Azure Virtual Machines Cheat Sheet

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Azure Virtual Machines Cheat Sheet

By Scott Duffy, ​

Operating Systems
Marketplace contains supported images. You can create custom images for other options.

Windows :
5 years of mainstream support + 5 years of extended support (10 years total)

● Server 2008 R2 SP1

● 2012 Datacenter
● 2012 Datacenter R2
● 2016 Datacenter
● 2019 Datacenter,
● 2012 Datacenter Server Core (no UI)
● 2012 Datacenter with Containers (pre-installed support for containers)

Linux is not always free, depending on the distribution you choose.

● CentOS
● Ubuntu
● Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL)
● Ubuntu Advantage
● SUSE Linux


Instance Family:
● General Purpose - balanced VM
● Compute Optimized - double the CPU cores
● Memory Optimized - double the memory
● Storage Optimized - double the local storage
● GPU - access to a graphics processing unit
● High-Performance Compute - fastest everything
General Purpose - balanced VM
“Balanced CPU-to-memory ratio. Ideal for testing and development, small to medium
databases, and low to medium traffic web servers.”
● D Series
● A Series (non-critical)
● B Series (economical)
● DC Series (preview, confidential computing)

Compute Optimized - double the CPU cores

“High CPU-to-memory ratio. Good for medium traffic web servers, network appliances, batch
processes, and application servers.”
● F Series

Memory Optimized - double the memory

“High memory-to-core ratio. Great for relational database servers, medium to large caches,
and in-memory analytics.”
● E Series
● D11-15
● G Series (includes powerful CPU for database workloads)
● M Series (certified for SAP HANA, up to 416 cores + 12 TB memory)

Storage Optimized - double the local storage

“High disk throughput and IO. Ideal for Big Data, SQL, and NoSQL databases.”
● L Series

GPU - access to a graphics processing unit

“Specialized virtual machines targeted for heavy graphic rendering and video editing
available with single or multiple GPUs.”
● N Series (incl NC, NV, ND)

High-Performance Compute - fastest everything

“Our fastest and most powerful CPU virtual machines with optional high-throughput network
interfaces (RDMA).”
● H Series (incl HB and HC)

Payment Options
● Pay As You Go (PAYG) - charged by the minute
● Reserved VMs - a committment; pay for 1 or 3 years in advance, or paid monthly
● Spot Pricing - like an auction; bid on compute time only while available
● Hybrid Benefit - pay for Windows & SQL Server licenses through Enterprise
Agreement, likely cheaper

● Permanent Storage charged separately
● Public IP addresses have a cost
● Bandwidth into Azure (egress) has a cost
● Region chosen affects pricing
● Can get Windows VM images with SQL Server, Biztalk, Sharepoint or Machine
Learning Server preinstalled, for additional licensing cost
● Can get Linux VM images with SQL Server and Machine Learning Server
preinstalled, for additional licensing cost

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