Corpo Financing Corp V Teodoro Luciano

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FINANCING CORP v. TEODORO opinion of the Government, any of the acts/omissions warranting quo
warranto proceedings. It is in these cases where minority
August 31, 1953 stockholders are entitled to have such dissolution
Montemayor, J When such action or private suit is brought by them, trial court
Luciano, Noel Christian O. had jurisdiction and may or may not grant the prayer; suubject to
review by appellate tribunal. Having such jurisdiction, the
SUMMARY: Three minority stockholders, in their own behalf and in appointment of a receiver pendente lite is left to the sound discretion
behalf of other minority stockholders of Financing Corp. of the of the trial court.
Philippines, filed a complaint against the corporation and its President
and Gen. Manager, Amado Araneta, claiming gross mismanagement FACTS: Asuncion Lopez Vda. De Lizares, Encarnacion Lizares Vda. De
and fraudulent conduct of corporate affairs. They prayed for the Panlilio, and Efigenia Vda. De Paredes, in their own behalf, and in behalf
dissolution of the corporation and the appointment of a receiver of other MINORITY STOCKHOLDERS of Financing Corporation
pendente lite. The trial court appointed a receiver despite strong Philippines (FCP), filed a complaint against the corporation and J.
objections from the defendants. The Corporation and Araneta went to Amado Araneta (Pres. And Manager) claiming Gross mismanagement
the SC on certiorari claiming that the minority stockholders have no and fraudulent conduct of corporate affairs. They are seeking:
personality to maintain the action for dissolution since it can only be 1. The dissolution of the corporation
brought by the Government via quo warranto; since the principal 2. That Araneta:
remedy has no basis, then it follows that the auxiliary remedy of a. Be declared personally accountable for the amounts of the
appointment of a receiver pendente lite must also be without basis. unauthorized and fraudulent disbursements and
disposition of assets made by him
The Supreme Court held that in cases like this, where the State has no (1) For the specific acts of fraud, see Ratio.
interest since the acts complained of does not constitute a proper quo b. Be required to account for said assets
warranto proceedings, stockholders may maintain an action for 3. They also request that pending trial and disposition on the
dissolution. Thus, since the trial court had jurisdiction, the grant of the merits, a receiver be appointed to take possession of the books,
prayer for the appointment of a receiver pendente lite is left to his records, and assets of FCP preparatory to dissolution and
sound discretion. The SC also held that from the allegations of the liquidation
complaint, the trial court did not abuse its discretion in appointing a
receiver pendente lite. RTC DECISION: (Not on the merits but on the appointment of receiver)
The trial court presided by Judge Teodoro granted the petition
DOCTRINE: As a GENERAL RULE, minority stockholders CANNOT sue for appointment of receiver and designated Alfredo Yulo as the receiver
and demand a corporation’s dissolution. Such action should be with a bond of P50,000.
brought by the Government through its legal officer in a quo warranto It also denied the subsequent MR filed by defendants
case, at their instance and request
However, there are cases that hold that such minority members, PETITION BY FCP AND ARANETA: They filed a petition for certiorari
if unable to obtain redress and protection of their rights within the with preliminary injunction to revoke the RTC order. They argue:
corporation, must not and should not be left without redress and 1. The appointment is merely an auxiliary remedy
remedy. THUS, there might be exceptional cases wherein the a. The principal remedy sought was the dissolution of the
intervention of the State, for one reason or another, cannot be FCO
obtained as when he State is not interested because the complaint is
strictly a matter between the stockholders and does not involve, in the

2. According to law, a suit for dissolution of a corporation can be 3. When such action or private suit is brought by them,
brought and maintained only by the State through its legal trial court had jurisdiction and may or may not grant
counsel the prayer
a. Respondents, being only minority stockholders, have no a. Subject to review by appellate tribunal
right or personality to maintain the action for dissolution b. Having such jurisdiction, the appointment of a
3. Since there is no basis for the principal remedy sought, the receiver pendente lite is left to the sound
auxiliary remedy must also fail. discretion of the trial court

ISSUE: Whether the minority stockholders have personality to maintain II. Applying the concepts to the case at bar
the action for dissolution. A. Allegations of mismanagement and misconduct by the
President and General manager were made, specially in
HELD: YES! This case falls under the exception. connection with the petition for appointment of receiver.
According to the complaint:
I. Concepts 1. There is imminent danger of insolvency
A. As a GENERAL RULE, minority stockholders CANNOT sue 2. There are acts of fraud and mismanagement such as:
and demand a corporation’s dissolution a. Diversion of corporate purposes and use for the
1. Such action should be brought by the Government personal benefit of Araneta
through its legal officer in a quo warranto case, at their b. Unauthorized and profitless pledging of securities
instance and request owned by FCP to secure obligations of another
B. However, there are cases that hold that such minority corporation controlled by Araneta
members, if unable to obtain redress and protection of c. Unauthorized and profitless using of the name of
their rights within the corporation, must not and should FCP in the shipping of sugar belonging to
not be left without redress and remedy corporations controlled by Araneta
1. Hall v. Judge Piccio d. Refusal of Araneta to endorse to FCP shares of
a. Even the existence of a de jure corporation may be stock and other securities belonging to it but
terminated in a private suit for its dissolution by which are still in his name
stockholders without the intervention of the State e. Negligent failure to endorse other shares of stock
b. There might be some room for argument on the and securities belonging to FCP but still in the
right of minority stockholders to ask for names of vendors
dissolution f. Illegal and unauthorized transfer and deposit in
C. THUS, there might be exceptional cases wherein the the USA of over 6M shares of Atok-Big Wedge
intervention of the State, for one reason or another, cannot Company
be obtained 3. There are also violations of the Corporation Law
1. As when he State is not interested because the a. Refusal to allow minority stockholders to examine
complaint is strictly a matter between the stockholders boks
and does not involve, in the opinion of the b. Failure to call meetings
Government, any of the acts/omissions warranting quo c. Virtual disregard and ignoring the BOD; Araneta
warranto proceedings has been conducting the affairs of the corporation
2. It is in these cases where minority stockholders are to his personal benefit
entitled to have such dissolution

d. Irregularity in the keeping and errors and

omission in the books
4. It was also alleged:
a. Failure to achieve the fundamental purpose of the
b. Since Aranate is in total control, there is danger
that the remaining assets be dissipated
c. Best means to protect and preserve the assets is
the appointment of receiver

B. In conclusion, the SC held that the trial court had

jurisdiction over the case and had jurisdiction to appoint
the receiver pendente lite
1. Considering further the allegations of the complaint,
Judge Teodoro did not abuse his discretion in
appointing the receiver.

DISPOSITIVE: Petition for certiorari denied.

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