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Seat No.: ________ Enrolment No.



Subject Code: 2161709 Date: 05/05/2017
Subject Name: Programmable Logic Controller
Time: 10:30 AM to 01:00 PM Total Marks: 70
1. Attempt all questions.
2. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary.
3. Figures to the right indicate full marks.
4. Assume necessary inputs and outputs if required

Q.1 Short Questions 14
1 What is full name of PLC?
2 List out the disadvantages of PLC?
3 What is reliability?
4 Compare PLC with Microcontroller.
5 What is meaning of sink module?
6 What
What isdo
meaning of sink module?
the abbreviations NO and NC represent when used to
describe switch contacts?
7 What is the main advantage of the jump instruction?
8 Why are PLCs installed within an enclosure?
9 How does the inductive proximity sensor work?
10 How is PLC flexible?
11 List four I/O modules?
12 What is opto-coupler?
13 How do contactors differ from relays?
14 What is “Run Mode” in PLC?
Q.2 (a) Draw the block diagram of PLC. 03
(b) List four factors that enter into the length of the scan time and 04
explain it.
(c) Express the following equation in ladder logic program: 07
1. 4 to 1 line multiplexer
2. F (a,b,c) = Σ (2,4,6,7)
(c) Write a PLC ladder logic equivalent for NAND and NOR as universal 07
Q.3 (a) List preventive maintenance tasks that should be carried out on the 03
PLC installation regularly.
(b) List eight different types of data files use by an SLC 500 controller. 04
(c) Design a PLC program and prepare a typical I/O connection diagram 07
and ladder logic program for the following motor control
 Three starters are to be wired so that each starter is operated
from its own start/stop pushbutton station.
 A master stop station is to be included that will trip out all
starters when pushed.
 Overload relay contacts are to be programmed so that an
overload on any one of the starters will automatically drop all of
the starters.
Q.3 (a) Describe the Input Module block diagram. 03
(b) Explain the various programming languages in PLC 04
(c) A pump is to be used to fill two storage tanks. The pump is manually 07
started by the operator from a start/stop station. When the first tank is
full, the control logic must be able to automatically stop flow to the
first tank and direct flow to the second tank through the use of
sensors and electric solenoid valves. When the second tank is full,
the pump must shut down automatically. Indicator lamps are to be
included to signal when each tank is full.
1. Draw a sketch of the process.
2. Prepare a typical PLC program for this control process.
Q.4 (a) Name five pieces of information usually associated with a PLC timer 03
(b) Explain the ON-Delay timer. 04
(c) Two feeder conveyors (F1 and F2) feed a part onto one main 07
conveyor (M). A proximity device is at the end of each feeder
conveyor. The proximity device outputs are fed as pulses to counters.
Each counter then shows the count of parts being put onto the main
conveyor. In addition, another proximity device at the end of the
conveyor in response to parts leaving and then sends the pulses to
another counter. Develop a ladder program to have a single register
showing the number counter of parts on the conveyor. Assume that
the register is initially set the same count as the count of parts on
Q.4 (a) Name the three forms of PLC counter instructions, and explain the 03
basic operation of each.
(b) Set up a PLC program to obtain an output, P, in register OR0055. 04
The output is to give a value based on two inputs, M and N. P equals
the square of M plus the square root of N.
(c) When the lights are turned off in a building, an exit door light is to 07
remain on for an additional 2 min, and the parking lot lights are to
remain on for an additional 3 min after the door light goes out. Write
a ladder program to implement this process.
Q.5 (a) Describe various move instructions: BIT, BYTE, WORD DOUBLE 03
(b) Explain the PID control in PLC. 04
(c) Two liner input signals of 0 to 5 volts are to be multiplied and the 07
result put out on a linear output of 0 to 10 volts using analog
modules. Trace the number if the inputs are 2.85 and 3.45 volts.
Q.5 (a) Describe the networking in PLC 03
(b) Explain: 04
1. Byte to integer conversion
2. ENI
3. Bit Operation: RS and SR
4. Read RTC
(c) Write the ladder logic program for stepper motor control with PLC 07
for forward and reverse direction.


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