Exercises EAPP
Exercises EAPP
Exercises EAPP
2. Ansel Bourne was a preacher, carpenter, and most likely an inspiration for the name “Bourne” in the movie
and novel series, “The Bourne Identity.” Up until 1857, Bourne had been a carpenter, until he was called to
religion. After 1858, he worked as a evangelical preacher, until 1887. He set up shop in Norristown,
Pennsylvania, as a candy maker using the name A.J. Brown. Three months later, he woke up not knowing where
he was, with no memory of the previous months. The case of Mr. Bourne has fascinated psychologists, and some
film makers, for years.
3. The term “amnesia” refers to complete or partial memory loss. Almost all of us will experience some form of
amnesia in our lives, even if it’s just a simple case of verbal amnesia, like forgetting someone’s name.
Fortunately, there are things that you can do to prevent amnesia. Here is a list of foods that you can eat to
improve your memory: almonds, walnuts, bananas, honey, apples, and black pepper. Though these foods may not
reverse post-traumatic amnesia, they should improve your memory in daily life if you eat them regularly enough.
4. What do “Finding Nemo” and “Robocop” have in common? Not much, except that they both feature
characters that suffer amnesia. Amnesia is a common plot device in movies and TV shows, but how accurate are
these depictions? In television and movies, memory loss caused by a knock to the head (post-traumatic amnesia)
is shown as fairly common, when it is actually quite rare. Unlike in movies and television shows that feature
amnesia, most knocks to the head will not produce memory loss. In reality, memory loss or amnesia is much
more likely to occur as the result of a stroke, brain infection, or brain surgery. So while amnesia causes people or
characters to lose memories in both film and reality, characters are usually “fixed” by taking another knock to the
head. In reality, people are not cured so simply.
5. What would you do if you awoke one day and discovered that you could not create new memories? You might
remember everything that occurred in your life up to the point of an injury, but could not form new memories
beyond that. This condition is called “anterograde amnesia,” and it is difficult to treat, but doctors and therapists
recommend these steps: first, use technology to help. A cell phone with a calendar reminder can do much to
offset this condition. Second, use helpers. Having people to assist with daily tasks, like paying bills, will prove
quite helpful. Lastly, seek therapy. While there is no cure for anterograde amnesia, memory training may help
the afflicted live a more normal life. Currently, there are no chemical medications or drugs that will alleviate this
6. The brain is the most complicated system in the human body. The brain is separated into two hemispheres or
halves. From front to back, the brain is further divided into three parts: the forebrain, the midbrain, and the
hindbrain. The forebrain is where most reasoning, thinking, and emotional activity occur. It is also where most
memories are stored. The midbrain controls reflexes and processes sensory information (sight, touch, taste, etc.)
The hindbrain processes basic survival functions, like breathing and maintaining a heartbeat. The brain is truly
the most amazing system in the human body.
Name: _________________________________
1. Today's economy is tough, but there are a lot of ways that you can
cut back. Instead of paying big bucks to some fancy mechanic, you can
save money by changing your own oil. Before you crawl under that car,
you need to put on some clothes that you won't mind getting dirty. You
will also need to wear goggles, gloves, and boots for your own safety.
Once you are properly dressed, crawl under your car and remove the oil plug. Drain the oil into
an oil pan. Wait a few minutes to make sure that the old oil has drained completely, and then
replace the oil plug. Now locate your car’s oil filter and use an oil filter wrench to remove it. Be
careful: a small amount of the old oil may dump out of the filter. Replace your old filter with the
new one and pour four or five fresh quarts of oil into your car’s engine. Larger vehicles may
require more oil so be sure to find out the correct amount of oil for your car before pouring. The
last step is to clean up your mess. This includes properly disposing of your old oil. Most places
that change oil will get rid of your old oil for free. While you are dropping off your old oil you
can laugh in their faces about all of the money that you are saving.
2. Going for a drive can be a peaceful and relaxing activity. The world is a beautiful place and
you can see a lot more of it with a car, but one thing that can ruin a nice drive is heavy traffic.
Have you ever wondered why there are traffic jams? The first reason is because of merging.
Every car driver keeps a certain distance between themselves and the car in front of them. When
a new person merges into traffic, the person behind him must slow down to adjust his or her
following distance. Each person that merges causes more and more people to slow down. If
there are many people merging, traffic will move very slowly. The second thing that creates
traffic is bottlenecking. Bottlenecking happens when the number of lanes reduces. When lanes
end, drivers have to merge, and as we have already discussed, merging slows down traffic. The
absolute worst thing for the flow of traffic is an accident. An accident will create traffic in two
ways: first, it will shut down lanes, which will create bottlenecking and force people to merge,
but accidents also slow down traffic by absorbing the attention of passing drivers. Many people
stare at the scene of the accident as they pass, which causes traffic to move very slowly through
the bottleneck that is created by the accident. Traffic may back up for miles. So the next time
that you're parked in the middle of the expressway staring at somebody's bumper stickers for
several hours, you'll know why. Won't that be nice?
3. You might think that all automobile fuels are the same, but they aren’t. Automobiles can run
on one of three types of fuel: gasoline, diesel, and biodiesel. All of these fuels are burned inside
of the engine, which creates the heat and energy that is used to power the car, but there are
important differences between them. Gasoline and diesel are the most common fuels, but they
are burned differently. Diesel fuel is heavier and less flammable than gasoline, so it has to be
compressed before it will burn. Gasoline is lighter than diesel, but both of these fuels are made
from crude oil. Biodiesel, on the other hand, is made from vegetables. Both biodiesel and diesel
fuels must be burned in diesel engines, which only use diesel fuel. If gasoline is pumped into a
diesel engine, it will have to be pumped out. These fuels may look pretty similar at the gas
station, but remember that there are important differences between them or it may cost you.
4. According to the last US census, drivers 19 years old and younger represent only 5% of all
drivers, yet they are involved in more than 12% of car accidents. This shows that teen drivers are
involved in more accidents than their older and wiser counterparts. Sadly, teens make up more
than 8% of drivers killed in car accidents. It doesn't have to be like this. We can prevent
accidents and save lives by changing the minimum driving age. By raising the minimum driving
age to 21 years old, more teens will live to see their 20s. Doesn't that seem worth it? I'd rather
have my teenage son or daughter moaning and groaning about the driving age then getting
involved in a serious accident because he or she isn't ready to drive yet. What do you think?
5. The history of the automobile involves many key contributors. Nicolas Cugnot is credited with
creating the first self-propelled vehicle, and Nicéphore Niépce created the first internal
combustion engine, but perhaps the most important figure in the history of the automobile was
Henry Ford. Henry Ford did not invent the automobile but he changed the way that automobiles,
and most consumer products, are made. Henry Ford did this by making cars in a more efficient
way: he used an assembly line. Rather than training each worker to create a whole vehicle,
Ford’s workers were only responsible for one small part of the manufacturing process. For
example, one worker’s job might be to put all of the tires on all of the wheels. Since this was all
that this worker would do all day, it was pretty easy to learn his job and stay focused on it.
Building products using an assembly line proved to be cheaper and faster than using craftsmen to
produce specialized products. Because of his assembly line, Ford's Model T became the first
affordable automobile for mainstream America. So while Henry Ford didn't invent the car, he did
make it so that most Americans could buy cars and that's a pretty big deal.
6. Imagine this: you're driving down the highway at a decent pace, maybe sixty miles and hour,
when suddenly your engine makes a loud noise and your car comes to a rough stop. What
happened? You probably ran out of oil. Cars need oil to operate. Oil lubricates the engine to
prevent friction. If your car does not have oil, the engine will overheat and malfunction. The
engine block may crack, which will break the car. This is an easy to prevent, however. Just check
your oil levels every time that you fill up your gas tank. If you notice that you are leaving behind
oil spots or that your oil levels are dropping, get the leak in your system plugged immediately. A
healthy cars does not lose oil. Also, don't forget to change your oil every 3,000 to 7,000 miles.
Replacing your car's engine is very costly and it's a lot cheaper and easier to practice basic
maintenance then to buy a whole new one.
Name: _________________________________
1. Most American families can afford to buy cotton candy these days,
but it wasn’t always that way. Cotton candy was first made in Europe
during the 17th century, but making it back then took a lot of work and
most people couldn’t afford it. In 1897 William Morrison and John
Wharton invented machine-spun cotton candy. This made cotton candy
much cheaper to produce. People fell in love with the treat when
Morrison and Wharton introduced it at the 1904 World’s Fair.
Morrison and Wharton called the treat “fairy floss,” it was Joseph Lascaux who actually called
the treat “cotton candy” in 1921. The next big breakthrough came in the 1970s, when a machine
was invented that created the cotton candy and packaged it automatically. This made producing
and distributing cotton candy cheaper and easier than ever. Now cotton candy can be found in
carnivals, fairs, and circuses around the world. Aside from the delicious taste, the best part about
today’s cotton candy is its affordability.
2. If cotton candy had a list of ingredients on the side of the bag, it would be a very short list:
sugar and food coloring would be the only two things on it. So, how does sugar become the
fluffy treat that we know as cotton candy? In today’s cotton candy machines, the process starts
with a small amount of colored sugar spinning in the head of the machine. The sugar is heated
until it melts, and then it is squeezed out through tiny holes in the spinning head. The melted
sugar becomes solid in the air and is caught in a larger bowl that surrounds the spinning head.
The product builds up in the bowl as the machine operates, and the person running the machine
should occasionally twirl a stick or cone around the bowl to gather the sugared strands. You may
not have a cotton candy machine lying around your house, but you probably have all of the
ingredients that you need to make it. So close, yet so far away…
3. Cotton candy sure is a delicious treat, but it isn’t exactly the tidiest. Eating it may make a
sticky mess, particularly in humid locations during the summer. The sugar may melt all over
your face and hands, leaving behind colorful, sticky goo. But that doesn’t mean that you
shouldn’t enjoy cotton candy. You just have to make sure that you are properly prepared to deal
with the mess. Since cotton candy is made from sugar, it is water soluble, meaning that water
will dissolve the cotton candy. If you have a wet towel, you can clean the mess right off of your
face, hands, and wherever else you may find it. This will make cleaning up the cotton candy
mess a breeze. So don’t let your desire to be clean prevent you from enjoying this tasty
confection, just be prepared to clean it up before you grab a sticky clump
4. Going to the candy shop is a lot of fun, but I always have a hard time deciding what to get.
There are lots of different options and they are all so delicious, but for me it always comes down
to two choices: cotton candy or rock candy. Both of these treats are made out of sugar and get
their coloring from food dyes, but they are prepared differently. Cotton candy can be quickly
spun from a machine. A batch of cotton candy may only take five or ten minutes to make, but it
does require a specialized machine. On the other hand, rock candy forms slowly. It takes six or
seven days to make a batch of rock candy, but you can do it at home without any expensive
machinery. Both of these treats can be served on sticks, but you can't eat either of them around
me without sharing.
5. Are you having a birthday party? Do you want your school dance or function to be better than
all others? Would you like to be the most popular kid on the block? If so, now is the perfect time
to rent a cotton candy machine from Bob's Party Supplies. It’s easy to rent a cotton candy
machine from Bob's. Just come into the store and fill out the liability waiver. Then sign up for
the cotton candy machine operating classes. Attend the operating classes every Saturday and
Sunday from 8AM until noon for the next sixteen weeks. After submitting your 30 page research
paper and passing the final exam, all you need to do is put down your $2,500 deposit and you
will be the proud lessor of a slightly used machine that makes cotton candy. With a cotton candy
machine in your possession, you will be the envy of all others, and remember to rent one from
Bob’s because Bob makes it easy.
6. When cotton candy is sold at markets or events, it is usually pink or blue, but the natural color
of cotton candy is as white the sugar that is used to make it. The reason why cotton candy
appears blue or pink is because of food coloring. Gelled food coloring is added to the white sugar
before it is spun, which causes the sugar molecules to combine with the pigments in the food
coloring. These food dyes do not affect the taste of the cotton candy in any noticeable way, but
they do transform the treat into the brightly colored confection that consumers expect. This is
why you will rarely find white cotton candy. What do you think? Would you buy a bag of white
cotton candy, or do you think that it would be too weird?
Name: _________________________________
2. Congratulations on your purchase of the Flag Master 5000! You'll find this state of the art
system will allow you to display your bicycle flag higher than ever, and installation is a snap.
Just attach the Flag Master carrier unit to the rear axle of your bicycle frame with the provided
clamps. Once the carrier is secure, drop the base of your flag into the flag carrier and you're
ready to ride. Your heart will swell with pride as you navigate the streets of your neighborhood
waving the flag of your favorite sports team, nation, state, or maybe your flag will just be a solid
color. Enjoy your breathtaking rise to the heights of popularity with this fashionable bicycle
3. Have you ever wondered how mountain bikes can ride so smoothly on rough surfaces? The
reason for this is that mountain bikes have suspension systems. Suspension systems keep the
wheels in continuous contact with the ground. This improves control and insulates the rider from
changes in the surface. Suspension systems also reduce vibrations and make the ride more
comfortable. Just don't get too comfortable and put your feet up because you still need those for
4. Buying a bicycle is exciting and rewarding, but choosing the right bicycle requires some
thought. One of the major considerations is whether to get a mountain bike, a racing bike, or a
BMX bike. All of these have the parts that you would expect from a bicycle: a frame, pedals, two
wheels, a chain-- but mountain bikes and racing bikes have multiple gears while BMX bikes
have only one gear. Multiple gears give the rider the ability to increase or decrease the force
required to push the pedals. This can be an advantage when you are travelling over a variety of
surfaces. Racing bikes and mountain bikes both have multiple gears, but mountain bikes tend to
have thicker, more rugged tires that allow the cyclist to travel off of the path more smoothly.
Racing bikes may go faster than mountain bikes on streets, but they are pretty much limited to
riding on paved roads. Like mountain bikes, BMX bikes are built for off-roading. BMX bikes
even have a popular off-road race culture associated with them, but if you plan on riding great
distances, you would probably find a mountain bike to be more comfortable. When it's time to
make that big purchase, you should weigh these considerations
5. When you are riding a bicycle in traffic, it is important to communicate your intentions with
the motorists around you. In other words, you have to tell people where you are going with
signals. This is not so difficult though. When you want to turn left, just extend your left arm out
horizontally in the direction that you are turning. If you want to turn right, extend your left elbow
horizontally, but point your fingers up at the sky. This will make an "L" shape and will let the
people around you know that you are turning right. If you are breaking, extend your left elbow in
the same way, but point your fingers downward. This indicates that you will be stopping
suddenly. Practice these signals and you'll be a considerate cyclist. Many motorists will want to
accommodate you if let them know what you are doing.
6. Bicycles are a pretty old innovation when compared to something like a mobile phone. Some
say a Scottish blacksmith named Kirkpatrick MacMillan invented the first self-propelled two-
wheeled vehicle, or bicycle, in 1839. MacMillan's design connected the pedals to the wheel with
rods. J. K. Starley improved on this design in 1885 when he created the first chain driven
bicycle. Starley's work was so good that most bicycles today have similar designs. Some
important features have been added since then: cable brakes were introduced in the 1890s, which
gave bicycles greater stopping power, and derailleur systems, which allowed the rider to change
gears, were invented in 1905. Today's bicycles have lightweight frames, precision manufactured
parts, and are more affordable than ever, yet surprisingly little has changed since Starley’s
original design. I guess that it's hard to improve upon perfection.
Name: _____________________________
Identifying Text Structure 3
Directions: read the following passages and determine the text structure. Then, put information from the
text into the appropriate graphic organizer. Remember to focus on the main idea of each paragraph.
Compare and Contrast Spatial Chronological
1. The surface of the Earth is divided into pieces called “tectonic plates.” These plates move. When the
plates rub against each other, they do not move smoothly. When the plates do not move smoothly,
earthquakes result. Some parts of the world get more earthquakes than other parts. The parts of the earth
that get most earthquakes are near the edges of these plates.
2. Some countries, such as Japan, or parts of a country, like California in the United States, have a lot of
earthquakes. In these places it is a good practice to build houses and other buildings so they will not
collapse when there is an earthquake. This is called seismic design or "earthquake-proofing".
How is the text structured? _____________________________________________________________
Put information from the passage into the graphic organizer:
Use a separate sheet of paper if you need more room or make a mistake.
3. The ability of a building to withstand the stress of an earthquake depends upon its type of construction, shape,
mass distribution, and rigidity. Different combinations are used. To reduce stress, first, the building's ground floor
must be flexible. One method is to support the ground floor with extremely rigid, hollow columns, while the rest
of the building is supported by flexible columns located inside the hollow columns. A different method is to use
rollers or rubber pads to separate the base columns from the ground, allowing the columns to shake parallel during
an earthquake. Next, the outdoor walls should be made with stronger and more reinforced materials such as steel
or reinforced concrete. Then, to help prevent collapsing, the roof should be made out of light-weight materials.
4. A hurricane is a large storm with heavy winds and rain that begins in the ocean and builds up strength as it
moves across the water. While some of the damage caused by hurricanes is from high winds, most of it is usually
from tidal surge, flooding entire cities, and killing large numbers of people. A tornado is a storm that develops on
land, with no warning, and moves in a circular motion with heavy winds with a funnel shape, picking up and
carrying dirt, dust, and even objects. The damage caused by tornadoes is from the high velocity winds, which are
extremely destructive and deadly. They can demolish entire neighborhoods in a matter of a few seconds to a few
minutes. Tornadoes can form when hurricanes make landfall, as their winds at ground level slow down, while the
winds near the top keep their momentum, but a hurricane cannot be created by a tornado.
5. Hurricane Katrina began as Tropical Depression Twelve over the southeastern Bahamas on August 23, 2005.
The depression later strengthened into a tropical storm on the morning of August 24 where the storm was also
named Katrina. Katrina continued to move into Florida, and became a Category 1 hurricane only two hours
before it made landfall around Hallandale Beach on the morning of August 25. The storm weakened over land,
but became a hurricane again while entering the Gulf of Mexico.
7. Have you ever wondered what the inside of a volcano looks like? Deep underground is a magma
chamber. The magma chamber is under the bedrock of the earth’s crust. The conduit or pipe runs from
the magma chamber to the top of the volcano. The conduit connects the magma chamber to the surface.
Most volcanoes also have a crater at the top. Volcanoes are quite a sight, and you can enjoy this site all
over the universe. Volcanoes are found on planets other than Earth, like the Olympus Mons on Mars.
How is the text structured? _____________________________________________________________
Put information from the passage into the graphic organizer:
Use a separate sheet of paper if you need more room or make a mistake.
8. When a river receives a lot of extra water it may flood. During a flood there is plenty of water, and
most people wouldn’t think that dehydration was a serious risk, but flood waters are mostly polluted and
not safe to drink. People who drink the contaminated water may suffer from illnesses or diseases such
as typhoid. You can prepare for flooding by filling many containers with fresh clean drinking water.
You can also use sandbags to protect your house and to soak up the water. Be prepared and be safe.
10. Tsunamis are very long waves in the ocean, sometimes hundreds of miles long. Tsunamis usually
start suddenly. They may begin as normal waves and change to big waves very quickly. After this
change, tsunami waves will travel at great speed across the ocean with little energy loss. Just before
they hit land, the water will draw back off of the coast. If the slope of the coast is shallow, the water
may pull back for many hundreds of feet. People who are unaware of the danger may be drawn by this
strange site and remain on the shore. When the tsunami finally hits, it may remove sand from beaches,
destroy trees, damage houses and even destroy whole towns. Tsunamis are tremendously powerful.
11. Avalanches (when a lot of snow falls from a mountain) may bury people under them. If the people
are not found rapidly enough by rescue teams they will die of suffocation (not getting enough air) or of
hypothermia (freezing cold). The chance of surviving an avalanche is as follows:
• 92% if found within 15 minutes
• 30% if found within 35 minutes (victims die of suffocation)
• nearly zero after two hours (victims die of injuries and hypothermia)
1. Most people have had red pizza, or pizza covered with red sauce, but have you ever had white pizza? White
pizza is made in almost the same way as red pizza: the dough rises and is rolled out, toppings are applied, and it is
cooked in an oven—but the key difference is that white pizza does not have any tomato sauce on it. Instead, a
white pizza may have olive oil or no sauce at all. I like white pizza more than red pizza because you can really
taste the ingredients. Adding some fresh tomatoes to a white pizza will give it that tomato flavor without the
completely overwhelming taste of the red sauce that covers most pizzas. If you have not had a white pizza, I
recommend that you order or make one today.
2. The foundation of every pizza is the crust, and good crust comes from good dough. You might be surprised to
learn that pizza dough is made from nothing more than flour, water, yeast, olive oil, salt, and sometimes sugar.
Start by adding your yeast packet to a cup of warm water. Let the yeast activate, and then add two cups of flour,
two tablespoons of olive oil, two teaspoons of sugar, and a teaspoon of salt. Mix all of that together and wait half
an hour for the dough to rise. Now you’re ready to roll it out!
4. A hurricane is a large storm with heavy winds and rain that begins in the ocean and builds up strength as it
moves across the water. While some of the damage caused by hurricanes is from high winds, most of it is usually
from tidal surge, flooding entire cities, and killing large numbers of people. A tornado is a storm that develops on
land, with no warning, and moves in a circular motion with heavy winds with a funnel shape, picking up and
carrying dirt, dust, and even objects. The damage caused by tornadoes is from the high velocity winds, which are
extremely destructive and deadly. They can demolish entire neighborhoods in a matter of a few seconds to a few
minutes. Tornadoes can form when hurricanes make landfall, as their winds at ground level slow down, while the
winds near the top keep their momentum, but a hurricane cannot be created by a tornado.
5. Hurricane Katrina began as Tropical Depression Twelve over the southeastern Bahamas on August 23, 2005.
The depression later strengthened into a tropical storm on the morning of August 24 where the storm was also
named Katrina. Katrina continued to move into Florida, and became a Category 1 hurricane only two hours
before it made landfall around Hallandale Beach on the morning of August 25. The storm weakened over land,
but became a hurricane again while entering the Gulf of Mexico.
7. Pizza is so old that its origins are not quite clear to historians, but the word pizza comes from the
Latin verb pinsere, meaning to press. It may also be related to the Greek word pitta. In any event the
word “pizza” was first documented in Italy in 997 AD. Whatever they were eating back then, however,
was quite different from the pizza that we know today. Pizza as we know it could not really have been
invented until sometime during the 16th century, when tomatoes were brought to Europe from America.
This was big, but in my opinion the greatest development in the history of pizza occurred in 1905, when
pizza was first sold in America. The rest, as they say, is history.
8. Jimmy’s pizzeria is my favorite pizza place in the city, but you wouldn’t be able to tell that just by
looking at the outside. It is an inconspicuous brown brick building. It doesn’t even have a sign, just the
name of the establishment in three-inch letters on the storefront window. The inside isn’t much to speak
of either. There are some chrome swivel stools along a laminate countertop that makes an L shape,
separating the register and kitchen area from the dining area. Booth seating lines the eating area of the
restaurant area and a few favorable reviews from local publications are framed and displayed on the
walls. Yeah, the aesthetics of the place are a little underwhelming, but forget the scenery. I go to
Jimmy’s for the pizza.
7. Have you ever wondered what the inside of a volcano looks like? Deep underground is a magma
chamber. The magma chamber is under the bedrock of the earth’s crust. The conduit or pipe runs from
the magma chamber to the top of the volcano. The conduit connects the magma chamber to the surface.
Most volcanoes also have a crater at the top. Volcanoes are quite a sight, and you can enjoy this site all
over the universe. Volcanoes are found on planets other than Earth, like the Olympus Mons on Mars.
How is the text structured? _____________________________________________________________
Put information from the passage into the graphic organizer:
Use a separate sheet of paper if you need more room or make a mistake.
8. When a river receives a lot of extra water it may flood. During a flood there is plenty of water, and
most people wouldn’t think that dehydration was a serious risk, but flood waters are mostly polluted and
not safe to drink. People who drink the contaminated water may suffer from illnesses or diseases such
as typhoid. You can prepare for flooding by filling many containers with fresh clean drinking water.
You can also use sandbags to protect your house and to soak up the water. Be prepared and be safe.
10. Tsunamis are very long waves in the ocean, sometimes hundreds of miles long. Tsunamis usually
start suddenly. They may begin as normal waves and change to big waves very quickly. After this
change, tsunami waves will travel at great speed across the ocean with little energy loss. Just before
they hit land, the water will draw back off of the coast. If the slope of the coast is shallow, the water
may pull back for many hundreds of feet. People who are unaware of the danger may be drawn by this
strange site and remain on the shore. When the tsunami finally hits, it may remove sand from beaches,
destroy trees, damage houses and even destroy whole towns. Tsunamis are tremendously powerful.
11. Avalanches (when a lot of snow falls from a mountain) may bury people under them. If the people
are not found rapidly enough by rescue teams they will die of suffocation (not getting enough air) or of
hypothermia (freezing cold). The chance of surviving an avalanche is as follows:
• 92% if found within 15 minutes
• 30% if found within 35 minutes (victims die of suffocation)
• nearly zero after two hours (victims die of injuries and hypothermia)
1. What’s that in the sky? Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No, it’s a firework! Fireworks capture the attention of crowds around the world, but how do they work? First,
the firework is stuffed into a tube loaded with gunpowder. This is the mortar. Second, a fuse that leads to the mortar is lit. When the fuse ignites the gunpowder in
the mortar, an explosion launches the firework into the air. A fuse on the firework is lit at the same time as the mortar fuse, but this fuse burns slower, allowing the
firework to get into the air before it explodes. After it has risen to its peak, the firework should explode, causing tiny pieces of metal to burn in different colors as
they scatter outward. Oooooh!
2. Fireworks are beautiful; but as with many beautiful things, they are also dangerous. Misusing fireworks can result in property damage, injury, and even the loss
of life. Such accidents usually happen for one of two reasons. The operators may be using poorly manufactured products, such as fireworks with fuses that burn
too quickly. A defective firework can cause even the most skilled operator to have an accident. Other times, however, it is the operator who is at fault. The operator
may be unskilled or distracted and make a mistake, such as setting up an explosion sequence improperly or not accounting for conditions in the environment, like
soundproof foaming. For these reasons even the most beautiful fireworks display can turn really ugly really quickly.
3. Fireworks have been around for at least as long as gunpowder. Both gunpowder and fireworks are Chinese inventions. During the tenth, eleventh, and twelfth
centuries, fireworks were commonly sold in Chinese markets as a way to get rid of evil spirits. During the thirteenth century, Chinese merchants developed rocket
propulsion. This allowed fireworks to travel great distances, much like they do today. In the 17th century, Chinese fireworks were popularized in Europe. After
becoming popular with the British, fireworks spread all over their vast empire. Nowadays people around the world celebrate with fireworks. Whether at a sporting
event, concert, or public gathering, fireworks signal a great celebration.
4. There is an increase in firework related injuries every year around the Fourth of July. Emergency rooms around the city become filled with children and adults
suffering from wounds and burns inflicted by fireworks. But you don’t have to suffer from these injuries. Keep yourself safe by staying away from fireworks. If
you see someone who is not a professional playing with fireworks, take that as your cue to leave. If everyone stayed away from fireworks, there wouldn’t be any
fireworks related injuries. You can’t control everyone, but you can control yourself. If you remember that accidents happen, you can keep them from happening to
you. Stay away from amateur firework displays this Fourth of July.
5. Last night there was a fireworks display at a park by my house. The community sponsored it, so it was really cool. Around 5:30 PM, people began gathering on
the beach. The local radio station was playing music and restaurants were selling food. My friends and I played along the tree line while we waited until dark.
Around 8:30 they started the show. It was a beautiful show. The explosions were timed to music and it lasted for about half an hour, but we snuck out during the
grand finale, so that we wouldn’t get stuck in traffic. I love firework displays.
6. Fireworks are used all over the world for a variety of different reasons. They are launched in India to celebrate Diwali, the festival of lights. They are set off on
November 5th in Great Britain to commemorate Guy Fawkes Night. In the United States of America, fireworks are launched on the 4th of July to celebrate
America’s independence. Fireworks are even set off in North Korea. This usually happens on April 8th to celebrate Buddha's birthday. No matter where you are in
the world, there’s a good reason to set off fireworks.
7. For the purposes of shipping and transportation, there are two different classes of explosives: the old classes and the new classes. Employees must be familiar
with both. Under the old classes, there were three groups of explosives: A, B, and C. The old classes were American and were helpful in restricting the shipping of
fireworks within the country, but they did not work well when people tried to import or export explosives to and from different countries. Under the new classes,
fireworks are broken into groups with names such as: 1.1G, 1.2G, and 1.4S. This new system not only restricts fireworks shipments within the nation, like the old
classes, but it also restricts international shipments. The new system was created by the United Nations, so many nations use it; unlike the old system, which was
only used by America. The question of which system is the best remains one of the most explosive issues of our day.
8. Under no circumstances will firecrackers be allowed in school. They are not educational and they are dangerous. Any student caught with firecrackers will
receive a ten-day suspension. If you see any student possessing firecrackers, report them to the principal immediately or you will receive a suspension as well.
Exercise good judgment or face the consequences. You have been warned. Now let’s have a great school year.
9. We have celebrated Independence Day with a fireworks show on the first Saturday of July ever since our town was incorporated in 1963. This celebration has
brought together the old and the young alike in a mutual display of patriotism and national pride. We regret to inform you that due to problems with the budget,
there will be no fireworks show this year… unless we can raise the $20,000 to pay for the show. You can help by donating your old knickknacks. We are having a
charity garage sale this Saturday and all proceeds will go toward the fireworks show. If you do not have any knickknacks, we will also accept money, printer
cartridges, and old cell phones. Together, we can keep these hard times from becoming bad times.
10. Sparklers and smoke bombs are my favorite kinds of fireworks. They are both safe and fun but they are also quite different. After you light a smoke bomb, you
should put it on the ground and run. Stand back and watch it go! When you light a sparkler, however, you continue to hold it until it is done sparkling. You’re your
hand around and have an awesome time! They also burn differently. Sparklers create bright lights and sparks when you light them, but smoke bombs create smoke
in different colors. Remember kids: smoke bombs and sparklers are both extremely dangerous and should only be used by professionals.
11. Getting a good spot at the fireworks show is not easy, but you can get one if you put your mind to it and follow these simple steps. First and most importantly,
show up early. I’m talking hours early. The earlier you show up, the greater chance that you will find a good spot. If you show up merely an hour or two before the
show begins, you will find that the best spots are already occupied. But if you show up like five or six hours early, you’ll get a dynamite spot. Once you have
found your spot, spread out a blanket. If you do not have a blanket, your space will rapidly disappear as people start showing up. If you do have a blanket, you will
mark your territory and most people will be respectful of your blanket. Lastly, sit in lawn chairs. Many people will walk by you during the show. Since it will be
dark and since most of people will be looking up, you might get stepped on if you are low to the ground. By sitting in a lawn chair, you’ll raise yourself off of the
ground and protect yourself from getting trampled. Follow these simple steps and you’ll have prime real estate at the hottest show in town.
Name: _______________________________________________
Text Structure Worksheet 11
Directions: read each of the following passages and complete the following steps on a separate of paper.
A. Write the main idea
B. Write how the text is mainly organized
C. Put key information from the text into the appropriate graphic organizer.
Chronological Sequence Cause and Effect Problem and Solution Compare and Contrast
1. Not all bugs slither and crawl. A bug can also be an error in a computer program. When a computer tries to read a program with a bug in it, the bug will affect
the computer in one of two ways: the computer may process the error and continue running the program. In this case the bug only has a small effect on the
computer; however, if the computer cannot process the error, then the bug will cause the computer to freeze and crash. This will require the user to restart the
program or the computer. Bugs are pesky to computer programmers and users.
2. Computers are very complex machines, but everything that they do can be put into two basic categories: inputting and outputting. Inputting is when the
computer accepts information entered by the user. Outputting is when the computer returns information to the user. When you press a key on your keyboard, you
input information. When the letter that you pressed appears on your monitor, your computer is outputting. Both inputting and outputting require the computer to
process information, but input is controlled by the user and output is controlled by the computer. Without inputting and outputting, there would be no computing.
3. Have you ever received an email from a strange address with nothing but a mysterious link in the body? Don’t click that link! It may be a drive-by download
attack, a common way of infecting computers. These attacks may start as link in an email or Facebook inbox. If you click the link, your computer browser will
connect to a website created to attack computers. Once you have connected with the attack site, it will begin scanning your computer for weaknesses. If it finds a
weakness, your computer will begin downloading a harmful file. You will not know that you are downloading this file. It will happen without your knowledge or
permission. After the download is complete, the file will run and the attacker will have control of your computer. As you continue browsing the internet, you may
not even realize that you have been victimized. The drive-by download attack is one of the most common threats to computer users today.
4. Computer viruses are scary. If an attacker gets control of your computer, they can snoop through your files, steal your sensitive information, and even use your
computer’s webcam and microphone to spy on you. But just because there are scary things on the Internet, doesn’t mean that we should stay off of the Internet.
Instead, practice safe habits such as installing virus protection. Virus protection will not protect you against all attacks, but it may stop the most common ones. It
also helps to keep your software up to date. Software updates close security holes. By installing updates from software providers, you will have a stronger system.
Perhaps the most important thing that you can do is to be smart about how you browse. Don’t click on suspicious links and don’t open attached files unless you are
expecting them. The Internet can be a dangerous place, but you’ll be safer if you take a few precautions. Happy browsing!
5. Viruses can mess up computers and make them run slowly. If you’ve ever gotten a virus on your computer, you may have wondered why someone would go
through all of that trouble just to ruin your computer. There are two reasons why people spread viruses: money and power. If someone infects your computer with
a virus, they can make money by stealing your sensitive information and selling it to identity thieves. Or, they can gain power by using your computer to attack
other computers and websites to take them offline. Your computer makes an attractive target to cybercriminals because they can use it to gain money and power.
6. I've noticed that a lot of people are confused about mobile data and Wifi. Some people think that they’re the same thing. Sure, both mobile data and Wifi allow
you to connect to the internet, but there are some important differences between them. Mobile data is provided by the mobile phone company while Wifi is comes
through cable or phone lines. Mobile data gives you internet access anywhere that your phone can get a signal, but you can only get Wifi access when you are near
a router. Wifi is usually faster than mobile data too, but perhaps the most important difference is the amount that you can use. Customers are usually given an
nearly unlimited amount of Wifi data, like an all-you-can-eat buffet. On the other hand, mobile data is often sold in limited portions, like an expensive restaurant. It
is important to know which you are using so that you aren’t charged hefty fees for going over your mobile data plan limits.
7. Looking around our society nowadays, it's hard to imagine a time when we weren't surrounded by computers, but it really wasn't that long ago. In 1977 a mere
48 thousand personal computers were sold. Fast forward to 2001 and over 125 million were sold. By 2002 over one billion personal computers had been sold
worldwide. The first one billion computers took 25 years to sell. Five years later in 2007, another one billion computers had been sold. The second billion sold
happened five times faster than the first! In 2011, global computer sales topped 355 million. This data shows us that computer usage is only accelerating. If you
think that you are surrounded by computers now, just wait a few years. You haven't seen anything yet.
8. Buying a computer can be a frightening and overwhelming task, but don't let that prevent you from getting the right one. The first thing that you have to do is
figure out which one you want. Start by researching on the internet: read reviews and compare features. Decide what's important to you and how much you are
willing to pay. Once you have found the right computer, it is time to compare prices. Search by the model number of the computer. Check prices from at least three
websites before you make your purchase, and don't forget to factor in the cost of shipping and handling. Also Google the name of the website on which you are
planning to buy the computer and read reviews to make sure that they are reputable before placing your order. If it looks good, enter your information, await your
shipment, and enjoy your new computer!
9. More and more people these days are buying tablets instead of personal computers. Each has advantages over the other. If you have to write a paper, build a
website, or do a lot of computer work, you will probably want to use a personal computer since it will have a full size keyboard. Tablets also have keyboards, but
they are not as comfortable to use for long periods of time since they are smaller. If you are just doing some casual internet browsing, social networking, or
messaging, you may just want to use a tablet. Tablets are smaller and more portable than personal computers. That means that you can use your tablet while you
are lying on the couch, on vacation, or in a car. Personal computers need to be plugged in to work while tablets have batteries that allow them to run for a long time
without connecting to an outlet. There is a right time to use each of these devices. I want both.
10. Working on a computer may be easier and safer than working in a mine, but it doesn’t come without risks. Using a computer for a long time can lead to poor
eyesight, muscle loosening, back pain, and injuries to the hands and wrists. If you find yourself working or playing on a computer quite regularly, take a few steps
to prevent these problems and you’ll thank yourself later. When you are computing for a long time, take frequent breaks. Get up and walk around every once and
while. Exercise a little bit. Take your eyes off of the computer screen. Stretch your hands and wrists. Straighten your back. It can be hard to pull yourself away
from your computer once you get into a zone, but your body will thank you later if you do. Make your health a priority and don’t worry so much about what’s
happening on that little screen.
Text Structure 6
Directions: Read the passages and on a sheet of paper, identify the main pattern of organization used in each paragraph and put
information from each passage into an appropriate graphic organizer. Feel free to make changes to the graphic organizers if necessary.
Chronological Sequence Cause and Effect Problem and Solution Compare and Contrast
2. Milestones
In 1821 the first public high school in the United States was started in Boston. By 1900, 31 states required children to attend school from the ages of 8 to 14. As a result, by
1910 72 percent of American children attended school. Half the nation's children attended one-room schools. In 1918, every state required students to complete elementary
school. In 1954, the Supreme Court in Brown v. Board of Education unanimously declared that separate facilities were unconstitutional and desegregation began.
4. Attendance
Having good attendance is important because attendance determines the school’s funding. Some students have poor attendance, and the school has tried many ways of
addressing this: teachers have talked to parents on the phone and the school has mailed letters. Yet, some students still maintain poor attendance. Next, the staff will attempt
to schedule parent/teacher/administrator conferences with students who are habitually absent. Hopefully, this will help more students get to school everyday.
Chronological Sequence Cause and Effect Problem and Solution Compare and Contrast
1. Market Leaders
Most mobile phones sold today have an operating system that was either designed by Apple or Google. Apple makes the iOS operating system
powering their iPhones and iPads. Google makes the Android operating system that can be found on many different mobile phones and tablets.
Both of these operating systems allow users to connect to app stores and download applications. To launch these applications, users press small
square buttons that appear on their home screens. One major difference between these two operating systems is that Apple makes all of its own
hardware. That is to say, the iOS operating system only appears on products created by Apple. On the other hand, many different manufacturers
like Samsung, Sony, and LG use the Android operating system. Which one do you like better: Android or iOS?
2. Downloading Apps
Getting a new phone is a really cool feeling, but your phone can’t do much without applications. In order to get the most from your new phone,
you need to download apps. To do this you will need a data connection. Some plans allow you to get data from your phone network. If your plan
lets you to do this, you can connect to web services anywhere that your phone gets a signal. If your plan does not let you to do this, you will need
to connect your device to a Wi-Fi network. Free Wi-Fi can be found at coffee shops, laundry mats, and other public locations. Once your phone is
receiving data, go to the application store on the device. Use the search or browse functions to find fun, interesting, or useful programs. Once you
have found an application that you want to try, click the button to download and install it on your device. Not all applications are free, so make
sure that you know how much the app costs before agreeing to download it. Also, if you are under the age of 18, get your parent’s permission
before downloading anything. You’ll like your new phone so much more once you have some cool apps.
3. Lost and Found
A mobile phone is lost every second by some estimates. A 2011 survey shows that about 22% of Americans have lost a mobile phone. When a
person loses their phone, they don’t just lose a device that may have cost as much as $600, they lose phone numbers, photos, and sensitive
information. If the phone isn’t locked and it gets lost or stolen, someone may use it to commit identity theft. Perhaps the worst part about this is
that it can be prevented. Today’s smart phones have free applications that allow you to find your lost phone using GPS signals. Even if you
cannot retrieve your phone, you can use these applications to delete your data so that you are less likely to become a victim of identify theft.
Losing your phone feels horrible, but if you take the time to install a phone-finding app, you’ll be much better prepared to deal with it.
6. Difficult Decisions
Since I made honor roll every quarter this year, my mom is going to buy me a new phone for my birthday. I can’t decide whether I want to get an
iPhone or a Galaxy. They are both really cool phones, and they cost about the same, but they are also different in a lot of ways too, like the
Galaxy has a bigger screen. The iPhone’s screen isn’t small or anything, it’s just not as big as the Galaxy’s. However, the iPhone connects with
my iTunes account. All of my music is already uploaded to iTunes, so all I have to do is sync my phone and then I can listen to all of my music.
That’d be cool. But if I got the Galaxy, I could use Google Play to upload my old songs and buy new ones. This would give me a chance to go
through my old music collection. That’d be cool too. I’m not sure which one I’m going to get but I’m super pumped about it either way. Maybe
if you make honor roll every quarter next year, you can get a new phone too. It’s worth a shot.
Text Structure Worksheet 9
Directions: Read the passages and determine how each is mainly structured. On a sheet of paper, put the information from each passage into
an appropriate graphic organizer. The following graphic organizers are examples. Feel free to make changes if necessary.
Chronological Sequence Cause and Effect Problem and Solution Compare and Contrast
You might think that cats get a ridiculous amount of attention from people today but that’s nothing compared to how they were treated in ancient
Egypt. Since cats were believed to represent the Egyptian war goddess Bastet, the ancient Egyptians literally worshipped cats. Their admiration
was expressed in ways that we might find funny or shocking today. They liked cats so much that killing a cat in ancient Egypt, even on accident,
was punishable by death. The Greek historian Herodotus wrote that when a cat passed away, the household would go into mourning as though a
member of the family had died. Family members would even shave off their eyebrows to show their loss. Another way in which ancient
Egyptians showed love and respect for cats was through mummification. Cats were often mummified after dying, a process normally reserved for
kings and nobles. Hundreds of thousands of cat mummies have been found preserved in and around Egypt. So the next time you see someone
fawning over a cat video on YouTube, remember that it could be worse.
2. Get a Cat
Have you ever seen a mouse or rat in or around your home? If so, you may have a rodent infestation. Mice and rats are considered pests since
they steal food from people. They are hard to get rid of because they move quickly and they hide in walls and other tight places that are difficult
for people to reach. These pests make poor houseguests, but you don’t have to live with them any longer. You can give them the boot without
bringing any poisons in to your home. You can do this by getting a cat: nature’s remedy for a rodent problem. Cats have very sharp senses and
lightning quick reflexes. They are excellent hunters. It is estimated that cats kill between 10 and 20 billion small mammals annually. Not only
will a cat help to solve your issue with rodents, they will also kill any small birds that they can catch. So rather than sharing your home with a
greedy mouse or a filthy rat, share it with a cat.
3. Like Dogs and Cats…
There are two types of people in this world: cat people and dog people. Which type are you? Well, if you like a pet that is low maintenance, you
might be a cat person. Cats are easier to take care of than dogs because cats are very independent. Since they use litter boxes, they do not have to
be taken outside to go potty like dogs. Also, cats clean themselves while dogs need occasional baths. If you prefer a pet that requires more
attention, you may be a dog person. Most dogs are very loyal and obedient. You can play games like fetch or tug of war with a dog. Dogs will
also alert you when someone is outside of your home, whereas cats will usually just stay quiet. Both cats and dogs like to be petted, and they both
make excellent pets, but it takes a certain kind of person to own them. Which kind of person are you?
4. Dangerous Predators
Cats may seem like cute and cuddly companions, but to birds and other small mammals, cats are highly lethal killing machines. Even well fed
cats may hunt and kill many small animals such as birds, mice, and reptiles. Small animals are most at risk when cats are introduced to areas that
have not hosted them before. Since they are not used to living with the threatening cats, these small animals are naïve and vulnerable. If they do
not have the defenses to survive, cats will hunt these animals until they are wiped out completely. Cats have played a leading role in the
extinction of many small animals, including the Hawaiian Rail and at least 22 other species of bird. While other things may have led to the
destruction of these species, cat attacks were a main factor.
5. Herding Cats
Cats are known for their independence. They may be difficult to train, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t teach an old cat new tricks. It’s time to
learn how to teach your cat to fetch. First, find a toy or object that your cat likes. It is much easier to keep your cat’s attention if you use
something in which he or she is already interested. Next, throw the toy a short distance. If your cat chases the toy, you are off to a good start.
Wait until the cat returns the toy and reward the cat with a treat when he or she does. Continue doing this for as long as your cat shows interest in
the toy: toss it, wait for the cat to return it, and then reward the cat. As your cat gets better at this trick, slowly increase how far you throw the toy.
It may take some time, but with a little dedication and a lot of patience you can teach your cat a cool trick that he or she will do whenever he or
she feels like it.
6. Declawing
Cats can be great pets but they’re not perfect. Some cats destroy household items with their claws. Or they may use their claws to scratch
people’s faces if they feel threatened. Small children are the ones most often attacked by cats. These attacks can leave lasting scars. Don’t worry
though: you don’t have to get rid of your cat just because she can’t keep her claws to herself. You can get your cat an onychectomy. An
onychectomy is when a cat’s claws are surgically removed. This is commonly called declawing the cat. If you get your cat declawed, he or she
will still continue to swipe its paws at people and things, but the attacks will be harmless. Some people worry that declawed cats are vulnerable
against attacks by raccoons and other animals that the cats might encounter outdoors. People with these concerns should only have their cat’s
front claws removed, which leaves the cat with a defense if he or she is seriously attacked but also protects people and household items.
Each set of words is a jumbled sentence with one extra word. The sentences make up a letter of
complaint. Rearrange each set of words to form a sentence, adding any punctuation necessary.
In each sentence there is an unused word. Identify each of the unused words.
Extra word:
2. I tried four details this week to system access feel to account my times have use the
Extra word:
3. crashed on I the system been that each informed this computer has have occasion
Extra word:
4. branch day person unable to working I a am I bank my as during the visit
Extra word:
5. I access do addition service have so internet use cannot great the to in your not online
Extra word:
6. advertise use convenient have telephone you as to banking your service and easy
Extra word:
7. afraid not of work evidence have I features seen am I either yet these of
Extra word:
8. grateful will problems I as would that be soon finished for have I described an the possible as
assurance out be sorted
Extra word:
Can you make one last sentence from all the extra words?
© BBC 2011
Identifying Text Structure #1 Name: __________________________
Directions: Read the passages. Identify the text structure. Write information from the passage into the appropriate graphic organizer.
Which passage is chronological? Which passage is compare and contrast? Which passage is sequence?
Put information from the passage onto the Put information from the passage onto the Put information from the passage onto the
graphic organizer. graphic organizer. graphic organizer.
First Event
1. 1.
Earliest Point Most Recent
In Time Point in Time 2. 2.
Second Event 3. 3. 1.
Which passage is cause and effect? Which passage is problem and solution? Which passage is chronological?
Put information from the passage onto the Put information from the passage onto the Put information from the passage onto the
graphic organizer. graphic organizer. graphic organizer.
Cause #1
Effect Problem First Event
Third Event
Second Event
Passage #1 – Chemical and Physical Changes
All matter, all things can be changed in two ways: chemically and physically. Both chemical and physical
changes affect the state of matter. Physical changes are those that do not change the make-up or identity of the
matter. For example, clay will bend or flatten if squeezed, but it will still be clay. Changing the shape of clay is
a physical change, and does not change the matter’s identity. Chemical changes turn the matter into a new kind
of matter with different properties. For example, when paper is burnt, it becomes ash and will never be paper
again. The difference between them is that physical changes are temporary or only last for a little while, and
chemical changes are permanent, which means they last forever. Physical and chemical changes both affect the
state of matter.
Chronological Sequence Cause and Effect Problem and Solution Compare and Contrast
Dinosaurs existed about 250 million years ago to 65 million years ago. This era is broken up into three periods known as the Triassic, Jurassic
and Cretaceous periods. The Triassic Period lasted for 35 million years from 250-205 million years ago. Planet Earth was a very different place
back then. All the continents were united to form one huge land mass known as Pangaea. The Jurassic Period was the second phase. The
continents began shifting apart. The time scale for this famous period is from 205 to 138 million years ago. The Cretaceous Period was the last
period of the dinosaurs. It spanned a time from 138 million to about 65 million years ago. In this period the continents fully separated. However,
Australia and Antarctica were still united.
2. Vicious Predators
The Cretaceous Period was filled with dangerous predators, but two of the most feared hunters were the tyrannosaurs rex and the velociraptor.
The tyrannosaurs rex was one of the largest carnivores to ever walk the Earth. He was 20 feet tall and weighed seven tons. His jaws could crush
down with 3,000 lbs. of force, enough to smash the bones of his prey. The velociraptor was very small compared to rex. Raptors only stood
three feet tall and were seven feet long, weighing merely 35 pounds. But the velociraptor was fast. Scientists think that raptors could run 24
miles per hour and turn on a dime. Both dinosaurs used their jaws to kill prey, but the raptor had a secret weapon: a retractable toe claw that he
pulled out like a knife to slash at his prey. Both dinosaurs had eyes on the front of their heads, which helped them track prey. If these two
dinosaurs had fought, it would be difficult to say which would win; however since raptors died over ten million years before the first tyrannosaurs
was born, scientists don’t believe such a fight ever occurred.
3. Creating a Dinosaur Sculpture
Materials: pipe cleaners, clay, non-toxic paint
Wouldn’t you like a scary dinosaur model on your desk to protect your pencils and textbooks? You can easily make one by following these
simple directions. First, bend your pipe cleaner to make the frame of your dinosaur. I suggest you create a tyrannosaurus frame by using one
long pipe cleaner as his neck, spine, and tail, and then bend another into a u-shape to make his feet. Wrap the feet around the spine piece. Next,
roll out clay to wrap around the pipe cleaners. Let the clay dry overnight. The next day you may want to paint your dinosaur using non-toxic
paint. His eyes should be white, but feel free to color your dinosaur as you wish. Nobody really knows how dinosaurs were colored, so don’t let
anyone tell you that your dinosaur can’t be pink. Lastly, put him on your desk and watch as he or she scares away bullies and pencil thieves.
5. Fossil Mishap
It’s important to think critically about the information that you receive, or else you may be led astray. For example, the brontosaurus is a type of
dinosaur that never really existed. Many people still believe in the brontosaurus today, but the “brontosaurus” is actually the body of an
apatosaurus with the head of a camarasaurus. This concocted creature was made from two mismatched fossils. Had more people thought
critically about these findings, analyzing the components that were presented, entire generations of school children may not have been
misinformed; therefore, think critically about the information that people tell you, even if it’s information you find on a book or in a worksheet.
Keep these problems in mind when conducting your studies.
1. Divisions
The Revolutionary War was a time of great division. Americans were split into two groups: Patriots and Loyalists. Patriots were Americans who supported the
struggle for independence. They believed that Americans should be free from the control of an English king. They fought against the English to establish a new
government in America. Loyalists were Americans who remained loyal to the crown. Some of them were happy under English rule. Others believed that they might
be rewarded after the Americans lost the war. Though both Patriots and Loyalists lived in America, a deep division ran between them.
3. Guerilla Warfare
In most cases American soldiers could not stand toe-to-toe against British soldiers. The British were better trained, better armed, and more experienced. When the
American soldiers attempted to match the British, they suffered heavy losses. The Americans had to use what advantages they had, so they developed what are now
known as Guerilla Warfare tactics. Guerrilla warfare is a form of fighting where small groups of fighters use ambushes, sabotages, and the elements of surprise to
harass a larger, less mobile army. By using Guerilla Warfare tactics, American soldiers were able to equalize some of the British’s advantages on the battlefield.
4. Fire Cake
American soldiers during the Revolutionary War suffered horrible conditions to win independence. You can experience some of these conditions by eating the same
food that soldiers ate at Valley Forge: fire cake. Fire cake is a horrible tasting blob of burnt gluten. To make some first mix flour with water until you get thick, damp
dough. Then, form it into a cake and in your palms. Put this doughy lump on a greased cookie sheet and bake it until it is brown. This will be very similar to the
awful fire cakes that American soldiers ate at Valley Forge. Enjoy!
5. Allies
During the Revolutionary War, Americans learned just how important friends can be. When the Americans declared independence on July 4th, 1776, they had
virtually no allies. But on February 6th, 1778, after the American victory at Saratoga, the French assisted the American cause. The French went into deep debt
helping the Americans. The Americans would receive additional help in June of 1779, when the Spanish joined the fight against the British. They would secure
Southern ports and supply lines. Without the help of these allies, many more Americans would have died in the fight for independence.
Name: ________________________________
Main Idea and Text Structure Review
Directions: Read each passage and on a separate sheet of paper…
1. Write a sentence explaining the main idea of the text
2. Create a title for the passage related to the main idea.
3. Put information from the passage into a graphic organizer representing the text structure.
Structures: cause and effect, chronological, compare and contrast, sequence / process writing,
problem and solution, or spatial /descriptive writing.
1. What do you get when you cross a robot and an astronaut? A Robonaut! Robonauts are robot helpers
designed to work side-by-side with astronauts. Work on the first Robonaut began in 1997, and by 2002
Robonaut B was revealed to the public. Robonaut B may have featured interchangeable lower bodies,
like four-wheel mode or hydraulic legs, but scientists and engineers continued to improve Robonaut. In
February of 2010, Robonaut 2 was released to the public. Robonaut 2 moved four times faster than the
first Robonaut. An advanced version of Robonaut 2 was finally tested in outer space in 2011. Robonaut
functioned exactly as designed.
2. Automation is the use of machines to reduce the need for human labor. In other words automation is
when jobs done by people become jobs done by robots. Automation can be a good thing. Because of
automation, clothing, cars, and other manufactured products are available at good prices and in large
supply. But automation can also be a bad thing. Because of automation, there are over 700,000 robots in
America alone that do jobs once performed by humans. The way of automation may not be best for
humanity, but it is the course we are taking.
3. From airplanes to forklifts, hydraulic power is the strength behind many amazing technologies that
affect our daily lives, even the breaks on your school bus, but how do they work? First, fluid is rapidly
released into a chamber through a valve. As the fluid collect, the valve is slammed shut which causes a
pressure spike. Because the chamber is sealed, the pressure has nowhere to go. The hydraulic
mechanism channels the pressure and provides great power. And that’s how, with the help of hydraulics,
Grandma can stop a car with one foot.
4. Many people use the words cyborg and android interchangeably when, in fact, they have different
meanings. Both terms refer to beings powered by robotics, but an android is powered entirely by robots.
Though androids are completely mechanical, they are designed to look like humans. They may have
synthetic skin, hair, and other features, but no human organs. On the other hand, cyborgs are part human
and part machine. They may have robotic hands, legs, or eyes, but all cyborgs have surgically implanted
technologies that enhance their abilities.
5. It is widely acknowledged fact that machines are stronger than people, but is it possible for them to
become smarter than us too? Some scientists fear that it is, or so says the theory of technological
singularity. In a nut shell, the theory of technological singularity says that when a computer becomes
capable of improving its own capabilities, even in just the slightest way, it will go into an infinite loop,
getting progressively smarter, which would inevitably lead to machines becoming smarter than people, or
so the theory goes. Such gains in available intelligence might lead to huge improvements in science and
medicine. Diseases could be cured and so forth. On the other hand, it could lead to the total domination
of mankind by robots, which would be bad. I, for one, welcome our new computer overlords.
6. Fellow Members of the Springfield Robotics Club: It has come to my attention that the workshop has
been left an absolute mess on at least two separate occasions. Remember, that this is a shared space, so
we must clean up behind ourselves after every meeting. It is in the spirit of keeping our club meeting
space that we establish this rule: when you take a tool off the rack, put it back. If everyone puts their
tools back immediately after they are done using them, there will be minimal mess to clean up, and we
won’t get kicked out of the spot. So if you like having a meeting place, put your tools back.
Name: ________________________________
Main Idea and Text Structure Review
Directions: Read each passage and on a separate sheet of paper…
1. Write a sentence explaining the main idea of the text
2. Create a graphic organizer that represents the information in the text
3. Come up with a title related to the main idea of the passage.
1. Being a clown isn’t all fun and games. Rodeo clowns expose themselves to great danger every time they
perform. When cowboys dismount or are bucked off of bulls at riding competitions, rodeo clowns jump in
front of the bulls and motion wildly to get their attention. In this way rodeo clowns provide an alternate target,
and in doing so protect the rider. So you see, sometimes clowning around can be serious business.
2. The wolverine, a medium sized mammal weighing no more than 50 lbs., has earned its reputation for
ferocity with its documented ability to kill prey many times its size. The reason why wolverines have so many
conflicts with other animals (including wolves, cougars, and even bears) is probably because of the
wolverine’s preferred hunting style. Rather than chasing down or tricking its prey like most hunters, the
wolverine prefers to take its meals directly from other hunters. So while a polar bear or a lone wolf might be
enjoying a hard earned carcass, a hungry wolverine may try to take his lunch. This keeps the wolverine in
plenty of fights.
3. Sometime in December of 1891, Dr. James Naismith, a gym teacher at the YMCA College in Springfield,
Massachusetts was trying to keep his gym class active on a rainy day. He wanted a vigorous game that would
keep his students moving. After rejecting a few other ideas because they were too rough or not suited for the
walled-in gym, Naismith wrote out the rules for a game with peach baskets fixed to ten-foot elevated tracks.
Naismith’s students played against one another, passing the ball around and shooting it into the peach baskets.
Dribbling wasn’t a part of the original game, and it took a while to realize that the game would run more
smoothly if the bottoms of the baskets were removed, but this game grew to be one of the most popular sports
in America today. Can you guess which one?
4. What’s that humming sound? Could it be hummingbird, the only bird capable of backward flight?
Hummingbirds have many unique flight habits that distinguish them from other birds. Most birds flap their
wings up and down to fly, but the hummingbird moves its wings forward and backward very rapidly in a figure
eight pattern. This allows the hummingbird to hover in position, fly upside down, and move about very
rapidly. And while other birds have to push off with their feet to begin flying, and work their ways up to their
top speeds, the hummingbird can both start flying at maximum speed and stop flying instantaneously. After
you’ve seen a hummingbird in flight, it’s unlikely that you’ll mistake them for another bird.
5. Remember, if something is worth doing, it is worth doing correctly. That said, the key to making perfect
cookies is merely a matter of preparation and precision. To begin with, read your cookie recipe thoroughly
before baking. Make sure that you have all of the necessary ingredients before you continue. Next, use good
tools and utensils. Sometimes, the craftsperson is only as good as his or her tools. By using good tools you
can minimize mistakes and improve the quality of your product. Lastly, you should use top quality
ingredients. Unlike in the fairytales, you can’t turn lead into gold. If you use poor quality materials, you’ll
create an inferior product. So, to make perfect cookies you should use the highest quality materials available.
Bon apatite!
6. The term “machine gun” is commonly applied to any gun that is designed to fire repeatedly and in rapid
succession for as long as the trigger is held down. During the course of warfare, the trigger of some machine
guns may be held down almost continuously for hours to create suppressant fire (rounds fired not necessarily
to kill an enemy, but to prevent them from attacking). All of this firing can generate a lot of heat, which may
cause the weapon to overheat and malfunction. But this situation has been addressed in a number of ways.
For one, practically all machine guns fire from an open bolt, which allows air to cool the breach between bursts
of fire. Additionally, some machine guns have removable barrels, which allow hot barrels to be replaced. And
some advanced machine guns even have sophisticated barrel cooling systems, which maintain a functional heat
level within the weapon. As you might have concluded, a lot of brain power has gone into keeping those guns
Name: _______________________________________________
Text Structure Worksheet 12
Directions: Read the passages and determine how each is mainly structured. On a sheet of paper, put the information from each passage into an
appropriate graphic organizer. The following graphic organizers are examples. Feel free to make changes if necessary.
Chronological Sequence Cause and Effect Problem and Solution Compare and Contrast
1. When you spend your hard earned savings on a pair of shoes, you want to get the most for your money. One way to do this is to clean your shoes. When you get
done, they’ll almost look brand new. First, get out a toothbrush and some cleaning spray. Spray the shoes over a sink with no dishes in it and gently scrub the shoes
with a toothbrush. Wash the dirt off of the toothbrush repeatedly while you are scrubbing. When you finish scrubbing the foot covering, it is time to clean the
soles. Get out some steel wool or an SOS pad, wet it, and then scrub the soles of your shoes clean. You may need to use a paperclip to free any pebbles stuck in the
treading. Lastly, scrub the shoes off with a paper towel or clean rag. If you did a good job, your shoes should look almost as nice as when you first got them.
2. When playing some sports, athletes are required to wear special shoes. Two such sports are golf and bowling. Golf shoes have sharp metal spikes called cleats.
These cleats help golfers keep their footing while swinging the club. On the other end of the spectrum are bowling shoes, which are very smooth and have almost
no traction at all. Bowling shoes help bowlers slide down the lane while throwing the ball. While both of these types of shoes help athletes perform, I wouldn't
wear either of them outside of games. Aside from looking ridiculous, golf shoes and bowling shoes do not have soles that are fit for street use.
3. If you're planning on dressing up for a wedding, dance, or other formal event, you'll need to wear some dress shoes. While your feet may look great in dress
shoes, they will probably feel horrible. Wearing dress shoes for more than a few minutes can be extremely painful. This pain may prevent you from having a good
time. One thing that you can do to protect yourself is to bring a box of band-aids with you. As the dress shoes tear up the skin on your feet, put those band-aids on
the wounds to ease the pain and prevent further damage. The band-aids will create a protective layer that will reduce the amount of pain that your dress shoes may
inflict. Don't let foot pain ruin your fun; come to the party prepared.
4. One of the most popular, sought-after, and expensive shoes ever marketed are the Air Jordan shoes. The first Air Jordan shoes were released in 1985. These
shoes were not legal to wear on the court since they did not have any white on them, but Jordan wore them to every game anyway, getting fined $5000 for each
appearance. The next Air Jordan shoes came out in 1986. These shoes were unique for basketball shoes, because they were made in Italy, which gave them a
luxury feel. Two years later, the third Air Jordan shoes were released. These were the first shoes with the visible air pocket in the back and were the inspiration for
many later shoe designs. The Air Jordan shoe line has had a long history of successful and noteworthy releases.
5. Look down at your feet. Are you wearing shoes? Why? People wear shoes many reasons. The first and most important reason is to protect their feet. Shoes keep
people from hurting their feet while walking on rough surfaces, but this isn’t the only reason why people wear shoes. Some people wear special shoes that are
designed to help them play a game, like bowling shoes or soccer cleats. Some people wear expensive designer shoes so that they appear fashionable and feel good
about themselves. And a lot of other people like my dad wear shoes so that their feet won’t stink up the room.
Name: _______________________________________________
Text Structure Worksheet 13
Directions: Read the passages and determine how each is mainly structured. On a sheet of paper, put the information from each passage into an
appropriate graphic organizer. The following graphic organizers are examples. Feel free to make changes if necessary.
Chronological Sequence Cause and Effect Problem and Solution Compare and Contrast
1. Having a dog in your home can serve many purposes, but living with a poorly trained dog is not worth the mess. These mangy mutts will go potty inside of your
home. This can stain your floors and make your house smell bad. In order to prevent this you have to teach your dog to go potty outside. This may require you to
go on a lot more walks with your dog. You may have to sit outside for long periods of time while you are waiting for your dog to use it. But it will be worth it to
not have a bunch of dog mess all over your house. So if you love your dog but hate cleaning dog-doo off of the rug, teach your dog the right way to go.
2. If you want to form a strong relationship with your dog, try playing fetch. It’s fun and easy to do, and if everything goes well your dog should do most of the
fetching. Just find something that your dog wants to retrieve, such as a stick, a thick rope tied in knots, or a squeaky toy. Show it to your dog to get his or her
interest. Shake it around in your hand and call out the dog’s name. Once they are paying attention, throw the object as far as you can. Be careful not to throw it
anywhere that you wouldn’t want your dog to go, like the middle of the road or under a china cabinet. Hopefully your dog will bring the object back to you. When
he or she does, praise your dog and command him or her to drop the object. Pick it up and repeat the process for the next 10 to 15 years.
3. The lion is often thought of as the king of the jungle, but the African wild dog may be a better hunter. Both lions and African wild dogs are pack animals and
have females lead their hunts, but they have different hunting styles. Although lions are very fast, they do not have much stamina. They attack in short, ferocious
bursts because they get tired quickly. On the other hand, African wild dogs are not very fast, but they have incredible stamina. They can run for hours and often
chase their prey to exhaustion. Dr. George Schaller studied African wild dogs in the Serengeti and found that 9 out of 10 of their hunts ended in kills, while lions
are only successful in 3 out of 10 hunts. So you see, it’s not always good to be king.
4. I started working on my history project right after I came home. I spent over six hours building the Great Pyramid of Giza out of sugar cubes. It took a long time
but it looked beautiful when I was done. I went to sleep around midnight feeling good about my work, but when I woke up the next morning, I was shocked to find
that my sugar cube pyramid had been completely destroyed. Much of it was crushed and melted and there was a trail of sugar cubes leading out of my room. I
followed the trail across the hallway and down the stairs, where it led to my dog. He was curled up in pain. I wanted to punish him for what he did, but he looked
so sick from eating all of that glue and sugar. I figured that he had already received his punishment and would think twice about eating my homework again.
5. There’s a reason why dogs are called “man’s best friend.” The good friendship that we have with dogs is thousands of years old and, as with most good
friendships, was formed by mutual benefit. Dogs are of great value to people because they use their keen senses to detect threats and alert their owners by barking.
You may find your dog’s yapping to be quite annoying, but under some circumstances it can be quite helpful. But people are of great value to dogs too. Dogs who
live with people usually have easier access to food and a safer place to stay than they would on their own, and that truly is what friends are for.