Tax Reviewer Vitug Acosta
Tax Reviewer Vitug Acosta
Tax Reviewer Vitug Acosta
Vitug and Acosta select the subject of taxation, and it has been repeatedly
held that “inequities” which result from a singling out of
PART I – GENERAL PRINCIPLES one particular class for taxation or exemption infringes no
constitutional limitation.
A. Concept, Underlying Basis, and Purpose Taxation has been made the implement of the state’s
police power.
Taxation - mode by which governments make exactions for
revenue in order to support their existence and carry 2.) Taxation is inherently legislative
out their legitimate objectives.
- may refer to either or both the power to tax or the It is also legislative in character and a legislative
act or process by which the taxing power is exercised prerogative. (NAPOCOR vs Albay)
These powers are not inherent in, but merely delegated by
Governmental necessity – theory or underlying basis of taxation constitutional mandate or by law to, local governments.
Commissioner vs. Pineda (21 SCRA 105) Legislative taxing power includes authority:
“Taxes are the lifeblood of the Government and their prompt and To determine the:
certain availability are an imperious need.” Nature (kind)
Object (purpose
Vera vs Fernandez (89 SCRA 199)
Extent (amount or rate)
“Upon taxation depends the Government’s ability to serve the
Coverage (subjects and objects)
people whose benefit taxes are collected.”
Situs (place) of tax imposition
Commissioner vs. Algue, Inc. (158 SCRA 9) To grant tax exemptions or condonations
“Taxation is the indispensable and inevitable price for civilized To specify or provide for the administrative, as well as
society; without taxes, the government would be paralyzed.” judicial remedies that either the government or the
taxpayers may avail themselves of in the proper
Mun. of Makati vs CA (190 SCRA 206) implementation of the tax measure.
“Revenues derived from taxes are intended primarily to finance the
government and its activities and are thus exempt from execution.” Exemptions in tax delegation:
To local governments (to be exercised by the local
B. Principles of a Sound Tax System legislative bodies thereof) or political subdivisions
When allowed by the Constitution; or
1. Fiscal Adequacy When the delegation relates merely to administrative
implementation that may call for some degree of
The sources (proceeds) of tax revenue should coincide with discretionary powers under a set of sufficient
and approximate the needs of government expenditures. standards expressed by law
The non-observance of these canons will not render the The power of taxation may be delegated to local governments
tax impositions by the taxing authority invalid. in respect of matters of local concern.
o XPN: when the specific constitutional limitations
are impaired In delegating authority, the State is not limited to the exact
measure of the power which is exercised by itself. When it is
C. Scope and Limitation of Taxation said that the taxing power may be delegated to municipalities
and the like, it is meant that there may be delegated such
“reaches to every trade or occupation, to every object of industry, measure of power to impose and collect taxes as the
use or enjoyment, to every species of possession; and it imposes a legislature may deem expedient. Thus, municipalities may be
den which, in case of failure to discharge, may be followed seizure permitted to tax subjects, which for reasons of public policy the
or confiscation of property. No attribute of sovereignty is more State has not deemed wise to tax for general proposes (Pepsi
pervading and at no point does the power of the government affect Cola vs. Mun. of Tanauan 69 SCRA 460).
more constantly and intimately all the relations of life than through
the exactions made under it.” The assessment and collection of taxes duly levied are
- As Cooley has described the wide spectrum of the power executive or administrative functions, and these aspects of
to tax taxation are not covered by the non-delegation rule.
The constitutional injunction against deprivation of property 6) Congress shall evolve a progressive system of taxation
without due process of law may not be passed over under (Art VI, Sec 28, par 1)
guise of the taxing powers, except when the taking of the As resources of the taxpayer becomes higher, his tax rate
property is in the lawful exercise of the taxing power, as likewise increases (ex. Income tax)
when: Constitution does not prohibit regressive taxes; this is a
The tax is for public purpose directive upon Congress, not a justiciable right.
The rule on uniformity of taxation is observed
Either the person or property taxed is within the jurisdiction 7) All appropriation, revenue or tariff bills shall originate exclusively
of the government levying the tax in the House of Representatives, but the Senate may propose or
In the assessment and collection of certain kinds of taxes, concur with amendments
notice and opportunity for hearing are provided • It is the bill, not the law that must originate from House; bill
Therefore, the due process clause can be said to be the may undergo extensive changes in Senate
constitutional basis for these inherent limitations. • Rationale: members of House are more sensitive to local
5) Non-imprisonment for non-payment of poll tax 14) Veto power of the President - revenue/tariff bill
(Art. VI Sec 27, second par)
No person shall be imprisoned for non-payment of a poll tax (Art
II, Sec 20)
15) Power of review, revise, reverse, modify or affirm on appeal or
Poll Tax/Community Tax – one levied on persons who
certiorari of the SC – Rules of Court
are residents within the territory of the taxing authority
(Art VIII, Sec 5, par 2)
(a) imposed upon performance of an act, the enjoyment of a
16) Power of Local Government to create their own sources and privilege or the engaging in an occupation, profession or
levy taxes, fees, charges business
(Art X, Sec 6) Ex. Income tax, VAT, estate tax, donor’s tax
17) Just share of local government in national revenue which shall B. As to who bears the burden
be automatically released. 1) Direct – the tax is imposed on the person who also bears the
burden thereof
18) Tax exemption of all revenues and assets of Ex. Income tax, community tax, estate tax, donor’s tax
(a) proprietary or cooperative educational institutions
(b) subject to limitations provided by law 2) Indirect – imposed on the taxpayer who shifts the burden of the
(Art XIV, Sec 4(3)) tax to another
- levied upon transactions or activities before the articles subject
19) Tax exemption of grants, endowments, donations or matter thereof reach the consumers to whom the burden of the tax
contributions USED ACTUALLY, DIRECTLY and EXCLUSIVELY may ultimately be charged or shifted
for educational purposes Ex. VAT, specific tax, percentage tax, customs duties
Payment – act of compliance by the taxpayer including 5) Mixed - partly progressive and partly regressive
such options, schemes or remedies as may be legally
open or available to him. • SITUS OF TAXATION - the place of taxation, the country that has
the power to levy and collect the tax.
Classification of Taxes
A. As to subject matter of object Distinction from Certain Kinds of Exactions
PROSPECTIVITY OF TAX LAWS Tax Evasion (Tax Dodging) – connotes fraud through the use of
Taxes may be imposed retroactively by law but, unless so pretenses and forbidden devices to lessen or defeat taxes; must be
expressed by such law, these taxes must only be imposed willful and intentional.
Tax laws are neither political nor penal in nature and they SET-OFF OF TAXES
are deemed laws of the occupied territory rather than of Taxes are not subject to set-off or legal compensation.
the occupying enemy, hence, the “ex post facto” rule, Reasons:
except for the penalty imposed (not the interest), would be 1) Taxes are of a distinct kind, essence and nature and these
inapplicable. impositions cannot be so classed in merely the same
A harsh retroactivity of the law, however, may make it category as ordinary obligations
inequitable and violative of the Constitution; similarly, due 2) The applicable laws and principles governing each are
process is violated if the tax is oppressive. peculiar, not necessarily common to each
3) Public policy is better subserved if the integrity and
IMPRESCRIPTIBILITY OF TAXES independence of taxes be maintained
For the purpose of safeguarding taxpayers from any
unreasonable examination, investigation or assessment, TAXPAYER SUIT
our tax law provides a statute of limitations in the It is only when an act complained of, which may include a
collection of taxes. legislative enactment, directly involves the illegal
The law on prescription; being a remedial measure, should disbursement of public funds derived from taxation that the
be liberally construed in order to afford such protection. ‘taxpayer’s suit” may be allowed.
As a corollary, the exception to the law on prescription
should perforce be strictly construed. COMPROMISES
These are allowed and enforceable when the subject
DOCTRINE OF EQUITABLE RECOUPMENT matter thereof is not prohibited from being compromised
1) refund of a tax illegally or erroneously collected or overpaid and the person entering into it is duly authorized to do so.
by a taxpayer No provisions exist under the Local Government Code,
2) such tax refund is barred by prescription while the tax (not criminal) liability is not prohibited from
3) tax presently being assessed against a taxpayer being compromised; there is no specific authority,
4) may be recouped or set-off against the tax barred by however, given to any public official to execute the
prescription not allowed in Philippines, reason - LIFE compromise so as to render it effective.