Els 3. Prefinal Exam

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Road 20 Sitio Siwang, Nagtinig, Brgy. San Juan, Taytay Rizal


(FIRST SEMESTER / A.Y. 2019 – 2020)



2. READ FIRST THE DIRECTIONS for each part of the test before answering.
4. AVOID ASKING ANYTHING to your seatmates.
6. Failure to comply with the above stated rules is subjected to a minus point(s).


Direction: Read each item carefully and choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your answer besides each
number in PRINTED or CAPITAL form.

1. What is most likely to happen in nearby areas when edges of crustal plates collide or rub against each other?
a. There will be a breaking up of the ground forming faults
b. Nearby areas are subjected to different weights of the layers
c. There will be changes in the atmosphere and hydrosphere in the earth
d. Nearby areas become locations of mountain formation and earthquake origins.

2. In seafloor spreading, where do molten materials rises and erupts?

a. In deep ocean trenches c. Along mid-oceanic ridges
b. At the north and south poles d. Along the edges of the continents?

3. What is the process referring to the sinking of the oceanic floor beneath the continental crust after they collide to each
a. Conduction b. Continental drifts c. Convection d. Subduction

4. Which of the following was not used by Wegener as evidence of continental drift?
a. The geometric fit of the continents c. magnetic anomalies on the sea floor
b. Fossils common to any continents d. Evidence of glaciation on widely separated continents

5. What causes the sea floor to spread?

a. Earthquake b. Sinking magma c. Rising magma d. Drifting continental crust

6. You saw a bumper sticker that said “Reunite Gondwanaland”. Which of the following would not be part of this
a. Antartica b. Australia c. India, south of Himalaya d. North America

7. This pertains to the Mesozoic supercontinent that consisted all of the present continents?
a. Eurasia b. Gondwanaland c. Laurasia d. Pangaea

8. He was the one behind the idea that today’s continents were once a huge supercontinent.
a. Tuzo Wilson b. Alfred Wegener c. Harry Hess d. Angelo L.

9. When there is a convergent boundary happened between two tectonic plates, this might cause what kind of stress or
force that could act upon the rocks?
a. compressional stress c. shear stress
b. tensional stress d. lithostatic stress

10. If there is a tensional force that acts upon rocks due to divergent boundary, what particular thing it can produce?
a. folds b. joint c. fracture d. fault

11. Which is the largest division of Geologic time?

a. Eon b. Era c. Period d. Epoch

12. Evidences that supports the theory of continental drift has been provided by
a. fossils b. all of the choices c. glacial deposits d. rock samples
13. How does the Mesosaurus fossil evidence supports the Continental Drift Theory?
a. the Mesosaurus fossil evidence does not support the continental drift theory. It proves it wrong
b. because the Mesosaurus lived millions of years ago, when scientists believe the continents began to
c. because its unlikely that the Mesosaurus could swim between continents
d. because its unlikely that the Mesosaurus existed on both continents.

14. New oceanic lithosphere form at what type of Plate Boundary?

a. Divergent b. Convergent c. Transform d. all of these are possible

15. What evidence proved that South America, Africa, India, and Australia were once covered by glaciers?
a. cold climates b. glaciers c. glacial deposits and rock d. none of these
surfaces scarred by glaciers

16. Which combination represents the Phanerozoic Eon?

a. Cenozoic, Precambrian, Paleozoic c. Precambrian, Cenozoic, Eocene
b. Eocene, Cretaceous, Jurassic d. Cenozoic, Mesozoic, Paleozoic

17. In what Era we are currently belong?

a. Cenozoic b. Jurassic c. Mesozoic d. Paleozoic

18. The average thickness of the Continental crust is approximately measures at about 100 km. Aside from that, which of
the following also characterizes continental crusts?
a. it floats on top of the oceanic crust c. it is denser than the oceanic crust
b. it is less dense than oceanic crust d. it is thinner than the oceanic crust

19. Why is absolute dating more accurate than relative dating?

a. because it provides dates in years c. because it is more quantitative than the relative dating
b. because it uses half-life of a radioactive isotopes d. all of the choices are correct

20. Which among the following best describes relative dating?

a. it is a technique used to determine which rock or fossil is older in comparison to the older one
b. it is a dating technique that determines the numerical age of a rock or fossil
c. the precision of determining the ages of rocks and fossils through this dating technique is high
d. None of the choices above

21. Which of the following precautionary measures is right to do during an earthquake?

a. Do not panic. Have a presence of mind c. if you’re outdoor, stay in an open area
b. strap or fasten heavy furniture to the wall d. if you’re in a vehicle, stop in the safest possible place.

22. It pertains to a very small, localized, destructive inward whirl of air, counter clockwise in the northern hemisphere.
a. Tropical Cyclone b. Typhoon c. Tornado d. Storm Surge

23. Which of the following in not an example of Marine and Coastal Processes?
a. Storm Surge b. tornado c. Wind Damage d. Flooding

24. if a typhoon has a wind speed of 61-120 kph and is expected within 24 hours that can also bring light to moderate
damage and high risk structures, it is said to fall under what Public Storm Warning Signal?
a. Signal number 4 b. Signal number 3 c. Signal number 2 d. Signal number 1

25. Which of the following precautionary measures is right to do after a Volcanic Eruption?
a. Stock some food, water and medicine c. Check yourself for injuries
b. Help in rescuing injured people d. Repair damaged properties

Direction: Identify what is being asked for in each of the following items. Find the answer of your choice on the
answer pool given below. Write it on the space provided before each item in PRINTED or CAPITAL form.

Continental Drift Theory Subduction Plate Tectonics Relative Dating

Alfred Wegener Harry Hess Faulting Stratigraphy

Laurasia Trench Folding Principle of Superposition

Gondwanaland Mid-Ocean Ridge Radiometric Dating Epoch

Seafloor Spreading Theory Plate Tectonic Theory Absolute Dating Eon

Divergent Boundary Convergent Boundary Geologic Event Geologic Time

____________________1. This pertains to a process of producing upward and downward bends in the strata or layers of
sedimentary rocks after a compressional stress acted upon the rock.

____________________2. This refers to a massive, irregularly shaped slab of solid rock, generally composed of both
continental and oceanic lithosphere.

____________________3. He was the one who proposed the idea that not only were the continents moving but the sea
floor was also moving.

____________________4. It is a mountain chain on the ocean floor bisecting the Atlantic Ocean with rift that runs along
its length and that extrudes molten rock materials also.

____________________5. This is a hypothetical landmass located on the Northern part of the supercontinent Pangaea
that includes the present day Greenland, North America and Eurasia.

____________________6. It pertains to a principle where the idea of relative dating is anchored which states that older
layers are buried beneath the younger layers.

____________________7. This is a finest subdivision of time in the Geologic Time Scale that divides a period.

____________________8. It refers to the study of rock strata or layers.

____________________9. This is one of those types of Plate Boundaries that could be observed when two tectonic
plates collide to each other.

____________________10. It is a geologic process that takes place at convergent boundaries of tectonic plates where
one plate, usually oceanic plate, moves underneath another plate, usually a continental plate.

____________________11. This pertains to a process of producing large and deep break in the earth’s crust due to the
divergence of plates and compressional stress that acts upon the rock.

____________________12. It is a special type of Absolute Dating Technique that measures the amount of radioactive
decay of radioactive isotope with a known half-life.

____________________13. It is the chronology of the Earth’s formation, changes, development and existence.

____________________14. This is one of the dating techniques that is used to arrange geologic events and the rocks
they leave behind in a sequence.

____________________15. It is a theory that refers to the movement of the Earth’s continents relative to each other,
appearing to “drift” across the ocean bed. It also states that continents today were once united as one supercontinent.

Direction: List down what is being asked for in each of the following. Write your answer below each item in

1-4) Evidences that supports 5-7) Evidences that supports 8-10) 3 categories of Plate
Continental Drift Theory Sea Floor Spreading Tectonics
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11-15) 5 Examples of Major 16-18) Usual Dating Techniques 19-21) Eras that divides the
Plate Tectonics Used in determining the age of Phanerozoic Eon
- Rocks and Fossils -

- - -

- - -

- -

22-24) Events/factors that bound 25-30) Examples of Geologic

Geologic Time intervals Processes and Hazards
- - -
- - -

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Prepared By:
Mr. Angelo M. Llenes, LPT

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