2017 Simulation of Three-Phase Transformerless Online UPS Using MATLAB-SIMULINK-IJAERDV04I0569640 PDF
2017 Simulation of Three-Phase Transformerless Online UPS Using MATLAB-SIMULINK-IJAERDV04I0569640 PDF
2017 Simulation of Three-Phase Transformerless Online UPS Using MATLAB-SIMULINK-IJAERDV04I0569640 PDF
ABSTRACT:- This paper explicate the modeling and simulation of an alternate configuration to the conventional
transformer based online Uninterruptible power supply(UPS). It proposes a transformerless three phase online UPS with
power factor correction. The proposed model consists of Battery bank, half-bridge rectifier, Auxiliary circuit , Split DC bus
and an inverter. Auxiliary circuit consists of switching leg(low rating) and an inductor , employed for charging the battery
bank during normal operation of UPS and also to maintain the DC bus capacitors voltage during backup operation. This
configuration adds the advantages by reduction of overall size, cost and weight of the system. The system is modeled and
simulated using MATLAB/SIMULINK. Detailed control design, circuit operation with the simulation results have been
presented in paper for verification of its feasibility and behavior.
The Uninterruptible power supply(UPS) is mainly implemented to provide supply from the battery when the main supply
fails to supply power to the loads. There has been huge development in the field of the UPS. One such development with time
includes Online UPS. The switching time of an Online UPS from normal mode to battery mode is very small. Hence the need
of such online UPS systems is increasing day by day in fields where the switchover time of supply cannot be more such as
medical fields, life supporting systems, telecommunications etc. The conventional online UPS systems are transformer based.
Conventional online ups systems consists of bypass switch, rectifier, inverter, DC/DC converter, battery bank. The DC/DC
converter used should be fully rated and a transformer is required both on the grid side and the output side for proper
operation during overloads or failures of the mains. Transformer considerably having weight and cost increases the weight
and cost of complete system.
Hence, a model is proposed which consists of a bypass switch, rectifier/discharger, inverter, battery bank, an auxiliary circuit
thus eliminating the need of transformer[1]. The low rated switching leg and inductor together form auxiliary circuit. The
main role of this proposed element charges battery when the UPS operates in usual mode and in back up mode the DC link
voltage is maintained.Thus Incorporating the proposed transformerless Online UPS reduces the cost and weight of the overall
system and also increases the efficiency and reliability of the system[2][3][4]. Fig.1 shows the proposed system.
The diagram of the discussed three phase online transformerless UPS is shown in Fig.2[1]. It is composed of a rectifier, an
auxiliary circuit, Dc bus link, an inverter, a battery bank, a bypass switch. Pulses for all the switches in the proposed system
is obtained by using Pulse width modulation control scheme. The ac supply is connected to the rectifier. During the
overload of the inverter or when the load is sensitive, the power demand of the load is supplied directly from the supply via
the bypass switch.
when the supply is within the preset limits, the input voltage is boosted to Vbus by the rectifier in normal mode. In this
mode, Auxiliary circuit charges the battery bank. The DC voltage is converted to 3∅ ac and is supplied to the load. The
power required by the load during the interruption is supplied by battery bank. The battery is discharged by inverter. During
this operation, the DC bus voltage is balanced by auxilliary circuit.
The control technique is modeled to offer power factor correction from the rectifier, maintain the Dc bus link voltage and
also for charging the battery during the normal mode of operation. The control technique for inverter is also modeled to
provide sinusoidal output voltage. The paper presents control strategy for linear loads.
A. Rectifier control.
The control strategy for the three-phase rectifier is shown in Fig.3. The model constitutes of 3 individual models for all the
phases[5]. Fast inner loop which controls the current and slow outer loop that controls voltage are the two loops of each
model. Proportional Integrator(PI) is used for inner loop to control current. During usual mode of operation of the system,
inner loop reference is multiplied with the voltage reference(V r_ref, Vs_ref, Vt_ref) which are phase shifted by 120 o so as to
achieve power factor correction.
During disturbance in the usual mode of opereation, Voltage references are constants. The above control strategy introduces
additional current id, the dc current accountable to maintain DC bus capacitors voltage during norminal operation of the
system. Vd is the difference between the capacitor voltages(Vc1-Vc2). The pulses obtained are thus given to the six IGBT
switches of the three-phase rectifier.
B. Auxiliary Circuit.
The control strategy for the auxiliary circuit is given in the Fig.4. The auxiliary circuit performs the function of voltage
balancer[5]. When the structure is connected to an unbalanced load , only one capacitor discharges the dc current that leading
to unbalanced voltages to the dc link. To overcome such problems of unbalanced voltages at the dc bus link, auxiliary circuit
is designed to draw current of equivalent value from other capacitor.
The normal mode involves single loop, where the error obtained from the battery current and battery reference is given to the
Proportional integrator(PI). During battery mode, it involves double loop controller. Vd is the voltage difference between the
bus capacitor voltages. Vd is compared with null value and the error obtained is given to voltage controller. The inner loop
uses current controller.
C. Inverter Control
The control strategy for the inverter section is given in Fig.5[6]. The control strategy uses single voltage loops. Average
voltage control technique is used in this section. The error obtained from the comparison between the output voltage and
reference voltage is given to the PI compensator.
The proposed model is simulated and verified using software MATLAB/SIMULINK. The model simulations are carried out
for linear load. Table I shows the simulation parameters.
Fig.6 shows the switching pattern for the rectifier. The switches are in the sequence S1 S4 S3 S6 S5 S2. S1 and S4 are
complementary to each other. Similarly S3 and S6, S5and S2 are complementary to each other.
Fig.7 shows the pulses for the auxiliary switch leg. The S7 pulses is complementary to the S8 pulses. S7 pulses are obtained
from single loop while the S8 pulses are obtained from the multi loop for battery mode of operation.
Fig.8 shows the pulses for the three phase inverter. The switching pulses are in sequence S1 S4 S3 S6 S5 S2. The pulses are
obtained by implementing single loops.
Fig.9 shows the 3∅ output voltage for linear load. The waveform shows that the voltage is regulated during the transition
from normal mode to back up mode.
3∅ input currents for a single phase is shown in Fig.10. For 0.15s the system is operating in normal mode. The input
voltage(blue) and the input current(green) are in phase with each other with little distortion during the normal mode of
operation of the system. After 0.16s the system switches to battery mode. In battery mode, the battery supplies DC voltage
and current.
Fig.11 depicts voltage at bus capacitor and bus voltage. The DC bus is well controlled and the transition time from back up
to normal mode is less.
This paper provides the control structure for the Proposed three phase transformerless online UPS with linear load. Three
phase regulated sinusoidal output for linear load with reduced harmonic distortion is obtained. The total harmonic distortion
of the voltage is reduced to 0.13%.The proposed model is simulated using MATLAB/SIMULINK and the results are verified.
[4]. R. Koffler, "TRANSFORMER OR TRANSFORMERLESS UPS?" lEE Power Engineer Journal, vol. 17, no. 3, pp.
34-36, 2003.
[6]. R.A. Gannett, “Control strategies for high power four-Leg voltage source inverters,” M.Sc. Dissertation, Virginia
Polytechnic Institute, July 2001.