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Bangalore Distribution Up-gradation Project:

BESCOM has taken up Distribution Automation Scheme (DAS) of 11 kv network in
Bangalore Metropolitan Area Zone (BMAZ) under the Bangalore Distribution up-gradation
project with financial assistance from JICA (Japan International Cooperation Agency – Govt.
of Japan). JICA approved the project in November 2006. The total cost of the project is Rs
563.7 Crs. The project is being funded both by JICA (JBIC) and BESCOM. JICA’s funding
will be Rs 417.1 Crs. and from BESCOM about Rs146.6 Crs. The Project involves
Consultancy and Construction Activities. M/s KEMA and M/s CPRI were appointed as
Project Management Consultants (PMC) through Global Tendering process.


 Providing assured quality and reliability of power supply.

 To improve quality of service management and customers satisfaction.
 To avoid loss of time for fault location and restoration due to manual operation.
 To improve the reliability of power supply in Bangalore City thereby increase in
energy sales and hence revenue.
 To integrate all IT related activities on to a common Distribution Management
 To improve Network Control management.
 Optimum power factor, reduction in losses.
 Enabling of online energy audit (AMR systems).


 Providing assured quality and reliability of power supply, thereby increase in energy
sales and hence revenue.
 To improve quality of service management and customer satisfaction.
 Optimum power factor, reduction in losses.
 Real time control over the costly energy sold.
 Improved efficiency results in lower costs.
 Enables online energy audit (AMR Systems).

The Scope of the works includes drawing of 11kV new UG/ OH to suit the system for
distribution automation, providing 11kV UG/AB cable to suit the system for distribution
automation, Retrofitting of existing RMU Operating Devices, Providing motorized
mechanism, Providing compact RMU’s for spur points of overhead lines, Remote Terminal
Units (RTU) with communication facility at all RMU locations, and Establishing Master
Control Centre at Corporate level with necessary communication, hardware and software.
Under the Construction activities a set of 7 packages were awarded to National &
International firms, on turnkey basis through International Competitive Bidding (ICB)
process as detailed in further sections.

The Construction Packages are noted below:

Sl No Package Nature of activity

1 Pkg-I Distribution Automation System (DAS) Master Stations,

Communication System and Control Centre Facilities

2 Pkg-II Remote Terminal Units for Existing and New Ring Main Units

3 Pkg-III Line Reclosers (LRC) and Load Break Switches (LBS)

4 Pkg-IV New Ring Main Units

5 Pkg-V Replacement of Existing Ring Main Units

6 Pkg-VI Construction of Overhead Lines

7 Pkg- VII Construction of Underground Cables.

Control Centers: It is proposed to set up DAS Control Centers at 2 locations.

1) HSR layout (BCC1)
2) Anand Rao circle (BCC2), KPTCL premises.

Communication System: The communication system in DAS project shall constitute a

Digital Microwave Backbone system, in the form of licensed system (DMBS) and an
unlicensed System (UDMBS) along with multi-celled Multiple Address Radio System
(MARS).The project requires Microwave and UHF Communication System for the operation
of the system. In this regard BESCOM has submitted application to Wireless Planning and
Coordination (WPC) and Standing Advisory Committee on Radio Frequency Allocation
(SACFA)for frequency Allocation and Full siting clearances for construction of
communication of towers.

Communication Network: The Communication system for DAS constitute network of

Communication towers at 10 locations all over Bangalore.

Training: As per DWA 10 months of On-Job Training (OJT) is to be conducted by M/s

EFACEC Engenharia e Sistemans, S.A Portugal at contractor facilities. The training courses
include subjects on MARS Communications, DMBS Communications, UDMBS
Communications and DAS Master Stations.

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