Bashar 101

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The key takeaways are Bashar's advice on navigating physical reality through applying The Formula and understanding the Five Laws.

The Formula addresses how to navigate physical reality and consists of three parts - take action on your greatest excitement/passion, act on that excitement to the best of your ability, and act on that excitement with zero insistence on a specific outcome.

The Five Laws are: 1) You exist and always will, 2) Everything is here and now, 3) The One is the All and the All are The One, 4) What you put out is what you get back, 5) Everything changes except the first four Laws.

Bashar 101

Bashar’s advice on how to navigate physical reality is simple. It consists of applying The Formula
understanding the 5 Laws.

The Formula

The Formula addresses how you should navigate physical reality. It has three parts, only three parts,
and the three parts are a complete kit. There can be expanded views or details of the three parts but
there are no more parts.

1. Take action on what is your greatest excitement (passion, interest – action cements physical reality)
2. Act on that excitement to the best of your ability
3. Act on that excitement with zero insistence as to what the [specific] outcome should be

The Five Laws

Unlike our word, “law”, which varies from city to city, country to country, Bashar uses the term 'Law'
as something that as in true everywhere in Creation.

Everything, “every” “thing”, changes except the first four Laws. The reason it is framed that way is so
that you can understand that even the 5th Law changes.

And when change changes what does change become? That which does not change, which is the first
four Laws.

So the 5th Law gives birth to the first four which gives birth to the fifth, and it is, in that sense, a circle
of perfection. The first four Laws imply the 5th Law. The 5th Law implies the first four. So that the first
four Laws protect the 5th Law, and the 5th Law protects the first four.

1. You exist…you always have and you always will. (immortality of existence)
2. Everything is Here and Now (no past, no future)
3. The One is the All and the All are The One (consciousness)
4. What you put out is what you get back. (reality is a reflection)
5. Everything changes except for the first four Laws. (Change is the only constant).

Everything else, except the 5 Laws, everything else, is a belief and any belief can be changed.
The advice that stems from The Formula and the 5 Laws is complex but not complicated.

It covers every human condition (wellness, infirmity, happiness, sadness, life, death, ad infinitum) but
always circles back to the fact that we create our physical reality and our responsibility to what we


Bashar is an Essassani being from another dimension and is Darryl Anka’s “future” self. Future, or
“past” are represented as language of those who embrace linear time. All moments are One Moment –

When he is channeled by Anka, it is common to think that you are speaking to Bashar and Bashar is
answering from his knowledgebase. This, however, is untrue. Bashar is a mask, an interface, a medium
between individuals and their Higher Minds. In essence, Bashar is reminding us of who we really are,
eternal beings playing the physical reality game for the experiences we chose to have before our
incarnation on Earth.

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