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Modbus communication Content

Presentation 2
Managing the Modbus protocol 3
Configuring the communication interfaces 4 1
Serial line communication 4
Ethernet communication 6
Commissioning and diagnosis 10
Serial line communication 10
Ethernet communication 12
Data addresses and coding 17
Addresses in direct-access mode 19
Time-setting and synchronization 39
Time-tagged events 41
Transferring records 43
Access to remote settings 47
Customized table 49
Security 51
Reading Sepam identification 52
Appendix 1. Modbus protocol 53
Appendix 2. Function settings 58

SEPED303002EN - 06/2010 1
Modbus communication Presentation

Modbus communication allows Sepam to be connected to a supervisor or any other
1 device with a master Modbus communication channel.

Sepam is always a slave station.

Sepam series 80 has 2 identical and independent serial communication ports, COM1
and COM2. Sepam series 80 can also be fitted with an optional Ethernet
communication interface. Use of COM2 port and Ethernet interface are mutually

Sepam is connected to a Modbus communication network via a communication

There is a choice of 3 types of communication interface:
b communication interfaces to connect Sepam to a single serial network:
v ACE949-2, for connection to a 2-wire RS 485 network
v ACE959, for connection to a 4-wire RS 485 network
v ACE937, for connection to a fiber-optic star network
b communication interfaces to connect Sepam to 2 serial networks:
v ACE969TP-2, for connection to:
- one 2-wire RS 485 Modbus S-LAN supervision communication network
- one 2-wire RS 485 E-LAN engineering communication network
v ACE969FO-2, for connection to:
- one fiber-optic Modbus S-LAN supervision communication network
- one 2-wire RS 485 E-LAN engineering communication network
b communication interfaces to connect Sepam to an Ethernet network:
v ACE850TP for electrical connection to the Ethernet network
v ACE850FO for optical connection to the Ethernet network.

Accessing Sepam data

Data available
Modbus communication provides access to many different functions, including:
Sepam series 80 - two ports for communication and remote b reading of metering and diagnosis information
operation by SFT2841. b reading of status conditions and remote indications
b transfer of time-tagged events
b transfer of files such as disturbance recordings and tripping contexts and, for
Sepam series 60 and Sepam series 80, out-of-sync contexts, motor start reports,
motor start trends and data logs
b transfer of disturbance-recording data
b viewing of protection settings
b reading of Sepam configuration and identification
b remote control of the analog output
b time-setting and synchronization.
The actual list depends on the application, the type of Sepam and the enabled

Modbus communication also offers a number of additional functions (when enabled):

b transmission of remote controls
b modification of protection settings.
A password may be set up to protect access to these two functions.

Access modes
Depending on the data, two access modes are used:
b direct access - the data may be accessed directly in a single read or write
b indirect access - access requires a number of read and write operations, using a
protocol that is specific to the data accessed.

Customized table
With Sepam series 80, it is possible to set up for each Modbus port a customized
sub-group of data for quick reading of the most significant information on the user

Compatibility with Sepam 2000

Even though Sepam series 80 offers many additional functions, it remains
compatible with Sepam 2000 addresses and formats for most information.

2 SEPED303002EN - 01/2013
Modbus communication Managing the Modbus protocol

Protocol operation
Modbus is used to exchange information between a master and one or more slave
units, identified by a number. It implements request-reply dialog, where requests are
always initiated by the master. Modbus exists in ASCII and binary (RTU mode)

Data is exchanged in the form of 16-bit words (also called registers) or simply bits.
Each piece of information (bit or register) has a 16-bit address.

A detailed description of the protocol is provided in the appendix. It may also be found

Modbus functions
The Modbus protocol used by Sepam series 80 is a compatible sub-group of the RTU
Modbus protocol.
The functions listed below are handled by Sepam series 80:
b basic functions (data access):
v function 1: reading of n output or internal bits
v function 2: reading of n input bits
v function 3: reading of n output or internal words
v function 4: reading of n input words
v function 5: writing of 1 bit
v function 7: high-speed reading of 8 bits
v function 15: writing of n bits
v function 16: writing of n words.
b communication-management functions:
v function 8: Modbus diagnosis
v function 11: reading of Modbus event counter
v function 43: sub-function 14: reading of identification.
b enhanced functions:
v function 102: secure access.

The following exception codes are supported:

b 1: unknown function code
b 2: incorrect address
b 3: incorrect data
b 4: not ready (cannot process request)
b 7: not acknowledged (remote reading and setting in particular).

Multi-master operation
Serial line Modbus operation
When Sepam units are connected via a gateway to a multiple-access network
(Ethernet, Modbus+, etc.), a number of masters may address the same unit via the
same communication port.
The serial line Modbus protocol cannot manage this type of architecture. The
network designer is responsible for avoiding collisions.
b For direct-access data, in general, no particular precautions must be taken.
b For indirect-access data, Sepam provides two exchange zones on each port,
making possible two simultaneous, independent accesses by two different masters.

Modbus over TCP/IP operation

The ACE850 accepts up to 8 simultaneous Modbus/TCP connections.
Sepam accepts the Unit-Id 255 or any value in the range 1-247.
If several clients are accessing indirect-access data, they must make proper use of
the two exchange zones provided. No access synchronization is provided by Sepam

The typical response time (time between the end of request reception and sending
the reply) is less than 10 milliseconds for 90% of exchanges.
It may occasionally be longer, but not exceed 150 ms.
In indirect mode, the time needed between the request (or an acknowledgment) and
the availability of the corresponding data is linked to the Sepam low-priority cycle
time and may vary from a few dozen to several hundred milliseconds.

SEPED303002EN - 01/2013 3
Modbus communication Configuring the communication
Serial line communication

Access to configuration parameters


The Sepam communication interfaces must be configured using SFT2841 software.

1 The configurations can be accessed from the Communication configuration window
in the SFT2841 software.
To access this window:
b open the Sepam configuration window in SFT2841
b select the communication port you are going to configure, by checking the COM1
or COM2 box
b click on the relevant button : the Communication configuration window
b select the type of interface used: ACE949/ACE959/ACE937, ACE969TP or
b select the Modbus communication protocol.

The configuration parameters will vary depending on the communication interface

SFT2841: Sepam configuration screen.
selected: ACE949/ACE959/ACE937, ACE969TP or ACE969FO. The table below
specifies the parameters to be configured depending on the communication interface

Parameters to be configured ACE949 ACE969TP ACE969FO

Physical layer parameters b b b
Fiber-optic parameters b
Advanced Modbus parameters b b b
E-LAN parameters b b

Configuring the physical layer of the Modbus


Asynchronous serial transmission is used with the following character format:
b 1 start bit
b 8 data bits
b 1 stop bit
b parity according to parameter setting.
The number of stop bits is always fixed at 1.
If a configuration with parity has been selected, each character will contain 11 bits:
1 start bit + 8 data bits + 1 parity bit + 1 stop bit.
If a no parity configuration has been selected, each character will contain 10 bits:
1 start bit + 8 data bits + 1 stop bit.

The configuration parameters for the physical layer of the Modbus port are as
b slave number (Sepam address)
b transmission speed
b parity check type.
Parameters Authorized values Default value
Sepam address 1 to 247 1
Speed 4800, 9600, 19200 19200 bps
or 38400 bps
Parity No parity, even Even
SFT2841: communication configuration window for ACE949. or odd

Configuring the ACE969FO-2 fiber-optic port

The configuration for the physical layer of the ACE969FO-2 fiber-optic port is
completed with the following 2 parameters:
b link idle state: light-on or light-off
b echo mode: with or without.

Fiber-optic parameters Authorized values Default value

Link idle state Light Off or Light On Light Off
Echo mode Yes (fiber-optic ring) No
or No (fiber-optic star)

Note: in echo mode, the Modbus master will receive the echo of its own request before the
slave's reply. The Modbus master must be able to disregard this echo. Otherwise, it is impossible
to create a Modbus fiber-optic ring.

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Modbus communication Configuring the communication
Serial line communication

Configuring Modbus advanced parameters


With Sepam series 80, remote controls and remote settings can be protected by a
Advanced parameters can be used to configure the security function by:
b activating the function
b entering the password for the remote controls
b entering the password for the remote settings.

Advanced parameters Authorized values Default value

Security function On/Off Off
Remote controls password 4-digit code 0000
Remote settings password 4-digit code 0000

Modbus Advanced parameters window.

Configuring the physical layer of the


ACE969-2 E-LAN port

The E-LAN port on the ACE969TP-2 and ACE969FO-2 communication interfaces is
a 2-wire RS 485 port.
The configuration parameters for the physical layer of the E-LAN port are:
b Sepam address
b transmission speed
b parity check type.
The number of stop bits is always fixed at 1.
If a configuration with parity has been selected, each character will contain 11 bits:
1 start bit + 8 data bits + 1 parity bit + 1 stop bit.
If a no parity configuration has been selected, each character will contain 10 bits:
1 start bit + 8 data bits + 1 stop bit.

Parameters Authorized values Default value

Sepam address 1 to 247 1
Speed 4800, 9600, 19200 38400 bps
or 38400 bps
Parity No parity, even Odd
or odd

Configuration tips
Communication configuration window for ACE969FO. b The Sepam address MUST be assigned before Sepam is connected to the
communication network.
b You are also strongly advised to set the other physical layer configuration
parameters before connecting to the communication network.
b Modifying the configuration parameters during normal operation will not disturb
Sepam but will reset the communication port.

SEPED303002EN - 01/2013 5
Modbus communication Configuring the communication
Ethernet communication

Access to configuration parameters

The Sepam communication interfaces must be configured using SFT2841 software.
1 The configuration parameters can be accessed from the Communication

configuration window in the SFT2841 software.

To access this window:
b open the Sepam configuration window in SFT2841
b select the Ethernet communication port
b click on the relevant button : the Communication configuration window
b select the type of interface used: ACE850TP or ACE850FO.

Configuring an ACE850 involves:

b configuring the standard Ethernet parameters (mandatory)
b configuring one or more of the following sets of advanced optional parameters:
v SNMP: Ethernet network management
v SNTP: time synchronization
SFT2841: Sepam configuration screen. v IP filtering: access control
v RSTP: Ethernet ring management
v User accounts: access control.

Ethernet and TCP/IP configuration

Before configuring the ACE850, obtain a unique static IP address, subnet mask, and

default gateway address from the network administrator. See the section on
IP address and parameter guidelines, page 9.
Parameters Description Authorized values
Frame format Used to select the format for data sent over
Ethernet II, 802.3, Auto
an Ethernet connection. Default: Ethernet II
Media type Used to define the physical Ethernet ACE850TP
connection. b 10T/100Tx Auto
b 10BaseT-HD
b 10BaseT-FD
b 100BaseTX-HD
b 100BaseTX-FD
Default: 10T/100Tx Auto
b 100BaseFX-HD
b 100BaseFX-FD
Default: 100BaseFX-FD
IP address Used to enter the static IP address of the to
ACE850. Default:
Subnet mask Used to enter the subnet mask of your to
network. Default:
Default gateway Used to enter the default gateway (router) to
IP address used for wide area network Default:
(WAN) communications.
Allow CID file to This option is irrelevant when only Modbus Default: not checked
override IP communication is used.
Keep alive Timeout value used to test for session 1 to 60 seconds
disconnection. Default: 30 seconds
FTP session Timeout value used to force disconnection 30 to 900 seconds
inactivity timeout of an inactive FTP session Default: 30 seconds

Duplicate IP address detection

The ACE850 IP address must be unique in the network. If it is not unique, the Status
LED repeats a four blink-pause pattern and a new IP address must be assigned to
the ACE850 or to the conflicting device.

6 SEPED303002EN - 01/2013
Modbus communication Configuring the communication
Ethernet communication

SNMP configuration
The ACE850 supports SNMP V1, allowing a network administrator to remotely
access it with an SNMP manager and view the network status and diagnostics in 1

the MIB2 format (only a subset of MIB2 is implemented).

Additionally, the ACE850 may be configured to send SNMP traps in the following
b ACE850 start/restart
b Link up
b Link down
b Authentication failure.

Parameters Description Authorized values

System Name This parameter is the same as the Sepam Not modifiable from this
label. screen.
System Contact Name of the administrative contact String (< 16 characters)
Default: empty string
SFT2841: SNMP configuration. System Location Location of the Sepam/ACE850 String (< 16 characters)
Default: empty string
Read-only SNMP community that has read-only String (< 16 characters)
Community Name access to the MIB. Acts as a password. Default: "public"
Read-write SNMP community that has read-write String (< 16 characters)
Community Name access to the MIB. Acts as a password. Default: "private"
Enable traps Checking this check box enables SNMP to Default: "not checked"
send traps.
Traps SNMP community that is used with traps. String (< 16 characters)
Community Name Default: "public"
Manager 1 IP IP address of the SNMP manager to which to
address traps are sent. Default:
Manager 2 IP IP address of a second SNMP manager to to
address which traps are sent. Default:

SNTP configuration
SNTP is a time synchronization protocol that can be used to synchronize the
Sepam. SNTP is used in mode 3-4 (unicast mode).

b If SNTP is used, the synchronization source for Sepam must be defined as

b If SNTP is not used, the Sepam synchronization must be ensured by other
means (Modbus frames, synchronization tops).

Parameters Description Authorized values

Enable SNTP Enables the time and date of the Sepam to Default: not enabled
be set by the Simple Network Time
Protocol (SNTP) server.
Time Zone Offset Determines the difference between local UTC-12 to UTC+14
time and Coordinated Universal Time Default: UTC
(UTC) (same as GMT).
Enable Daylight Enables the use of Daylight Saving Time Default: not enabled
Saving Time (Summer time).
SFT2841: SNTP configuration. DST offset Difference between standard time and + 30 or + 60 minutes
Daylight Saving Time. Default: + 60 minutes
DST starts If enabled, DST starts on the selected Default: last Sunday of
date. March
DST ends If enabled, DST ends on the selected date. Default: last Sunday of
Primary Server IP The IP address of the SNTP server the to
Address ACE850 contacts to get the time Default:
Secondary Server The IP address of another SNTP server to
IP Address the ACE850 contacts in case the primary Default:
server is down.
Poll Interval Controls how often the ACE850 contacts 1 to 300 minutes
the SNTP server for the correct time. Default: 60 minutes

SEPED303002EN - 01/2013 7
Modbus communication Configuring the communication
Ethernet communication

IP filtering configuration
The IP filtering function allows the administrator to specify which Modbus/TCP
1 clients and which IEC 61850 clients have access to the ACE850 services.

Note: if IP filtering is enabled, access is forbidden to any client not in the filtered list.

Parameters Description Authorized values

Enable filtering Check this box to activate filtering based Default: not enabled
on IP addresses.
IP address The IP address of a client for which to
filtering options are defined. Default:
IEC 61850 Check this box to grant IEC 61850 access Default: not checked
to the given IP address.
Modbus Check this box to grant Modbus/TCP Default: not checked
access to the given IP address.

SFT2841: IP filtering configuration.

RSTP configuration
The RSTP protocol enables the use of redundant Ethernet architectures such as

It must be enabled each time the ACE850 is included in a loop. It may be disabled
in other cases.
Changing the default settings is normally not required and should be performed with
extreme care as it could jeopardize the stability of the Ethernet network.
If in doubt, it is always possible to revert to the default values using the Default
settings button.

Parameters Description Authorized values

Enable RSTP Check this box to activate the use of the Default: enabled
RSTP protocol.
Bridge priority Priority of the bridge. The bridge with the 0 - 61440, by steps of 4096
lowest priority becomes root. Default: 61440
Hello time Amount of time between the transmission 1 to 10 seconds
of configuration messages Default: 2 seconds
SFT2841: RSTP configuration. Forward delay time Time value to control how fast a port 4 to 30 seconds
changes its spanning state when moving Default: 21 seconds
towards the forwarding state
Max age time Valid duration of configuration message 6 to 40 seconds
once sent by the root bridge Default: 40 seconds
Max transmit count Maximum BPDUs that can be transmitted 3 to 100
by the Port Transmit state machine in any Default: 32
Hello time. This value limits the maximum
transmission rate.
Cost style RSTP (32 bits) or STP (16 bits) cost style Default: RSTP
Note: RSTP parameters must verify the following relationships:
b 2 x (Forward_delay_time - 1 second) u Max_age_time
b Max_age_time u 2 x (Hello_time + 1 second).

8 SEPED303002EN - 01/2013
Modbus communication Configuring the communication
Ethernet communication

User accounts configuration

ACE850 users are assigned usernames and passwords used to gain access to the
FTP or WEB servers. Each user belongs to a group which determines the user’s 1

access rights:
b Administrator: read-write access to the FTP server, access to the WEB server
b Operator: read-only access to the FTP server, access to the WEB server
b Guest: no access to the FTP server, access to the WEB server

Up to 4 user accounts can be defined.

Parameters Description Authorized values

User control enable Check this box to enable the configuration Default: enabled
of users account. Currently, the ACE850
will not operate if this box is not checked.
Ensure that this box is always checked.
User n Check this box to create this user account. Default: user 1 enabled
Uncheck it to delete the account (only the Users 2 to 4 disabled
last account in the list can be deleted).
SFT2841: User accounts configuration. Name User name String (1 to 8 characters)
Password User password String (4 to 8 characters)
Group Group to which the user belongs Administrator, Operator,

The following account is always created by default as user 1:

b Name: Admin
b Password: ACE850
b Group: Administrator

IP address and parameters guidelines

IP addresses
Several configuration parameters are IP addresses. These addresses must follow
precise rules which are enforced by SFT2841software and ACE850 interface. These
rules are:
b Every IP address is made of 4 fields separated by dots: x . y . z . t
b Each field is a decimal value coded on 8 bits (range [0..255]).
b The first field (x) must be in the range [1..224] but must not be 127.
b Intermediate fields can cover the full range [0..255].
b The last field must not be 0 (range [1..255]).

IP subnet mask
The IP subnet mask is also made of 4 dot separated fields:
b The binary representation of the subnet mask is made of a set of 8 to 30
contiguous ones in the most significant part, followed by a set of contiguous zeroes
( to
b For a class A IP address (x y 126), the number of ones in the subnet mask must
be at least 8 (255.y.z.t).
b For a class B IP address (128 y x y 191), the number of ones in the subnet mask
must be at least 16 (255.255.z.t).
b For a class C IP address (192 y x y 223), the number of ones in the subnet mask
must be at least 24 (255.255.255.t).
b The subnet part of the device IP address, obtained when applying the subnet
mask, must not be 0.

IP default gateway
b An IP address of means no gateway.
b If a gateway is defined, it must belong to the same subnet as the device.

SEPED303002EN - 01/2013 9
Modbus communication Commissioning and diagnosis
Serial line communication

Installing the communication network

1 Preliminary study
According to the installation characteristics and constraints, a technical study must
first determine the communication network requirements, including:
b the type of medium (electrical or fiber optic)
b the number of Sepam units per network
b the transmission speed
b the ACE interfaces configuration
b the Sepam parameter settings.

Sepam operating instructions

Communication interfaces must be installed and connected in accordance with the
Sepam series 80 installation and operation manual instructions, reference

Preliminary checks
Perform the following:
b check the CCA612 cord connection between the ACE interface and the Sepam
base unit
b check the ACE Modbus communication port connection
b check the complete configuration of the ACE
b for the ACE969, check the auxiliary power supply connection.

Checking the operation of the ACE interface


You can use the following to check that an ACE interface is operating correctly:
b the indicator LEDs on the front panel of the ACE
b the information provided by the SFT2841 software connected to Sepam:
v on the Diagnosis screen
v on the Communication configuration screens.

Link activity LED for ACE949-2, ACE959 and ACE937

The link activity LED for ACE949-2, ACE959 and ACE937 interfaces flashes when
Sepam transmission or reception is active.

Indicator LEDs on the ACE969

b green "on" LED: ACE969 energized
b red "key" LED: ACE969 interface status:
v LED off: ACE969 configured and communication operational
SFT2841: Sepam series 80 diagnosis screen. v LED flashing: ACE969 configuration error or ACE969 not configured
v LED on: ACE969 error
b S-LAN and E-LAN Tx/Rx LEDs:
v Tx flashing: Sepam transmitting
v Rx flashing: Sepam receiving
v Tx and Rx off: RS 485 communication is idle
v Tx or Rx LED on while the RS485 communication network is idle: the idle state
voltage of the RS485 network is incorrect.

Diagnosis using SFT2841 software


Sepam diagnosis screen

When connected to Sepam, the SFT2841 software informs the operator of the
general Sepam status and of the Sepam communication status in particular.
The Sepam diagnosis screen displays Sepam status information. You can get
detailed status information about each communication channel using buttons on the
Sepam communication diagnosis
The operator is provided with the following information to assist with identifying and
resolving communication problems:
b name of the protocol configured
b Modbus interface version number
SFT2841: Communication diagnosis. b number of valid frames received (CPT9)
b number of invalid (mistaken) frames received (CPT2).

10 SEPED303002EN - 01/2013
Modbus communication Commissioning and diagnosis
Serial line communication

Link activity LED Modbus diagnosis counters

The ACE interface link activity LEDs are activated by
variations in the signal on the Modbus network. When
the supervisor communicates with Sepam (during
Counter definition
Sepam manages the Modbus diagnosis counters. These are:
b CPT1: Number of valid frames received, whether the slave is involved or not
transmission or reception), these LEDs flash. b CPT2: Number of frames received with a CRC error or physical error (frames with
After wiring, check the information given by the link more than 255 bytes, frames received with at least one parity, overrun, framing or
activity LEDs when the supervisor operates. line-break error)
Note: flashing indicates that there is traffic passing to or from b CPT3: Number of exception responses generated (even if not transmitted, due to
Sepam; it does not mean that the exchanges are valid. receipt of a broadcast request)
b CPT4: Number of frames specifically addressed to the station (excluding
Functional test b CPT5: Number of valid broadcast frames received
If there is any doubt about correct operation of the link: b CPT6: Not significant
b run read/write cycles in the test zone b CPT7: Not significant
b use Modbus diagnosis function 8 (sub-code 0, echo b CPT8: Number of frames received with at least one character having a physical
mode). error (parity, overrun, framing or line break)
The Modbus frames below, transmitted or received by b CPT9: Number of valid requests received and correctly executed.
a supervisor, are an example of a test performed when
Counter reset
communication is implemented.
The counters are reset to 0:
Test zone b when they reach the maximum value FFFFh (65535)
Read Transmission 01 03 0C00 0002 C75B b when they are reset by a Modbus command (function 8)
Reception 01 03 04 0000 0000 FA33 b when Sepam auxiliary power is lost
Write Transmission 01 10 0C00 0001 02 1234 6727 b when communication parameters are modified.
Reception 01 10 0C00 0001 0299 Using the counters
Read Transmission 01 03 0C00 0001 B75A Modbus diagnosis counters help to detect and resolve communications problems.
Reception 01 03 02 1234 B539 They can be accessed by the dedicated read functions (Modbus protocol functions
Function 8 - Modbus diagnosis, echo mode 8 and 11).
The CPT2 and CPT9 counters can be displayed on SFT2841
Transmission 01 08 0000 1234 ED7C
("Sepam Diagnosis" screen).
Reception 01 08 0000 1234 ED7C
An incorrect speed (or parity) increments CPT2.
Even in echo mode, Sepam recalculates and checks Non-reception is signaled by the lack of change on CPT9.
the CRC sent by the master:
b if the CRC received is valid, Sepam replies Operating anomalies
b if the CRC received is invalid, Sepam does not reply.
It is advisable to connect the Sepam units to the Modbus network one by one.
Make sure that the supervisor is sending frames to the relevant Sepam by checking
the activity on the RS 232 - RS 485 converter or the fiber-optic converter if there is
one, and on the ACE module.
RS 485 network
b check the wiring on each ACE module
b check the tightness of the screw terminals on each ACE module
b check the connection of the CCA612 cord linking the ACE module to the Sepam
base unit
b check that polarization is only at one point and that impedance matching is at both
ends of the RS 485 network
b check the auxiliary power supply connection to the ACE969TP-2
b check that the ACE909-2 or ACE919 converter used is connected, powered and
set up correctly.
Fiber-optic network
b check the connections on the ACE module
b check the connection of the CCA612 cord linking the ACE module to the Sepam
base unit
b check the auxiliary power supply connection to the ACE969FO-2
b check that the converter or fiber-optic star used is correctly connected, powered
and configured
b for a fiber-optic ring, check that the Modbus master can correctly handle the echo
of its requests.
In all cases
b check all the ACE configuration parameters on SFT2841
b check the CPT2 and CPT9 diagnostic counters on SFT2841
("Sepam Diagnosis" screen).

SEPED303002EN - 01/2013 11
Modbus communication Commissioning and diagnosis
Ethernet communication

Installing the Ethernet network

1 Preliminary study
According to the installation characteristics and constraints, a technical study must
first determine the Ethernet network requirements, including:
b the network topology
b the various subnets (if any) and their interconnections
b the IP addressing scheme

Sepam operating instructions

Communication interfaces must be installed and connected in accordance with the
Sepam series 80 installation and operation manual instructions, reference

Preliminary checks
Perform the following actions:
b check the CCA614 cord connection between the ACE850 interface and the
Sepam base unit
b check the connection of the ACE850 to the Ethernet network
b check the auxiliary power supply connection
b check the complete configuration of the ACE850.

Checking the operation of the ACE interface

You can use the following to check that an ACE850 interface is operating correctly:
b the indicator LEDs on the front panel of the ACE850
b the information provided by the SFT2841 software connected to Sepam
b the Web pages embedded inside the ACE850.

Basic diagnostics
Diagnosis using indicator LEDs on the ACE850
1 On/fault indicator. This indicator has the following states:
b Off: the ACE850 interface is not powered

ACE850FO 1 b steady red: the ACE850 is initializing or is faulty

2 b blinking red: the ACE850 is unable to establish communication with the Sepam
3 base unit, or the ACE850 is not properly configured
5 b steady green: the ACE850 is operating correctly
Sepam P2 P1 6 b fast blinking green: indicates a transient state which occurs at startup when IEC
S80 S40
100 100
61850 communication is also used
Tx Rx Tx Rx
b steady green and blinking red: communication with the base unit has been lost.
This can indicate a normal situation due to a restart of the Sepam after parameters
have been downloaded. The ACE850 automatically resumes normal operation in a
few seconds.
This status can also indicate an error condition, in which case, ACE850 restarts
ACE850 communication interface. automatically within 15 seconds and try to re-establish connection.

2 Status indicator. This indicator has the following states:

b Off: the Ethernet communication is not started
b steady green: the Ethernet communication is correctly operating
b three blinks pattern: no logical Ethernet link
b four blinks pattern: duplicate IP address
b six blinks pattern: invalid IP configuration.

3 and 5 Speed indicators. These indicators have the following states:

b Off: the corresponding physical link is down or the port speed is 10Mbps
b On: the corresponding port operates at 100Mbps.

4 and 6 Link/Activity indicators. These indicators have the following states:

b Off: the corresponding physical link is not established
b On: the corresponding physical link is established
b blinking: the indicator blinks with the activity on the link.

12 SEPED303002EN - 01/2013
Modbus communication Commissioning and diagnosis
Ethernet communication

Diagnosis using SFT2841 software

When connected to Sepam, the SFT2841 software informs the operator of the
general Sepam status and of the Sepam communication status in particular.

Sepam status information appears on the Sepam diagnosis screen on which buttons
can be used to obtain detailed status information on each communication channel.
The Sepam diagnosis screen can be used to check that the Sepam base unit and the
ACE850 interface are correctly connected:


Diagnosis screen detail: Diagnosis screen detail:
ACE850 not or improperly connected. ACE850 connected properly.

SFT2841: Sepam diagnosis screen.

The Ethernet diagnosis screen can be used to check:

b the ACE850 module status. The ACE850 status is OK if the ACE850 validates its

b the communication ports status
b the current ACE850 IP address. If the current IP address is different from the one
configured, this could mean that the configured address is not valid, unless the
IEC 61850 protocol is also being used.

SFT2841: Ethernet diagnosis screen.

Advanced diagnostics using the embedded Web server

The advanced diagnostics feature is only available when it is possible to establish an
Ethernet connection with the ACE850. If not, the basic diagnostics must be used to
solve the problems.
Accessing the ACE850 Web server
1. Start your web browser (Internet explorer 6.0 or higher, Mozilla Firefox for

2. In the address text box, type the address of the ACE850 ( is the
default), then press Enter.
3. In the login window, type your username and password (default is Admin,
4. From the left side menu, choose the language for the current session.
5. From the menu, click Diagnostics to access the diagnostics menu.
Diagnostics Web pages
There are two general diagnostics pages dealing with Ethernet operation:
b Ethernet global statistics
b Ethernet port statistics
There is also a set of protocol dedicated diagnostic pages:
b Modbus statistics
ACE850 home page. b IEC 61850 statistics (not covered in this manual)
b SNMP statistics
b SNTP statistics
b RSTP statistics
Diagnostic pages are automatically refreshed every 5 seconds (approximately).

SEPED303002EN - 01/2013 13
Modbus communication Commissioning and diagnosis
Ethernet communication

Ethernet TCP/IP statistics

Item Description

1 Mac address Unique Ethernet hardware address of the ACE850


Frame type Value of the frame type configured with SFT2841

TCP/IP parameters Parameter values configured with SFT2841
Frames received Total number of received Ethernet frames, regardless of port or
Frames transmitted Total number of transmitted Ethernet frames, regardless of port or
Reset Counters button Button to reset the Ethernet counters
ACE850 Ethernet TCP/IP statistics.
Ethernet port statistics
Item Description
Port P1/P2 buttons Selection of the port of which statistics are displayed

Frames transmitted OK A counter that increments each time a frame is successfully

Collisions A counter that increments each time a frame is retransmitted due to
collision detection.
Excessive collisions A counter that increments each time a frame cannot be sent
because it has reached the maximum collision status based on the
Truncated Binary Exponential Backoff algorithm.
Carrier sense errors A counter that increments each time there is a collision because
carrier sense is disabled.
ACE850 Ethernet port statistics. Internal MAC Tx errors A counter that increments for every transmission error that is not
caused by late, excessive, or carrier sense collisions.
Link speed Actual link speed
Frames received OK A counter that increments each time a frame is successfully
Alignment errors A counter that increments each time a received frame has an FCS
error and does not end on an 8-bit frame boundary.
CRC errors A counter that increments each time a received frame has a CRC
or an alignment error.
FCS errors A counter that increments each time a received frame has a FCS or
an alignment error.
Late collisions A counter that increments each time a collision occurs after the slot
time (512 bits starting at the preamble).
Reset counters button Button to reset the port counters

14 SEPED303002EN - 01/2013
Modbus communication Commissioning and diagnosis
Ethernet communication

Modbus/TCP server statistics

Item Description
Port status Modbus port status

Opened TCP connections Number of Modbus clients currently connected

Received messages Total number of Modbus requests
Transmitted messages Total number of Modbus responses
Reset counters button Button to reset the messages counters
Note: the Web interface uses one Modbus connection to operate.

ACE850 Modbus/TCP server statistics.

Modbus/TCP connections statistics
Item Description
Index Connection number

Remote IP IP address of the Modbus client

Remote port TCP port number on the client side
Local port TCP port number on the server side
Transmitted messages Number of Modbus requests for this connection
Received messages Number of Modbus normal responses for this connection
Sent errors Number of Modbus exception responses for this connection
Reset counters button Button to reset the messages counters

ACE850 Modbus/TCP connections statistics.

SNMP statistics
Item Description
SNMP agent status Status of the SNMP agent

Bad Community usages Number of requests with invalid community

Received messages Total number of SNMP requests
Transmitted messages Total number of SNMP responses
Reset counters button Button to reset the messages counters

ACE850 SNMP statistics.

SEPED303002EN - 01/2013 15
Modbus communication Commissioning and diagnosis
Ethernet communication

SNTP statistics
Item Description

1 SNTP Client status Value configured for the parameter in SFT2841


Active SNTP server IP address Address of the server currently answering SNTP requests
( if no server answer)
Poll interval Value configured for the parameter in SFT2841
Round trip delay Total time for SNMP request and response messages
Local offset Difference between SNTP time and ACE time
Daylight saving time Value configured for the parameter in SFT2841
Last Successful Time Last time the ACE850 successfully contacted the SNTP server
Synchronization (UTC) (UTC time)
Device Date and Time (UTC) Current time and date of the ACE850 (UTC time)
Device Date and Time (local) Current time and date of the ACE850 (local time)

ACE850 SNTP statistics.

RSTP bridge statistics

Item Description
Bridge status RSTP status of the bridge

Bridge ID Bridge vector (Bridge priority/Bridge Mac address)

Designated Root ID Bridge vector of the RSTP root bridge
Designated Root Port Identifier of the root port (priority/number)
Rootpath cost Path cost to the root
Total topology changes Topology change counter (as defined by 802.1D-2004)
Configured hello time Value of the configured hello time
Learned hello time Operational value for hello time
Configured forward delay Reminder of the configured forward delay
Learned forward delay Operational value for forward delay
Configured max age Value of the configured max age
Learned max age Operational value for max age

ACE850 RSTP bridge statistics.

RSTP port statistics

Item Description
Port P1 / P2 buttons Selection of the port of which statistics are displayed
Status RSTP status for the selected port
Role RSTP role for the selected port
Priority Port priority
Port path cost Port contribution to root path cost
Designated port ID Identifier of the link partner port (priority/number)
Received RSTs Number of RST BPDUs received (RSTP)
Transmitted RSTs Number of RST BPDUs sent (RSTP)
Received configure Number of Configuration BPDUs received (STP)
Transmitted configure Number of Configuration BPDUs sent (STP)
Received TCNs Number of Topology change BPDUs received (STP)
Transmitted TCNs Number of Topology change BPDUs sent (STP)

ACE850 RSTP port statistics.

16 SEPED303002EN - 01/2013
Modbus communication Data addresses and coding

Word addresses
All Sepam information accessible via Modbus communication is organized in 16-bit
words. Each word is identified by its address coded on 16 bits, i.e. from 0 to 65535
However, to remain compatible with older equipment, the essential information has
addresses coded from 0 to 9999 (270Fh).
In the following pages of this document, all addresses are expressed in hexadecimal
Data which is similar from the control-monitoring application and the coding
viewpoint is grouped in adjacent address zones.

Bit addresses
Some information is also available in bit form. The bit address is derived from the
word address, where:
bit address = (word address x 16) + bit rank (0 to 15).
Example: word 0C00 bit 0 = C000, word 0C00 bit 14 = C00E.

Non-defined addresses
Only the addresses defined in this document should be used.
If other addresses are used, Sepam may return an exception message or data that
is not significant.

Direct-access data
This data is permanently identified by its Modbus address. It may be accessed by a
single read or write operation, addressing a part of or the entire zone in question.

Indirect-access data
In this case, the Modbus addresses indicated make up an exchange zone occupied
by different data, depending on the context. At least two operations are required for
each exchange. The necessary protocol is indicated for each zone.

Data coding
Except where mentioned in the text, Sepam data is coded in one of the formats
32-bit formats b 32S: 32-bit signed 2's complement value
For these data, the most-significant word is sent first. b 32NS: 32-bit non-signed value
Saturation b 16S: 16-bit signed 2's complement value
In all formats, if a datum overruns the maximum b 16NS: 16-bit non-signed value
permissible value for the related format, the value read b 16O: 16-bit signed value, coded with a shift of 8000h (-32768 is coded 0, 0 is coded
for the datum is the maximum permissible value for the 8000h, 32767 is coded FFFFh)
format. b B: bit or set of bits
The maximum value can also indicate a non-calculable b IEC: time coding format using four words as per IEC 60870-5-4:
value. Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Word 1 reserved year (0 to 99)
Word 2 0 0 0 0 month (1 to 12) 0 0 0 day (1 to 31)
Word 3 0 0 0 hour (0 to 23) 0 0 minute (0 to 59)
Word 4 millisecond (0 to 59999)
Bits set to 0 correspond to format fields not used by Sepam. They are always read as 0 and are
not taken into account during writing.
The reserved field is read as 0 and may receive different values during writing.

b ASCII: character string in ASCII code, the number of characters is indicated. When
ASCII strings do not completely fill the field, zero bytes are added. The order of
characters in Modbus words is the following:
v character n in the LSB position
v character n+1 in the MSB position
b MMmm: coding of a version number on 16 bits (major index in the MSB position,
minor index in LSB position)

For 16 and 32 bits values, the following letter may follow the format code:
b A: an out of range or not computable value is indicated by 7FFFh (16-bit) or
00007FFFh (32-bit)
b B: an out of range or not computable value is indicated by 7FFFFFFFh (32-bit)

SEPED303002EN - 01/2013 17
Modbus communication Data addresses and coding

List of address zones

Starting Ending Access Access

1 address address
Time management and Sepam (compatible with Sepam 2000)
mode type

Synchronization zone 0002 0005 direct word

Identification zone 0006 000F direct word
Event table (first table compatible with Sepam 2000)
First table 0040 0060 indirect word
Second table 0070 0090 indirect word
Application management
Application zone 0180 01BF direct word
Metering and diagnosis
32-bit metering and diagnosis 0200 02B1 direct word
16-bit metering and diagnosis 0300 0339 direct word
Disturbance recordings 0400 044F direct word
Tripping context 0480 0497 direct word
Out-of-sync context 0500 0507 direct word
Data log (DLG) 0600 067C direct word
Motor start report (MSR) 0680 06FC direct word
Motor start trend (MST) 0700 077C direct word
Test zone 0C00 0C0F direct word / bit
Status conditions and controls (compatible with Sepam 2000)
Logic/GOOSE inputs and logic equations 0C10 0C19 direct word / bit
Logic outputs 0C20 0C23 direct word / bit
Analog-output control 0C30 0C30 direct word
Logipam counters 0C40 0C57 direct word
Remote-control orders 0C84 0C8B direct word / bit
Remote indications 0C8F 0C9E direct word / bit
NOTICE First access zone to settings
RISK OF DATA CORRUPTION Read settings 2000 207C indirect word
When using an ACE850 communication interface Read request 2080 2080 indirect word
with IEC 61850 communication enabled, do not Remote setting 2100 217A indirect word
use the following address zones for Modbus/TCP First zone for recording-data transfer
(see the list address zone table): Selection 2200 2203 indirect word
b first access zone to settings Read 2300 237C indirect word
b first zone for recording-data transfer Customized table
Failure to follow these instructions can result Data table 2600 267C direct word
in equipment damage. Configuration table 2680 26FC direct word
Second access zone to settings (compatible with Sepam 2000)
Read settings D000 D07C indirect word
Read request D080 D080 indirect word
Remote setting D100 D17A indirect word
Second zone for recording-data transfer (compatible with Sepam 2000)
Selection D200 D203 indirect word
Read D300 D37C indirect word
Metering and miscellaneous for Sepam 2000 compatibility
Disturb. rec. identification zone D204 D210 direct word
Measurements x 1 FA00 FA2F direct word
Measurements x 10 FB00 FB24 direct word
Compact zone FB80 FB8F direct word
Configuration zone FC00 FC03 direct word

18 SEPED303002EN - 01/2013
Modbus communication Addresses in direct-access mode

For each zone, the following data is provided:
b each Modbus address for the zone
b the Modbus function codes available for reading
b the Modbus function codes available for writing
b data formats, values and units
b whether the data can be included in a customized table ("config").
The indicated addresses are always word addresses. For bit access, the bit address
must be used (see above).

Synchronization zone
The synchronization zone is a data structure containing the absolute data and time
used by Sepam to time-tag its various recordings (events, disturbance recording,
Synchronization zone Address Read Write Format Config.
Absolute time (year) 0002 3 16 IEC -
Absolute time (month + day) 0003 3 16 IEC -
Absolute time (hours + minutes) 0004 3 16 IEC -
The zone should be written in a single block containing Absolute time (milliseconds) 0005 3 16 IEC -
4 words, using function 16 (write word).
Identification zone
The identification zone contains system information pertaining to the identification
of the Sepam equipment.
Synchronization zone Address Read Write Value/ Config.
Manufacturer identification 0006 3 - 0100 -
Equipment identification 0007 3 - 0 -
Marking + equipment type 0008 3 - 1200 -
Modbus version 0009 3 - MMmm -
Application technical level 000A 3 - 1 to n -
version 000B 3 - MMmm -
Sepam check-word 000C 3 - idem 0C8F -
Summary zone 000D 3 - 0 (not mngd) -
Command 000E 3 16 0 (not mngd) -
Extension address 000F 3 - 180 -

This zone is provided to ensure compatibility with existing equipment. A more

complete description is available starting at address 0180 in the application zone or
using the identification read function.

SEPED303002EN - 01/2013 19
Modbus communication Addresses in direct-access mode

Application zone
The application zone contains a set of information on the contents
1 of Sepam series 80. Some of the information is reserved.
Application zone Address Read Write Format Config.
Reserved 0180 3 - - -
Reserved 0181 3 - - -
Reserved 0182 3 - - -
Application abbreviation 0183/0185 3 - ASCII 6c -
Application name 0186/018F 3 - ASCII 20c -
Sepam marking 0190/0199 3 - ASCII 20c -
Application version 019A/019C 3 - ASCII 6c -
Local-language name 019D/01A6 3 - ASCII 12c -
Technical level 01A7 3 - 16NS -
UV number 01A8 3 - 16NS -
Reserved 01A9 3 - - -
Reserved 01AA 3 - - -
Reserved 01AB 3 - - -
Reserved 01AC 3 - - -
Reserved 01AD 3 - - -
Reserved 01AE 3 - - -
Local-language version 01AF 3 - MMmm -
English-language version 01B0 3 - MMmm -
Boot version 01B1 3 - MMmm -
Base version 01B2 3 - MMmm -
Communication version 01B3 3 - MMmm -
DSM-module version 01B4/01B6 3 - ASCII 6c -
MET148-2 n° 1 module version 01B7/01B9 3 - ASCII 6c -
MET148-2 n° 2 module version 01BA/01BC 3 - ASCII 6c -
MSA141 module version 01BD/01BF 3 - ASCII 6c -
Reserved 01C0/01C2 3 - ASCII 6c -
Mimic-based UMI version 01C3/01C5 3 - ASCII 6c -
MCS025 module version 01C6/01C8 3 - ASCII 6c -
ACE969 COM1 module version 01C9/01CB 3 - ASCII 6c -
ACE969 COM2 module version 01CC/01CE 3 - ASCII 6c -
ACE850 module version 01CF/01D1 3 - ASCII 6c -

20 SEPED303002EN - 01/2013
Modbus communication Addresses in direct-access mode

32-bit metering and diagnosis zone

This zone contains all Sepam metering and diagnosis information, coded on 32 bits.
Zone size exceeds the capacity of a frame, i.e. at least two requests are required to
read it in full. Depending on the application and the parameter settings, some
information is not significant.
32-bit metering and diagnosis Address Read Write Format Unit Config.
Phase current I1 0200/0201 3, 4 - 32NS 0.1 A yes
Phase current I2 0202/0203 3, 4 - 32NS 0.1 A yes
Phase current I3 0204/0205 3, 4 - 32NS 0.1 A yes
Residual current I0Σ 0206/0207 3, 4 - 32NS 0.1 A yes
Residual current I0 0208/0209 3, 4 - 32NS 0.1 A yes
Demand current Im1 020A/020B 3, 4 - 32NS 0.1 A yes
Demand current Im2 020C/020D 3, 4 - 32NS 0.1 A yes
Demand current Im3 020E/020F 3, 4 - 32NS 0.1 A yes
Peak demand current IM1 0210/0211 3, 4 - 32NS 0.1 A yes
Peak demand current IM2 0212/0213 3, 4 - 32NS 0.1 A yes
Peak demand current IM3 0214/0215 3, 4 - 32NS 0.1 A yes
Phase-to-phase voltage U21 0216/0217 3, 4 - 32NS 1V yes
Phase-to-phase voltage U32 0218/0219 3, 4 - 32NS 1V yes
Phase-to-phase voltage U13 021A/021B 3, 4 - 32NS 1V yes
Phase-to-neutral voltage V1 021C/021D 3, 4 - 32NS 1V yes
Phase-to-neutral voltage V2 021E/021F 3, 4 - 32NS 1V yes
Phase-to-neutral voltage V3 0220/0221 3, 4 - 32NS 1V yes
Residual voltage V0 0222/0223 3, 4 - 32NS 1V yes
Positive sequence voltage Vd 0224/0225 3, 4 - 32NS 1V yes
Negative-sequence voltage Vi 0226/0227 3, 4 - 32NS 1V yes
Frequency f 0228/0229 3, 4 - 32NSA 0.01 Hz yes
Active power P 022A/022B 3, 4 - 32SB 0.1 kW yes
Reactive power Q 022C/022D 3, 4 - 32SB 0.1 kvar yes
Apparent power S 022E/022F 3, 4 - 32SB 0.1 kVA yes
Power factor cos ϕ 0230/0231 3, 4 - 32SA 0.01 yes
Peak demand active power PM 0232/0233 3, 4 - 32S 0.1 kW yes
Peak demand reactive power QM 0234/0235 3, 4 - 32S 0.1 kvar yes
Active power P phase 1 0236/0237 3, 4 - 32SB 0.1 kW yes
Active power P phase 2 0238/0239 3, 4 - 32SB 0.1 kW yes
Active power P phase 3 023A/023B 3, 4 - 32SB 0.1 kW yes
Reactive power Q phase 1 023C/023D 3, 4 - 32SB 0.1 kvar yes
Reactive power Q phase 2 023E/023F 3, 4 - 32SB 0.1 kvar yes
Reactive power Q phase 3 0240/0241 3, 4 - 32SB 0.1 kvar yes
Apparent power S phase 1 0242/0243 3, 4 - 32SB 0.1 kVA yes
Apparent power S phase 2 0244/0245 3, 4 - 32SB 0.1 kVA yes
Apparent power S phase 3 0246/0247 3, 4 - 32SB 0.1 kVA yes
Positive active energy Ea+ 0248/0249 3, 4 - 32NS 100 kWh yes
Negative active energy Ea- 024A/024B 3, 4 - 32NS 100 kWh yes
Positive reactive energy Er+ 024C/024D 3, 4 - 32NS 100 kvarh yes
Negative reactive energy Er- 024E/024F 3, 4 - 32NS 100 kvarh yes
Ext. positive active energy Ea+ 0250/0251 3, 4 - 32NS 100 kWh yes
Ext. negative active energy Ea- 0252/0253 3, 4 - 32NS 100 kWh yes
Ext. positive reactive energy Ea+ 0254/0255 3, 4 - 32NS 100 kvarh yes
Ext. negative reactive energy Ea- 0256/0257 3, 4 - 32NS 100 kvarh yes
Neutral-point voltage Vnt 0258/0259 3, 4 - 32NS 1V yes
H3 neutral-point voltage V3nt 025A/025B 3, 4 - 32NS 1V yes
H3 residual voltage V3r 025C/025D 3, 4 - 32NS 1V yes

SEPED303002EN - 01/2013 21
Modbus communication Addresses in direct-access mode

32-bit metering and diagnosis zone (cont.)

32-bit metering and diagnosis Address Read Write Format Unit Config.

1 zone
Phase current I'1 025E/025F 3, 4 - 32NS 0.1 A yes
Phase current I'2 0260/0261 3, 4 - 32NS 0.1 A yes
Phase current I'3 0262/0263 3, 4 - 32NS 0.1 A yes
Residual current I’0Σ 0264/0265 3, 4 - 32NS 0.1 A yes
Residual current I'0 0266/0267 3, 4 - 32NS 0.1 A yes
Number of operations 0268/0269 3, 4 - 32NS 1 yes
Tripping current phase 1 Itrip1 026A/026B 3, 4 - 32NS 0.1 A yes
Tripping current phase 2 Itrip2 026C/026D 3, 4 - 32NS 0.1 A yes
Tripping current phase 3 Itrip3 026E/026F 3, 4 - 32NS 0.1 A yes
Tripping current calculated I0 Itrip0 0270/0271 3, 4 - 32NS 0.1 A yes
Reserved 0272/0273 3, 4 - - - yes
Reserved 0274/0275 3, 4 - - - yes
Reserved 0276/0277 3, 4 - - - yes
Reserved 0278/0279 3, 4 - - - yes
Reserved 027A/027B 3, 4 - - - yes
Number of operations 027C/027D 3, 4 - 32NS 1 yes
Differential current Id1 027E/027F 3, 4 - 32NSB 0.1 A yes
Differential current Id2 0280/0281 3, 4 - 32NSB 0.1 A yes
Differential current Id3 0282/0283 3, 4 - 32NSB 0.1 A yes
Through current It1 0284/0285 3, 4 - 32NSB 0.1 A yes
Through current It2 0286/0287 3, 4 - 32NSB 0.1 A yes
Through current It3 0288/0289 3, 4 - 32NSB 0.1 A yes
Impedance Zd 028A/028B 3, 4 - 32NSB 1 mΩ yes
Impedance Z21 028C/028D 3, 4 - 32NSB 1 mΩ yes
Impedance Z32 028E/028F 3, 4 - 32NSB 1 mΩ yes
Impedance Z13 0290/0291 3, 4 - 32NSB 1 mΩ yes
Phase-to-phase voltage U’21 0292/0293 3, 4 - 32NS 1V yes
Phase-to-phase voltage U’32 0294/0295 3, 4 - 32NS 1V yes
Phase-to-phase voltage U’13 0296/0297 3, 4 - 32NS 1V yes
Phase-to-neutral voltage V’1 0298/0299 3, 4 - 32NS 1V yes
Phase-to-neutral voltage V’2 029A/029B 3, 4 - 32NS 1V yes
Phase-to-neutral voltage V’3 029C/029D 3, 4 - 32NS 1V yes
Residual voltage V’0 029E/029F 3, 4 - 32NS 1V yes
Positive sequence voltage V’d 02A0/02A1 3, 4 - 32NS 1V yes
Negative sequence voltage V’i 02A2/02A3 3, 4 - 32NS 1V yes
Frequency f’ 02A4/02A5 3, 4 - 32NSA 0.01 Hz yes
Voltage difference dU 02A6/02A7 3, 4 - 32NSB 0,1% of yes
(synchro-check) Uns
Frequency difference df 02A8/02A9 3, 4 - 32NSA 0.001 Hz yes
Phase difference dPhi 02AA/02AB 3, 4 - 32NSA 0.1° yes
Capacitor capacitance C1 02AC/02AD 3, 4 - 32NSB 0.1 μF yes
(or C21)
Capacitor capacitance C2 02B2/02B3 3, 4 - 32NSB 0,1 μF yes
(or C32)
Capacitor capacitance C3 02B0/02B1 3, 4 - 32NSB 0,1 μF yes
(or C13)
Effective rotation direction 02B2/02B3 3, 4 - 32NSB 0=123 ou oui
Reserved 02B4/02FF -

22 SEPED303002EN - 01/2013
Modbus communication Addresses in direct-access mode

16-bit metering and diagnosis zone

This zone contains all Sepam metering and diagnosis information, coded on 16 bits.
Depending on the application and the parameter settings, some information is not
16-bit metering and diagnosis zone Address Read Write Format Unit Config.
Temperature 1 MET148-2 n° 1 0300 3, 4 - 16SA 1°C yes
Temperature 2 MET148-2 n° 1 0301 3, 4 - 16SA 1°C yes
Temperature 3 MET148-2 n° 1 0302 3, 4 - 16SA 1°C yes
Temperature 4 MET148-2 n° 1 0303 3, 4 - 16SA 1°C yes
Temperature 5 MET148-2 n° 1 0304 3, 4 - 16SA 1°C yes
Temperature 6 MET148-2 n° 1 0305 3, 4 - 16SA 1°C yes
Temperature 7 MET148-2 n° 1 0306 3, 4 - 16SA 1°C yes
Temperature 8 MET148-2 n° 1 0307 3, 4 - 16SA 1°C yes
Temperature 1 MET148-2 n° 2 0308 3, 4 - 16SA 1°C yes
Temperature 2 MET148-2 n° 2 0309 3, 4 - 16SA 1°C yes
Temperature 3 MET148-2 n° 2 030A 3, 4 - 16SA 1°C yes
Temperature 4 MET148-2 n° 2 030B 3, 4 - 16SA 1°C yes
Temperature 5 MET148-2 n° 2 030C 3, 4 - 16SA 1°C yes
Temperature 6 MET148-2 n° 2 030D 3, 4 - 16SA 1°C yes
Temperature 7 MET148-2 n° 2 030E 3, 4 - 16SA 1°C yes
Temperature 8 MET148-2 n° 2 030F 3, 4 - 16SA 1°C yes
Total harmonic distortion Uthd 0310 3, 4 - 16NS 0.1% yes
Total harmonic distortion Ithd 0311 3, 4 - 16NS 0.1% yes
Angle ϕ0Σ 0312 3, 4 - 16NSA 1° yes
Reserved 0313 3, 4 - - - yes
Angle ϕ0 0314 3, 4 - 16NSA 1° yes
Angle ϕ’0 0315 3, 4 - 16NSA 1° yes
Angle ϕ1 0316 3, 4 - 16NSA 1° yes
Angle ϕ2 0317 3, 4 - 16NSA 1° yes
Angle ϕ3 0318 3, 4 - 16NSA 1° yes
Negative sequence / unbalance 0319 3, 4 - 16NS % Ib yes
Negative sequence / unbalance ' 031A 3, 4 - 16NS % Ib’ yes
Machine rotation speed 031B 3, 4 - 16NS rpm yes
Thermal capacity used 031C 3, 4 - 16NS % yes
Running hours counter 031D 3, 4 - 16NS 1 hr yes
Time before tripping 031E 3, 4 - 16NS 1 min yes
Time before closing 031F 3, 4 - 16NS 1 min yes
Starting time / overload 0320 3, 4 - 16NS 0.01 s yes
Start inhibit time 0321 3, 4 - 16NS 1 min yes
Number of starts allowed 0322 3, 4 - 16NS 1 yes
Learnt cooling time constant T2 (49 RMS) 0323 3, 4 - 16NS 1 min yes
thermal rate 1
Learnt cooling time constant T2 (49 RMS) 0324 3, 4 - 16NS 1 min yes
thermal rate 2
Total cumulative breaking current 0325 3, 4 - 16NS 1(kA)² yes
Cumulative breaking current (0 < I < 2 In) 0326 3, 4 - 16NS 1(kA)² yes
Cum. breaking current (2 In < I < 5 In) 0327 3, 4 - 16NS 1(kA)² yes
Cum. breaking current (5 In < I< 10 In) 0328 3, 4 - 16NS 1(kA)² yes
Cum. breaking current (10 In < I < 40 In) 0329 3, 4 - 16NS 1(kA)² yes
Cumulative breaking current (I > 40 In) 032A 3, 4 - 16NS 1(kA)² yes
Initial value of cumulative breaking current 032B 3, 4 - 16NS 1(kA)² yes
Starting/overload current 032C 3, 4 - 16NS 1A yes
Operating time 032D 3, 4 - 16NS 1 ms yes
Charging time 032E 3, 4 - 16NSA 1s yes
Number of racking out operations 032F 3, 4 - 16NS 1 yes
Auxiliary voltage 0330 3, 4 - 16NS 0.1 V yes
Number of trips on phase current 0331 3, 4 - 16NS 1 yes
Number of trips on earth-fault current 0332 3, 4 - 16NS 1 yes
Angle I1 / I’1 0333 3, 4 - 16NSA 1° yes
Angle I2 / I’2 0334 3, 4 - 16NSA 1° yes
Angle I3 / I’3 0335 3, 4 - 16NSA 1° yes
Operating time capacitor step 1 0336 3, 4 - 16NS 1 hr yes
Operating time capacitor step 2 0337 3, 4 - 16NS 1 hr yes
Operating time capacitor step 3 0338 3, 4 - 16NS 1 hr yes
Operating time capacitor step 4 0339 3, 4 - 16NS 1 hr yes

SEPED303002EN - 01/2013 23
Modbus communication Addresses in direct-access mode

Directory zones
These zones indicate the recordings available in Sepam series 80 for the given data
1 category. They have a similar structure.

Disturbance-recording directory
Disturbance-recording directory Address Read Write Format Unit Config.
Size of set-up files 0400 3 - 16NS bytes -
Size of data files 0401/0402 3 - 32NS bytes -
Number of records available 0403 3 - 16NS 1 -
Date of record 1 (most recent) 0404/0407 3 - IEC - -
Date of record 2 0408/040B 3 - IEC - -
... ... ... ...
Date of record 20 (oldest) 044C/044F 3 - IEC - -

Tripping-context directory
Context directory Address Read Write Format Unit Config.
Context size 0480 3 - 16NS bytes -
Not used 0481/0482 3 - - - -
Number of records available 0483 3 - 16NS 1 -
Date of record 1 (oldest) 0484/0487 3 - IEC - -
Date of record 2 0488/048B 3 - IEC - -
... ... ... ...
Date of record 5 (least recent) 0494/0497 3 - IEC - -

Out-of-sync context directory

Context directory Address Read Write Format Unit Config.
Context size 0500 3 - 16NS bytes -
Not used 0501/0502 3 - - - -
Number of records available 0503 3 - 16NS 1 -
Date of record 0504 3 - IEC - -

24 SEPED303002EN - 01/2013
Modbus communication Addresses in direct-access mode

Data log (DLG) directory

Context directory Address Read Write Format Unit Config.
Number of files available
Size of configuration file for all files
Size of data file 1 (most recent) 0602/0603 3 - 32NS bytes -
Size of data file 2 0604/0605 3 - 32NS bytes -
... ... ... ...
Size of data file 20 (oldest) 0628/0629 3 - 32NS bytes -
Date of file 1 (most recent) 062A/062D 3 - IEC - -
Date of file 2 062E/0631 3 - IEC - -
... ... ... ...
Date of file 20 (oldest) 0676/0679 3 - IEC - -
Not used 067A/067C 3 - - - -

Motor start report (MSR) directory

Context directory Address Read Write Format Unit Config.
Number of files available 0680 3 - 16NS 1 -
Size of configuration file for all files 0681 3 - 16NS bytes -
Size of data file 1 (most recent) 0682/0683 3 - 32NS bytes -
Size of data file 2 0684/0685 3 - - - -
... ... ... ...
Date of file 20 (oldest) 06A8/06A9 3 - 32NS octets -
Date of file 1 (most recent) 06AA/06AD 3 - IEC - -
Date of file 2 06AE/06B1 3 - IEC - -
... ... ... ...
Date of file 20 (oldest) 06F6/06A9 3 - IEC - -
Not used 06FA/06FC 3 - - - -

Motor start trend (MST) directory

Context directory Address Read Write Format Unit Config.
Number of files available 0700 3 - 16NS 1 -
Size of configuration file for all files 0701 3 - 16NS bytes -
Size of all files 0702/0703 3 - 32NS bytes -
Not used 0704/0729 3 - - - -
Date of file 1 (most recent) 072A/072D 3 - IEC - -
Date of file 2 072E/0731 3 - IEC - -
... ... ... ...
Date of file 20 (oldest) 0776/0779 3 - IEC - -
Not used 077A/077C 3 - - - -

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Modbus communication Addresses in direct-access mode

Test zone
The test zone is a 16-word zone that may be accessed via the communication link
1 by all functions, in both read and write modes, to facilitate communication testing at
the time of commissioning or to test the link.
These words are set to zero when Sepam starts.
Test zone Address Bit addresses Read Write Config.
Test word 1 0C00 C000/C00F 1, 2, 3, 4 5, 6, 15, 16 -
Test word 2 0C01 C010/C01F 1, 2, 3, 4 5, 6, 15, 16 -
... ... ... ... ...
Test word 16 0C0F C0F0/C0FF 1, 2, 3, 4 5, 6, 15, 16 -

Logipam counter zone

Counters used by the Logipam program.
Logipam counter zone Address Read Write Config.
C1 0C40 3 - yes
C2 0C41 3 - yes
C3 0C42 3 - yes
C4 0C43 3 - yes
C5 0C44 3 - yes
C6 0C45 3 - yes
C7 0C46 3 - yes
C8 0C47 3 - yes
C9 0C48 3 - yes
C10 0C49 3 - yes
C11 0C4A 3 - yes
C12 0C4B 3 - yes
C13 0C4C 3 - yes
C14 0C4D 3 - yes
C15 0C4E 3 - yes
C16 0C4F 3 - yes
C17 0C50 3 - yes
C18 0C51 3 - yes
C19 0C52 3 - yes
C20 0C53 3 - yes
C21 0C54 3 - yes
C22 0C55 3 - yes
C23 0C56 3 - yes
C24 0C57 3 - yes

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Modbus communication Addresses in direct-access mode

Status-condition and control zones

Logic input / logic equation zone / GOOSE inputs
Input / equation zone Address Bit addresses Read Write Format Config.
Logic inputs 0C10 C100/C10F 1, 2, 3, 4 - B yes
I101 to I114 (MES120 n° 1)
Logic inputs 0C11 C110/C11F 1, 2, 3, 4 - B yes
I201 to I214 (MES120 n° 2)
Logic inputs 0C12 C120/C12F 1, 2, 3, 4 - B yes
I301 to I314 (MES120 n° 3)
Logic equation bits 0C13 C130/C13F 1, 2, 3, 4 - B yes
(1st word)
Logic equation bits 0C14 C140/C14F 1, 2, 3, 4 - B yes
(2nd word)
Logic equation bits 0C15 C150/C15F 1, 2, 3, 4 - B yes
(3rd word)
Logic equation bits 0C16 C160/C16F 1, 2, 3, 4 - B yes
(4th word)
GOOSE inputs 0C17 C170/C17F 1, 2, 3, 4 - B yes
G401 to G416 (1st word)
GOOSE inputs 0C18 C180/C18F 1, 2, 3, 4 - B yes
G501 to G516 (2nd word)
Status of GOOSE emission 0C19 C191/C193 1, 2, 3, 4 - B yes

Logic input bits

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
- - Ix14 Ix13 Ix12 Ix11 Ix10 Ix09 Ix08 Ix07 Ix06 Ix05 Ix04 Ix03 Ix02 Ix01

Logic equation bits

1st word 2nd word 3rd word 4th word
0C13 0C14 0C15 0C16
Bit 00 V1 V17 V_TRIP_STP3 V_MIMIC_IN_9
Bit 01 V2 V18 V_TRIP_STP4 V_MIMIC_IN_10
Bit 02 V3 V19 V_CLOSE_STP1 V_MIMIC_IN_11
Bit 03 V4 V20 V_CLOSE_STP2 V_MIMIC_IN_12
Bit 11 V12 V_SHUTDOWN V_MIMIC_IN_4 Reserved
Bit 12 V13 V_DE-EXCITATION V_MIMIC_IN_5 Reserved
Bit 13 V14 V_CLOSE_NOCTRL V_MIMIC_IN_6 Reserved
Bit 14 V15 V_TRIP_STP1 V_MIMIC_IN_7 Reserved
Bit 15 V16 V_TRIP_STP2 V_MIMIC_IN_8 Reserved

GOOSE inputs bits and status bits of emission GOOSE tests

GOOSE Inputs Status of GOOSE emission tests
1st word 2nd word
0C17 0C18 0C19
Bit 00 G401 G501 GOOSE test n° 1
Bit 01 G402 G502 GOOSE test n° 2
Bit 02 G403 G503 GOOSE test n° 3
Bit 03 G404 G504 GOOSE test n° 4
Bit 04 G405 G505 Reserved
Bit 05 G406 G506 Reserved
Bit 06 G407 G507 Reserved
Bit 07 G408 G508 Reserved
Bit 08 G409 G509 Reserved
Bit 09 G410 G510 Reserved
Bit 10 G411 G511 Reserved
Bit 11 G412 G512 Reserved
Bit 12 G413 G513 Reserved
Bit 13 G414 G514 Reserved
Bit 14 G415 G515 Reserved
Bit 15 G416 G516 Reserved

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Modbus communication Addresses in direct-access mode

Logic-output zone
This zone indicates the status of the logic outputs and the LEDs on the front panel.

1 Logic-output zone
Logic outputs
O1 to O5 (base)
Address Bit addresses Read
0C20 C200/C10F
1, 2, 3, 4 -
Format Config.
B yes

Logic outputs 0C21 C210/C21F 1, 2, 3, 4 - B yes

O101 to O106 (MES120 n° 1)
Logic outputs 0C22 C220/C22F 1, 2, 3, 4 - B yes
O201 to O206 (MES120 n° 2)
Logic outputs 0C23 C230/C23F 1, 2, 3, 4 - B yes
O301 to O306 (MES120 n° 3)
LED status 0C24 C240/C24F 1, 2, 3, 4 - B yes

Logic output bits

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
- - - - - - - - - - - O5 O4 O3 O2 O1

LED bits
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
- - - - - - L9 L8 L7 L6 L5 L4 L3 L2 L1 LD
LD: red "Sepam unavailable" LED.

Analog-output control zone

Analog-output zone Address Read Write Format Config.
MSA141 0C30 3 6, 16 16S/16NS (1) -
(1) As per MSA141 parameter settings (option).
Remote control of the analog output
The analog output of the MSA141 module may be set
up for remote control via the Modbus communication
link. The usable range of the numerical value
transmitted is defined by the "min. value" and "max.
value" settings of the analog output (SFT2841).

28 SEPED303002EN - 01/2013
Modbus communication Addresses in direct-access mode

Remote-control zone
Remote-control zone
TCM1 to TCM16
TCM17 to TCM32
Bit addresses
1, 2, 3, 4
1, 2, 3, 4
5, 6, 15, 16
5, 6, 15, 16
STC1 to STC16 0C84 C840/C84F 1, 2, 3, 4 5, 6, 15, 16 B -
STC17 to STC32 0C85 C850/C85F 1, 2, 3, 4 5, 6, 15, 16 B -
STC33 to STC48 0C86 C860/C86F 1, 2, 3, 4 5, 6, 15, 16 B -
STC49 to STC64 0C87 C870/C87F 1, 2, 3, 4 5, 6, 15, 16 B -
TC1 to TC16 0C88 C880/C88F 1, 2, 3, 4 5, 6, 15, 16 B -
TC17 to TC32 0C89 C890/C89F 1, 2, 3, 4 5, 6, 15, 16 B -
TC33 to TC48 0C8A C8A0/C8AF 1, 2, 3, 4 5, 6, 15, 16 B -
TC49 to TC64 0C8B C8B0/C8BF 1, 2, 3, 4 5, 6, 15, 16 B -

Use of remote-control orders

Remote-control orders can be transmitted to Sepam by:
b 32 bits of maintained remote-control orders (TCM)
b 64 bits of pulse-type remote-control orders (TC)
Pulse-type remote-control orders can be executed in either of the following modes,
selected by parameter setting:
b direct mode
b confirmed SBO (Select Before Operate) mode

Maintained remote-control orders (TCM)

Maintained remote-control orders (TCM1 to TCM32) work like bistables. They
continuously maintain the value of the last state ordered. They can be used only by
the Logipam program. They are reset to zero if Sepam auxiliary power is lost.

Pulse-type remote control orders (TC) in direct mode

The remote-control order is executed when it is written in the remote-control word.
The program logic resets it to zero after the remote-control order is acknowledged.

Pulse-type remote control orders (TC) in confirmed SBO mode

Remote-control orders involve two steps:
b selection by the master of the order to be sent by writing the bit in the STC word
and checking of the selection by rereading the word
b execution of the order to be sent by writing the bit in the TC word.
The choice between direct mode or confirmed SBO The remote-control order is executed if the bit in the STC word and the bit in the
mode for remote control orders is made in the Sepam associated TC word are set. The program logic resets the STC and TC bits to zero
General characteristics configuration screen. This is a after the remote-control order is acknowledged.
global parameter that applies to: Deselection of the STC bit takes place:
b both Sepam communication ports, COM1 and COM2 b if the master deselects it by writing in the STC word
b Ethernet communication port. b if the master selects (write bit) a bit other than the one already selected
b if the master sets a bit in the TC word which does not match the selection. In this
case, no remote-control order is executed.
b if the related order is not given within 30 seconds.

Inhibiting predefined remote control orders

Predefined processing of remote-control orders may be inhibited, except for the
tripping remote-control order TC1 which may be activated at any time:
b by choosing Local or Test control mode via the key-switch on Sepam relays with
mimic-based UMIs
b by assigning a logic input to the "Inhibit remote control" function.
The parameter setting of the logic input may be done in two modes:
b inhibition if the input is set to 1
b inhibition if the input is set to 0 (negative input).
In all cases, the remote-control orders remain available in Logipam which may be
used to define a specific inhibition logic.
It is possible to protect the remote-control zone against writing, see the section on

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Modbus communication Addresses in direct-access mode

Remote-control zone (cont'd)

Pulse-type remote-control orders not used by the Logipam program are pre-
1 assigned to protection, control and metering functions.
The assignment of the remote-control orders is given in the tables below.
Depending on the applications and functions in operation, certain remote-control
orders may not be applicable and will produce no effect.
if the switchgear function is enabled (or running), the following remote-control orders
are acknowledged:
b device tripping and closing
b recloser enabling and disabling.
The corresponding value for Sepam 2000 is indicated. This value corresponds to the
address, not the role (roles are not static in Sepam 2000).
When a remote-control order (TC) is used by the Logipam program, it is no longer
assigned to a predefined function.
Word 0C88: TC1 to TC16 Sepam 2000
Bit 00: TC1 Trip / open KTC33
Bit 01: TC2 Closing KTC34
Bit 02: TC3 Sepam reset KTC35
Bit 03: TC4 Peak demand current reset KTC36
Bit 04: TC5 Peak demand power reset KTC37
Bit 05: TC6 Reserved KTC38
Bit 06: TC7 Reserved KTC39
Bit 07: TC8 Enable recloser KTC40
Bit 08: TC9 Disable recloser KTC41
Bit 09: TC10 Free KTC42
Bit 10: TC11 Free KTC43
Bit 11: TC12 Free KTC44
Bit 12: TC13 Free KTC45
Bit 13: TC14 Free KTC46
Bit 14: TC15 Free KTC47
Bit 15: TC16 Free KTC48
Word 0C89: TC17 to TC32 Sepam 2000
Bit 00: TC17 Reserved KTC49
Bit 01: TC18 Inhibit disturbance-recording triggering (OPG) KTC50
Bit 02: TC19 Confirm disturbance-recording triggering (OPG) KTC51
Bit 03: TC20 Manual disturbance-recording triggering (OPG) KTC52
Bit 04: TC21 Free KTC53
Bit 12: TC29 Free KTC61
Bit 13: TC30 Inhibit thermal protection KTC62
Bit 14: TC31 Confirm thermal protection KTC63
Bit 15: TC32 Reset undercurrent protection KTC64
Word 0C8A: TC33 to TC48 Sepam 2000
Bit 00: TC33 Switching to setting group A -
Bit 01: TC34 Switching to setting group B -
Bit 02: TC35 Priority group shutdown -
Bit 03: TC36 Cancel priority group shutdown
Bit 04: TC37 Enable synchro-check -
Bit 05: TC38 Disable synchro-check -
Bit 06: TC39 Enable voltage check -
Bit 07: TC40 Disable voltage check -
Bit 08: TC41 Open capacitor step 1 -
Bit 09: TC42 Open capacitor step 2 -
Bit 10: TC43 Open capacitor step 3 -
Bit 11: TC44 Open capacitor step 4 -
Bit 12: TC45 Close capacitor step 1 -
Bit 13: TC46 Close capacitor step 2 -
Bit 14: TC47 Close capacitor step 3 -
Bit 15: TC48 Close capacitor step 4 -

30 SEPED303002EN - 01/2013
Modbus communication Addresses in direct-access mode

Word 0C8B: TC49 to TC64 Sepam 2000

Bit 00: TC49 Inhibit TS8 (Inductive) and TS9 (Capacitive) -
Bit 01: TC50
Bit 02: TC51
Confirm TS8 (Inductive) and TS9 (Capacitive)
Trigger Motor start report
- 1
Bit 03: TC52 Trigger data log -
Bit 04: TC53 Stop data log (Circular mode) -
Bit 05: TC54 123 phase rotation direction -
Bit 06: TC55 132 phase rotation direction -
Bit 02: TC56 Free -
Bit 15: TC64 Free -

SEPED303002EN - 01/2013 31
Modbus communication Addresses in direct-access mode

Remote-indications zone
Remote-indications Address Bit addresses Read Write Format Config.

1 zone
Sepam check-word 0C8F C8F0/C8FF 1, 2, 3, 4 - B yes
TS1-TS16 0C90 C900/C90F 1, 2, 3, 4 - B yes
TS17-TS32 0C91 C910/C91F 1, 2, 3, 4 - B yes
TS33-TS48 0C92 C920/C92F 1, 2, 3, 4 - B yes
TS49-TS64 0C93 C930/C93F 1, 2, 3, 4 - B yes
TS65-TS80 0C94 C940/C94F 1, 2, 3, 4 - B yes
TS81-TS96 0C95 C950/C95F 1, 2, 3, 4 - B yes
TS97-TS112 0C96 C960/C96F 1, 2, 3, 4 - B yes
TS113-TS128 0C97 C970/C97F 1, 2, 3, 4 - B yes
TS129-TS144 0C98 C980/C98F 1, 2, 3, 4 - B yes
TS145-TS160 0C99 C990/C99F 1, 2, 3, 4 - B yes
TS161-TS176 0C9A C9A0/C9AF 1, 2, 3, 4 - B yes
TS177-TS192 0C9B C9B0/C9BF 1, 2, 3, 4 - B yes
TS193-TS208 0C9C C9C0/C9CF 1, 2, 3, 4 - B yes
TS209-TS224 0C9D C9D0/C9DF 1, 2, 3, 4 - B yes
TS225-TS240 0C9E C9E0/C9EF 1, 2, 3, 4 - B yes

The check work comprises a set of information on Sepam status.

The "high-speed reading" function (function 7) is used to access the most-significant
byte in the check word (bits 15 to 8).
Word 0C8F: Sepam check-word Notes
Bit 00 Reserved
Bit 01 Modbus Security function enabled
Bit 02 Reserved
Bit 03 Sepam in “data loss” status in 2nd event zone (1) (2)

Bit 04 Event in 2nd event zone (1)

Bit 05 Setting group A in service (2)

Bit 06 Setting group B in service (2)

Bit 07 Sepam time not correct (2)

Bit 08 Sepam partial fault (2)

Bit 09 Sepam major fault

Bit 10 Sepam in parameter setting mode (2)

Bit 11 Remote setting inhibited

Bit 12 Inductive network (1)/capacitive (0)
Bit 13 Sepam not synchronous (2)

Bit 14 Sepam in “data loss” status in 1st event zone (1) (2)

Bit 15 Event in 1st event zone (1)

(1) This information is specific to each communication port.

(2) Status changes of bits 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 13, 14 trigger sending of a time-tagged event (see the
section on time-tagged events).

Remote-indication bits (TS) are pre-assigned to protection, control and metering functions.
The tables below present each remote-indication bit. Depending on the applications and
functions in operation, certain remote-indication bits may not be applicable.
The corresponding value for Sepam 2000 is indicated. This value corresponds to the
address, not the meaning (meanings are not static in Sepam 2000).
When a remote-indication order is used by the Logipam program, it is no longer assigned
to a predefined function and the meaning is determined by the Logipam program.
Word 0C90: TS1 to TS16 Sepam 2000
Bit 00: TS1 Matching fault or Trip Circuit Supervision KTS1
Bit 01: TS2 Control fault KTS2
Bit 02: TS3 TC / position discrepancy KTS3
Bit 03: TS4 External tripping 1 KTS4
Bit 04: TS5 Sepam not reset after fault KTS5
Bit 05: TS6 External tripping 2 KTS6
Bit 06: TS7 External tripping 3 KTS7
Bit 07: TS8 Cos ϕ inductive (1) KTS8
Bit 08: TS9 Cos ϕ capacitive (1) KTS9
Bit 09: TS10 Closed position KTS10
Bit 10: TS11 Device racked out KTS11
Bit 11: TS12 SF6 alarm KTS12
Bit 12: TS13 Earthing switch closed KTS13
Bit 13: TS14 Remote-control enabled KTS14
Bit 14: TS15 Overcurrent protection (summary) KTS15
Bit 15: TS16 Free KTS16
(1) TC49 can be used to inhibit this TS.

32 SEPED303002EN - 01/2013
Modbus communication Addresses in direct-access mode

Word 0C91: TS17 to TS32 Sepam 2000

Bit 00: TS17 Free KTS17
Bit 14: TS31 Free KTS31 1
Bit 15: TS32 Send blocking signal 1 KTS32
Word 0C92: TS33 to TS48 Sepam 2000
Bit 00: TS33 Free KTS33
Bit 15: TS48 Free KTS48
Word 0C93: TS49 to TS64 Sepam 2000
Bit 00: TS49 A new disturbance recording is available KTS49
(TS maintained for 28 ms)
Bit 01: TS50 Disturbance recording inhibited KTS50
Bit 02: TS51 Remote setting inhibited KTS51
Bit 03: TS52 Free KTS52
Bit 15: TS64 Free KTS64
Word 0C94: TS65 to TS80
Bit 00: TS65 Protection 50/51 unit 1
Bit 01: TS66 Protection 50/51 unit 2
Bit 02: TS67 Protection 50/51 unit 3
Bit 03: TS68 Protection 50/51 unit 4
Bit 04: TS69 Protection 50/51 unit 5
Bit 05: TS70 Protection 50/51 unit 6
Bit 06: TS71 Protection 50/51 unit 7
Bit 07: TS72 Protection 50/51 unit 8
Bit 08: TS73 Protection 50N/51N unit 1
Bit 09: TS74 Protection 50N/51N unit 2
Bit 10: TS75 Protection 50N/51N unit 3
Bit 11: TS76 Protection 50N/51N unit 4
Bit 12: TS77 Protection 50N/51N unit 5
Bit 13: TS78 Protection 50N/51N unit 6
Bit 14: TS79 Protection 50N/51N unit 7
Bit 15: TS80 Protection 50N/51N unit 8
Word 0C95: TS81 to TS96
Bit 00: TS81 Protection 27 unit 1
Bit 01: TS82 Protection 27 unit 2
Bit 02: TS83 Protection 27 unit 3
Bit 03: TS84 Protection 27 unit 4
Bit 04: TS85 Protection 27D unit 1
Bit 05: TS86 Protection 27D unit 2
Bit 06: TS87 Protection 27R unit 1
Bit 07: TS88 Protection 27R unit 2
Bit 08: TS89 Protection 59 unit 1
Bit 09: TS90 Protection 59 unit 2
Bit 10: TS91 Protection 59 unit 3
Bit 11: TS92 Protection 59 unit 4
Bit 12: TS93 Protection 59N unit 1
Bit 13: TS94 Protection 59N unit 2
Bit 14: TS95 Protection 51V unit 1
Bit 15: TS96 Protection 51V unit 2
Word 0C96: TS97 to TS112
Bit 00: TS97 Protection 67 unit 1
Bit 01: TS98 Protection 67 unit 2
Bit 02: TS99 Protection 67N unit 1
Bit 03: TS100 Protection 67N unit 2
Bit 04: TS101 Protection 46 unit 1
Bit 05: TS102 Protection 46 unit 2
Bit 06: TS103 Protection 47 unit 1
Bit 07: TS104 Protection 47 unit 2
Bit 08: TS105 Protection 32P unit 1
Bit 09: TS106 Protection 32P unit 2
Bit 10: TS107 Protection 32Q
Bit 11: TS108 Protection 37
Bit 12: TS109 Protection 37P unit 1
Bit 13: TS110 Protection 37P unit 2
Bit 14: TS111 Protection 40
Bit 15: TS112 Protection 50BF

SEPED303002EN - 01/2013 33
Modbus communication Addresses in direct-access mode

Word 0C97: TS113 to TS128

Bit 00: TS113 Protection 49RMS — alarm set point

Bit 01: TS114 Protection 49RMS — tripping set point
Bit 02: TS115 Protection 48/51LR (locked rotor)
Bit 03: TS116 Protection 48/51LR (locked rotor at start-up)
Bit 04: TS117 Protection 48/51LR (excessive starting time)
Bit 05: TS118 Protection 66
Bit 06: TS119 Protection 21B
Bit 07: TS120 Protection 50/27
Bit 08: TS121 Protection 64G2/27TN unit 1
Bit 09: TS122 Protection 64G2/27TN unit 2
Bit 10: TS123 Protection 78PS
Bit 11: TS124 Protection 64REF unit 1
Bit 12: TS125 Protection 64REF unit 2
Bit 13: TS126 Protection 87T2
Bit 14: TS127 Protection 87M/87G
Bit 15: TS128 An MSR is currently being recorded
Word 0C98: TS129 to TS144
Bit 00: TS129 Protection 81H unit 1
Bit 01: TS130 Protection 81H unit 2
Bit 02: TS131 Protection 81L unit 1
Bit 03: TS132 Protection 81L unit 2
Bit 04: TS133 Protection 81L unit 3
Bit 05: TS134 Protection 81L unit 4
Bit 06: TS135 Protection 81R unit 1
Bit 07: TS136 Protection 81R unit 2
Bit 08: TS137 Protection 12 unit 1
Bit 09: TS138 Protection 12 unit 2
Bit 10: TS139 Protection 14 unit 1
Bit 11: TS140 Protection 14 unit 2
Bit 12: TS141 Protection 24 unit 1
Bit 13: TS142 Protection 24 unit 2
Bit 14: TS143 A data log is in progress
Bit 15: TS144 A new Data log file is available
(TS maintained for 28 ms)
Word 0C99: TS145 to TS160
Bit 00: TS145 Protection 38/49T alarm sensor 1 MET148 n° 1
Bit 01: TS146 Protection 38/49T tripping sensor 1 MET148 n° 1
Bit 02: TS147 Protection 38/49T alarm sensor 2 MET148 n° 1
Bit 03: TS148 Protection 38/49T tripping sensor 2 MET148 n° 1
Bit 04: TS149 Protection 38/49T alarm sensor 3 MET148 n° 1
Bit 05: TS150 Protection 38/49T tripping sensor 3 MET148 n° 1
Bit 06: TS151 Protection 38/49T alarm sensor 4 MET148 n° 1
Bit 07: TS152 Protection 38/49T tripping sensor 4 MET148 n° 1
Bit 08: TS153 Protection 38/49T alarm sensor 5 MET148 n° 1
Bit 09: TS154 Protection 38/49T tripping sensor 5 MET148 n° 1
Bit 10: TS155 Protection 38/49T alarm sensor 6 MET148 n° 1
Bit 11: TS156 Protection 38/49T tripping sensor 6 MET148 n° 1
Bit 12: TS157 Protection 38/49T alarm sensor 7 MET148 n° 1
Bit 13: TS158 Protection 38/49T tripping sensor 7 MET148 n° 1
Bit 14: TS159 Protection 38/49T alarm sensor 8 MET148 n° 1
Bit 15: TS160 Protection 38/49T tripping sensor 8 MET148 n° 1
Word 0C9A: TS161 to TS176
Bit 00: TS161 Protection 38/49T alarm sensor 1 MET148 n° 2
Bit 01: TS162 Protection 38/49T tripping sensor 1 MET148 n° 2
Bit 02: TS163 Protection 38/49T alarm sensor 2 MET148 n° 2
Bit 03: TS164 Protection 38/49T tripping sensor 2 MET148 n° 2
Bit 04: TS165 Protection 38/49T alarm sensor 3 MET148 n° 2
Bit 05: TS166 Protection 38/49T tripping sensor 3 MET148 n° 2
Bit 06: TS167 Protection 38/49T alarm sensor 4 MET148 n° 2
Bit 07: TS168 Protection 38/49T tripping sensor 4 MET148 n° 2
Bit 08: TS169 Protection 38/49T alarm sensor 5 MET148 n° 2
Bit 09: TS170 Protection 38/49T tripping sensor 5 MET148 n° 2
Bit 10: TS171 Protection 38/49T alarm sensor 6 MET148 n° 2
Bit 11: TS172 Protection 38/49T tripping sensor 6 MET148 n° 2
Bit 12: TS173 Protection 38/49T alarm sensor 7 MET148 n° 2
Bit 13: TS174 Protection 38/49T tripping sensor 7 MET148 n° 2
Bit 14: TS175 Protection 38/49T alarm sensor 8 MET148 n° 2
Bit 15: TS176 Protection 38/49T tripping sensor 8 MET148 n° 2

34 SEPED303002EN - 01/2013
Modbus communication Addresses in direct-access mode

Word 0C9B: TS177 to TS192

Bit 00: TS177 Protection 51C unit 1 (capacitor step 1)
Bit 01: TS178
Bit 02: TS179
Protection 51C unit 2 (capacitor step 1)
Protection 51C unit 3 (capacitor step 2) 1
Bit 03: TS180 Protection 51C unit 4 (capacitor step 2)
Bit 04: TS181 Protection 51C unit 5 (capacitor step 3)
Bit 05: TS182 Protection 51C unit 6 (capacitor step 3)
Bit 06: TS183 Protection 51C unit 7 (capacitor step 4)
Bit 07: TS184 Protection 51C unit 8 (capacitor step 4)
Bit 08: TS185 Thermistor alarm
Bit 09: TS186 Thermistor tripping
Bit 10: TS187 Buchholz alarm
Bit 11: TS188 Buchholz tripping
Bit 12: TS189 Thermostat alarm
Bit 13: TS190 Thermostat tripping
Bit 14: TS191 Pressure alarm
Bit 15: TS192 Pressure tripping
Word 0C9C: TS193 to TS208
Bit 00: TS193 MET148-1 module sensor fault
Bit 01: TS194 MET148-2 module sensor fault
Bit 02: TS195 Inhibit thermal protection tripping
Bit 03: TS196 Main-phase reverse rotation
Bit 04: TS197 Additional-phase reverse rotation
Bit 05: TS198 Send blocking signal 2
Bit 06: TS199 Recloser: On
Bit 07: TS200 Recloser: ready
Bit 08: TS201 Recloser: final trip
Bit 09: TS202 Recloser: reclosing successful
Bit 10: TS203 Recloser: cycle 1 in progress
Bit 11: TS204 Recloser: cycle 2 in progress
Bit 12: TS205 Recloser: cycle 3 in progress
Bit 13: TS206 Recloser: cycle 4 in progress
Bit 14: TS207 Recloser: closing by recloser
Bit 15: TS208 Test mode
Word 0C9D: TS209 to TS224
Bit 00: TS209 Phase CT fault
Bit 01: TS210 Phase VT fault
Bit 02: TS211 Residual VT fault
Bit 03: TS212 Additional phase CT fault
Bit 04: TS213 Additional phase VT fault
Bit 05: TS214 Additional residual VT fault
Bit 06: TS215 Load shedding
Bit 07: TS216 Restart
Bit 08: TS217 Min. V_aux
Bit 09: TS218 Max. V_aux
Bit 10: TS219 Battery low or absent
Bit 11: TS220 Request for synchro-checked closing
Bit 12: TS221 dU synchronization failure
Bit 13: TS222 dPhi synchronization failure
Bit 14: TS223 dF synchronization failure
Bit 15: TS224 Synchronization stop
Word 0C9E: TS225 to TS240
Bit 00: TS225 Synchronization failure
Bit 01: TS226 Synchronization succesful
Bit 02: TS227 Manual capacitor step control
Bit 03: TS228 Automatic capacitor step control
Bit 04: TS229 Capacitor step 1 matching fault
Bit 05: TS230 Capacitor step 2 matching fault
Bit 06: TS231 Capacitor step 3 matching fault
Bit 07: TS232 Capacitor step 4 matching fault
Bit 08: TS233 Tripping
Bit 09: TS234 Closing coil monitoring
Bit 10: TS235 Cumulative breaking current monitoring
Bit 11: TS236 Coupling closing order
Bit 12: TS237 Coupling synchronization failure
Bit 13: TS238 Tripping by automatic transfer (AT)
Bit 14: TS239 Discrepancy in the phase rotation direction
Bit 15: TS240 Ethernet communication fault

SEPED303002EN - 01/2013 35
Modbus communication Addresses in direct-access mode

Zones for Sepam 2000 compatibility

1 Disturb. rec. identification zone
This zone exists exclusively for address and format compatibility with Sepam 2000.
When compatibility is not required, use the directory zone (address 400).
Disturb. rec. identification zone Address Read Write Format Unit Config.
Reserved D204 3 - - - -
Reserved D205 3 - - - -
Size of set-up files D206 3 - 16NS bytes -
If data files are larger than 64 Kbytes, the number of Size of data files D207 3 - 16NS bytes -
records is forced to zero. Only the last two records are Number of records available D208 3 - 16NS 1 -
provided. Date of record 1 (most recent) D209/D20C 3 - IEC -
Date of record 2 D20D/D210 3 - IEC -

Configuration zone
This zone exists exclusively for address and format compatibility with Sepam 2000.
It is static and does not depend on the real configuration of the Sepam series 80
Configuration zone Address Read Write Value Config.
Not used FC00 3 - 0 -
Sepam series 80 FC01 3 - 1200 h -
Not managed FC02 3 - 0 -
Not managed FC03 3 - 0 -

36 SEPED303002EN - 01/2013
Modbus communication Addresses in direct-access mode

Metering zone x 1
Metering zone x 1 Address Read Write Format Unit Config.
Phase current I1
Phase current I2
3, 4
3, 4
0.1 A
0.1 A
Phase current I3 FA02 3, 4 - 16NS 0.1 A yes
Residual current Peak demand current IM1 FA03 3, 4 - 16NS 0.1 A yes
On Sepam 2000, measured and calculated residual Peak demand current IM2 FA04 3, 4 - 16NS 0.1 A yes
currents are exclusive, i.e. they have the same Modbus Peak demand current IM3 FA05 3, 4 - 16NS 0.1 A yes
address. On Sepam series 80, the two values may both Phase-to-phase voltage U21 FA06 3, 4 - 16NS 1V yes
exist: the compatible address is used for the calculated Phase-to-phase voltage U32 FA07 3, 4 - 16NS 1V yes
value and the new address is used for the measured Phase-to-phase voltage U13 FA08 3, 4 - 16NS 1V yes
value. Frequency f FA09 3, 4 - 16NS 0.01 Hz yes
Number of starts / Inhibit time Active power P FA0A 3, 4 - 16O 1 kW yes
On Sepam 2000, these two values are exclusive and Reactive power Q FA0B 3, 4 - 16O 1 kvar yes
use the same Modbus address. They are differentiated Power factor cos ϕ FA0C 3, 4 - 16O 0.01 yes
by the sign. On Sepam series 80, the two values may Peak demand active power PM FA0D 3, 4 - 16NS 1 kW yes
both exist, the compatible address is used for the Peak demand reactive power QM FA0E 3, 4 - 16NS 1 kvar yes
number of starts and the new address is used for the Residual current I0Σ FA0F 3, 4 - 16NS 0.1 A yes
inhibit time. T1: temperature 1 MET n° 1 FA10 3, 4 - 16O 1°C yes
T2: temperature 2 MET n° 1 FA11 3, 4 - 16O 1°C yes
T3: temperature 3 MET n° 1 FA12 3, 4 - 16O 1°C yes
T4: temperature 4 MET n° 1 FA13 3, 4 - 16O 1°C yes
T5: temperature 5 MET n° 1 FA14 3, 4 - 16O 1°C yes
T6: temperature 6 MET n° 1 FA15 3, 4 - 16O 1°C yes
T7: temperature 7 MET n° 1 FA16 3, 4 - 16O 1°C yes
T8: temperature 8 MET n° 1 FA17 3, 4 - 16O 1°C yes
T9: temperature 1 MET n° 2 FA18 3, 4 - 16O 1°C yes
T10: temperature 2 MET n° 2 FA19 3, 4 - 16O 1°C yes
T11: temperature 3 MET n° 2 FA1A 3, 4 - 16O 1°C yes
T12: temperature 4 MET n° 2 FA1B 3, 4 - 16O 1°C yes
Thermal capacity used FA1C 3, 4 - 16NS % yes
Number of starts FA1D 3, 4 - 16NS 1 yes
Phase current I'1 FA1E 3, 4 - 16NS 0.1 A yes
Phase current I'2 FA1F 3, 4 - 16NS 0.1 A yes
Phase current I'3 FA20 3, 4 - 16NS 0.1 A yes
Residual current I’0Σ FA21 3, 4 - 16NS 0.1 A yes
Phase-to-neutral voltage V1 FA22 3, 4 - 16NS 1V yes
Phase-to-neutral voltage V2 FA23 3, 4 - 16NS 1V yes
Phase-to-neutral voltage V3 FA24 3, 4 - 16NS 1V yes
Residual voltage V0 FA25 3, 4 - 16NS 1V yes
Residual current I0 FA26 3, 4 - 16NS 0.1 A yes
Phase-to-phase voltage U’21 FA27 3, 4 - 16NS 1V yes
Phase-to-phase voltage U’32 FA28 3, 4 - 16NS 1V yes
Phase-to-phase voltage U’13 FA29 3, 4 - 16NS 1V yes
Phase-to-neutral voltage V’1 FA2A 3, 4 - 16NS 1V yes
Phase-to-neutral voltage V’2 FA2B 3, 4 - 16NS 1V yes
Phase-to-neutral voltage V’3 FA2C 3, 4 - 16NS 1V yes
Residual voltage V’0 FA2D 3, 4 - 16NS 1V yes
Residual current I'0 FA2E 3, 4 - 16NS 0.1 A yes
Inhibit time FA2F 3, 4 - 16NS 1 min. yes

SEPED303002EN - 01/2013 37
Modbus communication Addresses in direct-access mode

Metering zone x 10
Metering zone x 10 Address Read Write Format Unit Config.

1 Phase current I1
Phase current I2
Phase current I3
3, 4
3, 4
3, 4
Residual current Peak demand current IM1 FB03 3, 4 - 16NS 1A yes
On Sepam 2000, measured and calculated residual Peak demand current IM2 FB04 3, 4 - 16NS 1A yes
currents are exclusive, i.e. they have the same Modbus Peak demand current IM3 FB05 3, 4 - 16NS 1A yes
address. On Sepam series 80, the two values may both Phase-to-phase voltage U21 FB06 3, 4 - 16NS 10 V yes
exist: the compatible address is used for the calculated Phase-to-phase voltage U32 FB07 3, 4 - 16NS 10 V yes
value and the new address is used for the measured Phase-to-phase voltage U13 FB08 3, 4 - 16NS 10 V yes
value. Frequency f FB09 3, 4 - 16NS 0.1 Hz yes
Active power P FB0A 3, 4 - 16O 10 kW yes
Reactive power Q FB0B 3, 4 - 16O 10 kvar yes
Power factor cos ϕ FB0C 3, 4 - 16O 0.01 yes
Peak demand active power PM FB0D 3, 4 - 16NS 10 kW yes
Peak demand reactive power QM FB0E 3, 4 - 16NS 10 kvar yes
Residual current I0Σ FB0F 3, 4 - 16NS 1A yes
Last tripping current Itrip1 FB10 3, 4 - 16NS 10 A yes
Last tripping current Itrip2 FB11 3, 4 - 16NS 10 A yes
Last tripping current Itrip3 FB12 3, 4 - 16NS 10 A yes
Last tripping current Itrip0 FB13 3, 4 - 16NS 1A yes
Phase current I'1 FB14 3, 4 - 16NS 1A yes
Phase current I'2 FB15 3, 4 - 16NS 1A yes
Phase current I'3 FB16 3, 4 - 16NS 1A yes
Phase-to-neutral voltage V1 FB17 3, 4 - 16NS 10 V yes
Phase-to-neutral voltage V2 FB18 3, 4 - 16NS 10 V yes
Phase-to-neutral voltage V3 FB19 3, 4 - 16NS 10 V yes
Reserved FB1A 3, 4 - - - yes
Reserved FB1B 3, 4 - - - yes
Reserved FB1C 3, 4 - - - yes
Residual voltage V0 FB1D 3, 4 - 16NS 10 V yes
Residual current I’0Σ FB1E 3, 4 - 16NS 1A yes
Reserved FB1F 3, 4 - - - yes
Reserved FB20 3, 4 - - - yes
Reserved FB21 3, 4 - - - yes
Reserved FB22 3, 4 - - - yes
Residual current I0 FB23 3, 4 - 16NS 1A yes
Residual current I'0 FB24 3, 4 - 16NS 1A yes

Compact zone
Compact zone Address Read Write Format Unit Config.
Phase current I1 (x 1) FB80 3, 4 - 16NS 0.1 A -
Phase-to-phase voltage U21 (x 1) FB81 3, 4 - 16NS 1V -
Active power P (x 1) FB82 3, 4 - 16O 1 kW -
Reactive power Q (x 1) FB83 3, 4 - 16O 1 kvar -
Sepam check-word (copy) FB84 3, 4 - B - -
TS1-TS16 FB85 3, 4 - B - -
TS17-TS32 FB86 3, 4 - B - -
TS33-TS48 FB87 3, 4 - B - -
TS49-TS64 FB88 3, 4 - B - -
Logic inputs I101 to I114 FB89 3, 4 - B - -
Logic inputs I201 to I214 FB8A 3, 4 - B - -
Logic inputs I301 to I314 FB8B 3, 4 - B - -
Reserved FB8C 3, 4 - - - -
Logipam event counter C1 FB8D 3, 4 - 16NS - -
Logipam event counter C2 FB8E 3, 4 - 16NS - -
Reserved FB8F 3, 4 - - - -

38 SEPED303002EN - 01/2013
Modbus communication Time-setting and synchronization

Sepam series 80 manages the date and time internally. If auxiliary power is lost, the
date and time function continues to operate, on the condition that a charged battery 1

was installed.
The Sepam internal time function is used in particular to date alarms and other
Sepam time can be viewed:
b with SFT2841 ("Sepam diagnosis" screen)
b on the Sepam display
b by a Modbus read of the synchronization zone.
Sepam also supplies in the check-word the indication "Sepam time not correct" if it
is necessary to reset the time (often the case when the battery is low or absent). This
information can also be viewed with SFT2841, on the "Sepam diagnosis" screen.
SFT2841: date and time on the "Sepam diagnosis" screen.
Time setting
When Sepam is energized, the time is automatically set using the clock powered by
the backup battery, if the battery is charged.
When necessary, it is possible to set the time on the Sepam series 80 using:
b SFT2841 ("Sepam diagnosis" screen)
b Sepam User Machine Interface
b Serial Modbus communication (COM1 or COM2)
b Modbus/TCP or SNTP (Ethernet)
Modbus time is set by writing, in a single block, the new value for the date and time
in the synchronization zone (time frame).

To ensure long-term time stability or to coordinate a number of devices, it is possible
to synchronize Sepam relays.

A number of synchronization sources are accepted:

b none (synchronization inhibited)
b a pulse to logic input I103
b Modbus communication on COM1
b Modbus communication on COM2
b Ethernet (Modbus or SNTP)
The source is selected using the SFT2841 software, on the "General characteristics"
Non-synchronous status is indicated in the check-word. This information can also be
viewed with SFT2841, on the "Sepam diagnosis" screen.
When Sepam is synchronized, time setting is authorized only by sources that are
compatible with the synchronization.

Time setting Synchronization source

None COM1 COM2/Ethernet I103
Local b
Via COM1 b b b
Via COM2/Ethernet b b b

Synchronization by the Modbus communication link

The time frame is used for both time setting and synchronization of Sepam. In this
case, it must be regularly sent at brief intervals (between 10 and 60 seconds) to
maintain synchronous time.
It is generally broadcast (slave number = 0).
The Sepam internal clock is reset each time a new time frame is received.
Synchronization is maintained if the reset amplitude is less than 100 milliseconds.
With synchronization via the Modbus network, accuracy depends on the master and
its control over frame transmission time on the communication network. Sepam is
Synchronization of the Sepam clock by the communication synchronized without delay at the end of the receipt of the frame.
network. Time changes are made by sending a frame to Sepam with the new date and time.
Sepam then switches to a transitional non-synchronous status.
In synchronous status, non-reception of a time frame for over 200 seconds results in
the loss of synchronization.

SEPED303002EN - 01/2013 39
Modbus communication Time-setting and synchronization

Pulse synchronization
Sepam can be synchronized externally by sending a periodic pulse (synchronization

1 pulse) to logic input I103 (the MES120 module is required).

The pulse is used to reset the Sepam internal clock. Synchronization is carried out
on the rising edge of the logic input.
Sepam adapts to synchronization periods from 10 to 60 seconds, in 10-second
steps. The shorter the period, the more accurate the time setting.
When energized (or following a loss of synchronization), Sepam is in "non-
synchronous" mode. The resetting process (switching of Sepam to "synchronous"
mode) is based on a measurement of the difference between Sepam current time
and the nearest ten-second period. This measurement is taken when the pulse is
received following time setting. Resetting is authorized if the difference is less than
or equal to 4 seconds. In this case, Sepam shifts to "synchronous" mode.
Subsequently (after switching to "synchronous" mode), the resetting process is
based on the measurement of a difference (between Sepam current time and the
nearest ten second period when the pulse is received), which is adapted to match
the pulse period.
The pulse period is determined automatically by Sepam when it is energized,
based on the first two pulses received. The pulse must be operational before
Sepam is energized.
Synchronization operates only after Sepam has been time-set, i.e. after the
"incorrect time" end event.

Any time changes greater than ± 4 seconds are made by sending a new time frame.
The switch from summer time to winter time (and back) is made in this way as well.
There is a temporary loss of synchronization when the time is changed.
Synchronization is lost if:
b the difference in synchronization between the closest 10-second period and pulse
reception is greater than the synchronization error for two consecutive pulses
b the pulse is not received for a period longer than 200 seconds.
External synchronization of the Sepam clock by sending a
synchronization pulse to a logic input. Synchronization-pulse characteristics
Electrical characteristics
They are identical to those for MES120 module inputs.
Time characteristics
Period: 10 to 60 seconds, in 10-second steps
State 1 minimum duration: 100 ms
State 0 minimum duration: 100 ms

Synchronization clock
The external synchronization mode requires additional equipment, a
"synchronization clock " to generate a precise periodic synchronization time pulse.
Schneider Electric has tested the following products:
Gorgy Timing, part no. RT3000, equipped with the M540 module

40 SEPED303002EN - 01/2013
Modbus communication Time-tagged events

The time-tagging function assigns a date and precise time to status changes (events)
so that they can be accurately organized over time.
Time-tagging is systematic and concerns:
b logic inputs
b remote indications
b certain information pertaining to Sepam equipment (see Sepam check-word).
Events may be used by a remote monitoring and control system for data logging and
histories, for example.
The remote monitoring and control system provides a chronological display of the
time-tagged data.

Event time-tagging uses the Sepam internal clock. When an event is detected, it is
tagged with the current Sepam time.
Time-tagging accuracy depends essentially on how well the Sepam internal clock is
synchronized (see the section on time setting and synchronization).

Inhibition in Test mode

Test mode may be used to temporarily stop the transmission of all time-tagged
events when remote operation of the installation is not to be disturbed by
maintenance operations carried out on the electrical equipment. This mode may be
accessed via mimic-based UMIs by turning the key-switch.

When Sepam enters Test mode, it:

b transmits remote-indication TS208 "Test mode" with a value of 1
b interrupts the transmission of all time-tagged events.
When Sepam leaves Test mode, it transmits remote-indication TS208 "Test mode"
with a value of 0.
Time-tagged events can be transmitted again. Status changes that take place in Test
mode are permanently lost.

Event queues
Sepam has four internal storage queues (two per communication port) with a
capacity of 64 events. Each queue is independent.
If one queue is full (63 events already recorded), a "data loss" event is generated in
the 64th position and the queue no longer receives event data. The other queues are
not affected and continue to receive any new detected events.
When a queue in "data loss" status is completely emptied, a "data loss" end event is
generated and the queue then receives any detected events.

For each event queue of a Modbus port, the check-work contains certain information:
b presence of an event: indicates that there is at least one event that has not been
read in the corresponding queue
b data loss: indicates that the queue is in "data loss" status (full).

Each time Sepam is initialized (energized), events are generated in the following
b "data loss"
b "not synchronous"
b end of "data loss".
The "time not correct" event may also appear if there is no battery.
The function is initialized with the current values of the remote indication and logic
input status without creating any events related to those data. After the initialization
phase, event detection is activated.

SEPED303002EN - 01/2013 41
Modbus communication Time-tagged events

Reading of events
Two Modbus tables are used to read the corresponding queues of events, in groups
1 of four maximum, using a specific protocol to make sure no events are lost, even if
communication problems occur.
Event tables Addr. table 1 Addr. table 2 Read Write Config.
Exchange word 0040 0070 3 6, 16 -
Event 1 0041/0048 0071/0078 3 - -
Event 2 0049/0050 0079/0080 3 - -
Reading must address only the exchange word, or the Event 3 0051/0058 0081/0088 3 - -
entire table. Event 4 0059/0060 0089/0090 3 - -

Exchange word
It is used to check event reading. It consists of the elements below.
Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Exchange number 0…255 Event number 0…4

The exchange number is initialized to zero when Sepam is energized and is

incremented for each transfer of a new set of events. When it reaches its maximum
value (FFh), it automatically goes back to zero.
Sepam numbers the exchanges and the master acknowledges the numbering.
The event number indicates the number of significant events are truly present in the
table. The remainder of the table is less significant.

Event table acknowledgment

Following correct reception of the set of events, the master must acknowledge the
exchange by writing an exchange word with:
b "Exchange number" field: number of the last exchange carried out
b "Event number" field: set to zero.
The acknowledged events are then cleared from the Sepam queue. If there are other
events, they are made available in the table and the exchange number is
As long as an exchange is not acknowledged, the table remains as is and it is
possible to read it again.
If acknowledgment is incorrect (incorrect value for the exchange word), it is not taken
into account and the table remains as is.

Clearing an event queue

Writing a value "xxFFh" in the exchange word (any exchange number, event
number = FFh) reinitializes the corresponding event queue (all stored events not yet
transmitted are deleted).

Description of event coding

An event is coded in 8 words with the following structure:
Word Information Coding
1 Type of event 0800 h
2 Event address Bit address (see inputs, TS, check-word)
3 Reserved 0
4 Event direction 0: falling edge
1: rising edge
5 to 8 Event time IEC

42 SEPED303002EN - 01/2013
Modbus communication Transferring records

Sepam series 80 records different types of data:
b disturbance recording
b tripping contexts
b out-of-sync context
b data log
b motor start report
b motor start trend
The list of available records may be read in the corresponding directory zones.
Two Modbus transfer zones per port recover records using a specific protocol
ensuring correct transfer, even if communication problems occur.

Transfer is carried out in the same manner for all types of records. Given the volume
of data, it is transferred in blocks that are compatible in size with Modbus frames.
To make a transfer, the master:
b determines the list of available records by reading the directory zone
b selects the desired record
b waits until it is available and recovers the first block of data, using the exchange
word to ensure correct synchronization
b acknowledges block transfer
b repeats reading and acknowledgment until all the blocks have been received
b reads the directory zone again to check that the record was not overwritten during
A record may be transferred as many times as desired, until it is overwritten by a new
record. If a record is made by Sepam while the oldest record is being transferred, the
oldest record is overwritten.
Selection of a new record while a transfer is in progress interrupts the transfer.

Transfer zones
Each transfer zone comprises a zone for record selection and a zone reading record

Selection zone
Record transfer is initiated by writing the record identifier to this zone.
Selection Addr. zone 1 Addr. zone 2 Read Write Config.
Word 1 2200 D200 3 16 -
Word 2 2201 D201 3 16 -
Word 3 2202 D202 3 16 -
The zone should be written in a single block containing Word 4 2203 D203 3 16 -
4 words, using function 16 (write word).
Sepam series 80 capacity for simultaneous transfers is Record identifier
limited. If Sepam cannot handle the request, a type 07 The records to be transferred are identified by their date as indicated in the directory
exception reply is sent. In this case, a new request must zone, with an indicator in the most-significant byte of word 1:
be made later. 0: disturbance recording
1: tripping contexts
2: out-of-sync context.
3: data log
4: motor start report
5: motor start trend
Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Word 1 Type of record
Word 2 Date of record
Word 3 (IEC)
Word 4

SEPED303002EN - 01/2013 43
Modbus communication Transferring records

Data read zone

Record data are made available in this zone.

1 Data reading
Exchange word
Data word 1
Addr. zone 1
Addr. zone 2
6, 16
Data word 2 2302 D302 3 - -
... ... ... 3 - -
The record transfer is reset if more than 2 seconds Data word 124 237C D37C 3 - -
elapse between consecutive data read operations.
Reading must always begin at the beginning of the zone (exchange word). The data
bytes not included in the significant information (see the section on the exchange
word) do not contain significant values.
Exchange word
It is used to check data reading. It consists of the elements below.
Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Exchange number 0…255 Number of usable bytes 0…248

The exchange number is initialized to zero when Sepam is energized and is

incremented for each transfer of a new block of data. When it reaches its maximum
value (FFh), it automatically goes back to zero.
Sepam numbers the exchanges and the master acknowledges the numbering.
The number of bytes indicates the usable size of the data zone. It is initialized to zero
after an energizing operation and varies between 0 and 248 (F8h).
The exchange word may also have the following values:
b 0000h: no "read request" has yet been made. This is especially the case when
Sepam is energized. The other data words are not significant.
b FFFFh: the "read request" has been processed, but the results are not yet
available in the read zone. It is necessary to read again later.
b xxFEh: the transfer has been cancelled or the record number is not known.
Reading acknowledgment
Following correct reception of the block of data, the master must acknowledge
reading by writing an exchange word with:
b "Exchange number" field: number of the last exchange carried out
b "Number of bytes" field: set to zero.
If transfer of the record is not finished, the exchange word is reset to FFFFh while the
next block of data is prepared, otherwise the exchange word is not modified.
As long as a read has not been acknowledged, the zone remains as is and it is
possible to read it again.
If acknowledgment is incorrect (incorrect value for the exchange word), it is not taken
into account and the zone remains as is.
Note: It is not necessary to acknowledge tripping contexts or out-of-sync contexts which are
contained in a single block.

44 SEPED303002EN - 01/2013
Modbus communication Transferring records

Data coding
Disturbance recording
Each record comprises two files as defined by the COMTRADE standard:
b configuration file (.CFG)
b data file (.DAT) in binary mode.
Because the configuration and data files are transferred together, a block may
contain the end of the configuration file and the beginning of the data file of a record.
It is up to the remote monitoring and control system to reconstruct the files in
accordance with the transmitted number of usable bytes and the size of the files
indicated in the directory zone.

SEPED303002EN - 01/2013 45
Modbus communication Transferring records

Tripping contexts
Word Information Format Unit

1 00
01 to 04
(exchange word)
Context date
Tripping current phase 1 Itrip1
0.1 A
07/08 Tripping current phase 2 Itrip2 32NS 0.1 A
09/0A Tripping current phase 3 Itrip3 32NS 0.1 A
0B/0C Residual current I0Σ 32NS 0.1 A
0D/0E Residual current I0 32NS 0.1 A
0F/10 Negative-sequence current Ii 32NS 0.1 A
11/12 Phase-to-phase voltage U21 32NS 1V
13/14 Phase-to-phase voltage U32 32NS 1V
15/16 Phase-to-phase voltage U13 32NS 1V
17/18 Phase-to-neutral voltage V1 32NS 1V
19/1A Phase-to-neutral voltage V2 32NS 1V
1B/1C Phase-to-neutral voltage V3 32NS 1V
1D/1E Residual voltage V0 32NS 1V
1F/20 Positive sequence voltage Vd 32NS 1V
21/22 Negative-sequence voltage Vi 32NS 1V
23/24 Frequency f 32NS 0.01 Hz
25/26 Active power P 32S 1 kW
27/28 Reactive power Q 32S 1 kvar
29/2A Apparent power S 32S 1 kVA
2B/2C Additional tripping current I'trip1 32NS 0.1 A
2D/2E Additional tripping current I’trip2 32NS 0.1 A
2F/30 Additional tripping current I’trip3 32NS 0.1 A
31/32 Additional residual current I'0Σ 32NS 0.1 A
33/34 Additional residual current I'0 32NS 0.1 A
35/36 Additional negative-sequence current I’i 32NS 0.1 A
37/38 Phase-to-phase voltage U’21 32NS 1V
39/3A Phase-to-phase voltage U’32 32NS 1V
3B/3C Phase-to-phase voltage U’13 32NS 1V
3D/3E Phase-to-neutral voltage V’1 32NS 1V
3F/40 Phase-to-neutral voltage V’2 32NS 1V
41/42 Phase-to-neutral voltage V’3 32NS 1V
43/44 Residual voltage V’0 32NS 1V
45/46 Positive sequence voltage V’d 32NS 1V
47/48 Negative sequence voltage V’i 32NS 1V
49/4A Frequency f’ 32NS 0.01 Hz
4B/4C Neutral-point voltage Vnt 32NS 1V
4D/4E H3 neutral-point voltage V3nt 32NS 0.1 %
4F/50 H3 residual voltage V3r 32NS 0.1 %
51/52 Differential current Id1 32NS 0.1 A
53/54 Differential current Id2 32NS 0.1 A
55/56 Differential current Id3 32NS 0.1 A
57/58 Through current It1 32NS 0.1 A
59/5A Through current It2 32NS 0.1 A
5B/5C Through current It3 32NS 0.1 A
5D/5E Phase rotation direction 32NS 0 = 123
1 = 132

Out-of-sync context
Word Information Format Unit
00 (exchange word)
01 to 04 Context date IEC -
05/06 Voltage difference dU 32NS 0.1% of Uns
07 Frequency difference df 16NS 0.001 Hz
08 Phase difference dϕ 16NS 0.1°

46 SEPED303002EN - 01/2013
Modbus communication Access to remote settings

Access to Sepam settings via Modbus communication allows the user to remotely:
b read settings remotely (remote reading)
b modify settings remotely (remote setting), if it has been authorized.
Two Modbus zones per port offer access to the settings, using a specific protocol.

Accessible functions
Remote reading of settings concerns:
b all protection and similar functions
b the main Sepam general parameters.

Remote setting concerns exclusively the protection and similar functions.

Inhibiting remote setting

Inhibition of remote setting also concerns It is possible to inhibit the remote-setting function using a configuration parameter
the SFT2841 connected to Modbus accessible via SFT2841. In the default set-up (factory settings), the remote-setting
communication ports. When remote setting function is inhibited.
is inhibited, only the SFT2841 locally connected to
Sepam can modify settings and parameters.
It is possible to protect the remote-setting zone against writing, see the section on

Operating principle
Remote setting reading
For remote setting reading, the master:
b selects the function whose settings are requested (write in the request zone)
b waits until it is available and recovers the setting values, using the exchange word
to ensure correct synchronization (read the setting read zone).

Remote setting
NOTICE For remote setting, the master:
HAZARD OF IMPROPER OPERATION b selects the function whose settings are to be modified remotely and provides the
b The device must only be configured and set by list of new settings (write in the remote-setting zone)
qualified personnel, using the results of the b waits until processing is finished and recovers the accepted setting values, using
installation protection system study. the exchange word to ensure correct synchronization (read the setting read zone)
b During commissioning of the installation and b checks that the settings have been accepted and processes any refusals.
after any modification, check that the Sepam It is necessary to make all the settings for the function concerned, even if some of
configuration and protection function settings are them have not changed.
consistent with the results of this study.
Failure to follow these instructions can result Setting access zones
in equipment damage
Each setting-access zone includes a zone to select the function whose settings are
requested, a zone to read the settings of the selected function and a zone to write
the settings.

Selection zone for setting requests

A setting read is initiated by writing the function identifier to this zone.
Setting request Addr. zone 1 Addr. zone 2 Read Write Config.
Function identifier 2080 D080 3 6, 16 -

Function identification
Each function is identified by a function code, with a unit number (protection) or a
subcode (other functions). A list of the function codes is provided in the appendices,
no other values are valid.
Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Function code Unit number or subcode

Exception replies
In addition to the usual cases, Sepam can send Modbus type 07 exception replies
(not acknowledged) if another remote reading (or remote setting) request is being

SEPED303002EN - 01/2013 47
Modbus communication Access to remote settings

Setting read zone

Setting values are made available in this zone.

1 Reading settings
Exchange word
Setting 1
Setting 2
Setting 62
Reading must always begin at the beginning of the zone (exchange word). The
length of the exchange may concern:
b the exchange word only (validity test)
b the maximum size of the zone (125 words)
b the usable size of the zone (determined by the function being addressed).
Exchange word
It is used to check the reading of the settings and can have the following values:
b xxyy: where
v function code xx is not 00 or FFh
v unit number or subcode yy is not FFh.
The requested settings are available in the words below. The word is a copy of the
request. The zone contents remain valid until the next request is made.
b FFFFh: the request has been processed, but the results are not yet available. It is
necessary to read again later. The other words are not significant.
b xxFFh: where the function code xx is not 00 or FFh. The read request for the
settings of the designated function is not valid. The function (or the unit) does not
exist for this Sepam.
b 0000h: no "request frame" has yet been formulated. This is especially the case
when Sepam is energized. The other words are not significant.
All settings are 32 bits in length (two Modbus words). They are specific to each
function and are described in the appendices.

Remote-setting zone
The new setting values are written in this zone.
Writing settings Addr. zone 1 Addr. zone 2 Read Write Config.
Function reference 2100 D100 3 16 -
Setting 1 2101/2102 D101/D102 3 16 -
Setting 2 2103/2004 D102/D003 3 16 -
... ... ... 3 16 -
Setting 61 2179/217A D179/D17A 3 16 -

Writing must always begin at the beginning of the zone.

Function identifier
It is identical to that used to read the settings.
All settings are 32 bits in length (two Modbus words). They are specific to each
function and are described in the appendices.
Exception reply
In addition to the usual cases, Sepam can send type 07 exception replies (not
acknowledged) if:
b another remote reading or setting request is being processed
b the remote setting function is inhibited
b Sepam is being set locally (SFT2841 or UMI).
Check on setting acceptance
After processing the remote-setting zone, Sepam updates the read zone with the
current function settings. In this case, the exchange word may also have another
b FFFEh meaning that the settings have been refused. Certain values are incorrect
and are replaced by 7FFFFFFFh in the read zone.

48 SEPED303002EN - 01/2013
Modbus communication Customized table

To reduce the number of Modbus exchanges required by the master to collect the
most frequently used information (and the bandwidth used on the network), a
customized table can be set up on each communication port of Sepam series 80.
This table is defined via Modbus, using a configuration table.

Configuration table
Configuration table Address Read Write Config.
Identifier 2680 3 16 -
Address datum 1 2681 3 16 -
Address datum 2 2682 3 16 -
... ... 3 16 -
Address datum 124 26FC 3 16 -

Writing the configuration table

This function is used to configure the data table. The first word in the configuration

table is used as the configuration identifier. It is copied as is in the first word of the
data table. The identifier can have any value, except 0. If the identifier is set to 0,
table configuration is cancelled.
The identifier enables masters to generate a number of typical configurations and to
check which is active. It is also the means to check that no other master has modified
the active configuration. This requires concerted management between the masters.
Each other word in the table contains the Modbus address of the datum that should
be set up in the corresponding spot in the data table (0 if the position is not used).
Only certain Modbus addresses can be set up in these tables. The valid addresses
are indicated in this document by "yes" in the "Config." column in the descriptions.
It is possible to write the table in part or in whole from any address. When 125 words
are used (the maximum size of the data table), at least two writings are required to
fill the configuration table because the maximum size of a Modbus write is 123 words.
Reading the configuration table
This function is used to read and check the configuration of the data table. Each
address word can have one of the following values:
b 0000: position not used
b FFFFh: invalid address
b Address: address correctly configured.
It is possible to read the zone in part or in whole from any address.
Example: by writing 0C8F to 268C, the result at 260C is a copy
of the contents at address 0C8F (check-word).

SEPED303002EN - 01/2013 49
Modbus communication Customized table

Data table
Data table Address Read Write Config.

1 Identifier
Datum 1
Datum 2
Caution: configuration takes place one Modbus word ... ... 3 - -
after the other. For a 32-bit value, it is necessary to Datum 124 267C 3 - -
provide the two successive addresses of the value.
(This characteristic may be used to switch the order of Reading the data table
words if there is a compatibility problem with the 32-bit This function is used to read the data set up at the corresponding position.
format. It is also possible to use only the least- The validity of the datum is indicated in the configuration table.
It is possible to read the table in part or in whole from any address.
significant part of the 32-bit values if the range is
sufficient for the given application.) Exception replies
Sepam sends a Modbus type 07 exception reply (not acknowledged) if the data table
has not been set up. This may occur in the following cases:
b the table was never set up
b the table was set up, but one or more addresses are incorrect
The configuration table can be read again to identify the addresses in question;
b the configuration was cancelled (the identifier was set to 0)
b the configuration was lost (Sepam de-energized). In this case, it must be reloaded.

50 SEPED303002EN - 01/2013
Modbus communication Security

With Sepam series 80, it is possible to protect remote controls and remote settings
using a password.
If enabled in the SFT2841 software, the Sepam series 80 remote control and settings
can be password-protected.
Two different passwords are required:
b one password for the remote controls
b one password for the remote settings
thus offering differentiated access.
The ON/OFF status of the security function is given by bit 01 of the Sepam check-

Examples Implementation
Secure writing using function 16 (write word) of value The security function uses an extension of the Modbus protocol that encapsulates
9999h to Modbus address ABCDh on slave 3. the standard remote-control and remote-setting frames in a special frame.

Request frames Request frames

The request frame is made of the following components.
03 Slave Field Size (bytes)
66 Security function code Slave number 1
00 Version 102 (66h) 1 Security function code
0000 Reserved 00 1 Security version
1234 Password 0000 2 Reserved
10 Write-word function code xxxx 2 Password (BCD coding)
ABCD Address Standard function code 1
0001 Number of words to be written Standard frame data Encapsulated standard frame
02 Number of bytes ... n
9999 Value to be written CRC16 2
xxxx CRC16
The standard function codes that can be used in the request are the codes accepted
Normal reply frames for writing to the corresponding addresses, i.e. 6 and 16 for words and 5 and 15 for
03 Slave bits.
66 Security function code
The security function does not affect reading.
00 Version
The indicated password is the one created with SFT2841, for the given zone. It is a
16-bit BCD code (e.g. the entered password is 1234, the value in the Modbus field is
10 Write-word function code
0001 Number of words written
xxxx CRC16 Reply frames
The standard reply frame is also encapsulated, with a reduced header.
Exception frames Field Size (bytes)
Write-word function exception: it is not possible to Slave number 1
write to the given address. 102 (66h) 1 Security function code
00 1 Security version
03 Slave Standard function code 1
66 Security function code Standard reply Encapsulated standard reply
00 Version ... n
90 Write-word exception (10 + 80) CRC16 2
02 Incorrect address
xxxx CRC16 Exception replies
Security-function (access control) exceptions
Security exception: incorrect password
When the security function is enabled on Sepam, request 102 must be used to
03 Slave
access Sepam's protected data.
E6 Security exception (66 + 80) If a non-secure request is used, a standard exception reply 02 (incorrect data
80 Access refused addresses) is sent to indicate that the requested data cannot be accessed.
xxxx CRC16 When request 102 is used, a security-function exception reply 80 can be sent to
indicate access refused in the following two cases:
b Incorrect security level (the level asked for in the request is not 00)
b Incorrect password
Standard-function (encapsulated) exceptions
When access control has been negotiated successfully, the reply to request 102 can
encapsulate a standard exception reply, as described for replies associated with
Modbus standard function codes.

SEPED303002EN - 01/2013 51
Modbus communication Reading Sepam identification

The "Read Device Identification" function provides standardized access to the
1 information required to clearly identify a device.
The description is made up of a set of objects (ASCII character strings).
Sepam series 80 accepts the "read identification" function (conformity level 02).
For a complete description of the function, refer to The
description below covers a subset of the function, adapted to Sepam series 80.

Request frame
The request frame is made of the following components.
Field Size (bytes)
Slave number 1
43 (2Bh) 1 Generic access function code
14 (0Eh) 1 Read device identification
01 or 02 1 Type of read
00 1 Object number
CRC16 2

The type of read is used to select a simplified (01) or a standard (02) description.

Sepam series 80 identification Reply frame

The objects making up the Sepam series 80 The reply frame is made of the following components:
identification are listed below.
Number Type Value Field Size (bytes)
0: VendorName "Merlin Gerin" or Slave number 1
"Schneider Electric" 43 (2Bh) 1 Generic access function code
1: ProductCode Application EAN13 code 14 (0Eh) 1 Read device identification
2: MajorMinorRevision Application version number 01 or 02 1 Type of read
(Vx.yy) 02 1 Conformity level
3: VendorURL "" 00 1 Continuation-frame flag (none for Sepam)
4: ProductName "Sepam series 80" 00 1 Reserved
5: ModelName Application name n 1 Number of objects (according to read type)
(e.g. "M87 Motor") 0bj1 1 Number of first object
6: UserAppName Sepam marking lg1 1 Length first object
The simplified description includes only objects 0 to 2. txt1 lg1 ASCII string of first object
..... ...
objn 1 Number nth object
lgn 1 Length nth object
txtn Ign ASCII string of nth object
CRC16 2

Exception frame
If an error occurs during request processing, a special exception frame is sent.
Field Size (bytes)
Slave number 1
171 (ABh) 1 Generic access exception (2Bh + 80h)
14 (0Eh) 1 Read device identification
01 1 Type of error
CRC16 2

52 SEPED303002EN - 01/2013
Modbus communication Appendix 1. Modbus protocol

This appendix describes the Modbus protocol and the functions required for Modbus
communication with Sepam series 80. It is not intended to present the entire protocol. 1

The Modbus protocol exchanges information using a request-reply mechanism

between a master and a slave.
An exchange is always initiated (request sent) by the master. The only action on
the part of a slave is to reply to requests received.
Where the communication network permits, several slaves units can be connected
to a single master. A request contains the slave address (a unique number) to
identify the recipient. Non-addressed slaves disregard the requests received.

Modbus Protocol Data Unit

Every Modbus request or response frame includes a Modbus PDU (protocol data
unit) made up of 2 fields.
Function code Data

Modbus is a master-slave network.

b function code (1 byte): indicates the type of request (1 to 127)
b data (0 to n bytes): depends on the function code, see below.
If there is no error, the function codes in the reply and in the request are identical.

Modbus data types

Modbus uses 2 types of data: bits and 16-bit words (also called registers).
Each element of data is identified by a 16-bit address.
The most-significant byte in 16-bit words is always sent first, for both data and

Serial line Modbus

This description is limited to the Modbus protocol using a serial link in binary mode
(RTU mode).

All the frames exchanged have the same structure, made up of 3 parts.
Slave address Modbus PDU Check (CRC16)

b Slave address (1 byte): from 1 to 247 (0 for broadcasting)

b Modbus PDU: as previously described
b Check (2 bytes): CRC16 used to check frame integrity.
The slave addresses in the reply and in the request are identical.
The maximum size of a frame is 256 bytes (255 for Sepam series 80).

Synchronization of exchanges

Any character that is received after a silence of more than 3.5 characters is
considered as the beginning of a new frame. A minimum silence of 3.5 characters
must always be observed between two frames.
A slave disregards all frames:
b received with a physical error for 1 or more characters (format error, parity error,
b with an incorrect CRC16 result
b for which it is not the recipient.

The master can also address all slaves using the conventional address 0. This type
of exchange is called broadcasting.
Slaves do not respond to broadcast messages. As a result, only messages that do
not require the transmission of data by the slaves can be broadcast.
The broadcasting technique.

SEPED303002EN - 01/2013 53
Modbus communication Appendix 1. Modbus protocol

Modbus over TCP/IP

Requests and replies are exchanged as TCP/IP messages over a TCP connection.
1 The slave address is therefore its IP address.

The application layer part of a Modbus/TCP frame is made up of 2 fields:
MBAP Header Modbus PDU

b MBAP (Modbus Application) Header (7 bytes): identifies the frame

b Modbus PDU: as previously described.

Modbus Application header

It contains the following fields:

Field Length Description Request Response

Transaction 2 bytes Identification of a Initialized by the Copied by the
identifier Modbus request/ client server from the
response transaction received request
Protocol identifier 2 bytes 0 = Modbus protocol Initialized by the Copied by the
client server from the
received request
Length 2 bytes Number of following Initialized by the Initialized by the
bytes (including unit client server
Unit identifier 1 byte In case of gateways, Initialized by the Copied by the
identifies a remote slave client server from the
device connected on a received request
serial line. Should be 255
in other cases.

54 SEPED303002EN - 01/2013
Modbus communication Appendix 1. Modbus protocol

Modbus protocol data units

Types of functions
The Modbus protocol provides read and write functions as well as network-
management and diagnostics functions.

Read N bits functions (1 and 2)

1 or 2 Address of first bit to be read Number of bits N to be read
1 byte 2 bytes 2 bytes

1 or 2 Number of bytes read Data
1 byte 1 byte (N + 7)/8 bytes

byte 1 byte 2 Function code

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 b 1 for internal or output bits
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 b 2 for input bits.
1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 1 1 1 Data
B A 9 8 7 6 5 4 0 F E D C The first bit sent is the LSB in the first byte and the subsequent bits follow in that
Example: coding of the data field for reading 13 bits, starting at
order. Any excess bits in the last byte are set to 0.
address 104h, with two reply bytes (the vertical numbers
indicate the Modbus address of the bit in the corresponding Read N words functions (3 and 4)
position in the reply). Request
3 or 4 Address of first word to be read Number of words N to be read
1 byte 2 bytes 2 bytes

3 or 4 Number of bytes read Data
1 byte 1 byte 2N bytes

Function code
b 3 for internal or output words
b 4 for input words.
Words are sent in the order of increasing addresses.

Write bit function (5)

5 Bit address Bit value 0: bit set to 0 0
FFh: bit set to 1
1 byte 2 bytes 1 byte 1 byte

It is identical to the request.

Write word function (6)

6 Word address Word value
1 byte 2 bytes 2 bytes

It is identical to the request.

Write N consecutive bits function (15)

0Fh Address of 1st bit Number of bits Number of bytes Data
1 byte 2 bytes 2 bytes 1 byte (N + 7)/8 bytes

Bits are coded similar to the Read bits function.
0Fh Address of 1st bit written Number of bits written
1 byte 2 bytes 2 bytes

SEPED303002EN - 01/2013 55
Modbus communication Appendix 1. Modbus protocol

Write N consecutive words function (16)


1 10h
1 byte
Address of 1st word
2 bytes
Number of words
2 bytes
Number of bytes
1 byte
2N bytes

Words are sent in the order of increasing addresses.
10h Address of 1st word written Number of words written
1 byte 2 bytes 2 bytes

High-speed reading of 8 bits function (7)

1 byte

7 Status byte
1 byte 1 byte

For Sepam series 80, the status byte is the most-significant byte in the Sepam check-
word (address 0C8Fh), i.e. the bits C8F8h to C8FFh.

Diagnosis function (8)

8 Subcode Data
1 byte 2 bytes 2 bytes

8 Subcode Data
1 byte 2 bytes 2 bytes

Subcodes for function 8

Sub- Use Request Reply
code Datum Datum
0000h Echo mode Any Datum received
000Ah Reset counters CPT1 to CPT9 0000 0000
000Bh Read CPT1 (frames without errors) 0000 CPT1
000Ch Read CPT2 (frames with errors) 0000 CPT2
000Dh Read CPT3 (exception replies) 0000 CPT3
000Eh Read CPT4 (frames sent to station) 0000 CPT4
000Fh Read CPT5 (frames broadcast) 0000 CPT5
0010h Read CPT6 (not managed by Sepam) 0000 CPT6
0011h Read CPT7 (not managed by Sepam) 0000 CPT7
0012h Read CPT8 (frames with physical errors) 0000 CPT8

Read event counter function (11)

For Sepam series 80, the event counter is CPT9 (number of correct requests
received and correctly executed).
1 byte

0Bh 0000 Counter CPT9
1 byte 2 bytes 2 bytes

Exception replies
Each time a slave station receives a frame without errors that it cannot process, it
sends an exception reply with the elements below.
Request function code + 80h Type of exception
1 byte 1 byte

Type of exception Meaning

01 Unknown function code
02 Incorrect address
03 Incorrect datum
04 Device not ready
07 Negative acknowledgment

56 SEPED303002EN - 01/2013
Modbus communication Appendix 1. Modbus protocol

Calculation of the CRC16 Example of calculation in the C language

The function uses two parameters:
The CRC16 is calculated by the station sending the
frame. On reception, the CRC16 is recalculated and
compared to the received value. If the two values are
b unsigned char *puchMsg: points to the frame for CRC calculation
b unsigned short usDataLen: number of bytes in the frame.
The function returns the CRC as an unsigned short type. All possible CRC values
not the same, the frame is rejected.
are listed in two tables indexed according to the value of the successive bytes in the
The CRC16 uses two bytes. Contrary to the general
frame. One table contains the 256 possible values for the most-significant byte in the
Modbus rule, the least-significant byte is sent first. It is
CRC and the other table contains the 256 possible values for the least-significant
the product of the polynomial division of the frame by
byte in the CRC.
the generating polynomial X16 + X15 + X2 + 1.
A number of methods may be used to calculate it. The Note: the result is ready to be inserted in the frame, the order of the bytes has already been
table method is often used because it is very effective.
The program below, written in the C language, is an
example of this method.

unsigned short CRC16(puchMsg, usDataLen)

unsigned char *puchMsg ; /* message to calculate CRC upon */
unsigned short usDataLen ; /* quantity of bytes in message */
unsigned char uchCRCHi = 0xFF ; /* high byte of CRC initialized */
unsigned char uchCRCLo = 0xFF ; /* low byte of CRC initialized */
unsigned uIndex ; /* will index into CRC lookup table */
while (usDataLen––) { /* pass through message buffer */
uIndex = uchCRCHi ^ *puchMsgg++ ; /* calculate the CRC */
uchCRCHi = uchCRCLo ^ auchCRCHi[uIndex} ;
uchCRCLo = auchCRCLo[uIndex] ;
return (uchCRCHi << 8 | uchCRCLo) ;

/* Table of CRC values for high–order byte */

static unsigned char auchCRCHi[] = {
0x00, 0xC1, 0x81, 0x40, 0x01, 0xC0, 0x80, 0x41, 0x01, 0xC0, 0x80, 0x41, 0x00, 0xC1, 0x81, 0x40,
0x01, 0xC0, 0x80, 0x41, 0x00, 0xC1, 0x81, 0x40, 0x00, 0xC1, 0x81, 0x40, 0x01, 0xC0, 0x80, 0x41,
0x01, 0xC0, 0x80, 0x41, 0x00, 0xC1, 0x81, 0x40, 0x00, 0xC1, 0x81, 0x40, 0x01, 0xC0, 0x80, 0x41,
0x00, 0xC1, 0x81, 0x40, 0x01, 0xC0, 0x80, 0x41, 0x01, 0xC0, 0x80, 0x41, 0x00, 0xC1, 0x81, 0x40,
0x01, 0xC0, 0x80, 0x41, 0x00, 0xC1, 0x81, 0x40, 0x00, 0xC1, 0x81, 0x40, 0x01, 0xC0, 0x80, 0x41,
0x00, 0xC1, 0x81, 0x40, 0x01, 0xC0, 0x80, 0x41, 0x01, 0xC0, 0x80, 0x41, 0x00, 0xC1, 0x81, 0x40,
0x00, 0xC1, 0x81, 0x40, 0x01, 0xC0, 0x80, 0x41, 0x01, 0xC0, 0x80, 0x41, 0x00, 0xC1, 0x81, 0x40,
0x01, 0xC0, 0x80, 0x41, 0x00, 0xC1, 0x81, 0x40, 0x00, 0xC1, 0x81, 0x40, 0x01, 0xC0, 0x80, 0x41,
0x01, 0xC0, 0x80, 0x41, 0x00, 0xC1, 0x81, 0x40, 0x00, 0xC1, 0x81, 0x40, 0x01, 0xC0, 0x80, 0x41,
0x00, 0xC1, 0x81, 0x40, 0x01, 0xC0, 0x80, 0x41, 0x01, 0xC0, 0x80, 0x41, 0x00, 0xC1, 0x81, 0x40,
0x00, 0xC1, 0x81, 0x40, 0x01, 0xC0, 0x80, 0x41, 0x01, 0xC0, 0x80, 0x41, 0x00, 0xC1, 0x81, 0x40,
0x01, 0xC0, 0x80, 0x41, 0x00, 0xC1, 0x81, 0x40, 0x00, 0xC1, 0x81, 0x40, 0x01, 0xC0, 0x80, 0x41,
0x00, 0xC1, 0x81, 0x40, 0x01, 0xC0, 0x80, 0x41, 0x01, 0xC0, 0x80, 0x41, 0x00, 0xC1, 0x81, 0x40,
0x01, 0xC0, 0x80, 0x41, 0x00, 0xC1, 0x81, 0x40, 0x00, 0xC1, 0x81, 0x40, 0x01, 0xC0, 0x80, 0x41,
0x01, 0xC0, 0x80, 0x41, 0x00, 0xC1, 0x81, 0x40, 0x00, 0xC1, 0x81, 0x40, 0x01, 0xC0, 0x80, 0x41,
0x00, 0xC1, 0x81, 0x40, 0x01, 0xC0, 0x80, 0x41, 0x01, 0xC0, 0x80, 0x41, 0x00, 0xC1, 0x81, 0x40 } ;

/* Table of CRC values for low–order byte */

static char auchCRCLo[] = {
0x00, 0xC0, 0xC1, 0x01, 0xC3, 0x03, 0x02, 0xC2, 0xC6, 0x06, 0x07, 0xC7, 0x05, 0xC5, 0xC4, 0x04,
0xCC, 0x0C, 0x0D, 0xCD, 0x0F, 0xCF, 0xCE, 0x0E, 0x0A, 0xCA, 0xCB, 0x0B, 0xC9, 0x09, 0x08, 0xC8,
0xD8, 0x18, 0x19, 0xD9, 0x1B, 0xDB, 0xDA, 0x1A, 0x1E, 0xDE, 0xDF, 0x1F, 0xDD, 0x1D, 0x1C, 0xDC,
0x14, 0xD4, 0xD5, 0x15, 0xD7, 0x17, 0x16, 0xD6, 0xD2, 0x12, 0x13, 0xD3, 0x11, 0xD1, 0xD0, 0x10,
0xF0, 0x30, 0x31, 0xF1, 0x33, 0xF3, 0xF2, 0x32, 0x36, 0xF6, 0xF7, 0x37, 0xF5, 0x35, 0x34, 0xF4,
0x3C, 0xFC, 0xFD, 0x3D, 0xFF, 0x3F, 0x3E, 0xFE, 0xFA, 0x3A, 0x3B, 0xFB, 0x39, 0xF9, 0xF8, 0x38,
0x28, 0xE8, 0xE9, 0x29, 0xEB, 0x2B, 0x2A, 0xEA, 0xEE, 0x2E, 0x2F, 0xEF, 0x2D, 0xED, 0xEC, 0x2C,
0xE4, 0x24, 0x25, 0xE5, 0x27, 0xE7, 0xE6, 0x26, 0x22, 0xE2, 0xE3, 0x23, 0xE1, 0x21, 0x20, 0xE0,
0xA0, 0x60, 0x61, 0xA1, 0x63, 0xA3, 0xA2, 0x62, 0x66, 0xA6, 0xA7, 0x67, 0xA5, 0x65, 0x64, 0xA4,
0x6C, 0xAC, 0xAD, 0x6D, 0xAF, 0x6F, 0x6E, 0xAE, 0xAA, 0x6A, 0x6B, 0xAB, 0x69, 0xA9, 0xA8, 0x68,
0x78, 0xB8, 0xB9, 0x79, 0xBB, 0x7B, 0x7A, 0xBA, 0xBE, 0x7E, 0x7F, 0xBF, 0x7D, 0xBD, 0xBC, 0x7C,
0xB4, 0x74, 0x75, 0xB5, 0x77, 0xB7, 0xB6, 0x76, 0x72, 0xB2, 0xB3, 0x73, 0xB1, 0x71, 0x70, 0xB0,
0x50, 0x90, 0x91, 0x51, 0x93, 0x53, 0x52, 0x92, 0x96, 0x56, 0x57, 0x97, 0x55, 0x95, 0x94, 0x54,
0x9C, 0x5C, 0x5D, 0x9D, 0x5F, 0x9F, 0x9E, 0x5E, 0x5A, 0x9A, 0x9B, 0x5B, 0x99, 0x59, 0x58, 0x98,
0x88, 0x48, 0x49, 0x89, 0x4B, 0x8B, 0x8A, 0x4A, 0x4E, 0x8E, 0x8F, 0x4F, 0x8D, 0x4D, 0x4C, 0x8C,
0x44, 0x84, 0x85, 0x45, 0x87, 0x47, 0x46, 0x86, 0x82, 0x42, 0x43, 0x83, 0x41, 0x81, 0x80, 0x40 } ;

SEPED303002EN - 01/2013 57
Modbus communication Appendix 2. Function settings

Setting coding
Data format
1 All the settings are transmitted in 32-bit signed 2's complement integer format.

Coding of tripping and timer hold curves

The numbers correspond to the setting columns in the lists of settings.
1 Tripping curves
0 = definite time
1 = inverse 9 = IEC very inverse / B
2 = long time inverse 10 = IEC extremely inverse / C
3 = very inverse 11 = IEEE moderately inverse
4 = extremely inverse 12 = IEEE very inverse
5 = ultra inverse 13 = IEEE extremely inverse
6 = RI 14 = IAC inverse
7 = IEC inverse / A 15 = IAC very inverse
8 = IEC long time inverse / B 16 = IAC extr. inverse
24 = Customized curve
25 = EPATR-B
26 = EPATR-C
2 Tripping curves
0 = definite time 11 = IEEE moderately inverse
7 = IEC inverse / A 12 = IEEE very inverse
8 = IEC long time inverse / B 13 = IEEE extremely inverse
9 = IEC very inverse / B 17 = Specific Schneider curve
10 = IEC extremely inverse / C 20 = RI²
3 Timer hold curves
0 = definite time
1 = IDMT

Common protection settings

All protection functions have the following settings at the head of the table.
Setting Data Format/Unit
1 Latching 0: no
1: yes
2 Program logic see below
3 Activity 0: Off
1: On
4 Measurement origin 0: main
1: additional
or special case, see below

Details on program-logic field

Bit 31 30 .... 4 3 2 1 0

CDC = 1: the protection function takes part in circuit-breaker/contactor control

= 0: the protection function does not take part
AGR = 1: the protection function takes part in genset shutdown
(generator application)
= 0: the protection function does not take part
DES = 1: the protection function takes part in de-excitation
(generator application)
= 0: the protection function does not take part
When a common protection setting is not applicable to a particular protection
function, it is signaled "reserved" in the table for the function.

Measurement origin
A few special cases of coding for the measurement-origin field, for the ANSI 50N/51
N, ANSI 67N/67NC and ANSI 59N protection functions, are indicated in the table

Value 50N/51N 67N/67NC 59N

0 I0Σ I0Σ V0
1 I0 I0 Vnt
2 I’0 I’0
3 I’0Σ

58 SEPED303002EN - 01/2013
Modbus communication Appendix 2. Function settings

Protection settings
They are organized according to increasing ANSI codes.

ANSI 12 - Overspeed
Function number: 72xx
Unit 1: xx = 01, unit 2: xx = 02
Setting Data Format/Unit
1 to 3 Common settings
4 Reserved
5 Set point %
6 Tripping time delay 10 ms

ANSI 14 - Underspeed
Function number: 77xx
Unit 1: xx = 01, unit 2: xx = 02
Setting Data Format/Unit
1 to 3 Common settings
4 Reserved
5 Set point %
6 Tripping time delay 10 ms

ANSI 21B - Underimpedance

Function number: 7401
Setting Data Format/Unit
1 to 3 Common settings
4 Reserved
5 Zs set point mΩ
6 Tripping time delay 10 ms

ANSI 24 - Overfluxing (V/Hz)

Function number: 75xx
Unit 1: xx = 01, unit 2: xx = 02
Setting Data Format/Unit
1 to 3 Common settings
4 Reserved
5 Machine coupling 0: delta
1: star
6 Tripping curve 0 = definite 21 = Type A
22 = Type B 23 = Type C
7 Gs set point 0.01 pu
8 Tripping time delay 10 ms

ANSI 25 — Synchro-check
Function number: 1801
Setting Data Format/Unit
1 Reserved
2 Reserved
3 Activity 0: off
1: on
4 dUs set point % Vnp sync1 or % Unp sync1
5 dFs set point 0.01 Hz
6 dPhis set point °
7 Us high set point % Vnp sync1 or % Unp sync1
8 Us low set point % Vnp sync1 or % Unp sync1
9 Operating modes 1: Dead1 AND Live2
(no-voltage conditions for which coupling is allowed) 2: Live1 AND Dead2
3: Dead1 XOR Dead2
4: Dead1 OR Dead2
5: Dead1 AND Dead2
10 Lead time 10 ms
11 Use of voltage check for coupling authorization 0: no
1: yes

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Modbus communication Appendix 2. Function settings

ANSI 27 - Undervoltage
Function number: 32xx

1 Unit 1: xx = 01 to unit 4: xx = 04
1 to 4
Common settings

5 Tripping curve 0: definite

19: IDMT
6 Voltage mode 0: phase-to-neutral
1: phase-to-phase
7 Us set point % Unp
8 Tripping time delay DT: 0.05 to 300 s
IDMT: See note below
Customized: range = 1 (TMS = 1)
9 DT of 1st point on the curve 10 ms
10 U/Un of 1st point on the curve %
11 DT of 2nd point on the curve 10 ms
12 U/Un of 2nd point on the curve %
13 DT of 3rd point on the curve N/A
14 U/Un of 3rd point on the curve N/A
29 DT of 11th point on the curve N/A
30 U/Un of of 11th point on the curve N/A

Note re setting 8
b For a setting mode with 10 I/IS: the range varies from 0.05 s to 300 s.
b For a setting in TMS (Time Multiplier Setting) mode, the range depends on the
selected curve and varies as follows:
v inverse (SIT) and IEC SIT/A: 0.04 to 4.20
v very inverse (VIT) and IEC VIT/B: 0.07 to 8.33
v long time inverse (LTI) and IEC LTI/B: 0.01 to 0.93
v extremely inverse (EIT) and IEC EIT/C: 0.13 to 15.47
v IEEE moderately inverse: 0.42 to 51.86
v IEEE very inverse: 0.73 to 90.57
v IEEE extremely inverse: 1.24 to 154.32
v IAC inverse: 0.34 to 42.08
v IAC very inverse: 0.61 to 75.75
v IAC extremely inverse: 1.08 to 134.4
Notes re settings 9 to 30
The customized curve is unique and only concerns unit 1. However, to retain
consistency with the Sepam software architecture, the same frame format is used for
all units. Unused points are set to (-1, -1). This is the case for the points for unit 2 and
above. It is also the case for additional points for unit 1. For example, if the curve is
defined by 6 points, the last 5 are set to (-1, -1). There is no "Number of points" setting
in the frame.
For each useful point, the value of T must be greater than or equal to that of the
previous point. The first point must be 0 (rising or falling operations are allowed).
The value of U/Un for the last useful point must be greater than all the other values
of U/Un.

ANSI 27D - Positive sequence undervoltage

Function number: 38xx
Unit 1: xx = 01, unit 2: xx = 02
Setting Data Format/Unit
1 to 4 Common settings
5 Vds set point % Unp
6 Tripping time delay 10 ms

ANSI 27R - Remanent undervoltage

Function number: 35xx
Unit 1: xx = 01, unit 2: xx = 02
Setting Data Format/Unit
1 to 4 Common settings
5 Us set point % Unp
6 Tripping time delay 10 ms

60 SEPED303002EN - 01/2013
Modbus communication Appendix 2. Function settings

ANSI 27TN/64G2 - Third harmonic undervoltage

Function number: 71xx
Unit 1: xx = 01, unit 2: xx = 02 1
Setting Data Format/Unit
1 to 3 Common settings
4 Reserved
5 Access 0: adaptive
1: fixed
6 Vs set point 0.1 % Untp
7 Min. Ss set point % Sb
8 Min. Vs set point % Unp
9 K set point 0.01
10 Tripping time delay 10 ms

ANSI 32P - Directional active overpower

Function number: 53xx
Unit 1: xx = 01, unit 2: xx = 02
Setting Data Format/Unit
1 to 3 Common settings
4 Reserved
5 Access 0: reverse power
1: overpower
6 Ps set point 100 W
7 Tripping time delay 10 ms

ANSI 32Q - Directional reactive overpower

Function number: 5401
Setting Data Format/Unit
1 to 3 Common settings
4 Reserved
5 Access 0: reverse power
1: overpower
6 Qs set point 100 var
7 Tripping time delay 10 ms

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Modbus communication Appendix 2. Function settings

ANSI 37 - Phase undercurrent

Function number: 2201

1 Setting
1 to 3
Common settings

5 Is set point % Ib
6 Tripping time delay 10 ms

ANSI 37P - Directional active underpower

Function number: 55xx
Unit 1: xx = 01, unit 2: xx = 02
Setting Data Format/Unit
1 to 3 Common settings
4 Reserved
5 Access 0: drawn
1: supplied
6 Ps set point 100 W
7 Tripping time delay 10 ms

ANSI 38/49T - Temperature monitoring

Function number: 46xx
Unit 1: xx = 01 to unit 16: xx = 10h
Setting Data Format/Unit
1 to 3 Common settings
4 Reserved
5 Ts1 alarm set point °C
6 Ts2 alarm set point °C

ANSI 40 - Field loss (underimpedance)

Function number: 7001
Setting Data Format/Unit
1 to 3 Common settings
4 Reserved
5 Xa resistance 1 mΩ
6 Xb resistance 1 mΩ
7 Xc resistance 1 mΩ
8 Tripping time delay circle 1 10 ms
9 Tripping time delay circle Xd 10 ms

ANSI 46 - Negative sequence / unbalance

Function number: 45xx
Unit 1: xx = 01, unit 2: xx = 02
Setting Data Format/Unit
1 to 4 Common settings
5 Tripping curve 2
6 Is set point % Ib or % I’b
7 Tripping time delay 10 ms
8 K setting 1 to 100

ANSI 47 - Negative sequence overvoltage

Function number: 40xx
Unit 1: xx = 01, unit 2: xx = 02
Setting Data Format/Unit
1 to 4 Common settings
5 Vis set point % Unp
6 Tripping time delay 10 ms

ANSI 48/51LR - Locked rotor / excessive starting time

Function number: 4401
Setting Data Format/Unit
1 to 3 Common settings
4 Reserved
5 Is set point % Ib
6 ST excessive starting time 10 ms
7 LT locked rotor time 10 ms
8 LTS locked on start time 10 ms

62 SEPED303002EN - 01/2013
Modbus communication Appendix 2. Function settings

Function number: 4301
Thermal overload
Setting Data Format/Unit
1 to 4 Common settings
5 Negative sequence factor (K) 0: none (0) 1: low (2.25)
2: medium (4.5) 3: high (9)
6 Is set point (shift group 1/group 2) % Ib
7 Ambient temperature taken into account 0: no
1: yes
8 Maximum equipment temperature °C
9 Additional settings taken into account (group 2) 0: no
1: yes
10 Learnt cooling time constant (T2 learnt) taken into 0: no
account 1: yes
11 Group 1 - thermal alarm set point %
12 Group 1 - thermal tripping set point %
13 Group 1 - heating time constant
14 Group 1 - cooling time constant min.
15 Group 1 - initial heat rise %
16 Group 2 - thermal alarm set point %
17 Group 2 - thermal tripping set point %
18 Group 2 - heating time constant min.
9 Group 2 - cooling time constant min.
20 Group 2 - initial heat rise %
21 Group 2 - base current for group 2 0.1 A
22 49RMS cable - admissible current 0.1 A
49RMS capacitor - tripping current 0.1 A
23 Associated time constant min.
24 Current setting 0.1 A
25 Alarm current 0.1 A
26 Type of thermal model 0: generic
Note: b thermal overload for machines: parameters 1 to 21
b thermal overload for cables: parameters 1 to 4 and 22 to 23
b thermal overload for capacitors: parameters 1 to 4 and 22 to 25

Motor thermal overload

Setting Data Format/Unit
1 Latching 0: no, 1: yes
2 Circuit breaker control 0: no, 1: yes
3 Activity 0: off
1: on
4 Ialarm = current alarm set point %
5 Itrip = current tripping set point %
6 Tlong = motor heating time constant min.

7 Tshort = stator heating time constant min.

8 Tcool = cooling time constant min.

9 Alpha = rotor/stator exchange coefficient %
10 IL = locked rotor current %
11 LRT = locked rotor torque %
12 Idem = starting current set point %
13 Ambient T taken into account by sensor 8 0: no, 1: yes
14 Tmax = max. stator temperature constant °C
15 Tc = locked rotor cold limit time seconds
16 Th = locked rotor hot limit time seconds
17 Sh = Heat rise set point for hot state bit %
... Reserved
25 Reserved
26 Type of thermal model (1) 1: Motor
(1) This setting is always at 1 for the motor thermal overload model.

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Modbus communication Appendix 2. Function settings

Function number: 4301

1 Transformer thermal overload

Setting Data Format/Unit
1 Latching 0: no, 1: yes
2 Circuit breaker control 0: no, 1: yes
3 Activity 0: off
1: on
4 Measurement origin 0: primary
1: secondary
5 Type of transformer 0: AN dry-type
1: AF dry-type
2: distribution ONAN immersed
3: High and medium power
ONAN immersed
5: OF
6: OD
6 Insulation class (1) b Dry-type transformer: 105,
120, 130, 135, 180, 200 or
b Immersed transformer:
0 (not significant)
Unit = °
7 Alarm temperature (group 1) (2) b Dry-type transformer:
Class 105: 95 to 130°
Class 120: 110 to 145°
Class 130: 120 to 155°
Class 180: 170 to 205°
Class 200: 190 to 225°
Class 220: 210 to 245°
b Immersed transformer:
98 to 160 °
Unit = °
8 Tripping temperature (group 1) Same as alarm temperature
9 Alarm temperature (group 2) (2) Same as group 1
10 Tripping temperature (group 2) Same as group 1
11 Transformer time constant 1 to 600
Unit = minutes
12 Oil time constant (3) 5 to 600
Unit = minutes
13 Ambient T taken into account by sensor 8 0: no, 1: yes
14 Oil T taken into account by sensor 8 (3) 0: no, 1: yes
15 Additional settings taken into account 0: no, 1: yes
(group 2) (3)
16 Restricted oil flow 0: no, 1: yes
17 ... 25 Reserved
26 Type of thermal model (4) 2: Transformer
(1) This setting only applies to dry-type transformers. Value 0 accepted for an immersed
(2) Alarm temperature must be less than the tripping temperature.
(3) This parameter only applies to immersed transformers. Value 0 accepted for a dry-type
(4) This setting is always at 1 for the transformer thermal overload model.

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Modbus communication Appendix 2. Function settings

ANSI 50BF - Breaker failure

Function number: 9801

Setting Data
Common settings
2 Reserved
3 Common settings
4 Reserved
5 Use of breaker closed input 0: no
1: yes
6 Is set point 0.1 A
7 Time 10 ms

ANSI 50/27 - Inadvertent energization

Function number: 7301
Setting Data Format/Unit
1 to 3 Common settings
4 Reserved
5 Is set point 0.1 A
6 Vs set point % Unp
7 T1 time 10 ms
8 T2 time 10 ms
9 Use of breaker-position inputs 0: no
1: yes

ANSI 50/51 - Phase overcurrent

Function number: 01xx
Unit 1: xx = 01 to unit 8: xx = 08
Setting Data Format/Unit
1 to 4 Common settings
5 Confirmation 0 = none
1 = neg. seq. overvoltage
2 = undervoltage
6 Group A - tripping curve 1
7 Group A - Is set point 0.1 A
8 Group A - tripping time delay 10 ms
9 Group A - timer hold curve 3
10 Group A - timer hold 10 ms
11 Group B - tripping curve 1
12 Group B - Is set point 0.1 A
13 Group B - tripping time delay 10 ms
14 Group B - timer hold curve 3
15 Group B - timer hold 10 ms
16 Group A - harmonic 2 restraint 0: active, 1: inactive
17 Group A - Isc min 0.1 A
18 Group B - harmonic 2 restraint 0: active, 1: inactive
19 Group B - Isc min 0.1 A
20 H2 restraint set point (1) %
(1) Parameter common to all groups and all units.

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Modbus communication Appendix 2. Function settings

ANSI 50N/51N - Earth fault

Function number: 06xx

1 Unit 1: xx = 01 to unit 8: xx = 08
1 to 4
Common settings

5 Group A - tripping curve 1

6 Group A - Is0 set point 0.1 A
7 Group A - tripping time delay 10 ms
8 Group A - timer hold curve 3
9 Group A - timer hold 10 ms
10 Group A - H2 restraint 0: yes
1: no
11 Group B - tripping curve 1
12 Group B - Is0 set point 0.1 A
13 Group B - tripping time delay 10 ms
14 Group B - timer hold curve 3
15 Group B - timer hold 10 ms
16 Group B - H2 restraint 0: yes
1: no

ANSI 50V/51V - Voltage-restrained phase overcurrent

Function number: 19xx
Unit 1: xx = 01, unit 2: xx = 02
Setting Data Format/Unit
1 to 4 Common settings
5 Tripping curve 1
6 Is set point 0.1 A
7 Tripping time delay 10 ms
8 Timer hold curve 3
9 Timer hold 10 ms

ANSI 51C — Capacitor bank unbalance

Function number: 03xx
Unit 1: xx = 01 to unit 8: xx = 08
Setting Data Format/Unit
1 Latching 0: no
1: yes
2 Switchgear control 0: no
1: yes
3 Activity 0: off
1: on
4 Reserved
5 Is set point 0.01 A
6 Tripping time delay 10 ms

66 SEPED303002EN - 01/2013
Modbus communication Appendix 2. Function settings

ANSI 59 - Overvoltage
Function number: 28xx
Unit 1: xx = 01 to unit 4: xx = 04
Setting Data Format/Unit
1 to 4 Common settings
5 Voltage mode 0: phase-to-neutral
1: phase-to-phase
6 Us set point % Unp
7 Tripping time delay 10 ms
8 Drop-out/pick-up ratio (1) 0,05 %
9 Vs set point for B83 (1) % Unp
(1) For a B83 application with additional channels.

ANSI 59N - Neutral voltage displacement

Function number: 39xx
Unit 1: xx = 01, unit 2: xx = 02
Setting Data Format/Unit
1 to 4 Common settings
5 Tripping curve 0: definite
18: IDMT
6 Vs0 set point % Unp
7 Tripping time delay 10 ms

ANSI 64 REF - Restricted earth fault differential

Function number: 64xx
Unit 1: xx = 01, unit 2: xx = 02
Setting Data Format/Unit
1 to 4 Common settings
5 Is0 set point 0.1 A

ANSI 66 - Starts per hour

Function number: 4201
Setting Data Format/Unit
1 Common settings
2 Reserved
3 Common settings
4 Reserved
5 Period of time Hours
6 Total number of starts 1
7 Number of consecutive hot starts 1
8 Number of consecutive cold starts 1
9 Delay between stop/start min.
10 Delay between consecutive starts min.

ANSI 67 - Directional phase overcurrent

Function number: 52xx
Unit 1: xx = 01, unit 2: xx = 02
Setting Data Format/Unit
1 to 3 Common settings
4 Reserved
5 Group A - direction 0: line 1: busbar
6 Group A - characteristic angle 3: 30° 4: 45° 5: 60°
7 Group A - tripping logic 0: 1/3 1: 2/3
8 Group A - tripping curve 1
9 Group A - Is set point 0.1 A
10 Group A - tripping time delay 10 ms
11 Group A - timer hold curve 3
12 Group A - timer hold 10 ms
13 Group B - direction 0: line 1: busbar
14 Group B - characteristic angle 3: 30° 4: 45° 5: 60°
15 Group B - tripping logic 0: 1/3 1: 2/3
16 Group B - tripping curve 1
17 Group B - Is set point 0.1 A
18 Group B - tripping time delay 10 ms
19 Group B - timer hold curve 3
20 Group B - timer hold 10 ms

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Modbus communication Appendix 2. Function settings

ANSI 67N/67NC - Directional earth fault

Function number: 50xx

1 Unit 1: xx = 01, unit 2: xx = 02

1 to 4
Common settings

5 Access 0: projection (type 1)

1: directional (type 2)
2: directional with adjustable
sector (type 3)
6 Group A - direction 0: line 1: busbar
7 Group A - types 1 and 2: characteristic angle 0: -45° 1: 0° 2: 15°
3: 30° 4: 45° 5: 60°
6: 90°
Group A - type 3: limiting angle 1 0° to 359°
8 Group A - type 1: sector 2: sector 76° 3: sector 83°
4: sector 86°
Group A - type 3: limiting angle 2 0° to 359°
9 Group A - tripping curve 1
10 Group A — Is0 set point 0.1 A
11 Group A - tripping time delay 10 ms
12 Group A - types 1 and 2: Vs0 set point % Unp
Group A - type 3: Vs0 set point 0.1% Unp
13 Group A - timer hold curve 3
14 Group A - timer hold 10 ms
15 Group A - memory time 10 ms
16 Group A - memory voltage % Unp
17 Group B - direction 0: line 1: busbar
18 Group B - types 1 and 2: characteristic angle Same as group A
Group B - type 3: limiting angle 1 0° to 359°
19 Group B - type 1: sector Same as group A
Group B - type 3: limiting angle 2 0° to 359°
20 Group B - tripping curve 1
21 Group B - Is0 set point 0.1 A
22 Group B - tripping time delay 10 ms
23 Group B - types 1 and 2: Vs0 set point % Unp
Group B - type 3: Vs0 set point 0.1% Unp
24 Group B - timer hold curve 3
25 Group B - timer hold 10 ms
26 Group B - memory time 10 ms
27 Group B - memory voltage % Unp

ANSI 78PS - Pole slip

Function number: 7601
Setting Data Format/Unit
1 to 3 Common settings
4 Reserved
5 Access 0: equal-area criterion
1: power-swing criterion
2: both criteria
6 T area 10 ms
7 Max. number of power swings 1 to 30
8 Max. time between power swings 10 ms

ANSI 81H - Overfrequency

Function number: 57xx
Unit 1: xx = 01, unit 2: xx = 02
Setting Data Format/Unit
1 to 4 Common settings
5 Fs set point 0.1 Hz
6 Tripping time delay 10 ms
7 Reserved
8 Vs set point % Unp

68 SEPED303002EN - 01/2013
Modbus communication Appendix 2. Function settings

ANSI 81L - Underfrequency

Function number: 56xx
Unit 1: xx = 01 to unit 4: xx = 04
Setting Data Format/Unit
1 to 4 Common settings
5 Fs set point 0.1 Hz
6 Tripping time delay 10 ms
7 Restraint 0: no
1: yes
8 Vs set point % Unp
9 Inhibition set point for frequency variation Hz/s
ANSI 81R — Rate of change of frequency
Function number: 58xx
Unit: 1 xx = 01, unit 2: xx = 02
Setting Data Format/Unit
1 Latching 0: no
1: yes
2 Switchgear control 0: no
1: yes
3 Activity 0: off
1: on
4 Reserved
5 dfs/dt set point 0.01 Hz/s
6 Tripping time delay 10 ms

ANSI 87M - Machine differential

Function number: 6201
Setting Data Format/Unit
1 to 3 Common settings
4 Reserved
5 Ids set point 1A
6 Restraint on sensor loss 0: no
1: yes

ANSI 87T - Transformer differential

Function number: 6001
Setting Data Format/Unit
1 to 3 Common settings
4 Reserved
5 Ids low set point % In1
6 Id/It slope %
7 Restraint on CT loss 0: off
1: on
8 Test mode 0: off
1: on
9 Id/It2 slope %
10 Id/It2 characteristic 0: off
1: on
11 Slope change point 0.1 A
12 Idmax high set point 0.1 A
13 Idmax high set point activity 0: off
1: on
14 Selection of restraint 0: conventional
1: self-adaptive
15 Second-harmonic set point %
16 Second-harmonic restraint 0: off
1: on
17 Second-harmonic restraint type 0: phase-specific
1: global
18 Fifth-harmonic set point %
19 Fifth-harmonic restraint 0: off
1: on
20 Fifth-harmonic restraint type 0: phase-specific
1: global
21 Isinr set point %
22 Restraint on closing 0: off
1: on
23 Restraint on closing time delay 10 ms

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Modbus communication Appendix 2. Function settings

Other function settings

1 ANSI 60 - CT supervision
Function number: 2601: CT supervision
2602: additional CT supervision
Setting Data Format/Unit
1 Reserved
2 Reserved
3 Common settings
4 Reserved
5 Action on 21G, 46, 40, 51N, 32P, 37P, 32Q, 78PS 0: none
and 64REF functions 1: inhibition
6 Tripping time delay 10 ms

ANSI 60FL - VT supervision

Function number: 2701: VT supervision
2702: additional VT supervision
Setting Data Format/Unit
1 Reserved
2 Reserved
3 Common settings
4 Reserved
5 Use breaker-position or voltage-presence criterion 0: circuit breaker
1: voltage
6 Check loss of 3 V/2 U 0: no
1: yes
7 Test current 0: no
1: yes
8 Use Vi, Ii criterion 0: no
1: yes
9 Action on 21G, 27/27S, 27D, 27TN, 32P, 32Q, 37P, 0: none
40, 47, 50/27, 51V, 59, 59N and 78PS functions 1: inhibition
10 Action on 67 function 0: non directional
1: inhibition
11 Action on 67N function 0: non directional
1: inhibition
12 Vi tripping set point %
13 Ii tripping set point %
14 3 V/ 2 U loss time 10 ms
15 Vi, Ii criterion time 10 ms

70 SEPED303002EN - 01/2013
Modbus communication Appendix 2. Function settings

ANSI 79 - Recloser
Function number: 1701

Setting Data
2 Reserved
3 Common settings
4 Reserved
5 Number of cycles 1 to 4
6 Reclaim time 10 ms
7 Safety time until ready 10 ms
8 Maximum additional dead time 0: no
1: yes
9 Maximum wait time 10 ms
10 Cycle 1 activation mode see below
11 Cycle 2, 3, 4 activation mode see below
12 Cycle 1 dead time 10 ms
13 Cycle 2 dead time 10 ms
14 Cycle 3 dead time 10 ms
15 Cycle 4 dead time 10 ms

Cycle activation mode

The activation mode of each cycle is coded as follows:
Bit Activation by (if bit set to 1) / Non activation by (if bit set to 0)
0 Instantaneous protection 50/51 unit 1
1 Delayed protection 50/51 unit 1
2 Instantaneous protection 50/51 unit 2
3 Delayed protection 50/51 unit 2
4 Instantaneous protection 50/51 unit 3
5 Delayed protection 50/51 unit 3
6 Instantaneous protection 50/51 unit 4
7 Delayed protection 50/51 unit 4
8 Instantaneous protection 50N/51N unit 1
9 Delayed protection 50N/51N unit 1
10 Instantaneous protection 50N/51N unit 2
11 Delayed protection 50N/51N unit 2
12 Instantaneous protection 50N/51N unit 3
13 Delayed protection 50N/51N unit 3
14 Instantaneous protection 50N/51N unit 4
15 Delayed protection 50N/51N unit 4
16 Instantaneous protection 67N unit 1
17 Delayed protection 67N unit 1
18 Instantaneous protection 67N unit 2
19 Delayed protection 67N unit 2
20 Instantaneous protection 67 unit 1
21 Delayed protection 67 unit 1
22 Instantaneous protection 67 unit 2
23 Delayed protection 67 unit 2
24 Instantaneous V_DECL logic equation

SEPED303002EN - 01/2013 71
Modbus communication Appendix 2. Function settings

General parameters
These settings are read accessible only.
1 Function number: D002
Setting Data Format/Unit
1 Working language 1: English 2: other
2 Rated frequency 50, 60 (Hz)
3 Active group of settings 1: group A 2: group B
3: selection by logic input
4: selection by remote control
4 Demand-value integration period 5, 10, 15, 30, 60 minutes
5 Type of cubicle 1: incomer 2: feeder
6 Active-energy increment 100 to 5000000 (W)
7 Reactive-energy increment 100 to 5000000 (var)
8 Phase-rotation direction 1: direction 123 2: direction 132
9 Temperature unit 1: °C 2: °F
10 Remote-setting authorization 1: no 2: yes
11 Time synchronization mode 1: COM1 port 2: COM2 port
3: input I103 5: none
6: Ethernet port
12 Remote-control mode 1: SBO mode 2: direct mode
13 Reserved
14 Monitoring of auxiliary power 1: inactive 2: active
15 Rated auxiliary voltage 24 to 250 (V DC)
16 Aux. voltage alarm low set point % rated Vaux, min. 20 V
17 Aux. voltage alarm high set point % rated Vaux, max. 275 V
18 Logic inputs ignored on loss of Vaux 1: inactive 2: active
19 Base current Ib 0.2 to 1.3 In (A)
20 Rated current In 1 to 6250 A
21 Number of phase CTs 1: 2 CTs 2: 3 CTs
22 Phase CT rating 1: 1 A 2: 5 A 3: LPCT
23 Rated residual current In0 10 to 62500 (0.1 A)
24 Residual current measurement mode 1: CSH 2 A 3: CSH 20 A
4: 1 A CT 6: 5 A CT
8: ACE990 range 1
9: ACE990 range 2
11: not measured
25 Reserved
26 Rated primary voltage Unp 220 to 250000 (V)
27 Rated secondary voltage Uns 90 to 230 (V)
28 VT wiring 1: 3 V, 2: 2 U, 3: 1 U, 4: 1 V
29 Residual voltage mode 1: none 2: Σ3V
3: VT Uns/3 4: VT Uns/3
30 Neutral-point residual voltage measurement 1: none 2: present
31 Neutral-point rated voltage Unp 220 to 250000 (V)
32 Neutral-point rated voltage Uns 57 V to 133 V
33 Reserved
34 Reserved
35 Additional rated current I'n 1 to 6250 A
36 Number of additional phase CTs 1: 2 CTs 2: 3 CTs 3: none
37 Additional phase CT rating 1: 1 A 2: 5 A 3: LPCT
38 Additional rated residual current I'n0 10 to 62500 (0.1 A)
39 Additional residual current measurement mode Idem 24
40 Reserved
41 Rated primary voltage U'np 220 to 250000 (V)
42 Rated secondary voltage U'ns 90 to 230 (V)
43 VT wiring, additional channels 1: 3 V, 2: 2 U, 3: 1 U, 4: 1 V
44 Residual voltage mode, additional channels 1: none 2: Σ3V
3: VT Uns/3 4: VT Uns/3
45 Reserved
46 Reserved
47 Reserved
48 Reserved

72 SEPED303002EN - 01/2013
Modbus communication Appendix 2. Function settings

Application-specific parameters
These settings are read accessible only.
Function number: D003
Setting Data Format/Unit
1 Transformer presence 1: no
2: yes
2 Voltage winding 1 Un1 220 to 250000 V
3 Voltage winding 2 Un2 220 to 440000 V
4 Power S 100 to 999000 kVA
5 Vector shift 0 to 11
6 Rated motor speed 100 to 3000 rpm (1)
100 to 3600 rpm (2)
7 Number of pulses per rotation 1 to 1800
8 Zero speed threshold 5 to 20%
9 Number of capacitor steps 1 to 4
10 Type of capacitor step connection 0: delta
1: star
11 Weight of capacitor step 1 1
12 Weight of capacitor step 2 1, 2
13 Weight of capacitor step 3 1, 2, 3, 4
14 Weight of capacitor step 4 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8
15 Rated power kW
16 Synchronous reactance of d axis 0,1 %
17 Transient reactance of d axis 0,1 %
18 Synchronous reactance of q axis 0,1 %
19 Moment of inertia for turbine + generator or Kg.m2
motor + load
(1) For a frequency of 50 Hz.
(2) For a frequency of 60 Hz.

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