Thomas Edison H-WPS Office

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Thomas Edison has always been a person I have admired.

So much genius stuck inside

an ordinary human life. What else could he have invented if he could have lived
over two life-spans? I was watching a reality show on the BBC, a competition for
inventors to market their products, and I got to thinking: What everyday things
were invented in the Philippines or by Filipinos? Despite all the publicity about
labor and jobs and so on, there MUST have been some Filipinos who, through their
own ingenuity, invented products to fill a need.
Well, the answer is that there have been MANY Filipino inventions, most of which
have proven significant, either to history or quality of life. I have limited this
list to the eleven I feel most important… You may disagree, or, please share if you
think that I’ve left something off. I left off the “Water Car” and Fluorescent bulb
because they are disputed. These are the guys that every Filipino or foreigner
living here should remember whenever they hear those tired old clichés.
1. Karaoke: Invented in 1975 by Roberto del Rosario. I really thought this was a
Japanese invention, despite its’ popularity here, and I was completely wrong. A
brilliant guy, he invented many other musical devices, but Karaoke will always be
remembered as his greatest triumph (or bane to humankind, depending on your point
of view.)
2. Medical Incubator: Invented in 1941 by Fe del Mundo. She was the first Asian
student in Harvard’s School of medicine. Countless young lives were saved by her
invention and genius.
3. Moon Buggy: Invented in 1968 by Eduardo San Juan. He was the project leader for
NASA in the buggy development: An underfunded and underappreciated engineering
success. This one has special significance to me, due to my Grandfather working at
the Cape in the early space program. The moon buggy allowed greater exploration of
the Moon, yet Eduardo San Juan’s contribution has been relegated largely to status
as a footnote.
4. Erythromycin: Invented (Discovered) by Dr. Abelardo Aguilar in 1949. He sent a
sample to Eli Lilly, who promptly stole the idea and patented it, and later
marketed it successfully. Remember kids, this is why the great inventors always go
to attorneys first… He never received a single peso from his product, that saved
millions of lives (Thank him if you are allergic to penicillin!).
5. Yoyo: Invented as a hunting weapon by the ancient Filipinos, probably in the
Visayas. “Discovered” when Magellan landed.
6. Video Phone: Invented by Gregorio Zara, in 1955 no less! When James Bond was
using one in Dr. No, it had already been in existence a number of years. This is
the predecessor of the camera in your mobile!
7. Computer Microchips: Many types were invented by Diosdado Banatao, beginning
with the world’s first 16-bit chip in 1972, which he invented while working at
Commodore. This led to the development of GUI (The thing that makes the graphics on
this page…). Why should you care? Without GUI, you would now be looking at a page
filled with nothing but a bunch of ones and zeroes.
8. Isolated Rice Breeds: In 1966, Dr. Rodolfo Aquino isolated nine specific breeds
of rice for the International Rice Research Institute. His discoveries helped
prevent famine in much of Asia, and were nearly solely responsible for Thailand and
Vietnam becoming the world’s leading rice producers (A spot once solely occupied by
the Philippines.).
9. Drug Detection: Dr. Enrique Ostrea developed the method for detecting drug use
by pregnant females by detecting traces in the baby’s stools. His method is used by
doctors worldwide in diagnosing drug dependency in infants.
10. Jeepney: Immediate post-war, and the most common form of transportation in the
country today. A Filipino invention, though born from necessity, ingenuity, and
11. Patis: Love it or hate it, I was surprised that it has only been around for the
last 60 years! Additionally, the Filipino Patis was the basis for the Vietnamese
and Thai fish sauce industries, and not the other way around. (If you think
Filipinos use a lot, after a week in Thailand or Vietnam???) It was invented by
Tantay Food and Sauces after they discovered that their dried fish were turning
into liquid when stored with salt in earthen jars.
Agapito Flores is the reason why the world becomes brighter. A Filipino Inventor
who is known for his funnel of the Fluorescent light tube invention – one of the
most commonly used lighting device in the world.
He is the inventor of the Moon Buggy or the Lunar Rover. This Moon buggy was the
car used by Neil Armstrong and other astronauts when they first explored the moon
in 1969
Gregorio Zara was born in Lipa City Philippines, invented the videophone in 1955
and referred to as a Photophone separator signal. Gregorio Zara invented 30
Patented products includingThe Compass in 1929, Wooden Microscope, Vapor Chamber
and Robot that talked, walked and responded to a given command. Etc…
In 1996, Rudy Lantano Sr., a revolutionary fuel half-composed of water. The mix
burns faster and emits pollutants, 95 percent less than those released to the air
by traditional fuel products. The inventor said his invention is a result of
blending new ingredients and additives with ordinary oil products through agitation
and mixing, which is a very safe process.
Dr. Virgilio “Billy” Malang is one of the renowned Filipino inventors. One of his
famous inventions was the Feminine Hygiene or The External Vaginal Cleanser.
– introduced the first single-chip graphical user interface accelerator that made
computers work a lot faster and for helping develop the Ethernet controller chip
that made the Internet possible. In 1989, he pioneered the local bus concept for
personal computers and in the following year developed the First Windows
accelerator chip. Intel is now using the chips and technologies developed by
Banatao. He now runs his own semiconductor company, Mostron, and Chips &
Technology, which is based in California’s Silicon Valley.
an innovative ink at that time and was further developed to work with Parker Pens.
Aside from being quick drying, it was also water-resistant, did not clog the pen
opening, does not blot and will not fade. It is considered one of the best selling
ink for fountain pens of the millennium.

Banana Catsup Source:

Panlasang Pinoy Banana Catsup is a condiment that many Filipinos love to use for
almost every known dish in the Philippines. This was the brainchild of food
technologist Maria Orosa y Ylagan (1893–1945). According to historical accounts,
she created the first recipe for banana catsup and experimented with foods that are
native to the Philippines and created food products such as calamansi nip, which is
a powdered form of calamansi to make calamansi juice, and a powdered version of
soya beans called Soyalac which was used to help save the lives of many Filipinos,
Americans and others who were held prisoners in World War II.
#7 Anticancer Cream Source:
DOST Rolando dela Cruz is a Filipino inventor who won the gold medal for creating
an anti-cancer cream at the prestigious International Inventor’s Forum in November
of 2005. It is called “DeBCC” cream, and was developed from cashew nuts and other
local herbs. It is used specifically for basal skin carcinoma (BSC), which is known
as the most prevalent type of skin cancer worldwide. #8 16-Bit Microchip Source:
WazzupPilipinas Diosdado Banatao, or more popularly known as Dado Banatao, he is
responsible for designing the first single chip, 16-bit microprocessor-based
calculator. Also, in 1981, he developed the first 10-Mbit Ethernet CMOS with
silicon coupler data-link control and transreceiver chip. He is also credited for
the first system logic chip set for IBM’s PC-XT and the PC-AT as well as the local
bus concept and the first Windows Graphics accelerator chip for personal computers.
Read more Jobs of Doctors, Lawyers, and Similar Professionals Also at Risk With
#10 Mole Remover Source:
In the year 2000, Rolando dela Cruz developed a formula that could easily remove
deeply grown moles or warts from the skin without leaving marks or hurting the
patient. The formula was made from cashew nut extracts (Annacardium occidentale), a
common plant in the Philippines. This formula won a gold medal in the International
Invention, Innovation, Industrial Design and Technology Exhibition in Kuala Lumpur
in the year 2000.
#11 Filipino-made
Train Bryan Yuson, an electronics engineer, invented a Filipino-made train that
will be running using renewable energy. The train has three charging systems; the
solar panel, wind mill, and the pedals. According to Yuson, the energy from the
three systems will be charged to the six batteries that is attached to the train
and will power up two 24-volts motor to run the train. This train was launched in
Cebu City, Philippines, and if the Cebu City government cannot have railways for
trains, Yuson’s invention is also flexible—it can run in the highways via vehicle
tires. #12 3-in-1 fire truck Source: ArayemTrade The “Patriot” is a 3-in-1 fire
truck that was invented by inventor Alfredo M. Anos, Sr., who is known as the
godfather of Filipino Inventors. This truck is special since it serves as a fire
truck, a rescue vehicle, and an ambulance.
The Advantages of Technology
Thanks to the internet and mobile technologies, we can communicate with anyone in
the world and form relationships with people who are some distance away, rather
than being limited to people within our physical vicinity. This has some great
positives for both work and home life.
The increased automation of manufacturing and many other jobs, thanks to computers,
means greater efficiency, less people doing boring repetitive jobs, and an increase
in flexibility regarding work times. Many jobs can now be done remotely, thanks to
the internet, with many workers increasingly being able to work from home at times
of their choosing.
The wealth of information that is now available is astonishing. In theory, at
least, having access to the internet means having access to almost all of the
world’s knowledge. Increasingly we don’t even need to be sat at a desk to access
the information either, as mobile devices become more and more powerful.
The entertainment industry has experienced a revolution. Consumers now have an
incredible choice of movies, shows, games, music, and other entertainment available
24/7. The music and film industries have been democratized as artists are no longer
reliant on companies to fund and promote them, as they can do it all themselves.
Technology can now be used to advance itself. Science is benefiting massively from
the lightning speeds that computers can perform calculations and investigate
complex questions that would take humans many lifetimes to answer. Medical
breakthroughs, chemical and astronomical discoveries have all been made due to
Modern technology saves us lots of time, whether it’s our computer regulated cars
driving us to work, washing-machines to do our laundry, or automated banking to
allow us to pay by credit card, use internet banking, or get cash out from the ATM.
Computer regulation and automation means that many devices and machines now
function much more efficiently and use less power, either because they are working
at the most efficient rate, or they automatically switch themselves off when not in
use. This provides benefits for the environment as well as being a cost saver.

The Disadvantages of Technology

Human relations are diminished in the virtual world. As online social networking
increasingly replaces real face-to-face and physical contact, alienation can
increase, as well as problems such as cyber-bullying, online stalking and cyber
crime, which are related to the anonymity of the internet.
Human beings are less and less valued in the workplace as their roles are replaced
by computers. Outsourcing has meant bigger profits for companies, but a decline in
wages and conditions and more unemployment for ordinary workers, especially in
Western nations. Multinational corporations are increasingly impossible to control
by individual nation states.
Issues of privacy have become huge, as it becomes increasingly difficult to control
personal information in the digital and internet world. Financial details can be
hacked into, candid photos or videos posted on the web, slurs and accusations made
against people's characters, and personal identities can be stolen.
Intellectual property theft and piracy have made it more and more difficult for
creative people to make any money from their output. Media can be digitalized and
then distributed across the internet very easily and the process seems impossible
to control. Ultimately it will lead to a decline in artistic and creative quality
as people no longer have the time and funds to pursue projects.
Modern societies are increasingly dependent on technology. So much so, that many
basic services such as hospitals, power grids, airports, rail and road transport
systems, and military defenses can now be knocked out by cyber attack or a
catastrophic failure. Humans would be almost helpless if the technology was taken
away overnight.
We are increasingly becoming overwhelmed by the information overload that modern
technology brings, as we are bombarded by irrelevant emails, sales telephone calls,
text messages, internet advertising etc. Rather than saving us time, new technology
means that we are expected to process more and more information and work even more
Technology brings with it all sorts of enviromental problems. As well as machines
and devices often being made from toxic, or non-biogradable materials, most
technologies need a power source, which can often mean an increase in the
consumption of electricity and fossil fuels.
Technology has a general dehumanizing effect. As well as in the workplace, the
military is increasingly becoming more technological. An example is pilotless drone
aircraft, which can attack and kill people with the controller many thousands of
miles away.

List of the Advantages of Technology in Education

1. Technology helps children to stay motivated during the learning process.
Most students don’t like to go to school if they feel like they are wasting their
time. When there is technology allowed in the classroom, then teachers have an
opportunity to let kids work at a pace which suits them the best without disturbing
others. They can look up additional information about a subject they are learning
about that day, play educational games that reinforce the lesson, or work on
advanced material using a program like Zearn.
Because many of today’s technology options allow students to see how well they are
doing compared to the average of all users, it gives them a chance to push harder
for themselves and their education. Many of the programs that encourage learning
also issue rewards or award certificates, which helps to make the lessons fun as
2. It encourages more communication between teachers and parents.
When there is technology in the classroom, then there are more opportunities for
parents and teachers to connect with each other. Using a blog for the classroom can
help parents get to see what their children are learning each day. Apps and
software options allow teachers to instantly report on a child’s behavior to let
parents know in real-time what is happening throughout the day. There are options
for chat boxes, instant messaging, and other forms of communication as well.
Let’s not forget about email here either. Since the 1990s when this technology
option came into the classroom, it created more reliability in messaging between
teachers and parents should there be a need to talk.
3. Technology options in the classroom are very affordable.
Although the cost of having technology in the classroom can be significant if you
are introducing new options to an entire district, the cost of student computers,
tablets, and class essentials is minimal. Most student computers cost less than
$200 each, and there are several grants available on local, state, and national
levels that help to offset these costs to local taxpayers.

“The Internet is the first technology since the printing press which could lower
the cost of a great education and, in doing so, make the cost-benefit analysis much
easier for most students,” said John Katzman. “It could allow American schools to
serve twice as many students as they do now, and in ways that are both effective
and cost-effective.”
4. It creates new ways to learn for today’s student.
There are three critical forms of intelligence that we see in children today:
emotional, creative, and instructional. The traditional classroom environment,
which typically encourages lecture-based lessons, focuses more on the latter
option. Standardized tests and similar ranking tools do the same. When kids have
access to technology today, then those who excel outside of the standard learning
setup can still achieve their full potential.
Technology allows children to embrace their curiosity in multiple ways. They can
try new things without embarrassment because their tech access gives them a level
of anonymity. This process allows kids to work, through trial-and error if they
wish, to see if a different strategy helps them to learn more effectively.
5. Technology allows us to give students access to data from a single location.
Do you remember when a research project meant a visit to the library so that you
could pull 4-5 books to read, have access to an encyclopedia, and even microfilm to
view so that you had enough resources to finish your assignment? Technology allows
a student to access every item they need for a project from a central resource.
Instead of spending all of that time searching for something specific or waiting
for your library to order it, you can run a few queries on Google and find what you
6. It gives us better access to behavioral data on students.
The various apps, software choices, and technological platforms collect data on
students that can show attendance patterns, learning issues in specific subjects,
and how they react in particular situations. This information leads to the creation
of a profile where teachers, schools, and parents can work together to identify
places where additional learning may be necessary. Technology can even help a
school district find their highly capable students to keep pushing them toward more
challenging work so that they remain engaged with the learning environment.
7. Technology helps to prepare students for their future world.
Even if there are warnings from medical providers about the amount of screen time
that students receive in their classroom environment, the reality of the modern
educational system is that we must have technology exposure now to prepare our
children for the world they will face as adults. This sector will continue to
evolve. If they are not prepared to use these items today, then tomorrow could be a
struggle for them.
That means some traditional subjects might not be as important to teach for some
schools or teachers. Is it more important to have a student learn how to write in
cursive or know how to type without using the two-finger chicken-pecking method? Is
coding more of a critical skill than learning how to cook? Should kids know how to
put a chair together in woodshop or have the ability to put together their own
These are the questions we need to be asking when looking at the advantages and
disadvantages of technology in the classroom.
8. The introduction of technology allows for the teaching of needed vocational
Although there are regions of extreme poverty and isolation which do not have
Internet access in the United States right now, over 90% of Americans have a home
connection to online resources. By introducing technology to students from an early
age, we can teach them the critical vocational skills that are necessary for
success in a digital world. That is why writing continues to be a top priority in
the K-4 grades, formatting guidelines and software use after, and knowing how to
research efficiently is approached as an essential skill.
9. Technology in the classroom encourages collaboration.
Students retain very little of the information they receive when a teacher lectures
from a textbook. When there are interactive lessons on a chalkboard or whiteboard,
kids can remember about 20% of what they were taught. If a teacher encourages a
small group discussion, that percentage can quadruple.

Technology gives us an easy way to develop collaboration skills for students using
online tools that encourage them to work together in safe ways. If kids can then
practice what they were taught immediately, there is very little that they will
10. It encourages students to stay engaged with their learning environment.
Kids get bored very easily when they feel like they already know what is being
taught in their classroom. Some children will transform into mentors or leaders in
this situation to help their fellow students, but there are many more who disengage
because they lack stimulation. By introducing technology to the classroom, there
are fewer places where repetitive learning must take place. Teachers can introduce
new subjects, try new techniques, or use different projects to encourage ongoing
learning, which creates more overall engagement.
11. Teachers have more credibility when they use technology in the classroom.
Teachers are sometimes hesitant to use technology in the classroom because they are
unsure of what a student might have at home. Giving homework assignments that
require computer access to a student without that technology at home would be a
waste of time. There can also be pushback from parents who are uncomfortable giving
their kids additional screen time for learning. When you can introduce these
elements to the classroom and have children learn there, then you can overcome the
socioeconomic barriers that are sometimes in place for low-income families.

List of the Disadvantages of Technology in Education

1. The presence of technology can be distracting to students.
When kids play video games, they can find themselves reacting with addiction-like
behaviors. Their focus is on the entertainment they receive more than anything
else. If the educational environment uses reward-based games to encourage learning,
then the child might be more concerned with what they receive through the software
or app instead of what they are learning.
Although correct answers can be an indication of knowledge, there might not be as
much information retention as hoped. Teachers must set and enforce healthy
boundaries when using technology in the classroom to ensure healthy results are
2. Technology can make it easier to cheat.
Remember the TV shows and movies where kids would break into a teacher’s classroom,
steal the answer key to a test, and then write down everything on their wrist,
shoe, or a slip of paper? Now a student can send themselves a text with that
information. They can send that data to anyone else with a phone. Email can relay
this info too. There must also be strict rules in place about the use of technology
during quizzes or tests when an exact measurement of student knowledge is needed to
evaluate their overall progress.
3. Using tech can cause some students to disconnect from the classroom.
Interacting online with others is a different experience than when you collaborate
over the Internet with someone. Being behind a screen provides you with a layer of
anonymity that you don’t receive with a face-to-face conversation. Learning how to
work with one another using technology is an essential skill, but it cannot be the
other option that teachers introduce to their classroom. We must encourage social
interactions that accurately communicate thoughts, feelings, or emotions so that
when a child is offline, they can still make a better life for themselves.
4. Some students may not know the difference between reliable and unreliable
There is a lot of information on the Internet today that is fake or exaggerated in
some way, but it masquerades as being real. According to research published by New
York Magazine, less than 60% of web traffic today is actually human-based searches
or content interaction. Up to half of the traffic on YouTube each year are bots
that masquerade as people. Not only is the content sometimes fake, but then also
the users might not be real too. Teachers must show students how to access real
information, show them how to verify its validity, and then encourage them to use
it appropriately.
5. Technology is a resource that not all families can afford.
Whether technology is in the classroom or at home, there is the issue of
affordability to worry about in today’s world. Some households cannot afford to
purchase computers for their kids to manage their school work. There are school
districts that don’t have enough money to pay their salaries each year, much less
add new tech components for learning.
When we emphasize having technology in the classroom, then we place those at the
lowest end of the wage scale at a significant disadvantage. Students with greater
access can learn more and have access to lessons more often, which means they have
additional information exposure that can increase their opportunities to succeed.
6. Some technologies could replace the teacher in some classrooms.
Interactive learning lessons are so effective today that the software or app can
become the teacher instead of having someone present to help a student. One of the
best examples of this potential disadvantage is ABC Mouse, which provides clear
instructions to students as young as 3 so that they can start learning when they
are ready.
Instead of being in a hands-on role, technology makes the teacher more of an
observer. New tech automates the learning process while adapting to changing
student needs.
7. There are privacy concerns to consider with technology in the classroom.
Over 15 million people each year experience identity theft in some way. It is a
criminal empire that costs the economy over $16 billion per year. Since 2011, over
$100 billion in losses have happened because of this issue. One of the reasons why
it is becoming more prevalent is because more people have greater access to
technology today.
When we introduce technology to the classroom, we are placing the identity of our
children at risk every day. Even when apps, computers, mobile devices, and
operating systems have advanced privacy filters that reduce the threat of identity
loss, there is no way to guarantee that all risks are gone unless the equipment
never goes online. If we take this step, then we end up losing many of the
advantages of having technology in the classroom in the first place.
8. Technology in the classroom could create medical problems for some kids.
Eye strain occurs when you look at a computer screen for too long. Symptoms of this
issue include back pain, eye pain, neck pain, feelings of tiredness, blurred
vision, and problems with focus. Continuous heavy computer usage may lead to issues
with early myopia, with a prevalence rate of more than 60% for those older than the
age of 12. For some people, the impact of this health issue is cumulative, which
means the time they spend in front of a phone, tablet, and television can
contribute to eye health issues as well.

9. Kids often lose track of time when using technology in the classroom.
Although kids can adapt to changing environments without much of a second thought,
their idea of normal is often defined by what they experience in the classroom.
Teachers and schools have as much, if not more, time with children than their
parents throughout the day, which means the classroom becomes an influential part
of life for each student. Encouraging the use of tech might help to create more
learning opportunities, but it can also lead to a lifestyle that is more sedentary.
When children sit for too long during the day, then they face the same health
challenges that adults do when not getting enough exercise. There can be problems
with obesity, hyperactivity, muscle fatigue, sleeping problems, and metabolism
issues with prolonged sitting. That is why any school that introduces technology to
the classroom should also encourage at least 30 minutes of moderate physical
activity whenever possible.

10. Many classrooms place limits on technology access.

Because of the awareness that schools have with the potential disadvantages that
technology can cause in the classroom, there are limits placed on the use of items
under the guise of child protection. Although firewalls and site blockers can
prevent most dangerous content from reaching the eyes of children, it is not
unusual to see this issue taken a step further by restricting computer work to word
processing and basic research. Students come home with assignments to use tech of
their own, at a library, or through a loan program to place this responsibility on
the parents instead.
If we force limits on children instead of teaching them how to make wise choices,
then is that really giving them a learning environment?
11. Technology can create dependencies for information recall.
If you cannot recall a piece of information instantly, then what is your next step
to find an answer? Most people would say that they would look online for the data
they want or ask a virtual assistant, like Alexa, to give them the answer. Having
access to a treasure-trove of resources is wonderful, but it can also create a
dependency because of its presence. If we do not teach students how to recall info
by themselves without the use of a smart device or computer, then the next
generation of students may be unable to function unless there is technology for
them to access.

Verdict on the Advantages and Disadvantages of Technology in the Classroom

These advantages and disadvantages of technology in the classroom indicate that
students and teachers can be more effective in their roles with its presence.
Although there can be varying levels of comfort based on the amount of exposure
each person has to computers, electronic whiteboards, and other items, an
introduction of new tech is an investment that can offer ongoing dividends.

There are times when technology can provide new experiences to a student. Teachers
can use apps and software to reach kids that might normally disconnect from the

Technology in the classroom opens more doors, introduces new experiences, and
creates more opportunities for self-discovery. The positive aspects that occur with
school integration typically outweigh any of the issues that a district might

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