Pi Voltage Control Technique For 3 Phase Induuction Motor Using Simulink and Arduino

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A project report submitted in partial

fulfillment of the requirement for the award of the
Degree of Master of Electrical Engineering

Faculty of Electrical and Electronics Engineering

UniversitiTun Hussein Onn Malaysia



Induction motor is the most used in industry because of its high robustness, reliability,
low cost, high efficiency and good self starting capability. However is also has its own
limitation which can be divided into three categories which is nonlinearity, complex
computation and uncertainty system. The development of this project is to control the 3
phase induction motor by using Arduino Uno controller and also using Simulink in
MATLAB. Arduino Uno also is a part from series of controller where it is connected to
the PWM inverter and also connected to motor driver as to turn the 3 phase induction
motor on. Voltage sensor is used as to detect any changes that are supplied from the
motor driver to the induction motor as to ensure that the voltage that is supplied to a
constant voltage value to the induction motor. This method is known as voltage control.
The measured voltage is then compared with the desired reference voltage. The error
that is produced is than corrected as to minimize the existing error by using a controller
is design using Simulink in Matlab and than is interfaced into the Arduino Uno. Arduino
Uno will create PWM signal that is sent to the PWM inverter as to improve the
induction motor performance. Based on the result obtain shows that the error from
reference voltage and measured voltage is minimized and the PWM that is produced also
has differences in term of width.


Motor aruhan adalah yang paling banyak digunakan dalam industri kerana keteguhan
tinggi, kebolehpercayaan , kos rendah , kecekapan tinggi dan keupayaan permulaan diri
yang baik. Walau bagaimanapun juga mempunyai had tersendiri yang boleh dibahagikan
kepada tiga kategori iaitu ketaklelurusan , pengiraan kompleks dan sistem yang tidak
menentu. Pembangunan projek ini adalah untuk mengawal motor aruhan 3 fasa dengan
menggunakan Arduino Uno pengawal dan juga menggunakan Simulink dalam
MATLAB. Arduino Uno juga adalah sebahagian dari siri pengawal di mana ia
disambungkan ke penyongsang PWM dan juga disambungkan kepada pemandu motor
untuk menghidupkan motor aruhan 3 fasa. Sensor voltan digunakan untuk mengesan
apa-apa perubahan yang dibekalkan dari pemandu motor kepada motor induksi bagi
memastikan voltan yang dibekalkan kepada nilai voltan tetap untuk motor aruhan.
Kaedah ini dikenali sebagai kawalan voltan. Voltan yang diperolehi kemudiannya
dibandingkan dengan voltan rujukan yang dikehendaki. Kesilapan yang dihasilkan
adalah daripada diperbetulkan untuk meminimumkan ralat yang sedia ada dengan
menggunakan pengawal adalah reka bentuk menggunakan Simulink dalam Matlab dan
daripada yang diantaramukakan ke Arduino Uno. Arduino Uno akan mewujudkan
isyarat “PWM” yang dihantar kepada penyongsang “PWM” untuk meningkatkan
prestasi motor induksi. Berdasarkan kepada keputusan mendapatkan menunjukkan
bahawa kesilapan itu daripada voltan rujukan dan voltan yang diukur dikurangkan dan
“PWM” yang dihasilkan juga mempunyai perbezaan dari aspek lebar.



1.1 Project Background 1
1.2 Problem Statement 2
1.3 Objective 3
1.4 Scope 3


2.1 Motor 4
2.2 Induction Motor 5
2.2.1 Advantages Of Induction Motor 5
2.2.2 Disadvantages Of Induction Motor 6
2.3 Inverter 6
2.4 Three- Phase Inverter 6
2.5 Types Of Controller 7
2.5.1 PID Controller 7

2.5.2 Fuzzy Logic Controller 9

2.6 Arduino Uno 11

3.1 Block Diagram Of the Project 14
3.2 The Project Flowchart 15
3.3 Arduino Io Library 16
3.4 Inverter Design 17
3.4.1 Part List For Inverter 17
3.5 Gate Driver Design 18
3.5.1 Part List For Gate Driver Design 19
3.6 Proposed Controller 20
3.7 PI Controller Design Using Arduino IO 23
3.8 Digital To Analog Converter (DAC) 25
3.9 PWM Technique 25
3.10 Voltage Divider Circuit 27


4.1 Open Loop Control Analysis 28
4.2 Simulation Of Open Loop System 29
4.3 Experimental Result 30
4.4 Closed Loop Control Analysis 32
4.5 Simulation On Closed Loop System 33
4.6 Experimental Result 35
4.7 Voltage Sensor (Voltage Divider Circuit) 37


5.1 Conclusion 39
5.2 Recommendation 40
5.3 Future Works 40



2.1 Arduino Uno specifications 12

3.1 Component for inverter design 17
3.2 Component gate driver design 19


2.1 Three Phase Induction Motor 5

2.2 Schematic Diagram of Three Phase Inverter 7
2.3 Arduino Uno Board 11
3.1 Project block diagram 14
3.2 Project flowchart 15
3.3 Arduino IO Simulink Library 16
3.4 six level 3 phase inverter design 17
3.5 3 phase (3 input 6 output) circuit driver 18
3.6 The Proposed Controller 20
3.7 PID controller system 22
3.8 The controller design 23
3.9 PI controller setting 24
3.10 Digital to analog converter 25
3.11 2 levels comparison signal graph 26
3.12 PWM output 26
3.13 Voltage divider as voltage sensor 27
4.1 Open loop system 28
4.2 Reference signal and sampled signal waveform 29
4.3 PWM for open loop 30
4.4 Gate driver PWM 30
4.5 Line to line voltage 31
4.6 Line current for the open loop 31
4.7 Closed loop PI controller design 32
4.8 Simulation on error 33
4.9 normalized error from PI controller 34

4.10 Simulation on generated PWM signal 34

4.11 PWM at inverter input 35
4.12 line to line voltage 36
4.13 closed loop line current 36
4.14 output from PI controller 37
4.15 output from the transformer 37
4.16 shifted ac signal waveform 38


PWM - Pulse Width Modulation

PIC - Peripheral Interface Controller
HP - Horse Power
IM - Induction Motor
FLC - Fuzzy Logic Controller
CM - Common Mode
AC - Alternating Current
DC - Direct Current
PID - Proportional – Integral - Derivative
PI - Proportional – Integral
e.m.f - Electromagnetic Field
r.m.f - Rotating Magnetic Field
AR - Auto Regressive
MA - Moving Average
PEF - prediction error filter
DTC - Direct Torque Control
ANN - Artificial Neural Network
Vgs Gate Voltage
IO - Input Output
Kp - Proportional gain
KI - Integral gain
MOSFET - Metal–Oxide–Semiconductor Field-Effect
LC - Inductor - Capacitor


1.1 Project Background

Since its invention, the three phase induction motor (IM) has been widely used in
industry because of its simple construction and low maintenance machine. Although
three phase induction motor is widely used, it also has its limitations such as the motor
speed decreases as the load increases, low starting torque and high starting current. To
increase the efficiency and performance of induction motor, controller system has been
developed. There are two types of controller system which is adaptive and passive
controller. The fuzzy logic controller (FLC) and the Proportional – Integral – Derivative
(PID) controller are examples for adaptive controller and meanwhile relay, sliding mode
control and hysteresis are examples for passive controller. Three phase induction motor
has variable speed and the best way to control the speed of induction motor drives using
converter – inverter system [1]. It is known that by using inverter to generate three phase
AC supply from a single DC source it introduces common mode (CM) voltage at the
stator star point of the IM with respect to the ground[1]. To control the three phase
inverter is by injecting pulse width modulation (PWM) signal from any existing
microcontroller that exists in the market. For an example PIC, Arduino, Altera board are
examples of PWM generating devices that can be used to control the inverter as to
increase the performance of a three phase induction motor. Arduino DSP controller has
been chosen because Arduino provides platform that helps users to understand the
workflow for designing an embedded system without using manual programming. By
using Simulink in Matlab user able to create algorithms for their desired control system
by just using the block that exists in the library as to create or design their own control

1.2 Problem Statement

Nowadays three phase induction motor is a common device in industries. It works on the
principle of induction where electro-magnetic field (emf) that is induced in to the rotor
conductors when rotating magnetic field of stator cuts the stationary rotor conductors.
Induction motors are characterized by highly non-linear, complex and time-varying
dynamics and inaccessibility of some of the states and outputs for measurements, and
hence it can be considered as a challenging engineering problem [2].Three phase
induction motor were ideally used because of its simple construction and free
maintenance. Not only that since the induction motor has no brushes and easy to control,
many older DC motors are being replaced with induction motors and accompanying
inverters in industrial applications. In induction motor problems still exist in an
induction motor such as improper voltage value, motor has inadequate torque to drive
the load, overload or can be instantaneous trip. Low voltage is normally not the direct
cause of motor overheating since the overload relays will turn the motor off line when
the current exceeds rated amps. As a result, the motor will not generate rated HP. The
motor slip also increases proportionally to the square of the voltage drop resulting, the
motor will be running slower with a lower output and the process would not be
producing as expected [3]. The need of variable frequency machine parameter variations
and the difficulties of processing feedback signals in the presence of harmonic create the
complexity [4]. It was difficult to vary the frequency to the motor and therefore make
the uses for the induction motor were limited. To control the speed of a motor and as
well other parameter normally uses a power electronic device which is known as an
inverter. A typical unit will take the mains AC supply, rectify and smooth it into a "link"
DC voltage, and, then convert it into the desired AC waveform. In general, a DC-to-AC
converter is called an inverter, which is probably where the motor-control inverter gets
its name. But in order to control the switching of power transistor in the inverter, we
need to supply PWM signal to the power transistor. To generate this PWM signal,
normally microcontroller is used as to create the switching sequence to the power

1.3 Objective

The objectives of this project are listed as follows:

1.3.1 To learn and develop PWM using PI controller for induction motor.
1.3.2 To control the induction motor using voltage source controller method.
1.3.3 To interface the Arduino Uno controller with MATLAB

1.4 Scope

In this project the scope of work:

1.4.1 To develop PI controller using Simulink in Matlab.
1.4.2 To develop voltage controller method for induction motor.
1.4.3 To develop the PWM inverter and 3 phase motor driver.
1.4.4 Interfacing the Simulink in Matlab with Arduino IO.



2.1 Electric Motor

Motor mostly found in applications as diverse as industrial fans, blowers and pumps,
machine tools, household appliances, power tools, and disk drives. Electric motors can
be powered by direct current (DC) sources, such as from batteries, motor vehicles or
rectifiers, or by alternating current (AC) sources, such as from the power grid, inverters
or generators. Small motors may be found in electric watches. General-purpose motors
with highly standardized dimensions and characteristics provide convenient mechanical
power for industrial use. The largest of electric motors are used for ship propulsion,
pipeline compression and pumped-storage applications with ratings approaching a
megawatt. Electric motors may be classified by electric power source type, internal
construction, application, type of motion output, and so on.

2.2 Induction Motor

Figure 2.1: Three Phase Induction Motor

A three phase induction motor is one of an electric motor that converts electrical energy
into a mechanical energy which is then connected with different load, that’s why we
described as transformer type. The three phase induction motors are most widely used
for industrial applications mainly because they do not require a starting device. The
operating principle of a 3 phase induction motor is based on the production of r.m.f.. It
has a stator that carries a three phase winding and rotor that carries a short circuited
winding. Only the stator winding is fed from 3-phase supply. The rotor winding derives
its voltage and power from the externally energized stator winding through
electromagnetic induction. The advantages and disadvantages of the three phase
induction motor are stated below:

2.2.1 Advantages of Induction Motor

(i) It has simple and rugged construction.

(ii) It is relatively cheap.
(iii) It requires little maintenance.
(iv) It has high efficiency and reasonably good power factor.
(v) It has self starting torque.

2.2.2 Disadvantages of Induction Motor

(i) It is essentially a constant speed motor and its speed cannot be changed easily.
(ii) Its starting torque is inferior to dc shunt motor.

2.3 Inverter

An inverter is an electrical device that converts direct current (DC) to alternating current
(AC); the resulting AC can be at any required voltage and frequency with the use of
appropriate transformers, switching, and control circuits Static inverters have no moving
parts and are used in a wide range of applications, from small switching power supplies
in computers, to large electric utility high-voltage direct current applications that
transport bulk power. Inverters are commonly used to supply AC power from DC
sources such as solar panels or batteries.

2.4 Three- Phase Inverter

A basic three-phase inverter consists of three single-phase inverter switches each

connected to one of the three load terminals. For the most basic control scheme, the
operation of the three switches is coordinated so that one switch operates at each 60
degree point of the fundamental output waveform. This creates a line-to-line output
waveform that has six steps. The six-step waveform has a zero-voltage step between the
positive and negative sections of the square-wave such that the harmonics that are
multiples of three are eliminated as described above. When carrier-based PWM
techniques are applied to six-step waveforms, the basic overall shape, or envelope, of the
waveform is retained so that the 3rd harmonic and its multiples are cancelled.

Figure 2.2: Schematic Diagram of Three Phase Inverter

2.5 Types Of Controller

There are many kinds of controllers that have been studied as to improve performance of
a system. Among popular type of controller is PID controller and fuzzy logic controller

2.5.1 PID controller

Proportional-Integral-Derivative (PID) controller is well known for its simplicity. The

popularity of PID controller can be attributed partly to their robust performance in a
wide range of operating conditions and partly for their simplicity engineers can operate
them in a simple and straightforward manner. From it s name itself PID algorithm
consist of three coefficients; proportional, integral and derivative which are varied to get
optimal response. Basic idea of PID is to read a sensor, then compute the desired
actuator output by calculating the proportional’ integral, and derivative responses and
summing those three components to compute the output [5].

A comparison paper [4] based on speed control of induction motor using PI controller
and PID controller. And from their finding they come with a conclusion that PID
controller gives better speed response in terms of settling time, rise time and steady state

A study [6] on a predictive PID controller for DC-DC converters using an adaptive
prediction error filter (PEF) in the controller feedback loop has been presented. They use
specific mathematical analysis such as Auto Regressive (AR) process generator and
Moving Average (MA). They come out with a result that their controller has superior
performance over a classical PID approach in terms of system disturbance rejection,
improved stability and output regulation.

A paper [7] on controlling ac servo motor using neural network PID controller stated
that in the industry, the PI or PID controller is widely used by means of servo system
control. These controllers enable excellent ability if a simple control algorithm be

A paper [8] titled Design of Robust PID Controller With Disturbance Rejection For
Motor Using Immune Algorithm stated that A Proportional – Integral – Derivative (PID)
controller has been widely used in the most industrial processes despite continual
advances in control theory. This is not only due to the simple structure which is
theoretically easy to understand but also to the fact that the tuning technique provides
adequate performance in the vast majority of applications.

This paper [9] presents a rule-based Mamdani type fuzzy logic controller applied to
closed loop Induction Motor model. The motor model is designed and membership
functions are chosen according to the parameters of the motor model. The results
obtained in Simulation. The results obtained in the simulation are interesting,
considering the presence of strong non-linearities in the IM Model. A conventional PI
controller is compared practically to fuzzy logic controller using Simulink.

This paper [10] objective is to minimize transient response specifications chosen as rise
time, settling time and overshoot, for better speed response of DC motor drive. The
speed control of DC motor is done using PI and PID controllers. Implementation of PID
controller for DC motor speed control is done using ZN and MZN tuning method.For
PSO algorithm technique ,PI controller is used to improve the performance of DC motor
speed control system. A comparison is made on the basis of objective function (rise time,
settling time and overshoot) from output Step responses.

2.5.2 Fuzzy Logic Controller

Fuzzy Logic is a problem-solving control system methodology that lends itself to

implementation in systems ranging from simple, small, embedded micro-controllers to large,
networked, multi-channel PC or workstation-based data acquisition and control systems. It can
be implemented in hardware, software, or a combination of both. Fuzzy Logic provides a simple
way to arrive at a definite conclusion based upon vague, ambiguous, imprecise, noisy, or missing
input information. Fuzzy Logic incorporates a simple, rule-based IF X AND Y THEN Z
approach to a solving control problem rather than attempting to model a system mathematically.
The FL model is empirically-based, relying on an operator's experience rather than their
technical understanding of the system.

A paper [11] on Fuzzy Logic Speed Control of Three Phase Induction Motor Drive
where the paper present an intelligent speed control system based on fuzzy logic for a
voltage source PWM. Using traditional indirect vector control system of induction motor
introduces conventional PI regulator in outer space loop and PI proved that the low
precision of the speed regulator debases the performance of the whole system. This
problem is overcome by introducing fuzzy set controller theory. From their results, they
have confirmed that the fuzzy logic controller has very good dynamic performance and
robustness during transient period and sudden loads.

A paper [12] is presented on fuzzy logic speed control of an induction motor. The paper
described on fuzzy logi techniques to control the three phase induction motor speed.
They use Matlab/Simulink and fuzzyTECH MCU96 as software development tools for
the system design. They evaluated the system performance in comparison with a
traditional PI control scheme. From their result that concluded that fuzzy logic controller
slightly dynamic performance when compared with a PI controller in terms of
insensitivity to changes of model parameter and the speed noise. This finding can be
important requirement in speed/position schemes using electrical machines, namely in

The paper [13] deals with the fuzzy logic controller (FLC) application to the field-
oriented AC motor drive. Some fundamentals of the FLC are illustrated. The aspects of
major importance in the application to field-oriented AC motor drives are pointed out
and discussed. A FLC field-oriented drive is designed, simulated and experimented in a
speed control loop. The results are compared with those obtained on the same drive with
conventional digital PI type speed controller.

The paper [14] is meant to control the torque of induction motor using fuzzy logic
controllers by Direct Torque Control (DTC). DTC method yields slow response during
start up and change in either direction of torque and flux. Also large and small errors in
flux and torque are not distinguishable so to overcome these drawbacks, fuzzy logic is
applied to DTC method. Two of the most common applications are in fans and pumps in
industries like Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning etc. In these applications, DTC
provides solutions to problems like harmonics and noise. In this project we have used
fuzzy logic based duty ratio controller whose optimum duty ratio is determined every
switching period for the inverter.

2.6 Arduino Uno

Figure 2.3: Arduino Uno Board

Arduino is an inexpensive, open-source microcontroller board that provides flexibility

for introducing concepts such as control systems and mechatronics design. The Arduino
platform has wide adoption and support from numerous websites, newsgroups, and user
forums. Additionally, Arduino is easy to setup and use for many engineering projects.
Arduino boards feature an Atmel ATmega processor and provide digital and analog
connectivity and serial communications. Using the Arduino platform helps users
understand the workflow for designing an embedded system without using manual
programming which sometimes is hard to do the troubleshooting when error occurs.
User can simply use Simulink to create algorithms for control system and robotics
applications. Users can apply industry-proven techniques for Model-Based Design to
verify that their algorithms work during simulation. They can then implement the
algorithms on the ATmega processor on the Arduino board as standalone applications.

The advantages of the Arduino are stated below:

(i) Inexpensive - Arduino embedded devices are inexpensive compared to other
microcontroller embedded devices.

(ii) Cross-platform - Most microcontroller systems are limited to Windows.

Different with Arduino, it can runs on Windows, Macintosh OSX, and Linux
operating systems.
(iii) Simple, clear programming environment - The Arduino programming
environment is easy to use for beginners.
(iv) Open source - The Arduino software is published as open source tools, so the
user easy to get the information experienced programmers.

To implement Simulink with Matlab using Arduino, only two type of Arduino were
compatible with the Matlab programming which is Arduino Mega 2560 and Arduino
Uno. But since three phase inverter has carrier-based PWM techniques are applied to
six-step waveforms, becomes the main reason on selecting Arduino Uno as the
microcontroller since 6 of its digital port, were specified for generating PWM.

Table 2.1: Arduino Uno specifications

Microcontroller Atmega328

Operating Voltage 5V

Input Voltage (recommended) 7-12V

Input Voltage (limits) 6-20V

Digital I/O Pins 14 (of which 6 provide PWM output)

Analog Input Pins 6

DC Current per I/O Pin 40 mA

DC Current for 3.3V Pin 50 mA

Flash Memory 32 KB (Atmega328) of which 0.5 KB used by bootloader

SRAM 2 KB (Atmega328)

EEPROM 1 KB (Atmega328)

Clock Speed 16 MHz


A paper[15] based on Fuzzy control based solar tracker using Arduino Uno stated that
Arduino Uno has open source software that is why it’s quiet easy to implement control
logics on this microcontroller board.

Paper on Neural Network based Closed loop Speed Control of DC Motor using Arduino
Uno [16] stated that the PID algorithm and ANN controller is implemented in Arduino
Uno because of its easy compatibility and portability.

A paper on Hardware Implementation of a Single Phase Inverter [17] uses Arduino to

control a PS21765 Inverter. The Inverter is operated by using Arduino which generates
PWM pulses. As Arduino does not accept negative signals, an offset circuit is designed
to shift the Sine wave and is given as input to the Arduino kit. The use of Arduino makes
the process of using electronics in multidisciplinary projects more accessible. It is well
suited for processing control parameters such as speed of an Induction Motor.

In this paper [18] a novel Open loop phase control method is developed by coding a
program using ARDUINO software in which ARDUINO controller takes input from the
user and generates firing pulses for the TRIAC which controls the speed of the
Induction motor.



3.1 Block Diagram of the Project




Figure 3.1: Project block diagram.

Figure 3.1 shows the connection of the project. The main setup of the project is the
inverter, the gate driver and the three phase induction motor and also the dc supply.
Based from the block diagram the line to line voltage is measured using the voltage
sensor. The measured is than compared with the reference voltage that has been set in
the Simulink. All of the controller design will be downloaded into Arduino Uno. PWM
is generated from the Arduino into the gate driver. The gate driver will supply a higher

PWM value that is used to turn on the 3 phase inverter. The switching signal from gate
driver is used to convert the dc voltage to ac voltage thus turning on the induction motor.

3.2 The Project Flowchart

Software part
Hardware Part
(MATLAB simulink)

Study the 3 phase Study structure of 3

inverter phase IM

Derive mathematical
Study the 3 phase
modelling of 3 phase

Adaptive controller
Hardware setup

No Time response meet



Upload to arduino

Observe controller

Combination of hardware and software part

(MATLAB simulink modal targeted to Arduino)

Observe the


Write thesis and


Figure 3.2: Project flowchart

The flowchart in Figure 3.2 above shows the frame work to achieve the project
objectives. For earlier stage, the task is divided into two parts, which are hardware and
software. For the software part, MATLAB Simulink are the major part that needed to be

cover since most of the analysis is done by using Simulink in Matlab. The process starts
with modeling process using the Simulink program based on equation, and then do the
simulation as to obtain the expected output. For hardware part is to test the Simulink
program from using the existing 3 phase induction motor using the Arduino

3.3 Arduino IO Library

In MATLAB Support Package for Arduino (also can be referred to as "ArduinoIO

Package") in Figure 3.3 allows user to communicate with an Arduino Uno or Arduino
Duemilanove over a serial port. It consists of a MATLAB API on the host computer and
a server program that runs on the Arduino. This allow user to access Arduino analog
input and ouput , digital input and ouput, operate servo motors, read encoders, and even
handle dc and stepper motors using the adafruit motor shield, all from the MATLAB
command line. Arduino IO also has it own Simulink library that user can used as to
design their own desired control system. One advantage of using Arduino IO is that user
can see the simulation based on real time.

Figure 3.3 Arduino IO Simulink Library


3.4 Inverter Design

Figure 3.4: six level 3 phase inverter design

Figure 3.4 shows the inverter that is used in the project. The function of the inverter is to
convert any given dc voltage to ac voltage. The main power electronic device that is
used SPP11N60C3 N channel MOSFET. The reason SPP11N60C3 MOSFET is used
because it has a maximum drain voltage of 600V. The voltage that is needed in order to
turn on the gate voltage (Vgs) for the SPP11N60c3 MOSFET is supplied from the PWM
gate driver which higher than 10V.

3.4.1 Part List for Inverter

Table 3.1: Component for inverter design

2 Capacitor 470uF 1

3.5 Gate Driver Design

Figure 3.5: 3 phase (3 input 6 output) circuit driver

Figure 3.5 shows the circuit design for the 3 input 6 output PWM gate driver. The input
of the gate driver is connected to the Arduino Uno and meanwhile the output is
connected to inverter. The output that is produced from the gate driver is fed to the
inverter as to generate ac voltage as to generate output voltage higher than 10V which is
the minimum voltage value needed to be supplied to MOSFET, IE0515S converter is
used. This component converts the 5 Vdc input from the Arduino and than converts it to
15Vdc which is enough to turn on the the gate voltage of the MOSFET.

The gate driver also creates 2 PWM pulses which consist of positive pulse and also the
inverted PWM pulse that needed to be sent to the MOSFET for switching action. Since

there 6 MOSFET is used. The input for the gate driver comes from the digital output pin
of Arduino.

3.5.1 Part List for Gate Driver Design

Table 3.2: Component gate driver design

1 1N4748 6
2 IC7414 3
3 IC4081 3
4 HCPL3120 6
5 Resistor 4.3k ohm 2
6 Resistor 560 ohm 2
7 Resistor 10 ohm 2
8 Resistor 10 k 12

3.6 Proposed Controller


Reference Voltage1 PID Controller 0.1
f(u) f(u) Constant Operator Scope
Scope2 NOT
Sine Wave1 ADC DAC Repeating
Sequence Logical


PID(s) >=
Reference Voltage2
PID Controller1 Relational
f(u) f(u)
Constant1 Scope3
Scope6 NOT
Sine Wave3 ADC2 DAC Repeating
Sequence1 Logical


Reference Voltage3 PID(s)

PID Controller2 0.1
f(u) f(u) Constant2 Operator2
Sine Wave5
DAC Scope11 NOT Scope7
ADC4 Repeating
Sequence2 Logical

Figure 3.6: The Proposed Controller

Although many researchers have been done on developing new control method for
induction motors, the proportional –integral- derivative controller (PID) is still widely
used in industry due to its simplicity and popularity. Over 85% of all dynamic (low level)
controllers are of the PID variety. Reason on choosing PID because of their simplicity
where we can operate them in a simple and straightforward manner A PID controller
attempts to correct the error between a measured process variable and a desire then
produces a corrective action that can adjust the process accordingly.

The PID controller calculation (algorithm) involves three separate parameters: the
Proportional, the Integral and Derivative values. The Proportional value determines the

reaction to the current error, the Integral value determines the reaction based on the sum
of recent errors, and the Derivative value determines the reaction based on the rate at
which the error has been changing. Defining as the controller output, the final form
of the PID algorithm is:


= proportional gain, a tuning parameter.

= integral gain, a tuning parameter.
= derivative gain, a tuning parameter.
= error.
= time or instantaneous time.

The weighted sum of these three actions is used to adjust the process via a control
element such as the position of a control valve or the power supply of a heating.

By "tuning" the three constants in the PID controller algorithm, the controller can
provide control action designed for specific process requirements. The response of the
controller can be described in terms of the responsiveness of the controller to an error,
the degree to which the controller overshoots the set point and the degree of system

Figure 3.7: PID controller System

PID also is more practical than the typical on/off controller, PID controllers allow for
much better adjustments to be made in the system.

3.7 PI Controller Design Using Arduino IO

PI(s) Digital Write
Pin 3
Reference1 0 Relay
PI Controller Arduino Digital Write
Arduino1 -K-
Analog Read 20 Fo=100Hz
Pin 0 Gain1
Gain7 >=
Arduino Analog Read 2nd-Order Switch
Filter Repeating
20 Sequence
Constant6 Constant4

Digital Write
PI(s) Pin 4
Relay1 Arduino Digital Write1
PI Controller1

Analog Read -K- 0
Pin 1
Gain5 20
Arduino Analog Read1 Gain2 >=

20 3
Discrete Switch1
Constant9 2nd-Order

Digital Write
PI(s) Pin 5
PI Controller2 Relay2 Arduino Digital Write2

Arduino1 Repeating
Analog Read -K- Sequence2
Pin 2 20
20 Gain3 Fo=100Hz
Arduino Analog Read2
Constant3 3 >=

Constant11 Discrete Switch2


Figure 3.8: The controller design

The controller part in Figure 3.8 is designed using Simulink tool in MATLAB 2012a by
using Arduino IO block. Two blocks from ArduinoIO tools is used in the controller
design which is the analog input block and also the digital output block. The analog

input block is connected directly to the voltage sensor and meanwhile the digital block
output is connected directly to the gate driver circuit as to inject the PWM that is
produced. The PWM is produced by injecting a saw tooth signal to the output from the
PI controller. From Figure 3.8 shows the controller design that is downloaded into the
Arduino Uno. The reference voltage value is compared from the value of the voltage
sensor in the Matlab Simulink. The difference which is the error from reference value
and measured value is then injected into a PI controller as to minimize the error that is

Figure 3.9: PI controller setting

Figure 3.9 shows the value that is chosen for the controller setting. The value of the
proportional control and integral control that is chosen as to obtain minimum error is for
proportional gain Kp = 0.01 and meanwhile for integral gain KI = 0.01. In the design
also relay is used as a switching device in order to generate the PWM waveform. The PI
controller is chosen because of the integral action enables PI controller enables to
eliminate offset which is a major weakness in P controller. PI controller also provides


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