Specialized Crime Investigation 1 With Legal Medicine

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1. Mark Angelo M. Arasga – EAC – Cavite Campus

2. Jane Novelle A. Cuenca – DWCC – Oriental Mindoro
3. Ma. Milagros M. Antonio – WUP – Cabanatuan City
4. Phoebe Calupit – SIT – Sorsogon City
5. Alrien Dausan – DLSU – Dasmarinas
6. Aileen D. Ybanez – EAC – Cavite Campus
COURSE TITLE: Specialized Crime Investigation 1 with Legal Medicine

The course covers the special study of modern technique in the investigation of crimes involving crimes against persons, property,
chastity, and other related offenses.

Likewise, it focuses with the application of medical science in crime investigation with emphasis on Human Anatomy and Physiology, the
medico-legal aspects of physical injuries, death crimes, abortion, infanticide, paternity and filiations, impotency, sterility and poisoning.

A. Conduct criminological research on crimes, crime causation, victims, and offenders to include deviant behavior.
B. Internalize the concepts of human rights and victim welfare.
C. Demonstrate competence and broad understanding in law enforcement administration, public safety, and criminal justice.
D. Utilize criminalistics or forensic science in the investigation and detection of crime.
E. Apply the principles and jurisprudence of criminal law, evidence and criminal procedure.
F. Ensure offenders’ welfare and development for their re-integration to the community.

Program Performance Course / Course Content Teaching / Assessment Monitoring

Outcomes Indicators Learning Learning
Outcomes Activity

(1) B. 1. Understand 1. Explain the A. LEGAL SAFEGUARDS OF PERSON 1. Research 1. Quiz

Internalize the the legal salient and UNDER CUSTODIAL INVESTIGATION: 2. Case Analysis 2. Recitation
concepts of safeguards related a. Art 3 bill of rights under 1987 Phil 3. Film viewing 3. Buzz Method
human rights and rights of a provisions Constitution 4. Reaction
and victim person under under the 1987 b. R.A. 7438 – Rights of the arrested, Paper
welfare. custodial Constitution detained, and person under custodial 5. Rubric
investigation and R.A. No. investigation 6. Portfolio
on specific 7438. c. Miranda Warning
crimes. d. Amendment Rights
2. Discuss the
cases related to RIGHTS:
the safeguards 1. Miranda v. Texas Arizona
of person/s 2. Brown v. Mississippi
under custodial 3. Escobedo v. Illinois
investigation. 4. Terry doctrine
5. Daubert case
6. Frye Case

(2) C. 1. Explain the 1. Determine SCENE OF THE CRIME OPERATION 1. Film Viewing 1. Reaction
Demonstrate significance of the approach in (SOCO) 2. Seminar and Paper
competence fundamentals the conduct of a. Mission Workshop on 2.
and broad of criminal investigation b. General Objectives Specialized Demonstration
understanding investigation particularly in c. Classification of Cases for Crime 3. Rubric
in in the conduct specific crimes. Crime Lab. Assistance Investigation 4. Portfolio
(investigation) of specialized d. Mandatory Requirements for: 3. Research
law crime 2. Apply and e. Powers and Functions of the
4. Scenario
enforcement investigation. explain cases SOCO
Thinking (Case
administration and the method f. SOCO Personnel
, public safety, utilized in their g. Composition of Analysis)
and criminal investigation. SOCO Team
a. History
b. Objectives
c. Vision
d. Mission
e. Functions
f. Organizational Structure/Jurisdiction
g. Divisions under the Office of the
h. Sections under the Administrative
i. Sections under the Financial Services
j. Sections under the Investigation
k. Sections under the Intelligence
l. Sections under the Forensic
Investigation Services
m. Basic Qualifications for NBI Agent
n. Basic Qualifications for Special
o. Requirements for Application
p. Circumstances under which the NBI
may be contacted

(3) D. Utilize 1. Apply 1. Identify and CRIME SCENE RESPONSE 1. Film 1. Reaction
criminalistics knowledge on apply the PROCEDURE Viewing Paper
or forensic criminalistics principles of a. Duties of the first responder 2. Workshop 2.
science in the and police the necessary b. Duties of the investigator-on-case 3. Research Demonstration
investigation science in the criminalistics in c. General SOCO Procedures 4. Scenario 3. Rubric
and detection conduct of the d. Duties of the Territorial Police Thinking 4. Portfolio
of crime. specialized investigation of Unit 5. Reporting
crime a specific e. Policy Guidelines on Processing
investigation. crime. of Person Present at the Crime Scene


the methods of SIGNS OF DEATH
criminalistics I. Kinds
employed in a. Somatic Death
the b. Molecular Death
investigation of c. Suspended Animation
a specific
crime. II. Common Signs
a. Cooling of the Body/ Algor Mortis
b. Insensibility of body and loss of
powers to move
c. Cessation of heart action and
d. Cessation of respiration
e. Changes in the eye
f. Changes in the skin
g. Non-reaction of the skin to heat


I. Changes in the muscle
1. primary flaccidity
2. post-mortem rigidity or cadaveric
a. heat stiffening
b. cold stiffening
c. cadaveric spasm or instantaneous
d. importance of cadaveric
3. State of secondary flaccidity or
secondary relaxation

II. Changes in Blood

1. Coagulation of the blood

2. Post-mortem lividity/ Livor mortis/

Post-mortem hypostatis


a. hypostasis lividity
b. diffusion lividity
c. difference of ante and post mortem
d. distinction between contusion and
post mortem lividity


I. Changes in putrefaction
a. changes in the color of the tissue
b. evolution of the gasses in the

I. Basic Concepts
a. Mummification
b. Saponification
c. Maceration

II. Estimating the time of death

a. presence of rigor mortis
b. presence f post-mortem lividity
c. onset decomposition
d. stage of decomposition
e. entomology of the cadaver
f. stage of digestion of food in the
g. presence of live fleas in drowning
h. amount of urine in the bladder
i. state of clothing
j. chemical changes in the cerebro-
spinal fluid
k. post mortem clotting
l. presence or absence of soft tissues
in skeletal remains
m. conditions of the bone
(4) E. Apply 1. Discuss the 1. Differentiate SPECIAL APPROACHES AND 1. Film Viewing
the principles elements of crimes which TECHNIQUES IN THE INVESTIGATION 2. Workshop
and specific crime are of similar OF SPECIAL CASES INVOLVING 3. Research
jurisprudence and determine nature and PERSONS, PROPERTIES 4. Scenario
of criminal the pieces of identify the 1. Crimes against Persons Thinking
law, evidence physical physical a. Parricide 5. Reporting
and criminal evidence to evidence as b. Death or Physical Injuries Inflicted
procedure. collect and means of Under Exceptional Circumstances
evaluate to proving the c. Murder
establish them commission of d. Homicide
(elements). such crime in e. Death Caused in a Tumultuous
court. Affray
2. Identify the f. Physical injuries inflicted in a
needed 2. Discuss the tumultuous affray
requirements requirements g. Serious, Less Serious, Slight
in charging for the Physical injuries, and Mutilation
suspect and application for h. Rape
preparing case orders for the
for court arrest and 2. Crimes against Property
presentation. search and a. Robbery
seizure b. Theft
operations. c. Estafa

3. Explain the 3. Crimes against Chastity

importance of a. Adultery and Concubinage
proper b. Acts of Lasciviousness
preservation of c. Seduction
physical d. Abduction
evidence on a
specific crime 4. Violence Against Women and their
and chain of Children

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