LCP Cdi 2

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For CDI 2 (Special Crime Investigation with Legal Medicine)

Week Content/Topic Objectives/Competencies Teaching-Learning Suggested Assessment Performance

No. Modality/ References Technique Output
Strategies /Sources (Evidence of
Week Part I: Initial 1. To familiarize on how to deal Home-based activity Field Manual on Investigation of - Essay Results of
01-02 Response to the with the initial response to a with learning Crimes and Violence and Other - Objective Evaluation
(Introd Crime Scene crime scene, including the modules/activity Crimes (2011) Test Test
uction (“The Golden conduct of interviews and sheets to be
to Hour”) profiling; and distributed through Criminal Investigation Manual
Crimes 2. Provides a guide and checklist social media platform (Revised) (2011)
of of the action to be taken to (GC), or in hard copy
Violen to be picked-up in
ensure that the crime scene is
ce) designated area.
not contaminated.
Part II: Initial
Investigation 3. To emphasize that the first 72
(“The Golden hours is crucial in the
Hour”) investigation of crimes of
violence particularly for
murder and
kidnapping/abduction; and
4. Provides a guide on post
mortem changes, investigative
interviewing and profiling.
Part III: Evidence
Collection 5. Acquire knowledge with the
procedures in the conduct of
evidence collection, handling
and transportation, and in
submitting evidence to the
crime laboratory.
Part IV:
Managing the
6. Be familiarized with the
creation of the Special
Investigation Task Group
(SITG) and Investigation
Planning and Management.

Week Definition of 1. To distinguish Special Crime Home-based activity Forensic of Legal Medicine (Arlyn
03-04 Special Crime Investigation from an ordinary with learning M. Dasal, DPA and Ronaldo Q.
(Speci Investigation crime investigation. modules/activity Santos, MD)
al sheets to be
Crime distributed through
Investi social media platform Legal Medicine (Pedro Solis)
gation (GC), or in hard copy
) to be picked-up in
Special Crime
2. To impart to the students that designated area.
the Special Crime Investigation
with Legal
focuses more on physical
evidence: its proper collection,
proper handling, identification
and preservation in
coordination with the crime
Three (3) Main 3. To impart to our students the
Types of Special Descriptive, Comparative and
Experimental types of Special
Crime Investigation.
4. To illustrate to our students
Four (4) Phases the Four Phases of Special
of Special Crime Crime Investigations, to wit:
Investigation a.) Determine if a crime has
been committed, b.) Identify
the perpetrator/s, c.)
Apprehend the perpetrator/s,
and d.) Provide evidence to
provide conviction in court.
5. To impart the enumeration of
Five (5) Special Crime Investigation, as
Elements in follows: a.) The initial or
Managing preliminary investigations, b.)
Special Crime Case screening, c.) Follow-up
investigations and
management of on-going
investigations, d.) Police-
prosecutors relations, and e.)
Continuous monitoring of
investigative process.
6. To educate our students about
Areas of Special
the different areas of the
Special Crime Investigation,
such as: a.) Forensic
Identification System, b.)
Traffic Analyst and
Reconstruction Unit, c.)
Criminal Intelligence and
Crime Analysis, d.) Criminal
and Geographic Criminal
Profiling, e.) Polygraph Section
and Specialized Interviewees
Teams, and f.) Computer
Crime Analysis and Data
Definition of Recovery.
(Foren Forensic or Legal
Medicine 1. Understand the definition of
sic or
Legal Forensic Medicine or Legal
Medici Difference Medicine;
ne) between
Forensic 2. To learn the difference
Medicine to between the Forensic
Legal Medicine Medicine and Legal Medicine;

Legal Medicine
in Criminology 3. To understand the legal
application of medical
knowledge to legal problems
and legal proceedings;
Legal Medicine
in the
4. To impart the application of
medical and paramedical
scientific knowledge to certain
branches of law, both civil and
Aims and 5. Learn the application of
Objectives of medical and paramedical
Forensic knowledge to aid the
Medicine administration of justice; and
6. Emphasize the importance of
Forensic Medicine by the legal
authorities; such as applying
medical knowledge in deciding
cases of injuries, murder,
suicide, etc.
Scope of
Forensic 7. Familiarize the application of
Medicine medical knowledge in legal
matters, both in civil and
criminal cases;

8. Equip knowledge on the

investigation of sudden,
unexpected, suspicious or
frankly criminal deaths;

9. Acquire knowledge on how to

examine the various trauma
injury, dead body, etc. and
giving medico legal opinion
regarding the cause and
nature of injuries and death;

10. Gain insight on the

identification of person by
different examinations using
medical knowledge that
greatly helps in crime
Duties of the
Medical 11. Familiarize the students of the
duties of the Medical
Application of Examiner
12. Equip knowledge on the
Branches of application of the Forensic
Forensic Medicine
13. Provides understanding on the
different branches of Forensic

Week Death scene 1. Acquire knowledge on identifying Home-based activity Instructional Module on Special - Pencil Retrieved
09-12 investigation and the manner of death. with learning Crime Investigation &paper worksheets/
(Homi the manner of 2. Acquire skills on how to recognize modules/activity Wiseman’s Books Trading, Inc. test activities
cide/D death the role of the Pathologists in sheets to be Quezon City (pp 47-72). - Essay
eath death investigation. distributed through - Objective
Scene social media platform Legal Medicine (Pedro Solis) Test
Investi Physical changes 3. Acquire knowledge on the (GC), or in hard copy
gation of the dead body different physical changes of the to be picked-up in
) (post mortem dead body. designated area.
reaction) 4. Acquire skills on how to recognize
Training Module on Criminal
the original position of the body. Investigation Manual
5. Acquire skills on how to
determine whether the victim was PNP Investigative Manual (1992)
killed on a certain place.
Revised Penal Code
Blunt force 6. Acquire knowledge of the
wounds different types of wounds
7. Acquire skills on how to identify
the type of wounds

Week Concepts of Sex 1. Acquire knowledge on new Rape Home-based activity Revised Penal Code - Pencil Retrieved
13 Crimes Law of the Philippines. with learning &paper worksheets/
(Sex (categories of modules/activity Instructional Module on Special test activities
ual peculiar ways of 2. Acquire skills in conducting sheets to be Crime Investigation - Essay
Crimes sex offenders) investigation on sex crimes. distributed through Wiseman’s Books Trading, Inc. - Objective
Investi 3. Acquire skills on how to obtain social media platform Quezon City (pp 73-79). Test
gation physical evidence of sex crimes. (GC), or in hard copy
) to be picked-up in Art of Criminal Investigation
Categories of 4. Acquire knowledge on different designated area. (Garcia 2004)
peculiar ways of types of sexual behavior.
behavior of sex 5. Acquire skills on how to identify Fundamental of Criminal
offender’s the sexual behavior of sex Investigation with Special Crime
offender’s. (Bernas 2004)

Common 6. Acquire skills on psychological Training Module on Criminal

Terminologies abnormalities of a person’s towards Investigation Manual
used in the study sexual gratification.
of sex crimes 7. Acquire skills on considerable PNP Investigative Manual (1992)
and behavioral factors which drive person to commit
sexual sexual crimes.
satisfaction of
sex crime
Week Crime of Theft 1. Acquire knowledge on the Home-based activity Instructional Module on Special - Pencil Retrieved
14 different types of theft. with learning Crime Investigation &paper worksheets/
(Crime 2. Acquire skills on how to identify modules/activity Wiseman’s Books Trading, Inc. test activities
s either the crime committed is theft or sheets to be Quezon City (pp 81-83). - Essay
Agains robbery. distributed through - Objective
t Simple Theft and social media platform Art of Criminal Investigation Test
Proper Qualified Theft (GC), or in hard copy (Garcia 2004)
ty) to be picked-up in
Robbery`1qwert 3. Acquire knowledge on how to Fundamental of Criminal
designated area.
y distinguish either crime is robbery Investigation with Special Crime
or theft. (Bernas 2004)
4. Acquire knowledge on how to
determine whether the act is CIDG Criminal Investigation
robbery or not. Manual (2000)

PNP Investigative Manual (1992)

Revised Penal Code

Week Human 1. Acquire knowledge on the Home-based activity Instructional Module on Special - Pencil Retrieved
15 Trafficking in different type of human with learning Crime Investigation &paper worksheets/
(Kidna relation to the smuggling/trafficking. modules/activity Wiseman’s Books Trading, Inc. test activities
pping violation of RA 2. Acquire skills on how to sheets to be Quezon City (pp 85-99). - Essay
and 7610, RA 9223 investigate the crime of distributed through - Objective Prelim
Huma and RA 9208 human trafficking/smuggling. social media platform Art of Criminal Investigation Test Examination
n (Anti-Human (GC), or in hard copy (Garcia 2004) - Prelim Result
Traffic Trafficking Act) to be picked-up in Exam
king/H designated area. Fundamental of Criminal
uman Human 3. Acquire knowledge on the Investigation with Special Crime
Smugg Smuggling in difference of human (Bernas 2004)
ling) relation to RA smuggling to human
8042 (Migrant trafficking. CIDG Criminal Investigation
Workers and 4. Acquire skills on the different Manual (2000)
Overseas Filipino mode of operation of organize
Act of 1995) criminals. PNP Investigative Manual (1992)

Kidnapping/ 1. Acquire skills on the basic Revised Penal Code

Abduction steps on how to locate and
trace the kidnappers
2. Emphasize the DO’s and the
Week RA 3019 (Anti- 1. Acquire knowledge on the Home-based activity Instructional Module on Special - Pencil Retrieved
16 Graft and importance of the S.A.L.N. with learning Crime Investigation &paper worksheets/
(Graft Corrupt 2. Acquire skills in the conduct of modules/activity Wiseman’s Books Trading, Inc. test activities
and Practices Act) investigation in relation to sheets to be Quezon City (pp 137-156). - Essay
Corrup violation of RA 3019. distributed through - Objective
t social media platform Art of Criminal Investigation Test
Practic RA 1379 (An Act 3. Acquire knowledge on the (GC), or in hard copy (Garcia 2004)
es of Declaring existing laws on forfeiture of to be picked-up in
Gover Forfeiture in assets and property. designated area. Fundamental of Criminal
nment favor of the Investigation with Special Crime
Official State any 4. Acquire skills on how to trace (Bernas 2004)
s and Property found and investigate the
their to have been unexplained wealth. CIDG Criminal Investigation
Emplo unlawfully Manual (2000)
yees) acquired)
PNP Investigative Manual (1992)
Estafa and 5. Acquire knowledge on the
Malversation of different forms of Estafa. Revised Penal Code
Funds 6. Acquire knowledge on the
difference between the crime
of Malversation and Estafa.
Batas Pambansa 7. Acquire knowledge on the
Bilang 22 different elements of Bouncing
(Bouncing Check Check Law.
Law) 8. Acquire knowledge on how to
investigate the violation of
bank fraud.
Week Hacker, Cracker 1. Acquire knowledge on the existing Home-based activity Instructional Module on Special - Pencil Retrieved
17 and RA 8484 laws on computer crimes. with learning Crime Investigation &paper worksheets/
(Comp (Access modules/activity Wiseman’s Books Trading, Inc. test activities
uter Regulation Act of 2. Acquire Skills on how to sheets to be Quezon City (pp 156-178). - Essay
Crimes 1998 – PNP ACG) investigate violation of RA 8484. distributed through - Objective
) 3. Acquire skill on the different mode social media platform Training Manual on Criminal Test
of operation of the Hacker and the (GC), or in hard copy Investigation
Cracker. to be picked-up in
RA 8792 designated area. www.organized crime: html ncis
( Electronic 4. Acquire knowledge on the Terrorism and Organized Hate
Commerce Act legal implication of computer Crime.
of 2000) forensic
5. Acquire skill on how to protect Revised Penal Code
and preserve the evidence in
relation to RA 8792.
6. Acquire skills on how to
preserve and identify the
information possibly recover
Cyber Terrorism from the computer.

7. Acquire knowledge on the

concept of cyber terrorism
8. Acquire knowledge of the role
Target of the of the Forensic Investigator.
Cyber Terrorists
9. Acquire knowledge on who
are the possible targets of the
cyber terrorists.
10. Acquire skills on the motives
of the terrorists associated
with cyber terrorism.
Week Definition and 1. Acquire knowledge on the basic Home-based activity Instructional Module on Special - Pencil Retrieved
18 (PD Basic Elements elements of Arson. with learning Crime Investigation &paper worksheets/
1613 – of Arson modules/activity Wiseman’s Books Trading, Inc. test activities
A 2. Acquire knowledge on the simple sheets to be Quezon City (pp 179-199). - Essay
mendi definition of Arson. distributed through - Objective Simulated
ng the 3. Acquire skills on how to determine social media platform CIDG Training Manual on Test photographs
Law whether the crime is plain Arson (GC), or in hard copy Criminal Investigation.
on or not. to be picked-up in
Arson) designated area. BFP Fire Investigation Manual.
Motives of Arson 4. Understand the common motives
of the crime of Arson. Revised Penal Code
5. Understand the different motives
of Arson.
Why Fire must
6. Understand why fire must be
be Investigated?
7. Identify the origin of fires
8. Acquire knowledge on how fire
9. Acquire knowledge and skills the
meaning of smoke.
Role of the Fire
Investigator 10. Acquire knowledge and skills on
how to conduct the basic arson
9. Acquire skills the meaning on how
to collect, preserve and handling
of evidence.

Week Definition of 1. Discuss the definition of Home-based activity Wiseman’s Books Trading, Inc. - Pencil Retrieved
19 Carnapping Carnapping as defined in RA 6539. with learning Quezon City (pp 199-201). &paper worksheets/
(Carna modules/activity test activities
pping Elements of 2. Be able to enumerate and sheets to be CIDG Training Manual on - Essay
– RA Carnapping understand the elements of distributed through Criminal Investigation. - Objective Midterm
6539) Carnapping. social media platform Test Examination
(GC), or in hard copy BFP Fire Investigation Manual. - Midterm Results
3. Discuss and fully understand the to be picked-up in Exams
definition of Motor Vehicle as well as designated area. Revised Penal Code
Definition of the Macro Etching and Micro Etching
Motor Vehicle,
Macro Etching
and Micro
Etching 4. Acquire knowledge and skill on
How to detect stolen vehicles
How to Detect
Stolen Vehicles 5. Provides understanding of the
Modus Operandi of the
Modus Operandi Carnappers
of Carnappers



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