Report On Financial Statement Analysis
Report On Financial Statement Analysis
Report On Financial Statement Analysis
Financial Statement
What is a Financial Statement Analysis
Change in % Change
2015 % to NS 2014 % to NS Value Y15vsY14
Income Before Income Tax 1,896 12.44% 815 14.03% 1,081 132.6%
Provision for Income Tax 759 4.98% 326 5.61% 433 132.8%
These changes comprise capital,
drawings and the profit for the
Statement of changes in Owner's Equity
For the year ended December 31, 2016
(In Millions)
Dividend (3,603)
3.Trend Analysis
4.Ratio Analysis
1. Vertical Analysis: This is the method being
used in analyzing a single period financial statement.
Commissions 56 0.4%
Supplies 30 0.2%
Change in % Change
2015 % to NS 2014 % to NS Value Y15vsY14
Income Before Income Tax 1,896 12.44% 815 14.03% 1,081 132.6%
Provision for Income Tax 759 4.98% 326 5.61% 433 132.8%
The base year represents the earliest year in the data set. Although absolute
values can represent subsequent periods, analysts commonly use
percentages for comparability purposes.
1. Liquidity
2. Solvency
3. Profitability
4. Efficiency
Liquidity is a term used to describe a company's ability to raise cash in a
short period, usually 30 days and it indicates a company's ability to pay its short-term
The most common liquidity ratio is Current ratio. This is the ratio of current assets to
current liabilities.
• Minimum ratio is greater than one because anything less than one means the
company has more liabilities than assets.
• A high ratio indicates more of a safety cushion, which increases flexibility because
some of the inventory items and receivable balances may not be easily convertible
to cash.
CA 4,822
Current Ratio = = = 155.80%
CL 3,095
Solvency ratios indicate financial
stability. They measure a company's debt
relative to its assets and equity. A
company with too much debt may not
have the flexibility to manage its cash
flow if interest rates rise or if business
conditions deteriorate. The common
solvency ratios are:
Debt-to-asset ratio is the ratio of total debt to
total assets. This is used to determine how much
a company relies on its debt to finance its assets.
The lower the debt to asset ratio, the more likely a
business is to be granted a loan.
Income 1,137
Return on Asset = = = 8.59%
Asset 13,240
The return-on-investment ratio is the ratio of net
income to shareholders' equity, indicates a
company's ability to generate a return for its owners.
Income 1,137
Return on Equity
= = = 18.50%
Equity 6,145
Efficiency Ratios
.. Also called activity ratios, measure how
well companies utilize their assets to
generate income.
COGS 11,787
Inventory T.O. = = = 6.65
Ave. Invty 1,773
2015 (unfavorable) Performance
Actual % to NS 2015 Budget % to NS Variance rate %
Income Before Income Tax 1,896 12.44% 1,880 11.75% 16.00 100.85%
Provision for Income Tax 759 4.98% 752 4.70% (7.00) 100.93%
Accounts Receivable (net of uncollectibles) 10,050 5,725 Cost of Goods Sold 58,935 18,682
Plant Assets, net of accumulated Depreciation 41790 33740 Interest Expense 2,150 703
TOTAL ASSETS 65,600 49,040 Income Before Income Tax 9,480 3,871