Inductor Design Methodology For Power Electronics Applications PDF
Inductor Design Methodology For Power Electronics Applications PDF
Inductor Design Methodology For Power Electronics Applications PDF
P. H. J. Vilkn, L. M. F. Morais, R. A. S. Santana, P. C. Cortizo, P. F. Seixas
Graduate Program inElectrical EngineeringUniversidade Federal de Minas Gerais
Av. Antônio Carlos 6627, 31270-901, Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil
[email protected],[email protected], [email protected],
[email protected], [email protected]
I. Introduction
With the increment of the switching frequency, made
possible by the development of the wide band gap semi-
conductors, the balance between power density, eficiency
and cost of static converters was severely altered due to
the reduction of volume and change in the loss profile of
the devices.
The amount of losses represented by the inductances
becomes more significant due to the reduction of the
losses in the wide band gap semiconductors and also to
the increase of the losses by skin and proximity effects in
the inductor.
This work presents a methodology for the design of
inductors used in switched static converters that allows
the obtaining of projects with losses, volume or minimum
The proposed methodology performs projects for the
combination of provided parameters for the cores, fre-
quency, current density and inductance, identifying the
possible projects and comparing the results to obtain the
most suitable inductor.
The inductor design is independent of the type of con-
verter used, as long as it is possible to obtain the voltage
and current vectors at the terminals of the inductor and
to identify the harmonic components of the current, it is
then possible to perform all calculations present in the Fig. 1. Flowchart of the inductor design methodology
design proposed.
Section II explains the design of the inductor, section
III describes the system created for loss measurement the generation of a large number of projects, verifying
and section IV describes the experiments performed and the possibility of realization and then identifying the best
presents the results obtained. results.
A design attempt is made for each combination of
II. Inductor project in non sinusoidal inductance, frequency, current density and core inserted
conditions in the input vectors.
The flowchart in Fig. 1 demonstrates the project Boundaries for magnetic flux density B, temperature
methodology proposed in this work, which is based on T , core window fill and inductance tolerance are set to
This work has been supported by the Brazilian agency CAPES ensure that the design is achievable and meets minimum
and Engetron Engenharia Eletrônica Ind e Com LTDA. operating limits.
When one of the boundaries is not respected in a
project attempt, it is then discarded and the next attempt
is initiated until all combinations are performed.
The core data is loaded from a library that was created
to standardize information of the cores from different
At the end of the calculation of all combinations the
saved projects are sorted according to the priority of
parameters (volume, losses, temperature, cost) defined by
the user.
A. calculation of the number of turns
The calculation of the number of turns, modified from Fig. 2. Saturated inductance model for simulation
the proposed one in [1] and [2], is an iterative process
since the magnetic permeability µ is affected by the
frequency f , temperature T , density of flux BAC and The temperature value can be estimated using basic
magnetic field HDC , which depends on the number of loss calculations with (17), (27) and (31), but in general
turns used. this effect is not significant except in projects specific for
These relationships between frequency, temperature, high temperatures.
flux density a.c., magnetic field d.c. and magnetic perme- One can then use the relations µ × HDC , µ × BAC ,
ability are given in curves or equations by manufacturers, µ × T , and µ × f to obtain µ% which is the reduction of
however it is unusual to find all curves available. the initial permeability given by (5).
The loop of each iteration starts with (1) obtaining the
µinitial − µef f ective
new number of turns, where AL is the specific inductance µ% = (5)
given by the manufacturer or obtained from the reluc- µinitial
tance of the magnetic path R per (2), with Ac the cross- With this we calculate the effective AL,ef and Lef in
sectional area and le the average length of the magnetic (6) and (7) respectively.
r AL,ef = AL µ% (6)
N= (1)
Lef = N 2 AL,ef (7)
1 µe Ac If Lef is not within the tolerance limits we return to
AL = = (2)
R le (1) using AL = AL,ef , until Lef is within tolerance or the
Using air gap adds a term in the reluctance that is maximum number of iterations is reached.
independent of the permeability of the material, which Finding the number of turns the vector obtained in (4)
facilitates the definition of the number of turns but gen- is checked for saturation limits. Alternatively a better
erates greater emission of electromagnetic radiation and result is obtained by simulating the converter using a
additional terms of losses. These effects are intensified saturable inductance model which includes the B × H
in applications of higher power and frequency, and are curve of the material as in Fig. 2, best explained in [3].
generally avoided in switched sources [1].
B. Winding design
While f is known and can be used directly HDC , BAC
and T require additional calculations. In the design of the winding the wires used and the
To obtain HDC is used (3), where IDC in a switched way they are coiled are defined, obtaining the filling of
inverter context is the peak current of the low frequency the window and the resulting number of layers, as well as
sinusoidal component, in this case is calculated HDC the length and d.c. resistance of the conductor. For this
maximum and its instantaneous value will vary, as will it is necessary to calculate the conductor cross-sectional
the final inductance. area Acopper , obtained by (8).
HDC = (3) Acopper = (8)
le j
The conductor is a set of Nwires parallel insuled con-
It is possible to obtain BAC using (3) for the maximum
ductors of diameter dwire twisted to reduce skin and
and minimum values of the ripple current and using the
proximity effect. Using dwire ≤ 2δ being δ the depth
B × H curve of the material when available.
of penetration, wepreduce the skin effect considerably.
However, an independent method of the B × H curve
On copper
√ δ = ρ/(πµf ) can be approximated by
requires only the voltage vector in the inductor VL (t), N
δ = 65/ f at a temperature of 25o C [1].
and Ac , obtaining the vector B(t) from (4) [3].
The equations (9) and (10) relate the diameter of the
wires and the number of parallel wires required. High
VL (t) dt
B(t) = (4) frequencies require a large number of very thin wires in
N Ac
parallel, which leads to problems in the winding construc- C. Copper losses estimation
tion. In these cases the use of Litz wires is recommended
The power dissipated in the winding due to the low
frequencies can be calculated using (17).
dwire = 2 (9) 2
Nwires π P = Rwire Ief (17)
( )
Acopper Pelicular and proximity effects can be calculated by
Nwires = N 2 (10) obtaining the effective conductor cross-sectional area for
π dwire
2 each frequency component of the current signal.
The fill of the core window area AW is calculated by Considering only the film effect, one can calculate the
(11). If the fill is above the operational boundary defined penetration depth δk by (18), where k is the index of the
the project is discarded. A reference for the filling value harmonic component.
expected for each core format can be found in [1].
N Acopper δk = √ (18)
f illing = (11) kf
To estimate the number of layers NC it is necessary The equations of (19) to (22) [5] are approximations to
topalso estimate the diameter of the loop by De = obtain the effective area for each δ.
2 Acopper /π and consider a coil spacing de which will
vary with the technique used to braid the wires and p0k = δk (1 − e
− 2 δk
) (19)
to make the winding, being an estimated value between
approximately 0.5mm and 3mm.
Considering the spacing between adjacent turns and dwire
between the turns of the first layer and the core equal zk = 0.62006 (20)
2 δk
to de , for toroidal cores can be calculated the internal
diameter of each layer with (12), where ID is the inner
core diameter and kc is the layer number. 0.189774
yk = (21)
(1 + 0.272481 (zk1.82938 − zk−0.99457 )2 )1.0941
Dc (kc ) = ID − (2 (kc − 1) + 1) De − 2 kc de (12)
The inner perimeter of each layer is calculated directly Aef,k = π (dwire p0k − (p0k )2 ) (1 + yk ) (22)
by Pc (k) = πDc (kc ) and the number of wires in the layer
is obtained in (13). The winding resistance is then calculated for each
harmonic component with (23).
Pc (k)
nwires (k) = N (13)
De + de Cwire ρ
Rk = (23)
The number of layers NC is found when satisfying (14) nwires Aef,k
by comparing the number of turns with the number of
Alternatively the skin and proximity effects can be
wires accumulated in each layer
calculated collectively by using (24) and (25) [6].
C −1
X 3
nwires (kc ) ≤ N < nwires (kc ) (14) π 43 d2
kc =0 kc =0 Ak = √ wire (24)
4 δk dwire + de
This process is simplified in non-toroidal cores, like E
and U cores, since the diameter is replaced by the length
of the winding region which, like the number of wires per
e2Ak − e−2Ak + 2sen(2Ak )
layer, is constant. Rk = Rwire Ak + ...
e2Ak + e−2Ak − 2cos(2Ak )
The length of each wire Cwire is calculated in (15)
2 NC2 − 1 e2Ak − e−2Ak − 2sen(2Ak )
using the mean length per turn M LT generally given by ... (25)
the core manufacturers, but can also be found by simple 3 e2Ak + e−2Ak + 2cos(2Ak )
geometrical calculations.
With the final winding resistance Rk for each fre-
quency, found in (25), the power is obtained by summing
Cwire = M LT ∗ N (15)
the product of each harmonic component of current Ik
The DC resistance of the wire is calculated from (16), squared by the corresponding resistance Rk , as in (26):
where ρ is the resistivity of the conductor used.
Rwire = Cwire (16) P = Rk Ik2 (26)
nwire π (dwire /2)2 0
D. Core loss estimation
The equation (27) presents the Steinmetz, the basic loss
estimation formula for the core. The Steinmetz equation
which is a modified form of the one proposed originally
in [7], whose parameters are always supplied by the
manufacturers of magnetic materials, is a function of the
frequency f and the amplitude of the oscillation of the
magnetic flux density Bpk .
P = K f α Bpk (27)
This equation is valid only for sinusoidal conditions.
Different methods were created to obtain equations for
non-sinusoidal estimations using the same parameters, K,
α and β of the Steinmetz equation.
The improved generalized steinmetz equation (IGSE)
developed in [8], an improved form of the GSE method
[9], enables losses estimation using the parameters of Fig. 3. Front view of the calorimeter built
the Steinmetz equation and the density vector of time
flow. Considering smaller loops within the hysteresis loop,
III. Loss measurement System
identifying, separating and arranging the magnetic flow
vector as explained in [10]. Calculating the volumetric A calorimeter developed for the purpose of loss mea-
density of energy dissipated between each point of vector surement in switched inverters and their components,
B(t) for each of the smaller and larger cycles separately shown in Fig. 3, was used to obtain the loss results of the
by (28) with Bpk being the amplitude of the loop in next section. Figure 4 show the supervisory diagram used
question. with the calorimeter. The functioning of the calorimeter
is explained in detail in [11].
dB α β−α
The calorimeter has a topology similar to that devel-
E = Ki B ∆t (28)
dt pk oped in [11]. It has two thermally insulated chambers, an
internal chamber where the test object is placed. And an
Where the K constant must be changed according to
external chamber that has its temperature controlled by
(29) to get Ki :
resistive loads to be equal to that of the inner chamber,
K reducing the flow of heat through the wall of the inner
Ki = R 2π (29) chamber. Ventilation systems are present in both cham-
(2π)α+1 2β−α |cos(θ)|α dθ
0 bers to homogenize the temperature.
The power is then calculated by the total energy The main temperature change of the internal chamber
dissipated in a period T : is made by a closed thermal system of water, being possi-
ble to reach an equilibrium where all internally generated
Vc X power is transferred to water and the internal chamber
P = E(t) (30)
T t=0
Comparison of inductance values obtained
Inductor A B C D
Lproj 1,06 0,23 0,155 0,097 mH
Lf inal 1,038 0,231 0,141 0,096 mH
LRLC 1,434 0,269 0,211 0,108 mH
Lest 1,092 0,249 0,153 0,104 mH
Fig. 5. Diagram of the buck converter used to test the inductances Lideal 1,379 0,299 0,214 0,109 mH
Inductance error Lest − Lproj
Inductor A B C D
Error L 0,032 0,019 -0,002 0,007 mH
3,02 8,26 -1,29 7,22 %
Measured and calculated losses in the inductors
Inductor A B C D
Pcore,calc 0,56 2,0 2,7 18,5 W
Pcore,est 3,5 2,5 3,7 16,3 W
Error Pcore 2,86 0,51 1,06 -2,14 W Fig. 7. Comparison of losses in the copper
Pcopper,calc 14,7 12,5 7,2 4,9 W
Pcopper,meas 13,3 13,3 10,1 6,5 W
Error Pcopper -1,38 0,86 2,91 1,55 W
Ptotal,calc 15,3 14,4 9,8 23,4 W
Ptotal,meas 16,8 15,8 13,8 22,8 W
Error Ptotal 1,48 1,36 3,97 -0,59 W