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1.1 Background Of Study

1.3 Statement of the problem

We do not want to lose admission or brilliant job opportunities because of a delay in securing
transcript when it is a determinant factor in such a decision.We yearn for a time when everyone
can request for his transcript from the comfort of his home and have it processed and forwarded
to the organization requesting it without him being physically there to monitor its
process.However, this desire is not presently achievable by every Nigerian requesting for
transcript because most Nigerian universities still process the request for it manually. Many
research workshad been carried out including the work of Omogbhemhe andAkpojaro, 2018on
“Development of Centralized Transcript Processing System.”

The work showsaframework for the implementation of a centralized transcript processing system
in tertiary institutions in Nigerian possible.The good things I observed are:

(i) Students are able to apply for their transcripts online.

(ii) The system is also able to generate transcripts electronically ensuring accuracy in the
transcript generating.

However, I observed the following limitations:

(i) The system is not fully automated as there is a need for transcript officers to
physically interact with the students’ departments after their requests for transcript.
(ii) The system’s efficiency will be negatively affected as time will be involved in
requesting and getting information from the departments.

Against this backdrop, this research work is proposing aHybridized-Database Web-Based

Transcript Processing Systemthat will be having improved efficiency in response time to
students' requests for transcript.

1.4 Aim and Objectives of the Study
1.4.1 Aim

The overall aim of this study is toDesign and Implement a Hybridized-Database Web-Based
Transcript Processing System

1.4.2 Objectives
The objectives are to:

 Design a hybrid web based transcript processing system. (HWBTP)

 Implement the hybrid web based transcript processing system.
 Test the system implemented for efficiency of generation of transcript.

1.5 Significance ofthe Study

Ifthe University of Benin and other Nigeria Universities adopt this system, it will improve their
efficiency because it will reduce the turn-around-time of the process. It will in the long run help
to save some money for the institution because an IT-based transcript processing system will not
require as many human hands as a manual system.

The system ensures that each department has a database for the prompt response to requests for
verification from the transcript unit.

It also ensures that there is electronic feedback to the transcript officers from the verification
officers at the various departments.

The generated transcript will always be accurate since they are done electronically. There will
also be reduced stress for everyone involved in the process.

Students will no longer lose Admission chance and brilliant job opportunities to the delay in
transcript processing.

1.6 Scope of Study

The research work is focusing on the Design and Implementation of a Hybridized-database Web-
Based Transcript Processing System. It is focusing on the University of Benin (UNIBEN) as a
case study.It is presently proposed as an Ethernet system


A systematic review of some relevant materials that threw more light on some important
concepts of this work.

2.5 Transcript processing system

In any institution of learning, it is the students’ transcript management system that makes it
possible for the exam and records/departments to put together and analyze in an accurate and
comprehensive way all the information about the students’ academic record. The system
provides a complete students’ academic record and it is expected to be accurate, timely,
consistent and reliable. For a large institution, managing and organizing student records into a
cohesive and efficient system might appear like an impossible task. (Vecchioli, 1999) Therefore,
creating, maintaining and retrieval of information call for one of the largest investments because
the information is highly important for correct students’ records and examination data. Indeed
the Nigerian university education system needs reformation so as to meet the needs of society.
(Ogu, 2008) There is a need for Nigerian universities to strive to remove those constraints
preventing them from adequately responding to the needs of the changing society. Without a
doubt, one of the major challenges for students and their various institutions of learning in
Nigeria is still the issuance and collection of transcripts. On many occasions, students request
transcripts from their institution and at the end, several months would pass before the transcript
would be generated and sent to the organization in need of the record. (Adekiigbe and Amosa
2009; Ukem, 2011; Ukem and Ofoegbu, 2012) To be able to address this situation, it is essential
that all tertiary institutions in Nigeria adopt IT in managing students’ transcripts. Students’
transcripts processing seems to be an old area of research. However, due to its significance in
every educational institution, there is a need to keep improving in its processes. While many
tertiary institutions today are trying to replace the traditional and manual methods of carrying out
some tasks with the electronic-based system, yet little has been achieved except for some
universities which have Portals for some vital tasks relating to admission and course registration
on the Internet. (Sadiq et al, 2008) With these, there have been more improvements in those
facets covered, while students’ transcripts processing is not squarely managed with IT. A number
of these systems are as follows

Table 2.1 Summary of the Review of Closely Related Works


1 Billy L., and Integrating Web The study presents how The study employed web service The workmakes possible The participating institutions have to agree on the
Yan S. Services into a a portal system makes technologies. the exchange of students’ format to represent transcripts. Also, the transcript
(2003) Web-Based use of web services in data between institutions. data transfer is implemented through the web and
College college admission to only between the involving institutions.
Admission Portal compute student
System. transcripts.
2 M. E. A Real-Time The work targeted fast Microsoft Excel spreadsheet The work achieved a fast Since the programming is hardcoded into the cells, it
Ekpenyong intelligent computation of students program was used to build an computation of students’ appears to be rather restrictive and calls for
(2008) knowledge-based result and thus intelligent knowledge-based results substantial expertise in programming to be able to
system (IKBS) for facilitating related system (IKBS), utilizing the monitor and track students’ performance with cell
students’ record programming features in the referencing.
resultscomputatio Excelspreadsheet.
3 R. E. Developed To reducethe time spent The users' view was designed The work is able to This application, though tested and found to be
Okonigene, Personal Record in calculating GPA and with Microsoft (MS) Visual compute students GPA working as expected, but cannot generate an
G. I. Ighalo, Software. generating transcripts Basic® (VB) 6.0. While without error accurate transcript.
and E. MYSQL was used to create the
Ogbeifun, database tables.
4 Kwak M., E-Transcript Web The workshows an The work utilized open source The system guarantees a The work emphasizes document conversion and
Kang W., Services System electronic transcript web projects to implement the secure electronic exchange reuse of web services
Leroy G., Supporting services framework that proposed framework based on of transcripts between
and Dynamic supports XML and EDI web services architecture and institutions.
Chatterjee S. Conversion e-transcripts, and also workflow management
(2008) Between XML web services and mechanism. The study adopted
and EDI. transmission the workflow management
mechanisms of the FTP. mechanism.

5 A. A. The Design and Solving problems This work shows software for The system is simple to Though the system was tested and found to be
B. El Implementation of encountered in admitting student registration and course implement working but could not generate students’ transcripts.
udi Student Academic students and course management database with
re Record registration in tertiary Microsoft access 2003
(2 Management academic institutions
01 System

6 Mbam Web-Based The study focuses on a The study employed a Structured The author developed a If the system is hosted, poor internet connectivity

B.C.E., and Virtual Transcript web-based portal for System Analysis and Design system that computerized and the high cost of the service will be a challenge.
Odachi G.N. Processing and results and transcript Methodology. both results and transcript Then, if it is going to be Ethernet, recovery from
(2014). Transfer for generating. problems in a web format. system crash will be difficult since the backup
Nigerian database is absent at the departmental level
7 Momodu Architecture for The workshowsan ASystem Analysis approach was The study suggested a The work is limited to the architectural design aspect
I.B.A., Centralized appropriate system employed to survey the existing suitable and systematic of the proposed system.
Bobadoye Transcript Request architecture for system approaches to transcript architectural model for
T.S., and System in Nigeria transcript generating processing. executing a centralized
Aladejubelo transcript request system
O.S. (2014) in Nigeria.

8 Ajayi, Design and The paper presents a The study adopted Structured The workable to facilitate The work presents a system that is platform-
Olusola Implementation of mobile-based transcript System Analysis and Design the request of a transcript, dependent. It runs only on the Android operating
Olajide et al a Mobile-based portal for sending Methodology (SSADM) was the generation of a system.
(2015) Transcript- students’ transcripts. adopted. transcript.
Processing System

9 Amadi F. I., Transcript Request Consolidating the The work proposed The framework proposed The multi-tenant database requires relatively
Obienu A.C Processing transcript system using implementation through the a system that will be cost- complex implementation
(2017) System: A Multi- the concept of multi- concept of Pluggable Databases effective.
Tenant tenancy. The work (PDBs). The PDBs are portable
Framework presented a multitenant collections of schemas, schema
framework as a viable objects, and non-schema objects
solution in achieving a that there as a son-CDB. CDB
timeless, efficient, and stands for Container Database.
cost-effective Transcript
Processing System.

10 Mike Development of The paper presents a The study adopted Structured Students are able to apply The system is not fully automated as there is a need
Omogbhemh Centralized web-based architectural System Analysis and Design for their transcripts online. for transcript officers to physically interact with the
ea, Jackson Transcript framework suitable for Methodology (SSADM) was The system is also able to students’ departments after their requests for
Akpojaro Processing System implementing a adopted. generate transcript.
(2018) centralized transcript transcriptselectronically The system’s efficiency will be negatively affected
processing system in ensuring accuracy in the as time will be involved in requesting and getting
Nigerian tertiary transcript generating. information from the departments.



3.1.3Existing IT-based Transcript Processing System

Omogbhemhe and Akpojaro (2018), developed a Centralized Transcript Processing System. The
work presents a web-based architectural framework suitable for implementing a centralized
transcript processing system in Nigerian tertiary institutions

Methodology: The study adopted Structured System Analysis and Design Methodology
(SSADM) was adopted.

Implementation and solution: The system was implemented using the C# programming language.
SQL server was used to implement the back end. The interface of the application was developed
using ASP.NET while cascading style sheet was used to maintain the application colors

Strength: The system removes the stress and bottleneck faced when processing transcript

Limitation: Although the work proposed a web-based framework for implementing a centralized
transcript processing system, a careful study of the system architecture showed that the system is
not really centralized. This conclusion is based on the observation that at the point when a
request for a transcript is made, the transcript officers still physically interact with the
appropriate department of the applicant. This will no doubt increase the turn-around- time of the
process. He outlined the steps involved in the system he developed as follows:

• Through the transcript unit, the applicant requests a transcript after paying a fee online.

• The transcript unit records the student’s academic details such as matriculation number, name,
department, degree, session, and payment information.

• The transcript unit processes the student’s request information to the bursary unit to confirm the
student’s payment data.

• After the payment data is confirmed, the student’s request is processed to the exams and
records for the processing of the student’s transcript.

• The exams and records unit sends student’s details to the student’s department for the
generation of the transcript.

• The department generates the transcript, verify it and sent it back to the exams and records unit.

• The exams and records unit authenticates the transcript, puts in the university letterhead and
sends it back to the transcript unit.

• The transcript unit, packages and posts the transcript using the mailing address supplied by the

The system architecture he presented is:

Figure 3.2: Architecture of the Existing System (Omogbhemhea, Akpojaro (2018))

Looking at the outlined steps, there is clear evidence that all the steps followed in a typical
manual processed are still taken in this system only that the transcript itself is generated

electronically and students pay and request for transcript online. The transcript officers still
interact with the department physically during the process of generating the transcript. This no
doubt delays the process.

It is against this backdrop that I am proposing a framework for “design and development of a
centralized web-based transcript processing system” that is timeless, efficient, and cost-effective
and also easy to implement.

3.2 Analysis of the Proposed System

Figure 3.3 Block diagram of the proposed automated transcript generating system

Fig 3.4: The processing unit of the Hybridized-database transcript processing system


Admin Table

Department Table

Session Table

Semester Table

Students Table

Courses Table

Scores Table

User Table

Transcript Table

Audit Table

3.6 Advantages of The Proposed System

The proposed system presents advantages like:

I. Cost-effectiveness: with the simple steps described above, the system is really going
to save money for the University of Benin and by extension, other institutions in
Nigeria because the automated system will definitely require fewer human hands
compared to the manual system. It is going to save money for the students too. They
will not have to travel down to track the process.

II. Security: The systememploys access control to ensure the users see only what they
are expected to see base on their roles as users each time they log in with their user
names and passwords. When the score entering officer logs in, for example, he does
not see the platform for transcript generating. The same is true with the transcript
officer who logs in. He has no connection with score entering. The verification officer
and the transcript approval officer cannot at their levels enter scores or even generate
transcripts. The MYSQL database is secured with an administrator’s password. More
so, there is a high data security level in this proposed hybridized-database system
because of the fact that each department serves as a special organ in database
recovering in the event of a system crash. For they all have their database from which
the periodically update the central database.
III. Data Accuracy: The proposed system will remove the calculation error inherent in the
manual system.
IV. Efficiency: following the fact that fewer processes are involved at the point where the
request for a transcript is made, the system will no doubt be efficient. A relatively
short time will be involved in responding to the request. The whole process can
happen in the system without the physical movements of the individual officers




The development tools used in the design and implementation of the web application include the


1. C# programming language

2. MySQL database application

3. HTML language

4. Cascading Style Sheet (CSS)

5. ASP.NET Framework

6. Microsoft Visual Studio 2017

4.1.1 C# Programming Language

C# is a very outstanding general-purpose, multi-paradigm programming language that has strong

typing,imperative, declarative, lexically scoped, functional, generic, object-oriented (class-

based), and component-oriented programming disciplines. It was developed around 2000

by Microsoft within its .NET initiative and later it was approved as a standard by Ecma (ECMA-

334) and ISO (ISO/IEC 23270:2018).

4.1.2 MySQL database application

Is an open-source relational database management system. (RDBMS) Its name is a combination

of "My", the name of co-founder Michael Widenius's daughter and "SQL", the abbreviation
for Structured Query Language.

MySQL as an open-source software under the terms of the GNU General Public License is free.
Severalproprietary licenses help to manage its availability.It is also used by many
popular websites like Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube.

4.1.3 HTML

HTML is a hypertext markup language that is, in reality, a backbone of any website. Structuring

of any website is impossible without the knowledge of HTML.

4.1.4 Cascading Style Sheet (CSS)

Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is a style sheet language used when is describing the look and feel

of a markup language document. CSS is a very important technology of the World Wide Web,

alongside HTML and JavaScript. CSS is useful in the separation of presentation and content,

including fonts, layout, and colors.


It is server-side software framework designed for web development to produce dynamic web
pages. It is designed by Microsoft to enable developers build dynamic web sitesand services.

4.1.6 Visual Studio 2017

It is an integrated development environment (IDE) from Microsoft. It is used to build computer
software, as well as websites, web apps, mobile apps, and web services. Visual Studio uses
Microsoft software development platforms such as Windows Forms, Windows Presentation
Foundation, Windows API, Windows Store, and Microsoft Silverlight. It can produce
both managed code and native ones.


Unit testing is to ensure that all modules of the program work correctly and as expected. Unit

testing does not ensure that the modules will work as expected when coupled with the whole

system because many errors may come up when the modules are coupled.

Table 4.1: Test plan

Tested action Expected Result

Data connections and linking buttons To see if the interface is connecting to the database and

view other pages

Login To see the System Admin and other users can login to the


System setup To see if every component of the system can be setup

View transcript To ensure that that the system can actually generate the


Create User To ensure that the system admin add other users


Fig 4.1: The proposed hybridized-database transcript generating system Architecture


In order to implement the above architecture, the administrator sets up the various

users.However,he has to first of all logs in to the system with his user name and password.

Subsequently, he manages every other user and the system itself. He can indeed carry out the

following tasks: Change Password, Update account information, Create user. Some all his

activities are illustrated with the figures below:

Figure 4.2 Login Form

Figure 4.3 Admin’s Login

Figure 4.4 Admin Setting up New user

Figure 4.5 Admin Manages Existing user

Once the admin has set up every user in the system, then the process starts from the bottom of
the figure 4.1 above. That is the departmental level. Here, we have:

database.The following figures illustrate this:

Figure 4.6 Score Entering Officer Login

igure 4.7 Score Entering Officer Entering his department for the first time


Here, request for transcript comes in from the left arm of the architecture. The transcript officer
attends to this request. It is the role of this officer who receives the request for a transcript to
confirm at the bursary unit. (Top unit of figure 4.1) If the approved fee for transcript has being
paid by the individualand then heclicks on the “transcript” button, he is asked to enter the
student’s MAT No, select his start session and end session and automatically the transcript is
generated with the click of a button. But this transcript cannot be printed yet because it is not
verified and approved. As soon as the status changes from “NOT APPROVED” to “APPROVAL

SUCCESSFUL” with the action of the transcript approval officer, he would be able to print. The
following figures explain what happens at the transcript unit:

Figure 4.12 Transcript Officer Login

Figure 4.13 Transcript Officer trying to generate a transcript

Figure 4.14 First Part of the generated transcript not yet approved

Figure 4.15 Final Part of the generated transcript not yet approved
Next in the process is the first process of the right middle part of the figure 4.1. That is the

verifier transcript unit. The officer who does this is


Once the verification officer at the department logs in, he sees a notification that a transcript is
generated waiting for his verification. He verifies this document by comparing it against the
scores in the department database with ease. If there is a variation, he sends a comment back to
the transcript unit recommending a solution to the situation. However, if verified ok, he clicks on
the “verify transcript” button and the transcript status changes from “Not Approved” to “Verified
Awaiting Approval.” The following figures show also some activities of the this officer

Figure 4.16 Verification Officer’s login

Figure 4.17 Verification Officer’s commenting on observation while verifying


This research work has contributed to knowledge in the following ways:

1. A hybridized web-based transcript processing system was designed.

2. The implementation of the hybrid web based transcript processing system ensured that
accurate transcripts were generated.

3. The system is able to ensure efficiency incomputation of the transcripts as the whole
processes happens in a relatively short time and with optimally minimal physical
movements of the various officersinvolved in the processes.


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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using MySql.Data;
using MySql.Data.MySqlClient;
namespace TranscriptForUniben

public class clssettings

private MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlCommand cmcommand;

//private MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlConnection conconnect1;
private string strConn =

public MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlDataAdapter adadapter;

public System.Data.DataTable getdatabase(string strcommand)
System.Data.DataTable tempgetdatabase = null;
tempgetdatabase = new System.Data.DataTable();
MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlConnection cn = new
MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlDataAdapter ad = new
MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlCommand cm = new
string strconnection = "";

cm.CommandText = strcommand;
ad.SelectCommand = cm;
cm.Connection = cn;
System.Data.DataTable dt = new System.Data.DataTable();
tempgetdatabase = dt;
return tempgetdatabase;
public void adddata(string strinsert)
MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlConnection cn = new
MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlDataAdapter ad = new
MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlCommand cm = new

string strconnection = "";

strconnection = "server=
cn.ConnectionString = strconnection;
cm.CommandText = strinsert;
cm.Connection = cn;
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)

System.Data.DataTable dtgetsession = new System.Data.DataTable();

System.Data.DataTable dtgetstudent = new System.Data.DataTable();
System.Data.DataTable dtgetcourse = new System.Data.DataTable();
dtgetsession = getdatabase("Select * From session");
dtgetstudent = getdatabase("Select * From students");
dtgetcourse = getdatabase("Select * From courses");
string struser = Convert.ToString(Session["username"]);

string strpassword = Convert.ToString(Session["password"]);

if (dtgetsession.Rows.Count > 0)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ddlsession.Text))

for (var i = 0; i < dtgetsession.Rows.Count; i++)
if (dtgetstudent.Rows.Count > 0)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ddlmatnumber.Text))
for (var i = 0; i < dtgetstudent.Rows.Count; i++)
if (dtgetcourse.Rows.Count > 0)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ddlcourse.Text))
for (var i = 0; i < dtgetcourse.Rows.Count; i++)

protected void btnsbmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


System.Data.DataTable tempgetdatabase = null;

tempgetdatabase = new System.Data.DataTable();
MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlConnection cn = new
MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlDataAdapter ad = new
MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlCommand cm = new
string strconnection = "";
strconnection =
System.Data.DataTable dtgetsession = new System.Data.DataTable();
System.Data.DataTable dtgetstudent = new System.Data.DataTable();

System.Data.DataTable dtgetcourse = new System.Data.DataTable();
System.Data.DataTable dtgetdepartment = new System.Data.DataTable();
string grade = "";
dtgetdepartment = getdatabase("Select * From department");
if (ddlmatnumber.Text == "")
lbmsg.Text = "Please Enter the MAT Number";
else if (ddlsession.Text == "")
lbmsg.Text = "Please Select The Session";
else if (ddlsemester.Text == "")
lbmsg.Text = "Please Select the Semester";
else if (ddlcourse.Text == "")
lbmsg.Text = "Please Select The Course Code";
else if (txtscore.Text == "")
lbmsg.Text = "Please Enter The Student's Score";
else if (ddllevel.Text == "")
lbmsg.Text = "Please Select The Student's Level";

else if (System.Convert.ToDouble((txtscore.Text).ToString()) >= 70)

grade = "A";
else if (System.Convert.ToDouble((txtscore.Text).ToString()) < 70 &
System.Convert.ToDouble((txtscore.Text).ToString()) > 59)
grade = "B";
else if (System.Convert.ToDouble((txtscore.Text).ToString()) > 49 &
System.Convert.ToDouble((txtscore.Text).ToString()) < 60)
grade = "C";
else if (System.Convert.ToDouble((txtscore.Text).ToString()) > 39 &
System.Convert.ToDouble((txtscore.Text).ToString()) < 50)

grade = "D";
// these four lines above can also work without thr ToString Method as shown below
else if (System.Convert.ToDouble(txtscore.Text) > 29 &
System.Convert.ToDouble(txtscore.Text) < 40)
grade = "E";
grade = "F";
//'Dim session As String
//'Dim student As String
//'Dim course As String

//' dtgetsales = getdatabase(" select * from product where productid=" & intproductid)
//' dtgetexpirydate = getdatabase("select * from expirydate where productname ='" &
ProductName1 & "'order by expirydateid")
DateTime tdate = System.DateTime.Now;

dtgetsession = getdatabase("Select sessionid from session where sessionname='" +

ddlsession.Text + "'");
dtgetstudent = getdatabase("Select studentid from students where matnumber='" +
ddlmatnumber.Text + "'");
dtgetcourse = getdatabase("Select courseid from courses where coursecode='" +
ddlcourse.Text + "'");
strconnection =
cn.ConnectionString = strconnection;
cm.CommandText = "Insert Into
scores(sessionid,semester,level,studentid,courseid,score,grade,entrydate) Values('" +
System.Convert.ToInt32(dtgetsession.Rows[0]["sessionid"]) + "','" + ddlsemester.Text + "','" +
ddllevel.Text + "','" + System.Convert.ToInt32(dtgetstudent.Rows[0]["studentid"]) + "','" +
System.Convert.ToInt32(dtgetcourse.Rows[0]["courseid"]) + "','" + txtscore.Text + "','" + grade
+ "','" + tdate + "')";
cm.Connection = cn;
txtscore.Text = "";
ddllevel.Text = "";
grade = "";
lbmsg.Text = "The Student's Score is Entered";
catch (Exception ex)

lbmsg.Text = ex.ToString();


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;

namespace TranscriptForUniben
public partial class semester : System.Web.UI.Page
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)

protected void btnsubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


System.Data.DataTable dtgetadmin = new System.Data.DataTable();

dtgetadmin = getdatabase("Select * From semester");

if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtsemester.Text))
lbmsg.Text = "Please Enter The Semester";
else if (dtgetadmin.Rows.Count < 2)
adddata("Insert Into semester(semester) Values('" + txtsemester.Text + "')");

txtsemester.Text = "";
lbmsg.Text = "The Semester is Registered";

lbmsg.Text = "Please will already have The Maximum Semester";
catch (Exception ex)
lbmsg.Text = ex.ToString();

private System.Data.DataTable getdatabase(string strcommand)

System.Data.DataTable tempgetdatabase = null;
tempgetdatabase = new System.Data.DataTable();
MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlConnection cn = new
MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlDataAdapter ad = new
MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlCommand cm = new
string strconnection = "";
strconnection =
cn.ConnectionString = strconnection;
cm.CommandText = strcommand;
ad.SelectCommand = cm;
cm.Connection = cn;
System.Data.DataTable dt = new System.Data.DataTable();
tempgetdatabase = dt;
return tempgetdatabase;
public void adddata(string strinsert)
MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlConnection cn = new
MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlDataAdapter ad = new
MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlCommand cm = new

string strconnection = "";

strconnection = "server=
cn.ConnectionString = strconnection;
unt > 0)
Session["matnumber"] = dtgettranscript.Rows[0]["matnumber"].ToString();
Session["startsession"] = dtgettranscript.Rows[0]["startsession"].ToString();
Session["endsession"] = dtgettranscript.Rows[0]["endsession"].ToString();
Session["institution"] = dtgettranscript.Rows[0]["institution"].ToString();
catch (Exception ex)


protected void btnsearch_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

clssettings x = new clssettings();
//search for users
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtmatnumber.Text))
System.Data.DataTable dtsearch = new System.Data.DataTable();
dtsearch = x.getdatabase("Select * From transcript Where matnumber Like '%" +
txtmatnumber.Text + "%' Or fullname Like '%" + txtmatnumber.Text + "%' Order By

if (dtsearch.Rows.Count > 0)
ListItem lstitem = new ListItem();
for (var i = 0; i < dtsearch.Rows.Count; i++)
lstitem = new ListItem();
lstitem.Text = dtsearch.Rows[i]["matnumber"].ToString() + " " +
dtsearch.Rows[i]["fullname"].ToString() + " " + dtsearch.Rows[i]["transcriptstatus"].ToString()
" (" + dtsearch.Rows[i]["department"].ToString() + ")";
lstitem.Value = dtsearch.Rows[i]["transcriptid"].ToString();

catch (Exception ex)


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