Toothpaste Brands - A Study of Consumer Behavior PDF

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A Study of Consumer Behavior on Toothpaste Brands in

Course Name: Consumer Behavior

Course Code: MKT-320

Submitted to,

Md. Humayun Kabir Chowdhury


Department of Marketing

Jagannath University

Submitted by,
Team, Voice of Marketing

11th Batch

Department of Marketing

Jagannath University

Date of Submission: November 2019

A Study of Consumer Behavior on Toothpaste Brands

Members of Group

Name ID
Mostofa Al Mamun B160204045
Rakib Khan B160204066
Ahanaf Tasbid B160204091
Reduwanul Hoque B160204102

Letter of Transmittal

26th September 2019

Md. Humayun Kabir ChowdhuryProfessor
Department of Marketing
Jagannath University, Bangladesh

Subject: Submission of the report.

Dear Sir,
It is an immense pleasure for us to be able to hand over the assignment of our work on 'Study of
Consumer Behavior' (Toothpaste Brands).

The work experience has provided us the opportunity to gather knowledge about current situation of
toothpaste market in bangladesh and what attribute and factors influence a consumer to purchase a
product. This really helped us significantly to enhance our practical experience in research.

We, therefore, convey our thanks to you for your kind cooperation, supervision and advice in
conducting and preparing this report. We have completed the whole program with great enthusiasm.
We hope you will find this report worth reading although we was not able to accumulate all types of
information due to some limitations.

Yours sincerely,
Team, Voice of Marketing
11th Batch
Department of Marketing
Jagannath University


It is indeed a great pleasure and honor on our part to have the opportunity to submit this report after
research. We would like to offer our heartiest gratitude to almighty Allah for keeping us in good health
and giving us the strength to complete the report.

Our successful completion of this report would not have possible without the help of some kind-
hearted people.

We are very grateful to those people who are help us to get information by participating in our survey.

Table of Contents
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ........................................................................................................................4
1. Introduction ...........................................................................................................................................6
1.1 Toothpaste Brands ...........................................................................................................................7
2. Objectives: .............................................................................................................................................8
3 . Research Methodology: ........................................................................................................................9
4. Data analysis and interpretation ..........................................................................................................10
5. Findings ...............................................................................................................................................11
6 . Conclusion and Recommendation ......................................................................................................12

1. Introduction
Consumer behavior is stated as the behavior that consumer display in searching for,
purchasing, using, evaluating, and disposing of products, services and ideas that they
expect will satisfy their needs. The study of consumer behavior is concerned not only
with what consumers buy, but also with why they buy it, when and how they buy it, and
how often they buy it. It is concerned with learning the specific meanings that products
hold for consumers. Consumer research takes place at every phase of consumption
process, before the purchase, during the purchase and after the purchase. According to
Philip Kotler, consumer behavior is “all psychological customers as they become aware
of evaluate, purchase, consume and tell other about products and services”. The scope
of consumer behavior includes not only the actual buyer and his act of buying but also
various roles played by different individuals and the influence they exert on the final
purchase decision. Individual consumer behavior is influenced by economic, social,
cultural, psychological, and personal factors. Today the success of any firm depends
upon the satisfaction of consumers. For satisfying the consumers the firm should know
about the behavior of the consumers. Just as the body needs to be washed thoroughly
every day, the teeth used to bite food that keeps the body alive, need to be cleaned
property to achieve proper oral hygiene. The story of toothpaste is one of the classical
cases of attitude change. Apart from turning everybody into toothpaste users, the
various attributes of the product is getting the consumers changing with every new

1.1 Toothpaste Brands


Pepsodent toothpaste was introduced in the United States

in 1915 by the Pepsodent Company of Chicago. The
original formula for the paste contained ”pepsin”, a
digestive agent designed to break down and digest food
deposits on the teeth, hence the brand and company name.
Pepsodent is still sold as a Unilever property in all markets
except the United States and Canada. According to the
Brand trust Report 2014, Pepsodent moved up to 71st
position among India's most trusted brands. Pepsodent is an American brand of
toothpaste with the minty flavor derived from sassafras.


Colgate is an umbrella brand principally used for oral

hygiene products such as toothpastes, toothbrushes,
mouthwashes and dental floss. Manufactured by Colgate-
Palmolive, Colgate oral hygiene products were first sold
by the company in 1873, sixteen years after the death of
the founder, William Colgate. The company originally
sold soap.


Close-up is a brand of toothpaste launched in 1967 by

Unilever as the first gel toothpaste. The brand is marketed
worldwide by Unilever and licensed since 2003 for North
America to Church & Dwight.

Close-Up toothpaste is also available in the Philippines,

Peru, Argentina, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, India, Iran, Brazil,
Russia and Bangladesh. It is one of the top brands in
terms of sales in India. The brand is positioned to target
the youth segment with a lifestyle appeal in its advertising

campaigns. According to an August 2016 report in The Economic Times, Close-Up
was in the second spot in market share of toothpaste in India during January–June 2015
as well as January–June 2016.


Sensodyne is a brand name of toothpaste and mouthwash

targeted at people with sensitive teeth. Sensodyne products
are applied at home. Sensodyne is owned by
GlaxoSmithKline and is marketed under the name
Shumitect in Japan.

2. Objectives:
 To examine the Demographic factors influencing purchase decisions.
 To examine the consumer awareness of toothpaste.
 To find out how promotional schemes are influencing the consumers.
 To examine how the product attributes influencing the consumer buying
 To analysis what’s the reason so they switch to other brand .

3 . Research Methodology:
Research methodology is the process of solving the problem systematically by research.
The objective of the study is to solve the problem by using available data.

3.1 Research Design

Research design is a detailed blue print used to guide the research study towards its
In this study we used descriptive design.

3.2 Sample technique

Sample is the fraction of the population; sampling is a technique or a method of
selection of samples. We are carrying out this research adopted the most appropriate
sampling technique for research that is the simple random technique.
We has taken 20 samples randomly from the total population. Primary sources of data
collected through questionnaire & Google form, and website are referred as a secondary

3.3 Instrument Design

For collecting primary data, method used is questionnaire. It is the most popular method
used when the population and sample size are large. A questionnaire includes a number
of questions, printed in proper sequence, for presenting to respondents for their answers.

3.4 Data analysis and Interpretation

The data has been collected with the help of questionnaire and google form. And it has
been analyzed and interpreted with the help of tables along with relevant descriptions.
Appropriate treatment has been done to the raw data and logical conclusions are drawn
based on the findings.

4. Data analysis and interpretation

Table-1: Demographic Variable

Demographic Variable Number of respondents Percentage
Age (Years)
7-18 5 25
18-25 10 50
25-30 3 15
30&above 2 10
Male 15 75
Female 5 25
Student 18 90
Businessman 2 10

Table 2: Toothpaste Brands(Attitude Formation)

Brands Anti- Medicinal Taste Mouth Cleaning Price
Cavity freshening
Pepsodent 3.5 3 3.1 3.8 3.2 4.2 3.52
Colgate 3.7 3.4 3.4 3.7 3.6 3.25 3.43
Sensodyne 3.9 4 3.3 3.55 3.7 3.05 3.55
Close-up 3.25 3.2 3.75 4.4 3.75 4.5 3.42
Mediplus 4.05 4.05 3.75 4.2 3.9 2.7 3.70

Pepsodent: 3.5(0.20)+3(0.10)+3.1(0.10)+ 3.8(0.15)+3.2(.25)+4.2(.20)=3.52

Colgate: 3.7(0.20)+3.4(0.10)+3.4(0.10)+ 3.7(0.15)+3.6(.25)+3.25(.20)=3.43

Sensodyne: 3.9(0.20)+4(0.10)+3.3(0.10)+ 3.55(0.15)+3.7(.25)+3.05(.20)=3.55

Close-up: 3.25(0.20)+3.2(0.10)+3.75(0.10)+ 4.4(0.15)+3.75(.25)+4.5(.20)=3.42

Mediplus: 4.05(0.20)+4.05(0.10)+3.75(0.10)+ 4.2(0.15)+3.9(.25)+2.7(.20)=3.7

From the survey result, we got that 'Mediplus' is liked by most of the repondents.

10 | P a g e
Brand Preference

21% 20%
20% Mediplus


5. Findings

5.1 Demographic factor

Based on this study demographic factor like age, gender, status influence people
indirectly for decision making. This is supported by following evidence. Demographic
factors play a major role parents. However, findings on whether product knowledge has
a positive impact on teenagers’ influence differ in concept oriented families, and if they
had better grades. Also, parental employment status influence in income of a family. For
instance, adolescents from traditional homes, whose mothers have a career, are more
influential in family decision making, possibly due to guilt on the mothers’ part
influence their parents, children use different types of influence, e.g. bargaining,
persuasion, emotional, and request strategy.

5 .2 Product attributes
Based on this study product attributes also influencing the consumers for decision
making. Most of the respondents gave importance to healthy tooth and gums, prevention
of tooth decay, taste, teeth clean, long lasting freshness, and medicinal, etc. So people
consider the benefit of the product for buying toothpaste.

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5.3 Price
Based on this survey, most of the respondents are influenced by price then
availability, and then packaging .For increasing the price of a product the
company should consider the views of consumer otherwise the consumer switch over to
competitor product.

6 . Conclusion and Recommendation

Consumer behavior is not exactly predicted one; somewhat it is predicted with the help
of research activity. Starting and ending of the survey ends and
companies concentrate in analyzing the requirement of people thoroughly to
satisfy and retaining the consumer.
There are some important factors considered by the consumer for decision
making. Brand image, advertising, and offer play an important role in purchasing
toothpaste, sometimes based on the offer, the consumer compare
with competitor product and select the best one. In this survey, we are tried to find out
how much product attribute influence a consumer to purchase a toothpaste. After
analyzing we got that product attribute analyzed by the consumer for deciding a brand.
Switching of one product to other company product is mainly based on advertisement,
brand name, packaging, product availability, and price rise, etc. In our findings we got
that 'Mediplus' is liked by most of the respondents. In the other hand, If we see that the
current market situation , it's totally different. Pepsodent, Colgate and Close-up have the
majority percent of the total toothpaste market share. We think that reason behind of this
situation is less promotion, brand popularity and high price of mediplus. So the
companies analyze all these factors and find out the best suitable tools for promoting
their toothpastes and take acceptable price in Bangladesh.

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