Micom Agile P543/P545: Grid Solutions

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Grid Solutions

MiCOM Agile
Current Differential Protection with Subcycle Distance Protection and Control
for Petersen Coil Earthed and Isolated Systems Current Differential Protection applicable
to lines and cables, long or short, strong
and weak infeeds
MiCOM P543 and P546 Firmware 85 is designed for all overhead line and cable applications,
interfacing readily with the longitudinal (end-to-end) communications Transient bias feature reduces CT
channel between line terminals. requirements by up to 25%
Optional Subcycle Distance protection
Tripping uses a proven characteristic comparing differential current with through current.
The phase differential element offers consistent detection of solid and resistive faults. Multi-shot autoreclosure with check
An innovative neutral current differential element complements phase differential synchronism and adapting breaker closing
in the case of high resistance faults. Improved system stability by CB failure
fast reset element (< 0.75 cycle)
MiCOM P543 and P546 Firmware 85 is the ideal choice for solidly-earthed transmission
systems and isolated or compensated systems at lower system voltages. A full range of
back-up protection is integrated, enhancing the dependability of the relay. Advanced
Application InterMiCOM option for end-to-end
Adapted to suit many different substation and protected unit topologies: protection communications; Readily
interfaces with end-to-end
Up to six distance zones with High speed operation in less than one cycle
communications channels (56/64 kbps or
Load blinder prevents spurious trips cascading through the network in extreme E1 2 Mbps)
conditions such as on the verge of a blackout
Wide range of supported protocols
Distance Phase preference tripping logic and transient earth fault detection (TEFD) Courier/K-Bus, IEC 60870-5-103, DNP 3.0
for Petersen coil earthed and isolated systems (EAI-485 or Ethernet) and IEC 61850
In-zone transformer-feeder applications Advanced IEC 61850 Edition 2
Compensates for line CT ratio mismatches and capacitive charging current implementation with device settings
via SCL files
Key Benefits Redundant communications with zero
downtime using optional PRP/HSR
Simple set mode: the relay determines its own settings from line data technology
Integral teleprotection via MODEM, fibre, or MUX channel
Compatibility with modern 2 Mbps communications equipment

Imagination at work
P543-P545 fw 85 C u r r e n t D iffe r e n t ia l Pr o t e c t io n

Functional Overview

P543-P545 fw 85 C u r r e n t D iffe r e n t ia l Pr o t e c t io n

Functional Overview Diagram

Figure 1: System overview of the P543 and P545 Firmware 85

Differential Protection (Phase and Neutral)
The P54x provides true, phase-segregated current differential
protection. The measurement algorithm is extremely reliable, Ineutral Diff,
offering fast detection of internal faults and stability for external Iphase Diff
faults. The algorithm has a dual slope percentage bias restraint, as Phase Current
Differential Characteristics
shown in Figure 2. An internal fault will generate differential
current. The initial slope ensures sensitivity to low current faults,
whereas the 2nd slope is raised to counter the effects of Current Kp1
Neutral Current
Differential Region
Transformer (CT) saturation. A transient Bias technique is used to
overcome the effects of CT saturation, without compromising the IpS1 Neutral Current
operating time for internal faults. InS1 Differential Characteristics
The P54x also provides neutral current differential protection, InS2, IpS2
which complements phase current differential during high
resistance faults (up to 500 Ohm in 500 kV systems). Figure 2: Differential protection characteristic
The neutral current differential has a single slope characteristic
with a cut-off setting.

P543-P545 fw 85 C u rrent D ifferent ial Prot ec t ion

System Application Examples

87 Current Differential
67/50/51 Directional Overcurrent and Earth Fault Figure 4 shows a protected line and
21 21 Two or Three Zone Distance transformer unit. In such applications,
Single Zone P543 and P545 compensate for the vector
Distance A B
group shift and zero sequence filtering
effects of the in-zone transformer.
Second harmonic restraint or blocking is
Singlr or Dual Fiber Optic Communications
P543 P543
used to stabilise the protection against
850 mm magnetising inrush currents. A fifth
1300 mm
1550 mm
harmonic blocking feature can also be
P590 Multiplex P590
used to inhibit the differential protection
Interface Link during transformer overfluxing

Figure 3a Application to 2 terminal lines

Longitudinal Signaling Topology

Differential protection requires the Figure 3c shows a simple direct Yd11
transfer of current vectors between all connection between relays, using a
ends of the scheme. Figures 3a - 3d show fibre pair.
typical configurations. Figure 3a shows a Figure 4 Application to transformer feeders
HV/EHV scheme where either a direct Figure 3d shows a multiplexed application,
fibre optic or a multiplexed link may be where a P54x can be connected directly
used as the chosen channel. Figure 3b via fibre optics to an IEEE C37.94TM
shows the triangulated connection compliant multiplexer (MUX), or where a
required in 3-terminal applications. MiCOM P59x interface unit performs the
optical-electrical conversion for the MUX.

P540 P540

P540 P540
150 km max.

Figure 3b Upgrade to 3 terminal lines Figure 3c Direct link using optical fibre

Electrical Multiplexed
P540 connections link
Optical fibers PCM P540 Optical fibers P590

Figure 3d Multiplexed link - relay connected to a remote PCM multiplexer using optical fibre (IEEE C37.94 TM compliant MUX) and via a P590 interface unit

P543-P545 fw 85 Current Differential Protection

Long Line Applications Communications Interfacing for Protection Schemes

Capacitive charging current compensation allows the current To ensure compatibility with standard communications
differential protection to be set according to fault detection equipment, the MiCOM P54x Agile series is designed to work
requirements - with no compromise to account for charging within the bandwidth of a 56/64 kbit/s or 128 kbit/s in subcycle
currents. The compensated overvoltage function protects the line protection, pulse code modulation (PCM) channel. A direct
from Ferranti overvoltages by calculating the positive sequence fibre optic connection to a MUX is possible if the MUX is
voltage at the remote terminal. IEEE C37.94TM compliant.

Network Extensions Electrical interfaces conforming to ITU-T G.821 recommendations

for V.35, G.703 (64 Kbps or 2 Mbps E1) and X.21 are available via
All P54x models offer applications for two and three terminal the P59x series of interface units.
lines. A two terminal scheme is easily reconfigured if a new tee
connection is added as a third end. In direct fibre optic applications, 1300 nm and 1550 nm channel
options are available. The transmitters are designed with an
The P54x compensates for line CT ratio mismatches, even for 1 A "optical budget" to support up to 150 km.
and 5 A differences between line ends. This facilitates easier
retrofitting and network extensions.
Communications supervision
GPS Synchronised Differential Dependable communications are essential for high-performance
differential protection. Each active longitudinal channel is
Figure 5 shows a typical SDH/SONET ring employing self-healing. independently monitored and reports error statistics in line with
In this topology, the traditional propagation delay measurement guidance from ITU-T G.821.
("Ping-Pong" technique), which relies on the assumption of equal
transmit and receive path delays, cannot be used. Various means exist to implement "hot-standby" protection in
the event of degraded communications. Dual redundant
Real system experience has shown that the difference between a communications channels could be considered, thus providing
transmit signal sent via the direct path (MUX node B-C) and a duplicated links via diverse communications paths. In such
receive via the standby path (nodes C-D-E-F-A-B) can be in instances, CH1 and CH2 protection channels will both be used.
excess of 5 ms. Path differences typically summate, based on 1.8
ms per 100 km and 0.5 ms insertion time per node. Alternatively, back-up distance or overcurrent elements can be
switched into service, either as permanent parallel main
It would not be acceptable to desensitise the protection to offset protection, or temporary protection only during channel outages.
such a difference, therefore the P54x offers a special optical input .
which accepts a GPS clock pulse input. At all line ends, a Reason
RT430 GPS clock is used to ensure that a common clock
reference is used for all timings. This allows the relays to measure
the real propagation delay in either direction.

Patented fallback techniques ensure continuity of differential

protection, even if GPS outages are encountered.

Differential protection calibrated

in the differential plane
- no compromise on sensitivity
Figure 5 SDH/SONET networks

P543-P545 fw 85 C urrent Differential Protection

Distance Protection Distance Schemes

Six zones of protection are provided. Pre-configured distance schemes allow
A superimposed current phase selector single and 3-phase tripping, with or
detects the faulted phase(s) and without a signalling channel.
controls which distance elements will
initiate a trip. Combined with the A settable alternative distance scheme
directional decision from a proven delta initiates all the zone timers
principle, secure operation of distance simultaneously and guarantees faster
zones is assured. The relay allows mho tripping times for evolving faults.
and quadrilateral (polygon) Figure 8 Load blinder
characteristics to be independently Trip on close logic allows accelerated
selected for the phase and ground tripping to be selected following manual
distance elements. The mho shown in
Power Swing Blocking (PSB) or auto-reclose. Standard distance and
Figure 6 uses well-proven principles to The MiCOM P54x Agile recognises power DEF schemes may be assigned to
provide dynamic expansion for faults off swings quickly, by means of the traditional hardwired I/O, or routed using
the characteristic angle. superimposed currents measured by the InterMiCOM64 teleprotection.
phase selector. A conventional PSB
The quadrilateral characteristics element based on the impedance band is Direct transfer tripping, permissive
(Figure 7) provide enhanced fault arc provided to detect slow power swings. underreach (PUR), permissive
resistance coverage. An adaptive overreach (POR) and blocking schemes
technique is used to tilt the reactance The distance trip time for faults occurring are supported.
reach line of each zone and eliminate during a power swing remains subcycle.
under/overreaching effects due to Open breaker, weak infeed echo and
prefault load flow. Out-of-Step Tripping (OST) weak infeed trip features are menu
Zones 3/P/Q are independently If severe disturbances cause
selectable: Forward/Reverse/Offset. asynchronism risks in transmission Phase Preference for Petersen C oil
networks, it may be necessary to Earthed and Isolated systems
Blinder characteristics (Figure 8) prevent separate into islands using the OST
false tripping due to encroachment of feature. Predictive mode OST initiates MiCOM P543 and P545 are equipped with
heavy loads. separation before damage occurs. phase preference tripping logic for
. Petersen coil earthed and isolated
systems. Tripping for a cross-country
+jX Line Angle
fault, can be set to follow either a so-
called "cyclic" logic or an "acyclic" logic to
Line Angle
Z3 +jX select a phase preference for the
(Offset) impedance measurement. 1 out of 8
Z3 (Offset) priority criteria can be selected.
(forward) ZP (forward)

Z2 Z2
Transient Earth Fault Detection*

Z1 Forward Z1 Forward MiCOM P543 and P545 Firmware 85

+R incorporate novel transient earth fault
detection (TEFD) for Petersen coil earthed
Reverse Directionality and isolated systems, implemented as a
(simplified) Z4
Directionality software function block, with no need to
(simplified) add unreliable analogue hardware, nor
analogue processing boards. This
(reverse) approach achieves the most cost-
effective functional integration and
protection scheme engineering. The TEFD
Figure 6: Mho characteristics Figure 7: Quadrilateral characteristics
technique works on a special frequency
range centred at 220 Hz. Selecting this
interharmonic spectrum avoids the 4th
* Only available at 50 Hz
and 5th harmonics which are naturally
prevalent in compensated networks.

All your main and backup protection in one device - differential, distance
or both - to minimise training needs and spares holdings

P5 4 3 - P5 4 5 fw 8 5 Current Differential Protection

Directional Earth Fault (DEF) Supervisory Functions Programmable Scheme Logic

The DEF element can be used within the VT Supervision Powerful graphical logic allows the user to
aided schemes to detect high resistance customise the protection and control
ground faults. Voltage transformer supervision is functions (see Figure 9). The logic
provided to detect loss of one, two or includes 32 timers, gates (OR, AND,
The innovative "Virtual Current three VT signals for line VTs. MAJORITY) and set/reset latch functions,
Polarising" feature ensures correct with the ability to invert the inputs and
operation in the solidly earthed system CT Supervision outputs and provide feedback.
when the fault generates negligible zero
Current transformer supervision is
or negative sequence voltage. The "Virtual
provided to detect loss of phase CT input
Current Polarising" feature may be
signals. Using the patented differential
switched-off when used in non-solidly
CTS feature, the relay performs an
earthed systems.
intelligent comparison of the negative
sequence current imbalance at line ends
InterMiCOM64 Teleprotection to determine which, if any, CTs have failed.
InterMiCOM64 allows high performance The CTS ensures real-time stability of the
permissive and blocking type unit differential elements, in the same manner Figure 9 Programmable scheme logic
protection to be configured, plus the as the VTS ensures distance
transfer of any digital status information element security. The system is optimised to ensure that the
between two or three line ends (8 end-to- protection outputs are not delayed by PSL
end signals). operation. The programmable scheme
logic is configured using graphical S1 Agile
Intertripping is supported too, with
User Interface software. The relay outputs may be
channel health monitoring and cyclic Integrated user function keys and tri- configured as latching (lockout) or
redundancy checks (CRC) on the received colour programmable LEDs provide a cost- self-reset. All aspects of MiCOM P40 IED
data for maximum message security. effective solution for full feeder scheme configuration are managed using the S1
applications. Agile software (see Figure 10).

The ten function keys operate in two

Differential protection trip times for any modes, normal and toggled, with an
point-on-wave, including the closure time associated LED for clear indication of the
of a conventional trip relay contact: logic status.
24 to 30 ms (50 Hz system)
19 to 25 ms (60 Hz system) User Programmable Curves
A user-programmable curve gives the user
Distance protection trip times for any additional flexibility, allowing easy
point-on-wave, including the closure time customisation of the protection and
of a conventional trip relay contact: control functions.
13 to 20 ms (50 Hz system)
13 to 17 ms (60 Hz system) Single Breaker Autoreclose
Figure 10 S1 Agile: a powerful
With check synchronism and adapting and intuitive PC-toolsuite
closing considering the circuit breaker
time. The user may select a single, two,
Four stages of both phase and earth Hot Key Menu
three or four shot autoreclose cycle.
(ground) fault protection Trip and close commands are facilitated
Negative sequence overcurrent and from front panel "hotkeys", to allow direct
SEF (0.5% In sensitivity) CB control without the need to navigate a
Phase under/overvoltage protection menu. Other in/out, on/off and
enable/disable controls are easily
Broken conductor protection programmed.
Two stage high speed circuit-breaker
failure protection Measurement and Recording
All event, fault and disturbance records are
time tagged to a resolution of 1 ms. An
optional IRIG-B port is available for
accurate time synchronisation.

Power System Measurements (MMXU) Communications with Remote Operators
Instantaneous and time integrated voltage, current and power and Substation Automation
measurements are provided. These may be viewed in primary, or
The wide range of communications options, including IEC 61850,
secondary values.
provides interfacing with almost any type of Substation
Automation System or SCADA system.
Post-Fault Analysis
Fault Location The following protocols are available:
A fault location algorithm provides distance to fault in miles,
kilometres, ohms or percentage of the line length. The proven IEC 60870-5-103
algorithm employed tolerates prefault loading and fault arc DNP 3.0 (EAI-485 or Ethernet)
IEC 61850
Event Records P54x devices can be enhanced with an optional redundant
Up to 1024 time-tagged event records can be stored in battery Ethernet board. The redundancy is managed by the market's
backed memory. An optional modulated or demodulated IRIG-B fastest recovery time protocols: IEC 62439-3 PRP and HSR
port is available for accurate time synchronisation. allowing bumpless redundancy and RSTP, offering multi-vendor
interoperability. The redundant Ethernet board supports either
Fault Records modulated or demodulated IRIG-B and the SNTP protocol for time
synchronization. The redundant Ethernet board also has a
The last 15 fault records are stored. watchdog relay contact to alarm in case of a failure.

Disturbance Records Second Rear Courier Port

The oscillography has 16 analogue channels, 64 digital and 1 time An additional second rear port can be ordered as an option,
channel, all at a resolution of 48 samples/ cycle. designed typically for dial-up modem access by protection
engineers/operators when the main port is reserved for SCADA
Plant Supervision traffic. This port also offers the option of -103 communications
when IEC 61850 is the chosen first port protocol.
Circuit-Breaker Condition Monitoring
Monitors the number of breaker trip operations MiCOM P40 Agile
Records the sum of broken current quantity (wear, interruption duty) Grid Solutions' philosophy is one of continuous improvement in
Slx, 1.0 =< x =< 2.0 our products and solutions. Our emphasis on communications in
MiCOM products has become a focus which secures our
Monitors the breaker operating time leadership in digital substations. To mark this phase of evolution,
the “P40 Agile” is now applied to the range. P40 Agile is a mark of
Quality Built-In (QBi) performance and quality, only available from Grid Solutions.
Grid Solutions' QBi initiative has deployed a number of
improvements to maximise quality. Harsh environmental
coating is applied to all circuit boards to shield them from
moisture and atmospheric contamination. Transit packaging has
been redesigned to ISTA standards and the third generation
of CPU processing boosts not only performance, but
also reliability.

For more information please contact IEC is a registered trademark of Commission Electrotechnique Internationale. IEEE is a registered
GE Energy Connections trademark of the Institute of Electrical Electronics Engineers, Inc. Modbus is a registered trademark
Grid Solutions of Schneider Automation.

GE and the GE monogram are trademarks of General Electric Company.

Worldwide Contact Center GE reserves the right to make changes to specifications of products described at any time without
Web: www.GEGridSolutions.com/contact notice and without obligation to notify any person of such changes.
Phone: +44 (0) 1785 250 070 Grid-GA-L3-P543_5_fw85-1063-2017_03-EN. © Copyright 2017, General Electric Company.

Imagination at work

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