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Article  in  Machine Design · November 2011


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2 authors:

Tale Geramitcioski Ljupco Trajcevski

University "St. Kliment Ohridski" - Bitola University "St. Kliment Ohridski" - Bitola


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machine design, Vol.3(2011) No.3, ISSN 1821-1259 pp. 211-216
Research paper


University “Sv. Kliment Ohridski” Bitola, Technical Faculty Bitola, Macedonia

Received (15.03.2011); Revised (25.04.2011); Accepted (26.09.2011)

Abstract: Vibration produced by rolling bearings can be complex and can result from geometrical imperfections during
the manufacturing process, defects on the rolling surfaces or geometrical errors in associated components. Noise and
vibration is becoming more critical in all types of equipment since it is often perceived to be synonymous with quality
and often used for predictive maintenance. This paper shows the procedure for prediction of rolling bearings defect in
the motor-fan machinery used in Metal Smelter FENI Industry Kavadarci – Macedonia. Detecting the condition of
periodical measuring the vibration condition allows early detection and timely intervention renounced by replacing
damaged parts

Key words: Roller bearings, Defects, Prediction, Vibration signal, Signature analysis

1. INTRODUCTION and predictable characteristic of vibration. Components

flaws (inner race, outer race and rolling elements)
Rolling element bearings are one of the most common generate a specific defect frequencies calculated from
components in rotating machinery including electric equations, mentioned by Chaudhary and Tandon [6],
motors. According to Albrecht [1] and many others, about namely;
40% of failures of electric motors are caused by bearings. A machine with a defective bearing can generate at least
Therefore, bearings play one of the most important roles five frequencies. These frequencies are:
in condition monitoring. Lindh [2] provides a 1. Rotating unit frequency or speed (S)
comprehensive overview of bearing defect detection 2. Fundamental train frequency of the cage (FTF)
methods and different condition monitoring schemas. The 3. Ball passes frequency of the outer race (BPFO)
condition based maintenance and predictive condition
monitoring are becoming an important issues, since up to 4. Ball passes frequency of the inner race (BPFI)
one third of all maintenance cost was wasted as a result of 5. Two times ball spins frequency (2 X BSF)
unnecessary or improperly carried out maintenance during Fig. 1 show the axial and cross-sectional views of the
the last years [3]. In order to prevent any catastrophic geometry for a ball bearing, where vo, vc and vi, are the
consequences caused by a bearing failure, bearing linear velocities of the outer race, ball center, and inner
condition monitoring techniques, such as, temperature race, respectively. Bd, is the ball diameter, Pd, is the
monitoring, wear debris analysis, oil analysis, vibration pitch diameter of the bearing and is measured from ball
analysis and acoustic emission analysis have been center to ball center, and Φ is the contact angle. If a
developed to identify existence of flaws in running vertical line is drawn through the bearing and another line
bearings. Roller bearing defects may be categorized as is drawn where the ball contacts the inner and outer races,
localized and distributed. The localized defects include the angle between the two lines is the contact angle.
cracks, pits and spalls caused by fatigue on rolling
surfaces [4]. The distributed defects include surface
roughness, waviness, misaligned races and off size rolling
elements. These defects may result from manufacturing
error and abrasive wear.
Vibration signature monitoring and analysis in one of the
main techniques used to predict and diagnose various
defects in antifriction bearings [5]. Vibration signature
analysis provides early information about progressing
malfunctions and forms the basic reference signature or
base line signature for future monitoring purpose.
Defective rolling elements in roller bearings generate Fig.1. Axial and cross- sectional view of bearing
vibration frequencies at rotational speed of each bearing
component and rotational frequencies are related to the The train or cage frequency is equivalent to the angular
motion of rolling elements, cage and races. Initiation and velocity of the individual ball centers. From Fig. 1, the
progression of flaws on roller bearing generate specific linear velocity of each ball center can be described as,
*Correspondence Author’s Address: University “Sv. Kliment Ohridski” Bitola, Technical Faculty Bitola, Ivo Lola Ribar bb, 7000
Bitola, Macedonia, [email protected]
Tale Geramitchioski, Ljupco Trajcevski: Prediction of Rolling Bearings Defect in Motor-Fan Using Vibration Signal Analysis;
Machine Design, Vol.3(2011) No.3, ISSN 1821-1259; pp. 211-216

Second, considering the linear velocity of a point on the

vi + vo outer race in contact with the ball surface, the linear
vc = (1)
2 velocity of a point on the ball surface is given as
Angular velocity (ω) is defined as the linear velocity (v)
about a radius (r) or, vb = (ωc − ωo ) ⋅ ro (9)
ω= (2)
Therefore, BSF = (ωc − ωo ) (10)
vi + vo The formula for BSF calculates the speed of the ball or
roller. However, the frequency generated by roller speed
ωc = 2 (3) is seldom measured. This is true because the balls or
pd rollers are incased in the cage and between the inner and
2 outer races. If one of the rolling elements has a defect of
any kind, the defect can strike the inner and outer races
where ωc is a angular velocity of the ball center or cage. and/or the front and back side of the cage alternately.
This generates two times BSF because the timing for each
⎛ p d Bd cos Φ ⎞ ⎛p B cos Φ ⎞ event is exact and occurs when the roller rotates half a
ωi ⎜ − ⎟ + ωo ⎜ d + d ⎟ revolution.
FTF = ⎝ 2 2 ⎠ ⎝ 2 2 ⎠
All of these ideal bearing frequency formulas are based
pd (4) on the assumption of pure rolling contact between the
1 ⎡ ⎛ B cos Φ ⎞ ⎛ B cos Φ ⎞⎤ rollers and races. The small error resulting from any
= ⎢ωi ⎜⎜1 − d ⎟⎟ + ω c ⎜⎜1 + d ⎟⎟⎥ slipping o these surfaces would produce somewhat lower
2⎣ ⎝ pd ⎠ ⎝ pd ⎠⎦ values in the above equations. Also, if the bearing is
turning on the shaft or in the housing, the bearing
where ω i and ωo are the angular velocities of the inner
frequencies can be lower. When looseness is involved, the
and outer bearing races.
spectral lines at the bearing frequencies can be wide
The ball pass frequency of the outer race is defined as the
banded. The outer race frequency may not be generated if
frequency of the balls passing over a single point on the
the outer race is loose in the housing and the defect is not
outer race. The BPFO can be described as the number of
in the load zone.
balls multiplied by the difference frequency between the
Changes in the contact angle cause changes in the bearing
cage and the outer race or,
frequencies. For example, with the outer race stationary
and inner race rotating, if the contact angle increases,
BPFO = N b ωc − ωo (5) FTF, BPFO and BSF increase and BPFI decreases. If the
contact angle decreases, FTF, BPFO, and BSF decrease
The ball pass frequency of the inner race is defined as the and BPFI increases. Careful analysis of the measured and
frequency of the balls over a single point on the inner calculated bearing frequencies using exact geometry,
race. The BPFI can be described as the number speed, and measurement accuracy often reveals useful
multiplied by the difference frequency between the inner information on the integrity of the bearing journal,
race and the cage or, housing, and thrust loads. This data is then used to
determine when the bearing should be replaced, how long
it will last, and the additional work required to prevent the
BPFI = N b ωi − ωc (6) new bearing from failing prematurely.
The angular velocity of a ball about its center can be Further review of the above formulas indicates:
expressed in two different ways. First, considering the
1. About 40% of the balls pass over a defect on the outer
linear velocity of a point on the inner race in contact with
race each revolution, regardless of which race is rotating.
the ball surface, the linear velocity (vb) of a point on the
2. About 60% of the balls pass over a defect on the inner
ball surface is given as
race each revolution, regardless of which race is rotating.

vb = (ωi − ωc ) ⋅ ri (7) 3. The FTF or cage frequency is about 40% of unit speed
if the inner race is rotating and about 60% of unit speed
if the outer race is rotating.
where ri is the radius of the inner race. The ball angular
velocity or ball spin frequency is then 4. The BSF does not change regardless of which race is
rotating. At first, it seems the BSF should increase if
ri the outer race is rotating, because the cage speed
BSF = (ωi − ωc ) (8) increases. However, closer inspection indicates BSF must
rc remain constant if BPFO and BPFI do not change.

Tale Geramitchioski, Ljupco Trajcevski: Prediction of Rolling Bearings Defect in Motor-Fan Using Vibration Signal Analysis;
Machine Design, Vol.3(2011) No.3, ISSN 1821-1259; pp. 211-216

2. MATERIALS AND METHODS 2.2. FFT analysis of the Motor-fan assembly

A Motor-fan assembly existing in FENI-Kavadarci
2.2. Gear Box Calculator (GBC 1.0) Industry is used to predict defects in rolling bearings is
The above bearing frequencies can be calculated by hand shown in Fig. 4. The function of the fan is to take warm
using internal geometry or the percentage method. air (about 300 c), which is located in first and second
However, most everyone is using a computerized
chamber lepol from oven and transfer into the third
calculation program. Most of these programs calculate
bearing frequencies, harmonics, and roll speed. In chamber where the heating is carried ore located the chain
addition to the above, the Bearing Calculation Program of lapel oven. The assembly consists of a shaft with fan at
(GBC ver. 1.0) - figure 2 has the following distinguishing the end of it, which is supported on a bearing. The design
features: incorporated a bearing, damage bearing at driven head of
1. A cross reference from one bearing manufacturer to electromotor and a coupling disk system.
another to compare frequencies V01.57 fan is drive by electric engine (motor) with the
2. Calculates new bearing frequencies based on change in speed n = 974 rpm and power of 800KS (600KW)-
the contact angle
6000V. Both bearings of the electric engine (motor)
3. Calculates contact angle based on measured BPFO and
(point 1H and 2H) are the same type 6228.
BPFI, the contact angle identifies the amount of thrust
load The engine is transmitted through coupling working
4. Calculates two times BSF circuit which is housed in housing.
5. Calculates FTF based on outer or inner race rotation The working circuit is set to plain bearings.

Fig.2. Gear box calculator GBC ver.1.0 Fig.4. Real construction of Motor-fan assembly

Calculate bearing frequencies, harmonics, and roll speed

with Bearing Calculation Program (GBC ver. 1.0) - figure
3 for motor drive end, radial direction. The motor has a
SKF 6228 roller bearing installed on the drive end. Motor
speed is 974 min-1.
The calculated bearing frequency is:

Fig.5. Measuring points of Motor-fan assembly

The basic goal of this investigation is measuring the

vibration of all rotating machinery in Feni Industry.
For that purpose was used VIBROTEST 60
(Bruel&Kjaer) instrument with appropriate modules.
All measurements of rotating machines via a memory
card of the VIBROTEST 60 were transferred to a
Fig.3. SKF 26228 bearing calculate frequency with GBC computer. The computer has installed XMS software
ver.1.0 where all measurements are recorded on the machine.

Tale Geramitchioski, Ljupco Trajcevski: Prediction of Rolling Bearings Defect in Motor-Fan Using Vibration Signal Analysis;
Machine Design, Vol.3(2011) No.3, ISSN 1821-1259; pp. 211-216

XMS (extended monitoring software) is the professional Permanent monitoring and measured results of the
software for optimum implementation of the concept vibrations (Fig.7,8) at the characteristic points in three
“condition-oriented machine maintenance” and provides directions showed that the rolling bearings SKF 6228
perfect support trough an intelligent database. By defined with the point 1 and 2 in Fig.3 are most sensitive
measuring the route covered all machines in the factory of the electric motor. The results of periodic measurement
(Fig.6). By measuring the vibrations in this program and of these points in the 2002-2011 periods were given in
register at the same time frequency analysis are too. Fig.7,8.
But if there's a problem of the machines are made more
frequent measurement to monitor the amount of vibration
and to determine whether resulting from lineups: Bad
bearings in electric motor or the working
circuit. Sometimes a problem with the clutch which can
be damaged by irregular lubrication of electric motor
with a working circuit, or by imbalances that may occur
with consumption of the fins from the working
circuit. Spending the fins can occur from hot air and dust
that is in him. To determine what caused the vibration, it
has been establish measurements and software through
the frequency analysis of all bearings, and it is seen from
the pictures ( Fig.9-). In images, if any of the peaks
coincided with the red vertical lines (1-5), who read part
of the slot is damaged, (read from right image) Fig.8. The max. peak in 2v/W point in period 2003-2011

It is obvious that the rolling bearing SKF 6228 in point 2

have never undergone the critical limits of vibration in the
monitored period. So, bearing in point 1 is critical,
because in periods from 18/02/2010 to 11/17/2010
steadily increasing amplitude of rolling elements
rotational frequency (point 3) and amplitude of vibration
of the cage (point 5).

Fig.6. xms software used in FENI Industry - Kavadarci

If the vibrations are caused by damage to the bearings,

then take a further reading of the frequency
analysis. When you determine what caused the vibrations,
we look in the documentation that the manufacturer of Fig.9. FFT on poin t1 –good rolling beraing SKF 6228
that machine in which boundaries are allowed to
run. According to the number of revolutions we see what In further analysis is given vibration condition of the
the allowable vibrations are. rolling bearing set on the back of the electric motor and a
point marked by the point 1.

Fig.10. FFT on point 1 –problems on cage and rolling

Fig.7. The max. peak in 1v/W point in period 2003-2011 elements

Tale Geramitchioski, Ljupco Trajcevski: Prediction of Rolling Bearings Defect in Motor-Fan Using Vibration Signal Analysis;
Machine Design, Vol.3(2011) No.3, ISSN 1821-1259; pp. 211-216

On the Fig.9 is given frequency when rolling bearing Two types of bearing defects, namely, rolling elements
analysis is in a good condition without any visible signs and cage defects were studied. Measurements were
of change of frequency and amplitudes of vibration. carried out on two sets of bearings. The defective bearing
Measurements of 18/02/2010 for the first time show was replaced by good bearing (Fig.14) after predicting the
problems in order to increase the amplitude rolling failure with vibration signal analysis.
elements (Fig.10), and already on 17.11.2010 (Fig.11) After dismantling the bearing, the photo showed the place
when happened a critical conditions of the rolling where it caused the failure of the bearing cage (Fig.13).
elements (point 3) and the bearing cage (point 5) because
the frequencies have been touched by a critical value
(vertical red line), and the amplitude past the allowable
limit of 5 mm / s.

Fig.14. A new SKF 6228 rolling bearing

Fig.11. FFT on point 1 –detected defect on cage and

rolling elements
Finally, recent measurements at the beginning of 2011 Trend of overall frequencies and vibration spectrum
showed a significant increase in the amplitudes of provide useful information to analyze defects in roller
vibration rolling elements and cage (Fig.12). bearings. Trend indicates severity of vibration in
defective bearings. Vibration domain spectrum identifies
amplitudes corresponding to defect frequencies and
enables to predict presence of defects on inner race and
outer race of roller bearings. The distinct and different
behavior of vibration signals from bearings with inner
race defect and outer race defect helps in identifying the
defects in roller bearings.
In the analysis problem, the defect is rolling bearing cage.
The bearing cage tends to rotate at typically 0.4 times
inner ring speed, has a low mass and therefore, unless
there is a defect from the manufacturing process, is
generally not visible.
Fig.12. FFT on point 1 –failure on cage and rolling Unlike raceway defects, cage failures do not usually
elements measured on 13.01.2011 excite specific ringing frequencies and this limits the
effectiveness of the envelope spectrum. In the case of
cage failure, the signature is likely to have random bursts
of vibration as the balls slide and the cage starts to wear
or deform and a wide band of frequencies is likely to
Following are some example of problem that can cause
the generation of the fundamental train frequency. These
are in addition to other conditions already discussed.
1. In rare cases when one or more rollers are missing
from a bearing, the FTF can be generated. The
problem occurs as a pulse at the FTF. The frequency
spectra contain a series of harmonics of the FTF. The
amplitude of the first harmonic is quite low, the
second, third, and fourth harmonics are higher in
Fig.13. Damaged cage of the SKF 6228 rolling bearing amplitude as determined by the pulse.

Tale Geramitchioski, Ljupco Trajcevski: Prediction of Rolling Bearings Defect in Motor-Fan Using Vibration Signal Analysis;
Machine Design, Vol.3(2011) No.3, ISSN 1821-1259; pp. 211-216

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