Ancient Period (ca.3500B.C. - 500 A.D.) : Science and Technology in Different Periods

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Science and Technology in Different Periods

Ancient Period(ca.3500B.C. – 500 A.D.)

People used stones as tools, learned how to shape stones, improved stones to use them
to fashion weapons and other artifacts from bone, antler and wood.
They capture fire from natural sources and make fire using heat generated by friction or
sparks from friction of stones or sun’s heat.
Medieval Period(ca.3500B.C. – 500 A.D.)
 Also known as “Dark Ages”, start of first industrial revolution.
Charlemagne(742-814), emperor who ruled Western Europe in 800-814.
He establish a scholastic tradition.
 1250-1500 A.D.- advancement in philosophy of science and refinement of
scientific method.
1. Adaptation of Eastern technologies in the West.
2. Invention of vertical windmills, spectacles, mechanical clocks, water mills,
building techniques such as three-field crop rotation.
 Ca. 1395-1468 , greatest invention – printing press by Johannes Gutenberg.
Renaissance Period(14 th – 17 th century)
refer as the period of rebirth, connects the period of Middle Ages to modern history
in Italy.
Western Europe: greatest achievements – technology of printing books such as
Bibles, secular books, printed music.
1250-1350: Wood printing from China. Chinese prepared printed materials used
by Muslims.
12 th century:papermaking in China reached Spain and new printers’ ink
originated from Flemish oil painting.
1500: Europe produced six million copies of books with printing press.
1473-1543: Nicolas Copernicus( Polis mathematician and astronomer)- sun is the
center of the solar system instead of the earth.Catholic church banned Copernicus
1564-1642: Galileo Galilei – improved telescope, discovered celestial bodies,
heliocentric solar system, experiments on pendulums and falling objects
1643-1727: Isaac Newton discoveries about gravity.
First Industrial Revolution( 18 th century)
Time of scientific and technological advancement
Great Britain, Europe, America and Asia: use innovations for CHANGE.
1. manual labor and skilled workers to machine-operated devices
2. scientists to inventors.
Technologies found were iron production, steam engine and textiles.
Scottish James Watt (1736-1819)- steam engine used to run machines for
Robert Fulton (1765-1815)- steamboat used by Watt’s engine.
Thomas Edison (1847-1931) – invented the lightbulb.
Alexander Graham Bell(1781-1848) - invented the telephone.
George Stephenson- English engineer( 1781-1848)- developed the first steam-
powered locomotive.
In the 19 th Century- Second Industrial Revolution
• Rise of modern industry from agriculture to industrial manufacturing and
technology-intensive services.
• Age of machine tools.
• Invention of usable electricity, steel, and petroleum products.

In the 20 th Century
 Use of scientific methods, new discoveries and new technologies.
 Creation of personal computer- Intel developed a microprocessor.
 Steve Jobs(1955-2011) and Steve Wozniak(1950)- introduced APPLE in 1976.
 1969-Internet (ARPAnet=Advanced Research Project Agency Network)- for global
communication, gathering information.
 Henry Ford(1863-1947) – mass production of cars for Model T (1908)
 Breakthroughs: Artificial Intelligence(A.I.)- computer to perform humanlike
intellectual processes (1940), and assist doctor for diagnosis.
But no program or computer cannot match the man’s full intellectual capacity.
Filipino Inventors
Medical Incubator: Invented in
1941 by Fe del Mundo. She was
the first Asian student in Harvard’s
School of medicine. Countless
young lives were saved by her
invention and genius.

the improvised incubator was made up of two native laundry baskets of different sizes
placed one inside the other. Hot water bottles were placed all around between them to
provide warmth. There was also a makeshift hood over the overlapping baskets
to allow oxygen to circulate within. It was created to address the needs of rural areas
with no electricity that is needed to regulate newborn babies’ body temperature.
Modern “E-Jeepney” was finally introduced in Metro
Manila and Bacolod City
Three advantages:
a. it is nature-friendly because E-Jeepneys are
noiseless and smokeless,
b. it uses electricity so use of expensive diesel will
gradually decrease,
c. jeepney drivers will take home more profits as the
electricity is significantly cheaper than the ordinary
Erythromycin: Invented (Discovered) by Dr.
Abelardo Aguilar in 1949. He sent a sample to
Eli Lilly, who promptly stole the idea and
patented it, and later marketed it successfully.
Remember kids, this is why the great inventors
always go to attorneys first. He never received
a single peso from his product, that saved
millions of lives (Thank him if you are allergic to
Yoyo: Invented as a hunting weapon by the ancient Filipinos,
probably in the Visayas. “Discovered” when Magellan
“yoyo” as that rounded and stringed toy.
Used by the natives 400 years ago as a combat weapon
against Spaniards and intruders, the first “yoyo” was large
and had sharp edges and studs. It was also attached to thick
20-feet long ropes for flinging at enemies or prey. The
modern toy that we know today was the brainchild of law
undergraduate Pedro Flores, whose idea was later brought
to reality. Thanks to America, the toy was mass produced
and became one of the most distinct toys the world has ever
Computer Microchips: Invented by
Diosdado Banatao, beginning with
the world’s first 16-bit chip in 1972,
which he invented while working at
Commodore. This led to the
development of GUI. Without GUI,
you would now be looking at a page
filled with nothing but a bunch of
ones and zeroes.
Patis: Love it or hate it ? the Filipino Patis was the basis for the
Vietnamese and Thai fish sauce industries, and not the other way
around. It was invented by Tantay Food and Sauces after they
discovered that their dried fish were turning into liquid when stored
with salt in earthen jars.

Anticancer Cream
Filipino inventor Rolando dela Cruz won the gold medal for his
“DeBCC” anti-cancer cream at the prestigious International Inventor’s
Forum in November of 2005. The “DeBCC” cream, developed from
cashew nuts and other local herbs, was chosen over 1,500 entries as
the “most significant invention” of the year. It is a treatment intended
specifically for basal skin carcinoma (BSC), which is the most prevalent
type of skin cancer worlwide.
Mole Remover
Rolando dela Cruz developed in the
year 2000 an ingenuous formula that
could easily remove deeply grown
moles or warts from the skin without
leaving marks or hurting the patient.
His formula was extracted from
cashew nut (Annacardium
occidentale). The formula won for
dela Cruz a gold medal in
International Invention, Innovation,
Industrial Design and Technology
Exhibition in Kuala Lumpur in
September 2000.
. Quink Ink
The Quink quick drying ink was
invented by Francisco Quisumbing, a
chemist. It was an innovative ink at
that time and was further developed
to work with Parker Pens. Aside from
being quick drying, it was also water-
resistant, did not clog the pen
opening, does not blot and will not
fade. It is considered as one if the
best selling ink for fountain pens of
the millennium.
Invented by electronics engineer Bryan Yuson,
the train was designed with three charging
systems; the solar panel, wind mill, and the
pedals. Yuson said that the energy from the
three systems will be charged to the six
batteries attached to the train and will power
up the two 24 volts motor to run the train. The
train is also flexible, if the Cebu government
cannot have railways for trains, it can still run in
the highways using the usual vehicle tires.
According to ABS-CBN News-Central
Visayas, Yuson firmly said that he will not sell
his invention to foreigners. He said that the
train will solely be made by Filipino hands and it
will be the Filipinos who will benefit from it.
Moon Buggy: Invented in 1968 by Eduardo San Juan. He was the
project leader for NASA in the buggy development: An underfunded
and underappreciated engineering success.
Drug Detection: Dr. Enrique Ostrea developed the method for
detecting drug use by pregnant females by detecting traces in the
baby’s stools. His method is used by doctors worldwide in diagnosing
drug dependency in infants.
Karaoke: Invented in 1975 by Roberto del Rosario. A brilliant guy, he
invented many other musical devices.
Video Phone: Invented by Gregorio Zara, in 1955 no less! When James
Bond was using one in Dr. No, it had already been in existence a
number of years. This is the predecessor of the camera in your mobile!

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