________
Table Top
~ Adventure
Character Sheet
Name: ____________________ Level: __ Class: _________ Race _________
Fighting Style: ________ Size: ______ Field Speed: __ Hight: ___ Weight __
# Skill Level Thematic Notes/Inventory
Max Blood: Athletics:
Max Guard: Lore: _____________________________
Cunning: Tinkering: _____________________________
Reflexes: Awareness: _____________________________
Deception: _____________________________
Melee Damage:
Ranged Damage: Persuasion: _____________________________
Combat Abilities Talents
Name:______________ Kind:_____________ Name:_______________ Text:____________
Text:_________________________________ _____________________________________
_____________________________________ _____________________________________

Name:______________ Kind:_____________ Name:_______________ Text:____________

Text:_________________________________ _____________________________________
_____________________________________ _____________________________________

Name:______________ Kind:_____________ Name:_______________ Text:____________

Text:_________________________________ _____________________________________
_____________________________________ _____________________________________

Name:______________ Kind:_____________ Name:_______________ Text:____________

Text:_________________________________ _____________________________________
_____________________________________ _____________________________________

Name:______________ Kind:_____________ Name:_______________ Text:____________

Text:_________________________________ _____________________________________
_____________________________________ _____________________________________

Class Windfalls
Name:_________ Name:_________ Name:_________ Name:_________ Name:_________
Text:__________ Text:__________ Text:__________ Text:__________ Text:__________
______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________
______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________
______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________
______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________
Page 7 ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________
Level Features
Character Sheet (Text Only)
1 Stat Table, Combat Ability, Talent, Boon, Skill

Character Name: 2 Boon, Focus

Level: 3 Combat Ability, Talent

Class: 4 Skill Up, Boon, Focus

Race: 5 Combat Ability, Talent

Fighting Style: 6 Boon, Focus
Size: 7 Combat Ability, Talent
Field Speed: 8 Skill Up, Boon, Focus
9 Combat Ability, Talent
Max Blood: 10 Boon, Focus
Max Guard:
those skills to amateur. Whenever you get a skill up
Cunning: you can move an untrained skill to an amateur skill,
Reflexes: an amateur skill to a veteran skill, or a veteran skill
Melee Damage: to an expert skill.
Ranged Damage:
A focus means you get a bigger bonus to your
Combat Abilities: combat stats in one stat that you choose. When
you pick your focus (which should be either blood,
guard, cunning, reflex, melee damage, or ranged
damage) add the number in brackets on your
race's stat table instead of the regular one.
Skills (and training levels):
Thematic Notes:
A combat ability is taken from your fighting style.
Inventory: Go to your fighting style, and look up the combat
abilities it offers you at the level you have just
become, and pick one of them. After you put it on
your character sheet, you can use it in battle.
Character Advancement
To be perfectly clear, every time you level up, come
A talent is taken from your class (except at the first
here to figure out what you get. This section takes
level, where it is taken from your race). Go to your
the form of a table (on the right), and an
class (or race), and look up the talents it offers you
explanation of the table.
at the level you have just become, and write one
on your character sheet.
IT IS IMPORTANT to remember to go back to your
race each level to look up how much your combat
A boon is taken from your class. Go to your class
stats have improved, and write down your new
and look up the boons it offers you at the level
combat stats.
you've just become, and write one on the class
boon section of your character sheet.
A skill up means your character can improve a skill
of their's by one level. You start with all skills at
untrained, and at level one you can move one of

Page 8
~ Combat
This section details what happens when players
start fighting monsters or each other

Running A Combat
The goal of combat is generally to reduce each of
your enemies' blood to zero, causing them to fall.
Strictly speaking, combat ends when people stop
To set up a combat, the GM gets out a grid,
modifies it any way they like (page 57), and places
game pieces representing the characters and their
enemies onto it. Anything can work as a game
piece; even just coins or buttons will suffice.
Action Order
The GM compares the reflexes of each character
and enemy involved in the combat and writes a list
starting with the highest reflex character/enemy
and ending with the lowest reflex character/enemy.
This is called the action order.
Writing Actions
Then, the first round begins. Each player writes
as their turns come up until every piece’s turn is
down what they want their pieces to do on their
done. Remember, if you are asked to target
turns, and the GM writes down what the enemies
something, you do it when you write your actions.
will do on their turns. The players are free to
If you are asked to attack something, you choose
coordinate with each other, but the GM may
the direction when your turn comes up.
impose a time limit on the writing actions period.
IT IS IMPORTANT TO NOTE that you cannot move
All characters and enemies may move spaces
through your enemy’s spaces. You can move only
equal to their field speed (moving diagonally takes
through empty spaces and your allies' spaces. You
one space), turn on or off any toggles they would
cannot end your movement in your allies’s spaces
like to, and take one action. Taking an action is
either making an attack, or using an option. A GM
may rule that other activities take actions as well. Opportunity Attacks
For example, a typical player might write that they If a combatant (by which I mean character or
want their character to turn a toggle on, move two enemy) is standing next to another combatant and
spaces north west, and then make a melee attack. the first combatant moves, the second combatant
As another example, that they want to move three may decide to immediately make a melee attack
spaces west and then make a ranged attack against their enemy as it is leaving the space. Each
targeted three spaces to the north. combatant may take one opportunity attack in the
period between their turns. Basically, every time
Then, it is pencils or keyboards down. The GM
you take a turn, you get to make a new opportunity
invites the players to read what they chose to do
attack, but they don’t pile up beyond one.

Page 9
space. Melee damage is dealt to the opponent’s
guard until they have no guard. It then deals
damage to their blood.

Ranged Attacks
When you plan to make a ranged attack, choose a
direction and a distance between two and three.
When the time comes for you to attack, you will
target the distance number of spaces in the
direction you choose. For example, choosing to
make a ranged attack two north, will cause you to
target the second closest space to your character
in the direction north.
When your turn comes up and you’ve made a
ranged attack, first, check if there is a combatant
in the space that you targeted, if you have, you
deal damage to them. Ranged damage is dealt
Priority directly to blood, regardless of how much guard
Certain actions have priority. What this means is your enemy has remaining.
that when someone chooses to use an action that The Amount Of Damage To Deal
has priority, they declare it, and then jump to the
A few things effect damage, like whether or not the
start of the action order in that round. If two people
damage is modified by a toggle, and certain status
use priority actions, they go in order of their reflex.
conditions, but barring that you deal damage equal
Ending Combat to the melee damage (for melee attacks) or your
During combat, people use “live” guard and blood ranged damage (for ranged attacks) on your
totals, which are deducted from by attacks. After character sheet.
battle every combatant returns to their maximum Effect Rolls
guard and blood and loses all their status
When something asks for you to make an effect
conditions (with the exception of fallen) after five
roll against the combatant you damaged, it means
minutes rest.
you should compare your cunning against their
cunning. Roll two d20s, if your cunning is higher
Ranged Attacks & Melee Attacks than their cunning, take the higher result, and if
you cunning is lower take the lower result. If they
All combatants have the innate capability to make
are equal roll one die. Generally it tells you that you
both a ranged attack and a melee attack. If they
that if you hit a number or higher you get to do
would do 0 damage with it though, in the context
something. The number you rolled is the number it
of the game’s fiction, it is because they cannot
is talking about.
make one.
Melee Attacks
When you plan to make a melee attack, don’t Size
choose a direction. Just write melee attack.
There are three sizes of combatants: small,
When your turn comes up and you’ve planned a medium, and large. Medium is the size that this
melee attack, choose any space next to you after
books expects most characters to be, and so if
you’ve moved, and attack whoever is in that

Page 10
your character is medium everything works as this
section describes it for your character. There are
special rules and rule exceptions that apply to
large and small combatants however.
Small Combatants
Small combatants can be in spaces that other
creatures occupy. Allies or enemies can enter the
space of a small creature, and small creatures can
enter the spaces of allies and enemies.
Opportunity attacks work as normal however,
meaning that entering a space that a creature
occupies involves leaving one that they are
adjacent to.
Small combatants handle ranged attacks as
normal, but in order to make a melee attack a
small combatant must be in the same space as the
creature it wishes to attack, and likewise those
creatures must be in its space in order to attack it.
A small combatant may only share a space with
one combatant at a time, even if the other
combatant is also small.
Large Combatants
Large combatants occupy four spaces on the grid.
When they move, each space of their field speed
allows them to move two spaces (the length of
minor illness, etcetera, they are disadvantaged in
their body). They are subject to the terrain effects
(P. 57) of any of the spaces they were in as if all the
spaces they were in had them. In order to finish If a combatant has managed to catch their
their movement none of the spaces that they want enemies off guard, or planned out a strategy to
to move into can be occupied. attack them in advance, etc, they are advantaged
in combat.
Combatants can’t be both at an advantage and a
Advantaged & Disadvantaged disadvantage at the same time. If they would be at
both, the two cancel each other out.
Just as there are advantages and disadvantages in
What They Do
skill checks, there is combat advantage and
disadvantage. If you are at an advantage, you treat your cunning
and reflexes as 3 higher than they would normally
Circumstances Of Assignment
be. If you are at a disadvantage, you treat your
Combat advantage and disadvantage are
cunning and reflexes as 3 lower than they would
ultimately determined and assigned by the GM
normally be.
according to these general guidelines:
Because lots of different things can advantage and
If a combatant didn’t get enough sleep or got a
disadvantage your characters, the GM should feel
bad sleep (by, for example, sleeping in the mud), 
free to add more effects to advantage and
didn’t eat enough, or has contracted some kind if
disadvantage depending on the circumstance.

Page 11
Burned: Whenever you would damage someone,
You do half of the damage you normally would,
Status Conditions and you have fewer cunning equal to your level
A number of status conditions can affect the way plus two.
combatants act in battle. You can have any Asleep: You cannot move for 1d20/5 rounds (this
number of these simultaneously without issue. Just number is announced when you are put to sleep),
do what they tell you to if you have them. When a or, until you are attacked. After that you lose the
combat ends, you immediately lose all of your asleep condition.
status conditions with the exception of fallen.
Here are a list of the status conditions and their
Wounded(x): Each turn you lose x points of blood.
If any combatant has more than one wounded
condition, only the highest one applies.
Steeled: Every time you would take damage, roll a
d20. On a 13 or higher, you take no damage.
Confused: Before you take your turn, roll a d20. On
a 15-20, you are no longer confused. Otherwise, if
Marred: Every time someone would deal damage you would deal damage to someone, and there is
to you roll a d20. On a roll of 10 or lower, divide the an ally of yours adjacent to you, you deal your
damage you took by 2 and lose that much blood. damage to (and make any effect rolls against) your
ally instead. Even if it was a ranged attack. If there
Dazed: Your turn comes last in a round, unless you is more than one ally, choose one.
have a reflex higher than another dazed combatant
(then, they move after you). You may move only Fallen: You gain this condition automatically when
half (rounded up) of the spaces your field move your blood drops to zero. You are asleep and
says you can. You cannot make opportunity cannot wake up for eight hours. If you would be
attacks. damaged by an attack you take no damage. This
condition does not go away after battle.

Page 12
Skill Level Task Difficulty Level Target
~ Skills Number
Untrained Untrained 5
This section details how your characters overcome
obstacles without using violence. Amateur 15

As you have no doubt seen, characters are armed Veteran 20

with an array of talents that allow them to Amateur Untrained 1
accomplish specific tasks without having to roll
Amateur 5
any dice, but there are six general skills which
characters get to choose from which allow them to Veteran 15
get a shot at a lot of things that those talents don’t Expert 20
Veteran Untrained, Amateur 1
Veteran 5
How Skill Checks Work
There are two important things in skill checks: the Expert 15
task difficulty, and your training level. When you Master 20
roll a dice, compare your training level to the Expert Untrained, Amateur, Veteran 1
tasks’s difficulty level on the chart to the right to
Expert 5
figure out what number you need to reach to
succeed at the task. The rule is to succeed at a Master 15
task below your level requires 0, at your level Impossible 20
requires 5, one above your level requires 15, and
two above your level requires 20.
In skill checks, advantage and disadvantage are Training/Difficulty Levels
given by the GM if they think a task is made easier The levels of skill are as follows, untrained, for
or harder because of the circumstances in which it trivially difficult tasks, amateur, for tasks requiring a
is being undertaken. For example, not having a little skill, veteran, for tasks requiring a lot of skill,
tool when a tool would be important will expert, for tasks requiring a great deal of skill
disadvantage you, and having one when it is (note: a player character cannot be trained beyond
unnecessary will advantage you. When you have the expert level), master, for tasks requiring luck
an advantage, roll twice and use the higher from an exceptionally skilled individual, impossible,
number. When you have a disadvantage roll twice for tasks that are just too hard for any person to
and use the lower number. ever do (note: an expertly skilled player can do
impossible things on a roll of 20), and absurd, for
tasks that are just out of the question or clearly
undoable. (a player can never succeed at an
When two people are competing to accomplish a
absurd task) Examples of tasks at each training
task (EG win a race, hide vs spot a hidden person,
level are given for each specific skill check.
convince vs not be convinced.) this is called a
contest. In a contest compare the training levels of
the contestants. Both of you roll a d20, and the Repeating Checks
higher result wins. If your training level is higher In order to repeat a check the circumstance needs
than your opponent’s you get advantage, if your to significantly change. For example, if you fail to
training level is two lower than your opponent’s convince someone to do something, trying again
you get a disadvantage. They do the same. immediately after will be fruitless, because you

Page 13
used the best arguments you could think of when meant as guidelines to the GM to determine what
you were initially trying to convince the person. A training level anything is in. Whether or not it is
GM may let you repeat checks in some discussed here every task difficulty level is
circumstances, but generally in those situations ultimately up to the GM.
failure is accompanied by penalty.

Penalties for failing skill checks

The GM can penalize failing a skill check in any Athletics checks are used to do almost anything
way that makes sense. If you fail to convince physical that is difficult which you could think of,
someone, you might offend them. If you fail to do a such as jumping over gaps, lifting things, climbing,
trick, you might hurt yourself trying. If you fail to swimming, falling without hurting yourself,
disable a trap it might go off. Generally there is etcetera. This is only used in contests when you
only penalty if, were there not a penalty, you could put your physical power or finesse in competition
repeat the check over and over, or if you got a with others.
particularly bad roll when you tried. Untrained: Lift 50 pounds. Jump five feet
Here are the six skills in the order they are listed on Amateur: Swim for three hours. Climb the side of a
the character sheet. Remember, the examples are dry cliff.
Veteran: Jump your hight. Lift your weight over
your head.
Expert: Climb a wet wall over 20 ft tall. Hold your
breath for 7 minutes (note: out of combat only.)
Master: Jump three times your hight. Lift three
times your weight over your head.
Impossible: Lift 10 times your weight. Climb a wet
flat surface for 50 ft.

This is for anything related to knowledge and
knowing things. If someone asks you a question
lore will answer it. Lore cannot tell you about
situational information, but it can tell you about
cultural history, and basically anything you can
think of about nature and science. It is also used
for understanding speech in other languages and
speech from animals.
Untrained: Remember something very basic, like
the name of the place you are in. If someone is
telling you to go in a direction in another language,
you understand which one.
Amateur: Remember something obscure to non-
locals, like the typical climate pattern of the area or

Page 14
whether or not a berry is edible. If a someone is cooking, carpentry, masonry, smithing, irrigating,
telling you to do something in another language, locksmithing, and etcetera. Picking a lock and
you understand what it is. disabling a trap are both tinkering contests against
Veteran:   Remember a piece of information which the person who made them. If you fail to disable a
vaguely or perhaps unclearly helps you with a trap, at your GM's discretion you may set it off.
problem you are facing. Judge the typical behavior Untrained: Fold a paper crane; take apart a music
of a animal in front of you and it's motivations. box. Cook a palatable meal using a pantry's
Understand complicated feelings or important ingredients.
information that someone is trying to convey to Amateur: Forge some simple documents you have
you in another language. seen; build a tent from things laying around, repair
Expert: Judge which direction anywhere you've ruined armor or weapons.
heard of is. Understand anyone perfectly; as if they Veteran: Build a disguise from things laying
were speaking your language. around. Cook a tasty meal from things found in the
Master: Remember a piece of information which woods. Collapse a weak building using something
helps directly and clearly with a problem you are sharp in a short time.
facing. Expert: Forge an official seal, replicate a work of
Impossible: Predict all of a specific person or art (this takes time determined by your GM), forge
animal’s actions for the next day. armor or weapons quickly.
Master: Build a stable rope bridge over a wide
chasm in short order, build a small house
Tinkering mimicking the architectural style of an area over
This represents your character's ingenuity and the course of one night.
ability to construct, deconstruct, or replicate Impossible: Destroy a temple and rebuild it in three
things. It can be used for anything that requires days.

Page 15
a person's age, or something else of comparable
specificity, accurately.
Awareness Expert: See a person as if they were standing in
This measures your character's ability to front of you from one mile away. Guess precisely
understand their surroundings, themselves, and (but not the exact words of) what someone is
the relationships between them. This helps thinking. If they are trying hard to hide it this
characters hide, see things that would otherwise becomes a contest.
be difficult to see, and infer knowledge about Master: See precisely how many people there are
people and the things they do. Hiding is always an in an area 2 miles away (providing obstacles do
opposed check against the awareness of the not obscure them). Guess precisely what a person
person trying to find you (they are at a plans to do for the next day. If they are trying hard
disadvantage if they are not on the lookout for to hide it this becomes a contest.
intruders) but seeing things and gleaning insights Impossible: Tell what is going on inside a building
can be done without a contest. that is far away. Guess everything important that
Untrained: See something that was not hidden, but has ever happened to a person.
is small or otherwise difficult to spot; guess a
person's mood correctly.
Amateur: Find something that someone has tried Deception
to hide, without using special apparatuses (trap Deception measures your character's ability to
doors, false doors, etc.) to hide. Guess something convince people of things that aren't true, by lying
basic about a person that is easy to see after to them, or disguising yourself, or stealing from
finding it out correctly, such as whether or not they them. Generally, stealing from people is a contest
are married. between their awareness and your deception, but
Veteran: Identify a person walking (and whether like persuade you can lie to people without a
they are armed or not) from one mile away. Guess contest if believing what you want them to would

Page 16
not hurt them significantly, and disguise if people Untrained: Convince a person to go somewhere or
have no reason to suspect there is an impostor leave somewhere, when they don't need to be in
about. that specific place.
Untrained: Convince a person that there is Amateur: Convince a person to change their
something amazing nearby, or convince a person behavior, for example, by not buying from a certain
that you are a nobleman (while wearing a disguise) vendor.
if they are not also a nobleman. Veteran: Convince a person to significantly change
Amateur: Convince a person of something their behavior, for example, taking up a new
important but not difficult to believe, such as a profession which would not vastly diminish their
person is cheating on their spouse, or that standard of living.
someone recently died. Convince a person that Expert: Convince a person not invested in religion
you are a representative of a certain person (while or politics to adhere to an ideology or religion.
wearing a disguise). Master: There are no checks that can be made at
Veteran: Convince someone of something difficult the master level or higher that do not require
to believe, such as their religious leader spends all contests.
of the money he/she is given on alcohol. Convince
a person that you are a specific person when they
have not met the person in question.
Expert: Convince someone of something absurd,
such as the existence of a golden tree in a place.
Convince someone that you are a specific person
when they have met them, but are not excessively
close to them (while wearing a disguise).
Master: There are no checks made at this level or
higher for this skill that don't require a contest.

Persuasion checks are usually used for contests to
convince people to do things that you would like
them to do. You can make a regular check when
you are trying to convince people of things that it
would not disadvantage them. When it would hurt
them to be persuaded of something (for example,
to help you when helping you would cause them to
spend money or risk their life) you have a contest
with that person. Persuade is also used in a
contest against Pokemon to get them to join them
on your journey when they are defeated in
combat.. You may only make a check against one
Pokemon at a time, and once the check is made it
cannot be made again.

Page 17
~ Races
This section contains a list of the playable races in
this game. For more information about how to use
these races, see the character building section on
page 3.

C a n dy P e r s o n / B r e a k fa s t
Play a candy person or a breakfast person if you
want to deal excellent damage in melee and
ranged combat.

The residents of the candy kingdom and breakfast

kingdom respectively both adhere to monarchically
governed states with free enterprise, and enjoy a
culture and society that is a mix between suburban
United States in the 1950’s, and Elizabethan Talents
England. Choose one of the following:
Candy and Breakfast society are structured around Delicious sent: You can give off a sent which
maintaining peace and order, and their citizens attracts small creatures while in the wilderness. A
might be motivated to adventure in order to creature weighing no more than five kilograms will
explore and settle untamed lands, or bring treasure do your bidding as long as it does not involve
and honor back to their homeland. combat for five minutes until it becomes bored and
Candy people and breakfast people are well suited leaves.
to the Caster (P. 41) and Slinger fighting styles (P. Sticky: When you are willingly pressed against a
42) because of their damage output and frailty. If surface by another, you cannot fall from that
you want to go all out on damage, then slinger will surface unless you wish to. You can use this to
suit you, and if you want to cover your weakness climb walls.
then caster will fit nicely.
The Duelist (P. 40) and Disruptor (P. 42) fighting Size & Field Speed
styles work for a Candy/Breakfast Person, and Size: Medium or small. You choose.
with the right focuses will create a very balanced
Field Speed: 3 or 4. If you choose 4, you may
never focus on blood or guard.

Stat Table Lv 1 Lv 2 Lv 3 Lv 4 Lv 5 Lv 6 Lv 7 Lv 8 Lv 9 Lv 10
Max Blood 12 +2 (+5) +2 +2 (+5) +2 +2 (+5) +2 +2 (+5) +2 +2 (+5)
Max Guard: 8 +0 (+3) +2 +2 (+5) +2 +0 (+3) +2 +0 (+3) +2 +0 (+3)
Cunning: 4 +0 (+1) +1 +0 (+1) +1 +1 (+2) +1 +0 (+1) +1 +0 (+1)
Reflexes: 5 +1 (+2) +1 +1 (+2) +1 +1 (+2) +1 +1 (+2) +1 +1 (+2)
Melee Damage: 7 +1 (+2) +2 +1 (+2) +2 +1 (+2) +2 +1 (+2) +2 +1 (+2)
Ranged Damage: 7 +1 (+2) +2 +1 (+2) +2 +1 (+2) +2 +1 (+2) +2 +1 (+2)

Page 18
This is generally why they are motivated to

Ghosts and cloud people are well suited to the

Brawler (P. 39) and Disruptor fighting styles (P. 42)
because of their resilience in combat and their
proficiency with status effects. If you want to
defend your allies by rushing into your enemies,
then brawler is the class for you, and if you want
foil the plans of your enemies, then go with

The Slinger (P. 42) fighting style would work with a

ghost/cloud person if they invested in reflexes,
creating a very durable attacker, and Caster (P. 41)
fighting style would allow you to create a very
balanced character by allowing you to use your
focuses on things other than cunning, if you took
Cloud Person/Ghost lots of abilities that required effect rolls.

Play a cloud person or a ghost if you want to soak

up hits for your allies and torment your foes with
status conditions. Choose one of the following:
Etherial Jaunt: You can move through solid walls if
they are less than half a meter thick.
The cloud people live a semi-nomadic life up on
the cloud kingdom which floats over Ooo. The Wind Control: You can cause winds to blow
cloud people spend almost all of their time everything away in a 20 meter radius that is less
partying, and travel to the earth only when they dense than a coin and not somehow bound to the
mistakenly fall off of their floating kingdom, or ground.
venture forth from it to rescue their fallen friends.
Often this is why they are motivated to adventure. Size & Field Speed
The ghosts of Ooo center mostly around one large Size: Medium or small. You choose. Only cloud
graveyard complex, which houses almost every people can be small.
spirit that has not yet found rest. Ghosts are the Field Speed: 3 or 4. If you choose 4, you may
souls of those who were murdered, and cannot never focus on Melee damage or ranged damage.
find peace until they discover who murdered them.

Stat Table Lv 1 Lv 2 Lv 3 Lv 4 Lv 5 Lv 6 Lv 7 Lv 8 Lv 9 Lv 10
Max Blood 14 +2 (+4) +4 +2 (+4) +4 +2 (+4) +4 +2 (+4) +4 +2 (+4)
Max Guard: 12 +2 (+5) +2 +2 (+5) +2 +2 (+5) +2 +2 (+5) +2 +2 (+5)
Cunning: 7 +1 (+2) +2 +1 (+2) +2 +1 (+2) +2 +1 (+2) +2 +1 (+2)
Reflexes: 4 +0 (+1) +1 +0 (+1) +1 +1 (+2) +1 +0 (+1) +1 +0 (+1)
Melee Damage: 5 +1 (+2) +1 +1 (+2) +1 +1 (+2) +1 +1 (+2) +1 +1 (+2)
Ranged Damage: 4 +0 (+1) +1 +0 (+1) +1 +1 (+2) +1 +0 (+1) +1 +0 (+1)

Page 19
Play a humanoid or dog if you want to rush into
battle swinging your sword with reckless abandon.

Humans on Ooo are an incredibly rare sight, but

there are many analogues to their species which
are grouped here as humanoid. Here, we will divide
them into villagers and marauders. Marauder
societies are divided into clans, who are generally
governed by the strongest among them, or the
person who the strongest selects. Often times a
wise elderly marauder will be defended by young
champions who believe in his or her ability to rule,
are related to him or her, or are somehow else
compensated for their loyalty. Maurauders seek
adventure often to train and become strong, or for also be acceptable if you put some focus into
personal glory or honor. Villagers are different reflexes for the ever-essential speed, and Caster
entirely. Their societies are generally governed (P. 41) fighting style will give you something to do
democratically and by committee, generally with when melee damage isn’t required.
no specific person in charge, and are very family
oriented. Villagers might leave home to escape the
Choose one of the following:
Durable: When you fall, you lose the condition after
Dogs generally live in small groups and fend for
two hours, as opposed to the usual eight.
themselves and their families, but are known to
come together for the collective instances now and Fury: You can go on a rampage for five minutes,
again (as was the case during the rainicorn/dog frightening away every natural beast within 200m
wars) Dogs are often motivated to adventure to of the rampage which cannot see you when you
support their families. start it for eight hours, unless they are specially
motivated to move through anyway as a result of
important goals that require moving through the
Humanoids and dogs are well suited to the Brawler
(P. 39) and Slinger fighting styles (P. 42). If you want
to focus on shielding your allies, the brawler is the
fighting style to go with. If you want to accentuate Size & Field Speed
your already want high melee damage output then Size: Medium.
go slinger. The Duelist (P. 40) fighting style would Field Speed: 3

Stat Table Lv 1 Lv 2 Lv 3 Lv 4 Lv 5 Lv 6 Lv 7 Lv 8 Lv 9 Lv 10
Max Blood 12 +2 (+4) +2 +2 (+4) +2 +2 (+4) +2 +2 (+4) +2 +2 (+4)
Max Guard: 14 +2 (+5) +4 +2 (+5) +4 +2 (+5) +4 +2 (+5) +4 +2 (+5)
Cunning: 4 +0 (+1) +1 +0 (+1) +1 +1 (+2) +1 +0 (+1) +1 +0 (+1)
Reflexes: 5 +1 (+2) +1 +1 (+2) +1 +1 (+2) +1 +1 (+2) +1 +1 (+2)
Melee Damage: 7 +1 (+2) +2 +1 (+2) +2 +1 (+2) +2 +1 (+2) +2 +1 (+2)
Ranged Damage: 4 +0 (+1) +1 +0 (+1) +1 +1 (+2) +1 +0 (+1) +1 +0 (+1)

Page 20
groups, but forming coalitions in difficult times.
Because they are broadly perceived as quick,
clever, and majestic creatures, Rainicorns
adventure to seek glory and explore.

Rainicorns and elementals are well suited to the

Slinger (P. 42) and Duelist fighting styles (P. 40). If
you want to be a ranged powerhouse, go slinger,
and if you want to trip up your foe in combat to get
the upper hand, choose duelist.
Because of their middling cunning stat, The
Disruptor (P. 42) fighting style, and Caster (P. 41)
fighting style are also well suited to elementals and
rainicorns. If you want to spend focus on cunning
to weaken your foes, choose disruptor. If you want
to build a more balanced character, choose caster.

Elemental/Rainicorn Choose one of the following:
Play an elemental or a rainicorn if you want to be a Change: You can cosmetically change something
blazingly fast ranged attacker, who is a little bit on in any way the GM feels is fitting. For rainincorns,
the frail size. this means changing their colour generally, and for
elementals this means freezing something
ineffectually or lighting it on fire without burning it.
The societies of the elementals are strictly
regimented into powerful absolute monarchies, Light Walk: After a half minute of meditation, you
from which all social standing is derived from your may teleport from one place of incredibly bright
proximity too. This is true particularly among fire light to another place of incredibly bright light that
elementals, who are the most notable and most you can see. At the GM’s discretion, for elementals
powerful appearing to the residents of Ooo. The this may be from fire to fire, or water to water, or
water, air, and earth elementals are also quite gale to gale, etc.
pervasive, but often go unnoticed by those outside
of their society because of their natural Size & Field Speed
camouflage in common environments. Size: Medium.
Rainicorn societies are relatively similar to dog Field Speed: 3 or 4. If you choose 4, you may
societies, with rainicorns living together in small never focus on blood or guard.

Stat Table Lv 1 Lv 2 Lv 3 Lv 4 Lv 5 Lv 6 Lv 7 Lv 8 Lv 9 Lv 10
Max Blood 8 +0 (+2) +2 +2 (+4) +2 +0 (+2) +2 +0 (+2) +2 +0 (+2)
Max Guard: 12 +2 (+5) +2 +2 (+5) +2 +2 (+5) +2 +2 (+5) +2 +2 (+5)
Cunning: 5 +1 (+2) +1 +1 (+2) +1 +1 (+2) +1 +1 (+2) +1 +1 (+2)
Reflexes: 7 +1 (+2) +2 +1 (+2) +2 +1 (+2) +2 +1 (+2) +2 +1 (+2)
Melee Damage: 4 +0 (+1) +1 +0 (+1) +1 +1 (+2) +1 +0 (+1) +1 +0 (+1)
Ranged Damage: 7 +1 (+2) +2 +1 (+2) +2 +1 (+2) +2 +1 (+2) +2 +1 (+2)

Page 21
Lumpy Space Person/Party Bear
Play an lumpy space person or a party bear if you
want to be a quick and tricky character, who is
valuable to the party for reasons besides damage.

Lumpy Space Society, which exists in the sub-

dimension of lumpy space, is has been ruled over
by a highly bureaucratic monarchy for as long as
anyone can remember, which has left its residents
disillusioned with authority, but too apathetic
because of their comfortable lives to change
things. Lumpy space people are often dragged into
adventures by friends, or else forced into
adventurous situations by leaving their home.
Party Bear Society is organized into autonomous
collectives of party bears ruled by the coolest and
hardest partier among them. Party bears, like balanced character, choose caster, and focus on
lumpy space people, are wild and hedonistic. stats other than cunning.
Often they quest in search of legendary party-
enhancing artifacts, or to gain the favor of and Talents
possibly a blessing from their party god. Choose one of the following:
Infectious Lethargy: If someone has been
Lumpy space people and party bears are well convinced to do something recently by another,
suited to the Duelist (P. 40) and Disruptor fighting you can convince them out of it in a small number
styles (P. 42). If you want to trip up your enemies of minutes determined by the GM as long as they
while distracting them in the thick of it, than duelist aren’t actively trying to kill you (or, would be if they
is for you, but if you’d prefer to status your were able to).
enemies and save your own skin, then choose Incredibly Soft: You can never be hurt by falling, or
disruptor. things falling on you that are smaller than you are.
The Brawler (P. 39), and Caster (P. 41) fighting (Unless they are sharp).
styles also work for lumpy space people and party
bears. If you want to spend focus on blood and
Size & Field Speed
guard, to take a very active roll in defending your
Size: Medium.
allies, choose brawler. For a very fast and
Speed: 3

Stat Table Lv 1 Lv 2 Lv 3 Lv 4 Lv 5 Lv 6 Lv 7 Lv 8 Lv 9 Lv 10
Max Blood 10 +2 (+4) +2 +2 (+4) +2 +2 (+4) +2 +2 (+4) +2 +2 (+4)
Max Guard: 12 +2 (+5) +2 +2 (+5) +2 +2 (+5) +2 +2 (+5) +2 +2 (+5)
Cunning: 7 +1 (+2) +2 +1 (+2) +2 +1 (+2) +2 +1 (+2) +2 +1 (+2)
Reflexes: 7 +1 (+2) +2 +1 (+2) +2 +1 (+2) +2 +1 (+2) +2 +1 (+2)
Melee Damage: 4 +0 (+1) +1 +0 (+1) +1 +1 (+2) +1 +0 (+1) +1 +0 (+1)
Ranged Damage: 4 +0 (+1) +1 +0 (+1) +1 +1 (+2) +1 +0 (+1) +1 +0 (+1)

Page 22
Both giants and constructs generally quest to fulfill
their real or perceived purpose, and sometimes,
just because they want to make friends.

Giants and constructs are well suited to the

Brawler (P. 39) and Disruptor fighting styles (P. 42).
If you want soak damage as a big target while your
allies hide behind you, than go with brawler.
Choose disruptor if you want more chances to get
in your opponent’s way.

The Slinger (P. 42), and Duelist (P. 40) fighting

styles make for more balanced giants and
constructs. If you want to focus heavily in melee
damage than you can be a highly durable slinger,
and if you do likewise with reflexes, a duelist suit
do you well.

Giant/Construct Talents
Play an giant or construct if you want to be able to Choose one of the following:
survive anything, and rely on durability to come out Pure Power: You can pry open any door,
on top. regardless of the strength of the lock that guards it.
This does not work on chests.
Constructs include creatures made of metal, Stomp: After half a minute of sizing up the area,
golems, and other such animate but strictly you can stomp on a very specific spot on the
speaking not living beings. ground, causing a mild earthquake. This can shake
loose boulders or start landslides if the geography
Giants and Constructs both live relatively solitary accommodates it.
lives, for very different reasons. Constructs are
generally created by powerful beings to Size & Field Speed
accomplish a specific purpose by the people who Size: Medium or Large. You choose.
created them, and often this does not involve Speed: 2 or 3. If you choose 3, you may never
mingling with other constructs. Giants are simply
focus on blood or guard.
nomadic and solitary people with a strong sense of
destiny which pulls them apart from their peers.

Stat Table Lv 1 Lv 2 Lv 3 Lv 4 Lv 5 Lv 6 Lv 7 Lv 8 Lv 9 Lv 10
Max Blood 14 +2 (+4) +4 +2 (+4) +4 +2 (+4) +4 +2 (+4) +4 +2 (+4)
Max Guard: 14 +2 (+5) +4 +2 (+5) +4 +2 (+5) +4 +2 (+5) +4 +2 (+5)
Cunning: 6 +1 (+2) +1 +1 (+2) +1 +1 (+2) +1 +1 (+2) +1 +1 (+2)
Reflexes: 4 +0 (+1) +1 +0 (+1) +1 +1 (+2) +1 +0 (+1) +1 +0 (+1)
Melee Damage: 5 +1 (+2) +1 +1 (+2) +1 +1 (+2) +1 +1 (+2) +1 +1 (+2)
Ranged Damage: 4 +0 (+1) +1 +0 (+1) +1 +1 (+2) +1 +0 (+1) +1 +0 (+1)

Page 23
Play an turtle or gnome if you want to distract
enemy tanks and shoot around them to take down
their weaker allies.

Turtle society is ruled hierarchically by the largest

turtle among it’s people. Because turtles grow
continuously as they age, size is seen as related to
wisdom. Turtle communities are scattered, but
generally congregate for various festivals and
summits, where turtles often find mates and elope.
Turtles prize knowledge as a society very highly.
Many turtles are motivated to quest by their
personal search for knowledge and understanding
of the universe.
Gnome communities are large, technologically ranged damage stat while maintaining your bulk,
and disruptor allows you to preform both roles of
advanced, and mostly sub-terrainian. They look to
be anarchistic, though actually are governed by the caster at the same time.
cabals and corporate partnerships that control
many aspects of their society. Gnome society is Talents
rife with poverty, but also great industry, and Choose one of the following:
splendor for a select few. Gnomes often quest to Canny Snatch: Regardless of their grip or reflexes,
escape their homeland and make their fortune. you may snatch anything out of the hands of
someone. They always know that whatever they
Turtles and gnomes are well suited to the Brawler are losing is being taken though.
(P. 39) and Caster fighting styles (P. 41). If you want Smooth Form: If you are ever bound by rope or
soak damage on the front lines while shooting at chains, or put in manacles, you can escape them
the guys in the back, than go with brawler. Choose by wriggling out in about 30 seconds.
caster if you want to dole out heavy status effects Size & Field Speed
when ranged damage isn’t desirable. Size: Medium or Small. Only gnomes may choose
The Slinger (P. 42), and Disruptor (P. 42) fighting small.
styles work reasonably well with turtles and Speed: 2 or 3. If you choose 3, you may never
gnomes, but will require heavy investment in reflex.
focus on blood or guard.
Slinger allows you to take advantage of your huge

Stat Table Lv 1 Lv 2 Lv 3 Lv 4 Lv 5 Lv 6 Lv 7 Lv 8 Lv 9 Lv 10
Max Blood 12 +2 (+4) +2 +2 (+4) +2 +2 (+4) +2 +2 (+4) +2 +2 (+4)
Max Guard: 14 +2 (+5) +4 +2 (+5) +4 +2 (+5) +4 +2 (+5) +4 +2 (+5)
Cunning: 5 +1 (+2) +1 +1 (+2) +1 +1 (+2) +1 +1 (+2) +1 +1 (+2)
Reflexes: 4 +0 (+1) +1 +0 (+1) +1 +1 (+2) +1 +0 (+1) +1 +0 (+1)
Melee Damage: 4 +0 (+1) +1 +0 (+1) +1 +1 (+2) +1 +0 (+1) +1 +0 (+1)
Ranged Damage: 7 +1 (+2) +2 +1 (+2) +2 +1 (+2) +2 +1 (+2) +2 +1 (+2)

Page 24
can be benevolent or terrible, but in either
circumstance their rule is absolute and the loyalty
of the goblins is fierce. Goblins often adventure as
knights to glorify their king or else to make a name
for themselves among their countrymen.

The Slinger (P. 42), and Disruptor (P. 42) fighting

styles work reasonably well with demons and
goblins. If you want to rush into battle and strike
down your foes before they can hit back, choose
slinger. If you want to avoid attacks by statusing
your enemies, and have combat at a more relaxed
pace, then choose disruptor.
The duelist class (P. 40) can also function well, but
will require lots of investment in guard, and even
then will be very risky because of the frailty of
demons and goblins.

Choose one of the following:
Canny Snatch: Regardless of their grip or reflexes,
Demon/Goblin you may snatch anything out of the hands of
Play an demon or a goblin if you want be excellent someone. They always know that whatever they
at everything you try, and are willing to have to are losing is being taken though.
fight fiercely and carefully to stay alive. Smooth Form: If you are ever bound by rope or
chains, or put in manacles, you can escape them
Demons come from another world called the by wriggling out in about 30 seconds.
nightosphere, which is ruled over by whoever
possesses one particular evil artifact of great Size & Field Speed
power, who is charged with torturing everyone else Size: Medium or Large. Only demons may choose
within their domain. Demons often adventure to large.
escape their horrible world, and to gain power Speed: 3 or 4. If you choose 3, you may never
enough to usurp the current demon king.
focus on blood or guard.
Goblin society is organized into small duchies and
kingdoms ruled monarchically. The goblin rulers

Stat Table Lv 1 Lv 2 Lv 3 Lv 4 Lv 5 Lv 6 Lv 7 Lv 8 Lv 9 Lv 10
Max Blood 8 +0 (+2) +2 +2 (+4) +2 +0 (+2) +2 +0 (+2) +2 +0 (+2)
Max Guard: 8 +0 (+3) +2 +2 (+5) +2 +0 (+3) +2 +0 (+3) +2 +0 (+3)
Cunning: 7 +1 (+2) +2 +1 (+2) +2 +1 (+2) +2 +1 (+2) +2 +1 (+2)
Reflexes: 5 +1 (+2) +1 +1 (+2) +1 +1 (+2) +1 +1 (+2) +1 +1 (+2)
Melee Damage: 7 +1 (+2) +1 +1 (+2) +1 +1 (+2) +1 +1 (+2) +1 +1 (+2)
Ranged Damage: 6 +1 (+2) +2 +1 (+2) +2 +1 (+2) +2 +1 (+2) +2 +1 (+2)

Page 25
~ Classes
This section contains all of the windfalls and
talents available to characters at each level of their
class. When you level up, go to that level in your
class in this section, and choose one of the
options it gives you to pick from.

Owed Money: when you are in a city you get food
and lodging for free.
Small Operation: you know a gang of thugs based
in a specific area which you can call on to make
persuasion and deception checks against people
while you aren't there.
Cache: You have a number of small piles of gold or
other valuables hidden away around the land of
ooo, that you can use in emergencies to bribe
people with.

does not mean necessarily that they are afraid of
All-Tool: You come into the possession of a metal you.
rod about 1m long with inserts and hinges along it
Casual Nature: Regardless of what it is you have,
that allow it to fold into any tool described in the
no one believes you’ve stolen it except for the
tool section on page 49. Folding it into a new
person you stole it from and people who they’ve
shape takes one minute.
spoken with.
Prison-Cred: While you are in jail, if any other
Mark: You can tell how rich someone is by looking
prisoner is threatening you or your party members
at them, and can tell when someone is pretending
you know people who will correct their behavior in
to be richer or poorer than they are.
the night, if you ask them.
Bureaucratic Privilege: Your friends in various
governments ensure that you never have to fill out
a form, or wait in a line, to make something Canoe Coin: You come to possess a small gold
happen, so long it is legally permissible to give you coin with two heads, which when thrown into
what you want. water springs into a large canoe capable of
carrying eight medium sized people, or four
medium sized people and one large person, or
seven medium sized people and two small people,
Violent Intent: People always believe that you will etcetera. It propels itself in any direction you like at
use violence to get your way if other means don't the speed that you walk. When you grasp its bow
provide for you, even when you wouldn't. This in your hand, the boat disappears and the coin
reappears in your hand.

Page 26
Trash Collectors: You have friends or friends of not anyone needs to be arrested. Minor authority
friends in most settlements who can make figures aren't affected.
unguarded objects or bodies disappear for you an
hour after you tell them about it. LEVEL 7 TALENTS
Bartender Kinship: Bartenders will tell you Play Dead: You can, after a minute of preparation,
everything that they know about who was in their appear completely dead. People who check your
establishment when, what they were doing, who pulse will fine nothing, and your face will go pale. If
they were talking to, and what they said. you remain in this condition for more than three
days, you die. You may snap out of this condition
LEVEL 5 TALENTS suddenly any time you wish.
Frisk: Whenever you are trying to figure out what Attention Grabber: By preforming or simply by
someone is carrying, they never notice you doing speaking, you can stop someone from looking for
it. sneaking or hiding people for three minutes. When
Keen Eye: You can tell if anything is a counterfeit this time is up, make a check as if you had just
or else not real, including money and documents, then began trying to distract someone.
and levers masquerading as statues or books. Slip: If you are ever bound by rope or chains, or
Appraise: You know how valuable everything is just put in manacles, you can escape them by
by looking at it. You can never be fooled into wriggling out in about 30 seconds.
thinking something is valuable when it is not, or
not valuable when it is. Of course, this pertains LEVEL 8 WINDFALLS
only to monetary value. Cloak Of Invisibility: You gain a clock that renders
you or another person or an object about the same
LEVEL 6 WINDFALLS size as you completely invisible while they are
High Seas Traveler: You gain a galleon, and a wearing it. You cannot be detected if you aren't
reserve of cash for hiring a small crew to help you moving, unless someone throws dust on you, or
pilot it when you need it. The boat is 50m long, wind blows leaves on you, or etcetera. While you
with three masts, and can travel at thirteen are moving people can still make awareness
kilometers per hour. It can carry 30 medium checks against you.
creatures. Small creatures count as 1/2 a medium Airship: You gain a Zeppelin bound with ropes to a
creature and large creatures count as 2 medium ship hanging beneath it. It can carry six medium
creatures for the purposes of this calculation. creatures through the air. The boat is 25m long,
Dibs: Any time in the future that you see a building and can travel at twenty kilometers per hour. It can
which you have not thus far encountered in your carry 15 medium creatures. Small creatures count
journey (this is determined by the GM ultimately) as 1/2 a medium creature and large creatures
you may reveal your initials carved into the count as 2 medium creatures for the purposes of
foundation, and become the owner of that this calculation.
building. Call Up The Old Gang: You know a few seedy
Both Sides Of The Law: All important authority figures form your past. You know people with
figures in a settlement will come to witness any training in every skill one level lower than your
event you tell them to if you tell them about it an highest trained skill, and you can summon them to
hour in advance. They then make their own their side after waiting for one day. You can
decisions about what happened and whether or summon them and do other things while you wait
for the person to get there though.

Page 27
Criminal Empire: Choose a city. If anyone in that
city says anything at all that is relevant to you or
your quests, it gets back to you within two days.
Not As Big As My Ego: You own a giant gold
statue yourself approximately ten times your hight
riddled with traps and safeguards against thieves
of your choice with your GM's approval, and it will
attract thieves to try and steal it. You may have it
installed in any public place, or private place which
you own.

Magic Nails: You gain five magic nails, and may
expend one of them to succeed on an amateur
difficulty check of any kind. If you start the day
with less than five, you gain one new magic nail.
Magical Insignia: Part of your clothing, you decide
which, is magically enchanted. While you are
wearing it, you cannot be mind controlled or
Heroism: You are regarded by the public as a hero
with good intentions. People believe you are
working in their interest unless you specifically
Assassin Sense: Outside of a combat situation or state otherwise.
else another situation which is equally stressful
and distracting, you are aware of the presence of
anyone within 10m of you, no matter what.
Small animal friends: While in or near the
Perfect Balance: You can never lose your balance.
wilderness you can summon small creatures (the
Anything that you can jump to, you can balance on
exact nature of which is determined by the GM) to
top of.
help you with minor tasks. You must make all the
Excuses: You can never be arrested unless the
checks yourself, but your companions reduce the
people arresting you were asked to get you
amount of time that it takes you to accomplish
specifically. Barring that, you always have a reason
them, and the number of pleas you actually have
why you shouldn’t be arrested that is good enough
to be.
to stop people form arresting you.
Magic Boomerang: You gain a magic boomerang.
When you throw this boomerang, you can never
LEVEL 10 WINDFALLS miss. You don't ever need to make a check to see
Infamous: You cannot be arrested for any reason if you can hit something accurately with it as long
ever. You may commit crimes with complete as it is within 30m of you. If you try to throw it more
impunity from the law everywhere. than that distances away, it flies back to you.
Power Gauntlets: You gain power gauntlets. While
you are wearing these, whenever you are asked for

Page 28
a check that relies on your weight, treat your a check as if you had just that moment gone
weight as three times what it actually is. underwater.


Makeshift Flint: Using a weapon with a honed Large Animal Friends: While in or near the
metal edge, you can set anything that you can wilderness you can summon large creatures (the
slice through on fire. Whether or not the flame exact nature of which is determined by the GM) to
maintains itself depends on whether or not it is help you and your companions travel short
flammable. distances, or construct large things. The large
Hunter's Shot: When not in combat, you may take creatures cannot make tinkering checks above the
aim for one minute with a sling or another ranged amateur level, but can do not technically difficult
weapon at living being up to 100 meters away in things (for example, putting up stone walls) very
any direction, including up, and hit it. quickly. These animals will not participate in
- Mountaineer: Any surface less than 75 degrees combat.
steep you can climb as if it were flat ground. Forebearer Tome: You find or have delivered to you
a tome written by one of your ancestors full of
advice for his progeny. Consulting this book lets
you make a lore check as if you had veteran level
Grocery Cornucopia: You gain a small golden horn
training in lore to help with a problem you are
woven to look like wicker. Whenever you reach into
it, you produce food. The horn only produces
Deputies: In a settlement, people volunteer
enough food and drink per day to sustain six
willingly to be your deputies, and will help you
medium creatures. Small creatures count as 1/2 a
search for people you are looking for, or guard a
medium creature and large creatures count as 2
certain place or person. You may have no more
medium creatures for the purposes of this
than four deputies at a time. The deputies will not
participate in combat that you are in, preferring
Hookshot: You gain a gauntlet with chain strung
instead to watch you at work.
around it, and a spiked grappling hook coming out
of the end of it. When the trigger inside is pulled,
the grappling hook flies outwards to a maximum LEVEL 7 TALENTS
distance of ten meters. It adheres to any soft Perfect Tracking: You can track anyone to their
surface. current location provided that they moved
Minstrel: You gain the use of a personal servant exclusively by land, and something like rain
who can carry around tools for you, and scout doesn't spoil the markings on the ground they left.
things out. The nature of this servant is up to you. Rend: You can pry open any door, regardless of
The servant cannot participate in combat. the strength of the lock that guards it. This does
not work on chests.

LEVEL 5 TALENTS Rage: You can snap into a blind fury for five
minutes, frightening away every living being within
Perfect landing: You always land on your feet, and
200m of the rampage for eight hours, unless they
never take damage from falling.
are specially motivated to move through anyway
Stunts: You can never accidentally hurt someone
as a result of extreme starvation in the case of wild
by failing at a skill check.
animals, or important goals or quests that require
Aquatic Affinity: You can hold your breath for 6 moving through the area.
minutes without making a check. After that, make

Page 29
level lower than they otherwise would be as long
LEVEL 8 WINDFALLS as you are not disguised.
Petrified Baby Cyclops Eye: You come into the
possession of a petrified baby cyclops eye. Once LEVEL 9 TALENTS
per day, you may squish it over someone with the Legendary Shot: You cannot lose at contest of aim
fallen status condition and instantly revive them to (IE an archery contest), unless it is against
their full blood and guard. This may only be done someone else who has this talent, in which case
outside of battle. you roll for athletics as per usual.
Splitting Sword: You gain an etherial blade, the Perfect split: After thirty seconds of meditation,
exact appearance of which you decide. You can you may split any object that fits in a 6mx6m cube
use it to chop yourself, or one ally, in two, perfectly in half using any edged weapon. It sticks
temporarily creating a clone. The clone disappears together afterwards until you snap your fingers or
after five minutes, and whenever a clone that this after half of an hour, at which point it splits in two.
sword has made exists, the sword cannot be used. Vaulter: Using a sturdy wooden pole taller than you
Blessing: The ancient gods of the wilderness smile at least, you can launch yourself 30m into the air.
down upon you. While you are in the wilderness, From there you must make checks to fall without
all awareness checks you make are one difficulty hurting yourself or grab something however.
Magic animal friends: While in or near the
wilderness you can summon magical creatures
(the exact nature of which is determined by the
GM) to help you and your companions teleport
through walls, light things on fire, and etcetera.
Exactly what magical companions can and cannot
do is up to the GM.
Pegasus boots: You gain two leather boots with
small ornamental wings on the sides of them.
While you are running, you may continue to run
where there is no ground for five seconds before
falling, so long as you started running while on the
De Facto Martial: When you aren't in the presence
of a high authority figure, people will presume that
you are in charge, and act a s if you were their

Royal Acclimation: Whenever you are in a
settlement you are provided with food and shelter
for you and your companions.

Page 30
Outpost: You may choose one spot, even in the who govern the surrounding area (within 3
middle of nowhere, to house an outpost with four kilometers) in your sted. If the surrounding area is
loyal retainers who will defend you and supply you. unpopulated, it becomes sparsely populated with
Homeland: Choose one particular settlement workers or farmers of some kind fitted to the
(which your GM approves of). You are the ruler of landscape. Retainers will only fight in combats that
that settlement, and the people there behave you aren't fighting in.
fittingly. Royal Steed: You gain the control of one (generally
flying creature) who can transport you at ten times
the speed you normally travel by foot. It can only
transport you and one other at a time.
Suitors: Whenever you need a romantic partner (or
Magic Scepter: You gain a magical ruling scepter,
someone to pretend that they are your romantic
which when you place in the air, cannot fall or be
partner) for any purpose, you can easily find one in
removed by anyone. It is exactly one meter long.
an area you control. At any given time you have
You may remove it easily and at any time. The
exactly five to choose from. Suitors will not fight
scepter can support three tonnes before falling.
with you in combat, as they are lovers and not
Summoning Throne: You gain a magical throne
which teleports to a space adjacent to you when
you whistle for it. It is 2m long, and well cushioned.
Dungeon: Once per day, you may put someone
who you have defeated in combat into the Decorum: After three minutes of speaking , you
dungeon of another ruler indefinitely, or until you can calm down anyone.
see fit to release them. Flatter: You can convince anyone that you like
them without a check.

LEVEL 3 TALENTS : Authority: People will always do what you say

unless they think it is wrong, they were hostile to
Innocence: You can never be accused of a crime
you before you asked something of them, it would
or faux pas in person when it is not immediately
bring them physical harm, or it would take more
and obviously apparent that they have done it.
than two hours to do.
Revolutionary: You never need to check to
convince someone that society (or one group in
society) is treating them unfairly, no matter who LEVEL 6 WINDFALLS
they are. Whether or not and how this alters their Body Double: You gain the control of a servant
behavior though is ultimately up to the GM. who looks and dresses exactly like you, but when
Grace: You can never be hurt by a random in combat simply cowers and is useless. The
accident, or by failing a skill check. double may carry tools from you, and only after
spending time with both you and your double for a
month is someone able to distinguish between the
two of you.
Outposts: You may have three outposts
Kindred Satchels: You gain two identical bags, with
constructed (see outpost, level one) in areas that
a volume of 30 litters each. When an item is placed
you choose. It takes one week for them to be
or taken from one bag, it is placed/taken from the
constructed after you take this WINDFALL. If you
other bag as well. Only one may be open at a time.
took the outpost windfall at level one, your original
When one bag is open, it is impossible to open the
outpost becomes a fort, which means it grows
larger and grander, housing eight loyal retainers

Page 31
Royal Amulet: You gain an amulet that is a symbol of the city, for bandits, the chief bandit, etc), as
of your authority, and which holds your powers. long as you are demanding it from something
Once per day using this amulet, you may which speaks english. When you have demanded
subjugate one person who is not hostile to you parle, the authority must come to where you are to
after speaking with them for ten minutes. A speak with you and allow you to respond for at
subjugated person moves to an area which you least one minute before resuming attacking you.
control and is accountable to your laws. Distress Signal: One item you have becomes
enchanted with a distress signal. Whenever you
LEVEL 7 TALENTS will it, you can let out a signal that lets any
Downplay: If someone has been convinced to do retainers or guards you might have know that you
something recently by another, you can convince are in trouble.
them out of it in a small number of minutes
determined by the GM as long as they aren’t LEVEL 9 TALENTS
actively trying to kill you (or, would be if they were Majesty: Anyone who is watching you in an
able to). argument thinks that you won, no matter what.
Royal Interrogation: If you are trying to get Common Ruler: If it is in a group of people’s
information from someone by talking to them, they interest to revolt, you can convince them to revolt.
never know or suspect that the purpose of the Scrutiny: If someone tells you something which is
conversation is so that you can get information wholly or partially fabricated, you know they are
from them. lying. You don't know when people are concealing
Stature: No one can ever sense that you are information from you however.
injured even in the slightest, and everyone believes
that are a powerful individual at your full strength.

Forts: You may have three forts constructed (as
described in the outposts, level 4, windfall), or
build three new outposts and turn any pre-existing
outposts you have into forts. It takes one week for
them to be constructed and updated after you take
this windfall. Choose one pre-existing outpost or
fort that you have. It becomes a castle, with
sixteen staff who will defend and govern the
surrounding area (within 6 kilometers) for you while
you are away. If the surrounding area is
unpopulated, it becomes sparsely populated with
workers or farmers of some kind fitted to the
landscape. Staff will only fight in combats that you
aren't fighting in.
Parle: Once per day you may instantly stop any
sort of impending or ongoing violent conflict by
demanding Parle with the authority over whatever
is attacking you (for city guards, the one in charge

Page 32
Food Potion: You gain a corked plastic vial full of
LEVEL 10 WINDFALLS food potion. When you pour it out on the ground,
Protectorate: Choose one settlement. It becomes food for five people on a picnic blanket appears.
your protectorate. Its current leader becomes a The food and picnic blanket turn back into the
duke, earl, or duchess, of your greater kingdom. If potion after two hours if not ingested. If your vial is
the ruler of that city specifically dislikes you, you empty, you may brew a new food potion after you
may not choose it. The GM is the ultimate arbiter sleep.
of which cities you may and may not make into Minor Discovery: You discover something small
your protectorate. that changes the way that the world works. Like
Renowned Wisdom: Whenever another royalty that squirrels have a language more sophisticated
ruler wishes to make an important decision about than the common tongue, or that lead is buoyant
anything within 100km of an area you rule, they when covered in tinfoil. Any choice you make
must first consult you. They don't have to listen to regarding this is subject to the approval of the GM.
you, but it gives you a chance to try and convince Academic Thugs: If someone disagrees with you
or lie to them. about a matter of fact, you may summon academic
Crown of Power: You come into the possession of thugs to beat that person up while they are alone.
a generically magical and powerful crown. Choose You may engage them in a persuasion contest
one villain subject to approval by the GM. That against their athletics skill.
Villain cannot accomplish his or her main objective
without first stealing your crown. LEVEL 3 TALENTS :
Geographic Knowledge: You know where
everything is. You have heard of every town and
monastery, even secret or legendary ones, and
LEVEL 1 WINDFALLS: know how to get there if you know where you are.
Fire Potion: You gain a corked plastic vial full of fire Sagely Tripe: You can always make someone
potion. When you throw it on the ground, the cork believe something (any object or concept) is
pops out, and a fire 1x1x2 meters large happens in important, so long as you don’t reveal the nature of
the area where you threw it. Because you have to it’s importance.
take it out, it cannot be used in combat. After the Single Mindedness: You can never be at a
fire ends, you may collect the vial and the cork, disadvantage in combat because of a lack of
which are unharmed, and brew a new fire potion
sleep, but if you are awake for more than 40 hours
after you sleep. consecutively you fall asleep for eight hours
Accolades: You and your friends can stay in local immediately and can't be woken.
institutions of learning for free, and will be provided
with food.
Scanner: You gain control of an artifact the nature
Caterday Surprise Potion: You gain a corked
of which you determine which you may use to
plastic vial full of cater day surprise potion. When
figure out the exact chemical composition of
you throw it on the ground, the cork pops out, and
anything, and what physical disease anything is
seven multicolored illusory cats appear in the area
afflicted with (if any)
where you threw it and scatter. Because you have
to take it out, it cannot be used in combat. After
LEVEL 2 WINDFALLS the fire ends, you may collect the vial and the cork,

Page 33
which are unharmed, and brew a new caterday
surprise potion after you sleep.
Academic Community: From any location, if you
wait one day, you summon an academic person to
you who can make a master level lore check.
Textbook: You come into the possession of an
invaluable textbook which contains everything you
would ever want to know about either geography,
physics, biology, or history between 30 and 500
years ago. Choose one when you take this

Scarecrow: After only a short amount of time
determined by the GM, using the materials handy
and ones you keep, you can fashion a scarecrow
that casts a perfect replica of the shadow of any
person or beast you know.
Escape Tools: You are capable of fashioning a
number of devices such as smoke bombs that can
be drawn silently and, if used, will give you 30
seconds to hide from or run away from wherever
you are. Because these require focus to use
without mistaken or premature activation, it cannot
be used in battle. Like that holding cheese makes people move
faster, or that a sheet of paper is stronger than
Aqueous: In an hour, you can dilute anything in
steel when you fold it a certain way. Any choice
water equal to it's weight. You can precipitate it
you make regarding this is subject to the approval
again in another hour, and it comes back in its
of the GM.
original form.
Night Vision X-Ray Goggles: Using these goggles
you can see perfectly in the dark, and through
walls less than two feet thick. Additionally, you
Stoneskin Potion: You gain a corked plastic vial full understand that all illusions are illusions when you
of stoneskin potion. When you pour it out on encounter them.
someone, they become stone skinned. When you
pour it in food, people eating that food become
stone skinned. Being stone skinned stops you
from being felled (gaining the fallen condition) Versatile Arms: Whenever a task requires you to
because of traps, and lose ten maximum guard have a specific tool, you can always fasten a
while you are stone skinned. You must use all of it facsimile of it out of what you have, with the
for it to have an effect. If your vial is empty, you exception of keys. (Although, you can fasten lock
may brew a new stoneskin potion after you sleep. picks).

Major Discovery: You discover something Solvent: You can burrow through almost anything
important that changes the way the world works. (GM decides what can and cannot be burrowed

Page 34
to have an effect. If your vial is empty, you may
brew a new paralyzing potion after you sleep.
Popular Professional: No one will ever dispute a
factual statement that you make publicly. They are
forced to pretend they agree with you in matters of
fact while in your presence.
University In Your Name: A university is built in
your name and attended by many students. You
may offer scholarships to this university to
influence people, use the building and facilities as
you please, and call on professors to aid you. The
GM decides the limits of their aid.

Perfect Relation: When you tell someone a story, if
you convince them that it is true (note: not required
if it is not a lie) they remember it with such clarity
that they will tell others that they experienced the
events first hand.
Map Master: If you are in a settlement, you know
how to get to any other settlement in half of the
time it would usually take.
Contraptionist: In an hour you can repair anything
broken to its original function.

through. Stone walls generally can) without making Recovery Potion: You gain a corked plastic vial full
a check at a rate of 1m per minute.
of healing potion. When drunk, it removed the
Adhesive: You can stick anything against anything fallen status condition, and is freed from all curses
else with a bond that takes a veteran athletics and diseases. You may use this potion twice per
check to break, providing that you can lift at least day before your vial is empty. Because you must
one of the things being stuck. Other people can get it out, you can't use it in combat. If your vial is
help you with the lifting. empty, you may brew a new healing potion after
you sleep.
LEVEL 8 WINDFALLS Field Shattering Discovery: You discover
Paralyzing Potion: You gain a corked plastic vial something important that changes the way the
full of paralyzing potion. When you pour it out on world works. Like that buttons are immune to
someone, they become paralyzed skinned. When magic or a way to ask people questions in another
you pour it in food, people eating that food time or timeline. Any choice you make regarding
become paralyzed. Being paralyzed gives you the this is subject to the approval of the GM.
status condition fallen, and you can get rid of it the Fantastic Machine: You build a machine that can
usual way. Because the vial is cumbersome, you preform any one task perfectly 100% of the time
cannot use it in combat. You must use all of it for it that would normally require a master level skill

Page 35
check in any skill to accomplish. Choose what you people and things that you want to know more
want it to do when you choose this windfall. about at one level higher than you would be able
to otherwise.

Minor Magic: You can achieve any sort of small
Spellbook (Summon Snow): You gain a light blue effect that doesn't majorly change the environment
spell book. After spending one minute reading
or the people in it, such as shooting harmless
incantations, you may summon seven cubic colored sparks a few feet in the air, heating,
meters of snow, all of which must be unoccupied cooling, or flavoring a drink, or making someone's
space within thirty meters of you, and come in a
shadow dance around. The GM is the ultimate
heap. After you look away from it for one minute, it arbiter of what this can and cannot do.
disappears. You cannot summon more snow when
Howling Winds: You can cause winds to blow
any of the snow you summoned still exists.
everything away in a 20 meter radius that is less
Crystal Ball: You gain possession of a crystal ball dense than a coin and not somehow bound to the
which, when you look into it, will allow you to see
things from any perspective available within 30m
Flash: You can choose to glow incredibly bright
of you.
light, which illuminates everything within 15 meters
Ghost Pouch: You gain a pouch full of ghosts that of you.
you can ask general questions about history and
directions. Using it you can make a lore check
when trying to figure out where to go, or
something that happened, one level higher than Spellbook (Summon Statues): You gain a light grey
you would be able to otherwise. spell book. after spending one minute reading
incantations, you may summon a statue of yourself
that is at least as large as you and up to twice your
size and up to six more people. When you
Spellbook (Summon Caltrops): You gain a dark summon a statue, it appears around the person it
grey spell book. After spending one minute reading
depicts. that feels like stone when touched on the
incantations, you may summon enough caltrops outside. If it is struck it instantly disappears. It
(spikes which hurt your feet to steep on) to cover a weighs nothing and moves when you/the person it
16x16 meter space on the ground heavily. After
is around moves. They disappear when you
you look away from the caltrops for one minute, dismiss them. You cannot summon more statues
they disappear. You cannot summon more caltrops
while any that you have summoned still exist.
when any of the caltrops you summoned still
Magic Doll Sack: You gain a sack that magically
fills with a doll of anyone you are thinking of, which
Lair: You gain a crystal which you can throw down
animates when placed on something. The dolls are
onto the ground to open a portal to a room 30m by not aware of you, and realistically depict
30m with a 4m high ceiling. You can't break the
interactions between the people they represent
walls of it. It is decorated however you like. No one when they interact with one another.
can enter through the portal without you permitting
Wizard's Familiar: You gain a familiar that is any
them to.
small animal your GM approves of. It cannot fight
Internet Access: You gain a small plastic bar which in combat, but it can hide/appear innocuous in
when turned on projects a computer screen. It
allows you to make lore checks about specific

Page 36
places you couldn't get to collect information for warriors. They believe they are real and are loyal to
you. you, but if they touch anyone they disappear. You
can summon them as far as 60m away from you,
LEVEL 5 TALENTS as long as you can see where you have summoned
them. After you look away from the caltrops for
Puddle-Jump: You may teleport while standing in a
one minute, they disappear. You cannot summon
puddle to another puddle that you can see, and so
more illusory warriors while any that you have
can everyone touching you, as long as the group
summoned still exist.
together would fit in both puddles.
Lair Mirror: You gain a crystal which you can throw
Ice Beam: You can freeze a small surface before
down onto the ground to open a portal to a room
them on the water using a beam, and move the
30m by 30m with a 4m high ceiling. You can't
beam to freeze more of the area. The beam,
break the walls of it. It is decorated however you
pointed in one place, makes a platform of ice one
like. Inside the lair is a magic mirror which you can
meter across.
use to contact anyone you know the name. You
Wither: You can kill small plants and flowers (up to
see them and they see you as a ghost hovering
your weight) by touching them. You decide what
over them. (Put the mirror in your existing lair if you
this does and does not affect.
have one, and gain no second crystal.)
Ring Of Weather Control: You may change the
LEVEL 6 WINDFALLS weather to anything within the normal range of
Spellbook (Summon Illusory Warriors): You gain a weather for an area at any time. So, you can't
red spell book. After spending one minute reading cause a firestorm on Ooo, but in the nightosphere
incantations, you may summon seven illusionary it may be entirely possible. The GM is the ultimate
arbiter of what "normal weather" constitutes.

Superheat: You can touch a non-flammable object
no bigger by volume than yourself and bring it to a
heat just below its melting point. Anyone touching
it other than you takes damage (how much is up to
the GM) and depending on the thickness of the
object may be malleable.
Green Thumb: You can triple the age of any plant
over the course of a few seconds once per day.
D r a g o n B re a t h : A f t e r t h i r t y s e c o n d s o f
concentration you may breathe etherial fire into an
environment, blinding everyone within 30m of you
and causing them to fall to the ground for one

Spellbook (Summon Gold): You gain a gold colored
spell book. After spending one minute reading
incantations, you may summon eight gold bricks

Page 37
on the ground next to you. After you look away one minute, it disappears. You cannot summon
from the caltrops for one minute, they disappear. more snow when any of the snow you summoned
You cannot summon more illusory warriors while still exists.
any that you have summoned still exist. Lair Cistern: You gain a crystal which you can
Portal Ring: When you take this windfall, choose throw down onto the ground to open a portal to a
one of the following: the deadworld, the room 30m by 30m with a 4m high ceiling. You
nightosphere, mars, or another location that your can't break the walls of it. It is decorated however
GM approves of. You may use this ring to teleport you like. (Put the cistern in your existing lair if you
you and anyone touching your hand after thirty have one, and gain no second crystal.) Looking
seconds of focusing to the location you specified. into the cistern a person sees everyone that they
Where it drops you is up to the GM, but when you have ever defeated in combat. After an hour in
use it again in the same manner, it brings you back meditation, you can take on the appearance of any
to exactly where you were when you first used it. person you see in the cistern.
Acolytes: You can summon an acolyte by Demonic Wishing Eye: You gain a demonic wishing
expressing the desire to see one and waiting a day. eye which you can use to summon anything non-
When the acolyte arrives, they can help you with magical less than your size to you after thirty
any skill check. The GM should treat it as if a seconds of wishing. If you summon something
character with one skill level lower than you is living, it acts as it normally would. You can't
helping you with the task. An acolyte will not fight summon anything that isn't actually real. You may
for you. only summon up to five things at a time. Nothing
you summon can fight for you.
Earthquake: After a minute of sizing up the area,
you can stomp on a very specific spot on the
ground, causing a mild earthquake. This can shake
loose boulders or start landslides if the geography
accommodates it.
Sink: You can sink structures into the ground at a
rate of three meters per minute to a maximum
depth of twenty meters
Thought Place: After a minute of preparation which
no one may detect, you may make a person or
creature see one object that isn't there. It either
moves into their vision, or they believe that they
simply didn't see it before.

Spellbook (Summon Earth): You gain a dark brown
spell book. After spending one minute reading
incantations, you may summon one hundred cubic
meters of dirt, all of which must be unoccupied
space within three hundred meters of you
including in the air). After you look away from it for

Page 38
~ Fighting Styles Brawler Level 5
This section contains a list of the fighting styles Choose one of the following:
you may choose from in this game. For more Warcry (Toggle) (Damage: 4/5) When you make an
information about how to use these fighting styles, attack with this toggled on, that attack has priority
see the character building section on page 3. (it always goes first in a round, unless another
faster combatant is using an attack that also has
priority. See page 10)
Knock Out (Option) When you plan to use this
Those who fight as brawlers are generally on the option, choose a target standing next to you, and
brawnier end of brains-brawn spectrum. This style make an effect roll against it. On a roll of 6 or
is all about hitting people, and dealing with getting higher, the target is asleep.
hit. They are often seen as peripheral because of
their simple tactics, but not many could get far
Brawler Level 7
without a big guy in the front to soak things up.
Choose one of the following:
They tend to fight with clubs, axes, large swords,
etcetera. Heavy weapons are only shunned by Guts (Intrinsic) When you are burned, wounded, or
others because they can’t lift them. dazed, whenever you would deal damage, deal
more equal to four plus your level.

Brawler Level 1
Choose one of the following:
Quick Slash (Intrinsic) Whenever someone makes a
ranged attack and is standing in a space next to
yours, you may make an opportunity attack
against them.
Restrain (Intrinsic) Whenever you are able to make
an opportunity attack against someone for moving
out of a space next to yours, instead of dealing
damage, you may choose to end their movement.

Brawler Level 3
Choose one of the following:
Laugh It Off (Option) When you use this option,
you regain all the blood and guard that you lost
because of the last attack that hit you. You may
only use this action if at least one attack hit you
last turn.
Guard Posturing (Option) When you use this
option, until the end of the battle or until you lose
all of your guard, any time a enemy combatant
would do damage to a space adjacent to the one
you are in, they instead deal it to the one you are
in, even if that would be impossible otherwise.

Page 39
Hardy (Intrinsic) When an effect roll is made flinches. (It is unable to act this round if it has not
against you, and the combatant is asked to meet a acted already).
number less than 11, they instead must meet 11. Defensive Focus (Toggle) (Damage: 3/4) When you
attack with this toggled on, the first combatant
Brawler Level 9 who deals damage to you between now and the
Choose one of the following: end of the round takes the same amount of
damage dealt by this attack.
Fervor (Toggle) (damage: 3/4) When you make an
attack with this toggled on, after you deal damage,
you add the amount of damage you dealt to your Duelist Level 5
guard, but may not exceed your maximum guard. Choose one of the following:
Scrappy (Toggle) (Damage: 2/3) Wounding Strike (Toggle) (Damage: 4/5) When you
When you attack with this toggle switched on, until attack with this toggled on, make an effect roll
either you or the combatant hit with this attack against the combatant you damage. On a roll of 16
moves from their space, any time a ranged attack or higher, it is wounded(L/2+1) where L is your
that targets you, make an effect roll against your level.
that combatant. On a roll of 11 or lower, the attack Always On Guard (Intrinsic) Each time a combatant
hits the combatant hit with scrappy instead. fails an effect roll against you, they take damage
equal to half of your current blood.

Duelist Level 7
Duelists are used to single combat, and are very
Choose one of the following:
good at isolating and decimating enemies. Duelists
Braggadocio (Option) When you plan to use this
are often the sort of people who like to show of,
option, choose a creature within four spaces of
and fight just as much for their onlookers as their
you. Make an effect roll against it. On a 14 or
life. They tend to wield light weapons, including
higher, you gain the steeled condition and they
rapiers, whips, and light swords.
gain the marred condition.
Appraisal: (toggle) (Damage: 3/4)
Duelist Level 1
When you deal damage to a combatant with this
Choose one of the following:
toggled on, allies who damage the combatant this
Opportune Strikes: (Intrinsic) If you target someone attack hits between now and when your turn next
who hasn't moved yet in the round, deal extra
comes up do extra damage to half your cunning
equal to half your cunning (rounded up). (rounded up).
Canny Withdrawal: (Intrinsic) Whenever a
combatant tries to make an opportunity attack
Duelist Level 9
against you, that combatant must make an effect
Choose one of the following:
roll against you. On an 8 or higher, they proceed as
normal. Otherwise, they deal no damage. Perfect Parry (Intrinsic)
When a combatant has a disadvantage on an
effect roll against you, and they fail that roll, they
Duelist Level 3
get whatever would have happened to you had
Choose one of the following:
they succeeded.
Repost: (Toggle) (Damage: 1/1) When you attack
Ultimate Guile (Intrinsic)
with this toggled on, make an effect roll against the
combatant you damage. On a roll of 16 or higher, it

Page 40
you. It gains the marred condition. Before the first
round of combat, you may use this option once for
free (without an action) and apply its effects before
the first round begins.
Bless (option) When you use plan to use this
option, choose a combatant within four spaces of
you. It gains the steeled condition. Before the first
round of combat, you may use this option once for
free (without an action) and apply its effects before
the first round begins.

Caster Level 3
Choose one of the following:
Vengeful Casting (Intrinsic) Whenever you gain a
status condition, the combatant that gave it to you
gains the same condition.
Hallucinate (Option)
When you plan to use this option, choose a
combatant within four spaces of you, and make an
effect roll against it. On a roll of 5 or higher, the
target is confused.

Caster Level 5
Choose one of the following:
Push (Option) When you plan to use this option,
Lower the number you have to meet or exceed choose a combatant within four spaces of you,
when making an effect roll by 4. It can never be and move them in any direction (other than up or
made lower than 11 by this. down) a number of spaces equal to two plus 1/4th
of your cunning rounded down.
Caster Donk! (Option) When you plan to use this option,
choose a combatant within four spaces of you,
Casters are people who fight with magic, but not
and make an effect roll against it. On a roll of 5 or
with fireballs. They set curses on their enemies and
higher, the target is dazed.
beef up their allies. People who use the caster
fighting style but are non magical often use
technology and science to punish their enemies. Caster Level 7
Casters typically though cast spells from their Choose one of the following:
hands, or through orbs, staffs, or rods. Barrier (Option) When you use this option, choose
three spaces within five spaces of you. If no one is
Caster Level 1 in them, put a 'barrier' in them. While there is a
Choose one of the following: barrier in that space, nothing may pass through it.
If something attacks the space that the barrier is
Curse (option) When you use plan to use this
in, it disappears.
option, choose a combatant within four spaces of

Page 41
Singe (Option) When you plan to use this option, Power Attack: (Toggle) (Damage: 5/2) When plan to
choose a combatant within four spaces of you, attack with this toggle switched on, choose your
and make an effect roll against it. On a roll of 5 or target now, but do nothing when your turn comes
higher, the target is burned. up. Next round, do exactly as you had planned
your action for this turn.
Caster Level 9
Choose one of the following: Slinger Level 5
Rejuvenation (Option) When you use this action, if Choose one of the following:
you or any friendly combatants adjacent to you are Quick Feet: (Intrinsic) You cannot be dazed.
dazed, wounded, burned, marred, or confused, Thick Skin: (Intrinsic) You cannot be burned.
you or they are no longer.
Tricky (Intrinsic) Any time you use an option that Slinger Level 7
does not involve dealing damage, it has priority if
Choose one of the following:
you want it to.
Quick Counter: (Intrinsic) When you take damage
from a melee attack, the one who made the attack
Slinger takes 1/4th of the damage that they dealt rounded
Those who fight as slingers do so with the idea
that someone can't hurt you if they are dead. The Reckless Attack: (toggle) (Damage: 3/4) When you
only thing that they care about is dishing out as deal damage with this attack, you may add extra
much damage as they can as quickly as possible. damage equal to up to half your remaining guard.
Slingers are incredibly drivers, ranging from fireball After dealing the damage, you lose guard equal to
slingers to dual-weapon warriors. There is no one the amount you added to the attack.
thing that they tend more to fight with more than
any other, but whatever it is they tend to fight with Slinger Level 9
it a lot. Choose one of the following:
Streamlined Strikes (Toggle) (Damage: 4/3)
Slinger Level 1 When you attack with this toggled on, if took
Choose one of the following: damage between the last time you attacked and
Learn Weakness: (Intrinsic) If you would deal now, this attack's damage modifier is 3/4 instead
damage to a creature who you dealt damage to of 4/3. You cannot toggle this off after first you
with an attack on your last turn, deal L/2+1 extra toggle it on, and you may have another toggle
damage, where L is your level. toggled on as well while you have this toggled on.
The Element Of Surprise: (Intrinsic) If you would No guard (Damage: 3/2)
deal damage to a creature, and you did not deal When you attack with this toggle switched on,
damage to them last turn, deal L+1 extra damage. reduce your guard to zero, then deal your damage.
The next time your turn comes up, restore your
Slinger Level 3 guard to what it was when you attacked.

Choose one of the following:

Finishing Blow: (Toggle) (Damage: 2/1) When you Disruptor
attack with this toggle switched on, you may do
Disruptors are an odd bunch. They maintain
nothing on your next turn.
control of the battlefield through a mixture of

Page 42
speed and strategy. They are great at putting Unexpected Movements (Toggle) When you make
themselves in the perfect position to strike, and an attack with this toggled on, that attack has
striking at their foe's most vulnerable areas. priority
Rebounding Fire (Intrinsic) Each time a combatant
Disruptor Level 1 fails an effect roll against you, they take damage
Choose one of the following: equal to half of your cunning.

Tricks Up Your Sleeve: (Intrinsic) Every time you are

hit by a melee or ranged attack, make an effect roll Disruptor Level 9
against your attacker. On a 15 or 16, the target is Choose one of the following:
wounded(L/2+1), on a 17 or 18, the target is Guardian: (Intrinsic) You may make as many
burned, and on a 19 or 20, the target is dazed. opportunity attacks in between your turns as you
Ambush: (Intrinsic) Whenever a combatant tries to have the opportunity to make.
end its movement in a space you occupy, you may In Two Places At Once (Option) When you use this
make an opportunity attack against it. action, create a copy of yourself in a space next to
you. Whenever one of you looses blood or guard,
Disruptor Level 3 both do. You may have both of them move their
Choose one of the following: field speed on a turn, but only one of them may
attack. This clone is essentially illusory, and can’t
Defensive Clarity: Whenever a combatant makes
be used outside of battle to carry twice as much,
an effect roll against an ally in a space next to you,
or etcetera.
they make it against you instead. The ally still gets
the effect if they succeed however.
Wound chance (Toggle) (Damage: 4/5) (lock)
When you attack with this toggled on, make an
effect roll against the combatant you damage. On
a roll of 16 or higher, it is wounded(L/2+1) where L
is your level.

Disruptor Level 5
Choose one of the following:
Beguiling Movements: (Intrinsic) Whenever
someone would damage you, they act as though
they are confused. (If one of their allies is next to
them, they must damage the ally instead. P 12.)
Wound Targeting: (Toggle) (Damage: 3/4) When you
attack with this toggled on, if you would damage a
combatant that is burned, dazed, wounded, or
marred, you deal extra damage equal to half your

Disruptor Level 7
Choose one of the following:

Page 43
Searching for an ancient relic: the players could be
~ Campaign Building trying to find a famous sword, or hidden temple,
for either the wealth, or fame that would
This section, to be used by the game master,
accompany finding it, or to use it to accomplish
breaks down how to be a GM. It discusses
some shared goal.
designing a plot arch for your players to follow,
how to narrate the world that players are Complications:
interacting with, how to design dungeons, -­‐ No one knows where the relic is and the players
enemies, and battlefields, and the choices that a must quest to find out.
GM can make to alter the way the game works for -­‐ The relic is guarded by a Legendary Monster.
their players. See the table of contents if you are -­‐ Their guide to the relic’s location betrays them.
looking specifically for one of the things listed -­‐ Weather and natural calamities impede their
above. search.
-­‐ The relic they find is a fake and they need the real
Quest Hooks one.
-­‐ The relic is guarded by traps and other obstacles.
Generally speaking, the players decide the
-­‐ Taking the relic somehow harms the local area in
backgrounds for their characters, and for a reason
a way that is unacceptable to the players, so they
that you or they decide are drawn to congregate
must find a way to stop that.
with each other in a place that is new to all/most of
them in order to complete a quest. Here are some
ideas for what that quest might be, along with Stopping Corruption/Thwarting Evil: the players
complications and difficulties they might find out about a specific evil person that is hurting
encounter. Remember that you are free to steer people, and want to depose him or her, or, if they
them towards doing anything; these are just are less good hearted, want to gain power and are
suggestions. using the person’s evil deeds as an excuse to
usurp him or her.

Page 44
Complications: -­‐ Steal the money from some kind of central bank
-­‐ The evildoer lives in a heavily fortified and or storage facility.
guarded castle, which the players must find a
way to sneak into. Reversing A Calamity: The players want to help a
-­‐ Alternatively, they must raise an army to settlement recover from a natural disaster or other
storm it. calamity, or reject an occupation, by doing a
-­‐ The evildoer has many body doubles. number of small things to improve living conditions
-­‐ The evildoer is constantly on the move, and one and defensibility of the settlement.
step ahead of the players. Sub Goals To Accomplish:
-­‐ The evildoer is actually in the service of a greater -­‐ Improve the settlement’s infrastructure by
authority broadly perceived as good. gathering materials and constructing irrigation
-­‐ The evildoer plans to attack a specific location, systems, roads, etc.
and they must sabotage the attack or find -­‐ Drive natural threats, such as monsters, from the
another way of defending from it. settlement.
-­‐ Organize a militia from the locals by healing rifts
Pilgrimage: The players need to travel a great in the community.
distance, either to deliver some good for money, to -­‐ Sabotage the equipment and institutions of the
ask a powerful person for help to solve some great occupiers.
problem, to deliver an important message, or really Complications:
for any reason that you care to think of. - Locals profiting from the disaster try to sabotage
Complications: or assassinate the players.
-­‐ Local authorities do not wish for the players to -­‐ The players are captured by the occupiers.
complete their journey, and must be convinced,
bribed, or attacked. Maintaining The Order: The players are charged
-­‐ Bandits are preying on the group to steal their with defending a Royal person’s state of affairs
-­‐ The players must travel through a very dangerous
area riddled with monsters and traps.
-­‐ A natural disaster makes traveling impossible.
-­‐ Players are mistaken for criminals and

Raising Money: The players need to come into a

large amount of money for some reason. Perhaps
collectively they owe the state a lot of money, they
need to help their relatives, or get the ransom for
someone or something important to them.
Ways to raise money:
-­‐ Seek patrons, and rely on philanthropy while
becoming engaged in the political underworld
-­‐ Get contracted to do mercenary work, or other

Page 45
from usurpers and rebels who wish to remove him then get another opportunity to achieve their goals.
or her from power. Rewarding them in meaningful ways however can
Complications: be more difficult.
-­‐ The ruler’s son or daughter wishes to usurp him Now, the best kind of reward that a Game Master
or her. can give players is story based rewards. They
-­‐ The ruler is a bad leader the players find out, and defend the town from attack and thus the town
are caught between loyalty & duty, and doing isn’t destroyed. Everyone is happy. In this capacity,
what is good for the people. the general currency you have for rewarding your
players is honor and renown. Perhaps the people
-­‐ The has irrational fears that the players must
of the town throw them a huge celebration.
cater to satisfying.
Perhaps they become so famous that when they
-­‐ The ruler’s fortress is under siege and the players
enter another town, they overhear people telling
have to defend it.
legends about them, or children pretending to be
Player Rewards: Level Up, That is an excellent way to make players feel good
about the way that they are impacting the world,
Scrolls, & Relics but generally, this needs to be spiced with material
In order to get players care about what is rewards as well. Because there isn’t much for
happening in the game they are playing, you, as a players to buy with wealth, treasure becomes more
of a story reward and is thus not a great way to
game master, have to find ways to reward their
success, and, to a lesser extent, punish their improve players. The most obvious way is by
leveling their characters up. In this game, the GM
failure. Punishing failure is generally a very short
term ordeal. They roll badly on a skill check of has complete control over how, when, and why
some kind and they hurt themselves temporarily, or players advance in levels. It is a good idea to
announce that they have leveled up at the end of a
embarrass themselves. Even if they all fall (P. x)
and lose in a fight, they could just be captured and gaming session, for whatever reason you give
them. Leveling the players up represents that they
have significantly improved themselves by
accomplishing whatever they have accomplished.

This game has two kinds of items that the players

can be given by the game master as rewards as
well. Scrolls, and Relics.
Scrolls are magic items which go away after use,
and allow players to make a skill check at a much
higher level than they otherwise would be. For
example, you could give them a scroll of Expert
Athletics, which would allow them to make one
check as if they had the expert athletics skill.
They don’t always have to be scrolls, and there are
many ways to theme them. The could be spells for
summoning demons to do your bidding, powerful
but fragile technology, horns to summon animals

Page 46
or other creatures, or potions to temporarily
increase their strength.
Scrolls really really help out small parties. The
amount of these that you give out should depend
on how much players will need them to proceed.
They are minor rewards that you can dole out mid-
quest if they are struggling. For example, they
aren’t strong enough to lift some rocks? Maybe the
search around and find a scroll that lets them do
just that.
Relics can be used as plot keys, but also general
utilities. They are items which give players access
to talents that you invent while they are holding
them. For example, they might get a jetpack which
would allow one of them to fly while they were
wearing it, or a sword which can open a portal to
the nightosphere. They can be as powerful or weak two or three sentences is fitting), but when you do,
as you’d like them to be, and aren’t all that difficult they should be highly evocative.
to design as rewards. Using Skill Checks
Just be sure not to load your players up with too Whenever the players want to do something that it
many relics though, or you might find it difficult to seems like a person could fail at, they need to
challenge them. make a skill check (see page 13) unless they have
a field move that specifically covers what they
want to do. You are the ultimate arbiter of whether
Narration or not a field move covers something. Generally
The basic task of the GM is to describe what speaking, the player will tell you they want to do
happens in the world when the players interact something and you tell them what kind of check to
with it. That is, to control the environments that make.
appear, and the way other people and Pokemon When assigning a difficulty level to a task, use the
react to the presence and actions of the guides in the skill section to figure out what it
characters. When you are a GM, you either need to would be based upon its relative difficulty
do a heck of a lot of planing, or make a lot of stuff compared to the examples.
up as it comes at you. Generally a combination of Assign advantages and disadvantages whenever
the two is preferred. something in the world is making the task
When players enter an area, give an overview of unusually simple or hard.
the notable things in it by name, and describe the Many of the obstacles you put in the player’s way
sensations that their characters might be (meaning walls that need climbing, guards that
experiencing when entering it. need bribing, and switches that need spotting) will
One important thing to remember here is that this require skill checks to overcome. When putting
land of Ooo is larger than life. It is a high fantasy obstacles in the way of players, make sure they are
setting. Everything is breathtakingly beautiful, or compatible with the plot and scene you are
else jaw-droppingly terrifying. In nature at least. making, but it is a good idea to throw in obstacles
Don’t spend too long describing things (generally

Page 47
at persuasion because the player is trying to
convince them to give them lodging for the night.
The point of the persuasion skill, and the reason
the player has it, is so that he or she can
accomplish the very task which making a farmer
like that prevents them from accomplishing.
Here are some archetypical people and the skills
they might have. If a skill isn’t mentioned, they are
untrained in it.

Craftsman, Common: Amateur Tinkering

Craftsman, Renowned: Veteran Tinkering
Craftsman, Hermit: Expert Tinkering, Amateur Lore
Farmer: Untrained in all skills
Common Traveler: Untrained in all skills
Merchant, Small Time: Amateur Persuasion
Merchant. Wealthy: Veteran Persuasion, Amateur
specifically for the players to overcome with the Deception
new talents and skills they are excited about. For
State Financier: Expert Persuasion, Veteran
example, if a player just got a talent that allowed Deception
them to climb walls much easier, they should
Advisor: Veteran Persuasion, Veteran Lore
probably encounter a wall that they have to climb
Advisor, Corrupt: Expert Deception, Veteran Lore
over. This makes players feel good about their
choices, and like they are contributing to the Warrior: Veteran Athletics, Amateur Awareness
success of the group. Warrior, Famous: Expert Athletics, Amateur
Warrior, Leader: Veteran Athletics, Veteran
Building NPCs Persuasion, Veteran Awareness
When you are making an NPC, it is fine to Guard, Common: Amateur Awareness
introduce the character and worry about its stats Guard, Elite: Veteran Awareness
later. If the players want to fight with an NPC you Aristocratic: Veteran Awareness, Amateur
will have to make an enemy combatant to Persuasion
represent it (page 55), but all you really need to
Wizard, Common: Veteran Lore
have for an NPC is how it will do in skill checks,
Wizard, Skilled: Expert Lore
because they need to be able to compete in
contests against players, and to be hired or incited Thief, Common: Amateur Deception, Amateur
by players to use their skills. Awareness

There is no limit to the amount of skill an NPC can Thief, Master: Veteran Awareness, Veteran
have, but remember to keep it consistent. Don’t Deception
just scale the difficulty of the NPCs with the Actor: Veteran Deception
player’s level without scaling the importance of the Customs Officer: Veteran Persuasion
NPCs. It is a very common mistake to create, for
example, farmers who happen to be super talented

Page 48
This game isn’t really centered around items,
partially because of the lack of currency, but
players will still want and need tools to help them
overcome obstacles. Needing a tool and not
having it for a task should disadvantaging them.
Not needing a relevant tool tool and having it
anyway for a task should advantage them.
The amount of things that a player can carry with
them is up to you, and it is very reasonable for you
to deem that some things are too big for them.
Here are basic tools that players might want to
acquire in towns, what they are useful for, and their
(Remember, to make these you need to have the
materials that compose them, which you as the
GM determine.) Flashlight: This is used to provide light in a specific
direction, using a candle and mirrors. This can be
Axe: This is a tool used for cutting down trees. This bought in cities and borrowed or rented in towns.
can be bought easily in cities or towns. Making Making one in a day requires a veteran crafting
one in two hours is an amateur tinkering check and check. Making one in an hour requires an expert
requires access to a forge. crafting check.

Bedroll: This is for sleeping in. They can be Knife: This is a knife used for carving, and making
purchased in cities and towns usually, although in other tools. You can buy these in cities, but in
towns you might have to pay extra to get a local to towns people will not want to part with them. It
part with theirs. It takes an amateur tinkering takes an amateur tinkering check to make one in
check to make one in four hours. an hour. Making one requires access to a forge.

Bucket: This is used to cary water or other liquids. Fishing Gear: This is for catching fish with. They
It can be bought easily in a city or a town. Making can be bough in cities, and generally borrowed
one requires an amateur tinkering check, and from people in towns. Making fishing gear in three
access to a forge. hours requires an amateur tinkering check

Cart: Generally these are pulled by animals. They Flint & Steel: This is for starting fires easily. They
are used to carry things. Available to buy basically can be bought in cities and towns, and sometimes
everywhere. It takes an amateur tinkering check to scavenged from the wilderness. It cannot really be
make one in a day, and a veteran tinkering check made, as it the raw materials don’t require much
to make one in an hour. honing to fulfill this purpose.

Camera: This can record pictures and video, and Grappling Hook: This is a tool used to help people
display them later. It cannot be made. It can be climb walls. It can be bought in cities, but only
bought in cities. from shady underground dealers. Making one in a
day requires a veteran tinkering check, and access
Cutlery: These are for eating with. A set includes a
to a forge.
plate, a cup, a fork, a knife, and a spoon. You can
buy it basically everywhere. It takes an untrained Hammer: This is used for hitting things, breaking
tinkering check to make this in an hour. things, and crafting other tools. You can buy one in

Page 49
cities and towns. Making one in an hour requires Tape: This is for sticking things together. It can be
an amateur tinkering check. bought in cities or towns easily. Making one in an
Map Case: This is a case that protects maps and hour requires an amateur crafting check.
other paper from the elements. This can be bought Tent: This is for sleeping in and protecting a person
finished in cities. Making one in an hour requires from the elements. These can be bought in cities
an amateur tinkering check. or towns easily. Making one in an hour requires an
Miner’s Pick: This is a pick used for breaking apart untrained tinkering check.
stone. This can be bought in some towns, and will Thieves’s Tools: This includes lock picks, and other
be hard to find in cities. Making one in an hour small tools used for disabling traps and picking
requires an amateur tinkering check and access to locks. This can be bought in cities, but only from
a forge. shady underground dealers.
Musical Instrument: These make music when Torch: This can be lit to provide light in the dark.
played by someone. These can only be bought in These can be bought easily in cities and towns.
cities, and may be hard to come by. How difficult it Making one in five minutes requires an untrained
is and how long it takes to make depends on the tinkering check.
instrument and is determined by the GM. Walkie-Talky: These, when in the same place, can
Pole: This is a long pole generally used for be tuned to the same frequency to allow people to
prodding, or vaulting. This can be bought easily in speak into one and receive the message form the
cities or towns. Making one in an hour requires an other, and vice versa. It cannot be made, and can
amateur tinkering check. be bought in cities.
Rope: This is a twenty meter piece of rope. This Whip: This is a long chord that can be snapped to
can be bought easily in cities or towns. Making hurt people, cut things, wrap around branches to
one in a day requires an untrained tinkering check. swing over chasms, or for a number of other
Shovel: This is a tool used for digging and moving purposes. They can be bought in cities. Making
earth. This can be bought easily in cities or towns. one in two hours requires a veteran tinkering
Making one in two hours is an amateur tinkering check.
check and requires access to a forge.
Here is a list of materials required for crafting
things, and their availability in cities, towns, and
the wilderness.

Cloth: Easily available in towns and cities. Can be

made from cotton or other materials in the
Glass: Available in cities, unavailable in towns and
the wilderness.
Leather: Available in cities easily, and towns
expensively. Can be made in the wilderness with
Metal Bits: Available in cities and towns
expensively. This covers iron, tin, brass, bronze,
and a variety of other cheap working metals.
Generally they come in the form of spare parts

Page 50
is in them when they don’t necessarily progress
linearly in space. See page 67 for an example.
When you get into a dungeon, things might start
sounding a little bit like a text adventure. You tell
the player where the exits are in the room, and
what the notable objects in the room are, as well
as a little bit of description for flavor. Try to make a
room at least look or feel interesting if there isn’t
anything interesting in it. Generally interacting with
those objects helps the player unlock new paths
through the dungeon. There are three kinds of
things found in rooms usually: obstacles, hints,
and enemy combatants.
A hint is jus a pice of information that helps you
out with another puzzle somewhere else in the
Obstacle is just a blanket term for anything that
from old ruined machines. In the wilderness you your characters won’t be able to precede past
sometimes scavenge this, depending on where without overcoming, and which must be overcome
you are. using skill checks. They are very common in
Oil: Available in cities and towns without great dungeons (traps that need disarming, ledges that
difficulty. Cannot be made in the wilderness. need climbing, guards that need hiding form, etc)
Paper: Available in cities, and very rarely in towns. Dungeons aren’t all that hard to create when there
You can’t get this in the wilderness. isn’t tonnes and tonnes of combat involved.
Straw: Available easily in cities, towns, and the
wilderness. Also, this bears repeating: don’t let the complexity
Wood: Available easily in cities, towns, and the of the systems presented in this section fool you
wilderness. into thinking that you have to do everything by the
book. The GM makes decisions on the fly, and at
times, absconds with the rules for the sake of fun.
Dungeon Design: Layout & Obstacles This applies just as much to this part of the book.
So first, what is a dungeon? It is an area, generally When you are creating rooms and obstacles, you
that you have designed beforehand, that has don’t have to think about all the ways in which a
desecrate sections that are filled with obstacles player could overcome them before they encounter
and threats for the players to overcome. them.
A dungeon doesn’t have to be underground or in a
building. It could be in a dense forest, or on a Pulling players into a dungeon is fairly easy in
mountaintop. It just has to be in an area that is almost every kind of plot, if that is where you want
very dangerous, and where the player’s to take it. There is an artifact that they need in the
movements are restricted. dungeon, a creature in the dungeon is terrorizing
When you are designing a dungeon, you might do people, a presence in the dungeon is making the
it on a grid, or if you like you can do it on a land sick and infertile, a major villain goes to hide
flowchart. Flow chart dungeons are incredibly out in the dungeon, etc. A dungeon needs to have
helpful for keeping track of lots of rooms and what a location, a type (eg castle, temple, etc), and

Page 51
usually inhabitants. Here are examples of things To build a dungeon, you will need to build
you could choose. Feel free to roll on them individual rooms. Here is an example of one, and
randomly. archetypes of many others for you to fill in the
specifics of.

D20 Roll Dungeon Location

1-2 Mountain Exterior Example Room:
3-4 Mountain interior Falling Rocks
5-6 Underground in the plains -­‐ Exits: to the south, and to the north. North exit
7-8 Around a volcano sealed shut, by no easily discernible mechanism.
9-10 Built into a glacier -­‐ Object: Lever in the middle of the room. When
11-12 Hidden under a city pulled, a huge rock falls in front of the lever, and
13-14 Sunken into the ocean/a lake the door opens.
15-16 Shrouded in thick undergrowth -­‐ Holding the rock up is a veteran athletics
17-18 Built high in the forest canopy check. On failure, the rock causes the
19-20 Hidden in sand dunes person if fell on to faint.
-­‐ Object: Trap door on the top of the room holding
D20 Roll Dungeon Type back the rock. Amateur awareness check to
1-4 Naturally occurring notice this.
5-8 Temple -­‐ Note: With a Veteran athletics check, the players
9-12 Castle can pry open the door to the north. They get a
13-16 Tomb disadvantage if they don’t have a tool to help
17-20 Mine them.

As you can see, when you make a room, you

D20 Roll Dungeon Inhabitants
should list the exits, the objects in the room, and
1-4 Powerful intelligent humanoid dungeon
as notes, anything that the players can do to the
lord, with loyal retainers and hired
room without interacting with the objects to
guards as servants.
change it. You don’t need to exhaustively explore
5-8 Wizardly dungeon lord, and acolyte/
everything that they can do.
undead servants.
9-12 Powerful Monster dungeon lord, and
dependent monster defenders. Room Archetypes:
13-16 Giant regular monster dungeon lord, Trap Room
and offspring or kin servants. -­‐ Flavor: This is generally something that someone
17-20 No lord; just traps. Scattered wild has put into a room specifically to stop people
monsters serving their own interests. form moving on. Traps are activated by players
inadvertently, generally by stepping on things,
and sometimes by pulling levers which lead them
D20 Roll Dungeon Lord Quirks to believe they did something else. Typical ones
1-4 Arrogant include spike pits, falling rocks or swinging logs,
5-8 Obsessed walls which move in slowly, etc.
9-12 Greedy -­‐ Checks To Make: Generally it is an awareness
13-16 Insane check to spot the trap (because it is hidden), a
17-20 Possessed tinkering check to disarm the trap (with the

Page 52
consequence of failure sometimes being setting it fight the guards. Have their combat stats ready in
off), and sometimes an athletics check if the trap case the players fail.
is set off to avoid its effects. The difficulty of -­‐ Checks to make: Awareness checks to sneak
these checks depend on how well hidden, well past the guards, perhaps deception checks to
made, and deadly the trap is. disguise yourself as a guard and distract them,
and persuasion checks, to bribe or intimidate the
Ruined Room guards.
-­‐ Flavor: These are rooms which used to be
perfectly passable, but because of decay or Long Hallway
calamity have become impassable. Perhaps the -­‐ Flavor: Not specifically populated by traps or
way out is blocked by rocks or plant growth, the guards, but enemies could enter at any moment.
floor is collapsed, or an already sprung trap has They don’t have to though. These rooms can be
made it impossible to move through. used just to connect other rooms if you want the
-­‐ Checks to make: Normally these rooms require dungeon to be spread out, or fit inside some
athletics checks to clear or destroy the debris, architectural schema (like a palace or monastery)
jump over chasms, or climb steep ledges. The -­‐ Checks to make: Rooms along the hallway are
room could also let people use awareness often locked, and tinkering checks are required to
checks to notice easy ways of navigating it, or unlock doors. (Remember that picking a lock is a
lore checks to help the players use knowledge contest against the person who made the lock.)
about botany, or masonry, or anything else
relevant, to find an easy way of getting through.

Safe Room
-­‐ Flavor: These rooms don’t contain anything
dangerous, and are used by players to rest up if
one of their party members have fainted, or
retreat to if things go south. They can easily be
portrayed as peaceful enclaves or abandoned
sleeping quarters for previous residents.
Sometimes these rooms might even have tools
and keys in them to help the players along.
-­‐ Checks to make: No checks here are important
to the function of the room, although awareness
checks might help players find the room (if the
entrance is hidden) or valuables in the room that
aren’t easily seen.

Guard Room
-­‐ Flavor: This room contains hostile residents of
the dungeon. They could be sleeping or
distracted, or vigilant. The players must find a
way to move through the room without fighting
the people in it. Alternatively, they may choose to

Page 53
Awareness checks could be made to sense hints on how to solve it. A riddle room is a
whether or not guards are about to come in, and specific kind of puzzle room where the players
find ways to hide from them. have to solve a riddle to pass. Lore checks are
very valuable, and almost required, in these
Puzzle Room rooms.

-­‐ Flavor: Puzzle rooms are specifically put in place These next two tables are to help you customize
by people to prevent the passage of people who individual rooms, to make them more interesting to
can’t figure out the puzzle. They don’t necessarily the players. You can roll randomly on them, but
have to have been put there by the current because they involve a lot of creativity on your
inhabitants of the dungeon. A puzzle could also part, it might be best to pick whichever you have a
take the form or a novel lock which is opened by good idea for.
some means other than a key (and therefor can’t
be picked in the usual way) D20 Roll Ineffectual Room Differences
-­‐ Checks to make: Generally players have to figure 1-4 Walls are lined with gems, runes, art, etc
out how to get through the puzzle you made 5-8 Traces of a creature or creatures which
without using skills, but you can allow them to tell a story of some kind (fighting, eating,
make lore checks which will give them etc)
background information about the puzzle and 9-12 Overpowering smell. Floral, sulfurous,
poison etc.
13-16 Distant noise. Chanting, screams,
rumbling, etc.
17-20 A little magic: Rivers flowing backwards,
oddly colored fire, objects which light up
when touched, etc.

D20 Roll Effectual Room Differences

1-4 Puzzle clues. Messages scrawled into
walls, shouted by a disembodied voice,
tattooed in glowing light on the players.
5-8 A large part of the room is fallen away,
flooded, or missing because of calamity.
9-12 A lot of magic: time flows weirdly in the
room, all damage is immediately healed,
spirits and lights swirl around. Portals
distort the space in the dungeon.
13-16 Previous adventurers have already
disabled the traps or hurt the guards.
17-20 As you enter the room, the walls close
in, the floor collapses, etc.

Lastly in this section, on the next page, you will

find an example of a flow chart dungeon.

Page 54

Example Dungeon Puzzle Room. Mole Iron golem is locked

playfully knocks players in a cage. if players talk
down when they enter. If to it they learn that the
Naturally Occurring mountain interior dungeon. players can corner dragon keeps it as a
A greedy green dragon guards a hoard of gold, mole, it will dig them a pet. If they break the
and has stolen the magic crown of the ruler tunnel down. lock, it scares away the
that the players are loyal to. Dungeon is guards to the south.
populated by lizardmen and stone bulls loyal to
the dragon, and large sentient moles who live

there independently.

Guard room. 2 stone-

Entry Way, Safe North Guard room. 2 bulls, 1 lizard. Exit
room. Exit north. South lizards & 1 stone- staircase up. Exit north.
Wes t bull. Exits east, Exit west.
E s
a west, and south. wn

Trap room. If players break

a trip wire rocks fall. Amateur
to spot rocks, veteran to spot Ruined room. Caved in. Lizard
South men can move through easily, but Long hallway. It is a
tripwire, veteran athletics to
orth rocks must be cleared or gotten meeting and eating hall
not fall because of the rocks. If N
around somehow. Exits north, and for the dungeon
everyone faints, they are
staircase down. inhabitants. Players
dragged out of the dungeon in
must hide or seal off the
their sleep. Exit east, and
lizard sleeping quarters
along the room. Exit
West east, exit west.
The dragon’s throne room. Sword suspended from the East
ceiling by rope. If players freed the iron golem, they walk in
on the green dragon fighting it. Golem falls, but the dragon
starts with the hampered defense condition.

NOTE: Not everything will be covered by your pre- guys can be complicated and have complicated
prepared material. Make sure you know enough tactics, but the little guys should be very simple to
general information about the dungeon (like the use. You don’t want to spend a long time deciding
mole population in this example) that you can what these ones will do.
make stuff up quickly if you need to. There are a number of charts on the next page. To
make an enemy, choose a level, a size (small,
medium, or large) a difficulty, two high stats, two
Dungeon Design: Enemy Design low stats, and two middling stats. Record the stats
Inevitably your players are going to fight as they are written on the chart for the difficulty
something, or something is going to try and fight that you chose. (1st number is low, 2nd is medium,
them. A fair bit of this game is devoted to covering 3rd is high.
that exact sort of situation. This section is devoted All of the difficulties are named after how many
to helping you quickly whip up a combatant for players it takes to defeat one (reasonably). So if
your player’s to face. you have four players, making a 4 difficulty
But first, a little design philosophy. Generally combatant will create a challenging fight for them.
speaking in fights, you want one big guy for the Difficulties convey benefits to monsters beyond
players to wail on, and a few subordinates. The big their stats. Monsters are compensated for players

Page 55
1/2 Difficulty Lv 1 Lv 2 Lv 3 Lv 4 Lv 5 Lv 6 Lv 7 Lv 8 Lv 9 Lv 10
Max Blood 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Max Guard: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Cunning: 4, 5, 7 4, 6, 8 5, 8, 10 6, 9, 11 7, 10, 13 8, 12, 15 9, 14, 17 10, 15, 19 11, 16, 21 12, 17, 23
Reflexes: 4, 5, 7 4, 6, 8 5, 8, 10 6, 9, 11 7, 10, 13 8, 12, 15 9, 14, 17 10, 15, 19 11, 16, 21 12, 17, 23
Melee Damage: 4, 5, 7 4, 6, 8 5, 8, 10 6, 9, 11 7, 10, 13 8, 12, 15 9, 14, 17 10, 15, 19 11, 16, 21 12, 17, 23
Ranged Damage: 4, 5, 7 4, 6, 8 5, 8, 10 6, 9, 11 7, 10, 13 8, 12, 15 9, 14, 17 10, 15, 19 11, 16, 21 12, 17, 23
1 Difficulty 4, Lv
5, 71 4, 6,Lv9 2 5, 8Lv
11 3 5, 9,Lv124 Lv14
6, 10, 5 Lv166
7, 11, Lv187
8, 13, Lv 20
8, 14, 8 Lv22
9, 15, 9 9, Lv 10
16, 24
Max Blood 6, 8, 12 8, 11, 16 9, 13, 19 10, 15, 22 11, 17, 25 13, 19, 28 15, 21, 31 16, 24, 34 17, 26, 38 19, 29, 41
Max Guard: 6, 8, 12 8, 11, 16 9, 13, 19 10, 15, 22 11, 17, 25 13, 19, 28 15, 21, 31 16, 24, 34 17, 26, 38 19, 29, 41
Cunning: 4, 5, 7 4, 6, 8 5, 8, 10 6, 9, 11 7, 10, 13 8, 12, 15 9, 14, 17 10, 15, 19 11, 16, 21 12, 17, 23
Reflexes: 4, 5, 7 4, 6, 8 5, 8, 10 6, 9, 11 7, 10, 13 8, 12, 15 9, 14, 17 10, 15, 19 11, 16, 21 12, 17, 23
Melee Damage: 4, 5, 7 4, 6, 8 5, 8, 10 6, 9, 11 7, 10, 13 8, 12, 15 9, 14, 17 10, 15, 19 11, 16, 21 12, 17, 23
Ranged Damage: 4, 5, 7 4, 6, 8 5, 8, 10 6, 9, 11 7, 10, 13 8, 12, 15 9, 14, 17 10, 15, 19 11, 16, 21 12, 17, 23
2 Difficulty Lv 1 Lv 2 Lv 3 Lv 4 Lv 5 Lv 6 Lv 7 Lv 8 Lv 9 Lv 10
Max Blood 12, 16, 24 16, 22, 32 18, 26, 38 20, 30, 44 22, 34, 50 26, 38, 56 30, 42, 62 32, 48, 68 34, 52, 76 38, 58, 82
Max Guard: 12, 16, 24 16, 22, 32 18, 26, 38 20, 30, 44 22, 34, 50 26, 38, 56 30, 42, 62 32, 48, 68 34, 52, 76 38, 58, 82
Cunning: 4, 5, 7 4, 6, 8 5, 8, 10 6, 9, 11 7, 10, 13 8, 12, 15 9, 14, 17 10, 15, 19 11, 16, 21 12, 17, 23
Reflexes: 4, 5, 7 4, 6, 8 5, 8, 10 6, 9, 11 7, 10, 13 8, 12, 15 9, 14, 17 10, 15, 19 11, 16, 21 12, 17, 23
Melee Damage: 4, 5, 7 4, 6, 8 5, 8, 10 6, 9, 11 7, 10, 13 8, 12, 15 9, 14, 17 10, 15, 19 11, 16, 21 12, 17, 23
Ranged Damage: 4, 5, 7 4, 6, 8 5, 8, 10 6, 9, 11 7, 10, 13 8, 12, 15 9, 14, 17 10, 15, 19 11, 16, 21 12, 17, 23
having more abilities than them by simply having 4 Difficulty. Properties: They take two actions when
higher hit points and more damage, but they get their turn comes up. They get an intrinsic, option,
abilities of their own if they have higher difficulties. attack adjustment.

Difficulties: Remember, often the easiest and often most fun

1/2 Difficulty. Properties: These creatures cannot way to run a combat is by making a four difficulty
be damaged by anything except for direct attacks. monster. The players get to wail on something
Because blood and guard are set to nothing here, huge and feel great when they beat it, and you, the
pick one high stat, two medium stats, and one low GM, only have to worry about controlling one
stat. piece.
1 Difficulty. Properties: If you like, you can turn one If you want to make fights even more challenging,
of their high stats into a middle stat, or middle pretend there are more players than there are when
stats into a low stat, to give this an enemy intrinsic, building it, or increase the level of the enemies.
option, or toggle. You don’t have to by any means.
2 Difficulty. Properties: They take two actions when Enemy Intrinsics, Options, and Toggles...
their turn comes up. They get an intrinsic, option, Pick any one ability that a player could get from a
attack adjustment. class (generally, from around the level of the
4 Difficulty Lv 1 Lv 2 Lv 3 Lv 4 Lv 5 Lv 6 Lv 7 Lv 8 Lv 9 Lv 10
Max Blood 24, 32 44 32, 44, 64 36, 52, 76 40, 60, 88 44, 68, 100 52, 76, 112 60, 84, 124 64, 96, 136 68, 104, 152 76, 116, 164
Max Guard: 24, 32 44 32, 44, 64 36, 52, 76 40, 60, 88 44, 68, 100 52, 76, 112 60, 84, 124 64, 96, 136 68, 104, 152 76, 116, 164
Cunning: 4, 5, 7 4, 6, 8 5, 8, 10 6, 9, 11 7, 10, 13 8, 12, 15 9, 14, 17 10, 15, 19 11, 16, 21 12, 17, 23
Reflexes: 4, 5, 7 4, 6, 8 5, 8, 10 6, 9, 11 7, 10, 13 8, 12, 15 9, 14, 17 10, 15, 19 11, 16, 21 12, 17, 23
Melee Damage: 8, 10, 14 8, 12, 16 10, 16, 20 12, 18, 22 14, 20, 26 16, 24, 30 18, 28, 32 20, 30, 38 22, 32, 42 24, 34, 46
Ranged Damage: 8, 10, 14 8, 12, 16 10, 16, 20 12, 18, 22 14, 20, 26 16, 24, 30 18, 28, 32 20, 30, 38 22, 32, 42 24, 34, 46
Page 56
players), (see page 39) or, one of these simple or
broad ones:

Afflict (Option) (Choice: Dazed, Burned, Asleep,

Confused, Wounded(x), Marred)
When you use this action, choose a target within
three spaces of you, and make an effect roll
against it. On a roll of 4 or higher that combatant
gains that status condition that you chose when
selecting this. If you wounded the combatant, x is
half of the your level plus one.
When this is toggled on, you deal damage in the
damage type of the one you chose..
Immunity (Intrinsic) (Choice: Dazed, Burned,
Frozen, Asleep, Confused, Wounded(x))
You are immune to the status condition you chose
between the special terrain and the normal terrain
when you took this.
are clear.
Afflict (Toggle) (Damage: 1/1) (Choice: Dazed,
Difficult Terrain: It takes two spaces of movement
Burned, Frozen, Asleep, Confused, Wounded(x),,
to move through difficult terrain. This could be
represented by swamp or thick underbrush, or
When you deal damage with this toggled on,
anything that slows movement.
choose a target within three spaces of you, and
Covering Terrain: When someone makes a ranged
make an effect roll against it. On a roll of 15 or
attack against a combatant in this space, they roll
higher that combatant gains that status condition
a d20. On a roll of 11 or higher, proceed as normal.
that you chose when selecting this. If you
Otherwise, the attack does no damage. This
wounded the combatant, x is half of the your level
represents a shrub, or a wall, or something that a
plus one.
person could hide behind.
Blocking Terrain: Combatants cannot make ranged
Dungeon Design: Battlefield Design attacks that pass through the space of blocking
terrain, creatures cannot move through the
When designing a playing field, you can put a lot of
blocking terrain, and creatures cannot occupy the
effort into it, or almost no effort at all. The simplest
blocking terrain. This generally represents stone
thing is just to set up a grid with nothing on it but
columns or walls that someone cannot pass
the players and enemies and just describe the
through or shoot through.
surroundings. If you want the surroundings to
Elevated terrain: It takes two spaces of movement
actually affect the combat (which you needn’t
necessarily want) then you have to do a little more to move from other terrain to elevated terrain, and
it is free to move off of elevated terrain onto other
terrain. While you are on elevated terrain, the range
Here is a list of a couple of different kinds of terrain
that you can make ranged attacks at and use
you can include on your maps, and you should feel
options that tell you to select targets at increases
free to make more. Just draw them onto (or
by two.
somehow else mark) your map so that the lines
You should feel free to invent more. Perhaps, using
an action, a player can climb up a cliff, which

Page 57
makes it so that his or her ranged attacks triple in You have to be in the same zone to make a melee
range, and prevent people who aren’t up the cliff attack. You have to be in an adjacent zone to make
from making melee attacks against him or her. I am a ranged attack. You get an opportunity attack
sure there are lots of things you can do with when someone leaves the zone you are in.
terrain. Zones can have certain properties that effect
combat, if you like. See the battlefield design
section (page 67).
Combat Without A Grid
This kind of pen and paper game generally doesn’t
The advantages to this are that it...
require much of a visual presence. A huge part of it
-­‐ Is easier to run
is description and imagination, but in combat you
need to actually physically represent things, and -­‐ Could be more easy to visualize and fluid to be
this isn’t good for playing over Skype, or google on. With only nine spaces to be in or so, players
hangouts, or etcetera. have a lot more conceptual freedom over where
their character is and how he or she is moving.
So how do you do battle without a grid? Here is
-­‐ Involves less intricate planning and concerns
the gist of it:
about occupation
You create discrete and small areas of the map
called zones, which you list/describe for your
players (for example, “the zones are the northwest The disadvantages to this are that it...
corner of the room, the northeast corner of the -­‐ Could be seen as less representative and
room, the southeast corner of the room, and the realistic.
southwest corner of the room.) -­‐ Changes the balance of power, by giving longer
Everyone can move one or two zones (you decide. reach to opportunity attacks, and making a high
It depends on how big the zones are) on their turn. field speed not an asset.
Unlike on a grid, more than one combatant can
occupy the same zone at a time. And there you have it. If you think it would be
useful to you, give it a try.

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