IEEE Guide For SR Switching
IEEE Guide For SR Switching
IEEE Guide For SR Switching
D.F. Peelo, Senior Member IEEE E.M. Ruoss, Life Fellow IEEE
BC Hydro ABB High Voltage Technologies Ltd.
Canada Zurich, Switzerland
I - 1
' V
-* I
1 - 1
- - I I
maturely to zero due to arc instability, a phenomenon referred
to as current chopping.
The value of the chopped current depends on the capacitance
Ct seen from the circuit breaker terminals, the number N of
intempters in series per pole and the socalled chopping num-
ber h for a single interrupter, which is a characteristic value of
the circuit breaker. The chopping current level is given by the
following equation.
Fig. 1. General single line diagram of a directly grounded shunt re-
actor installation
Ls source side inductance
Cs source side capacitance
CB circuit breaker The maximum value of Ct leading to the highest chopping
Lp, Cl, inductance and capacitance of the breaker level and the worst case for the chopping overvoltage occurs
Lb connection series inductance when Cs >> CL in which case C, is given by
load side capacitance (mainly shunt reactor capacitance)
L shunt reactor inductance
e; = C p + C L .
This chopping number concept can be applied to all circuit
2. Reignition oscillations: Three different oscillation circuits breaker types except for vacuum circuit breakers. Ranges for
are involved if a reignition occurs in the circuit breaker due to typical chopping numbers are given in Table 1.
the transient recovery voltage across the circuit breaker.
A "first parallel oscillation" occurs when C discharges TABLE 1. CIRCUIT BREAKER CHOPPING NUMBERS
through the circuit breaker and its inherent inductance L .
The frequency of this oscillation is in the order of 1 to f0
MHz. The circuit breaker will not interrupt the current
I Circuit breaker type I Chopping number h I
associated with this oscillation and therefore has no signifi-
cance with respect to overvoltages. Minimum oil
In the reignition voltage oscillation ("second parallel oscilla- Air blast
tion"), which follows the first parallel oscillation, the capaci-
tances C and CL as well as the inductance Lb are involved
and res& in equalization of the voltages across Cs and Cc
The frequency of the reignition voltage oscillation is in the or-
4-17.lo4 (AF-0.5) I
Current instability fulfilled and the formula leads to conservative results giving
leadingto the highest possible chopping overvoltage factor.
current chopping
Reignition overvoltages
When a reignition in the circuit breaker occurs, the load side
voltage rapidly tends to the source side voltage, but over-
shoots producing a reignition overvoltage as shown in Fig. 3.
The reignition transient oscillates around V'o as axis which is
the case when C is not dominating over C,.The value of
/ VIo is determined i y the following equation
Recovery voltage peak
I, Load side
I I t
Vo is the power frequency crest voltage across the shunt re-
actor at the instant of current interruption and is usually prac-
tically the peak voltage of the power frequency system volt-
age to ground.
This formula can be re-written by introducing the three phase
MVA rating of the reactor and taking Vo as the crest voltage
of the rated system voltage to ground and assuming Cs >> overvoltage
CL and C is negligible. Load slde oscillation
P oscillation
where Reignition
Fig. 6. General schematic for chopping and reignition overvoltages
as well as TRV for the general case of Fig. 5.
Interaction between ohases.
Due to mutual coupling between the individual phases, the in-
:CLv; 1
=-CL[(l+K)vo]2 +-$&
1 2 * teraction manifests itself in the form of beating of the recov-
ery voltage oscillation. The degree of beating is dependent on
2 2 the length of the connection between the circuit breaker and
the reactor and on the type of the shunt reactor. When the cir-
cuit breaker is located close to the shunt reactor, the interac-
tion is minimal or nonexistent (see Fig. Sa). For long connec-
tion length, beating of the recovery voltage will occur as
shown in Fig. Sb due to the phase to phase capacitance C
k, = ( l + K ) I+---K
1 3"
( i + K ) 20Q
High freauencv current intenuotion and voltarre escalation.
The occurrence of a reignition results in several modes of cur-
rent oscillations superimposed on the reestablishing of the
load current. If current zeros are produced the circuit breaker
may attempt to interrupt this current.
In the event an interruption occurs during the second parallel
or main oscillation, the oscillating energy may have changed.
A new reignition may occur close to the recovery voltage
peak, and if the energy has increased, the reignition voltage
may be higher than at the first reignition. This procedure may
be repeated several times with increasing voltage magnitudes.
This is referred to as "voltage escalation" and is a significant
characteristic of vacuum circuit breakers due to the ability to
i o =system peak phase to
- ground voltage interrupt high frequency currents. Other circuit breaker types
may interrupt high frequency currents especially when the
frequency of the reignition current is less than approximately
70 kHz and normally only at lower amplitudes.
I I 1
Vd,.ive = Vo + neutral shift (K x V,) = Surge arresters at the shunt reactor terminals to ground will
vo (I+K) limit the chopping gvervoltages. They will operate only if the
overvoltage is higher then the arrester protective level. The
Fig. 7. Diagram for the calculation ofko energy the arresters have to absorb, even for the highest pos-
a) General diagram for first pole to clear sible chopped current, is an order of magnitude less than the
b) Equivalent diagram line discharge energy, and is of no significancc.
I grounded reactor ungrounded reactor i reactor grounded reactor (general formula)
.................... <..............................................................................................................................
k, j
G 1 . 5 1 s - 0.5
................. :................................................................... .......................................................................................................... <..............................................................................................................................
I 1
K j0 1.5 L
..... ...... -........
kc 1 ak,
0.5+a(k, +0.5)
j K+X(~,+K)
& ........................................................................................................
k, + 0.5 j k,+K
cx is the damping factor associated with the chopping overvoltage oscillation and is in the order of 0.9. A conserva-
tive approach is to assume a =I.
p is the damping factor associated with the reignition overvoltage oscillation and can be assumed to be 0.5.
High chopping overvoltages can be limited by installing Reignitions in modern circuit breakers can be eliminated by
opening resistors and associated resistor switches across the controlled opening of the circuit breaker. Contact parting will
main interrupters of the circuit breakers. Such opening resis- take place at such an instant as to achieve arcing times suffi-
tors are seldom used for modem SF6 circuit breakers since ciently longer than the minimum arcing time. The circuit
the chopping overvoltages are much lower than for air-blast breaker will interrupt the current at the first current zero after
breakers. contact parting but the contact gap will have sufficient dielec-
Metal oxide arresters applied across the circuit breaker can be tric strength to avoid reignitions.
used to limit the reignition overvoltages. Such arresters limit
the magnitude of the transient recovery voltage across the cir-
cuit breaker and consequently also the reignition transients.
Furthermore the probability of occurrence of reignition is re-
1 .
Load side voltage
Load side voltage
n -
/ Shunt reactor current
Fig. Sa. Load side oscillation with circuit breaker located close to Fig. 8b. Load side oscillation with circuit breaker located remote
the shunt reactor from the shunt reactor
It is hardly possible to perform laboratory tests with real This paper presents a summary of the main part of the Appli-
shunt reactors. The purpose of laboratory tests is mainly to cation Guide on Shunt Reactor Switching, which includes al-
determine the chopping number of a single interrupter of the so a bibliography with published articles, and part of the an-
circuit breaker. Further the probability of reignitions can be nexes. Annexes A to F of the Application Guide contain addi-
estimated by searching for the, minimum arcing time. The Ap- tional information on the subject, namely
plication Guide presents in an annex how to apply laboratory Annex A Shunt reactor characteristics
tests to actual shunt reactor installations. Annex B: System and station characteristics
Annex C: General derivation of chopping and reignition over-
Annex D: Oscillation modes
8. CIRCUIT BREAKER SPECIFICATION Annex E: Application of laboratory test results to actual reac-
tor installations
Annex F: Statistical formulas for derivation of chopping and
The specification of circuit breakers for shunt reactor swit- reignition reignition overvoltages.
ching is described in the guide. Given the interactive nature
of the duty, the user must provide electrical details not only
of the voltage, the current level to be switched and the shunt 10. REFERENCES
reactor grounding arrangement, but also of the characteristics
of the complete load side circuit, e.g. the shunt reactor and [ I ] IEEE Standard C37.015 - 1993
the connection arrangement between the circuit breaker and Application Guide for Shunt Reactor Switching
the shunt reactor. Overvoltage limit specification is an impor- [2] IEC Technical Report (Publication 1233).
tant issue and warrants some discussion in this paper. Application Guide for Shunt Reactor Switching
Shunt reactors can be described electrically in terms of their The IEEE Standard C37.015 - 1993 contains a large number of ref-
inductance and inherent parallel capacitance. Typical values erences related to the switching of shunt reactors.
for MV to EHV are given in an annex to the guide. Induc- 1 1. ACKNOWLEDGMENT
tance values range from less than 100 mH at MV to 10 H at
EHV. Corresponding natural frequencies range from 40 kHz
or less to 5 kHz or less. The inherent capacitance for oil-filled The authors acknowledge the dedicated effort of the Working Group
on Shunt Reactor Switching that developed and wrote the applica-
reactors is fairly constant; for dry-type reactors, the capaci- tion guide.The Working Group had the following membership: D.F.
tance is 3 to 4 times lower than for oil-filled reactors and the Peelo (chair), S.S. Bemeryd, J.A. Bonner, J.H. Brunke, R.D. Gar-
natural frequencies will be correspondingly higher. zon, K.I. Gray, S.R. Lambert, A.K. McCabe, D.E. Parr, G.O. Per-
kins, E.M. Ruoss, G. Seyrling, H.M. Smith, D.L. Swindler and T.J.
The connection arrangement contributes electrically to the Tobin.
duty through its capacitance (the series inductance of the con-
necting buswork also contributes, but only to the reignition 12. BIOGRAPHIES
circuit which is not a specification matter as discussed be-
low). Typical capacitance values for buswork, supporting in- D.F. Peelo received his B.E. degree from University College Dublin
in 1965. He joined ASEA after graduation, working in the High
sulators, instrument transformers etc. are provided in an an- Voltage Laboratory of the Power Transmission Products division in
nex to the guide. The sum total of these capacitances, togeth- Ludvika, Sweden. In 1973 he joined BC Hydro working first in the
er with the inherent capacitance of the reactor, constitutes the Quality control and Inspection Department and later in the Stations
effective capacitance to ground of the load side circuit. Engineering Division, where he is currently a Specialist engineer re-
sponsible for the procurement and application of switchgear and
The application guide recommends that the specified limita- surge arresters. He is a Fellow of the IEE and a Senior Member of
tion for the suppression peak overvoltage be 2 pu for EHV the IEEE, and at present is the Vice-Chair, Standards Coordination
of the IEEE PES Switchgear Committee.
and HV applications and 2.5 pu for MV applications. This is
a legitimate specification requirement for the circuit breaker E. M. Ruoss received his diploma in Electrical Engineering from
manufacturer to meet despite the interactive nature of the du- the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich, Switzerland in
1952. He joined Brown Boveri, Baden, Switzerland, as development
ty. Reason: for a given application, reactor rated Q . it has engineer in the High Power Laboratory. After working for 2 years in
been shown that the suppression peak overvoltage is depen- the US he became in 1963 manager of the High Power Laboratory
dent only on the chopping number, which is a characteristic engaged in the development of circuit breakers. From 1976 he was
of the circuit breaker. In contrast, reignition overvoltages are in charge of circuit breaker application and system studies and head
of a study group. At present he is consulting engineer to ABB High
dependent on the interaction between the circuit breaker and Voltage Technologies Ltd., Switzerland.
the user's system and load side circuit arrangement. No spe- He is a Life Fellow of IEEE, member of the IEEE High Voltage Cir-
cific limitation with respect to these overvoltages should, cuit Breaker Subcommittee and active in IEEE Working Groups.
therefore, be stated. The calculation of reignition overvoltage From 1984 to 1990 he was chairman of CIGRE Study Committee
13, Switchgear, and is Honorary Member of CIGRE.
levels is described in the guide.