Lesson Plan

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Objectives: At the end of the 60-minute period, the pupils should be able to:

 Use the most frequently occurring prepositions e.g. In, On and Under
 Valuing Friendship
 Demonstrate the location of the object using the most frequently occurring
prepositions In, On and Under

II.Subject Matter: Using the Most Frequently Occurring Prepositions On, In and Under

Reference: K-12 Kurriculum Guide p.35

English LM pp. 402-403
English TG pp. 28-29

Materials: real objects,cut-outs, chart, graphic organizer and ppt presentation

A. Preparatory Activities
Children I have here a box full of
objects. Will come in front and get one. Show
it to your classmate and tell what is that object. Classmate, this is a Teddy Bear. What
is this?

That is a Teddy Bear

(The teacher teaches the song)
Three little monkeys jumping on the Yes, ma’am.
bed. One fell down and broke his head. Mama
call the doctor and the doctor said, “No more
monkeys jumping on the bed.
Three little monkeys playing under
the bed. Two of them get bump their head.
Mama call the doctor and the doctor said, “No
more monkeys playing under the bed.
Three little monkeys jumping on the
bridge. One fell down and drowns in the water.
Mama call the doctor and the doctor said, “No
more monkeys jumping on the bridge.

2. Unlocking of Difficulties
Let us match the word to the meaning
by pasting beside it.
B.Developmental Activities Clever
1.Presentation Float
Who have seen already a monkey? Shock
How about a Crocodile? Escape

Alright, seems you all knew monkey

and crocodile.

I am going to you read to you a story (Children raise their hands)

“The Monkey and the Crocodile” but before
you listen to my story, what are the things to
remember when you are listening to a story?

(The teacher reads the story first, pupils do the

second reading.)

2. Analysis and Discussion We have to listen attentively.

Do not disturb our classmates.
Who were the two who became friends?

Where did the monkey live?

Where did the Crocodile live?

The two who became friends were
What did the monkey offer to the crocodile? Monkey and Crocodile.

What was the greedy wife crocodile wants to The monkey lives in the duhat Tree.
The crocodile lives in the lake.

Did the crocodile killed the monkey and bring The monkey offers sweet duhat fruits
his heart to his greedy wife? Why? to crocodile.

The greedy wife crocodile wants to

How did the monkey escape from crocodile? eat the heart of the monkey.

No, because crocodile told to monkey

Did the crocodile believed what the monkey about the plan of his wife .
The monkey ask crocodile to get him
Did the monkey escape from his near death? back because he left his heart under
the duhat tree.
*Value Infusion
Is it good to kill or cheat your friend? Yes.

What is the moral or lesson you learned Yes.

from the story?

No ma’am.

Let us study these sentences. Will you read Never cheat your friends because they
the first sentence? will never trust you anymore.

What is the underlined word in the sentence? The one who wants to cheat others
will be cheated and loose everything.
Where did the crocodile live?

Very good! May we also read sentence The crocodile lives in the lake.
number 2.
In, ma’am.
What is the underlined word in the sentence?
He lives in the lake.
Where is the monkey sitting one day?
The monkey is sitting one day under
Very good! May we also read sentence the duhat tree.
number 3.
Under, ma’am.
What is being underlined?
He sits under the duhat tree.
Who floats on the water?
The crocodile floats on the water.
What do you noticed with the underlined
On, ma’am
Do they refer to a position or location?
The crocodile, ma’am.

Alright, these words that tell a position or

location are called preposition.

Will you say it again? Yes, ma’am.

3.Practice Exercises
Here are some objects. Tell the position
of these objects using prepositions in, on and
under. Preposition

I’ll put the monkey here. Where is the


Demee, place the monkey below the

table. Where is the monkey now?

Micca, put the monkey inside the box.

Where is the monkey? The monkey is on the table

(The teacher give more examples)

The teacher plays game with pupils using The monkey is under the table.
prepositions for location.

Examples: The monkey is in the box.

Put your hand on your head.
Put your hands in your pocket.
Put your feet under your desk

C. Generalization

What do you call the word that tells the

position or the location of the object?

When do we use preposition IN?

Very good! When do we also use the

preposition ON? Preposition ma’am.

That is correct! When do we also use the We use the preposition IN when the
preposition UNDER? position of the object is inside.

We use the preposition ON when the

What do you call the word IN, ON and position of the object is at the top.
We use the preposition UNDER
D. Application when the position of the object is
1.(Show the picture of Claire’s bedroom.) below another object.

What part of the house is this?

They are called preposition, ma’am.
Very good! This is Claire, her things are
always unorganized. One day, she found out
that her green slipper, black skirt; pair of violet
sock, orange t-shirt and brown teddy bear are
missing. Let us help her find all these things. That is a bed room ma’am.

Where is the green slipper?

Where is the black skirt?

Where is the pair of violet sock?

Where is the orange t-shirt? The green slipper is under the table.

Where is the brown teddy bear? The black skirt is in the cabinet.

Oh! There are other things scattered in the The pair of violet sock is on the table.
room. Will you tell where we can find the
books? The orange t-shirt is in the cabinet

What about the soccer ball? The brown teddy bear is on the table.

Where can we find the pillow?

The books are on the table.

2. Group Activity The soccer ball is under the table.

( Setting of standards for group activity) The pillow is on the table.

I will group you into 3. Each of you will

be given a name of animals- monkey,
crocodile, wife crocodile group. Monkey group
will stay together, crocodile group and and
wife crocodile group will do the same.
will sing the song altogether.

Here is the activity sheet that you are

going to answer. After 5 minutes, post your
outputs on the board for we are going to check

(Teacher also set standards before the activity


Group activity 1: Students draw animals on to

where it ask in the sentence.
Group activity 2: Students make 5 sentences
from the picture given to them using
prepositions in, on and under.

Group activity 3:Students make gesture for in,

on and under while singing the song given on
their activity sheet.

What did you do during your group


Is it good to cooperate with each other?

We cooperate with each other ma’am.

Yes, ma’am.

IV. Evaluation

Direction: Study the picture on the left. Write the correct preposition in each blank.

1. The ball is _______ on the box.

2. The dog is _______ the table.

3. The flower is _______ on the table.

4. The car is _______ the tree.

5. The vegetable is _______ the basket.

V. Assignment
Direction: Give more frequently used preposition and use it in a sentence.

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