Bar-Commercial-Law-2016 & 2017

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Bar Exam 2016 Suggested Answers in

Mercantile Law by the UP Law Complex

MARCH 11, 2019


What does doing business in the Philippines under the Foreign Investment Act of 1991 mean?


The phrase “doing business in the Philippines“ under the Foreign Investments Act of 1991
include soliciting orders; service contracts; opening offices, whether called liaison offices or
branches; appointing representatives or distributors domiciled in the Philippines or who in any
calendar year stay in the country for a period or periods totaling 1802 days or more; participating
in the management, supervision or control of any domestic business, firm, entity or corporation
in the Philippines; and any other act or acts that imply continuity of commercial dealings or
arrangements, and contemplate to that extent the performance of acts or works; or the exercise of
some of the functions normally incident to and in progressive prosecution of commercial gain or
of the purpose or object of the business organization; provided that passive equity investment
shall not be construed as doing business.


Jason is the proud owner of a newly-built house worth P5 Million. As a protection against any
possible loss or damage to his house, Jason applied for a fire insurance policy thereon with Shure
Insurance Corporation (Shure) on October 11, 2016 and paid the premium in cash. It took the
company a week to approve Jason’s application. On October 18, 2016, Shure mailed the
approved policy to Jason which the latter received five (5) days later, however, Jason’s house
had been razed by fire which transpired a day before his receipt of the approved policy. Jason
filed a written claim, with Shure under the insurance policy. Shure prays for the denial of the
claim on the ground that the theory of cognition applies to contracts of insurance.

Decide Jason’s claim with reason (5%)


No. What governs insurance contract is the cognition theory whereby the insurance contract is
perfected only from the time the applicant came to know of the acceptance of the offer by the
insurer. In this case, the loss occurred a day prior to Jason’s knowledge of the acceptance by
Shure of Jason’s application. There being no perfected insurance contract, Jason is not entitled to
recover from Shure.


The insurance contract may be deemed perfected allowing Jason to recover from Shure if there is
a binding note or cover receipt duly issued by Shure to Jason.

ABC Appliances Corporation (ABC) is a domestic corporation engaged in the production and
sale of televisions and other appliances. YYY Engineers, a Taiwanese company, is the
manufacturer of television and other appliances from whom ABC actually purchases appliances.
From 2000, when ABC started doing business with YYY, it has been using the mark “TTubes”
in the Philippines for the television units that were bought from YYY. In 2015, YYY filed a
trademark application for “ITubes”. Later, ABC also filed its application. Both claim the right
over the trademark “TTubes” for television products. YYY relies on the principle of “first to
file” while ABC involves the “doctrine of prior use”

(A) Does the fact that YYY filed its application ahead of ABC mean that YYY has the prior right
over the trademark? Explain briefly. (2.5%).

(B) Does the prior registration also mean a conclusive assumption that YYY Engineers is in fact
the owner of the trademark “TTubes” Briefly explain your answer. (2.5%)


(A) No. Since YYY is not the owner of the trademark, it has no right to apply for registration.
Registration of trademark, by itself, is not a mode of acquiring ownership. It is the ownership of
a trademark that confers the right to register the same (Birkenstock Orthopaedia GMBH v.
Philippine Shoe Expo Marketing Corporation, G.R. No. 194307, November 20, 2013).

(B) No. Registration merely creates a prima facie presumption of the validity of the registration
of the registrant’s ownership of the trade mark and the exclusive right to the use thereof. The
presumption of ownership accorded to a registrant is rebuttable and must yield to evidence to the


X’s “MINI-ME” burgers are bestsellers in the country. Its “MINI-ME” Logo, which bears the
color blue, is a registered mark and has been so since the year 2010. Y, a competitor of X, has
her own burger which she named “ME-TOO” and her logo thereon is printed in bluish-green.
When X sued Y for trademark infringement, the trial court ruled in favor of the plaintiff by
applying the Holistic Test. The court held that Y infringed on X’s mark since the dissimilarities
between the two marks are too trifling and frivolous such that Y’s “ME-TOO,” when compared
to X’s “MINI-ME,” will likely cause confusion among consumers.

Is the application of the Holistic Test correct? (5%)


The application of the Holistic Test is not correct. In cases involving burger products, the
Supreme Court has consistently applied the dominancy test. Under the dominancy test, the focus
is on the dominant feature of the competing trademarks. Big Mak has been held to be
confusingly similar with Big Mac and so with McDo and Mcjoy both under the dominancy test.
Accordingly, MINI-ME trademark is confusingly similar with the ME-TOO mark (McDonald’s
Corporation v. LC Big Mak Burger, Inc., G.R. No. 143993, August 18, 2004).


MS Brewery Corporation (MS) is a manufacturer and distributor of the popular beer “MS Lite.”
It faces stiff competition from BA Brewery Corporation (BA) whose sales of its own beer
product, “BA Lighter,” has soared to new heights. Meanwhile, sales of the “MS Lite” decreased
considerably. The distribution and marketing personnel of MS later discovered that BA has
stored thousands of empty bottles of “MS Lite” manufactured by MS in one of its
warehouses. MS filed a suit for unfair competition against BA before the Regional Trial Court
(RTC). Finding a connection between the dwindling sales of MS and the increased sales of BA,
the RTC rules that BA resorted to acts of unfair competition to the detriment of MS. Is the RTC
correct? Explain. (5%)


The RTC is not correct. Hoarding, or the act of accumulating empty bottles to impede circulation
of the bottled product, does not amount to unfair competition. BA did not fraudulently “pass off
” its product as that of MS Lite. There was no representation or misrepresentation on the part of
BA that would confuse or tend to confuse its goods with those of MS Lite (Coca Cola Bottlers
Philippines v. GOMEZ, G.R. No. 154491, November 14, 2008).


Nautica Shipping Lines (Nautica) bought a second hand passenger ship from Japan. It modified
the design of the bulkhead of the deck of the ship to accommodate more passengers. The ship
sunk with its passengers in Tablas Strait due to heavy rains brought by the monsoon. The heirs of
the passengers sued Nautica for its liability as a common carrier based on the reconfiguration of
the bulkhead which may have compromised the stability of the ship. Nautica raised the defense
that the monsoon is a fortuitous event and, at most, its liability is prescribed by the Limited
Liability Rule. Decide the reasons. (5%)


The limited liability rule will not apply in this case because there was contributory negligence on
the part of the ship owner. The reconfiguration of the bulkhead of the deck of the ship to
accommodate more passengers made the vessel unseaworthy (Philippine American General
Insurance Company v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 116940, June 11, 1997, 273 SCRA 262).


Monsoon rain have been jurisprudentially considered as force majeure. It being the cause of the
accident, the ship owner should not be liable. Reconfiguration of the bulk head to accommodate
more passengers per se does not amount to contributory negligence which will bar the ship
owner to claim the defense of force majeure provided that it exercised due diligence before,
during and after the incident to prevent loss or injury.


A railroad tract of the Philippine National Railway (PNR) is located near a busy intersection of
Puyat Avenue and Osmeña Highway. One afternoon, the intersection was heavily congested, as
usual. Juan, the driver of a public utility jeepney (PUJ), drove onto the railroad tracts but could
go no farther because of the heavy traffic as the intersection. After the jeepney stopped right on
the railroad tract, it was hit and overturned by a PNR train, resulting in the death of Kim, a
passenger of the PUJ, and injuries to Juan and his other passengers. Juan, the injured passengers
and Kim’s family sued the PNR for damages for its negligence. It was established that the steel
pole barrier before the track was broken, and that the PNR had the last clear chance of avoiding
the accident. On the other hand, the PNR raised the defense that the track is for the exclusive use
of the train and that motorists are aware that it is negligence per se to stop their vehicles on the
tracks. Decide the case and explain. (5%)


PNR should be held liable. PNR had the last clear chance of avoiding the injury but did not
exercise the diligence expected of it under the circumstances.


Since the PUJ was guilty of contributory, negligence, it should be held solidarily liable with PNR
consistent with jurisprudence that the tortfeasor and the common carrier are solidarily liable in
case of death or injury to passengers of the carrier.


In 2015, Total Bank (Total) proposed to sell to Royal Bank (Royal) its banking business for P10
billion consisting of specified assets and liabilities. The parties reached an eventual agreement,
which they termed as “Purchase and Assumption (P&A) Agreement,” in which Royal would
acquire Total’s specified assets and liabilities, excluding contingent claims, with the further
stipulation that it should be approved by the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP), BSP imposed
the condition that Total should place in escrow P1 Billion to cover for contingent claims against
it. Total complied. After securing the approval of the BSP, the two bank signed the agreement.
BSP thereafter issued a circular advising all banks and non-bank intermediaries that effective
January 1, 2016, “the banking activities of Total Bank and Royal Bank have been consolidated
and the latter has carried out their operations since then.”

(A) Was there a merger and consolidation of the two banks in point of the Corporation Code?
Explain. (2.5%)

(B) What is meant by a de facto merger? Discuss. (2.5%)


(A) There was no merger or consolidation of the two banks from the viewpoint of the
Corporation Code. The Supreme Court ruled in Bank of Commerce v. Radio Philippine Network,
Inc. (G.R. No. 195615, April 21, 2014), that there can be no merger if the requirements and
procedure for merger were not observed and no certificate of merger was issued by the SEC.

(B) De facto merger means that a corporation called the Acquiring

Corporation acquired the assets and liabilities of another corporation in exchange for equivalent
value of shares of stock of the Acquiring Corporation.


X insured his life for P20 million. X, plays golf and regularly exercises everyday, hence is
considered in good health. He did not know, however, that his frequent headaches is really
caused by his being hypertensive. In his application for a life insurance for himself, he did not
put a check to the question if he is suffering from hypertension, believing that because of his
active lifestyle, being hypertensive is remote possibility. While playing golf one day, X collapsed
at the fairway and was declared dead on arrival at the hospital. His death certificate stated that X
suffered a massive heart attack.

A) Will the beneficiary of X be entitled to the proceeds of the life insurance under the
circumstances, despite the non-disclosure that he is hypertensive at the time of application?

(B) If X died in an accident instead of a heart attack, would the fact of X’s failure to disclose that
he is hypertensive be considered as material information? (2.5%)


(A) No, the beneficiary of X is not entitled to the proceeds of the life insurance. The
hypertension of X is a material fact that should have been disclosed to the insurer. The
concealment of such material fact entitles the insurer to rescind the insurance policy.


(A) X’s beneficiary should be entitled to the proceeds of the life insurance as there was good
faith on the part of the insured for the non disclosure since the insured was not aware of his


(B) It is still a material information. It is settled that the insured cannot recover even though the
material fact not disclosed is not the cause of the loss.

After securing a P1 million loan from B, A drew in B’s favor a bill of exchange with C as
drawee. The bill reads:

October 1, 2016.

Pay to the order of B the sum of P1 million.

To: C (drawee). Signed, A.

A then delivered the bill to B who, however, lost it. It turned out that it was stolen by D, B’s
brother. D lost no time in forging B’s signature and negotiated it to E who acquired it for value
and in good faith:

May E recover on the bill from C, the drawee? Explain. (5%)


E cannot recover from C, the drawee. The forged endorsement of B did not result in transfer of
title in favor of E as no right can be acquired under such forged endorsement.

The drawee is not liable because it did not accept the instrument. Under Section 62 of the
Negotiable Instruments law, the drawee can only be liable if he accepts the instrument.


Royal Links Golf Club obtained a loan from a bank which is secured by a mortgage on a titled
lot where holes 1, 2, 3 and 4 are located. The bank informed the Board of Directors that if the
arrearages are not paid within thirty (30) days, it will extra-judicially foreclose the mortgage. The
Board decided to offer to the members 200 proprietary membership shares, which are treasury
shares, at the price of P175,000.00 per share even when the current market value is P200,000.00.

In behalf and for the benefit of the corporation, Peter, a stockholder, filed a derivative suit
against the members of the Board for breach of trust for selling the shares at P25,000.00, lower
that its market value, and asked for the nullification of the sales and the removal of the board
members. Peter claims the Club incurred a loss of P5 million. The Board represented the defense
that in its honest belief any delay in the payment of the arrearages will be prejudicial to the club
as the mortgage on its assets will be foreclosed and the sale at the lower price is the best solution
to the problem. Decide the suit and explain. (5%)


The derivative suit will not prosper, because while it was filed by a stockholder on behalf of the
corporation, the complaint did not allege the other elements of derivative suit namely; a)
exhaustion of intra-corporate remedies available under the articles of incorporation, by-laws
and rules and regulations governing the corporation to obtain the relief the stockholder desires;
b) it is not a nuisance suit; and c) appraisal right is not available (Ching v. Subic Bay Golf and
Country Club, G.R. No. 174353, September 10, 2014).


The derivative suit will not prosper, because there was no wrongful act on the part of the board
of directors. In accordance with the business judgment rule since the board of directors passed
the resolution in good faith to prevent the foreclosure on the mortgage on the assets of the
corporation, the court cannot review the decision of the board of directors even if the selling
price is less than the market value of the shares (Montelibano v. Bacolod Murcia Milling
Company, G.R. No. L-15092, May 18, 1962).


X owns 10,000 shares in Z Telecoms Corp. As he is in immediate need of money, he offered to

sell all his shares to his friend, Y, at a bargain price, Upon receipt of the purchase price from Y,
X proceeded to indorse in blank the certificates of shares and delivered these to Y. The latter
then went to the corporate secretary of Z Telecoms Corp. and requested the transfer of the shares
in his name. The corporate secretary refused since X merely indorsed the certificates in blank
to Y. According to the corporate secretary, the certificates should have been specifically indorsed
to the purchaser, Y. Was the corporate secretary justified in declining Y’s request? Discuss. (5%)


The Corporate Secretary is not justified in declining Y’s request. Under Section 63 of the
Corporation Code, shares of stock covered by a stock certificate may be transferred by the
delivery of the certificate endorsed by the stockholder-owner or his authorized representative or
other person legally authorized to make the transfer. The endorsement need not be specifically in
favor of the purchaser.


C Corp. is the direct holder of 10% of the shareholdings in U Corp., a non-listed (not public)
firm, which in turn owns 62% of the shareholdings in H. Corp., a publicly listed company. The
other principal stockholder in H Corp. is C Corp. which owns 18% of its shares. Meanwhile, the
majority stocks in U Corp. are owned by B Corp. and V Corp: at 22% and 30% respectively. B
Corp. and V Corp. later sold their respective shares in U Corp. to C Corp., thereby resulting in
the increase of C Corp’s. interest in U Corp., whether direct or indirect, to more than 50%.

(A) Explain the Tender Offer Rule under the Securities Regulation Code. (2.5%)

(B) Does the Tender Offer Rule apply in this case where there has been an indirect acquisition of
the shareholdings in H Corp. by C Corp? Discuss. (2.5%)


(A) A Tender Offer Rule means a publicly announced intention by a

person acting alone or in concert with other persons to acquire the outstanding equity securities
of a public company or outstanding equity securities of an associate or related company of such
public company which controls said public company (Section 19.1.8 of the SRC implementing
Rules and Regulations).

(B) Yes, the mandatory Tender Offer Rule is still applicable even if the acquisition, direct or
indirect, is less than 35% when the purchase would result in direct or indirect ownership of over
50% of the total outstanding equity securities of a public company (Cemco Holdings v. National
Life Insurance Company of the Philippines, G.R. No. 171815, August 7, 2007).


X, a government official, has a number of bank accounts in T Bank containing millions of pesos.
He also opened several trust accounts in the same bank which specifically covered the placement
and/or investment of funds. X was later charged with graft and corruption before the
Sandiganbayam (SB) by the Ombudsman. The Special Prosecutor filed a motion praying for a
court order authorizing it to look into the savings and trust accounts of X in T Bank. X opposed
the motion arguing that the trust accounts are not “deposits” under the Law on Secrecy of Bank
Deposits (Rep. Act No. 1405). Is the contention of X correct? Explain. (5%)


The contention of X is not correct. Deposits in the context of the Secrecy of Philippine currency
deposits include deposits of whatever nature and kind. They include funds deposited in the bank
giving rise to creditor-debtor relationship, as well as funds invested in the bank like trust
accounts (Ejercito v. Sandiganbayan, G.R. Nos. 157294-95, November 30, 2006).

ABC Corp. is engaged in the pawnshop business involving cellphones, laptops and other gadgets
of value. In order to expand its business and attract investors, it offered to any person who
invests at least P100,000.00 a “promissory Note” where it obligated itself to pay the holder a
50% return on investment within one month. Due to the attractive offer, many individuals
invested in the company but not one of them was able to realize any profit after one month.

Has ABC Corp. violated any law with its scheme? Explain. (5%)


Yes, ABC Corporation violated the provisions of the Securities Regulation Code that prohibits
sale of securities to the public, like promissory notes, without a registration statement filed with
and approved by the Securities and Exchange Commission.


Henry is a board director in XYZ Corporation. For being the “fiscalizer” in the Board, the
majority of the board directors want him removed and his shares sold at auction, so he can no
longer participate even in the stockholders’ meetings. Henry approaches you for advice on
whether he can be removed as board director and stockholder even without cause. What is your
advice? Explain “amotion” and the procedure in removing a director. (5%)


Henry cannot be removed by his fellow directors. The power to remove belongs to the
stockholders. He can only be removed by the stockholders representing at least 2/3 of the
outstanding capital stock in a meeting called for that purpose. The removal may be with or
without cause except that in this case, the removal has to be with cause because it is intended to
deprive minority stockholders of the right of representation. Amotion is the premature ousting of
a director or officer from his post in the corporation.

[NB: The committee recommends that the examinees be given outright credit for the question on
amotion regardless of the answer as this concept is hardly taken up in law school. It is also
requested that the examiner be liberal in checking the answers given the relative difficulty of the


PJ Corporation (PJ) obtained a loan from ABC Bank (ABC) in the amount of P10 million for the
purchase of 100 pieces of ecodoors. Thereafter, a Letter of Credit was obtained by PJ against
such loan. The beneficiary of the Letter of Credit is Scrap Metal Corp. (Scrap Metal) in Beijing,
China. Upon arrival of 100 pieces of ecodoors, PJ executed a Trust Receipt in favor of ABC to
cover for the value of the ecodoors for its release to PJ. The terms of the Trust Receipt is that any
proceeds from the sale of the ecodoors will be delivered to ABC as payment. After the ecodoors
were sold, PJ, instead of paying ABC, used the proceeds of the sale to order from Scrap Metal
another 100 pieces of ecodoors but using another bank to issue a new Letter of Credit fully
covered by such proceeds. PJ refused to pay the proceeds of the sale of the first set of ecodoors
to ABC, claiming that the ecododors that were delivered were defective. It then instructed ABC
not to negotiate the Letter of Credit that was issued in favor of Scrap Metal.

(A) Explain what is a “Letter of Credit” as a financial device and a “Trust Receipt” as a security
to the Letter of Credit. (2.5%).’
(B) As counsel of ABC, you are asked for advice on whether or not to grant the instruction of PJ.
What will be you advice? (2.5%)


(A) A letter of credit is any arrangement however named or described whereby a bank acting
upon the request of its client or on its behalf agrees to pay another against stipulated documents
provided that the terms of the credit are complied with (Section 2 of the Uniform Customs and
Practices for Documentary Credit).

A trust receipt is an arrangement whereby the issuing bank (referred to as the entruster under the
trust receipt) releases the imported goods to the importer (referred to as the entrustee) but that the
latter in case of sale must deliver the proceeds thereof to the entruster up to the extent of the
amount owing to the entruster or to return the goods in case of non-sale.


(A) Under the Code of Commerce, letters of credit are those issued by one merchant to another
for the purpose of attending to a commercial transaction. The letter of credit should be issued in
favor of a definite person and not to order and be limited to a fixed and specified amount, or to
one or more determined amounts but within a maximum the … limits of which has to be stated
exactly (Articles 567 and 568 of the Code of Commerce).


(B) I will not grant the instruction of PJ. Under the independence principle,

the obligation of the bank to pay the Scrap Metal Corporation is not dependent upon the
fulfillment or non-fulfillment of the main contract underlying the letter of credit but conditioned
only on its submission of the stipulated documents to ABC Bank.


B Bank, a large universal bank, regularly extends revolving credit lines to business
establishments under what it terms as socially responsible banking and private business
partnership relations. All loans that are extended to client have a common “Escalation Clause,”
to wit: “B Bank hereby reserves its right to make successive increases in interest rates in
accordance with the bank’s adopted policies as approved by the Monetary Board; provided that
each successive increase shall be with the written assent of the depositor.”

(A) X, a regular client of the bank, contends that the “Escalation Clause” is unfair,
unconscionable and contrary to law, morals, public policy and customs. Rule on the issue and
explain. (2.5%)

(B) Suppose that the “Escalation Clause” instead reads: “B Bank hereby reserves the right to
make reasonable increases in interest rates in accordance with bank policies as approved by the
Monetary Board; Provided, there shall be corresponding reasonable decreases in interest rates as
approved by the Monetary Board.” Would this be valid? Explain. (2.5%)

(A) The “escalation clause” is valid because each successive increase shall be with the written
assent of the depositor. This stipulation does not violate the principle of mutuality of contracts.
The stipulation would have been void if the supposed consent is given prior to the increase in
interest rate.

(B) An escalation clause with a de-escalation clause is valid provided that the client’s consent is
still secured prior to any increase in interest rate otherwise, the escalation clause is void.


In 2015, R Corp., a domestic company that is wholly owned by Filipinos – files its opposition to
the applications for Mineral Production Sharing Agreements (MPSA) of O Corp., P Corp., and Q
Corp. which were pending before the Panel of Arbitrators (POA) of the Department of
Environmental and Natural Resources (DENR). The three corporations ” * wanted to undertake
exploration and mining activities in the province of Isabela. The oppositor alleged that at least
60% of the capital share holdings of the applicants are owned by B Corp., a 100% Chinese
corporation, in violation of Sec. 2, Art. Xll of the Constitution. The applicants countered that
they are qualified corporations as defined under the Philippine Mining Act of 1995 and the
Foreign Investments Act of 1991 since B Corp. holds only 40% of the capital stocks in each of
them and not 60% as alleged by R Corp.

The summary of Significant Accounting policies statement of B Corp. reveals that the joint
venture agreement of B Corp. with Sigma Corp. and Delta Corp. involve the O Corp., P Corp.,
and Q Corp. The ownership of the layered corporations and joint venture agreements show that B
Corp. practically exercises control over the O, P and Q corporations contend that the control test
should be applied and its MPSA applicants granted. On the other hand, R Corp, argues that the
“grandfather rule” should be applied. Decide with reasons. (5%)


The grandfather rule should apply. The Supreme Court held in a similar case that even though on
paper the capital shareholding in a mining company is 60% owned by Filipinos and 40% by
foreigners, if there is a doubt as to the locus of the beneficial ownership and control, the
grandfather rule should apply. Based on the facts, B Corporation, a Chinese corporation,
practically exercises control over O, P and Q Corporations. Such circumstance creates a doubt as
to where control and beneficial ownership reside that warrants application of the grandfather
rule (Narra Nickel Mining and Development Corporation v. Redmont Consolidated Mines Corp.,
G.R. No. 195580, April 21, 2014).


Company X issues a Bank A Check No. 12345 in the amount of P500,000.00 payable to the
Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) for the company’s taxes for the third quarter of 1997. The
check was deposited with Bank B, the collecting bank with which the BIR has an account. The
check was subsequently cleared and the amount of P500,000.00 was deducted from the
company’s balance. Thereafter, Company X was notified by the BIR of its non-payment of its
unpaid taxes despite the P500,000.00 debit from its account. This prompted the company to seek
assistance from the proper authorities to investigate on the matter.

The results of the investigation disclosed that unknown then to Company X, its chief accountant
Bonifacio Santos is part of a syndicate that devised a scheme to siphon its funds. It was
discovered that though deposited, the check was never paid to the BIR but was passed on by
Santos to Winston Reyes, Banks B’s branch manager and Santos’ co-conspirator. Instead of
bringing the check to the clearing house, Reyes replaced Check No. 12345 with a worthless
check bearing the same amount, and tempered documents to cover his tracks. No amount was
then credited to the BIR. Meanwhile, check No. 12345 was subsequently cleared and the amount
therein credited into the account of fictitious persons, to be later withdrawn by Santos and Reyes.

Company X then sued Bank B for the amount of P500,000.00 representing the amount deducted
from its account. Bank B interposed the defense that Company X was guilty of contributory
negligence since its confidential employee Santos was an integral part of the scheme to divert the
proceeds of Check No. 12345. Is Company X entitled to reimbursement from Bank B, the
collecting bank? Explain. (5%)


Yes, Company X is entitled to reimbursement from the collecting bank. – In a similar case, the
Supreme Court ruled that the drawer could recover the amount deducted from its account
because it failed to ensure that the check be paid to the designated payee, while the collecting
bank should share 1/2 of the loss because its branch manager conspired in the fraud (Philippine
Commercial International Bank v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 121413, January 29, 2001, 350
SCRA 446).




Absolute Timber Co. (ATC) has been engaged in the logging business in Isabela. To secure one
of its shipments of logs to be transported by Andok Shipping Co., ATC purchased a marine
policy with an all-risk provision, Because of a strong typhoon then hitting Northern Luzon, the
vessel sank and the shipment of logs was totally lost. ATC filed its claim, but the insurer denied
the claim on several grounds, namely: (1) the vessel had not been seaworthy; (2) the vessel’s
crew had lacked sufficient training; (3) the improper loading of the logs on only one side of the
vessel had led to the tilting of the ship to that side during the stormy voyage; and (4) the
extremely bad weather had been a fortuitous event.

ATC now seeks your legal advice to know if its claim was sustain able. What is your
advice? Explain your answer. (3%)


ATC’s claim is sustainable. The all risk policy that ATC procured from the insurer insures
against all causes of conceivable loss or damage except when the loss or damage was due to
fraud or intentional misconduct committed by ATC (I New World International
Development v. NYK FilJapan Shipping Corporation, G.R. No. 171468, August 24, 2011).
The grounds of denial that the insurer invoked are not due to the fraud or • intentional
misconduct of the insurer.


The claim of Absolute Timber Company that the extreme bad weather is a fortuitous event
is not valid. The ship was not seaworthy. Its loss was not due to the perils of the sea, but
perils of the ship (Manila Steamship Company v. Abdulhaman, G.R. No. L-9534, September
29, 1956, 100 Phil 32). ATC’s negligence also bars it from invoking the defense of force


The newly restored Ford Mustang muscle car was just released from the car restoration shop to
its owner, Seth, an avid sportsman. Given his passion for sailing, he needed to go to a round-
the-world voyage with his crew on his brand-new 180-meter yacht. Hearing about his coming
voyage, Sean, his bosom friend, asked Seth if he could borrow the car for his next roadshow.
Sean, who had been in the business of holding motor shows and promotions, proposed to
display the restored car of Seth in major cities of the country. Seth agreed and lent the Ford
Mustang to Sean. Seth further expressly allowed Sean to use the car even for his own purposes
on special occasions during his absence from the country. Seth and Sean then went together to
Bayad Agad Insurance Co. (BAIC) to get separate policies for the car in their
respective names.

BAIC consults you as its lawyer on whether separate policies could be issued to Seth and
Sean in respect of the same car.

(a) What is insurable interest? (2%)


(a) Insurable interest is that interest which a person is deemed to have in the subject matter
of the insured where he has a rela tion or connection to it such that the person will derive
pecuniary benefit or advantage from the preservation of the subject matter or will suffer
pecuniary loss or damage from its destruction, termination or injury by the happening of
the event insured against it (44 CJS 870).

(b) Do Seth and Sean have separate insurable interests? Explain briefly your answer. (3%)


(b) Seth and Sean have separate insurable interests. Seth’s neurable interest is his legal
and/or equitable interest over the vehicle as an owner while Sean’s insurable interest is the
safety of the vehicle which may become the basis of liábility in case of loss or damage to the
vehicle (Malayan Insurance Co., Inc. v. Philippine First Insurance Co., G.R. No. 184300, July
11, 2012, 676 SCRA 268).


Morgan, a lawyer, received a lot of diving and other water sports equipment as payment of his
professional fees by Dennis, his client in a child custody case. Dennis owned a diving and
water sports dealership in Anilao, Batangas. Morgan decided to name Dennis as entrustee
because he did not have any experience in selling such specialized sports equipment. They
executed a trust receipt agreement, with Morgan as entruster and Dennis as en trustee.

Before the sports equipment could be sold, a strong typhoon hit Batangas. Anilao and other
parts of Batangas experienced power outage. Taking advantage of the total darkness,
unidentified thieves destroyed the padlocks of the establishment of Dennis, and carted off the
equipment inside.

Morgan demanded that Dennis pay the value of the stolen equipment, but the latter refused
on the ground that he also had suffered from the effects of the typhoon, and insisted that the
cause of the loss was fortuitous event or force majeure.

Is the justification of Dennis warranted? Explain your answer. (4%)


The justification of Dennis is hot warranted. Under the trust receipt law, the loss of goods
which are the subject of a trust receipt, pending their disposition, irrespective of whether or
not it was due to the fault or negligence of the entrustee, shall not extinguish the obligation of
the entrustee for the value thereof (Pres. Dec. 115, Sec. 10, January 29, 1973).


The transaction is not really a trust receipt within the ambit of PD 115 since there is no
loan component in the transaction. In a trust receipt, the entruster granted the loan to
finance the acquisition of the goods, which goods are held in trust for the benefit of the
entruster pend ing their disposition. Not being a trust receipt (where force majeure would
not have been a defense), the supposed entrustee is not liable for the loss of the sports
equipment following general principle that force majeure exempts the obligor from


Safe Warehouse, Inc. (Safe) issued on various dates negotiable ware house receipts to Peter,
Paul, and Mary covering certain goods deposited by the latter with the former. Peter, Paul, and
Mary then negotiated and endorsed the warehouse receipts to Cyrus, Magnus, and Charles upon
payment by the latter of valuable consideration for the warehouse receipts. Cyrus, Magnus, and
Charles were not aware of, nor were they parties to any irregularity or infirmity affecting the title
or the face of the warehouse receipts.

On due dates of the warehouse receipts, Cyrus, Magnus, and Charles demanded that Safe
surrender the goods to them. Safe refused because its warehouseman’s claim must first be paid.
Cyrus, Magnus, and Charles refused to pay, and insisted that such claim was the liability of
Peter, Paul, and Mary.

(a) What is a warehouseman’s claim? (3%)

(a) A warehouseman’s lien consist of the storage charges as well as other fees and charges
as may be stipulated in the warehouse receipt.

(b) Is Safe’s refusal to surrender the goods to Cyrus, Magnus, and Charles legally justified?
Explain your answer. (3%)


(b) (Yes, Safe’s refusal to surrender the goods is justified. Under the Warehouse Receipts
Law, the warehouseman may withhold delivery of the goods unless the demand to deliver is
accompanied by an offer to pay the warehouseman’s lien. The lien is possessory in nature.
It attaches to the goods regardless of who is the owner thereof.



Data Realty, Inc. (DRI) was engaged in realty development. The family of Matteo owned 100%
of the capital stock of DRI. Matteo was also the President and Chairman of the Board of
Directors. Other members of Mat teo’s family held the major positions in DRI. Because of a
nasty takeover fight with D&E Realty Co., Inc. (D&E), another realty developer, for the control
of a smaller realty company with vast landholdings, DRI and D&E engaged in an expensive
litigation that eventually led to a money judgment being rendered in favor of D&E.

Meantime, DRI, facing inability to pay its liabilities as they fall due but still holding substantial
assets, filed a petition for voluntary rehabilitation. Trying to beat the consequences of
rehabilitation proceedings, D&E moved in the trial court for the issuance of a writ of
execution. The trial court also happened to be the rehabilitation court. The writ of execution was

Serving the writ of execution, Metro, the court sheriff who had just passed his Credit
Transactions subject in law school, garnished Matteo’s bank accounts, and levied his real
properties, including his house and lot in Makati.

Are the garnishment and levy of Matteo’s assets lawful and proper? Explain your answer. (4%)


The garnishment and levy of Matteo’s assets are not valid, because Mateo is not covered by
the rehabilitation proceedings or any stay order that the rehabilitation court may issue. It
is DRI, with a legal personality separate and distinct from Matteo, which filed the petition
for rehabilitation and would have been entitled to the effects of any commencement
order (and stay order) that the court may issue. The commencement order would have the
effect of setting aside any seizure of property or attempt to enforce a claim against the

It would have been different if Matteo acted as surety and the court issues a
commencement order with stay order, the effects of which are retroactive to the filing of
the petition. In which event, the garnish ment of his deposits and level of assets would have
been valid.

On the assumption that DRI’s legal personality may be pierced to make it one and the same
with Matteo, the garnishment of deposits and levy of assets are lawful and proper because
the court has not issued yet a commencement order prior to the garnishment and levy.


Sid used to be the majority stockholder and President of Excellent Corporation (Excellent).
When Meridian Co., Inc. (Meridian), a local conglomerate, took over control and ownership of
Excellent, it brought along its team of officers. Sid thus became a minority stockholder and a
minority member of the Board of Directors,

Excellent, being the leading beverage manufacturer in the country, became the monopoly when
Meridian’s own beverage business was merged with Excellent’s, thereby making Excellent
virtually the only beverage manufacturer in the country.

Left out and ignored by the management, Sid became a fiscalizer of sorts, questioning during the
Board meetings the direction being pursued by Excellent’s officers.

Ultimately, Sid demanded the inspection of the books and other corporate records of Excellent.
The management refused to comply, saying that his right as a minority stockholder has been
much reduced.

State under what conditions may Sid properly assert his right to inspect the books and other
corporate records of Excellent. Explain your answer. (3%)


Sid may properly assert his right to inspect the books and other corporate records of
Excellent under the following conditions:

(1) the purpose of his inspection is legitimate and ger mane to his interest as a stockholder;

(2) the right should be exercised during reasonable hours on business day;

(3) he has not improperly used any information secured in previous examination (Section 74
of the Corporation Code; Terelay Investment v. Yulo, G.R. No. 160924, August 5, 2015, 765
SCRA 1).


Procopio, a Director and the CEO of Parisian Hotel Co., Inc. (P. risian), was charged along with
other company officials with several count of estafa in connection with the non-remittance of
SSS premiums the company had collected from its employees. During the pendency of the cases,
Parisian filed a petition for rehabilitation. The court, finding the petition to be sufficient in form
and substance, issued a commencement order together with a stay or suspension order.

Citing the commencement order, Procopio and the other officers facing the criminal charges
moved to suspend the proceedings in the estafa cases.

(a) What is a commencement order, and what is the effect of its issuance? Explain your answer.

(a) A commencement order is an order issued by the Rehabilitation Court if the petition for
rehabilitation filed by the financially distressed debtor or by its creditor is sufficient in
form and substance. The rehabilitation proceedings are commenced, upon issuance by the
rehabilitation court of a commencement order. The stay order which is included in the
commencement order shall suspend all actions or proceedings for the enforcement of
claims against the debtor (Section 16 of FRIA).

(b) Suppose you are the trial judge, will you grant the motion to suspend of Procopio, et
al.? Explain your answer. (4%).


(b) Under Section 18 of FRIA, the stay order does not include criminal action against the
individual debtor, or owner, partner, director or officer of the debtor.



Under the Nell Doctrine, so called because it was first pronounced by the Supreme Court in the
1965 ruling in Nell v. Pacific Farms, Inc. (G.R. No. 20850, November 29, 1965. 15 SCRA 415),
the general rule is that where one corporation sells or otherwise transfers all of its assets to
another corporation, the latter is not liable for the debts and liabilities of the transferor.

State the exceptions to the Nell Doctrine. (4%)


The exceptions to the Nell doctrine are as follows:

(1) When the buyer expressly or impliedly assumes the li abilities of the seller;

(2) If the sale amounts to a merger or consolidation,

(3) If the sale is entered into fraudulently or made in bad faith

(4) If the buyer is merely a continuation of the personality of the seller or the so called
business – enterprise transfer rule.


Santorini Corporation (Santorini) was in dire straits. In order to firm up its financial
standing, it agreed to entertain the merger and takeover offer of Proficient Corporation
(Proficient), the leading company in their line of business. Erica, the major stockholder of
Santorini, strongly opposed the merger and takeover. The matter of the merger and takeover
by Proficient was included in the agenda of the next meeting of Santorini’s Board of
Directors. However, owing to Erica’s serious illness that required her to seek urgent medical
treatment and care in Singapore, she failed to attend the meeting and was consequently
unable to cast her vote. The Board of Directors approved the merger and takeover. At the
time of the meeting, Santorini had been in the red for a number of years owing to its
recurring business losses and reverses.

Erica seeks your legal advice regarding her right as a stockholder opposed to the corporate
action. Explain your answer. (4%)


Erica may exercise her appraisal right. Appraisal right is the right of the stockholder to
demand the payment of the fair value of his shares after dissenting from a corporate act in
the cases specified by law. Merger is one of those instances (Section 81 gf the Corporation
Code). It is imperative, however, that she attends the stockholders’ meeting or files her
written dissent, otherwise, she cannot exercise such right.


Samito is the President and a Director of Lucky Bank (Lucky), a commercial bank holding its
main office in Makati. His brother, Othello, owned a big fishing business based in Malabon.
Othello applied for a loan of P50 million with Lucky. Othello followed the ordinary banking
procedures in all the stages of the processing of his application. When required, he made the
necessary arrangements to guarantee the loan. Thus, in addition to the real estate mortgage,
Othello executed a joint and solidary suretyship, issued postdated checks, and submitted all other
requirements prescribed by Lucky.

When the loan application was about to be approved and the pro ceeds released, BG Company, a
keen competitor of Othello in the fishing in dustry, wrote to the Board of Directors and the
management of Lucky ques tioning the loan on the ground of conflict of interest due to Samito
and Othello being brothers, citing the legal restriction against bank exposure of
directors, officers, stockholders or their related interests. (DOSRI).

(a) What are the three restrictions imposed by law on DOSRI transactions? (4%)


(a) The restrictions are as follows:

(1) The Transactions must be approved by at least majority of the entire board excluding
the director concerned;

(2) The required approval shall be entered upon the records of the bank and copy of such
entry shall be submitted to the BSP;)

(3) Unless the loan is non-risk, the loan must not exceed the book value of the paid up
shares of the borrowing DOSRI and the amount of unencumbered deposits. (Section 36 of
RA 8791).

(b) Is BG Company’s opposition based on conflict of interest and violation of the restrictions on
DOSRI transactions legally and factually correct? Explain your answer. (4%)

(b) BG Company’s opposition based on conflict of interest and violation of the restrictions
on DOSRI transactions are not legally and factually correct. The “related interest” referred
to under DOSRI ex tends only to the spouse of any Director, Officer or Stockholder, his
ascen dants and descendants up to the first degree of affinity or consanguinity. Brothers
are second degree relatives and as such, cannot be considered DOSRI accounts.

(Note: It is recommended that the examinees be given outright credit for this question
regardless of the answer because the question is answerable based on the Manual of
Banking regulations, which are not included in the syllabus).



Hortencio owned a modest grocery business in Laguna. Because of the economic downturn, he
incurred huge financial liabilities. He remained afloat only because of the properties inherited
from his parents who had both come from landed families in Laguna. His main creditor was
Puresilver Company (Puresilver), the principal supplier of the merchandise sold in his store.

To secure his credit with Puresilver, he executed a real estate mortgage with a (dragnet clause
involving his family’s assets worth several millions of pesos.

Nonetheless, Hortencio, while generally in the black, now faces a situation where he is unable to
pay his liabilities as they fall due in the ordinary course of business. What will you advise him to
do to resolve his dire financial condition? Explain your answer. (5%)


If Hortencio is doing business as a registered sole proprietorship, he can file a petition for
rehabilitation. Under FRIA, a sole proprietorship can now file a petition for rehabilitation.
The remedy may be availed of in case of actual or technical insolvency. In the petition, he
can pray for the issuance of a commencement order which includes a stay order. The stay
order, once issued, has the effect of enjoining the enforcement of claims against Hortencio.

If Hortencio is not registered as a sole proprietorship, he can file a petition for suspension
of payments in the court of the city or province in which he has resided for six months
prior to the filing of the petition, a remedy available to an individual debtor who has more
assets than liabilities but foresees the impossibility of paying his debts when they
respectively fall due (Section 94, FRIA).


Wyatt, an internet entrepreneur, engaged in a sideline business of creating computer programs

for selected clients on a per project basis and for servicing basic computer problems of his
friends and family members. His main job was being an IT consultant at Futurex Co., a local
computer company.

Because of his ill-advised investments in the stock market and the fraud perpetrated against him
by his trusted confidante, Wyatt was already drowning in debt, that is, he had far more liabilities
than his entire assets.

What legal recourse remained available to Wyatt? Explain your answer. (5%)

If Wyatt is registered as sole proprietorship, he may file a petition for rehabilitation or

voluntary liquidation. Under FRIA, an insolvent debtor may file a petition for
rehabilitation even if the assets are less than liabilities. The petition should include a
rehabilitation plan and nominee for rehabilitation receiver. He can also file a petition for
voluntary liquidation since his liabilities exceed his assets. The objective of liquidation is to
get a discharge, maximize recovery of assets and effect equitable distribution of such assets
based on the rules on concurrence and preference of credit.

If he is not registered as a sole proprietorship, he may only file a petition for voluntary
liquidation since his assets are less than liabilities (Section 103 of FRIA). Petition for
suspension of payments is not available as a remedy to an individual debtor not registered
as a sole proprietorship.



Virtucio was a composer of Ilocano songs who has been quite popu lar in the Ilocos Region.
Pascuala is a professor of music in a local university with special focus on indigenous music.
When she heard the musical work of Virtucio, she purchased a CD of his works. She copied the
CD and sent the second copy to her Music class with instructions for the class to listen to the CD
and analyze the works of Virtucio.

Did Pascuala thereby infringe Virtucio’s copyright? Explain your an swer. (4%)


Pascuala did not infringe on the rights of Virtucio. The fair use of a copyrighted work for
criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching including limited number of copies for
classroom use, scholarship, research and similar purposes is not an infringement of
copyright (Section 185 of RA 8293, as amended). In this case, Virtucio’s reproduction of
the limited number of CD was før classroom use and educational purposes thus negating
copyright infringement.


Super Biology Corporation (Super Biology) invented and patented a miracle medicine for the
cure of AIDS. Being the sole manufacturer, Super Biology sold the medicine at an exorbitant
price. Because of the sudden prevalence ofAIDS cases in Metro Manila and other urban areas,
the Department of Health (DOH) asked Super Biology for a license to produce and sell the
AIDS medicine to the public at a substantially lower price. Super Biology, citing the huge costs
and expenses incurred for research and development, rerused.

Assuming you are asked your opinion as the legal consultant of DOH, discuss how you will
resolve the matter. (4%)


DOH may file a petition for compulsory license with the Director. of Legal Affairs of the
Intellectual Property Office to exploit the patented medicine even without the agreement of
the patent owner on the ground of public interest, in particular, health (Section 193 of RA
8293, as amended). Once granted, the DOH may then produce and sell the AIDS medicines
for a cheaper price subject to payment of reasonable royalties to Super Biology.



Flora, a frequent traveller, found a purse concealed between the cushions of a large sofa inside
the VIP lounge in NAIA while she was waiting for her flight to be called. Inside the purse was a
very valuable diamond-studded necklace. She decided not to turn over the purse to the airport
management, and instead to keep it. On her return from her travels, she had a dependable
jeweller appraise the necklace, and the latter told her that the necklace was easily worth at least
P5 million in the open market. To test the appraisal, she pawned the necklace for P2 million. She
then deposited the entire amount in her checking account with Metro Bank. Promptly, Metro
Bank reported the transaction to the Anti-Money Laundering Council (AMLC).

Given that her appropriation of the necklace was theft, may Flora be successfully prosecuted for
money laundering? Explain briefly your answer. (4%)


Flora may not be prosecuted for money laundering. Money laundering is a crime whereby
the proceeds of an unlawful activity are transacted making it appear that they originated
from legitimate sources. One of the ways of committing money laundering is if a person
knows the cash relates to unlawful activity and transaction. Under the rules implementing
the Anti-Money Laundering Law, however, only qualified theft (not) simple theft) is
considered an unlawful activity. In the case presented, the theft committed by Flora did not
become qualified because it was not committed with grave abuse of discretion.


Prosperous Bank is a domestic bank with head office in Makati. It handles the banking
requirements of thousands of clients.

The AMLC initiated a discreet investigation of the financial transactions of Lorenzo, a suspected
drug trafficker based in Naga City. The intelligence group of the AMLC, in coordination with
the counterpart group from the PDEA and the NBI, gathered ample evidence establishing
Lorenzo’s unlawful drug activities. The AMLC had probable cause that his deposits
and investments in various banks, including Prosperous Bank, were related to money

Accordingly, the AMLC now transmits to Prosperous Bank a formal demand to allow its
agents to examine the banking transactions of Lorenzo, but Prosperous Bank refuses the

Is Prosperous Bank’s refusal justified? Explain your answer. (4%)


Prosperous Bank’s refusal is not justified. Notwithstanding the provisions of RA 1405, RA

6426 and RA 8791, the AMLC may inquire into or examine any particular deposit or
investment with any bank or non-bank financial institution if there is a probable cause that
the deposits are related to unlawful activity under the Anti-money laundering law, as in
this case. Bank inquiry order from the court is not necessary since the predicate crime is
violation of the Dangerous Drugs Law (Section 11 of RA 9160, as amended).



Alfred issued a check for P1,000.00 to Benjamin, his friend, as pay ment for an electronic
gadget. The check was drawn against Alfred’s account with Good Bank. Benjamin then indorsed
the check specially in favor of Ce sar. However, Cesar misplaced the check. Dexter, a dorm mate
of Cesar, found the check altered its amount to P91,000.00 and forged Cesar’s indorsement by
way of a blank indorsement in favor of Felix, a known jeweler. Felix then caused the deposit of
the check in his account with Solar Bank. As collect ing bank, Solar Bank stamped “all previous
indorsements guaranteed” on the check. Seeing such stamp of the collecting bank, Good Bank
paid the amount of P91,000.00 on the check.

May Good Bank claim reimbursement from Alfred? Explain your answer. (4%)


Good Bank may claim reimbursement from Alfred but only for the amount of P1,000. It
cannot recover the Php90,000 difference because payment made under a materially altered
check is not payment done in accordance with the instructions of the drawer. When Good
Bank did not pay according to the tenor of the instrument, then it has no right to claim
reimbursement from Alfred much less the right to deduct the erroneous payment it made
from Alfred’s account (Metrobank v. Cablizo, G.R. No. 154469, December 6, 2006, 510
SCRA 259; Areza v. Express Savings Bank, G.R. No. 176697, September 10, 2014).


No. Good Bank cannot claim reimbursement from Alfred. The general rule is that in case
of forgery of the indorsement of the payee of the check, the drawer cannot debit the
drawer’s account and the loss shall be borne by the drawee bank. The depository or
collecting bank is liable to the drawee bank in case of forged endorsement (or
endorsements other than the payee) because it guarantees all prior endorsements.


In 2006, Donald, an American temporarily residing in Cebu City, is sued to Rhodora a check for
$50,000 drawn against Wells Fargo Bank with offices in San Francisco, California. Rhodora
negotiated the check and delivered it to Yaasmin, a Filipina socialite who frequently travelled
locally and internationally. Because of her frequent travels, Yaasmin misplaced the check. It was
only 11 years later on, in 2017, when she found the check inside a diary kept in her vault in her
Hollywood, California house.

Discuss and explain the rights of Yaasmin on the check. (4%)

Yasmin can not enforce the check against Donald and Rhodora since more than ten years
had lapsed from check issuance. Action on the check is barred by the statute of limitations


This is a case of stale check, a check not presented within a reasonable time from issuance,
hence, Wells Fargo will be justified in refusing to honor the check if presented for payment.
What Yasmin can do is to request’ Donald the drawer to issue a new check to Yasmin in
her capacity as the endorsee of Rhodora, the original payee. Donald, the drawer shall be
discharged from liability only if the delay caused nim prejudice (Art 1249 of the Civil


Wisconsin Transportation Co., Inc. (WTC) owned and operated an inter-island deluxe bus
service plying the Manila-Batangas-Mindoro route. Three friends, namely: Aurelio, Jerome, and
Florencio rode on the same WTC bus from Manila bound for Mindoro. Aurelio purchased a
ticket for himself. Jerome, being a boyhood friend of the bus driver, was allowed a free ride by
agreeing to sit during the trip on a stool placed in the aisle. Florencio, already penniless after
spending all of his money on beer the night before, just stole a ride in the bus by hiding in the on-
board toilet of the bus.

During the trip, the bus collided with another bus coming from the opposite direction. The three
friends all suffered serious physical injuries.

What are WTC’s liabilities, if any, in favor of Aurelio, Jerome, and Florencio? Explain your
answer. (4%)


WTC, as a common carrier, is liable to Aurelio for breach of contract of carriage. In case
of death or injury to passenger, there is a presumption of fault on the part of the common
carrier unless it exercised extraordinary diligence in ensuring the safety of its passengers.
WTC is also liable to Jerome for breach of contract although Jerome was carried
gratuitously. However, for Jerome, a stipulation limiting the liability of WTC for
negligence is valid but not for willful acts or gross negligence (Article 1758 of the Civil
Code). There being no contract of carriage between WTC and Florencio, WTC is not liable
to Florencio for breach of contract, but WTC may be liable for a quasi-delict, if its driver
was driving negligently.



(a) A conviction under the Trust Receipts Law shall bar a prosecution for estafa under the
Revised Penal Code. (2%)


(a) True, because the criminal violation of the trust receipts agreement as when the
entrustee does not deliver the proceeds of the sale of the goods subject of the trust receipt
or fails to return the goods in case of non sale already constitutes estafa under the Revised
Penal Code.

(b) The term capital in relation to public utilities under Sec. 11, Art. XII of the 1987 Constitution
refers to the total outstanding capital stock comprising both common and non-voting preferred
shares. (2%)


(b) False, because it only relates to common and voting preferred shares as held in Heirs of
Gamboa v. Teves (G.R. No. 176579, October 9, 2012). To construe broadly the term capital
as the total outstanding capital stock including both common and non voting preferred
shares, “grossly contravenes the intent and letter of the Constitution that the State shall
develop a self-reliant and independent national economy effectively controlled by Filipino
citizens. Control means owning the shares that are allowed to vote the directors of the
corporation who will manage and con trol the business affairs thereof.

(Note: An answer based on the most recent case of Roy v. Herbosa, G.R. No. 207246, April
18, 2017 (a case decided after the cut-off date of the 2017 Bar exams ) where the SC held that
the term capital means both the voting shares and the total outstanding capital stock should also
be considered correct].

(c) Forgery is a real defense but may only be raised against a holder not in due course. (2%)


(C) False, because forgery, as a real defense, can be raised even against a holder in due

(d) News reports are not copyrightable. (2%)


(d) True. Under Section 175 of the Intellectual Property Code (R.A. 8293, June 6, 1997)
“news of the day and other miscellaneous facts having the character of mere items of press
information” are “un protected subject matter”, therefore, not copyrightable.

(e) The law on life insurance prohibits double insurance. (2%)


False. Double insurance only applies to property insurance.


Onassis Shipping, Inc. (Onassis) operated passenger vessels and car. go trucks, and offered its
services to the general public. In line with its vision and mission to protect the environment, Go-
Green Asia (Go-Green), an NGO affiliated with Greenpeace, entered into a contract with Onassis
whereby Go Green would operate with its own crew the M/V Dolphin, an ocean-going passenger
vessel of Onassis.
While on its way to Palawan carrying Go-Green’s invited guests who were international and
local observers desirous of checking certain environ mental concerns in the area, the M/V.
Dolphin encountered high waves and strong winds caused by a typhoon in the West Philippine
Sea. The rough seas led to serious physical injuries to some of the guests.

Discuss the liabilities of Onassis and Go-Green to the passengers of the M/V Dolphin. Explain
briefly your answer. (3%)


The contract that Onassis and Greenpeace entered into is a bare boat or demise charter
because Greenpeace was not only given possession of the vessel but also the command and
control of the navigation as a out of its authority to hire its own crew who will man the
vessel. The bareboat charter effectively converts Onassis from a common carrier to a
private carrier (Federal Phoenix Assurance v. Fortune Sea Carrier. Inc.. G.R. No. 188118,
November 23, 2015). Being a mere lessor, and having ceased to be the owner of the vessel
with respect to the navigation. Onas sic has no liability to the passengers who contracted
with Greenpeace Greenpeace is the one liable to the passengers for the injuries they sus.
tained in the course of the navigation.

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