TG - FundaofABM-Lesson 2

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Manticao, Misamis Oriental

Teacher: Honey Leigh L. Nietes Subject: Fundamentals of ABM Time: Date: July 8-19, 2019

Topic/ Lesson Name Statement of Comprehensive Income

Content Standard The learners demonstrate an understanding of the service income and operating expenses of a service
business as well as sales, contra revenue, purchases, contra purchase accounts, Cost of Goods Sold and
general administrative and selling expenses of a merchandising business that will equip him/her in the
preparation of the SCI for both service and merchandising businesses.

Performance Standard The learners shall be able to solve exercises and problems that require preparation of SCI for a service
business and a merchandising business
Learning Competency The learner:
- Identify the elements of the SCI and describe each of these items for a service business and a
merchandising business
- prepare an SCI for a service business using the single-step approach
- prepare an SCI for a merchandising business using the multistep approach
Specific Learning Outcomes At the end of the 4-hour session, the learners are able to:
1. Explain the purpose of the statement of comprehensive Income.
2. Identify and classify the elements of the statement of comprehensive income for a service business
and a merchandising business
4. construct a statement of comprehensive income of a service business using the single step approach
5. organize a statement of comprehensive income of a merchandising business using a multistep
Time Allotment 2 weeks
Lesson Outline Introduction
Materials Computer, TV, projector, whiteboard, marker
Resources Books, websites
Procedure Teacher’s Tips
A. Communicate learning objectives
- Explain the purpose of the statement of comprehensive Income.
- Identify the elements of the statement of comprehensive income for a service business and a merchandising
- construct a statement of comprehensive income of a service business using the single step approach
- organize a statement of comprehensive income of a merchandising business using a multistep approach

B. Present terms
- At the end of this topic, I should be able to define the following terms:
a. Statement of Comprehensive Income
b. Temporary Accounts
c. Contra Purchases
d. Cost of Goods Sold
e. General and Administrative Expenses
f. Selling Expenses
g. Single-Step
h. Multi-Step

 Video presentation
- Highest income earners of the Philippines and their corresponding business/work.
 Prepare a Personal SCI:
a) Ask the learners to get a ¼ piece of paper (any paper will do if they don’t have a ¼ sheet)
b) Ask them to write their monthly allowance (computed by daily allowance x number of days in a month)
c) Ask them to write the amount they spend on food, transportation, phone load, etc. (make it monthly to match their
d) Tell learners to deduct the amount they spend from the amount their allowance
e) Associate allowance with revenue and spending with expense with the net amount as net income
 Discuss the importance of the SCI: a. Reinforce the difference between accrued income/expense with cash transactions b. Tell
the learners that a business can still earn even without having cash and can still lose even with a full bank account to make
them curious and tell them that they will understand these concepts as you go through with the subject
 Let the students work in pair. Learners will analyze and discuss the following scenario below (to be printed)

You pay a P150 car You receive your monthly You pay rent of P450 per You pay your medical
payment. gross salary of P2,000 month. insurance of P75 a month.
You pay your renter’s You pay your car insurance You pay for monthly Your monthly utilities are
insurance of P20. of P50. groceries 200. due. You owe P125.

Your monthly bill for It’s your mother’s birthday. Taxes come out of your You go to a movie
gasoline comes in and you You purchase a P50 paycheck P350 With a friend that costs
must pay P75. present. P10.
You put P100 into savings You hit a pothole and have You go out to dinner with You find the perfect outfit
for a vacation at the beach. a flat tire. You must pay friends. Your bill is P25. for your date this weekend.
P75 for a new one. You pay P100 for the outfit.

 Instruction: Using the different scenarios above, let the students analyze and classify each expenses to the worksheet below. Write its
amount on the space provided after each name. (Note: answers are according to student’s Judgment. Checking of answers will follow.
Student who will get the most number of correct will receive a reward.)

Gross Salary
Total Income

Fixed Expenses
Rent’s insurance
Automobile loan payment
Automobile Insurance
Medical insurance
Revolving savings fund
Total fixed expense

Variable Expenses
Gasoline and maintenance
Clothing and personal upkeep
Total Variable Expenses
1. Define the term Statement of Comprehensive Income and introduce the term Temporary Accounts
 STATEMENT OF COMPREHENSIVE INCOME – Also known as the income statement. Contains the results of the company’s
operations for a specific period of time which is called net income if it is a net positive result while a net loss if it is a net
negative result. This can be prepared for a month, a quarter or a year. (Haddock, Price, & Farina, 2012)
 TEMPORARY ACCOUNTS – Also known as nominal accounts are the accounts found under the SCI. They are called such
because at the end of the accounting period, balances under these accounts are transferred to the capital account, thus
having only temporary amounts and resulting to zero beginning balances at the beginning of the following year.(Haddock,
Price, & Farina, 2012)Examples of temporary accounts include revenues, sales, utilities expense, supplies expense, salaries
expense, depreciation expense, interest expense among others.
2. Provide a sample SCI to the learners (powerpoint or acetate or hard copy) as an overview

3. Difference of the Statement of Comprehensive Income of a Service Company and of a Merchandising Company
 The main difference of the Statements of the two types of business lies on how they generate their revenue. A service company
provides services in order to generate revenue and the main cost associated with their service is the cost of labor which is
presented under the account Salaries Expense. On the other hand, a merchandising company sells goods to customers and the
main cost associated with the activity is the cost of the merchandise which is presented under the line item Cost of Goods Sold.
In presenting these items on the Statement of Comprehensive Income, a service company will separate all revenues and
expenses (as seen in the single-step format) while a merchandising company will present total sales and cost of goods sold on
the first part of the statement which will net to the company’s gross profit before presenting the other expenses which are
classified as either administrative expenses or selling expenses (as seen in the multi-step format).

5. Point out the different parts of the SCI (use ppt)

6. Differentiate the single-step and multi-step format of the SCI
7. Single-step – Called single-step because all revenues are listed down in one section while all expenses are listed in another. Net
income is computed using a “single-step” which is Total Revenues minus Total Expenses. (Haddock, Price, & Farina, 2012)
8. Multi-step – Called multi-step because there are several steps needed in order to arrive at the company’s net income. (Haddock,
Price, & Farina, 2012)
9. Emphasize that the two are only formats and will yield the same amount of net income/loss
10. Discuss that single-step SCI is more commonly used by service companies while multi-step format is more commonly used by
merchandising companies
11. show a sample of a Service Business – Single Step Approach
12. Show a sample of Merchandising company and Manufacturing Business – Multistep Approach
13. Note: Point out the different parts of a Statement of Comprehensive Income.
14. Discuss how to prepare the Statement of Comprehensive Income using the sample comprehensive problem of ABC Company

A. Activity 1: ask randomly from students about their ideas on the purpose of SCI
B. Activity 2: identifying elements of the SCI
- A word search puzzle will be given to each student. The learners will encircle the word that is only part of the SCI. Encircling words other than the
elements of SCI means a deduction to the perfect score.
C. Activity 3: Classification of accounts
1. Materials needed: Sheets of Paper (teacher can decide the number) Scissors (optional)
2. Learners should be grouped into 3 groups
3. 1st group is given a scissor and sheets of paper
4. Ask the group to cut the sheets of paper to produce 5 paper boats (can vary) with a hypothetical cost of 5 pesos each (can be prepared beforehand –
teacher can ask the learners to prepare this at home)
5. The other 2 are given sheets of paper and transform the sheets into play money (can be prepared beforehand – teacher can ask the learners to prepare
this at home)
6. The groups with the paper boats will “sell” them to the other group with the play money at an amount that the group will decide. In turn, the group who
bought from the boats from the first group will sell these boats to group 3. Only one member will sell the boats. Others can do admin tasks (if any).
7. After the sale, the 2nd group will distribute the cash to each member as salary.
8. The discussion will focus on the 2nd group. Teacher can ask them how they classify the cost of the boats, the salary of the one selling the boats and the
salary of those doing admin tasks.

D. Activity 4: Let the students construct a statement of comprehensive income of a service business using the single step approach

Salaries expense 31, 500

Commission expense 11, 300
Guest services expense 22, 000
Room sales 68, 000
Laundry cleaning expense 16, 200
Food and beverage sales 42, 000
E. Activity 5: organize a statement of comprehensive income of a merchandising business using a multistep approach

Factory Overhead 63,000

Raw Material, beg 49,000
Purchases 28,000
Finished Goods, beg 34,000
Work in Process, End 30,000
Sales ret. & allow. 16,000
Admin expenses 58,600
Direct labor 38,000
Raw materials, end 35,000
Finished goods, end 22,000
Work in process, beg 40,000
Sales 287,000
Selling expenses 43,500
Group students into 4 persons in each group.
 Easy:
1. Learning is Fun Company generated revenues amounting to Php 100,000. Expenses for the year totaled Php 76,000. How much is the company’s
net income for the year? Answer: P24,000.
2. Happy Selling Company’s salaries to sales agents amounted to Php 10,000. Salaries of accountants amounted to Php 20,000. No other expenses
were incurred. How much is the company’s general and administrative expense? Answer: P20,000.

 Medium:
1. Happy Selling’s beginning inventory amounted to 250,000. Net purchases amounted to 70,000. Freight In totaled 15,000. Compute for the
company’s cost of goods available for sale. Answer: P335,000.
2. Happy Selling’s Sales amounted to Php 500,000. Sales returns and sales discounts amounted to Php 30,000 and Php 10,000 respectively.
Purchases of the company totaled Php 100,000 while purchase returns and purchase discounts amounted to Php 20,000 and Php 10,000
respectively. How much is the company’s Net Sales? Net Purchases? Answer: Net sales - P460,000; Net Purchases - P70,000
 Difficult
1. Company’s Cost of Goods Sold amounted to Php 285,000. Net cost of purchases totaled Php 85,000. Beginning inventory amounted to Php
250,000. Sales amounted to Php 500,000. Compute for the company’s Ending Inventory. Answer: P50,000.
2. Gross profit of Happy Selling amounted to Php 175,000. Beginning Inventory totaled Php 250,000. Ending Inventory amounted to Php 50,000
while Net Cost of Purchases totaled Php 85,000. Compute for Happy’s Net Sales. Answer: P460,000
3. Prepare a statement of comprehensive income using the multi-step approach.
Sales 168,000
Purchases 46,000
Selling expenses 32,000
Purchase return 4,000
Ending inventory 25,000
Sales return and allowance 9,500
Sales discount 5,000
Administrative expenses 49,000
Beginning inventory 39,000
Purchase discount 3,000
1. IFL: The ability to earn a profit results in multiplying our resources while helping other people. It is a wonderful ability
that God gave us, and it is not evil or morally neutral, but is fundamentally good. Through it we can reflect many of
God’s attributes, such as love for others, wisdom, sovereignty, and planning for the future.

Acts 20:35 “In all things I have shown you that by working hard in this way we must help the weak and
remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he himself said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.”


Let the learners answer independently the questions below:

 True or false: write true if the statement is correct, otherwise false.
2. The SCI is a picture of the results of operations of the company as of the cut-off date
3. The major elements of the SCI are income and expenses

4. Cost of Sales is computed as Cost of Goods Available for sale less ending inventory
5. Expense recognition strictly requires the matching of expenses against revenue
6. Goods returned by customers are immediately deducted to the sales revenue account
7. In periodic inventory accounting, inventory is determined by conduction a physical count of merchandise
8. Expenses decrease assets and therefor have credit normal balances
9. Depreciation expense is a line account found in an SCI prepared following the multi-step format
10. Revenue result in increase in equity and therefore has a credit normal balance
11. Revenue result in increase in equity and therefore has a credit normal balance
 Modified Matching type: classify the line accounts on the table as to single-step/nature of expense or multi-
step/function of expense SCIs.
Net sales Rent expense Utilities Expense
Net purchases Cost of sales Interest Income
Depreciation and amortization Bad debts expense Interest expense
General administrative expense Selling expense Gain from sale of PPE
Salaries expense Advertising expense Decrease in inventory

 Short problem:
1. The happy toddler is a preparatory school for children three to five years old. Students are enrolled for a
school-year. Parents can pay the full tuition fee of P70,000 at the start of the school year (june). There is also
an option to pay two installments of P37,000 each at the start of every semester (june 1 and November 1). Of
the 150 student enrolled, 80 are paid in full at the start of the year. The remaining students are on installment school year runs from June 1 to March 31.
Required: Determine the tuition fee revenue for the period December 31. This is the first year of happy
toddler’s operation.
 Comprehensive problem
 The happy toddler is a preparatory school for children three to five years old. There are 10 teachers employed
by (THT), 5 senior teachers with salary of P30,000 a month and 5 junior teachers at P18,000a month. There are
also 4 administrators with average monthly salary of P35, 000. Annual depreciation for furniture and fixtures
amounted to P100, 000. Utilities expense for the year totals to P200,000.
a. List down the expenses of happy toddler following the nature of expense approach
b. Prepare a single-step Statement of comprehensive income
c. Prepare a Multi-step statement of Comprehensive income


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