Til P59 Göldën Remedial-Law-Pre-Week
Til P59 Göldën Remedial-Law-Pre-Week
Til P59 Göldën Remedial-Law-Pre-Week
Pre-Week Notes 2023
circumstances, courts
may deny the
SUBSTANTIVE LAW REMEDIAL LAW retroactive application
As to the Definition of procedural laws in
the event that to do so
UST 1611
Part of the law which
would not be feasible or
creates, defines or regulates
would work injustice;
3. Cases of first impression (Ha Datu Tawahig, et al v. 1. Where special and important reasons are present;
Hon. Cebu City Prosecutor I Lineth Lapinid, et al., 2. When dictated by public welfare and policy,
supra.); 3. When demanded by interest of justice;
4. Where the challenged orders are patent nullities;
5. Where compelling circumstances warrant;
Cases to be decided by Supreme Court En Banc
RTCs are courts of general jurisdiction. 1. All cases involving the constitutionality of a treaty, international or executive agreement, or law (Sec. 4(2), Art. VIII, 1987
1. Boundary dispute NOTE: Since there is no legal provision specifically governing jurisdiction over boundary 2. All other cases which under the Rules of Court are required to be heard en banc (Ibid.);
between municipalities disputes between a municipality and an independent component city of the same province, 3. All cases involving the constitutionality, application or operation of presidential decrees, proclamations, orders,
it follows that RTCs have the power and authority to hear and determine such controversy. instructions, ordinances and other regulations (Ibid.);
(Municipality of Kananga v. Madrona, G.R. No. 141375, 30 Apr. 2003) 4. Cases where the required number of votes in a division is not obtained (Sec. 4(3), Art. VIII, 1987 Constitution);
RTC because it is incapable of pecuniary estimation. It does not involve the recovery of 5. Cases involving a modification or reversal of a doctrine or principle laid down previously in a decision rendered en banc
sum of money. Rather, it deals with the exercise by the government of its authority and right (Ibid.);
2. Expropriation
to take property for public use. (Brgy. San Roque v. Heirs of Pastor, G.R. No. 138896, 20 June 6. Cases involving the discipline of judges of lower courts (Sec. 11, Art. VIII, 1987 Constitution); and
2000) 7. Contests relating to the election, returns, and qualifications of the President or Vice-president. (Sec. 4, Art. VII, 1987
GR: An action for damages for abuse of right as an incident to dismissal is within the Constitution)
exclusive jurisdiction of the labor arbiter.
XPNs: Exclusive Original
1. The labor arbiter has no jurisdiction for claims of damages based on quasi-delict which
has no reasonable connection with the employer-employee relations claims under the Labor
3. Labor dispute
Code. (Ocheda v. CA, G.R. No. 85517, 16 Oct. 1992)
2. Jurisdiction over the dispute belongs to the regular courts where the claim is in reference
to the general civil law and not in either the Labor Code, other labor relations statute, or a
collective bargaining agreement. (Esico v. Alphaland Corp., G.R. No. 216716, 17 Nov. 2021, J.
The MTC has exclusive original jurisdiction. Under the Revised Rules on Summary
4. Forcible entry and Procedure, MTCs, MTCCs, and MCTCs have jurisdiction over all cases of forcible entry and
unlawful detainer unlawful detainer, irrespective of the amount of damages or unpaid rentals sought to be
recovered. (Sec. 1(A)(1), Revised Rules on Summary Procedure)
5. Authority to conduct Petitions for issuance of writs of certiorari,
administrative prohibition and mandamus against the following:
investigations over local It is entrusted to the Secretary of Local Government and concurrent with the
elective officials and to Ombudsman upon enactment of R.A. No. 6770. There is nothing in the Local Government 1. Court of Appeals;
impose preventive Code of 1991 to indicate that it has repealed, whether expressly or impliedly, the pertinent 2. Court of Tax Appeals;
suspension over elective provisions of the Ombudsman Act. (Hagad v. Dadole, G.R. No. 108072, 12 Dec. 1995) 3. Commission on Elections En Banc;
provincial or city 4. Commission on Audit;
Petitions for issuance of writs of certiorari, prohibition and
officials 5. Sandiganbayan.
mandamus against the following:
The Ombudsman must yield to the Division School Superintendent in the investigation
NOTE: The certiorari jurisdiction of the SC has been
of administrative charges against public school teachers. 1. Court of Appeals;
rigorously streamlined, such as that Rule 65 admits
6. Public school teachers cases based on the specific grounds provided therein.
XPN: If the school superintendent is the complainant or an interested party, all the members
The Rule applies if there is no appeal or any other
of the committee shall be appointed by the Secretary of Education. (Ombudsman v. Galicia,
plain, speedy, and adequate remedy in the ordinary
G.R. No. 167711, 10 Oct. 2008)
course of law. The independent action for certiorari
COA has the primary jurisdiction to pass upon the money claim. It is within the COA's
will lie only if grave abuse of discretion is alleged and
domain to pass upon money claims against the government or any subdivision thereof as
proven to exist. (Lagua v. CA, G.R. No. 173390, 27 Jun.
provided for under Sec. 26 of the Government Auditing Code of the Philippines. Courts may
7. Enforcement of a money raise the issue of primary jurisdiction sua sponte (on its own will or motion; means to act
claim against a local spontaneously without prompting from another party) and its invocation cannot be waived
government unit by the failure of the parties to argue it as the doctrine exists for the proper distribution of
power between judicial and administrative bodies and not for the convenience of the
parties. (Euro-Med Laboratories, Phil., Inc. v. Province of Batangas, G.R. No. 148106, 17 Jul.
Concurrent with CA
1. Petitions for issuance of writs of certiorari,
prohibition and mandamus against the following:
7. METROPOLITAN TRIAL COURTS, MUNICIPAL TRIAL COURTS, 1. Actual or constructive seizure of the property under
(R.A. No. 11576, An Act Further Expanding the Jurisdiction of First-Level Courts) the law; or
2. As a result of the institution of legal proceedings, in
CIVIL CASES CRIMINAL CASES which the power of the court is recognized and made
Exclusive Original 1. JURISDICTION OVER THE SUBJECT MATTER effective. (Biaco v. Philippine Countryside Rural Bank,
1. Actions involving personal property where the value of G.R. No. 161417, 08 Feb. 2007)
the property does not exceed P2,000,000; (B.P. 129, as GR: Jurisdiction over the subject matter cannot be waived,
amended by R.A. No. 11576) 1. All offenses punishable with imprisonment not enlarged or diminished by stipulation of the parties. If the action is in rem or quasi in rem, jurisdiction over the
2. Actions for claim of money where the demand does not exceeding 6 years irrespective of the amount of fine (Republic v. Estipular, G.R. No. 136588, 20 Jul. 2000) person of the defendant is not required. What is required is
exceed P2,000,000; (B.P. 129, as amended by R.A. No. and regardless of other imposable accessory or jurisdiction over the res, although summons must be served
11576) other penalties; XPN: Estoppel by laches, by failure to object to the upon the defendant in order to satisfy the requirements of
jurisdiction of the court for a long period of time and by due process. (Gomez v. CA, G.R. No. 127692, 10 Mar. 2004)
3. Probate proceedings, testate or intestate, where the 2. In offenses involving damage to property through
invoking its jurisdiction in obtaining affirmative relief.
value of the estate does not exceed P2,000,000 criminal negligence where the imposable fine does
(Tijam v. Sibonghanoy, G.R. No. L-21450, 15 Apr. 1968)
NOTE: In the foregoing, claim is exclusive of interest, not exceed P10,000 (Sec. 32, B.P. 129 as amended by
damages, attorney’s fees, litigation expense, and cost.
(B.P. 129, as amended by R.A. No. 11576) 3. Where the only penalty provided by law is a fine not
4. Actions involving title to or possession of real property or exceeding P4,000 (Admin. Circular No. 09-94, June
any interest therein where the value or amount does not 14, 1994); How Jurisdiction over the Plaintiff and Defendant is
exceed P400,000 exclusive of interest damages, 4. Those covered by the Rules on Summary Procedure, acquired JURISDICTION
attorney’s fees, litigation expense, and costs (2008 BAR); i.e.: It is any act of the court
(B.P. 129, as amended by R.A. No. 11576) PLAINTIFF DEFENDANT
pursuant to such authority,
a. Violations of traffic laws, rules and 1. By his or her
5. Maritime claims where the demand or claim does not Acquired when the It is the authority to hear which includes making
regulations; voluntary
exceed P2,000,000 (B.P. 129, as amended by R.A. No. action is commenced and decide cases. It does decisions. If there is
b. Violations of the rental law;
11576); appearance in court not depend upon the jurisdiction over the person
c. Violations of municipal or city ordinances; by the filing of the
6. Inclusion or exclusion of voters (Sec. 138, B.P. 881); and his submission to regularity of the exercise and subject matter, the
d. Violations of B.P. 22 (A.M. No. 00-11-01-SC); complaint. This
its authority; or of that power or upon resolution of all other
7. Those covered by the Rules on Summary Procedure: and presupposes payment
2. By valid service of the rightfulness of the questions arising in the case
8. Forcible entry and unlawful detainer; e. All other criminal cases where the penalty is of the docket fees.
summons. decision made. (Lim, et is but an exercise of
9. Those covered by the Rules on Small Claims, i.e., actions imprisonment not exceeding 6 months and/or
al. v. Hon. Felipe jurisdiction. (Herrera v.
for payment of money where the claim does not exceed a fine of P1,000 irrespective of other penalties
Pacquing, et al., G.R. No. Baretto, G.R. No. 8692, 10
P1,000,000, exclusive of interest and costs. (A.M. No. 08- or civil liabilities arising therefrom;
3. JURISDICTION OVER THE ISSUES 115044, 01 Sept. 1994) Sept. 1913; Palma v. Q&S, Inc.,
8-7-SC) 5. All offenses committed by public officers and
G.R. No. L-20366, 16 May
employees in relation to their office, including
How Jurisdiction over the Issues Conferred 1966)
government-owned or –controlled corporations,
and by private individuals charged as co-principals,
GR: It is conferred and determined by the pleadings of the
accomplices or accessories, punishable with
parties that present the issues to be tried and determined F. JURISDICTION vs. VENUE
imprisonment not more than 6 years or where none
whether or not the issues are of fact or of law. (Riano, 2019)
of the accused holds a position classified as “Grade
27” and higher. (Sec. 4, P.D. No. 1606, as amended by
XPNs: It may be conferred: VENUE JURISDICTION
R.A. No. 8249)
As to Definition
1. By stipulation of the parties, as when in the pre-trial,
the parties enter into stipulations of facts and Refers to the place Refers to the authority
Delegated documents or enter into an agreement simplifying the where the case is to be of the court to hear and
issues of the case. (Sec. 2(b), Rule 18, ROC, as amended); heard or tried. (Riano, determine a case.
Cadastral or land registration cases covering lots where:
2019) (Riano, 2019)
1. There is no controversy or opposition;
2. By express or implied consent of the parties, when
2. Contested, but the value does not exceed P100,000 (Sec.
issues not raised by the pleadings are tried, such issues As to Law
34, B.P. 129, as amended by R.A. No. 7691)
shall be treated in all respects as if they had been raised It is a matter of
Special in the pleadings. (Sec. 5, Rule 10, ROC, as amended) procedural law.
Petition for habeas corpus in the absence of all RTC judges in Application for bail in the absence of all RTC judges in the
4. JURISDICTION OVER THE RES Hence, a wrong venue a
the province or city. (Sec. 35, B.P. 129) province or city.
OR THE PROPERTY IN LITIGATION mere procedural It is a matter of
with RTC infirmity, not a substantive law.
Cases involving enforcement or violations of environmental Jurisdiction over the res or property in litigation is acquired jurisdictional defect. (Riano, 2019)
and other related laws, rules and regulations. (Sec. 2, Rule 1, either by: (Riano, 2019, citing
A.M. No. 09-6-8-SC) Pilipinas Shell
Petroleum Corporation
v. Royal Ferry Services,
5. Where the dispute involves real properties 2. Violations of the rental law;
located in different cities or municipalities
unless the parties thereto agree to submit 3. Violations of municipal or city
their differences to amicable settlement by ordinances;
an appropriate lupon;
4. Violations of B.P. 22 (A.M. No.
When punishable by imprisonment of not
6. Disputes involving parties who actually 00-11-01-SC, April 15, 2003);
more than 1 year or fine of not more than
reside in barangays of different cities or
P5,000. (Sec. 408, LGC)
municipalities, except where such 5. All other criminal cases
barangay units adjoin each other and the imvolving penalty of
parties thereto agree to submit their imprisonment not exceeding
differences to amicable settlement by an one (1) year or a fine not
appropriate lupon; exceeding P50,000.00 or both,
and a fine not exceeding
7. Such other classes of disputes which the P150,000.00 for offenses ;
President may determine in the interest of involving damage to property
justice or upon the recommendation of the through criminal negligence.
Secretary of Justice (Sec. 408, Local
Government Code);
1. In Rem
2. Res judicata – if the first action has already been D. PARTIES TO CIVIL ACTIONS
terminated – that the cause of action is barred by a prior (RULE 3)
judgment or by the statute of limitations. (Sec. 12(a),
Rule 15, ROC, as amended)
Who may be Parties to a Civil Action
Requisites of Joinder of Causes of Action
1. Natural persons;
1. The party shall comply with the rules on joinder of 2. Juridical persons:
parties (Sec. 6, Rule 3, ROC, as amended): a. The State and its political subdivisions;
a. Right to relief exists in favor of or against several
persons; b. Other corporations, institutions and entities for
b. Right to relief arises out of the same transaction or public interest or purpose, created by law; and
series of transaction; and
c. There is a common question of law of law or fact. c. Corporations, partnerships and associations for
private interest or purpose to which the law grants
2. The joinder shall not include special civil actions a juridical personality, separate and distinct from
governed by special rules; that of each shareholder, partner or member (Art.
44, NCC);
3. Where the causes of action are between the same
parties but pertain to different venues or jurisdictions, 3. Entities authorized by law:
the joinder may be allowed in the RTC provided one of
the causes of action falls within the jurisdiction of said a. Corporation by estoppel is precluded from denying
court and venue lies therein; and its existence and the members thereof can be sued
and be held liable as general partners (Sec. 21,
4. Totality Test - Where claims in all causes of action are Corporation Code);
principally for recovery of money, the aggregate
Registered Mail
Ordinary Mail
1. RULES ON PAYMENT OF DOCKET FEES; EFFECT OF the payment of legal fees by virtue of the court’s fiscal
NON-PAYMENT independence. (A.M. No. 12-2-03-0, 13 Mar. 2012)
The payment of the docket and other legal fees within the 7. If the plaintiff fails to comply with the jurisdictional
prescribed period is both mandatory and jurisdictional. requirement of payment of the docket fees, the
(Gonzales v. Pe, G.R. No. 167398, 09 Aug. 2011) defendant should timely raise the issue of jurisdiction
otherwise the latter may be estopped. (National Steel
Rules regarding Payment of Docket Fees Corporation v. CA, G.R. No. 123215, 02 Feb. 1999)
1. Electronic Service – at
the time of the electronic
1. In Manchester Development Corporation v. CA, a NOTE: The Manchester Doctrine, on one hand, applies
transmission of the
court acquires jurisdiction only upon payment of the when there is a deliberate, willful, and intentional refusal,
document or when
prescribed docket fee. (G.R. No. 75919, 07 May 1987) avoidance, or evasion to pay the filing fee. The Sun
available, at the time that
1. By Electronic Means – made by sending an e-mail to the Insurance, on the other hand, applies if there is otherwise
the electronic
party’s or counsel’s electronic mail address, or through 2. A defect in the original pleading resulting in the and that the insufficiency of payment was brought about
notification of service of
other electronic means of transmission as the parties may Affidavit of service by the underpayment of the docket fee cannot be cured by without bad faith.
the document is sent;
agree on, or upon direction of the court. person sending the e-mail, amendment, such as the reduction of the claim. This is
2. facsimile, or other electronic because, for all legal purposes, since there is no original 2. EFFICIENT USE OF PAPER RULE; E-FILING
NOTE: It is not effective if
3. By Facsimile – made by sending a facsimile copy to the transmission, together with complaint over which the court has acquired (A.M. No. 10-3-7-SC and A.M. No. 11-9-4-SC,
the party serving the
party’s or counsel’s given facsimile number. printed proof of transmittal. jurisdiction. (Manchester Development Corporation v. as revised, approved on 22 Feb. 2022)
document learns that it did
(Sec. 17, Rule 13, ROC, as CA, G.R. No. 75919, 07 May 1987)
not reach the addressee or
NOTE: Service by electronic means and facsimile shall be amended) Date and Time of Filing
person to be served.
made if the party concerned consents to such modes of 3. In Sun Insurance Office, Ltd v. Asuncion, while the
service. payment of prescribed docket fee is a jurisdictional When Deemed to have
2. Facsimile – upon receipt Manner of Filing
requirement, even its non-payment at the time of filing been Filed
by other party as
does not automatically cause the dismissal of the case, The same shall be deemed to
indicated in the facsimile When the paper or
as long as the fee is paid within the applicable have been filed on the date
printout (Sec. 15, Rule 13, hard copy is filed in and time of filing of the
prescriptive or reglementary period, more so when the
ROC, as amended); person, by registered hard copy, not the date and
party involved demonstrates a willingness to abide by
mail, or by accredited time of the transmission of
the rules prescribing such payment. Thus, when the electronic copy.
insufficient filing fees were initially paid by the
plaintiffs and there was no intention to defraud the The date of the electronic
government, the Manchester rule does not apply. transmission shall be
(Heirs of Hinog v. Melico, G.R. No. 140954, 12 Apr. 2005, considered as the date of
citing Sun Insurance Office, Ltd. v. Asuncion, G.R. No. filing, provided that express
79937-38, 13 Feb. 1989) permission is granted by the
Publication Court for the online filing of
4. The same rule applies to permissive counterclaims, the following documents:
third party claims and similar pleadings, which shall When the manner of
i. Initiatory pleadings
When a party summoned by publication has failed to appear not be considered filed until and unless the filing fee filing of the paper or
and initial
in the action, judgments, final orders or resolutions against prescribed therefor is paid. The court may also allow other court submission
him shall be served upon him also by publication at the payment of said fee within a reasonable time but also in is made online (e.g. by
expense of the prevailing party. no case beyond its applicable prescriptive or electronic mail or other
ii. Appendices and
reglementary period. means pursuant to Sec.
exhibits to motions
3(d), Rule 13, of the
or other documents
Substituted Service 5. Where the trial court acquires jurisdiction over a claim 2019 Amendments to
that are not readily
by the filing of the appropriate pleading and payment the 1997 Rules of Civil
amenable to
of the prescribed filing fee but, subsequently, the Procedure
electronic scanning;
If service of pleadings, motions, notices, resolutions, orders
judgment awards a claim not specified in the pleading, and
and other papers cannot be made through personal service or or if specified the same has been left for determination
The service is complete at iii. Sealed and
by mail the office and place of residence of the party or his or by the court, the additional filing fee therefor shall
the time of such delivery. confidential
her counsel being unknown, service may be made by constitute a lien on the judgment. It shall be the
(Sec. 8, Rule 13, ROC, as documents or
delivering the copy to the clerk of court, with proof of failure
amended) responsibility of the Clerk of Court or his duly records
of both personal service and service by mail. (Sec. 8, Rule 13, authorized deputy to enforce said lien and assess and
ROC, as amended) collect the additional fee. (Sun Insurance Office, Ltd. v.
Asuncion, G.R. No. 79937-38, 13 Feb. 1989) NOTE: In the absence of the express permission from the
Court to file the foregoing online, the date of filing shall be
6. Cooperatives can no longer invoke Republic Act No. the date when the hard copy was filed in person, sent by
6938, the Philippine Cooperative Act of 2008 (amended registered mail, or delivered to the accredited courier.
by Republic Act No. 9520), as basis for exemption from
The Philippine Government requested the Indonesian GR: A party not served with written interrogatories
Government to suspend the scheduled execution of Mary may not be compelled by the adverse party to give
Jane as her testimony is vital in the prosecution of Cristina testimony in open court, or to give a deposition pending
and Julius. The Indonesian authorities however imposed appeal.
some conditions relative to the taking of Mary Jane’s
testimony. Thereafter, the State, through the OSG, filed a
“Motion for Leave of Court to Take the Testimony of
2. EFFECT OF ORDER Any action of the court on a motion for judgment on the As to Merits
DENYING DEMURRER TO EVIDENCE S. JUDGMENTS AND FINAL ORDERS pleadings shall not be subject of an appeal or petition for May be interlocutory (i.e.,
certiorari, prohibition or mandamus. (Sec. 2, Rule 34, ROC, as partial summary
On the merits.
MOTION FOR amended) judgments) or on the
MOTION FOR DEMURRER DEMURRER GRANTED Requisites of a Valid Judgment merits.
APPEAL 1. The court or tribunal must be clothed with (RULE 35) 3. RENDITION AND ENTRY OF JUDGMENTS
Denial is interlocutory, hence, Order of the court is authority to hear and determine the matter before AND FINAL ORDERS
not appealable. Sec. 1, Rule 36, adjudication on the merits. it; Requisites of Summary Judgment (2015 BAR) (RULE 36)
which states “that judgment Hence, the requirement in 2. The court must have jurisdiction over the parties
should state clearly and Sec. 1, Rule 36 should be and the subject matter; 1. The motion shall cite the supporting affidavits, depositions Judgment may be penned by a Judge who did not
distinctly the facts and the law complied with. 3. The parties must have been given an opportunity or admissions, and the specific law relied upon; hear the Evidence
on which it is based,” will not to adduce evidence in their behalf;
apply. 4. The evidence must have been considered by the 2. The pleadings, supporting affidavits, depositions, and It is not necessary that the judge who heard the
tribunal in deciding the case; admissions show no genuine issue as to any material fact, evidence be the same judge who shall pen the decision.
DEMURRER TO EVIDENCE IN A CIVIL CASE vs. DEMURRER 5. The judgment must be in writing, personally and except for the amount of damages; and The judge who originally tried the case may die, resign,
TO EVIDENCE IN A CRIMINAL CASE directly prepared by the judge; and be disabled or transferred to another. In such an
(2007, 2003, 2001, 1996, 1991 BAR) 3. The party presenting the motion for summary judgment eventuality, another judge has to continue and finish
6. The judgment must clearly state the facts and the must be entitled to a judgment as a matter of law. the trial.
CIVIL CASE CRIMINAL CASE law on which it is based, signed by the judge and
How filed filed with the clerk of court. (Sec. 1, Rule 36) a) EFFECT OF ORDER DENYING ENTRY OF JUDGMENT AND FINAL ORDER
After the plaintiff The court may dismiss the A MOTION FOR SUMMARY JUDGMENT
has completed the action on the ground of 1. JUDGMENT ON THE PLEADINGS Entry of Judgment (2000 BAR)
Any action of the court on a motion for summary judgment shall
presentation of his or her insufficiency of evidence (1) (RULE 34)
not be subject of an appeal or petition for certiorari, prohibition It refers to the physical act performed by the clerk of
evidence, the defendant On its own initiative after
or mandamus. (Sec. 3, Rule 35, ROC, as amended) court in entering the dispositive portion of the
may move for dismissal giving the prosecution the a) GROUNDS
on the ground that upon opportunity to be heard or (2) judgment in the book of entries of judgment and after
Judgment on the Pleadings Vs. Summary Judgments (2016 the same has become final and executory. The record
the facts and the law the Upon demurrer to evidence Grounds for Judgment on the Pleadings (1999 BAR)
BAR) shall contain the dispositive portion of the judgment or
plaintiff has shown no filed by the accused with or
right to relief. (Sec. 1, without leave of court. (Sec. 23, 1. The answer fails to tender an issue because of: final order and shall be signed by the clerk of court, with
a. General denial of the material allegations of the JUDGMENT ON THE a certificate by said clerk that the judgment has already
Rule 33) Rule 119) SUMMARY JUDGMENT
PLEADINGS become final and executor. (Sec. 2, Rule 36, ROC, as
Leave of court complaint; (Rule 35)
b. Insufficient denial of the material allegations of (Rule 34) amended)
With or Without (Sec. 23, Rule
Not required the complaint; As to Basis
Based on the pleadings, When entered: If no appeal or motion for new trial or
If granted Based solely on the
2. The answer admits material allegations of the depositions, admissions and reconsideration is filed within the time provided in the
The plaintiff cannot make an pleadings.
The plaintiff may appeal adverse party’s pleadings. (Sec. 1, Rule 34, ROC, as affidavits. Rules, the judgment or final order shall forthwith be
appeal from the order of
from the order of amended) As to Availability entered by the clerk in the book of entries of judgments.
dismissal due to the
dismissal of the case. Generally available only (Sec. 2, Rule 36, ROC, as amended)
constitutional prohibition
(Sec. 1, Rule 33) Instances when Judgment on the Pleadings is not to the plaintiff, unless the Available to both plaintiff and
against double jeopardy.
applicable defendant presents a defendant. Finality of Judgment
If denied
The defendant may adduce his
The defendant may 1. Actions for declaration of nullity of marriage, As to Issue 1. Upon lapse of the reglementary period to appeal,
evidence only if the demurrer
proceed to adduce his annulment of marriage or for legal separation; The answer fails to There is no genuine issue with no appeal perfected within such period, the
is filed with leave of court.
evidence. 2. Unliquidated damages; tender an issue or there between the parties, i.e., there decision becomes final and executory (Sec. 1, Rule
3. Insufficiency of fact – amendment is the remedy. is an admission of may be issues but these are 39, Banco de Brasil v. CA, G.R. Nos. 121576-78, 16
If the plaintiff appeals from the order of dismissal
material allegations. irrelevant. June 2000); and
If plaintiff appeals and
judgment is reversed by
ON THE PLEADINGS 2. Upon lapse of the reglementary period to file an
the appellate court, it If the court finds the
MR, decision rendered by the SC becomes final and
will decide the case on prosecution’s evidence Action on Motion for Judgment on the Pleadings No notice to the adverse party is executory.
the basis of the plaintiff’s insufficient, it will grant the
required. However, the adverse
evidence with the demurrer by rendering The court may motu proprio or on motion render party may file a comment and Effect of Void Judgments (Doctrine of Total Nullity)
consequence that the judgment acquitting the judgment on the pleadings if it is apparent that the No notice to the adverse serve opposing affidavits,
defendant already loses accused. Judgment of acquittal answer fails to tender an issue, or otherwise admits the party is required. depositions, or admissions A void judgment is in legal effect no judgment. By it no
his or her right to is not appealable because material allegations of the adverse party’s pleadings. within a non-extendible period rights are divested, no rights can be obtained. Being
present evidence. No res double jeopardy sets in. Otherwise, the motion shall be subject to the provisions of five (5) calendar days from worthless in itself, all proceeding founded upon it are
judicata in dismissal due of Rule 15 of these Rules. receipt of motion. equally worthless. It neither binds nor bars anyone. All
to demurrer.
acts performed under it and all claims flowing out of it
are void.
When to file
Within the period for taking an appeal or within 15 days after notice to the appellant of the judgment or final order appealed
from. Where a record on appeal is required, the appellant shall file a notice of appeal and a record on appeal within 30 days
after notice of the judgment or final order. (Sec. 1, Rule 37, ROC, as amended) The filing of a timely motion interrupts the period
to appeal. (Sec. 2, Rule 40; Sec. 3, Rule 41, ROC, as amended)
NOTE: No motion for extension of time to file a Motion for New Trial or Motion for Reconsideration shall be allowed. (Sec. 2,
Rule 40, ROC, as amended)
GR: Single motion rule
No party shall be allowed a second motion for
Second motion may be allowed so long as based on grounds not existing reconsideration of a judgment or final order. (Sec.
or available at the time the first motion was made. (Sec. 5, Rule 37, ROC, 5, Rule 37, ROC, as amended)
as amended)
XPN: The SC may allow a second MR in the higher
interest of justice by the Court en banc upon a vote
NOTE: The affidavit must contain the following: NOTE: It would be an error to file the petition with the SC which
has no original jurisdiction to entertain a petition for
a. That the applicant is the owner of the property claimed, declaratory relief. (Tano v. Socrates, G.R. No. 110249, 14 Aug.
particular description of such entitlement to 1997)
possession particularly describing it, or is entitled to Review of Judgments of COMELEC AND COA (Rule 64 in relation to Rule 65)
the possession thereof;
Supreme Court on certiorari under
b. That the property is wrongfully detained by the adverse Supreme Court
Rule 65
party, alleging the cause of detention according to
Certiorari, Prohibition, Mandamus (Rule 65)
applicant’s knowledge, information and belief;
c. That the property has not been distrained or taken for
tax assessment or fine, or seized by writ of execution,
preliminary attachment, or placed in custodia legis, or if
so seized, that is exempt or should be released from
custody; and
RTC, if it is directed against a municipal trial court,
d. Actual market value of the property. (Sec. 2, Rule 60,
corporation, board, an officer or a person;
ROC, as amended)
Extends to discretionary acts. Extends to discretionary and Only for ministerial acts.
ministerial acts.
1. If the act constituting direct contempt was committed 1. Where the act was committed against an RTC or a court
against an RTC or a court of equivalent or higher rank, of equivalent or higher rank, he may be punished by a
the penalty is a fine not exceeding 2,000 pesos or fine not exceeding P30,000 or imprisonment not
imprisonment not exceeding 10 days, or both; exceeding 6 months, or both;
2. Where the act was committed against a lower court, he
2. If the act constituting direct contempt was committed may be punished by a fine not exceeding 5,000 pesos
against a lower court, the penalty is a fine not exceeding or imprisonment not exceeding one month, or both.
200 pesos or imprisonment not exceeding 1 day, or both Aside from the applicable penalties, if the contempt
(Sec. 1, Rule 71, ROC, as amended); consists in the violation of a writ of injunction, TRO or
3. If the contempt consists in the refusal or omission to do status quo order, he may also be ordered to make
an act which is yet within the power of the respondent to complete restitution to the party injured by such
perform, he may be imprisoned by order of the court violation of the property involved or such amount as
concerned until he performs it. may be alleged and proved (Sec. 7, Rule 71, ROC, as
3. Where the act was committed against a person or
entity exercising quasi-judicial functions, the penalty
Rule 98
RTC – when the gross value of the
estate exceeds P2,000,000. (Sec. 19, RTC – when the gross value of the
B.P. 129, as amended by R.A. No. estate exceeds P2,000,000. (Sec. 19,
1. If resident of the Philippines
11576) B.P. 129, as amended by R.A. No.
(whether citizen or alien) – Court of
the province/city where the 11576) Where the will was allowed or where the
MTC – when the gross value of the property or some portion thereof,
deceased resides at the time of death. Trustees
Settlement of Estate of Deceased estate does not exceed P2,000,000. MTC – when the gross value of the affected by the trust is situated. (Sec. 1,
Persons (Sec. 33, B.P. 129, as amended by R.A. estate does not exceed P2,000,000. Rule 98, ROC, as amended)
2. If non-resident – Court of any
No. 11576) (Sec. 33, B.P. 129, as amended by R.A.
province/city in which he or she had
estate. (Sec. 1, Rule 73, ROC, as No. 11576)
NOTE: MTC’s jurisdiction is
exclusive of interest, damages of
whatever kind, attorney’s fees,
Rule 103
litigation expenses and costs.
Where petitioner resides for at least 3
RTC (Sec. 1, Rule 103, ROC, as years prior to the date of filing of the
Change of name
Rule 91 amended) petition. (Sec. 1, in relation to Sec. 2, Rule
103, ROC, as amended)
Rule 108
Where the absentee resided before his SC, CA, RTC, MTC in the province or
RTC (Sec. 1, Rule 107, ROC, as
Declaration of absence and death disappearance. (Sec. 1, Rule 107, ROC, as city in case there is no RTC judge; SB
amended) Where the aggrieved party is detained
amended) Habeas Corpus only in aid of its appellate
jurisdiction. (Sec. 2, Rule 102, ROC, as
A.M. No. 02-06-02-SC/ R.A. No. 11642 amended)
Regional Alternative Child Care Family Court, CA, SC (Sec. 20, A.M.
RACCO where the adoptee resides (Sec.
Rescission of Adoption Office (RACCO). (Sec. 48, R.A. No. No. 03-04-04-SC)
48, R.A. No. 11642)
NOTE: A petition may be filed with
Inter-country Adoption NACC (Sec. 6, R.A. No. 11642)
the regular court in the absence of Where the petitioner resides or where
Habeas Corpus in Relation to Custody
A.M. No. 03-04-04-SC the presiding judge of the Family the minor may be found. (Sec. 3, A.M. No.
of Minors (Sec. 20, A.M. No. 03-04-04-SC)
Where petitioner resides or where the Court, provided, however, that the 03-04-04-SC)
Family Court (Sec. 3, A.M. No. 03-04-
Custody of Minors minor may be found. (Sec. 3, A.M. No. 03- regular court shall refer the case to
04-04-SC) the Family Court as soon as its
Rule 105 presiding judge returns to duty. (Sec.
20, A.M. No. 03-04-04-SC)
Judicial Approval of Voluntary Family Court (Sec. 1, Rule 105, ROC, Where the child resides. (Sec. 1, Rule 105,
Recognition of Minor Natural Children as amended) ROC, as amended)
A.M. No. 07-9-12-SC
A.M. No. 02-11-10-SC Where the threat, act or omission was
RTC, SB, CA or SC or any justice
Where petitioner or respondent has been Writ of Amparo committed or any of its elements
thereof (Sec. 3, A.M. No. 07-9-12-SC)
residing for at least 6 months prior to the occurred. (Sec. 3, A.M. No. 07-9-12-SC)
date of filing. A.M. No. 08-1-16-SC
Declaration of Nullity of Void Family Court (Sec. 3(b), A.M. No. 02-
Where the petitioner or respondent
Marriage/ Annulment of Marriage 11-10-SC) In case of non-resident respondent,
resides, or that which has jurisdiction
where he may be found, at the election of
RTC, SB, CA or SC or any justice over the place where the data or
the petitioner. (Sec. 4, A.M. No. 02-11-10- Writ of Habeas Data
thereof (Sec. 3, A.M. No. 08-1-16-SC) information is gathered, collected or
stored, at the option of the petitioner.
A.M. No. 02-11-11-SC (Sec. 3, A.M. No. 08-1-16-SC)
Where petitioner or respondent has been
A.M. No. 09-6-8-SC
residing for at least 6 months prior to the
Where the unlawful act, omission or
date of filing. SC or any stations of CA (Sec. 3, Rule
Writ of Kalikasan threat was committed. (Sec. 3, A.M. No.
Family Court (Sec. 2(c), A.M. No. 02- 7, A.M. No. 09-6-8-SC)
Legal Separation 09-6-8-SC)
11-11-SC) In case of non-resident respondent,
where he may be found at the election of
Publication Requirement in Special Proceedings
the petitioner. (Sec. 2(c), A.M. No. 02-11-
Family Code Clerical or typographical errors;
Petition for Judicial Permission to administrative change of first name or
RTC Where the petitioner resides.
Marry nickname, the day and month in the date
of birth or sex of a person where it is Once a week for 2 consecutive weeks (Sec. 5, R.A. No. 9048)
Where the petitioner resides or where patently clear that there was a clerical
Summary Proceedings Family Court (Sec. 5, R.A. No. 8369)
the child resides if it involves minors. or typographical error or mistake in the
R.A. No. 8369 (For actions mentioned in the Family Code)
Settlement of estate of deceased persons
Judicial change of name
1. Petitions on Foster Care and Where petitioner or respondent has been Once a week for 3 consecutive weeks (Sec. 2, Rule 74, ROC, as amended; Sec. 3;
Judicial cancellation or correction of
Temporary Custody residing for at least 6 months prior to the Rule 103, ROC, as amended; Sec. 3, Rule 105, ROC, as amended; Sec. 12, A.M. No.
entries in the civil registry
date of filing. 02-06-02-SC)
Domestic adoption
2. Declaration of Nullity of Marriage Family Court (Sec. 5, R.A. No. 8369)
Inter-country adoption
In case of non-resident respondent,
Once a week for 3 consecutive weeks (Sec. 4, Rule 107, ROC, as amended)
3. Cases of Domestic Violence where he may be found at the election of Declaration of absence
Against Women and Children the petitioner.
Notification Requirement in Special Proceedings However, under the Rule on Custody of Minors and Writ of Habeas Corpus in relation to Custody of Minors (A.M. No. 03-04-
04-SC), the petition may be filed with SC, CA or any of its members, and the writ shall be enforceable anywhere in the
Settlement of estate of deceased Writ of Amparo (A.M. No. 07-9-12-SC)
Executor/administrator/any interested party
persons SC, CA and SB
Trustees All persons interested in the trust RTC of the place where the threat, act or omission was committed or any of its elements occurred
Judicial change of name Interested parties/Solicitor General Habeas Data (A.M. No. 08-1-16-SC)
Judicial cancellation or SC, CA and SB
Persons named in the petition/Solicitor General/Civil Registrar impleaded as
correction of entries in the civil RTC:
registry 1. Where petitioner resides; or
Declaration of absence and 2. Where respondent resides;
Heirs/legatees/devisees/creditors/other interested persons
death 3. Which has jurisdiction over the place where data or information is gathered, etc.
Administrative correction of
entry/ change of first name or Interested parties All at the option of petitioner.
nickname Change of name (Rule 103)
The minor if above 14 years of age/incompetent himself/Interested parties on the RTC of province of residence of petitioner.
property of the ward. General or special notice may be given. Absentees (Rule 107)
Domestic Adoption Biological parents/Solicitor General
Rescission of Adoption Adopter RTC of place where absentee resided before his disappearance.
Inter-country Adoption Biological parents, if any/guardian
Custody of Minors Biological parents/guardian, if any Cancellation or correction of entries (Rule 108)
Habeas corpus To the person to which the writ is directed RTC of place where civil registry is located.
Writ of Amparo Respondent
Writ of habeas data Respondent Correction of clerical or typographical errors (RA 9048):
Writ of kalikasan Respondent
GR: Local Civil Registrar of place where record is located.
Summary proceedings Respondent and interested party
XPN: If impractical in terms of transportation expenses, time and effort as where petitioner has transferred to another place
1. Petitions on foster care and – Local Civil Registrar of petitioner’s residence.
temporary custody
Solicitor General/Public Prosecutor
2. Cases of domestic violence
against women and children
Declaration of nullity of void
marriage/ Annulment of City/Provincial Prosecutor/ Respondent
Legal separation City/Provincial prosecutor/ Respondent
1. In the RTC of the province where the incompetent The petition shall be verified by oath and shall state that
resides; or such person is then competent. (Sec. 1, Rule 97, ROC, as
Public official or employee
or a private individual or
entity engaged in the If issued by RTC: returnable
Public official or employee gathering, collecting or before such court;
Public official or employee, If granted by the SC or CA:
May or may not be an officer. or a private individual or storing of data or
private individual or entity. returnable before the court If issued by RTC: returnable
entity. information regarding the If issued by SB or CA or any of
person, family, home and or any member or before RTC before such court;
their justices: returnable
correspondence of the or any judge thereof;
before such court or to any
aggrieved party. If issued by SB or CA or any
RTC of the place where the
If granted by RTC: returnable of their justices: returnable
Enforceability of the Writ petitioner or respondent
before such court. before such court or to any
resides or that which has
If granted by SC, CA, or RTC of the place where the
jurisdiction over the place
Sandiganbayan: Enforceable In writ of habeas corpus in threat, act or omission was
where the data or
anywhere In the Philippines; Enforceable anywhere in relation to custody of minors, committed or any of its
Enforceable anywhere in the Enforceable anywhere in the information is gathered, If issued by SC,: returnable
the Philippines regardless the writ may be made elements occurred;
Philippines. Philippines. collected or stored; before such court or CA.
If granted by RTC: of who issued the same. returnable to a Family Court
Enforceable only within the or to any regular court within If issued by SC or any of its
If issued by SC or any of its
judicial district. the region where the justices: returnable before
justices: returnable before
petitioner resides or where such court, or before SB, CA,
Docket fees such court, or before SB, CA,
the minor may be found for or to any RTC of the place
or to any RTC where the
hearing and decision on the where the threat, act or
petitioner or respondent
merits (Sec. 20, A.M. No. 03- omission was committed or
resides or that which has
04-04-SC). any of its elements
jurisdiction over the place
where the data or
Payment is required. Payment is required.
information is gathered,
Petitioner is exempted from Petitioner is exempted from
collected or stored.
NOTE: Rule on indigent payment. NOTE: Rule on indigent payment.
petitioner applies. petitioner applies.
General Denial
Not prohibited Not allowed Not allowed Not allowed
Liability of the Person to whom Writ is directed if he refuses to make Return
Forfeit to the aggrieved party
the sum of P 1000, and may Imprisonment or fine for Imprisonment or fine for
Indirect contempt.
also be punished for committing contempt. committing contempt.
Summary hearing shall be Summary hearing shall be
The hearing including the
Date and time of hearing is conducted not later than 7 conducted not later than 10
preliminary conference shall
specified in the writ. days from the date of working days from the date
not extend beyond 60 days.
issuance of the writ. of issuance of the writ.
Period of Appeal
Within 15 days from the date
Within 48 hours from notice 5 working days from the 5 working days from the
of notice of the adverse
of the judgment or final order date of notice of the adverse date of notice of the
judgment or denial of motion
appealed from. judgment. judgment or final order.
for reconsideration.
Prohibited Pleadings
1. Motion to dismiss;
1. Motion to dismiss;
2. Motion for extension of
2. Motion for extension of
time to file return;
time to file opposition, 1. Motion to dismiss the
3. Motion for
affidavit, position paper complaint;
and other pleadings; 2. Motion for a bill of
4. Motion for a bill of
NOTE: In writ of 3. Motion for extension of
5. Counterclaim or cross-
amparo, a motion for time to file pleadings,
extension of time to file EXCEPT to file answer, the
6. Third-party complaint;
the return is no longer a extension not to exceed 15
7. Reply;
prohibited pleading, as days;
8. Motion to declare
it may be granted by the 4. Motion to declare the
respondent in default;
court on highly defendant in default;
9. Intervention;
meritorious cases. 5. Reply and rejoinder; and
10. Memorandum;
6. Third-party complaint.
11. Motion for
3. Dilatory motion for
reconsideration of
interlocutory orders or
1. WRIT OF HABEAS CORPUS 2. That the rightful custody of the minor is being Withheld 7. Legitimations;
IN RELATION TO CUSTODY OF MINORS from the petitioner by the respondent; and 8. Adoptions;
(A.M. No. 03-04-04-SC) 9. Acknowledgment of natural
3. That it is to the Best interest of the minor concerned to children;
Where Filed be in the custody of petitioner and not that of the 10. Naturalization;
respondent. (Sombong v. CA, G.R. No. 111876, 31 Jan. 11. Election, loss, or recovery of
The petition for custody of minor is filed with the Family 1996) citizenship;
court of the province or city where the petitioner resides or 12. Civil interdiction;
where the minor may be found. (Sec. 3, A.M. No. 03-04-04- 13. Judicial determination of filiation;
SC) The CA and the SC have concurrent jurisdiction with D. CHANGE OF NAME and
Family courts in habeas corpus cases where the custody of (RULE 103) 14. Change of name
minors is involved. (Thornton v. Thornton, G.R. No. 154598, Grounds
16 Aug. 2004; Madriñan v. Madriñan, G.R. No. 159374, 12 July 1. Name is Ridiculous, tainted with
2007) dishonor, or extremely difficult to
Requisites in Petitions for Habeas Corpus involving OF ENTRIES IN THE CIVIL REGISTRY 2. Change is a legal consequence of
Minors (R-W-B) (RULE 108) legitimation or adoption;
3. Change will Avoid confusion; 1. Petitioner finds the first name or
1. That the petitioner has the Right of custody over the 4. When one has continuously Used nickname to be ridiculous, tainted
minor; and been known since childhood by with dishonor, or extremely difficult
a Filipino name, and was unaware to write or pronounce;
of alien parentage; 2. The new first name or nickname has
Upon good and valid grounds.
5. Sincere desire to adopt Filipino been habitually and continuously used
F. CLERICAL ERROR LAW name to erase signs of former by petitioner and he has been publicly
(R.A. No. 9048, as amended by R.A. No. 10172) alienage, all in good faith and known by such name in the
without prejudicing anybody; or community; or
6. Surname causes Embarrassment 3. The change will avoid confusion.
DIFFERENCES UNDER RULE 103, R.A. NO. 9048, AND RULE 108 and there is no showing that the
desired change of name was for a
R.A. NO. 9048, fraudulent purpose or that the
RULE 103 AS AMENDED RULE 108 change of name would prejudice
BY R.A. NO. 10172 public interest.
Scope Where to file
Clerical or typographical errors; change
1. Local Civil Registry office where the
of first name or nickname, the day and
RTC of the province where the record is kept;
month in the date of birth or sex of a
petitioner resides at least at least three 2. Local Civil Registrar of the place RTC of city or province where the
Change of full name or surname person where it is patently clear that Correction of substantial errors or
(3) years prior to the filing of the where the interested party is corresponding civil registry is located.
(substantial corrections). there was a clerical or typographical cancellation of entries in the Civil
petition. presently residing or domiciled; or
(De Leon and Wilwayco, 2020) error or mistake in the entry, which can Registry.
3. Philippine Consulate.
be corrected or changed by the
concerned City or Municipal Civil
Where to Appeal, in case of Adverse Decision
Registrar or Consul General.
Nature CA under Rule 41in relation to Rule Civil Registrar General under Sec. 7 (Rule CA under Rule 41 in relation to Rule
Judicial; Hearing is necessary. 109 of the ROC. 14, IRR of RA 9048) or CA under Rule 43. 109 of the ROC.
Adversarial because it involves
Judicial; Hearing is necessary. Administrative; Hearing is not necessary.
substantial errors and affects the status Who may file
of an individual. Petition is filed by the person of legal age
Initiatory Pleading who must have a direct and personal
Verified petition. Sworn affidavit. Verified petition. interest in the correction:
Any person interested in the act,
Filed by the person desiring to change 1. Owner of the record; event, decree, or order concerning the
1. Correction of clerical or 1. Births;
his name. 2. Owner’s spouse, children, parents, civil status of persons, which has been
typographical errors in civil 1. Correction of clerical or 2. Marriages;
brothers, sisters, grandparents, recorded in the civil register.
registry documents, EXCEPT typographical errors in the civil 3. Deaths;
guardian; or
corrections involving the change in registry, INCLUDING correction of 4. Legal separations;
3. Anyone authorized by law or owner
sex, age, nationality, and status of a date of birth and sex; and 5. Judgments of annulments of
of the record.
person; and 2. Change of a person’s first name or marriage;
Who must be notified
2. Change of a person’s first name or nickname in his or her civil registry. 6. Judgments declaring marriages
Interested parties/Solicitor General need Civil registrar is impleaded as
nickname in his or her civil registry. void from the beginning; Solicitor General/Interested parties.
not be notified. respondent; Solicitor General/
1. Record of birth appearing in the civil register; A change of name is not a matter of right but of judicial
2. When an admission in a public document is made by the discretion, to be exercised in the light of the reasons
father; and adduced and the consequences that will follow. The trial
3. When an admission in a private handwritten court’s grant of respondent’s change of name from Jennifer
instrument is made by the father. (De Leon & Wilwayco, to Jeff implies a change of a feminine name to a masculine
2020) name.
A Person’s First Name cannot be Changed on the Here, it is noteworthy to emphasize that respondent has
Ground of Sex Reassignment simply let nature take its course and has not taken
unnatural steps to arrest or interfere with what he was born
Q: Petitioner sought to have his name in his birth with. To him belongs the human right to the pursuit of
certificate changed from “Rommel Jacinto” to “Mely,” happiness and of health. Thus, to him should belong the
and his sex from “male” to “female.” Petitioner’s basis primordial choice of what courses of action to take along the
in praying for the change of his first name was his sex path of his sexual development and maturation. (Republic v.
reassignment. He intended to make his first name Cagandahan, G.R. No. 166676, 12 Sept. 2008)
compatible with the sex he thought he transformed
himself into through surgery. Can a person’s first name Q: Who may oppose the petition?
be changed on the ground of sex reassignment?
A: Any interested person or the Republic of the Philippines
A: NO. A change of name does not alter one’s legal capacity through the Solicitor General or the proper provincial or
or civil status. R.A. No. 9048 does not sanction a change of city prosecutor (Sec. 4, Rule 103, ROC, as amended)
first name on the ground of sex reassignment. Rather than
avoiding confusion, changing petitioner’s first name for his
declared purpose may only create grave complications in G. WRIT OF AMPARO
the civil registry and the public interest. Also, there is no (A.M. No. 07-9-12-SC)
such special law in the Philippines governing sex
reassignment and its effects. In our system of government,
it is for the legislature, should it choose to do so, to State Participation as Indispensable Requirement
determine what guidelines should govern the recognition of
the effects of sex reassignment. (Silverio v. Republic, G.R. No. For the protective writ of amparo to issue, allegation and
174689, 22 Oct. 2007) proof that the persons subject thereof are missing are not
enough. It must also be shown and proved by substantial
Where Change of Name Allowed Arising from Change of evidence that the disappearance was carried out by, or with
Gender the authorization, support or acquiescence of, the State or a
political organization, followed by a refusal to acknowledge
Q: Jennifer was born on Jan. 13, 1981 and was the same or give information on the fate or whereabouts of
registered as a female in the Certificate of Live Birth but said missing persons, with the intention of removing them
while growing up, she developed secondary male from the protection of the law for a prolonged period of
characteristics and was diagnosed to have Congenital time. Simply put, the petitioner in an amparo case has the
Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH) which is a condition where burden of proving by substantial evidence the
persons thus afflicted possess both male and female indispensable element of government participation. (Navia,
characteristics. Jennifer filed a Petition for Correction et al. v. Pardico, G.R. No. 184467, 19 June 2012, as cited in the
of Entries in Birth Certificate before the RTC, praying dissenting opinion of J. Hernando in Sanchez v. Darroca G.R.
that her birth certificate be corrected such that her No. 242257, 15 June 2021)
gender be changed from female to male and her first
3. WHEN A MATTER OF DISCRETION complaint or information is filed in court, he may apply 1. The accused appears to be suffering from an unsound a plea of not guilt shall be entered for him; (Sec. 1(d),
for bail. (Sec. 6, Rule 112, ROC, as amended) mental condition which effectively renders him unable Rule 116, ROC, as amended) or
Bail as a Matter of Discretion (2017 BAR) to fully understand the charge against him and to plead
2. The court may require a witness to post bail if he is a intelligently thereto; 5. When the plea is indefinite or ambiguous.
1. Upon conviction by the RTC of an offense not material witness and bail is needed to secure his
punishable by death, reclusion perpetua or life appearance. When the court is satisfied, upon proof or 2. There exists a valid prejudicial question; NOTE: A plea of guilty shall be definite, unambiguous, and
imprisonment; oath, that a material witness will not testify when absolute, otherwise, it shall be considered as a plea of not
required, it may, upon motion of either party, order the 3. A petition for review of the resolution of the prosecutor guilty.
witness to post bail in such sum as may be deemed is pending at the Department of Justice or the Office of
2. Regardless of the stage of the criminal prosecution, a
proper. Upon refusal to post bail, the court shall commit the President (Sec. 11, Rule 116, ROC, as amended); and Q: May the accused enter a plea of guilty to a lower
person charged with a capital offense, or an offense
punishable by reclusion perpetua or life imprisonment, him to prison until he complies or is legally discharged offense?
after his testimony is taken. (Sec. 14, Rule 119, ROC, as 4. There are pending incidents such as:
when evidence of guilt is not strong; (Sec. 7, Rule 114,
amended) a. Motion to Quash; A: YES.
ROC, as amended) and
b. Motion for Inhibition; or
c. Motion for Bill of Particulars. 1. During arraignment
3. A child in conflict with the law charged with an offense
punishable by death, reclusion perpetua or life G. ARRAIGNMENT AND PLEA
(RULE 116) NOTE: The period of suspension shall not exceed sixty (60) a. If the offended party is present, the latter must
imprisonment when evidence of guilt is not strong. (Sec.
days counted from the filing of the petition with the consent with the prosecutor to the plea; and
28, A.M. No. 02-1-18-SC)
reviewing office. (Sec. 11, Rule 116, ROC, as amended) b. That the lesser offense is necessarily included in the
Remedy of the Accused when Bail is Discretionary ARRAIGNMENT offense charged.
When bail is discretionary, the remedy of the accused is to Period of Arraignment 2. After arraignment but before trial, provided the
Requisites of a Voluntary Plea of Guilty following requisites are present:
file a petition for bail. Once a petition for bail is filed, the
court is mandated to set a hearing to give opportunity to the GR: Arraignment shall be made within 30 days from the
1. Spontaneous confession of guilt; a.The plea of guilty is withdrawn;
prosecution to prove that the evidence of guilt is strong. If date the court acquires jurisdiction over the person of the
2. It is made in open court; b.The plea of not guilty and the withdrawal of the
strong, the bail will be denied. If weak, the bail will be accused. (Sec. 1(g), Rule 116, ROC, as amended)
3. It is made prior to the presentation of evidence for previous guilty plea shall be made before trial;
prosecution; and c. The lesser offense is necessarily included in the
NOTE: The time of the pendency of a motion to quash or for
4. Confession of guilt was to the offense charged in the offense charged; and
Grounds for Denial of Bail if the Penalty Imposed by the a bill of particulars or other causes justifying suspension of
information. d. The plea must have the consent of the prosecutor
Trial Court exceeds 6 years the arraignment shall be excluded in computing the period.
and the offended party. (Sec. 2, Rule 116, ROC, as
Reception of Evidence in case the Accused Pleads Guilty amended)
If the penalty imposed by the trial court is imprisonment XPNs:
exceeding 6 years, the accused shall be denied bail, or his 3. During Pre-trial – Under Sec. 1(a), Rule 118, Plea-
The plea of guilty does not dispense with the presentation bargaining is one of the matters to be considered.
bail shall be cancelled upon showing by the prosecution, 1. When an accused is under preventive detention, his
of evidence as it is merely a secondary basis of the guilt of
with notice to the accused, of the following or other similar case should be raffled within 3 days from filing and
the accused. 4. After prosecution rests – Allowed only when the
circumstances: accused shall be arraigned within 10 days from receipt
by the judge of the records of the case (R.A. No. 8493, prosecution does not have sufficient evidence to
1. For non-capital offenses – the reception of evidence is establish guilt for the crime charged.
1. That he is a recidivist, quasi-recidivist, or habitual Speedy Trial Act);
merely discretionary on the part of the court. (Sec. 4,
delinquent, or has committed the crime aggravated by
Rule 116, ROC, as amended) If the information or Duty of the Court after the Accused pleads guilty to a
the circumstance of reiteration; 1. Where the complainant is about to depart from the
complaint is sufficient for the judge to render judgment Capital Offense
Philippines with no definite date of return, the accused
on a non-capital offense, he may do so.
2. That he previously escaped from legal confinement, should be arraigned without delay;
evaded sentence, or violated the conditions of his bail 2. Cases under R.A. No. 7610 (Child Abuse Act), the trial When the accused pleads guilty to a capital offense, the
2. For capital offense – the reception of evidence to prove court shall:
without valid justification; shall be commenced within 3 days from arraignment;
the guilt and degree of culpability of the accused is
mandatory in which case, the accused may present 1. Conduct a searching inquiry into the:
3. That he committed the offense while under probation, 3. Cases under R.A. No. 9165 (Dangerous Drugs Act); and
evidence in his behalf and the court shall conduct a
parole, or conditional pardon;
searching inquiry into the voluntariness and full a. Voluntariness of the plea; and
4. That the circumstances of his case indicate the 4. Cases under SC AO 104-96 i.e., heinous crimes,
comprehension of the consequences of his plea. (Sec. 3, b. Full comprehension of the consequences of the
probability of flight if released on bail; or violations of the Intellectual Property Rights law, these
Rule 116, ROC, as amended) plea;
cases must be tried continuously until terminated
5. That there is undue risk that he may commit another within 60 days from commencement of the trial and to
A plea of not guilty shall be entered: 2. Require the prosecution to prove guilt and the precise
crime during the pendency of the appeal. (Sec. 5, Rule be decided within 30 days from the submission of the
114, ROC, as amended) case. degree of his culpability; and
1. When the accused so pleaded;
2. When he refuses to plead; (Sec. 1(c), Rule 116, ROC, as 3. Ask the accused if he desires to present evidence in his
Bail may also be Availed under any of the Following Grounds for Suspension of Arraignment
amended) or behalf and allow him to do so if he desires.
3. When he enters a conditional plea of guilty; (Sec. 1(c),
Upon motion by the proper party, the arraignment shall be
Rule 116, ROC, as amended)
1. When a person lawfully arrested without a warrant suspended in the following cases:
4. Where after a plea of guilty but presents exculpatory
asks for a preliminary investigation before the
circumstances, his plea shall be deemed withdrawn and
1. SEARCHING INQUIRY process. (Galman v. Sandiganbayan, G.R. No. 72670, 12 Sept. and the accused move for a provisional dismissal of the
H. MOTION TO QUASH 1986) case;
Duty of the Judge in Conducting Searching Inquiry (RULE 117)
Elements of Double Jeopardy 2. The offended party is notified of the motion for a
The judge must convince himself that: provisional dismissal of the case;
1. Conviction or acquittal, or dismissal was made without
1. The accused is entering the plea voluntarily and the consent of the accused; 3. The court issues an order granting the motion and
intelligently; 2. Conviction or acquittal, or dismissal was made by a dismissing the case provisionally; and
2. There exists a rational basis for finding of guilt based on court of competent jurisdiction;
accused’s testimony; and 3. A valid information sufficient in form and substance to 4. The public prosecutor is served with a copy of the order
1. The Facts charged do not constitute an offense;
3. Inform the accused of the exact length of imprisonment sustain a conviction of the crime charged; of provisional dismissal of the case. (People v. Lacson, et
2. Lack of jurisdiction over the Offense charged;
and the certainty that he will serve it in a national 4. Accused enters a valid plea; and al., G.R. No. 149453, 01 Apr. 2003)
3. Lack of jurisdiction over the Person of the accused;
penitentiary. 5. The subsequent prosecution is for an offense which is:
4. Lack of Authority of the officer to file information;
Reckoning Period of One- or Two-year Period for
5. When the complaint or information does not Conform
PEOPLE vs. PAGAL a. the same as in the former complaint or Revival of Criminal Case
substantially to the prescribed form;
G.R. No. 241257, 29 Sept. 2020 information;
6. Multiplicity of offenses charged;
b. frustration of; or The one- or two-year period allowed for reviving a criminal
7. Extinction of criminal action or liability;
Essence of Conduct of Searching Inquiry c. for any offense which is necessarily included in the case that has been provisionally dismissed shall be
8. The complaint or information contains averments,
offense charged in the former complaint or reckoned from the issuance of the order of dismissal. The
which if true, would constitute a Legal excuse or
The searching inquiry requirement means more than information. dismissal shall become automatically permanent if the case
justification; or
informing cursorily the accused that he faces a jail term but is not revived within the required period. Such permanent
9. Double Jeopardy
also, the exact length of imprisonment under the law and Doctrine of Supervening Fact dismissal shall amount to an adjudication of the case on the
the certainty that he will serve time at the national merits. (Sec. 14, A.M. No. 12-11-2-SC)
NOTE: The enumeration is exclusive.
penitentiary or a penal colony. The searching inquiry of the Where after the first prosecution a new fact supervenes for
trial court must be focused on: (1) the voluntariness of the which the defendant is responsible, which changes the
Procedure when Motion to Quash is Denied
plea, and (2) the full comprehension of the consequences of character of the offense and, together with the facts existing I. PRE-TRIAL
the plea. at the time, constitutes a new and distinct offense, the (RULE 118)
When the motion to quash is denied, the accused should:
accused cannot be said to be in second jeopardy, if indicted
Thus, in every case where the accused enters a plea of guilty for the new offense. (People v. City Court of Manila, G.R. No.
1. Plead;
to a capital offense, especially when he is ignorant with little L-36342, 27 Apr. 1983) Period of Pre-Trial
2. Go to trial without prejudice to the special defenses he
or no education, the proper and prudent course to follow is
invoked in the motion; and
to take such evidence as are available and necessary in Instances where Dismissal of the Case is tantamount to It shall be held after arraignment and within 30 days from
3. Appeal from the judgment of conviction, if any, and
support of the material allegations of the information, an Acquittal the date the court acquires jurisdiction over the person of
interpose the denial of the motion as an error.
including the aggravating circumstances therein the accused unless a shorter period is provided for in
enumerated, not only to satisfy the trial judge himself but 1. Dismissal based on insufficiency of evidence of the special laws or circulars of the Supreme Court. (Sec. 1, Rule
Exception to the Rule that sustaining the Motion is not
also to aid the Supreme Court in determining whether the prosecution (demurrer to evidence); and 118, ROC, as amended)
a bar to another Prosecution
accused really and truly understood and comprehended the 2. Dismissal due to violation of right to speedy trial (even
meaning, full significance, and consequences of his plea. if dismissal was upon motion of the accused or with his If the accused is under preventive detention, the pre-trial
GR: An order sustaining the motion to quash is not a bar to
(People v. Pagal, G.R. No. 241257, 02 Sept. 2020) express consent). shall be held within 10 days after arraignment unless a law
another prosecution for the same offense.
provides for a shorter period. (A.M. No. 03-1-09-SC, IB(1))
2. IMPROVIDENT PLEA XPNs: The motion was based on the grounds of: 3. PROVISIONAL DISMISSAL
Under the Revised Guidelines for Continuous Trial of
Instances of Improvident Plea 1. Extinction of criminal action or liability; and Period when Provisional Dismissal becomes Criminal Cases, the arraignment and pre-trial/preliminary
2. Double jeopardy. (Sec. 6, Rule 117, ROC, as amended) permanent conference are scheduled on the same day.
1. Plea of guilty was compelled by violence or
intimidation; 1. Offenses punishable by imprisonment not exceeding Furthermore, the Pre-Trial Order shall immediately be
2. The accused did not fully understand the meaning and 6 years or a fine of any amount, or both – shall served upon the parties and counsel on the same day after
consequences of his plea; become permanent 1 year after issuance of the order its termination. (A.M. No. 15-06-10-SC)
Finality of Acquittal Doctrine
3. Insufficient information to sustain conviction of the without the case having been revived.
offense charged; Matters to be Considered during Pre-Trial
GR: An acquittal rendered by a court of competent
4. Information does not charge an offense; or 2. Offenses punishable by imprisonment of more than 6
jurisdiction after trial on the merits is immediately final and 1. Plea bargaining;
5. Court has no jurisdiction. years – shall become permanent 2 years after issuance
cannot be appealed. (People v. Sandiganbayan, G.R. No. 2. Stipulation of facts;
of the order without the case having been revived. (Sec.
164068-69, 19 Nov. 2013)
Effect of Withdrawal of Improvident Plea 8, Rule 117, ROC, as amended)
NOTE: In order for the accused to be bound, it must be
XPN: When the proceedings were rigged, and a sham and a signed by him.
The court shall set aside the judgment of conviction and re- Requisites of Provisional Dismissal
mock trial held with pre-determined judgment of acquittal,
open the case for new trial.
the proceedings are unlawful and void ab initio. Double 3. Marking for identification of evidence of parties;
1. The prosecution with the express conformity of the
jeopardy then cannot be invoked in setting aside such
accused, or the accused, moves for a provisional (sin
judgment because the prosecution was denied of due
perjuicio) dismissal of the case; or both the prosecution
As to the Kind of Facts presenting evidence of the XPN: It is allowed when it tends in any reasonable degree
VIII. EVIDENCE Intermediate or facts alleged. to establish the probability or improbability of the fact in
Ultimate Facts. issue. (Sec. 4, Rule 128, ROC, as amended)
(A.M. No. 19-08-15-SC) evidentiary facts.
As to the Nature of the Facts 3. EQUIPOISE RULE
Hypothetical. Existent.
A situation where the evidence of the parties is evenly
A. GENERAL CONCEPTS balanced, or there is doubt on which side the evidence Where the evidence is relevant and competent for two or
2. BURDEN OF PROOF vs. BURDEN OF EVIDENCE preponderates (or weighs more heavily). In this case, the more purposes, such evidence should be admitted for any
decision should be against the party with the burden of or all purposes for which it is offered provided it satisfies all
BURDEN proof. (Rivera v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 115625, 23 Jan. the requirements of law for its admissibility. (Regalado,
Applicability of the Rules on Evidence BURDEN OF PROOF
OF EVIDENCE 1998) 2008) (2005 BAR)
The Rules of Evidence, being part of the Rules of Court, As to Definition
It is the duty of a party to In criminal cases, where the evidence is evenly balanced, 4. CONDITIONAL ADMISSIBILITY
apply only to judicial proceedings. (Sec. 1, Rule 128, ROC, as
It is the duty of a party to present evidence sufficient the constitutional presumption of innocence tilts the scales
present evidence on the to establish or rebut a fact in favor of the accused. Where the evidence at the time of its offer appears to be
The Rules of Court shall not apply to: (N-I-C-O-L-E) facts in issue necessary to in issue to establish a immaterial or irrelevant unless it is connected with the
establish his or her claim or prima facie case. (Sec. 1, In civil cases, when the evidence of the parties is in other facts to be subsequently proved, such evidence may
defense by the amount of Rule 131, ROC, as amended) equipoise, the party who has the burden of proof loses. be received on condition that the other facts will be proved
1. Naturalization proceedings;
2. Insolvency proceedings; evidence required by law. thereafter, otherwise the evidence already given will be
3. Cadastral proceedings; (Sec. 1, Rule 131, ROC, as Burden of evidence is that stricken out. (Regalado, 2008) (2011 BAR)
4. Other cases not provided in the Rules of Court; amended) logical necessity which B. ADMISSIBILITY OF EVIDENCE
5. Land registration proceedings; and rests upon a party at any (RULE 128)
6. Election cases. (Sec. 4, Rule 1, ROC, as amended) Burden of proof or onus particular time during the
probandi traditionally trial to create a prima facie
It allows a party to introduce otherwise inadmissible
However, the rules may apply to the abovementioned refers to the obligation of a case in his favor or to
1. REQUISITES FOR ADMISSIBILITY evidence to answer the opposing party’s previous
proceedings and cases by analogy or in a suppletory party to a litigation to overthrow one when OF EVIDENCE introduction of inadmissible evidence. (Riano, 2019)
character and whenever practicable and convenient. (Ibid.) persuade the court that he created against him.
is entitled to relief. (Riano, (People of the Philippines v. 1. The evidence is relevant to the issue; and Curative – when it is intended to receive inadmissible
2019) CA, G.R. No. 183652, 25 Feb.
1. PROOF vs. EVIDENCE evidence from a party to neutralize a previously accepted
2015) NOTE: It is relevant if it has such a relation to the fact inadmissible evidence from the other party. (Peralta &
As to the Duty of the Party in issue as to induce belief in its existence or non-
PROOF EVIDENCE Peralta, 2020)
Duty of a party to present existence. (Sec. 4, Rule 128, ROC, as amended)
As to Nature evidence to establish his Duty of the party to go
Thus, a party who first introduces either irrelevant or
It is the mode or manner of claim or defense by the forward with the evidence 2. The evidence is competent. incompetent evidence into the trial cannot complain of the
It is merely the probative proving competent facts in amount of evidence to overthrow the prima
subsequent admission of similar evidence from the adverse
effect of evidence and is the judicial proceedings. required by law, which is facie evidence against him. NOTE: The evidence is competent when it is not party relating to the subject matter. (Commonwealth v.
conviction or persuasion of (Bustos v. Lucero, G.R. No. preponderance of evidence (Bautista v. Sarmiento, G.R. excluded by the Constitution, the law, or the Rules of Alexander, 5 S.W.rd 104, 26 Aug. 1999) Conversely, the
the mind resulting from L-2068, 20 Oct. 1948) in civil cases. (Supreme No. L-45137, 23 Sept. Court. (Sec. 3, Rule 128, ROC, as amended). Competency doctrine should not be invoked where evidence was
consideration of the Transliner, Inc. v. CA, G.R. 1985) is determined by the prevailing exclusionary rules of properly admitted.
evidence. Without evidence, there is No. 125356, 21 Nov. 2001) evidence.
no proof. As to Burden of Proof
Effect or result of evidence. Medium of proof. May shift from one party to Direct Evidence
the other in the course of
It remains throughout the
the proceedings, Relevance of Evidence That which proves a fact without the need to make an
Factum Probandum vs. Factum Probans entire case exactly where
depending on the inference from another fact. (Riano, 2019)
the pleadings originally
exigencies of the case. (Sec. Evidence must have such a relation to the fact in issue as to
FACTUM PROBANDUM FACTUM PROBANS placed it or with the party
1, Rule 131, ROC, as induce belief in its existence or non-existence. (Sec. 4, Rule Circumstantial Evidence or Indirect Evidence
As to Facts of Propositions upon whom it is imposed.
amended) 128, ROC, as amended)
The facts or material (Republic v. Mupas, G.R. No.
The fact or proposition to 181892, 08 Sept. 2015) That which proves a fact in issue indirectly through an
evidencing the fact or The court will admit only evidence which is relevant to the
be established. inference which the fact finder draws from the evidence
proposition to be As to the Determining Factor
issue. (Sec. 3, Rule 128, ROC, as amended) established. (People v. Matito, G.R. No. 144405, 24 Feb. 2004)
established. Generally determined by
As to the Fact to be Proved the developments of the Collateral Matters
Generally determined by It may happen that no prosecution witness has actually seen
The fact to be proved; the trial, or by the provisions
The probative or the pleadings filed by the the commission of the crime. However, jurisprudence tells
fact which is in issue in a of substantive law or Collateral matters refer to matters other than the fact in
evidentiary fact tending to party. us that direct evidence of the crime is not the only matrix
case and to which the procedural rules which issue.
prove the fact in issue. may relieve the party from from which a trial court may draw its conclusion and finding
evidence is directed.
of guilt. The rules on evidence allow a trial court to rely on
GR: Evidence on collateral matters is not allowed. circumstantial evidence to support its conclusion of guilt.
D. Court issuances, such as:
It is a deduction which b) LEADING AND MISLEADING QUESTIONS NOTE: An adverse party’s witness may not be
XPNs: The testimony of the witness may not be given in impeached by evidence of particular wrongful acts,
It is a deduction which the reason draws from the
open court in the following cases: Leading Question except that it may be shown by the examination of the
law expressly directs to be facts proved without an
made from particular facts. express direction from It is one which suggests to the witness the answer which the witness, or record of the judgment, that he or she has
1. In civil cases, by depositions pursuant to and under the examining party desires. A leading question is generally not been convicted of an offense. (Ibid.)
law to that effect.
limitations of Rules 23 and 24; (Regalado, 2008) allowed. (Sec. 10, Rule 132, ROC, as amended)
As to Inference
Impeachment by Evidence of Conviction of Crime
A certain inference must be 2. In criminal cases, by depositions or conditional When a leading question is allowed (C-U-P-D-A-J)
Discretion is vested in the
made whenever the facts examinations, pursuant to Secs. 12-15, Rule 119, and
tribunal as to drawing the GR: For the purpose of impeaching a witness, evidence that
appear which furnish the Sec. 1, Rule 123, or by the records of the preliminary A leading question is allowed:
inference. he or she has been convicted by final judgment of a crime
basis of the inference. investigation, under the circumstances of Sec. 1(f) of shall be admitted if:
As to Basis Rule 115; (Regalado, 2008) 1. On Cross-examination;
Derived wholly and 1. The crime was punishable by a penalty in excess of one
3. In criminal cases covered by the Rule on Summary 2. Of an Unwilling witness or hostile witness; (1) year; or
directly from the
Reduced to fixed rules and Procedure, the affidavits of the parties shall constitute 2. The crime involved moral turpitude, regardless of the
circumstances of the
forms a part of the system of the direct testimonies of the witnesses who executed 3. On Preliminary matters; penalty.
particular case by means
jurisprudence the same; (Riano, 2019)
of the common
experience of mankind 4. When there is Difficulty in getting direct and intelligible XPN: Evidence of a conviction is not admissible if the
4. In civil cases covered by the Rules on Summary answers from a witness who is ignorant, or a child of conviction has been the subject of an amnesty or annulment
As to Requirements Procedure, the parties are merely required to submit tender years, or is of feeble mind, or a deaf-mute; of the conviction. (Sec. 12, Rule 132, ROC, as amended)
Need not be pleaded or the affidavits of their witnesses and other pieces of
proved if the facts on which Has to be pleaded and evidence on the factual issues, together with their NOTE: A witness may be considered as unwilling or Impeachment of a Witness by Evidence of Particular
they are based are duly proved position papers, setting forth the law and the facts hostile only if so declared by the court upon adequate Wrongful Acts
averred and established relied upon; (Riano, 2019) showing of his or her adverse interest, unjustified
reluctance to testify or his or her having misled the GR: A witness may NOT be impeached by evidence of
Classes of Conclusive Presumptions 5. Under the Judicial Affidavit Rule, the judicial affidavit party into calling him or her to the witness stand. (Sec. particular wrongful acts.
shall take the place of direct testimonies of witnesses; 13, Rule 132, ROC, as amended)
a. Estoppel in pais (Equitable Estoppel) – Whenever a (Sec. 2, Judicial Affidavit Rule) XPN: If it may be shown by the examination of the witness,
party has, by his or her own declaration, act or 5. Of a witness who is an Adverse party or an officer, or the record of the judgment, that he or she has been
omission, intentionally and deliberately led another to 6. Matters regarding the admissibility and evidentiary director, or managing agent of a public or private convicted of an offense. (Sec. 11, Rule 132, ROC, as amended)
believe a particular thing to be true, and to act upon weight of electronic documents may be proved by corporation or of a partnership or association which is
such belief, he cannot, in any litigation arising out of affidavits subject to cross by the adverse party; (Sec. 1, an adverse party; (Sec. 10, Rule 132, ROC, as amended) Impeachment by a Party of his of his or her Own
such declaration, act or omission, be permitted to Rule 9, Rules on Electronic Evidence) Witness
falsify it; and (Sec. 2(a), Rule 131, ROC, as amended)
7. If the witness is incapacitated to speak; and