The Mythology of Triple Talaq in India

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By Kagzi Parvezhasnath .H
B.A .L.L.B 5th year

1. Introduction
Prior to Islam, divorce among the ancient Arabs was easy and of frequent
occurrence. A divorce by Talaq is the mere arbitrary act of the husband who may
repudiate his wife at his own pleasure, An Arab husband had absolute power to
divorce his wife without cause.
The unfortunate woman in Ancient Arabia is due to the fact that women being
illiterates, were ignorant of their position in society; and men, being callous to remain
According to Tyabji, the pre-Islamic Arabs, could keep their wives in a species of
perpetual bondage3, pretending to take them back after repeated divorces, merely for
thje purposes of preventing the wives from remarrying and from seeking the then
much-needed protection of a husband. Divorce had become a one-sided engine of
oppression in the hands of the husband. An Arab could marry and give divorce a
large number of women. There was no law relating to divorce. An Arabs consider
the women as an instrument fo r conjugal happiness. The crude method of divorce
can be witnessed from Cadi Numan’s record of an instance where Ali refused to
divorce one of his four wives in order to marry another, and he told the people of
Kufa not to give their daughters in marriage to Imam Hasan (his own son), for he was
in the habit of marrying and divorcing a large number of women, a cause ofr action
which Ale disapproved.
Prophet Mohammed restrained the power of divorce possessed by the husband. He
is reported to have said that ‘with Allah, the most detestable of all things p0ermitted is
divorce”. The Quran, though it gave a certain countenance to the old custom of
divorce, restrained the power of divorce possessed by husbands.

2. Divorce in islam (necessity of divorce)

Marriage is a blessing, and when this relationship is established it is meant to
subsist and be lasting. It is through this relationship that God grants children.
Divorce terminates marital relationship and leads to several problems in the family.
Divorce in itself is, therefore, an undesirable act, Prophet showed his dislike towards
divorce. Ameer Ali says, “He (Prophet) restrained the power of divorce possessed by
the husbands; he gave to the woman the right of obtaining a separation on reasonable
grounds; and towards the end of his life he went so far as practically to forbid its
exercise by the men without the intervention of arbiters or a judge, He pronounced
‘talaq to be the most detestable before the Almighty Good of all permitted things’.’’
Marriage is the very foundation of civil society and necessary for conjugal
happiness and for proper bringing-up of children. Divorce since it disintegrates the
family unity, is, of course, a social evil in itself, but it is a necessary evil. It is better
to wreck the unity of the family than to wreck the future happiness of the parties by
binding them to a companionship that has become odious. Membership of a family
founded on antagonism can bring little profit even to the children, but though divorce
is unavoidable, we can at least do our best to ensure that there is no uncertainty in the
status of the members of the family after the decree absolute.
It is true that if there is no temperamental compatibility between the parties, or the
man feels that he cannot as husband fulfill the woman’s rights, or because of mutual
difference of nature God’s limits cannot be maintained, keeping the marriage intact in
such situations or to compel the parties by legal restrictions to continue in the marital
bond may be more harmful for the society. The Shariat, therefore regards divorce as
permissible although it is an undesirable act.
Quran has explained almost all finer points concerning Talaq or divorce, broadly
having regard to two things, namely – to safeguard the interests of Muslim women
and secondly, to show a clear dislike for the act of divorce because this would break
the primary unit of society-family. Instead and just society.
Uncontrolled use of divorce without regard to the restrictions established by the
Shariat is a sin. Similarly, imposing such restrictions on the right of divorce due to
which the man is compelled not to divorce the wife despite his feeling that he cannot
live a happy life with her is also not lawful.
The decision whether a man can live a happy life with his wife or not and whether
divorce is necessary or not relates to the sentiments of the husband. The decision in
this regard can, therefore, be taken by the husband and himself. If the man is sure that
he cannot have cohabitation as per rules e.g. if he is impotent, or cannot fulfill martial
obligations or any other such situation is there, it will be necessary for him to
pronounce a divorce. To divorce the wife without reason only to harm her, or
re3venge fully due to the non-fulfillment of his unlawful demands by the wife or her
guardians, and to divorce her in violation of the procedure prescribed by the shariat, is
haram (absolutely prohibited).

3. Definition of divorce
The word ‘talaq is usually meant ‘repudiation’. Literally it means the taking
off of any tie or restraint’. It comes from a root ‘tellaqu’ which means to release (an
animal) from a tether’; whence to repudiate the wife, or free her from the bondage of
marriage. In law it signifies the absolute power which the husband possesses of
divorcing his wife at all time. Thus, talaq means the repudiation of the wife by the
husband in exercise of his absolute power conferred on him by law.
Hedaya had defined ‘talaq’ as dismissal in the primitive sense.
According to Durrul Mukhtar ‘talaq’ signifies ’the removal of restraints’. But they
use the word ‘Talaq’ ….. in respect of others ‘itllaq’ by implication (which means
‘though art unrestrained’) is held to denote ‘talaq’ by implication only.
In law it means removal of the restraints of Nikha at once by irrevocable divorce.
Legally it would meant dissolution of marriage or the annulment of its legal status by
certain words.

4. Concept of triple talaq

Talaq is an Islamic word for divorce and it literally means separating and breaking of
marriage. In essence, ‘the talaq is a unilateral repudiation or cutting off the marital tie’
[4]. Since, the Muslim marriage is a Civil contract and not a sacrament. Muslim law
imposes obligation upon the husband to pay consideration of the marriage to the wife
as a mark of respect. As per sharia perspective, there are more ways to end a marriage
and talaq is just one of them. Under the Hanafi school, founded by Abu Hanifa (699-
767 A.D) . It is to be said that the divorce is only at the instance of the husband is
prominent rather than simple.
In Hanafi law, the talaq-ul-biddat or triple talaq may be used by husband. Although it
is not accepted by classical jurisprudence, husband has the advantage of simplicity
and finality. (Doi, 1984, p. 179) [6] says it “is usually done by ignorant Muslims to
satisfy their selfish motives”. However, such divorce has full validity in the eyes of
law. The most common method of talaq-ul-biddat is for the triple pronouncement of
talaq al-hasan to be brought together in a single sitting. No evidence is required to
prove the talaq pronounced by husband, the presence of third person is also not
necessary and the wife left with no option to challenge talaq .
The relevant verses under Chapter LXV of Holy Quran say, “Divorce is only
permissible twice; after that, the parties can hold up together or proceed with
Sunni law gives effect to talaq-ul-Biddat through its
traditional interpreters, even if it violates the Quranic law procedures. According to
interpreters talaq-ul-Biddat is “Sinful but effective” proposition in English “Bad in
theology but good in law”. This irregular mode of talaq was introduced by Omeyyads
in order to evade the stringency of law . A specified above triple talaq or talaq-ul-
Biddat becomes irrevocable immediately pronounced by husband and children born
after the dissolution of marriage by triple talaq will be illegitimate.
Rashid Ahmad v. Anisa khatoon . Talaq was pronounced thrice by the husband in
presence of the witnesses but in absence of wife. After four days talaqnama was
executed. But even after the valid talaq husband and wife started living together and
four children’s born to them. Court held that, since the talaq is valid but there is no
evidence to prove that another marriage has been consummated. Thus, the women
failed to perform iddat and children’s born to them are illegitimate as the bar to
remarriage was not removed according to the principles of Muslim personal law.

5. Beginning of triple talaq

No verse in the Holy Quran can be interpreted which give authenticity to so called
tripe talaq. Triple talaq is recognized but it is disapproved form of dissolution of
marriage. Prophet condemned triple talaq as “playing with the book of God while I am
still alive” .
After the death of Prophet, the second Caliph, Umar started giving effect to triple
talaq in order to prevent the misuse and abuse of religion. When Arabs conquered
Egypt, Persia, Syria and other States, they found women over there more better in
appearance in comparison with Arabian woman. Women from Syria and Egypt
insisted that if they want to marry them, they should divorce their existing wives by
pronouncing triple talaq in one sitting. And, this condition was duly accepted by Arab
men because they knew that under Islam divorce is only permissible twice in two
separate periods of tuhr, and pronouncing triple talaq in one sitting is void, un-Islamic
and shall not be effective. Arabs had a bad intention that in this way they cannot only
marry these women but also retain their wives.
When it comes to the knowledge of Caliph Umar, he decreed to give validity of
dissolution of marriage by triple talaq irrevocably. It was mere an Administrative
measure to meet emergency situations and not to make law. But, unfortunately Hanafi
Jurist declared practice of triple talaq valid and cover religious sanction to it which is
now a horrifying precedent.

6. Position in other Countries

There are more than 22 Countries (Islamic states) in the world who declared the
practice of triple talaq null and void, but why is still accepted in India? The answer is
very simple “Politics” . As India is a Secular state and not an Islamic state despite of
it India is also a male dominant State where majority of lawmakers are men. Also,
Indian government doesn’t want to intervene with Muslim personal laws as it is solely
based on Quran and its practice. After independence India declare itself as a secular
nation which respects all the religion and Article 25 of Constitution of India gives
freedom to practice any religion.
The laws in UAE, Iraq, Egypt, Morocco, Philippines, Sudan, Jordan, Kuwait,
Philippines, Syria and Yemen, these states have totally derecognized the concept of
triple talaq. In all the above-mentioned countries every talaq effects only a single
revocable divorce, which can be revoke during wife’s iddat, failing that for renewal of
remarriage anytime with her consent. Even the device of halala for validating
remarriage of the parties also stands abolished in these countries . As these practices
are inhuman in nature and against the dignity of woman which must be abolished in
India as well.

7. Triple talaq and the Constitution

Power vested with the Supreme Court Under Article 141 to declare any law which
shall be binding upon lower courts and individuals are bound to obey it. Declaring
triple talaq as Unconstitutional is the exercise of power vested under Article 141 [24].
Article 25 — which guarantees Freedom of Practice and Propagation of Religion, this
religious freedom subjects to Fundamental Rights. Triple talaq also renounce equality
before law of Muslim women it also violates the fundamental right under Article 15
(1) on the ground of Sex. Triple talaq, Nikah halala and polygamy held illegal and
unconstitutional by the Honorable Supreme Court of India on grounds that it violates
the Fundamental rights guaranteed by the Constitution under Article 14, 15, 21 & 25
Despite of setting aside the practice of triple talaq by honorable Supreme Court and
sureness of All India Muslim Personal Law board, there has been cases reported in
several parts of the country on divorce by talaq-e-biddat. As reported illegalizing
triple talaq is not working as Muslim men doesn’t seems respecting the decision of the
court and arbitrary and still with selfish moves they are divorcing their wives. As
suggested by the Supreme Court that central government should make law on triple
talaq within 6 months after the Judgement of Shayara Bano case to penalize the

8. Background of triple talaq case

A Constitution Bench has declared that the practice of instantaneous Triple Talaq is

On 22nd August 2017, the 5 Judge Bench of the Supreme Court pronounced its
decision in the Triple Talaq Case, declaring that the practice was unconstitutional by
a 3:2 majority.

 Majority: Rohinton Nariman J. and U.U. Lalit J.

 Concurring: Kurian Joseph J.
 Dissenting: CJI J.S. Khehar and Abdul Nazeer J.

Shayara Bano was married to Rizwan Ahmed for 15 years. In 2016, he divorced her
through instantaneous triple talaq (talaq -e biddat). She filed a Writ Petition in the
Supreme Court asking it to hold three practices – talaq-e-biddat, polygamy, nikah-
halala – unconstitutional as they violate Articles 14, 15, 21, 25 of the Constitution.

Talaq-e- bidat is a practise which gives a man the right to divorce to his wife by
uttering ‘talaq’ three times in one sitting without his wife’s consent. Nikah Halala is a
practise where a divorced woman who wants to remarry her husband would have to
marry, and obtain divorce, from a second husband before she can go back to her first
husband. And polygamy is a practice which allows Muslim men to have more than
one wife.

On 16th February 2017, the Court asked Shayara Bano, the Union of India, various
women’ rights bodies, and the All India Muslim Personal Law Board (AIMPLB) to
give written submissions on the issue of talaq-e- bidat, nikah-halala and polygamy.
The Union of India and the women rights organizations like Bebaak Collective and
Bhartiya Muslim Mahila Andolan (BMMA) supported the Ms Bano's plea that these
practices are unconstitutional. The AIMPLB has argued that uncodified Muslim
personal law is not subject to constitutional judicial review and that these are essential
practices of the Islamic religion and protected under Article 25 of the Constitution.

After accepting the Shayara Bano’s petition, the Apex Court formed a 5 judge
constitutional bench on 30th March 2017. The first hearing was on 11th May 2017. On
22nd August 2017, the 5 Judge Bench pronounced its decision in the Triple Talaq
Case, declaring that the practice was unconstitutional by a 3:2 majority.

9. Triple talaq Bill

The Muslim Women (Protection of Rights on Marriage) Bill, 2017, was introduced in
the Parliament by the Central government on 28 December 2017 and passed on the
very same day. The Bill defines talaq as talaq-e-biddat, Instant triple talaq or any
other form of similar talaq pronounced by the Muslim man dissolving marriage
irrevocably. It declares all such form of talaq void i.e. not enforceable by the law .
Chapter II of the Bill deals with offence and penalty. Section 4 of the Bill sanction the
practice of triple talaq and whoever pronounces triple talaq upon his wife shall be
punished with imprisonment which may extent up to 3 years.
Chapter III of the Bill deals with the allowances and Custody of minor children’s. A
Muslim woman is entitled to seek subsistence allowance from her husband. This
provision of the bill applies to women and her dependent children’s. Moreover, the
Muslim women against whom talaq has been pronounced can seek the custody of
minor children.

10. Conclusion
1400 years old practice comes to an end, it is difficult to understand the position of
women’s who triply divorced by her husband. As India is a Country where women are
fully dependent on their husband to live, they treat husband as an Idol. Trivial fights
between husband and wife takes place in every societies in the world this doesn’t
mean that husband should put his hands up from the marital tie and responsibilities
towards his wife and children and leave them on streets without roof. Some Muslim
men abuse this practice to get rid of wife and to marry other women and some abuses
this weapon as a threat to demand dowry. In modern world men are misusing this
practice whimsically by pronouncing talaq via WhatsApp, postcard, emails messages
and other means of electronic communication. Triple talaq is always considered as
vagarious and whimsical act of the husband. Second Caliph, Umar who gave assent to
practice triple talaq was just to meet with emergency situations to protect the religion
from abuse and not to declare it as a permanent law
No doubt Muslim women are suffering a lot, they always live with a fear of triple
talaq and forced to survive like a slave. Practice of talaq-e-biddat violates the basic
human right of women. Marriage is a sacred relationship and a gift of God. Even the
Holy Quran doesn’t approve this form of talaq and it declared as Haram by some
Jurists. Quran permits talaq only after the attempt of reconciliation and in presence of
two witnesses. It is so disgust to observe such kind of practice where the marriage
solemnizes by consent of both the partners by pronouncing “Qubool hai” thrice and
dissolving such auspicious marriage arbitrary without the consent of wife, even non-
Muslims can sense and smell it as a sinful practice.
Gender friendly personal laws in the form of Uniform Civil Code is required with the
passage and change of time in a secular state like India. The journey from shah Bano
to Shayara Bano determines various precedents in favor of Muslim women. These
precedents now protect the fundamental rights of Muslim women. It violates the right
to equality guaranteed under Article 14, on the grounds of gender discrimination it
also violates right guaranteed under Article 15, Article 21- Right to life includes right
to live with dignified life and Article 25 gives freedom to practice any religion &
protects the all religious practice, hence all these fundamental rights are assassinated.
Misusing triple talaq should be condemned since it is against the Quranic Injunction. I
agree with the judgement of the Honorable Supreme Court and fully support the law
constituted by the parliament

9. References
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9. Mohd Umar khan V. Gulshan Begum. Cri LJ. 1992; 899 at 900 (MP).
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13. Rashid Ahmad V, Anisa Khatoon. 1932, 59 IA 21 (Alld): 1932 PC 25.
14. Riaz Fatima V, Mohd Sharif. 2007, DMC 26 Del.
15. Sabah Adnan Sami Khan V, Adnan Sami Khan. AIR, 2010 Bom 109.
16. Saleha sheikh V. AIR, 1973, MP 207.
17. Shamim Ara V. State of U.P. ors, MANU/SC/0850/2002.

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