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Introduction to 16 and 32 bit Processors

16 bit Processors are Microprocessors which processes 16 bit data. Its architecture
is 16 bit i.e. internal registers are 16 bit registers and ALU is also designed to
perform arithmetic and logic operations on 16 bit data. Its data bus is 16 bit and
address bus may be larger than 16 bits which depend on its memory addressing
capacity e.g. 8086 Microprocessor is known as 16 bit Microprocessor of which
address bus is 20 bits, addressing 1 MB (220 Byte) memory. 8088, 80186 and
80286 are other 16 bit Microprocessors. Similarly 32 bit Processors are
Microprocessors which processes 32 bit data. Its architecture is 32 bit which
includes internal Registers, ALU, Data bus etc. 80386, 80486 are the examples of
32 bit Microprocessors.

Reduced Instruction Set Computer (RISC)

An important aspect of computer architecture is the design of the instruction set for
the processor. The instruction set chosen for a particular computer determines the
way that machine language programs are constructed. Early computers had small
and simple instruction sets, forced mainly by the need to minimize the hardware
used to implement them. As digital hardware became cheaper with the advent of
integrated circuits, computer instructions tended to increase both in number and
complexity. Many computers have instruction sets that include more than 100 and
sometimes even more than 200 instructions. These computers also employ a
variety of data types and a large number of addressing modes. The trend into
computer hardware complexity was influenced by various factors, such as
upgrading existing models to provide more customer applications, adding
instructions that facilitate the translation from high-level language into machine
language programs, and striving to develop machines that move functions from
software implementation into hardware implementation. A computer with a large
number of instructions is classified as a complex instruction set computer,
abbreviated CISC.

In the early 1980s, a number of computer designers recommended that computers

use fewer instructions with simple constructs so they can be executed much faster
within the CPU without having to use memory as often. This type of computer is
classified as a Reduced Instruction Set Computer or RISC. In this section we
introduce the major characteristics of CISC and RISC architectures and then
present the instruction set and instruction format of a RISC processor.

CISC Characteristics
The design of an instruction set for a computer must take into consideration not
only machine language constructs, but also the requirements imposed on the use of
high level programming languages. The translation from high level to machine
language programs is done by means of a compiler program. One reason for the
trend to provide a complex instruction set is the desire to simplify the compilation
to improve the overall computer performance. The task of a compiler is to generate
a sequence of machine instructions for each high level language statement. The
task is simplified if there are machine instructions that implement the statements
directly. The essential goal of a CISC architecture is to attempt to provide a single
machine instruction for each statement that is written in a high level language.

Another characteristic of CISC architecture is the incorporation of variable

length instruction formats. Instructions that require register operands may be only
two bytes in length, but instructions that need two memory addresses may need
five bytes to include the entire instruction code. If the computer has 32 bit words
(four bytes), the first instruction occupies half a word, while the second instruction
needs one word in addition to one in the next word. Packing variable instruction
formats in a fixed length memory word requires special decoding circuits that
count bytes within words and frame the instructions according to their byte length.
The instructions in a typical CISC processor provide direct manipulation of
operands residing memory. For example, an ADD instruction may specify one
operand in memory through index addressing and a second operand in memory
through a direct addressing. Another memory location may be included in the
instruction to store the sum. This requires three memory references during
execution of the instruction. Although CISC processors have instructions that use
only processor registers, the availability of other modes of operations tend to
simplify high level language compilation. However, as more instructions and
addressing modes are incorporated into a computer, the more hardware logic is
needed to implement and support them, and this may cause the computations to
slow down.
In summary, the major characteristics of CISC architecture are:
1. A large number of instructions typically from 100 to 250 instructions
2. Some instructions that perform specialized tasks and are used infrequently
3. A large variety of addressing modes typically from 5 to 20
Different modes
4. Variable length instruction formats instructions that manipulate operands in

RISC Characteristics
The concept of RISC architecture involves an attempt to reduce execution time by
simplifying the instruction set of the computer. The major characteristics of a RISC
processor are:
1. Relatively few instructions
2. Relatively few addressing modes
3. Memory access limited to load and store instructions
4. Almost all operations done within the registers of the CPU.
5. Fixed length, easily decoded instruction format
6. Single cycle instruction execution

The small set of instructions of a typical RISC processor consists mostly of

register to register operations, with only simple load and store operations for
memory access. Thus each operand is brought into a processor register with a
load instruction. All computations are done among the data stored in processor
registers. Results are transferred to memory by means of store instructions. This
architectural feature simplifies the instruction set and encourages the
optimization of register manipulation. The use of only a few addressing modes
results that almost all instructions have simple register addressing. Other
addressing modes may be included, such as immediate operands and relative
mode. By using a relatively simple instruction format, the instruction length can
be fixed and aligned on word boundaries.

An important aspect of RISC instruction format is that it is easy to decode. Thus

the operation code and register fields of the instruction code can be accessed
simultaneously by the control. By simplifying the instructions and their format,
it is possible to simplify the control logic.

A characteristic of RISC processors is their ability to execute one instruction

per clock cycle. This is done by overlapping the fetch, decode, and execute
phases of two or three instructions by using a procedure referred to as
pipelining. A load or store instruction may require two clock cycles because
access to memory takes more time than register operations. Efficient pipelining,
as well as a few other characteristics, are sometimes attributed to RISC,
although they may exist in non RISC architectures as well.

Other characteristics attributed to RISC architecture are:

1. A relatively large number of registers in the processor unit

2. Use of overlapped register windows to speed up procedure call and return
3. Efficient instruction pipeline
4. Compiler support for efficient translation of high level language programs
into machine language programs

A large number of registers is useful for storing intermediate results and for
optimizing operand references. The advantage of register storage as opposed to
memory storage is that registers can transfer information to other registers much
faster than the transfer of information to and from memory. Thus register to
memory operations can be minimized by keeping the most frequent accessed
operands in registers.

Von Neumann and Harvard Architecture

Architecture of a micro computer or a micro controller refers to the arrangement of

the CPU with respect of the RAM and ROM. Hence, the Von-Neuman and
Harvard architecture are the two ways through which the micro controller can have
its arrangement of the CPU with RAM and ROM.

The Harvard architecture is computer architecture with separate storage and

signal pathways for instructions and data. It contrasts with the von
Neumann architecture, where program instructions and data share the same
memory and pathways.
Difference between Von Neumann and Harvard Architecture

Point of
Comparison Harvard Architecture Von Neumann Architecture

In Harvard architecture,
the CPU is connected with In Von-Neumann architecture,
both the data memory there is no separate data and
(RAM) and program program memory. Instead, a
memory (ROM), single memory connection is
separately. given to the CPU.


It requires more hardware In contrast to the Harvard

since it will be requiring architecture, this requires less
Hardware separate data and address hardware since only a common
requirements bus for each memory. memory needs to be reached.

Space Von-Neumann Architecture

requirements This requires more space. requires less space.

Speed of Speed of execution is Speed of execution is slower

execution faster because the since it cannot fetch the data and
processor fetches data and instructions at the same time.
instructions simultaneously

It results in wastage of
space since if the space is
left in the data memory
then the instructions Space is not wasted because the
memory cannot use the space of the data memory can be
space of the data memory utilized by the instructions
Space usage and vice-versa. memory and vice-versa.

Controlling becomes
complex since data and Controlling becomes simpler
instructions are to be since either data or instructions
Controlling fetched simultaneously. are to be fetched at a time.

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