Chem Basic FB Answer Key CH 12 (06.13.16)

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Chemistry Student Edition - Basic

Answer Key

Chapter 12: Stoichiometry

Mole Ratios


1. Aluminum reacts with oxygen to produce aluminum oxide as follows:

4Al + 3O2 → 2Al2O3
a. If you use 2.3 moles of Al, how many moles of Al2O3 can you make?
b. If you want 3.9 moles of Al2O3, how many moles of O2 are needed?
2. In the presence of sulfuric acid, metallic iron forms iron(III) sulfate:
2Fe + 3H2SO4 → Fe2(SO4)3 + 3H2
a. How many moles of hydrogen will be produced when you use 1.7 moles of iron?
b. How much sulfuric acid is needed to produce 2.8 moles of iron(III) sulfate?
3. Write the mole ratios for reactants in terms of products for the following equation:
2 Mg + O2 → 2 MgO
4. How many moles of each reactant are needed to produce 2.5 mol of aluminum oxide by the
following reaction?
4 Al + 3 O2 → 2 Al2O3
5. How many moles of each reactant would be necessary to produce 2.6 mol of barium sulfate
by the following reaction?
BaCl2 + Na2SO4 → BaSO4 + 2NaCl

4Al 3O2
a. 2Al2O3 2Al2O3 moles Al O = (2.3)(2)/4= 1.2 moles
2 3
b. Using the same ratios, moles O2 = (3.9)(3)/2 = 5.6 moles
a. 2 moles Fe gives 3 moles H2, moles H2 = (1.7)(3)/2 = 2.6 moles
b. 3 moles H2SO4 gives 1 mole product moles yield = 3 x 2.8 = 8.4 moles
3. Mole ratios:
2 mol Mg/ 2 mol MgO = 1 mol Mg: 1 mol product
1 mol O2 / 2 mol MgO = 2 mol O2 : 1 mol product
4. Mole ratios: 2 mol Al/ mol Al2O3, 1.5 mol O2/ mol Al2O3.
Hence, 5 mol Al and 3.75 mol O2 are needed
5. Mole ratios: 1 mol BaCl2 : 1 mol BaSO4 and 1 mol Na2SO4 : 1 mol BaSO4
Hence, 2.6 mol of each reactant is needed
Stoichiometric Calculations


1. Aluminum reacts with oxygen to produce aluminum oxide according to the following
equation: 4Al + 3O2 → 2Al2O3
a. How many grams of O2 are needed to produce 5 moles of Al2O3?
b. How many grams of Al2O3 are produced from the reaction of 5 moles of Al?
c. How many grams of Al are needed to produce 86.0 grams of Al2O3?
2. How many grams of each reactant are needed to produce 0.500 mol of barium sulfate
according the following equation? BaCl2 + Na2SO4 → BaSO4 + 2NaCl
3. How many grams of each reactant are needed to produce 28.6 grams copper (II) sulfide by
the following reaction? Cu + SO2 → CuS + O2


3mol O2
x 5mol Al2O3 = 7.5mol O2
2mol Al2O3
7.5mol O2 x = 240 g O2
mol O2
2mol Al2O3
x 5 mol Al = 2.5 mol Al2O3
4 mol Al
2.5 mol Al2O3 x = 187.5 g Al2O3
b. mol Al2O3
86.0g Al2SO3
= 1.15 mol Al2SO3
75g / mol
4 mol Al
x1.15 mol Al2SO3 = 2.30mol Al
2 mol Al2SO3
2.30 mol Al x = 62.1 g
c. mol
2. ratio of reactants to product is 1:1:1, so need 0.5 mol of each reactant.
BaCl2 Ba = 1 x 137.3 = 137.3 Na2SO4 Na 2 x 23.0 = 46.0
Cl = 2 x 35.5 = 71.0 S 1 x 32.1 = 32.1
208.3 g/mol O 4 x 16 64
140.1 g/mol
for BaCl2 (208.3 g/mol)(0.5 mol) = 104.2 g
for Na2SO4 (140.1 g/mol)(0.5 mol) = 70.0 g
3. ratio of reactants to products is 1:1:1:1, so 1 mol Cu or 1 mol SO2 gives 1 mol CuS
for CuS Cu 1 X 63.3 = 63.3
S 1 X 32.1 = 32.1
95.4 g/mol
28.6 g/95.4 g/mol = 0.3 mol
for Cu (63.6 g/mol)(0.3 mol) = 19.1 g
for SO2 (64.1 g/mol)(0.3 mol) = 19.2 g

Limiting Reactant and Percent Yield


1. Urea (NH2)2CO is prepared by reacting ammonia with carbon dioxide according to the
following equation: 2NH3(g) + CO2(g) → (NH2)2CO(aq) + H2O(l). In one experiment, 637.2 g
of NH3 is allowed to react with 1142 g of CO2.
a. Which of the two reactants is the limiting reagent?
b. Calculate the mass of(NH2)2CO that could theoretically be formed by this reaction.
2. Hydrogen gas reacts explosively in the presence of oxygen to produce water.
a. Write the balanced chemical equation for this process.
b. If 1 mol of hydrogen gas and 1 mol of oxygen gas are placed in a container and
ignited, how many moles of water will be produced?
c. Which will be the limiting reactant?
d. Which will be the excess reactant, and how much of the excess reactant will be left
3. If 1.00 grams of hydrogen gas and 1.00 grams of oxygen gas are placed in a container and
a. Which will be the limiting reactant?
b. Which will be the excess reactant?
c. What is the theoretical yield for water?
d. If 0.96 g of water are actually produced, what is the percent yield for this process?
4. Gaseous nitrogen and hydrogen react to form ammonia via the Haber process, which is
represented by the following chemical equation: N2(g) + 3H2(g) → 2NH3(g)
a. If you react 25.0 grams of hydrogen gas in the presence of excess nitrogen gas,
how many grams of ammonia should be produced?
b. If you produced 140. grams of ammonia, what is the percent yield?
5. Look back to Example 12.8. If you changed the recipe to 2 slices of cheese per sandwich,
what would be the limiting reactant and excess reactant given the same reactant amounts
as in the example?
6. Magnesium reacts with nitrogen in the air to form magnesium nitride.
a. Write and balance the chemical equation.
b. What is the limiting reactant if 4.00 g of Mg are mixed with 8.00 g of nitrogen?
c. What is the theoretical yield of magnesium nitride in grams?


1 mol
637.2g NH3 x = 37.4 molNH3
17.04 g
1 mol
1142g CO2 x = 26.0 mol CO2
For 26.0 mol CO2, we need twice that many mol NH3 , or 52 mol NH3
1 mol urea
37.4molNH3 x = 18.7 mol urea
2 molNH3
18.7 mol urea x = 1122g urea
b. mol
a. 2H2 + O2 → 2H2O
b. There is a 1:1 ratio between moles of H2 and moles of water, so 1 mole of water will
be produced.
c. One mole of oxygen yields 2 moles of water, so hydrogen is the limiting reagent and
will run out first.
d. oxygen is the excess reactant; there will be 0.5 moles oxygen remaining
1g H2
= 0.5 molH2
2.02g / mol
1g O2
= 0.03 molH2
3. 32g / mol
0.03 mol O2 forms 2 x 0.03 mols water = 0.06 mol water
0.06mol water x 18g/mol = 1.08 g water formed
a. Oxygen is limiting
b. Hydrogen is the excess reactant
c. The theoretical yield is 1.08 g of water
d. The percent yield is 0.96 g /1.08 g = 88.9% yield
4. Gaseous nitrogen and hydrogen react to form ammonia via the Haber process, which is
represented by the following chemical equation: N2(g) + 3H2(g) → 2NH3(g)
a. (25 g H2) (1 mol H2/2 g H2)(2 mol NH3/3 mol H2)(17 g NH3/1 mol NH3)
= 141.7 g NH3
b. 140 g NH3/ 141.7 g NH3 = 98.8% yield
5. Since it takes 2 slices of cheese and 2 slices of bread per sandwich, we will use all 10
slices of cheese, along with 10 slices of bread
As a result, cheese is limiting, and bread is the excess reactant(with 6 slices leftover)
a. 3Mg + N2 → Mg3N2
4.00 g Mg
= 0.16 molMg
24.3g / mol
8.0 g N2
= 0.29 molN2
28g / mol
need 3 molMg for each molN2
for 0.29 mol nitrogen need 0.87 molMg
1 molMg3N2
0.16 molMg x = 0.05 molMg3N2
3 molMg
100.9 g
thoretical yield = 0.05 mol x = 5.05 g
c. mol

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