The Heirs of The Late Florentina Nuguid Vda de Haberer Vs CA

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The Heirs of the late Florentina Nuguid vda de Haberer vs CA

Petition for review by way of appeal


 This case originated from the CFI Rizal where the late Florentina Nuguid Vda. de Haberer as the
duly registered owner filed 11 complaints for recovery of possession of the parcel of land
evidenced by a TCT issued in her name, situated at Mandaluyong, Rizal, alleging that private
respondents had surreptitiously entered the land and built their houses thereon.
 Lower court dismissed all the complaints, on motion by Florentina, cases were reopened for
newly discovered evidence but the decision as affirmed
 On appeal in the CA, the cases were erroneously dismissed once before, on the ground that the
appeal was allegedly filed out of time.
 SC ordered the reinstatement of the case for proper disposition on the merits for petitioner duly
and perfectly filed an appeal
 The cases were remanded to the CA, appellant's counsel requested for an extension of time
within which to file appellant's brief which the respondent opposed
 In the meantime, appellant Florentina Nuguid Vda. de Haberer had died on May 26, 1975.
Appellant's counsel Attorneys Bausa, Ampil and Suarez accordingly gave respondent court
notice of the death of their client in their motion and asked for the suspension of the running of
the period within which to file the appellant's brief pending the appointment of an executor of
the estate left by their client in the CFI Quezon City
 Respondents in turn contended that the lawyers of the deceased had automatically terminated
their client-attorney relationship and asked that the appeal be dismissed for failure to prosecute
 CA remain silent and did not act upon their motions for extensions
 CA denied the request for extension and at the same time dismissed the appeal
 Counsel of the deceased filed a MR explaining their predicament that the requests for
extension/suspension of period to file brief was due to the uncertainty that their services may
no longer be retained by the heirs or legal representatives of their deceased client but they felt
obligated to preserve the right of such heirs/successors to continue the appeal pursuant to Rule
3, Section 17 of the Rules of Court but CA denied for litigants have no right to assume that such
extensions will be granted as a matter of course.


WON the trial should continue despite there was no legal representative of the deceased


NO. Section 17, Rule 3 of the Rules of Court sets the rule on substitution of parties in case of death of
any of the parties. Under the Rule, it is the court that is called upon, after notice of a party's death and
the claim is not thereby extinguished, to order upon proper notice the legal representative of the
deceased to appear within a period of 30 days or such time as it may grant. Since no administrator of
the estate of the deceased appellant had yet been appointed as the same was still pending
determination in the CFI Quezon City, the motion of the deceased's counsel for the suspension of the
running of the period within which to file appellant's brief was well-taken. More, under the Rule, it
should have set a period for the substitution of the deceased party with her legal representative or
heirs, failing which, the court is called upon to order the opposing party to procure the appointment of a
legal representative of the deceased at the cost of the deceased's estate, and such representative shall
then "immediately appear for and on behalf of the interest of the deceased."

Respondent court gravely erred in not following the Rule and requiring the appearance of the legal
representative of the deceased and instead dismissing the appeal of the deceased who yet had to be
substituted in the pending appeal. Thus, it has been held that when a party dies in an action that
survives, and no order is issued by the court for the appearance of the legal representative or of the
heirs of the deceased in substitution of the deceased, and as a matter of fact no such substitution has
ever been effected, the trial held by the court without such legal representatives or heirs and the
judgment rendered after such trial are null and void because the court acquired no jurisdiction over
the persons of the legal representatives or of the heirs upon whom the trial and the judgment would
be binding.

Respondent court therefore erred in ruling that since upon the demise of the party-appellant, the
attorney-client relationship between her and her counsels "was automatically severed and terminated,"
If at all, due to said death and severance of the attorney-client relationship, further proceedings and
specifically the running of the original 45-day period for filing the appellant's brief should be legally
deemed as having been automatically suspended, until the proper substitution

Respondent court likewise gravely erred in dismissing the appeal on the basis of a totally inapplicable
citation of a ruling in Velasco vs. Rosenberg that "If pending appeal, an event occurs which renders it
impossible for the appellate court to grant any relief, the appeal will be dismissed." Manifestly, the
appellant's death in no way impedes that the deceased's appeal to recover the parcel of land registered
in her name be continued and determined for the benefit of her estate and heirs.

Presiding from the foregoing, the rules, while necessary for the speedy and orderly administration of
justice should not be applied with the rigidity and inflexibility what should guide judicial action is the
principle that a party litigant is to be given the fullest opportunity to establish the merits of his
complaint or defense rather than for him to lose life, liberty, honor or property on technicalities.

The dismissal of an appeal based on the appellant's failure to file brief is based on a power granted to
respondent Court of Appeals and not on a specific and mandatory duty imposed upon it by the
Rules. Since the power or authority is not mandatory but merely directory, the exercise thereof requires
a great deal of circumspection, considering all the attendant circumstances. The failure of an appellant
to file his brief within the time prescribed does not have the effect of dismissing the appeal
automatically. Rather, the Court of Appeals has the discretion to dismiss or not to dismiss appellant's
appeal, which discretion must be a sound one to be exercised in accordance with the tenets of justice
and fair play having in mind the circumstances obtaining in each case.

Counsels submitted a Manifestation the written authority individually signed by instituted heirs
and/or legal representatives of the testate estate of the deceased granting said counsels full authority
to file and prosecute the case and any other incidental cases for and in their behalf.

ACCORDINGLY, the petition is granted and respondent court's resolutions are set aside. The Court has
noted that upon recommendation of the Solicitor General in that the counsel for respondents Felipe C.
Navarro be disbarred for "gross misconduct and/or malpractice," he has been suspended from the
practice of law during the pendency of said proceedings.

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