Transformer Tertiary Stabilizing Windings. Part I Apparent Power Rating
Transformer Tertiary Stabilizing Windings. Part I Apparent Power Rating
Transformer Tertiary Stabilizing Windings. Part I Apparent Power Rating
Abstract -- This paper presents a calculation method for the with this paper (Part I), as the first part of a work presenting
apparent power rating of Tertiary Stabilizing Winding (TSW) an approach for the dimensioning TSWs on Yy-connected
of power transformers, which is scarcely discussed in the transformers. In the second part of the work (Part II),
literature. The objetive of the work is to offer an appoach for
presented on a companion paper [6], the thermal overheating
the dimensioning of TSWs from the knowledge of expected
unbalanced load conditions. For that purpose, the equivalent hazard in tank walls due to the presence of the zero sequence
circuit model of a three-winding transformer for single-phase flux, arising under unbalanced load conditions, is evaluated
load and single phase-to-ground fault study is discussed, where with and without the presence of TSW. Delta-connected
zero sequence impedances are determined by means of several TSWs of Yy-connected transformers are referred to illustrate
proposed tests. A practical application is presented and the the above discussion, and deserve further attention, not only
equivalent circuit model is validated with Finite Element
because of their inherent importance, but also because they
Method (FEM) computations. A companion paper which
complements this work evaluates the influence of TSWs on the are not covered specifically by the standards.
overheating hazard on tank walls under unbalanced load The aim of this paper is to clearly describe calculation
conditions. strategies for the dimensioning of TSW apparent power
rating. For that, two alternatives of calculation are presented
Index Terms-- Leakage flux, Zero sequence current, Three- in the following sections. One is the use of an Equivalent
phase transformer, Core type, Symmetrical components, Circuit (EC) based on symmetrical components and the
Equivalent circuit, Tertiary stabilizing winding. 1
second is based on the FEM. A practical application which
illustrates the dimensioning of TSWs is presented where both
methods are compared for validating the results.
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prediction of zero sequence currents and it should be based Moreover, in the particular case of a well-grounded
on the short-circuit duration time. system, that is one having low zero sequence impedance, will
The final size should withstand the thermal duty for the relieve to some extent the zero sequence current on the
specified dimensioning criteria and should be capable of tertiary of the transformer. For this reason it is also necessary
withstanding the short circuit forces. Based on this, an to know the maximum zero sequence impedance
amount of copper (or A/mm2 or Watts/kg) and the apparent characteristics of the systems that are to be connected to the
power rating can be assigned to the TSW. transformer if an exact prediction of the necessary size of the
In this paper single-phase load and single phase-to-ground tertiary winding is to be calculated [3].
fault currents are calculated on core type transformers by The real impact of the zero sequence flux, arising in
means of an EC as well as FEM. On the next step, the unbalanced conditions, is scarcely discussed and relevant
thermal performance under these conditions is calculated and information is difficult to find [4]. Authors presented in [9] a
based on the maximum permitted windings temperature an method for the calculation of zero sequence flux over the
approach to the dimensioning of TSW is presented. tank wall and cover, and discuss its overheating hazard
consequences on a companion paper [6].
The solution of unbalanced conditions in three-phase IV. TSW UNDER UNBALANCED CONDITIONS FROM EC
systems can be obtained applying the symmetrical To analyse the normal operation, the symmetrically
components. Thus, any unbalanced three-phase currents or supplied and loaded three-phase transformer is fully
voltages can be formulated in terms of positive, negative and described by positive-phase sequence system. Under
zero sequence components. In the particular case of unbalanced conditions the transformer operation can be
transformers supporting asymmetric faults and loads, advantageously analysed using a transformation into
significant zero sequence current might occur for some three- symmetrical components [5]. For this, the single-phase EC of
phase connections. This current induces a zero sequence flux the zero sequence system is additionally needed.
in the core resulting in two relevant consequences. The first The particular study of interest of this paper is focused on
one is that unless a magnetic return path for this flux is Yy-connected transformers with delta-connected TSW. The
provided, the zero sequence flux returns outside the core, positive, negative and zero sequence ECs, as well as the
closing its path over tank walls and cover, inducing eddy proposed tests for their impedance calculation are described
currents and causing the heating of those structural metal in this section. Thus, positive, negative and zero sequence
elements [4]. The second one is the risk of induced phase ECs interconnection for single-phase load and single phase-
overvoltage. The existence of zero sequence flux either to-ground fault currents calculation is presented. Note that
within or outside the core does not only depend on the the magnetising reactance is neglected in the three sequences
winding connections but also on the core configuration and due to the presence of the delta-connected TSW [4], [8].
the system characteristics.
A. Zero Sequence Impedance Tests for YNyn Transformers
A delta-connected TSW has little impact on the positive
and negative sequence impedance network. However, it has The zero sequence impedance is different depending on
large impact on the zero sequence network as it can the transformer construction. It is dependent upon the path
effectively cancel or diminish the zero sequence flux (ie. a available for the flow of flux generated by equal and in-
circulating current around the delta winding provides phase currents in the three phases. Zero sequence impedance
compensating zero sequence ampere-turns). Therefore, for transformer banks is equal to the positive and negative
transformer TSW is directly related with the zero sequence sequence and it is the transformer leakage impedance. It does
performance, and it is classically modelled by its zero not occur the same in the case of three phase core type
sequence impedance. transformers, where the core does not provide an iron flux
Regarding the magnetic core, three-legged three-phase path for zero sequence.
core type transformers present a special problem with respect A three-winding transformer has zero sequence
to zero sequence impedance characteristics. For Yy- impedance for the primary, secondary, and tertiary windings.
connected transformers, the magnetic circuit can be The equivalent circuit for the zero sequence impedance of a
considered as open circuit, since there is no circuit for the YNyn-connected transformer with delta-connected TSW is
induced zero phase currents to flow. Three-legged illustrated in Fig. 1. In this EC, Z0P, Z0S and Z0T are the zero
transformer cores are open magnetic circuits to zero sequence impedances in p.u. values of the primary,
sequence magnetizing flux, as opposed to five-legged cores secondary and tertiary windings respectively.
(closed circuits) on which the outer legs provide a return The zero sequence impedance characteristics of a
path for zero sequence flux [8]. Hence, the zero sequence transformer can be determined by means of a set of
magnetizing impedances on three-legged cores are impedance tests [10]. Thus, to calculate the three unknown
comparatively small and zero sequence magnetizing currents zero sequence impedances (Z0P, Z0S and Z0T) at least three
cannot be assumed to be insignificant. But if a delta- equations stated from three tests are needed. Figures 2a to 5a
connected TSW is added to any Yy-connected transformer, show four possible connection schemes for testing, though
the differences in characteristics due to the two types of core only three are actually needed. Figures 2b to 5b show the
practically disappear. Because a delta-connected winding zero sequence ECs for the connection schemes in Figures 2a
forms a comparatively low short-circuit impedance to zero to 5a. Table I shows the relationship between zero sequence
sequence and third-harmonic voltages, it makes little impedances from each test. The described tests provide
difference whether the magnetic circuit is open or closed, as sufficient information for determining the branch values of
long as the delta connection is present [4], [8]. the three-terminal zero sequence EC shown in Fig. 1.
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Fig. 1. Equivalent circuit for zero sequence impedance in p.u. values.
(a) (b)
Fig. 4. a) Test 3 and b) equivalent zero sequence circuit for test 3.
Fig. 2. a) Test 1 and b) equivalent zero sequence circuit for test 1. (a)
(a) Fig. 5. a) Test 4 and b) equivalent zero sequence circuit for test 4.
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Va = I a Z F (4)
Note that the impedance to negative sequence current is
always equal to the impedance to positive sequence currents, where ZF is either the fault impedance in the case of single
and the ECs are similar except that the phase shift, if any is phase-to-ground short circuit or the phase impedance in the
involved, will always be of the same magnitude for both case of single-phase load in p.u. values.
sequences voltages and currents but in opposite directions. From (2) and (4), yields
C. ECs Interconnection for Single Phase Faults and Loads Va = I a 0 3 Z F = I a1 3 Z F = I a 2 3 Z F (5)
This work is prompted by the need to correctly model and
simulate the unbalanced operation of power transformers for Therefore, under the above conditions, it can be easily
the apparent power rating of TSWs. Three-phase currents seen from (2) and (5) that suitable positive, negative, and
can be already solved into three sets of symmetrical zero sequence equivalent circuits are interconnected in
component vectors [11] as in (1) series, as shown in Fig. 7.
D. Zero Sequence Current in TSW
I a = I a1 + I a 2 + I a 0 = I1 + I 2 + I 0 From the conditions described in the previous section and
2 the circuit shown in Fig. 7, the current thought the reference
I b = I b1 + I b 2 + I b 0 = α I1 + α I 2 + I 0 (1)
phase equivalent circuit in p.u. values is calculated as
I c = I c1 + I c 2 + I c 0 = α I1 + α I 2 + I 0
I a1 = I a 2 = I a 0 = (6)
where Ia, Ib and Ic are the vectors of the phase currents, Z 1cc+ Z 2cc+ Z 0+3 Z F
the subscripts 0, 1 and 2 refer respectively to the zero,
positive, and negative sequence components, and the
operator α=e2/3πi is the phase shift vector. For their Z 0 = Z 0 S + (Z 0T || Z 0 P ) (7)
representation in single-phase faults and load current
calculations, where a is the reference phase (short-circuited The current in the primary side in the reference phase a is
phase or loaded phase), the current through the other phases then calculated as
Ib and Ic are equal to zero. Therefore from (1)
I P = I a1 + I a 2 + I 0 P (8)
I a1 = I a 2 = I a 0 = Ia (2)
3 The current in the secondary side is calculated as
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In the case of full single-phase load on the secondary side
the equivalent circuit is that shown in Fig. 7, being ZF the
value of the nominal single-phase load impedance, and Va
the rated voltage, being both in p.u. value equal to 1.
For a single phase-to-ground fault if we ignore earth fault
resistors, reactors or system impedances, ZF=0 in Fig. 7 and
the current flowing through the circuit is then calculated as
from (6).
When working with the equivalent circuit, calculated
currents are in p.u. values and have to be multiplied by the
base currents IN of each winding (either for the primary P or
the secondary S) in order to obtain their real values
SN Fig. 8. Modeled fictitious transformer geometry.
IN = (11)
3U N
In the case of the tertiary winding, the p.u. current I0T is
calculated referred to the primary winding and then
multiplied by the transformation ratio in order to calculate
the real value of the current IT in Amperes as
I T = I 0T ·I PN (12)
where IPN is the base current of the primary winding and
NP and NT are the turns number of the primary and tertiary
windings, respectively.
V. TSW UNDER UNBALANCED CONDITIONS FROM FEM Fig. 9. Electric Circuit to be coupled in the FEM model.
As an alternative way to the EC described in Section IV,
the FEM is also used to build the model of the considered VI. THERMAL RATING OF TERTIARY STABILIZING WINDINGS
transformer to determine phase currents under unbalanced Transformer TSWs shall be designed to withstand the
conditions, and calculate the TSW apparent power rating. In thermal duty of carrying zero sequence unbalanced currents
this paper, the FEM transformer model also serves to caused either by permanent load or temporary fault in the
compare and validate the results obtained from the EC. secondary winding. The worst case of permanent load would
The representative transformer geometry to be modeled is be a full single-phase load, and of temporary fault a single
shown in Fig. 8, where each phase windings (U, V and W) phase-to-ground fault with its duration taken into account.
are wounded around a core leg. For current calculations Once the TSW current IT is computed under full single-
under unbalanced conditions, electromagnetic coupled phase load condition either from EC (12) or FEM
analyses are carried out. The coupled circuit is shown in Fig. simulations, the apparent power ST of the TSW can be
9. Each winding region in the FEM model is associated to a calculated as
coil conductor in the electric circuit. Taking into account that
the model is a plane model, each winding is represented by NT
ST = 3 I T U NT = 3 I T U NP (13)
two regions (IN and OUT), and therefore two associated NP
coils. This proposed model includes the series inductances to
where UNP and UNT are the rated voltages of the primary
incorporate the presence of the real 3D leakage flux. The
winding and TSW respectively. Moreover, the TSW current
leakage inductances can be previously assessed by
IT from (12) can be written in terms of the current density JT
comparing a plane with an axisymmetric model of one of the
(A/m2) yielding to
transformer phases. R_LV are the load resistances for each
phase, and R_TW are resistances which act as switches, J T s cu N T = I 0T I PN N P (14)
either to connect or disconnect the tertiary windings.
In the case of TSW apparent power rating, the current where scu is the cross section of the winding copper
flowing through the tertiary winding IT is computed under conductors. In the case of thermal apparent power rating of
full single-phase load condition. For that, the resistance value TSW, its dimensioning consists on assigning volume of
R_LV connected on the loaded phase (the reference phase) is copper Vcu (acting either on scu or NT), so that the winding is
the rated phase load, being open-circuited on the other two capable to store the generated heat during temporary single
phases. In the case of current calculation under single phase- phase-to-ground fault or continuous full single-phase load
to-ground fault, the resistance value on the reference phase conditions, protecting the tertiary against destructive
R_LV is set to zero (short-circuited). The resistance values overheating that can damage the windings insulation [2].
R_TW are set to zero in order to have the tertiary winding This procedure permits to asses average temperatures for the
connected and allow the flow of zero sequence currents. TSW and dimensioning its apparent power to comply with
maximum allowable temperatures.
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HV L_HV 0.27307735 (V) FEM TESTS (A) (OHM) P.U. VALUES
LV L_LV -0,0000325
1 100 0.487 204.95 0.183
TW L_TW 0,00086858
2 100 0.608 164.44 0.147
3 100 154.7 0.646 0.046
TABLE IV 4 100 196.5 0.508 0.037
5 100 0.557 179.46 0.160
Nameplate rated values 224250 V 24900 V 13800 V EQUIVALENT CIRCUIT IMPEDANCES
FEM computation 224250 V 24921 V 13757 V
Z0P 0.1421
Nameplate rated values 115.9 A 1043.5 A ≈0A Z0S 0.0056
FEM computation 113.1 A 1029.3 A 8.05 A Z0T 0.0412
Z1CC=Z2CC 0.1605
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TABLE VII designed to withstand the thermal duty of the circulating
current resulting from continuous and temporary load or
CALCULATED CALCULATED RELATIVE voltage unbalance on the main windings. In this paper the
WINDING VALUE FROM VALUE FROM ERROR apparent power rating of TSW is calculated by means of a
EC FEM (%)
transformer EC. For that, several tests are proposed for the
HV 77.05 A 84.74 A -9.98 % calculation of the equivalent circuit positive/negative and
Single phase zero sequence impedances. Moreover a FEM transformer
LV 935.51 A 1033.87 A -10.51 %
load model is also described for the same purpose, which serves
TSW 252.33 A 239.28 A 5.17 % also to validate the EC results.
The TSW apparent power rating is then calculated from
HV 718.62 A 724.5 A -0.82 %
Single phase- the knowledge of expected unbalanced currents. Moreover,
to-neutral LV 8724.29 A 8847.85 A -1.4 % the TSW thermal dimensioning is based on the maximum
fault allowable windings temperature, so that the overheating
TSW 2353.14 A 2045.4 A 13.08 %
caused under those unbalanced conditions does not damage
TABLE VIII the windings insulation.
WINDINGS TEMPERATURE UNDER UNBALANCED LOAD CONDITIONS A practical application for the TSW thermal dimensioning
ORIGINAL REDUCED COPPER of a 45 MVA Yy-connected three-phase three-limb core
WINDING MODEL VOLUME MODEL form power transformer is presented in this paper. From the
VCU 71.5% VCU thermal performance under unbalanced continuous and
temporary load conditions, the dimensioning of copper
HV 66.73 ºC volume has been reduced a 28.5 % from a proposed original
Continuous single LV 79.72 ºC model.
phase load
TSW 51.68 ºC 56.12 ºC
HV 70.14 ºC The authors would like to thank Luis Sanchez Lago,
Temporary single
phase-to-neutral fault LV 85.55 ºC student from University of Vigo, for performing equivalent
circuit and finite element simulations useful in this paper.
(time t=2s) TSW 68.26 ºC 79.27 ºC
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