District Training Handbook Phase-II (2018) Batch)

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District Training Handbook, 2018 Batch

Academy Core Values

District Training Handbook, 2018 Batch


Be humane in your approach while dealing Be judicious and apolitical in your approach;
with people; be the voice of the be professional and completely committed to
underprivileged and be proactive in your job with a bias for action and results; and
addressing any injustice against them. You continuously pursue improvement and
can achieve success in this endeavor if you excellence.
act with integrity, respect, professionalism COLLABORATION
and collaboration.
Collaborate in thoughts and actions by
INTEGRITY engaging deeply with all stakeholders to
Be consistent in your thoughts, words and evolve consensus. Encourage others, promote
actions which will make you trustworthy. team spirit and be open to learning from
Have courage of conviction and always speak others. Take initiative and own responsibility.
the truth to even the most powerful, without
fear. Never ever tolerate any degree of
corruption, be it in cash, kind or intellect.
Embrace diversity of caste, religion, colour,
gender, age, language, region, ideology and
socio-economic status. Reach out to all with
humility and empathy. Be emotionally stable,
grow with confidence and without arrogance.
District Training Handbook, 2018 Batch

Alankrita Singh, IPS

Deputy Director, LBSNAA.
Tel. No. 0135-2222122 Email: [email protected]

Dear Officer Trainees,

‘Perfection is not attainable; but if we chase perfection, we can catch excellence.’ This
statement of Vince Lombardi is very true of Government service. The training in the Academy has
attempted to provide you inputs in theory and constructs of public administration. Now it is time
for you to learn the practical implications of the same .
District training is your first introduction to the life and rigours of field administration in
your allotted cadre. The 53 week district training gives you an exposure to the complexities and
span of administration. However, what and how much you learn will henceforth be dependent
mostly on your own initiative and zeal.
This handbook gives you a broad structure of your District Training. It includes information
about the various attachments, independent charges, and assignments to state a few. A copy of
the handbook is also being sent to your District Collector, so that s/he is aware of your training as
per the Model training structure designed by the Academy (Annexure I) to facilitate him/her to
plan Model Training Structure. The District Collector has the flexibility to steer the course of your
training as per the requirements of the State/District.
The handbook contains a list of the assignments required to be submitted by you in the
course of your training. I expect that you will adhere to the deadliness for submission as you have
been doing in the Academy. The Director’s assessment of 200 marks is based on your assignments
and your performance in the district and ATI.
As you embark on your field training with the zeal and enthusiasm of youth, I urge you not
to lose sight of the overarching goal of learning. The learning that you acquire now will last you a
lifetime and will be the bedrock of your success as an officer.
My colleagues at the Academy and I will always be there to guide and support you in your
endeavors. Do not hesitate to call your counsellors and for me any guidance or assistance during
the course of your district training.
Wishing you a wonderful journey as you set out in your quest for excellence.

[Alankrita Singh]
District Training Handbook, 2018 Batch


District Training
1. Introduction 01
2. Link with Academy/ State ATIs 02
3. District Training Schedule 02
a. Attachment with different offices in the district 02
b. Independent charge to Officer Trainees 04
c. Attachment with State Training Institutes 04
d. Attachment with State Secretariat 05
e. Assignments during District Training 05
f. Schedule for submission of assignments 06
g. Assessment of District Training 07
4. Getting the most out of District Training 07
5. Training Schedule of RBCS Officer Trainees 08
6. Reporting at Academy for Phase-II 09
7. Suggested Training Schedule during District Training [53 Weeks] 10-13
8. Check Lists for Various Attachments 14-17
9. D.O. Letter 18-19
10. Guidelines on Socio Economic Study of a Village 20
11. Guidelines on the Report on the Study of a Brick Kiln 21
12. Creating an Open Defecation Free (ODF) Village: A Guidance Note 22-25
13. Guidelines for Dissertation 26-39
14. Court Work Assignments 40-41
15. Guidelines for Court Management 42-48
16. Language Assignment (Correspondence Course) 49
District Training Handbook, 2018 Batch

17. Schedule of submission of Academy Assignments/ Reports 50
18. Evaluation of District Training 51
19. Awards 52-53
20. List of attachment of RBCS officers 54
21. Schedule of Submission of Assignments
and Marks under Director Assignment for RBCS Officers 55
22. List of Cadre Counsellors 56
23. District Postings 57-63
District Training Handbook, 2018 Batch

District Training

After the Phase-I of IAS Professional Course which provided you an overview of administrative
theory, concepts and development schemes at the national level. District training will expose you
to the empirical realities, as they exist in the State/district to which you have been allotted.
The duration of district training is the longest (53 weeks as of now) in the entire Induction
training. District training gives you an opportunity to study the system of governance in your
State. It also brings you closer to the people, their customs, values, problems, and aspirations. You
are in a fortuitous position to view the functioning of the Government from a vantage position as
an observer. It enables you to shape your administrative skills and acumen by mingling freely and
learning from all – the people, their representatives, and officials.
While most of you will be directly reporting to your respective districts for training, some of you
will have to report to the State Government/ State Administrative Training Institute (ATI) for initial
familiarization. If you are reporting to your district, please inform your Collector about your travel
itinerary and seek his/her assistance for office support and stay arrangements in the district.
Similarly, please inform the ATI, if you are required to report directly there.
Upon your arrival in the district, you should immediately call on the Collector and seek her/his
guidance. You may request the collector to allow you to call on at his/her residence as well,
after an official call on. After completing the joining formalities, you should officially call on the
District & Sessions Judge, Additional District Magistrate, Additional Collector (Development)/
Project Officer (DRDA)/ Chief Executive Officer (Zilla Parishad), Superintendent of Police,
Commissioner of Municipal Corporation, Chief Judicial Magistrate and other senior district-level
Government functionaries. In case you are posted for training at the Zonal/ Divisional
headquarters, do remember to call on the Divisional Commissioner and other senior zonal level
functionaries of the Police Department. The people’s representatives occupying high office should
also be called upon. Take your Collector’s guidance on this and also keep her/ him informed.
Those of you reporting at the ATI/State headquarters should first call on the Head of the Training
Institute/Secretary to Government of the Personnel/General Administration Department. This
should be followed by calling on the Chief Secretary and other senior officials in the State
Secretariat with prior appointment. For this, the Head of the Training Institute/Secretary to
Government, Personnel/ GAD can be consulted for further guidance. Calling on is a formal affair
and it is always advisable to obtain a prior appointment, be punctual and be appropriately

District Training Handbook, 2018 Batch

Link with the Academy/ State ATIs

During your district training, you are expected to maintain a continuous link with the Academy.
This has been formalized in the nature of assignments which you have to prepare and submit.
Your Counsellor in the Academy will be your first point of contact with whom you are expected to
stay in regular touch. You should regularly apprise him/her of the progress of your training and
seek guidance, as necessary. The Counsellor and other faculty members may visit you in the
district. We have detailed various assignments and reports that you have to submit to the
Academy and a copy should also be endorsed to the State ATIs during your stay in the
district.(except DO letters to the Counsellor which are confidential in nature)
Please remember to communicate the following details to your counsellor (with a copy to
[email protected]) within 3 days of assuming charge in your State. A facility to upload the
same will be made available on GYAN.LBSNAA (gyan[dot]lbsnaa).
 Your postal address, telephone numbers (office/ residence/ cell/ fax)
 Your new e-mail address (if any)
 Name and contact numbers (office/ residence/ Cell/ fax) of your District
Collector once you join the district.

District Training Schedule

Your exposure to district administration during Phase-I must have given you an idea on the variety
of issues that you will be required to deal with as a Sub Divisional/District Officer. The rationale
behind district training is to expose you to the entire range of activities at the district level. A
model training schedule is placed as Annexure-I for your reference as well as for the reference of
the District Collector. An illustrative list of subjects/ activities that you should be exposed to
during district training is given in Annexure-III. Please go through the list carefully and try to cover
as many topics as possible during your stay in the district.
Mostly the States have their own training schedules and accordingly, the time devoted to various
attachments of training may differ. By and large, Officer Trainees are expected to become familiar
with the functioning of the Collectorate, procedures for Revenue Administration, Development
and Police Administration, Court Work and the working of other district-level departments.
Although the duration of attachment and the nature of duties assigned may vary from State to
State, it will be useful for the Officer Trainees to obtain an exposure to the functioning of
following departments/ units during their field training.

Attachments with different offices in the District

a) Revenue Administration - The Officer Trainees are expected to be attached to
the offices of various functionaries in the revenue administrative set up such
as the Patwari, Revenue Inspector, Tehsildar and the Sub-Divisional

District Training Handbook, 2018 Batch

Magistrate, to understand their roles and responsibilities. It is expected that

Officer Trainees accompany these officers on field visits, study office records
and actually see the work being done by officers in the Revenue Department.
Officer Trainees are expected to understand the functioning of the Survey and
Settlement Department.
b) Police Department: The Officer Trainees are attached to the Superintendent
of Police apart from various offices in the Police Department. They should
familiarize themselves with various records pertaining to intelligence
collection, crime investigation and registers maintained in the Police Stations.
You may specifically become familiar with the procedure of filing an FIR,
investigation, filing of charge sheet and bandobast for VIP visits, agitations,
festivals, etc.
c) Training in Development Administration and Panchayati Raj: Officer Trainees
need to acquaint themselves with the functioning of development
administrative set up in the district related to development activities. This
includes understanding development schemes of the Government,
procedures of implementation, tiers of local administration, systems of field
inspection, monitoring, and control. This is done through attachments with
the local body institutions viz. DRDA/Zila Parishad, Panchayat Unions, Village
Panchayat, Town Panchayat, Municipalities, and Corporation. The Officer
Trainee should initially accompany the Collector/ other functionaries during
their field inspections or meetings. Later, the Officer Trainees can be
entrusted with inquiry/inspections, if so desired by the Collector/ CEO Zila
d) Allied offices: such as District Treasury, District Supply Office, Schedule Castes
& Backward Classes Welfare Office, Tribal Development Office, Women and
Child Development, Social Security, Education Department, Health
Department, etc.
e) Line Departments: such as PWD, National Highways, Irrigation, and Forest
Department apart from Boards and Corporations such as the State Electricity
Board, State Transport Undertakings, etc.
f) PRI institutions: study the impact of amendments with regard to Panchayati
Raj institutions and how it has affected district administration and what
would be your role as an administrator in the changing scenario.
g) The functioning of an urban local body of your district, as managing these
urban bodies is an important challenge, which an administrator has to face in
her/his career.
h) Also, visit the district NIC Unit to see and understand the extent of IT usage in

District Training Handbook, 2018 Batch

the district.
The Officer Trainees should seek to understand the following issues during their attachment with
each Department.
a) Organizational structure, roles, and responsibilities in the Department.
b) Basic understanding of Acts and Rules governing the Department.
c) Office procedures – understanding a file, methods of noting/ drafting,
preparation of office orders and movement of the file.
d) Budgeting and Audit – understanding the procedure and sequence of
resource allocation, guidelines for expenditure, financial powers vested with
officials and audit.
e) The system of programme implementation, monitoring, and report.
f) Shortcomings or problems, if any

Independent Charge to Officer Trainees

During their district training, Officer Trainees are given independent charge and are required to
discharge responsibilities such as those of Patwari, Revenue Inspector, Tehsildar, BDO, Executive/
Chief Officer of Municipal Council, SDM, etc. While some State Governments officially permit
independent discharge of responsibilities by the Officer Trainees, in other cases, the District
Collector may provide an opportunity to OT training under him/her to hold independent charges.
However, it may not be a good idea to hold an independent charge very early in district training.
You need to first understand roles and responsibilities before handling them as an independent
charge. ‘Hands-on’ experience, through independent charge, can be useful if taken up in the later
period of district training after acquiring a basic understanding of the systems and processes.
The qualities of hard work, the sincerity of purpose and maturity in dealing with people and
situations are some of the important factors which guide a Collector to give independent charge
to the Officer Trainee. Therefore, your performance during the first half of the training would be
carefully watched. You should make the best use of the responsibilities entrusted to you by the
Collector, as they provide a unique opportunity for learning by doing.

Attachment with State Training Institute

The attachment with the State ATI enables the Officer Trainee to learn about Acts, Rules and
administrative procedures specific to their State. In many cases, Officer Trainees are expected to
appear in the departmental examinations while at the State ATI. These examinations may also
include examination in the official language of the State. Please make sure that you know what
exactly is expected of you and take care to appear in the departmental examination scheduled
during your district training.

District Training Handbook, 2018 Batch

In most of the States, Officer Trainees are also taken on State Darshan as part of the ATI
attachment to acquaint them with the diversity in different parts of the State.

Attachment with State Secretariat

Generally, a brief attachment of one/two weeks is scheduled at the State Secretariat. It provides
an opportunity to the Officer Trainees to call on and meet senior functionaries of the State
Government and also to understand the functioning of the Secretariat.
The details mentioned above may not uniformly hold true for all the States. Officer Trainees
should obtain the state/ district training schedule, as specified in their State, immediately upon
joining the district/ State ATI.
In case some of the vital aspects of training as delineated above are found to be missing, these
should be brought to the notice of the Collector, who can make suitable changes in the training
schedule after obtaining requisite clearances from the Secretariat (if required). You may also like
to apprise your Counsellor in this regard.

Assignments during District Training

You are expected to complete following assignments during your district training:
Demi-Official(DO) Letters
DO letters are an important means of communication between the Officer Trainee and the
Academy. You are supposed to submit an account of your activities and learnings over the last two
months in the format of a DO letter. Further details are given in Annexure-III.
Report on Study of Brick Kiln
The Officer Trainees are required visit a brick kiln located in the district of their posting, to
conduct a comprehensive study of the issues and submit a report along with their
recommendations. The details of this assignment are given separately in Annexure-V
Dissertation-Submission of Functional Plan
Officer Trainees are required to write a Dissertation (of around 5000 words) to be submitted
during Phase II on a subject to be selected by them during district training. Functional Plan for the
dissertation (Length: 500-1000 words) is to be submitted by 15th November 2019. The detailed
guidelines about the selection of topic, submission of Functional plan, and the dissertation are
given in Annexure-VII.
Socio Economic Study of Village
During your stay in the district, you are required to do a comprehensive study of a village. The
details of this assignment are given separately in Annexure-IV
Creating an Open Defecation Free (ODF ) Village
As part of your district training, you are required to make at least one Village Open Defecation

District Training Handbook, 2018 Batch

Free (ODF). The context, rationale, and methodology may be perused at Annexure-VI.

District Training Handbook, 2018 Batch

Court Work Assignments

As part of the training in the districts, Officer Trainees are expected to hear and decide court cases
and also to conduct inquiries. Out of the cases decided by you, you are required to upload on
GYAN.LBSNAA (GYAN[DOT]LBSNAA) 2 cases of Cr.P.C./IPC/Non-IPC cases as Executive Magistrate
or Special Judicial Magistrate respectively (preferably contested), 2 revenue cases under the local
State Laws(preferably contested) and 1 Inquiry Report of an inquiry done by you.
Details of your court work assignments are given in Annexure-VIII and general instructions on
how to conduct your court are given in Annexure-IX.
Language Assignments
Learning the language of your Cadre will form an important part of your district training. This will
be continued through a correspondence course with the language faculty. For further details refer
The following points should be kept in mind while submitting various assignments:
1. Assignments (other than Dissertation) can be submitted in English or in Hindi (where Hindi
is the State Language), except language assignments. Dissertations are required to be
submitted in English.
2. While grading the assignments, the following policy will be adopted.
For delay in submission of any assignment, penalty in marks would be awarded as
Sl. No. Delay up to % of marks deducted as penalty
1. 7 days 5%

2. 8-30 days 25% marks

4. Above 30 days 50% marks

Any assignment submitted after the deadline of 10th May, 2020 shall be treated as non-
submission and hence marked zero.
Any Officer Trainee who does not submit assignments aggregating to at least 75% of total marks
to be awarded for assignments, by 10th May 2020, shall not be permitted to join Phase-II.

Schedule for submission

All the assignments will be uploaded on GYAN.LBSNAA (GYAN[DOT]LBSNAA) portal with
intimation to the concerned faculty/ counsellor. The file uploaded to the GYAN.LBSNAA
(GYAN[DOT]LBSNAA) portal should be in PDF format. The detailed schedule for submission of
assignments is given in Annexure-XI.

District Training Handbook, 2018 Batch

Assessment of District Training

District training is evaluated for 200 marks. Assessment is based on the assignments completed
during District Training and the reports of the State Training Coordinators and the Collector.
Details regarding the scheme of evaluation may be seen at Annexure-XII.

Getting the most out of District Training

Compared to the structured and organized training received by you at the Academy, what you will
learn in the district will largely depend on your own initiative, enthusiasm, and drive. The
following will guide you into making best of your time in the district.
a) The Collector: Your life in the district will normally be centered around the
District Collector. There is a great deal to be learnt from him/her and the best
way of learning is by observation. You will find that watching the Collector at
work, accompanying him/her on tours, public meetings, departmental
meetings – all carry learning lessons for you. For most Collectors, it is a matter
of pride to have an Officer Trainee attached to her/ him for training. You
should reciprocate your Collector’s enthusiasm.
As you would learn, the position and standing of an Officer Trainee, the extent and
quality of assistance s/he gets from other district officials, the seriousness with which
s/he is taken and the care and consideration s/he obtains, are largely dependent on
her/his relationship with the Collector.
Such an important relationship calls for care and consideration. The Collector may not
be your friend in the literal sense, but s/he is surely your mentor, philosopher, and
guide. Take utmost care to nurture this relationship as it will span your entire career
and not just your stint in the district.
The Collector is a very busy person. S/he has her/his hands full even without the
Trainee. Yet the trainee needs her/him. Practice the art of being with her/him without
being intrusive, being present without appearing to be uninvited. Do not impose
yourself on the Collector for everything. A good rapport with the junior functionaries in
the district will enable you to get many things done on your own without unnecessarily
burdening the Collector. While the association with the Collector will provide you with
an excellent opportunity to observe things from a vantage position, you will have to
also practice the art of observing and listening.
Remember, you have not been sent to the district to advise the Collector on how to
run the administration, but to learn. You should refrain from acting as an advisor.
While it is useful to enquire, you may refrain from passing sweeping or critical
comments or being judgmental. Do not be too sure, for you may shut yourself from
gaining knowledge. A pleasant, sincere and keen officer wins the confidence and co-
operation from any senior and that should be your aim.

District Training Handbook, 2018 Batch

b) Learning from other Government functionaries: Other than the Collector, the
district has many administrative officers mostly belonging to the State
Services. Most of them have spent long periods in the field and have much to
offer to you, as a Trainee. Regard for their age and seniority, humility will
enable you to learn the most from them. The same goes for learning from the
lower functionaries like Patwaris, Revenue Inspectors, and village level
functionaries of the development wing, who can impart a great amount of
practical knowledge and wisdom to young officers.
c) Touring the District: Extensive touring throughout the district affords you
with the best possible opportunity to assess and understand the functioning
of the Government. You must stay in a village for a few days to observe the
real dynamics of village life. You should also use this time to understand the
processes required for community mobilization, the impact of social sector
programmes, public delivery systems, the working of NGOs and various other
developmental interventions. In fact, you should dovetail this stay in the
village with the assignment on Village Survey and Land Administration,
which is prescribed by the Academy.
d) Attending Meetings: While in the district, you should participate and sit
through various meetings especially those which are chaired by the Collector.
Active listening during the meetings will help you better imbibe various
aspects of district functioning. Consult the Collector on important meetings in
the district. These typically include the meetings related to law and order,
revenue, development, coordination meetings, etc.
e) Innovative Thinking: Innovative ways of looking at problems and coming up
with new solutions aimed at achieving an efficient public delivery system
should constitute an important area of your focus. Adopt lateral thinking by
which, instead of your accepting everything on the basis of “this-is-how-it-
has-always-been-done”, you switch over to an approach that is inquiring,
logical and efficient.
f) Most importantly, keep your ears, eyes, and mind open so that you are able
to maximize your learning. Do not assume things but verify the reality. Gain
firsthand experience and be humble, honest, punctual and hardworking as a
disciple/ student.

Training Schedule of RBCS Officer Trainees

Officer Trainees belonging to RBCS will follow a slightly different schedule during the one year of
district training, as they may be formally placed in a substantive administrative position during the
period. Details for the indicated training schedule as well as the schedule for submission of
assignments are placed as Annexure-XIV.

District Training Handbook, 2018 Batch

Reporting at Academy for Phase-II

Officer Trainees are required to report at Academy for Phase-II training on 17/5/2020 (Sunday)
by 7.00 pm.

District Training Handbook, 2018 Batch


Schedule of District Training of IAS Officer Trainees suggested to be followed by State


Sl. Training Activity Duration Learning objectives

1. Joining time after concluding 1 week
Professional Course Phase-I at
LBSNAA to join at respective
Introduction and basic orientation
2. Institutional Training at State ATI 4 weeks Introduction to State, State laws,
Administrative set up, Culture & Language,
Accounts training at State ATI or Accounts
Training Institute etc.
3. State Darshan 7-10 days To familiarise Trainees with the State
4. Training at District Level – General Administration
4.1 Reporting to the District Collector 3 weeks  Learning by observing the Collector while
and general orientation within the she/he attends to work and deals with the
Collectorate public.
 Training in various sections of the
Collectorate and Departments sitting in
Collectorate such as transport, welfare,
civil supplies, natural calamities etc.
 Independent charge of the establishment
and/or other sections to familiarise the
Trainee with office procedure.
4.2 Attachment with the District Level 1 week
Officers of line departments with
independent offices like Health,
Education, Agriculture,
Engineering etc.
4.3 Attachment with SP and district 1 week Observe functioning of District Police Office
level police including patrolling, inspection of police station
etc. Conduct of inspection of a police station/
facility by a competent officer along with
Probationers is suggested during this
4.4 Attachment with police station[ 1 week To understand issues of police magistracy
preferably in rural area] coordination and record maintenance at Police
Stations. The Probationers may be put through
diary maintenance, execution of warrants/
summons, police report in security proceedings,
coordination with local magistracy in different

District Training Handbook, 2018 Batch

situations, especially law and order.

4.5 Attachment with Divisional Forest 2 days To observe and understand the protection of
Officer forests and environment, various legislations,
and role of administration.
4.6 Attachment with District Treasury/ 1 week To understand treasury manual, software and
Sub District Treasury treasury procedure including duties and
responsibilities of a DDO. Hands-on training in
passing bills, verification of compliance of audit
objections, Inspection of strong rooms and
treasury/sub treasury
4.7 Attachment with Zilla Parishad / 2 weeks To understand the functioning of development
DRDA and ITDA agencies, organizational and funding
mechanism for different developmental
schemes, monitoring mechanisms and MIS as
well as the convergence of data across
schemes, special schemes for tribal areas, the
functioning of Panchayati Raj institutions at
district and sub-district levels.
5. Training in Development Administration
5.1 Stay in the village and interact 1 week Understand the perspective and roles of
with AWW, ANM, ASHA, teachers different grassroots functionaries. The
and other field level functionaries probationer is expected to stay in the village
of different departments during this period and interact closely with
people and functionaries.
5.2 Attachment with Gram Panchayat 1 week To understand the functioning of Panchayati
Raj system. Familiarisation with record keeping,
monitoring, fund flow, implementation of
schemes and social welfare functions of the
Gram Panchayat. Exposure to social audit
&FRA. Attending meeting of Gram Sabha etc.
5.3 Attachment with BDO 1 week Observe the duties and responsibilities of a
BDO; handling of files; dealing with the public,
PRI members at the intermediary level;
discharge of duties of Panchayat Samiti etc.
5.6 Independent charge as BDO 6 weeks Hands-on experience with office procedures
and decision-making at the Block level
6. Training in Urban Administration
6.1 Attachment with ULB 1 week Understand the functioning of municipalities/
municipal corporations in relation to district
administration, urban planning, sanitation,
transport and infrastructure management and
maintenance, the role of elected
representatives and understanding
responsibilities of staff under ULBs
6.2 Independent charge of Executive 4 weeks To have a hands-on experience in management
Officer of Municipality of Urban Local Bodies; its functions; powers;
implementation of programs

District Training Handbook, 2018 Batch

7. Training in Revenue Administration

7.1 Attachment with Revenue 1 week To observe the field level functioning of
Inspector Office Revenue Administration, record keeping,
reports, identifying encroachments etc.
7.2 Survey and Settlement training 2 weeks To understand various techniques of Revenue
Administration and record management.
7.3 Attachment with Tehsildar 1 week To observe the duties and responsibilities of a
Tehsildar and her/his dealing with the public,
implementation of revenue laws of the state
including preparation of records, mutation etc.
7.4 Independent charge of Tehsildar 6 weeks To have a hands-on experience of matters
related to revenue administration
8. Judicial Training
8.1 Attachment with District Court/ 1 week To observe the court procedure, judicial system
SDJM and court functioning.
8.2 Independent charge as Judicial *This charge To develop skills for the performance of quasi-
Magistrate Second Class may not judicial functions – hold trials, conduct
necessarily inquiries, record dispositions, appreciate
be slotted evidence, draw up orders and write judgments
with fixed
dates as
such, but the
powers can
be conferred
at start of
training, and
at least five
cases handed
over for final
9. Training at Sub-District Level
9.1 Attachment with SDM 2 weeks To observe the judicial and non-judicial duties
and working of an SDM
9.2 Independent charge as SDM 4 weeks To gain hands-on experience to discharge
and/or PD ITDA independent functions at sub-district level
10. Training at State Level
10.1 Report to ATI: 2 weeks. To observe the functioning of various
Half day attachments with Department/ departments and understand the subjects from
different Departments/ organization a state perspective
Organizations and PSUs of State wise
Govt. schedule to
be issued
10.2 Attachment with DGP 2 days Understand the functioning of state-level
coordination mechanisms, guidelines/ practices
of police magistracy coordination at different
levels, especially district and sub-district

District Training Handbook, 2018 Batch

10.3 Half day attachments with offices 1 week. To observe the statutory nature of the
of various Commissions like Organisation Commissions and their functioning
Human Rights, Food Security, wise
Persons with Disability, Women, schedule to
Information, Child Rights etc. be issued
10.4 Attachment with High Court and 2 days Get an understanding of executive-judiciary
Advocate General relationship, the filing of affidavits and para-
wise comments in cases, contempt of court etc.
10.5 Attachment with Principal 2 days Understand how the audit is done, what are the
Accountant General main issues pointed out regarding expenditure,
issues brought out in performance audits of
different sectors, entry and exit interviews etc.
10.6 Experience sharing, wrap up and 1 week Wrap-up of learning with linkages to the future
debriefing at ATI role
11. Joining time from the State to 1 week
join at LBSNAA
Total 53 Weeks

District Training Handbook, 2018 Batch


(Officer Trainee should ensure that he/she has understood and learnt AT LEAST the following
BEFORE he/she finishes that particular attachment)
Revenue Attachment (With Additional Collector/ Deputy Collector – Land Reforms)
 Are you in a position to enumerate all the Revenue Laws in your State?
 Have you understood the revenue hierarchy of the state?
 How is the lowest functionary (Patwari, Village Administrative Officer, Amin)
and the highest functionary (Member – Board of Revenue) linked in a land
dispute case?
 Have you finished writing the revenue cases as required by LBSNAA and
your State Government for the departmental examination (if any)?
 Have you collected a certificate to this effect (that you underwent the
revenue training) and submitted to your State Government (if required)?
 Have you read at least twice all the revenue laws of your state?
Treasury Attachment (With Treasury Officer)
 Have you read the broad provisions regarding the Treasury?
 Are you familiar with the Treasury Manual of your state?
 What is the difference between a Bill and a Voucher?
 What is allotment letter and allotment?
 What precautions are to be taken before accepting a bill for payment?
 What is the relationship of treasury with the bank?
 What is the superstructure of a treasury and what is the role of Collector?
 What is a strong room?
 Who is a Stamp Vendor and who appoints him?
 How are stamp papers transacted in your district?
 Have you collected a certificate to this effect (that you underwent the
treasury training) and submitted to your State Government (if required)?
Judicial Attachment (With District Judge/Additional District Judge)
 Have you understood the judicial structure of the State?

District Training Handbook, 2018 Batch

 Have you understood the prosecution system of the State?

 Who is the head of the prosecution in the district?
 What is the difference between Additional Public Prosecutor, Assistant
Public Prosecutor and Public Prosecutor?
 Can you record evidence of a witness now?
 Have you understood State-specific Preventive Detention laws?
 Have you met the Special Judges/ Presiding Officers for Prevention of
Atrocities on SC/ST’s Act, Bonded Labor Act, Essential Commodities Act,
Anti-Corruption Act etc?
 What is a District Legal Aid Society and its role?
 What is a monitoring Cell? Who heads it? What is the DM’s role in it?
 Have you collected a certificate to this effect (that you underwent the
judicial training) and submitted to your State Government (if required)?
 Have you finished writing your judicial case records as prescribed by
LBSNAA and your State Government, for departmental examination (if any)?
Police Attachment (at the Police Station/SP)
 How is a FIR lodged? What is a Station Diary?
 How is 107 Cr.PC report prepared?
 Have you participated in a police raid? What precautions are required to be
 How is a police party deployed from a police line?
 Have you read the broad provisions of Police Manual/ State Police Act?
 What are the problems of police – vehicle, food for arrested people kept in
the police station, lack of personnel, fatigue, and demoralization, etc?
SDM Attachment
 How is the deployment order for force and magistrates taken out?
 What are the revenue functions of an SDM?
 Have you gone on a surprise inspection with him?
 Have you sat in his court? What is a cause list? How do you verify the
genuineness of a vakalatnama? How a record is born and what is the total
cost of filing the case?
 What is the oldest case in the SDM’s Court – what is the reason?

District Training Handbook, 2018 Batch

 Role of SDM in Kerosene Oil distribution, issue of arms license, cinema halls
license, vehicle license etc.
 Role of SDM in health and education sector.
 Mandi (APMC) Samitis and their functioning.
 SDMs role in social security schemes.
 Election cell of the SDM.
 Have you met all the Executive Magistrates under the SDM and understood
their working?
Independent Charge of Block Development Officer/ Gram Panchayat
 What is the process of implementation of MGNREGA from the preparation
of Labour Budget to payment to the labourer.
 Understanding the difference in implementation of the development
schemes funded totally by the State Government and Centrally Sponsored
 Understanding how bills are processed for payment of money to
contractors for execution of civil works.
 Personally doing the check measurement of a completed civil work in
verification of the measurement book recorded and inspection of ongoing
 What are the own sources of revenue generation for the Block/Taluk
 A detailed review of the taxes levied by the panchayats and the percentage
of annual demand collected each year.
 How is work/action plan for funds received under various heads prepared.
 Examining the Cash books, Asset registers and other records maintained at
Block and Gram Panchayat level.
Other Offices during District Training
 Understand the working of the Election Cell of the Collectorate.
 Understand the functioning of the Public Relations Office.
 Visit the local Municipality (if you are not having a separate attachment).
 Understand the functioning of the DRDA/Zila Parishad (if you are not having
a separate attachment).
 Understand the functioning of the Registry – meet the Sub Registrar.

District Training Handbook, 2018 Batch

 Understand the functioning of the Welfare Cell.

 Visit the Transport Office. Meet the DTO / RTO.
 See the GPF and Pension cell of the Collectorate, problems of Pensioners.
 Find out how many committees are chaired by the DM – they may be as
high as 100 in some States. Understand the role of these committees.
 Meet the Executive Engineers of PWD, PHED, Irrigation, and Electricity
Board etc.
 Meet the DFO and understand the functioning of Forest Department
including its interaction with other development agencies.
 Meet the District Mining officer / District Fisheries Officer /District Welfare
officer / District Animal Husbandry Officer/ Joint Director/Deputy Director
 Meet the Civil Surgeon/DMHO and understand the role of Collector in the
health sector.

District Training Handbook, 2018 Batch


D.O. Letter
Officer Trainees are required to send a bi-monthly report (every alternate month) on their training
to their Counsellors in the following format so as to reach by the 15th of the succeeding month:
a) For states where there is a requirement of maintaining a daily diary, the
extracts from the daily diary for the month may be sent along with a covering
D. O. letter to the respective Counsellors.
b) For other states, a D. O. letter will be sent. The details required in the D.O
letter are as follows:
Demi Official Letters
1. Officer Trainees are required to send a total of six D.O. letters during their district training
starting June 2019. D.O. letters are to be written every alternate month. The first D.O.
letter to be written after they arrive in the district (either directly after Phase-I training at
LBSNAA or after they have completed their training at State ATI) will cover the topic
“District over the years”. This D.O. letter will require the Officer Trainee to read the
district gazetteer and the Survey and Settlement report pertaining to the district where
he/she is undergoing training. The in-depth study of these documents should help the
Trainee in gaining a deep insight and understanding of the historical context of the
evolution of district administration. Then an attempt should be made to grasp the organic
relationship between the various facets of society, people, culture, and customs and
examine their relationship with the role of administration in engineering progressive
change. Those joining the ATI first, may call the letter” State over the years” and may
given an overview of the state as above
2. As regards the other D.O. letters they should include learnings from various attachments,
details of any innovations that Officer Trainee could observe or was part of, progress on
assignments, description of various events happening in the district like Mela/ VIP visit, etc
and summary of the major issues pertaining to that month.
3. Avoid mere reproduction of factual information or schedule of activities.
4. It should reflect the underlying work processes, inter-personal relationships and other
aspects that you as an administrator would like to reflect upon for your future
5. Please ensure that there are no grammatical or typographical errors in the letter. It must
strictly adhere to the format of a demi-official letter.
6. It should be in a free-flowing narrative form. The writing style should be precise and lucid.

District Training Handbook, 2018 Batch

7. The word limit for the DO letter is 500-1000 words.

Daily Diaries: In some States, Officer Trainees are required to maintain a daily diary in
which detailed account of the day's activities, observations, and learning points are
recorded. These diaries are usually to be put up to the District Collector for perusal every
week. It is a formal mode of review of training by the Collector who often makes
comments and records instructions on the diary. The diaries are also seen by senior
officers who visit the district and may require being sent to the State ATI also. The diaries
are meant to be analytical and not merely chronological narratives. The diaries should
typically contain the following points:
a) Brief description of the training activity
b) Places/ offices visited
c) Officials and other persons met
d) Observations including background information
e) Learning points noted
These diaries are not meant to be maintained in a log book format but have to be written
in a flowing style. The objective is also to improve writing skills. Since these diaries are an
exhaustive account of the training and learning, Officer Trainees maintaining these diaries
will send copies every month to the Counsellor and copy endorsed to State ATIs with a
covering D.O. letter instead of sending D.O. letter alone.

District Training Handbook, 2018 Batch

Annexure– IV

Guidelines on Socio Economic Study of a Village

The village study assignment is designed in a way to enable you to study rural reality very closely.
This can happen in different ways–through observation, talking to the village residents,
participating in the events taking place in the village, etc. As this assignment is based on field
survey, it provides an opportunity to interact with the village residents, village based revenue
officials like patwari, and others. To make your learning structured, a set of questionnaires
covering almost all aspects of rural India are given to you as a tool, especially facilitating for
administrative planning and execution.
The Village Study Assignment will be comprised of:
a) Socio-Economic Report including case study on ‘Poorest of the Poor’
b) Report on Land Administration including a case study on Returns from
You will be required to survey 20 households based on the prescribed schedules and use the
information to prepare the above reports. The Secondary data about the state /district/
taluka/Gram panchayat will also be used for analyzing the issues to be studied as part of the
village study assignments. Online data entry shall be made as a part of the assignment. Detailed
instructions will be issued in a separate manual.

District Training Handbook, 2018 Batch

Annexure– V

Guidelines on the Report on the Study of a Brick Kiln

The Officer Trainees are required to visit a brick kiln located in the district of their posting during
the district training to conduct a comprehensive study of the issues and submit a report along
with their recommendations. The following points may be useful in conducting the study-
1. Laws pertaining to migration/migratory workers and brick kiln workers and the
extent of compliance
2. Trends of migration- Seasonality, migration from which areas etc
3. Welfare entitlements- in the area of health, education, EPF, wages, crèche,
accommodation at the site etc
4. The condition of women workers
5. The condition of children- education and health
6. Implementation of other entitlements like food security, health security, social
security, old age pension, Adhar and other welfare schemes of central/state
7. The Economy of a Brick Kiln- input costs, non capital annual requirements,
turnover, bank loans etc.
8. After a comprehensive study the Officer Trainees to give their recommendations
9. In case there are no brick kilns in the district, the Officer trainees may consider a
Crusher/Mining site to do a similar study
10. Word limit of the report is between 1000-2000 words
Note:- The visit to the Brick Kiln must not be done by an Officer Trainees alone.
Inform your collector and have an officer of the Revenue/Labour Department
accompany you during the visit. Remember that this is not an inspection. Do not
enter into confrontation with the owner. In case there is a conversation with the
Brick Kiln owner, your may state that this is an All –India Survery on the
competitiveness of the Construction Industry. The overall purpose of the
assignment is to conduct survey on the competitiveness of the Construction
Industry and to give your recommendations towards that end.

District Training Handbook, 2018 Batch

Annexure - VI

Creating an Open Defecation Free (ODF) Village: A Guidance Note

This note presents the context, rationale, and methodology for creating an ODF village over a
period of six months. This can be used by the concerned Trainee during the district attachment to
make at least one village ODF during her/his field training. Officer Trainees are advised to select
the village within two months into the district training so that they have ample time for the
desired behavioral change.
Swachh Bharat Mission, launched on 2nd October 2014, aims at making India clean and open
defecation free (ODF) by 2nd October 2019 on the 150th birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi. It
is indeed ambitious, particularly in view of the fact that sanitation coverage in India has increased
at the rate of a little over 1% per annum over more than 30 years since 1981. As per the baseline
data (2012) available with the Ministry of Drinking Water and Sanitation (MDWS), sanitation
coverage in India is currently around 40%. Achieving remaining 60% coverage over next five years
sets the target of an increased annual rate of coverage at 15 % per year.
It is widely known and acknowledged that coverage does not necessarily mean usage. And both
coverage and usage do not necessarily mean an ODF living environment for people. ODF implies
that every household in the village has access to a safe toilet (a toilet that confines human excreta
safely) and no one in the village defecates in the open.
This is the larger backdrop against which an assignment for creating an ODF village during the
district attachment is placed. This is likely to be an empowering experience in many ways and may
help demystify the menace of open defecation in the country while underlining that this can be
eliminated if appropriate approaches and strategies can be employed on the ground to do so.
The conventional approaches as inherent in the national rural sanitation programmes in India
since 1981 have been largely focused on the subsidized construction of toilets. Elimination of
open defecation has been specifically mentioned as one of the programme objectives for the first
time in Swachh Bharat Mission (Gramin) Guidelines, 2014.
It is being increasingly recognised globally that sanitation is essentially about behaviour change
and not about the creation of a physical facility such as latrine. The latrine is at best only a means,
but not a guarantee of the absence of open defecation, unless its potential users feel the need to
use it. Focus on individual household latrine, which has been the characteristic of the national
rural sanitation programmes in India so far, positions sanitation as an individual household issue
and as a matter of private good. A community-led approach focused on triggering communities
for collective behaviour change addresses sanitation as a community issue and as a matter of

District Training Handbook, 2018 Batch

public good.
Therefore, the SBM(G) guidelines emphasise community-based collective behavioural change as
the preferred approach, although the States are free to choose their approach. The differences
between the traditional approach and community approach are tabulated below:

Traditional Approach Community Approach

Focus on things, material Focus on people
Construction of toilets Collective behavior change
Counting toilets Counting ODF villages
Prefixed standard design Users design their toilets
Telling and Teaching Facilitating the process
Subsidy and reward Trigger and self-help
IEC Collective analysis and decision

The task of creating an ODF village will begin with the selection of the village. It is good to start
with a low hanging fruit, but those who like challenges are free to select a rather difficult village as
well. A small village of 50 to 100 households is an ideal village, to begin with. A homogeneous
village with little internal conflict enhances the chances of success. If there is a high percentage of
open defecation in the village, which is not hard to find, triggering is likely to be more effective.
The community approach deploys triggering tool for collective behavioural change. This includes a
pre-triggering phase, including establishing contact with the key people of the village, agreeing on
the time for triggering and venue for triggering, which would be any open space, where all the
community members can gather easily.
Once all these pre-triggering arrangements are made, the key facilitator has to reach the village
and the venue of triggering at least an hour before the agreed time on the agreed date to make
sure that everything goes as planned. A triggering session could take 3-4 hours before the
community members participating in the exercise collectively resolve to put an end to the practice
of open defecation in the village. Once there is an expressed community resolve to end open
defecation, it is the task of the facilitator to help people form a committee, whose members are
selected by people present on the basis of consensus.
This committee is given some time to engage in a community action planning process, where the
outside facilitator is not present. Mobilising women in general and their self-help groups in
particular along with positioning children as catalysts and whistleblowers often prove to be the
game changers in the task of creating an ODF village.
During follow-up visits post-triggering, it is the responsibility of the facilitator to ensure that the
committee members work as per the plan prepared to achieve the ODF status for the village as

District Training Handbook, 2018 Batch

agreed during the triggering or as agreed subsequently by the community following consultation
with the larger community in the village. Information on technology and availability of
construction material including bricks, cement, pans, P-trap and pipes and their pricing should be
readily available with the facilitator and should be made available to people in response to
expressed demand.
It is important to ensure that there is a community process initiated and that there is a community
group enjoying the confidence of people at large in the village, which drives the internal
movement towards an ODF community within the village.
Results are often dramatic, as really triggered rural communities at times make a total shift from
100% open defecation to 100% open defecation free in a matter of few weeks. Making an ODF
village on your own could be one of the most exciting achievements.
Definition of ODF
ODF is the termination of fecal-oral transmission, defined by
 no visible faeces found in the environment/village; and
 every household as well as public/community institutions using safe
technology option for disposal of faeces
To record and analyse your experience with the attempt to make a village ODF is the purpose of
this study. While recording your experiences you are to consider:
1. The reasons that led you to select a particular village.
2. Description of the village
3. The strategy adopted by you to ‘trigger’ community involvement in the village.
4. An analysis of the factors that worked for or against the strategy adopted by you.
5. The response from the community post ‘triggering’.
6. Efforts taken by you for follow up post triggering.
7. The role played by various interest groups.
8. Whether the village became ODF or not.
9. Your analyses of what worked/did not work.
10. What would you do differently if you had to take up a similar exercise again?
Verification of ODF Village
The verification of ODF village will involve self-certification by the Gram Panchayat. Since
sanitation is a State subject, each State Government may adopt appropriate processes to verify
ODF. For the sake of this assignment, the process adopted by the State Government may be

District Training Handbook, 2018 Batch

followed. A certificate by the Collector/CEO Zilla Panchayat will also be required. Besides, there
may be a parallel independent verification.
In case your district/State has been declared as open defecation free, you will intimate the same
to the course coordinator and take up an assignment (between 2000-3000 words) on the Solid
and Liquid Waste Management of the district. For this assignment you may look at the following:
 You should visit the main solid waste disposal yard of the district and see
the methods adopted for waste management in case a disposal yard exists
in your district.
 Analyze and make a report on the District/ Urban Local body about the
extent of compliance with Waste Management Rules of 2016 including Bio-
Medical waste, Construction and Demolition waste, Plastic waste, e-Waste
and Solid Waste. Any initiatives taken by you in setting up or improving the
existing practices will be suitably recognized during evaluation.
 Study the sustainability of ODF in a village covering behavioural change in
the community including tourist and migrant population.

District Training Handbook, 2018 Batch


Guidelines for Dissertation

The Masters in Public Management degree, which is awarded after completion of Induction
Training of IAS Officer trainees at LBSNAA by Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), mandatorily
requires the submission of a dissertation during Phase-II. This dissertation is an opportunity to
write a substantial piece of academic work on a topic of interest for the Officer Trainee.
It has been observed in last two years that the Officer trainees face problems on three fronts:
understanding the process of research or knowledge generation, documenting the process and
results of research properly for sharing them with the academic community, and acknowledging
the use of others’ ideas appropriately.
Evaluation of the dissertation of the past two years shows that:
 The participants generally lack understanding of the importance of clearly
specified and feasible research questions
 They undermine the importance of the literature review
 They hesitate in admitting the limitations of their research. Often the
dissertations do not take into account potential biases in the data used as
well as the limitations posed by sampling design and not having valid
This note is an attempt to provide a clear set of expectations in the Dissertation and address the
abovementioned issues.
Research is a process of generating knowledge through the adoption of science-based approach. A
distinctive feature of science-based research is that it seeks to develop, verify and refine theories.
The research adopts a specific procedure to generate knowledge in compliance with the norms of
science. There are various assumptions and features associated with a science which are reflected
in the features of research as a process.
Research: Research is a process in which a phenomenon or aspect of reality is examined by
following certain norms of science.
Conceptual Research: This type of research seeks to advance knowledge on a topic without
collecting and analysing new data, and without interpreting the patterns in such freshly collected
data. It typically relies on the existing published literature.
Empirical Research: This type of research takes up a research question, makes a plausible
hypothesis pertaining to the matter of the research question, and then examines whether the

District Training Handbook, 2018 Batch

reality as reflected in the empirical data supports the conjecture.

Research as a Process
Figure 1

Reality, Documented Knowledge

Existing Knowledge on a Topic (Topic Choice, Literature Review)

Research Question

Hypothesis Formulation

Measurement/Scale Development/Adoption

Research Design

Data Collection

Data Analysis: Results/Findings

Implications of the Findings

Dissertation Writing

Dissertation Structure
A well-argued dissertation is easy to follow. It is like trying to tell the reader a story. It will aid
clarity if the entire dissertation breaks up the argument into clear steps. The Dissertation as a
document should include following sections:
1. Title page (one page. This section doesn’t get counted in the word count of the
2. Table of Contents (One-two pages, as is necessary. This section doesn’t get
counted in the word count of the dissertation)
3. Abstract (Not more than 250 words. This section doesn’t get counted in the word
count of the dissertation)
4. Introduction (should include the context of the study, the research question, and
the structure of the dissertation. This should be in about 750 words)
5. Literature Review including the policy context (Literature survey about your

District Training Handbook, 2018 Batch

inquiry should be based on journals, articles, books, reports, audit reports,

newspaper articles, etc. This should be in about 1000 words)
6. Methodology and Research methods (including the listing of the research
questions that emerge from the discussion in the Introduction and Literature
Review sections, and with clarity on how each of the research questions will be
answered. This should be in about750 words)
7. Findings and analysis (Analysis may include tables or text, as required. Findings
should enumerate the salient issues that have been uncovered through the
research work. This should be in about 1000 words)
8. Discussion and implications for policy (This should include the implications from
the analysis and findings as listed in the section above. While discussing policy
recommendations, ensure to analyze the incentives of key actors and the political
and administrative feasibility of the recommendations. This should in about 750
9. Conclusion (This should include concluding comments, including suggestions for
policy and for on-ground activities that relate to the topic being explored. It may
also include what further research may be undertaken to further the
understanding of the topic. This should be in about750 words.)
a. References (for all sources used in the Introduction, Literature Review, and
Methodology and Research Methods sections. The Harvard Referencing
Style for referencing is to be followed when preparing the document. This
section doesn’t get counted in the word count of the dissertation)
b. Appendices (including interview schedule, survey instruments, and any
other appendices as necessary. This section doesn’t get counted in the word
count of the dissertation)
Research Question
Developing a good research question is one of the first critical steps in the research process. A
good research question is clear and focused, yet complex and arguable, around which the
research is focused. Thus, the question should not be easily answered with a simple “yes” or “no”
or by easily-found facts. It helps the Researcher to identify the focus of the study, determines the
methodology and guides and structures the choice of data collection and analysis methods.
How to Develop Research Question?
 Researchers should begin by identifying a broader subject of interest that
lends itself to the investigation. For example, a researcher may be
interested in childhood obesity.
 The next step is to do preliminary research on the general topic to find out
what research has already been done and what literature already exists.
District Training Handbook, 2018 Batch

How much research has been done on childhood obesity? What types of
studies? Is there a unique area that yet to is investigated or is there a
particular question that may be worth replicating? The following video may
be helpful in learning how to choose appropriate keywords and search
online databases: https://youtu.be/233DzkmimV4?t=4s
 Then begin to narrow the topic by asking open-ended "how" and "why"
questions. For example, a researcher may want to consider the factors that
are contributing to childhood obesity or the success rate of intervention
programs. Create a list of potential questions for consideration and choose
one that interests you and provides an opportunity for exploration.
Broadly, the research question may fall into one of the following categories:
a) Descriptive: A descriptive question asks what is happening and/or how it is
happening. Research involving descriptive questions may fall under but are
not restricted to the following categories:
 Process evaluation: This may involve understanding the functioning of specific
programs and schemes. For example, you may want to understand whether
planned program activities were implemented and what factors affected program
 Public Service Delivery Surveys: Another set of questions could be to assess public
satisfaction with delivery of major administrative services and to devise solutions
for improving the service. For example – issuance of birth & death, certificates,
NSAP (Pensions) etc.
b) Relational questions: Relational questions focus on ascertaining the
correlation or causation between two or more variables. Research involving
relational questions may fall under but are not limited to the following
 Impact Evaluation: The focus here will be to collect evidence to examine the impact
of a selected intervention or development scheme? For example, you may examine
whether NREGA resulted in checking out-migration and whether it has had any
impact on agriculture wages or has reservation of seats in Panchayats for women
resulted in increased budget outlays for women empowerment programs out of
untied funds?
 Problem Analysis: You may take up a real problem facing the district administration
and do a thorough analysis to arrive at the root cause and then may recommend
some options for tackling the problem. For example, you may research the reasons
for poor immunization rates or why Anganwadi centers are not working as per
norms or why off-take of PDS grains is poor or what are the factors that lead small
and marginal farmers not to partake of crop insurance schemes despite general

District Training Handbook, 2018 Batch

 Action Research: You may take up a known problem and try out a way of solving it
on a small ‘pilot’ basis. For example, you may try a well-thought-out intervention to
improve teacher attendance and document its results. While it may not be possible
for you to have a research design that will produce statistically robust results, it
would give you a chance to do an experiment scientifically and document results.
You have been provided some inputs on behavioral economics during Phase I.
Action research projects will also give you a chance to design an experiment to test
the efficacy of some of the behavioral economics approaches in tackling
development challenges. Action research projects will also include the exercise of
BPR for improving efficiency in public service delivery. This will involve flow-
charting of existing service, identifying bottlenecks and then redesigning of
processes for delivery and measuring the impact of these changes.
 Identifying useful patterns in data that lead to a more informed understanding an
issue: Here the focus is not necessarily on establishing causation but simply on
understanding correlations and patterns. For example, you may want to identify
the factors that help understand vulnerability of a household or village to
malnutrition. Similarly, if your topic is “Primary School Education – a survey of
Mirzapur (UP)”, a research question could be ‘What is the correlation between the
spatial distribution of primary schools and learning outcomes?’
Although the research topic could be from any area of district administration (e.g., agriculture,
social and economic development, law and order, disaster management, delivery of services etc.),
the research will have more traction if the topic has relatively more significance in the district. For
example, if a district is generally affected by natural disasters it may be a good area to research.
Or malnutrition may be a severe problem in the district and in that event, it could be a useful area
to research. The more relevant the topic is to the needs of the district administration, greater is
the support the Researcher will receive from the Collector and other seniors in the field for the
chosen research topic and there is a fair chance that this type of research findings can be used for
taking some corrective action.
Literature Review
A literature review surveys books, scholarly articles, and any other sources relevant to a particular
issue, the area of research, or theory, and by so doing, provides a description, summary, and
critical evaluation of these works in relation to the research problem being investigated. It
provides the reader with an idea about the current situation in terms of what has been done, and
what we know. Sometimes it includes suggestions about what needs to be done to increase the
knowledge and understanding of a particular problem.
The purpose of a literature review is to:
1. Place each work in the context of its contribution to understanding the research

District Training Handbook, 2018 Batch

problem being studied.

2. Describe the relationship of each work to the others under consideration.
3. Identify new ways to interpret prior research.
4. Reveal any gaps that exist in the literature.
Sources of Literature Review:
The sources for the literature review include peer-reviewed articles, books, dissertations and
conference papers. When reviewing the literature, be sure to include major works as well as
studies that respond to major works. You will want to focus on primary sources, though secondary
sources can be valuable as well. An online repository like EBSCO/ JSTOR etc may be referred.
How to refer to the source cited:
When referring to an article, use the last name of author or authors and date of publication in the
Example: Kundu and Rani (2016) assessed the entrepreneurial orientation based on the
personality and attitude of female aspirant human resources in India.
Entrepreneurial Orientation (EO) can vary depending upon the gender and course categories
(Kundu and Rani, 2004).
These cited work need to be listed in the reference section (in the Dissertation) in Harvard
Referencing Style.
 Kundu, S.C. and Rani, S., 2004. Entrepreneurial orientation of aspiring
managers: a study. International Journal of Management and Enterprise
Development, 1(3), pp.233-250.
 Kundu, S.C. and Rani, S., 2016. Female aspirant human resources’
entrepreneurial orientation: a study in Indian context. Management
Research Review, 39(2), pp.235-263.
Reference Management Software: There are many software available for scholars and authors to
use for recording and utilizing bibliographic citations (references) like Mendeley, RefWorks,
EndNote etc. In MS Word, option like References -> Insert Citation can be used.
Points to be kept in mind while doing a literature review:
The literature review should provide a synthesis and critical assessment of the current knowledge
on your research topic. The synthesis should be objective, thus including contesting perspectives.
For example, if the research question is on the impact of computer-assisted learning on student
achievement in the district, one should review evidence on the effectiveness of this intervention,
or similar interventions, in other contexts. It is important to consider studies where it was
effective and where it was not. It may be useful to assess this evidence by discussing how

District Training Handbook, 2018 Batch

applicable the study is to a particular context. The literature review should identify and discuss the
gaps in the literature, and argue why your research question will fill those gaps.
Theory of Change
Based on the literature review, a theory of change will emerge. Theory of Change (ToC) is a
specific type of methodology for planning, participation, and evaluation that can be used in the
government sector to promote social change. Theory of Change explains the process of change by
outlining causal linkages in an initiative, i.e., its shorter-term, intermediate, and longer-term
outcomes. Regardless of the type of research question, a theory of change provides an organizing
framework to begin answering the research question. For dissertations that seek to address a
causal question, the theory of change should discuss how the intervention or policy will affect the
outcomes of interest. For descriptive questions, the theory of change should discuss the
underlying assumptions that may explain what you are observing. If solutions are proposed, then
discussion of how these will alleviate the problem is necessary.
Research Design/Methodology
The term research design refers to the plan as well as the process for the collection of data on
various aspects being studied in order to assess empirical support for the hypotheses being
examined in a study. In this sense of use of the term, research design will include specification of
the nature of examination (for example, causal or descriptive) to be done, specification of
variables on which data is to be collected, specification of the respondents from whom the data is
to be collected (sample profile), procedures (for example, interview or self-report questionnaires)
to be used, the timing of data collection on different variables and the number of observations to
be obtained.
The nature of the research question will be closely linked to the choice of methodology. This
requires a consideration of the types of evidence to be produced to evaluate the question.
Data Collection
Regardless of whether the dissertation includes qualitative or quantitative data, the Researcher
should discuss the data collection process. For example, if it has been decided to collect primary
data, then explain the sampling strategy. This should include a description of the sample as well as
an explanation of why this particular sample is chosen. Secondly, discuss the methods which will
be used to collect the data (i.e. interviews, observation, paper surveys, etc.) as well as the process
for developing the instrument and its contents. Even if the secondary data is used, the same
explanations are required – What is the source of the data? How and when was the data
collected? Why did you choose this data? What is the size of the data and whether it is
representative at the state-, district- or block level?
Analysis plan
Here briefly discuss the overall approach used to analyze the data collected (from Primary or
Secondary Sources).

District Training Handbook, 2018 Batch

Some important terms related to Research Methodology

Concepts/ Variables
Various aspects of the reality that is being studied in research are represented by assigning
labels/terms to them and by providing definitions for the labels/terms. These two aspects,
namely, a label and a definition, jointly constitute a concept or concept specification. Thus, a
concept is a term or label which represents, in a generalized manner, an aspect of the reality. For
instance, leadership is a concept and represents an aspect of the reality of organizational and
social life.
For the empirical verification process to occur, first some measurable indicators need to be
associated with concepts. These measurable indicators associated with a concept are referred to
as variables. For instance, one measurable indicator of leadership concept could be the extent to
which a person structures other persons’ work in terms of setting goals and describing the
procedures for attaining goals. Thus, variables could be seen as measurable indicators that assess
the extent of a concept’s manifestation in the empirical reality so that concepts become
Statements that specify relationships between variables are hypotheses. These statements
indicate what kind of relationships are expected or plausible. Only when these statements are
empirically verified and found to be supported by the empirical data, that they become
statements of fact
Operationalization is the process of strictly defining variables into measurable factors. The process
defines fuzzy concepts and allows them to be measured, empirically and quantitatively.
Operationalization also sets down exact definitions of each variable, increasing the quality of the
results, and improving the robustness of the design. For many fields, such as social science.
operationalization is essential. It determines how the researchers are going to measure an
emotion or concept, such as the level of distress or aggression. Such measurements are arbitrary,
but allow others to replicate the research, as well as perform statistical analysis of the results.
For example, a researcher might propose the hypothesis:
“Children grow more quickly if they eat vegetables.”
What does the statement mean by 'children'? Are they from City or Village? What age are they?
Are children boys or girls? There are billions of children in the world, so how do you define the
sample groups?
How is 'growth' defined? Is it weight, height, mental growth or strength? The statement does not
strictly define the measurable, dependent variable.

District Training Handbook, 2018 Batch

What does the term 'more quickly' mean? What units, and what timescale, will be used to
measure this? A short-term experiment, lasting one month, may give wildly different results than
a longer-term study.
What are 'vegetables'? There are hundreds of different types of vegetable, each containing
different levels of vitamins and minerals. Are the children fed raw vegetables, or are they cooked?
How does the researcher standardize diets, and ensure that the children eat their greens?
One of the purposes of associating a variable with a concept is to make the concept measurable.
For instance, the concept leadership is not directly measurable. If you want to measure leadership
effectiveness on the performance of a particular team or organization, you need to narrow down
the concept of leadership to measurable variables. So, communicating regularly, giving regular
feedback, empathy towards fellow employees, setting clear direction, all can become part of the
study. The variables could be number of times the leader interacts with the team, number of
times feedback was given after any success or failure, the extent to which a leader structures
other persons’ work in terms of setting goals and describing the procedures for attaining goals ,
which can be measured, etc. are associated with the concept of leadership and serves as a
measurable indicator of this concept. For some concepts, such measurable indicators may be
readily available. However, in other cases, it may be necessary to devise a special means for
measuring the presence of a concept’s attributes in reality.
Typically, in the behavioral areas of management, such a measure would be in the form of a scale
that requires a respondent to provide responses, on a predefined response format, to a set of
scale items (statements). Each response option within a response format has a distinct score
associated with it. The scores associated with the respondent’s responses to individual items on
the scale are added up to arrive at the total scale score. This score reflects the total score on the
variable corresponding to the concept that the measure/scale is seeking to measure. Such scales
are developed through a process called scale development.
Present the analysis and cogently demonstrate how the analysis leads to the findings and
interpretations. Use compelling tables, charts, other illustrations and narratives to increase the
potency of your argument. Remember to identify alternative explanations (or counterarguments)
to the findings and interpretations you present. For impact evaluations, alternative explanations
have a more technical meaning. To be able to truly isolate the impact of a program, it is necessary
to construct a counterfactual, or calibrate observations and results against what would have
occurred in the exact same context had the program not been implemented. Discuss which
alternative explanations for the analysis results can be ruled out and why. For example, while
assessing efficacy of an educational program and analyzing learning achievements before and
after the program, it is not enough to claim that the program had an effect because the learning
achievements improved after the program. It is quite possible that the achievements may have

District Training Handbook, 2018 Batch

improved even in absence of the program. It is important to systematically analyze each potential
explanation for the increase, apart from the program, and comment on the feasibility of the
explanation and whether and how it affects your interpretation and findings.
Goodness of Findings/External Validity
The empirical research will typically also contain a description of the goodness of findings coming
from a research study. For instance, a research paper may describe how the study findings may be
applicable only to the study sample because of the very specific nature of the respondents (for
example, only workers in a particular profession, industry or a region), from whom the study data
was collected. This description will reflect the goodness of findings on one aspect, namely,
generalizability. The Impact Evaluations and Aggregating Evidence modules can be referred to
read more on external validity
Implications of Research Study Findings
Conclusions derived from a study may suggest implications for at least four aspects, namely,
implications for the theory from which the propositions/hypotheses were derived, implications for
the existing knowledge about the phenomenon being examined, implications for practice and
implications for future research.
Citing Limitations
Given the complexity of the complexity of issues in social science researches, it is expected from
the Researcher to be very clear about the limitations of their approach, and how they or others
can study the issue more rigorously if they have more resources and time. Therefore, including a
section on limitations of the study is very important. This may include the limitations regarding
the quality and relevance of your data and/or the alternative explanations that cannot be ruled
out. Comment on the effect of these limitations to your findings and conclusions – is it possible
that in absence of these limitations your conclusions may be substantively different? Why or Why
not? If you had more resources, explain what further data you would collect and analyze to
improve the accuracy of your conclusions.
Avoiding Plagiarism
A research paper involves the assimilation of prior scholarship and entails the responsibility to
give proper acknowledgment whenever one is indebted to another for either words or ideas. ...
Failure to give credit is plagiarism (Turabian, 1996). According to Merriam Webster's Collegiate
Dictionary, to plagiarize means "to steal and pass off (the ideas or words of another) as one's own;
use (another's production) without crediting the source; to commit literary theft; present as new
and original an idea or product derived from an existing source" (https://www.merriam-

District Training Handbook, 2018 Batch

Plagiarism includes the following offenses:

 Copying, quoting, paraphrasing, or summarizing from any source without
giving proper credit.
 Submitting another's work as your own.
 Purchasing or downloading a paper and turning it in as your own work.
To avoid plagiarism, you must give credit whenever you:
 Directly quote another person's written or spoken words. Be sure to enclose
these words and/or sentences in quotations marks!
 Paraphrase another person's spoken or written words. Paraphrase means to
re-write in your own words; merely reordering or substituting words is still
considered plagiarism!
 Use theories, ideas, opinions, research, etc. that are not your own.
 Use historical, statistical, or scientific facts or data that are not your own.
Put aside your first draft for a few days; at least for a day if the deadline for submission is very
close. You need this temporal distance from the text to critique it like a consumer rather than as
the producer. Self-critiquing is not at all easy because you already know the story you want to tell
and feel that it can be retrieved by others from the document you have created. It is extremely
difficult to see gaps and inconsistencies in one’s story, almost as difficult as recognizing one’s own
body odour.
Here is a set of questions you can ask to help you critique the first draft reasonably thoroughly:
 Have you given the report a title?
 Is the title crisp, appropriate, informative and attractive?
 Are your research question and sub-questions are properly framed?
 Is the literature review sufficiently wide and covered varied sources?
 Is the research design clearly mentioned?
 Have all the components of dissertation covered properly?
 Are the structure of the paper clear and transition smooth?
 Is the writing style appropriate?
 Is the text free from biased expressions?
 Is the text free from language errors?
 Is the punctuation appropriate?

District Training Handbook, 2018 Batch

 Is the text free from factual errors?

 Have you acknowledged everything you have borrowed?
 Is the visual support clear, attractive, appropriate?
 Have you numbered and labelled your exhibits?
 Are the exhibits introduced properly in the body of the document?
The work of the guides will be to help you in identifying and framing the research question. They
will guide you regarding the various aspects of writing your dissertation including, but not limited
to, framing the research question, research methodology and about possible sources of data and
literature relevant to your inquiry.
You may identify two persons as your guides for the dissertation.
1. One of your guides should be a senior IAS officer of your cadre with adequate
domain knowledge of the subject that you are researching for your dissertation.
You may identify and request her/ him to be your guide and after seeking her/ his
consent, intimate the name to the Academy.
2. Your second guide is expected to be an academician. It is preferable that this
guide is a Professor of Social Sciences in a State/Central University; holds a
Doctorate in Social Sciences and is teaching in an academic institution or working
in a research institution. You may approach any person with the requisite
qualification and knowledge and ask for her/his consent to be your guide and
intimate the name to the Academy. This person need not be from an institution
in your district or state.
1. You should keep your Cadre Counsellor at the Academy in the loop and actively
seek his/her guidance.
2. In case of need of assistance in designing the research methodology, you may
also approach any the following faculty of the Academy: Professor Sunita Rani,
Professor A.S. Ramachandra.
Deadlines :
1. Functional Plan:
a) Deadline: 15th November 2019.
b) Length: 500-1000 words.
c) Content:
i. Topic,

District Training Handbook, 2018 Batch

ii. Introduction (in about 250-500 words),

iii. Research question(s),
iv. Research methodology,
v. Timelines of proposed work.

2. Dissertation Submission: Monday of week two of your Phase-II training. So

preferably by the time you join Phase-II training in the Academy the draft of your
dissertation should be ready so that you could refine & fine tune it and submit it
by the due date.
Please Note:
Seek the advice of your two guides and your cadre counselor in refining your work at all stages,
and especially before making the two submissions. A document once submitted will be graded
and no revision will be allowed. Towards this,
 Please use the time between 1st week of June 2019 and last week of
October 2019 to work on your first submission and in refining it. This will
require you to prepare a draft document and get comments from your
guides and cadre counsellor. Basis the comments refine your document
before making a final submission.
 You will receive feedback on the Functional Plan by 30th November 2019.
Use the time between the 1st week of December 2019 and last week of
April 2020 to collect relevant data, analysis of the data, and writing your
final dissertation document. You will get your independent charge around
this time and you will get extremely busy. Therefore, it is advised that you
plan your time to accommodate all expectations. Once again, please get
comments from your guides and cadre counsellor on the draft dissertation
document. Basis the comments refine your document before making a final
1. The dissertation will be a part of the evaluation for both the District Training and
the Phase-II training. The Functional plan will be part of the District Training
evaluation. This evaluation will be done by the in-house faculty and external
evaluators and it carries 20 marks.
2. The final dissertation submitted by you in Phase-II will be evaluated by external
experts. These experts would be people with experience in Public Administration,
and Subject experts selected based upon the topic of your dissertation. This will
carry a weightage of 50%, i.e., 100 marks in your Phase-II assessment.

District Training Handbook, 2018 Batch

1. Hulley, S.B. ed., 2007. Designing clinical research. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
2. Turabian, K.L., Bennett, A. and Grossman, J., 1996. A Manual for Writers of
Papers, Theses, and Dissertations. University of Chicago Press.
3. “Merriam-webster.com. (2019). Definition of PLAGIARIZE. [online] Available at:
https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/plagiarize [Accessed 03 Apr.

District Training Handbook, 2018 Batch


Court Work Assignments

The Academy attaches great importance to judicial training. Hence, it is urged that the Officer
Trainees should take initiative in ensuring that sufficient number of cases, involving inquiry and
trial, are transferred by the competent authorities (Sessions Judge, CJM, DM, and SDM, as the
case may be) for disposal. They will learn the procedure better if they conduct trials/inquiries,
which are contested, and not just those, which may be disposed off on admission or ex parte. In
case there is any problem in getting the requisite powers conferred and/or getting cases
transferred to them, the Officer Trainees should, without loss of time, bring the matter to the
notice of their District Magistrates and respective Counsellors in the Academy so that corrective
steps may be taken in time. It may be mentioned, that in several States there is a requirement
that the OT must sit with the Executive/Judicial Magistrates through their court work and prepare
case-records in a minimum number of cases and obtain a certificate to this effect, before powers
of Executive/Revenue/Judicial Magistrate may be conferred on them. Please find out the
requirements in your State and complete them at the earliest, so as to get the powers conferred,
as otherwise, you may not be able to complete the assignment in time.
The Academy has also proposed to the State Government that the High Courts may be moved by
them for conferment of the powers of the Special Judicial Magistrate on the IAS Officer Trainees
under Section 13 Cr.PC. Once they are vested with the powers of Special Judicial Magistrates, first
class or second class, as the case may be, they get the jurisdiction to try cases involving IPC and
non-IPC offences, which according to the First Schedule to the Cr.P.C, are triable by them. The
Academy also feels that the IAS Officer Trainees, while undergoing district training should be
conferred with revenue powers so that they may decide certain revenue cases under the local
Acts. In most States the Officer Trainees would be required to clear the departmental exams for
conferment of revenue powers.
It is with that objective in view that the Academy has recommended to the State Governments to
appoint Officer Trainees as Executive Magistrates under Section 20 Cr.P.C. Once the powers of
Executive Magistrates are conferred upon them by the State Governments, they become
competent to exercise powers of Executive Magistrates as may be specified in this behalf,
including holding of inquests u/s 176 Cr.P.C and conducting security proceedings.
The reports on inquiry required to be submitted by you can be of any one of the following types of
inquires. However this list is only indicative.
a) Report of an inquest held by you under Section 176 Cr.P.C. and,
b) Report of any administrative inquiry, such as police firing, alleged starvation
death etc. conducted by you.

District Training Handbook, 2018 Batch

c) Administrative enquiry related to any Human Rights issue.

d) Departmental Enquiry
Assignment Submission Instructions: In view of variations in magisterial powers granted in
various stated during district training following would be applicable regarding submission of Law
assignments .
1. Those Officer Trainees who have tried cases & held inquiries/inquest can send as
assignments the Judgments of the cases handled by them or Reports of Inquiry /
Inquest in English or Hindi (though annexures may be in regional/local language)
along with analysis/summary note of 2/3 page.
2. In the event of delay in getting Magisterial Powers or not being assigned any
enquiry, some Officer Trainees cannot send either Judgments or Reports in time.
They can send, within due date, at least two analysis or summary notes of
cases/inquiries observed or studied by them. The Analysis / Summary note will be
a 2/3 page write up.
3. Where for cases/inquiry/inquest the entire judgment/report has been written in
regional language by Officer Trainees, they should send these only with an
executive Summary in English or Hindi.
4. The law assignments should be uploaded on the GYAN.LBSNAA
Analysis/Summary note of the court work assignments
The Analysis / Summary note will be a 2/3 page write up in format as follows :
a) The parties involved
b) Issues involved
c) Summary of witness examined/evidence
d) Decision taken or conclusion with reference to reasons for decision & laws
Note:- The analysis must reflect your observations and learning points
5 cases as specified above should be uploaded on the GYAN.LBSNAA (GYAN[DOT]LBSNAA) portal
with the permission of the Collector, for evaluation by the Faculty of Law and discussion during
the Phase-II Programme. It is desirable that you should upload 2 cases by March 2020 and rest by
April 2020. Guidelines regarding court management and discipline are provided at the Annexure

District Training Handbook, 2018 Batch


Guidelines for Court Management

“ If the judicial process fails the people's sense of justice, violence fills the vacuum and the streets,
not the Courts, settle the disputes”
- Justice Krishna Iyer

How to Organize Your Court Work, Prof. D. Banerjea

1. Simply speaking, Court is a place where Justice is administered. It includes Judges and
Magistrates. They are called "Presiding Officer". They, therefore, reflect the image of
justice. They are vested with defined powers.
2. Broadly, there are three kinds of courts – Civil, Criminal and Revenue. The fundamental
characteristic of a court is its power to give a definitive decision. Its basic function is
3. The main qualities, which the Presiding Officer of a court should possess, are:
rectitude, uprightness, impartiality, independence, fairness, propriety, and ability to
listen and sense of justice. He/ She should be beyond reproach and of unimpeachable
integrity and sterner stuff.
4. The crowd in the court generally consists of lawyers, litigants, law clerks, court staff
including the Bench Clerk, witnesses, prosecutors, accused, police personnel,
professional sureties, touts and spectators, besides the Presiding Officer.
5. Projecting introductory remarks in the background, this paper proceeds to present
succinctly "how to organize your court work?" It does so on the footing that you are
the Presiding Officer.
6. Hence, it is addressed to you in that capacity. It is, however, confined to court work
concerning ready cases, that is, cases ripe for hearing, which is known by the name of
"peremptory or final hearing" in legal parlance. In other words, it covers the trial part
of the court work. The arrangement, style and contents of it are bound to depart from
conventional/traditional practice. They are as formulated hereinafter: -
i. Hold your court at the appointed place during the period of time fixed for the
ii. If you are a regular judicial officer, follow strictly the time-schedule of judicial
business determined by the High Court to which you are subordinate.

District Training Handbook, 2018 Batch

iii. If you are an Executive Magistrate or a Revenue Officer not wholly and exclusively
meant for administration of Justice, notify by appropriate means the working hours
and the days of the week when you will hold the court to the Bar, the general
public and all concerned.
iv. In any case, take your seat in the courtroom for judicial work, punctually at the
right time.
v. Follow the court hours conscientiously and make yourself available and accessible
in open court during that period of time.
vi. Maintain utmost dignity while presiding over a court. You may commit contempt
of your court by your own miss-behaviour or abrasive conduct.
vii. You should not only be upright and fair but you should also appear to be so.
viii. By your own conduct and personal example, you should inspire confidence of the
people, including lawyers and litigants. Please remember that respect cannot be
commanded but it has to be earned.
ix. Frayed temper and bad manners, if displayed by others in the Courtroom, ought to
be dealt with by you calmly in a dignified manner in keeping with the decorum of
the court.
x. You must not smoke or permit anybody to smoke in the courtroom.
xi. You should be properly robed in accordance with the prescription, if any,
otherwise, you ought to be decently dressed.
xii. Rely more on your moral authority, persuasive skill, and agreeable personality to
maintain decorum and discipline inside the Courtroom. But in cases of
disobedience, insult, obstruction and other kinds of contempt, you have to act with
firmness in accordance with Law, whenever the acts and circumstances so require
for the ends of justice.
xiii. Exercise personal supervision and effective control over the work of the Bench
xiv. Please don't do anything, which may create or tend to create an impression that
the Bench clerk or any other member of the Court staff has, role to play in the
discharge of judicial business or dispensation of justice.
xv. They are there to render ministerial assistance that you may require. You must
ensure that they function within clearly demarcated boundaries.
xvi. The Bench Clerk (called "Reader" in some parts of the country) should be reliable.
A person reputed or suspected to be dishonest ought not to be placed in that
position. You should do whatever is possible to secure proper placement in this

District Training Handbook, 2018 Batch

xvii. At the same time, a Bench Clerk is a part of the administrative apparatus attached
to the court and you cannot afford to appear to be distrustful or suspicious about
xviii. All orders involving judicial determination or discretion must be written by you with
your own hand or by a clerk at your dictation or taken down by a stenographer
under your personal supervision and according to your dictation.
xix. Routine orders may be written by the Bench Clerk but have to be signed by you,
after being satisfied that they have been correctly drawn up. Under no
circumstances, an order of the Court can be permitted to be signed by the Bench
xx. You must know the status of your files - particularly the congestion of cases, and
the chronology of all pending matters.
xxi. You should personally fix the dates for hearing of cases.
xxii. The number of cases scheduled for a particular day should be such, which you will
be in a position to take up for hearing. In other words, an element of certainty
should be their, subject of course, to unavoidable adjournments.
xxiii. Cases should be brought to trial according to their age, unless the urgency of a
particular case demands otherwise and you are convinced that it should be given
xxiv. Don't adjourn a case fixed for hearing, unless a "sufficient cause" has been made
out, by the party applying for adjournment.
xxv. Engagement of the lawyer in another court is not a "sufficient ground". "Sufficient
cause" is a question of fact.
xxvi. You may make orders for costs occasioned by the adjournment, payable by the
party asking for it to the party put to inconvenience/hardship, to enable the latter
to recoup the loss. Postponement of hearing of cases on grounds connected with
your pressing public duties of non-judicial nature, must be avoided as far as
xxvii. If your absence from Court on a particular day becomes unavoidable and
inevitable, cases fixed for that day should be shifted to specific dates to be
announced in open court on that day, followed by publication of the Cause List
showing the adjourned dates.
xxviii. Witnesses in attendance in court should not be discharged or sent away, without
being examined.
xxix. Be courteous to a witness. He deserves your protection whenever the situation so
demands. Please don't hesitate to uphold his/her dignity against indecent attack,

District Training Handbook, 2018 Batch

insulting insinuation or the like.

xxx. Peruse the record of the case including the pleadings of the parties before the
commencement of the trial/inquiry, to have a clear understanding of the facts and
to ascertain what the matters in controversy are and what the points of law
involved are. You cannot exercise effective control over judicial proceedings unless
you have good grasp over the facts and firm grip of law.
xxxi. Remember that behind each case, there is problem or issue, which has been
submitted to you for solution according to Law and Justice. Similarly, behind each
record, there is at least one human being, with perception of having been wronged
against, seeking justice from you.
xxxii. "Nothing rankles human mind more than a brooding sense of injustice". Justice
consists in giving everybody what is due to him or her under the Law of the Land.
You are duty bound to do justice and as such, you should have an activist
orientation, especially in advancement of social justice as enshrined in the
Constitution of India.
xxxiii. Law is a means but justice is the end. Your Court is not merely a Court of Law but it
is essentially a Court of Justice. Hence, whenever, there is an irreconcilable conflict
between the language of law and Principle of Justice, Law must be made to give
way to Justice. If the servant (Law) cannot effectively and adequately serve the
Master (Justice), he deserves to be dismissed.
xxxiv. Never delegate any judicial work to anybody. You cannot, under any circumstances,
abdicate the responsibility entrusted to you for administration of Justice. As for
example, never get the evidence recorded by anybody else, however competent he
or she may be.
xxxv. Don't hear or discuss any sub-judice matter extra-judicially outside the Courtroom.
You should approach every case with an open mind.
xxxvi. While deciding the admissibility of a question, apply your mind carefully and decide
it then and there after hearing both sides. If you have any doubt, it is better to
admit it than to reject it.
xxxvii. If you are not sure or clear on any particular point of Law, do your best to find out
the correct position but if the doubt still lingers, it is advisable to err (not
deliberately) on the side of the equity.
xxxviii. Lawyers are officers of the Court but they are not subordinate to the Court.
xxxix. Co-operation between the Bench and the Bar is essential in pursuit of the common
objective of Justice.
xl. It is the duty of an advocate to maintain towards the Court a respectful attitude,
but he/she must not be servile. Never think that you are the Headmaster and

District Training Handbook, 2018 Batch

lawyers are your students. You must not be garrulous in Courts. You must avoid
the temptation to indulge in talking in court, unless it is very essential. When you
have to speak, your language must be temperate.
xli. A healthy relationship between the Bar and the Bench can be built up only on the
foundation of mutual respect.
xlii. Don't interrupt a lawyer unnecessarily or improperly while he is cross-examining a
witness. You are, however, entitled to elicit from him clarification on the point of
relevancy/admissibility of the question asked.
xliii. A lawyer is engaged to speak out for his client and you are bound to listen to him,
so long as he is within the limits set by law. You must not do anything, which may
or tend to lower his dignity or hurt his professional pride.
xliv. You, while functioning as Court, have the power to forbid in-decent and scandalous
questions and also questions intended to insult or annoy. You should not hesitate
to exercise such power whenever the situation so demands.
xlv. Nothing should prevent you from exercising proper control over proceedings in
your Court including the outward behaviour of lawyers, in the larger interest of
Justice, provided it is done bona fide in accordance with Law and in advancement
of Justice.
xlvi. While hearing augments, note down in a Note Book the material contentions
raised, important points of fact and law urged, and the references of the rulings
cited. Consider them at the appropriate stage of decision-making. Your personal
prejudice, if any, must not be allowed to play any role in decision-making.
xlvii. Take all the relevant facts and circumstances into consideration. Do what you think
is right and proper. Your conscience, informed by the law, shall be your sole guide.
You need not care what the Appellate or Revisional Court/Authority may be
disposed to decide.
xlviii. Be sure that you have the jurisdiction to act. You should not exceed the limits of
your jurisdiction. You must not also assume a jurisdiction, which Law has not
vested in you.
xlix. Every power given to you as a Judge/Magistrate is a public trust and it should be
exercised in good faith for the purpose for which it has been conferred upon you.
l. Whenever Law gives you the discretion, it is for you and you alone to exercise it
judiciously and properly. Arbitrariness is negation of the Rule of Law.
li. You have a right to note the demeanor of a witness - " his hesitations, tone, doubts,
accent, variations, confidence, calmness, evasiveness, suppressive tendency, and
how affected he is, by the questions put to him etc.".

District Training Handbook, 2018 Batch

lii. Apply your mind to the material on record, consider carefully the contentions of
the rival parties, decide the issues justly, record your finding on each issue, giving
reasons in support thereof and spell out clearly the relief/s granted by you, if any.
liii. Your orders should be speaking orders. They should reveal application of your
liv. Deliver the order/judgement in open court as soon as possible after the arguments
of both sides are concluded.
lv. If you cannot do so then and there, fix a date for delivery of order/judgement and
inform the lawyers and parties by announcement in court and also through the
Cause List.
lvi. Pronounce all orders and operative parts of the Judgements in open Court in
regional language on the date fixed for the purpose.
lvii. Ours is not a purely adversary system. You are expected to play a positive role in
promotion of Justice. As for example, as a Criminal Court, you have discretion to
summon any witness. When it is essential to the just decision of the case before
you, it is mandatory for you to summon the material witness vide Sec. 311 Cr. P.C.
Another instance: - You are empowered to put any question in any form at any
time to any witness (vide Section 165 Indian Evidence Act). While exercising this
power, you must take care to ensure that you do not thereby trespass upon the
functions which belong to lawyers.
lviii. You, acting in the capacity of Civil, Criminal or Revenue Court, may yourself punish
certain contempt’s as mentioned in Sec. 345 Cr. P.C. Use your power u/s 345 Cr.
P.C. when it is expedient in the interest of administration of justice to do so, but
not otherwise.
lix. Your role in court is not exactly identical with that of a Referee in a Football Match,
where he blows the whistle if something goes wrong but remains absolutely
neutral. You have to be impartial, but that does not mean that you are just an
onlooker. You cannot, however, be a silent spectator when injustice is the likely
result. You cannot certainly take side but you have to be active in securing justice,
without being or appearing to be biased.
lx. Last but not the least, people have high expectations from a Court, which really
means the person presiding over it. It has been aptly observed (probably by
Professor Jafre) and I quote “He must have wisdom of Salomon, the moral vision of
Isaiah, the analytic power of Socrates, the intellectual creativity of Aristotle, the
humanity of Lincoln and impartiality of Almighty” vide the Article "The Qualities of
a Judge" by Justice M.C. Desai published in the book "The Art of a Lawyer".
7. Ultimate safeguards for humans lie in the personality of a Judge or Magistrate. I am

District Training Handbook, 2018 Batch

sure you will struggle indefatigably and strive incessantly to come up to the
expectation and confidence the people have reposed in you.
8. Last but not the least, may I remind you of your solemn responsibility as a Presiding
Officer? Please remember that you have been placed to pilot the judicial process to
secure justice to the people, who include, among others, the deprived, disadvantaged
and underprivileged. If you do not or cannot perform your task well, the Indian Legal
System stands the risk of collapsing. The consequences of your failure are bound to be

District Training Handbook, 2018 Batch


Language Assignment (Correspondence Course)

The teaching of Indian Languages is proposed to be further strengthened by the correspondence
course during the District Training. This nine month course from July to March will be based on 5
response Booklets. The main purpose of this course is to continue Language Teaching/ Learning as
a) Continuity to complete the aspects which were not fully covered during the
Phase-I training.
b) Instructional material based on Environmental/ situational studies.
c) Advanced Text.
d) Need based Teaching/Learning.
e) Administrative vocabulary.
f) Administrative Phrases.
g) Administrative Noting/Drafting.
h) Land related Administrative formats.
i) Text based on the Final Examination to be conducted at LBSNAA and in the
concerned State.
Design of the Booklet
Each Booklet consists of two parts i.e. instructional material and Response Sheet.
a) Instructional material consists of objectives of the lesson, Teacher’s notes,
contents and the guidelines on grammar.
b) Response sheet consists of writing practice, vocabulary exercises, sentence
exercises, and comprehension (Exercises may vary on the basis of the
contents of the instructional material).
The Language Faculty will hand over 5 assignments before you leave the Academy. The Officer
Trainees are required to send them back to Language Faculty for evaluation. You will receive
feedback from the Faculty Member on your performance. The Language Faculty will also contact
the Officer Trainees on phone to assess the language skills acquired in the district. The assessment
of language learning is given weightage in the Director’s assessment of the District training.

District Training Handbook, 2018 Batch


Schedule of Submission of Academy Assignments/ Reports

S. No Assignment Deadline Assessment by
1. D.O. letters 15th June, 2019 Cadre Counsellors
15th August, 2019
15th October, 2019
15th December, 2019
15th February, 2020
15th April, 2020
2. Language Assignments 1st by 15th August, 2019 Language Faculty
2nd by 15th October, 2019
3rd by 15th December, 2019
4th by 15th February, 2020
5th by 15th April, 2020
3. Report on the Study of a Brick 30th September, 2019 Cadre Counsellors
4. Dissertation Submission of 15th November, 2019 External
Functional Plan Evaluators/Course
Coordinator Phase-II
5. Socio-Economic Study of a 29th February, 2020 Coordinator CRS
6. Report on Creating a Open 31st March, 2020 Cadre Counsellors
Defecation Free Village
7. Court Work Assignments 2 cases by 31stMarch, 2020 Faculty
2 cases & 1 inquiry by 30 April, Coordinator, Law

District Training Handbook, 2018 Batch


Evaluation of District Training

The breakup of 200 marks allotted for District Training is given below:
1. Assignments
a) Report on the Study of a Brick Kiln 10
b) Dissertation – Submission of Functional Plan 15
c) Socio-Economic Study of a Village 30
d) Report on Creating an Open Defecation Free Village 15
2. D.O. letter (SIX IN NUMBER) 35
3. Language Assignments 20
4. Court Work Assignments 25
5. Training at ATI/Report of State Training Coordinator 25
6. Assessment by District Collector 25

District Training Handbook, 2018 Batch


The awards to be distributed at the end of IAS Professional Course Phase-II are the following:
President’s Medal for First in order of Merit at the end of Phase-II; Best performance based on
marks obtained in the UPSC Examination (2025); Foundation Course written examination and
Director’s assessment (300); Phase-I written examination and Director’s assessment (500);
District training assessment (200); Phase-II assessment (200) (Highest marks out of 3225)
Ashok Bambawale Memorial Award: This award was instituted by Smt. Sheela Bambawale in
memory of her husband, (Outstanding IAS Officer Trainee): Best performance based on marks
obtained in the Foundation Course written examination and Director’s assessment (300); IAS
Phase-I written examination and Director’s assessment (500); District Training assessment (200)
and Phase-II assessment (200) (Highest marks out of 1200) It includes a cash prize of Rs. 25,000/-
Subhash Dua Memorial Gold Medal: This award has been instituted by Lt. Col. Hans Raj Dua
(Retd.) in memory of his son Late Shri Subhash Dua (He is brother of Shri Ajay Kumar Dua 1971
batch. Best performance based on the marks obtained in the Phase-I written Examination and
Director’s Assessment (500); District Training (200) and Phase-II assessment (200) (Highest marks
out of 900)
L.V. Reddy Memorial Award (Shield): This Shield has been instituted by the 1985 batch in
memory of Late Shri L.V. Reddy, an IAS Officer Trainees of 1985 batch who laid his life in service of
Nation. Awarded to Officer Trainee of North-East Cadre, with highest marks in UPSC examination
(2025); Foundation Course written examination and Director’s Assessment (300); Phase-I written
examination and Director’s assessment (500); District Training assessment (200); and Phase-II
assessment (200) (Highest marks out of 3225)
G. Krishnaiya Memorial Award (Shield) : This award has been instituted by the 1985 batch in the
memory of their distinguished batch mate who laid his life in the service of the Nation. Award is
given to an Officer Trainee who writes the Best Assignments on Law submitted during District
Golden Jubilee Retreat Award Gold Medal: This award is based on the marks obtained in
synopsis of Dissertation Interim Dissertation and village study/urban slum assignment submitted
during District training. Awarded to the Officer Trainee who secured the highest total marks in
(Dissertation+ Village Study Report). This award has been instituted by Shri C.N.Penn Antony on
behalf of 1953 batch of IAS officers who came to the Academy for the Golden Jubilee retreat in

District Training Handbook, 2018 Batch

Akshat Gupta Memorial Award: This award has been instituted in the memory of late Late Shri
Akshat Gupta, IAS, 2006 Batch, of the Uttarakhand cadre, by the family of the officer. Gold Medal
is awarded for the best written Dissertation and the next two dissertations receive Silver Medals.
Director’s Gold Medal for Non-Academic Performance: Director’s Gold medal and certificate for
excellence in non-Academic activities is awarded to an officer who excels in non-Academic

District Training Handbook, 2018 Batch


List of Attachments of RBCS Officers

Sl. No. Assignment
1. Attachment and understanding of the working of District Planning Committee and visit
to various Blocks and sub-blocks
2. Attachment with a Urban Local Body to understand Urban Sector Management
3. Attachment with Royal Bhutan Police and Bureau of Law & Order
4. Attachment with Judiciary & understanding of Police – Magistracy relationship
5. Attachment / Study of Border and Administrative issues in District Administration
6. Attachment and Study of Poverty Alleviation Programme
7. Attachment with District Survey and Settlement and District Land Record Officer and
study of Land Reform
8. Socio-Economic Study of a Village
9. Report on the Disaster Management Framework of a District
10. Attachment with Various Sector Heads including Royal Bhutan Police
11. Attachment and Study of functions of Local Government
12. Attachment / Study of Two/Three important historical and cultural sites
13. Report of training through 4 D.O. letters

District Training Handbook, 2018 Batch

Schedule for Submission of Assignments and Marks under Director

Assessment for RBCS Officers
Sl. Assignment / Deliverables Deadline Marks
No. (200 Marks)
1. Analytical Note on Functioning of District Planning 31.08.2019 10
2. Analytical Note on Urban Administration 30.09.2019 10
3. Report on Socio Economic Study of a Village 31.10.2019 26
4. Analytical Note on Disaster Management 31.10.2019 10
5. Analytical Note on Implementation of Poverty 31.10.2019 10
Alleviation Programs
6. Submission of Functional plan (refer Annexure VII for 15.11.2019 20
submission details)
7. Report on Survey &Settlement and Land Reforms 30.11.2019 24
8. Report on attachments with various departments 31.12.2019 24
including Police Department
9. Analytical Note on Sub Divisional Administration 31.03.2020 10
10. Analytical Note on Functioning of Local Government 30.04.2020 10
& Border Issues
11. D.O. letters – 4 15.08.2019 16
15.11.2019 (4 Marks
15.02.2020 Each)
12. Assessment by Supervising Officer 30.04.2020 30
Total Marks 200

District Training Handbook, 2018 Batch


List of Cadre Counsellors as on 10th May, 2019

Cadre Counsellor (Ms /Mr) Email
AGMUT Nandini Paliwal [email protected]
Andhra Pradesh Alankrita Singh [email protected]
Assam-Meghalaya Alok Mishra [email protected]
Bihar N.K. Sudhansu [email protected]
Bhutan Arti Ahuja [email protected]
Chhattisgarh Raghuraj Rajendran [email protected]
Gujarat Manoj Ahuja [email protected]
Haryana Arti Ahuja [email protected]
Himachal Pradesh Arti Ahuja [email protected]
Jammu & Kashmir M.H. Khan [email protected]
Jharkhand N.K. Sudhansu [email protected]
Karnataka M.H. Khan [email protected]
Kerala Aswathy S [email protected]
Madhya Pradesh Raghuraj Rajendran [email protected]
Maharashtra N.K. Sudhansu [email protected]
Manipur Alok Mishra [email protected]
Nagaland Alok Mishra [email protected]
Odisha Arti Ahuja [email protected]
Punjab Sanjeev Chopra [email protected]
Rajasthan Manoj Ahuja [email protected]
Sikkim Nandini Paliwal [email protected]
Tamil Nadu P.Amudha [email protected]
Telangana Alankrita Singh [email protected]
Tripura Nandini Paliwal [email protected]
Uttar Pradesh Vidya Bhushan [email protected]
Uttarakhand Sanjeev Chopra [email protected]
West Bengal Sanjeev Chopra [email protected]

District Training Handbook, 2018 Batch


District Postings
Sl. No. Name Of The Officers Trainees District Allotted

District Training Handbook, 2018 Batch



District Training Handbook, 2018 Batch

110. J SONAL

District Training Handbook, 2018 Batch

130. ANAND MOHAN Tiruvannamalai
131. MADHUBALAN L Dindigul
135. JYOTI SHARMA Madurai
136. MONIKA RANA Salem
147. MANISH KUMAR (84)

District Training Handbook, 2018 Batch




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