Grade Exam Management System Design and Implementation: Cao Shuguo

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Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Computer Science and Electronics Engineering (ICCSEE 2013)

Grade Exam Management System Design And Implementation

Based on ADO.NET

Cao Shuguo
Academic Affairs Office
Chongqing University of Education
Chongqing, China
400067 [email protected]

Abstract—The grade examination management program is management system, when students can access [6] to their
various, workload is big, and efficiency is low. This paper on test scores, the test time has in the past few months.
the basis of the existing educational system and the provisions Registration system and educational administration
of the state on the basis of grade examination system, management system, between the basic data can be Shared,
developed a test management data transfer system based on but since there is no standardized management interface and
ADO.NET technology, the heterogeneous data interconnection cause data to repeated input, waste a lot of manpower,
test process, the full realization of cyber source sharing, material resources and time, error probability also increase
improving the efficiency of examination management. Through greatly, statistics and because of large amount of data,
the introduction of test data of the design has been completed
artificial reason more and form all kinds of, difficult to
and mature and stable operation of the system, detailed
description of the design and implementation, it has good
standards, that is, to the back of the statistical work to bring a
application value. lot of hidden trouble.
Along with the network popularization and all kinds of
Keywords-ADO.NET; interface; resource sharing; Grade test of the systematic, automation, this kind of prolonged
examination wasted a lot of human, material and financial test should also
be put on the reform agenda, i.e., all kinds of grade
examination management need to have a unified data
transfer system, the use of database standard interface fully
realized the existing each system resource [4-6] sharing,
As the required discipline for each college students, make the test management standardized, systematic,
Computer And Foreign Language Level Test (CAFLLT) [1- programming, and at the same time, improve the efficiency
3] as required in tests of college students discipline, is of information processing, quality and accuracy, and make
required to take for each students during the period of school students, schools and test organization party can timely,
in at least one time. So for the vast nationality and the accurate and efficient query, statistics and jurisdiction in
significance of the importance for such the test, the test revising the relevant test information. Therefore, the use of
department has the heaviest workload. The whole test is database interface, the integration of the system and the
organized and structured by the national or provincial existing educational administration system, Shared data
education department unified management, span longer time, resources, improve work efficiency, improve the quality of
from the registration fee, and print documents, has been to work, to develop a system of management between
participate in the test scores query, and the middle and test conversion system is imminent
set for departments, paper printing, distribution, arrange the
examination site, the arrangement of the examination room, II. THE BRIEF INTRODUCTION TO ADO.NET
organization invigilation, marking, results login, examination It is a kind of data access model, the kernel is using XML,
paper analysis and a series of the high density [4], program has the scalability, Web no state characteristics. Although
trivial and a neural tight work. Due to the artificial ADO.NET is the next generation of ADO, but ADO.NET
participation, the load of all process is high, the error with ADO difference is very big. ADO [7] is based on
probability increase greatly and the whole test is time- connection, and ADO.NET depends on short, based on XML
consuming and let a person struggling to keep up. news and data interaction, which makes the based on Internet
At present, the main grade examination is responsible for application is concerned, the efficiency of ADO.NET is
the unified by each college educational administration much higher. At the same time, and database interaction,
department, at receive superior department examination ADO database for locking, and long time to connect to the
announcement, educational administration department [5] database, and ADO.NET don't need. ADO.NET used offline
will allow the students’ registration information to be database (using DataSet object), this makes it has better
recorded provisions of the registration system, to create all scalability.
kinds of test data report, approval to obtain the superior For data provider, ADO.NET using different
department results summary to return to the students' test Connection object connected to the database, so as to realize
scores, and entering school own educational administration

Published by Atlantis Press, Paris, France.

© the authors
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Computer Science and Electronics Engineering (ICCSEE 2013)

ADO.NET and database communication. The Connection B. The ‘Information Setting’ Function Module
object for our shield the specific implementation details, and In this module inside, mainly by the system
provides a unified realization method. Connection objects administrators set up the test information, such as add test
have SqlConnection, OleDbConnection, OdbcConnection subjects (including level, language, etc., the same below), the
and OracleConnection four types. Among them, the test time, charge standard, the start-stop time information,
SqlConnection object is used as a class connection SQL and activation level test registration notice, and also can
Server database; OracleConnection object is used as a class remove the historical data.
connecting Oracle database; OleDbConnection object of is
used as a class connection support OLEDB database, such as C. The ‘Application Management’ Function Module
EXCEL, Access; And OdbcConnection object is used as a of The system administrator can check all the subjects to
a class connection any support ODBC database. ADO.NET enter oneself for an examination through the module, and
and database of all communication is finally all through the also can according to the school (department), professional,
Connection object to finish. In the ADO.NET model, use class print enter oneself for an examination list, issued to the
different Connection object need to import different school (department) check registration information and
namespace. SqlConnection namespace for System. SqlClient;
complete charge. System directly generated report not only
Data. OleDbConnection namespace for System. Data. The
OleDb; OdbcConnection namespace for System. Data. Odbc; convenient management personnel directly statistical
OracleConnection namespace for System. Data. OracleClinet, correlation data, and unified batch check and pay cost also
at the same time must also import System. Data namespace. greatly improve the management team work efficiency, but
also save the student queue capture time.
D. The ‘Information Transformation’ Function Module
The student to complete the registration and pay cost
Grade examination conversion system, using ADO.NET later, management personnel through this function batch
[8] technology, is an example of the interface of college export to enter oneself for an examination the students list,
educational administration system of existing resources by implementing the corresponding code and database
sharing, directly into the system, to realize the resource interface will be previous information read in provisions
sharing in the premise, complete level test registration and "grade examination registration system", and at the same
other major work, so the system should have the following time, the educational administration system of teachers, the
function module: classroom, and other information also through the code read
A. The ‘Online application’ Function module in regulation system, and in the regulation system complete
In this module inside, system directly call the school admission ticket number, the information such as the
educational administration system middle school students examination room arrangement
basic information, simplify the information recorded, E. The ‘Grade Transformation’ Function Module
students only need to choose to enter oneself for an
examination subjects and affirm can complete registration This function is mainly used for receiving the superior
procedures. Namely, the student reference basic information department returning student score data, and introduction to
directly with the help of educational administration system to the educational administration system. The superior
accomplish. Students at ordinary times according to the habit department return performance data, are generally EXCEL
of achievement inquires, login educational administration form, will EXCEL form data, according to the student id
system, can see the "rank test registration notice", through key read in corresponding students semester grades,
the notice of the link interface, open the students' personal students can login educational administration system to their
registration page, easy steps complete trivial registration inquires test scores.
procedures. These function modules directly use of the
present educational administration system has repeatedly F. The ‘Report Management’ Function Module
check students basic data, simplify the registration This function module is mainly provides some
procedures, let the students no longer repeated input id commonly used statistical statements, such as the subject
number and other important information and avoid the input test percent of pass, each class, professional percent of pass,
error, and the operation is simple, convenient, more and other functions, and can also generate bolo students
simplified the related staff work. Students are required to according to the class list
finish the online grade examination, can through this module
to check their registration information, and can be within the IV. SYSTEM DESIGN
prescribed time revising the relevant information, such as Work to do his work well, must first sharpen his device.
cancellation, modify, enter oneself for an examination To be a good data transfer system, the good tool selection is
subjects, grade, etc. Students may at any time through the indispensable. According to the demand analysis determined
module tracking test information, such as the test time, place, system function, considering the current college students
and after the test results. generally breakthrough tens of thousands of people, and each

Published by Atlantis Press, Paris, France.

© the authors
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Computer Science and Electronics Engineering (ICCSEE 2013)

reference number in the thousands of people are the actual D. System Data Interface
situation, the system design is as follows: Due to the large amount of data, concurrent access to
A. System operation Mode more, so this system to backend database request is higher.
Due to the client are many, access Server concurrency is That is the database must have good performance and
bigger, so the system is running the safety performance of reliability, access speed will is opposite taller, this system
high B/S mode, namely the Browser/Server (Browser/Server) database using SQL Server 2000 as a backend database.
[9] model that the biggest advantage is the network client Although the SQL Server also support OLEDB [10] data
without any limitation. Namely the browser in hypertext interface, but in ADO.NET, provides SqlConnection class
forms to Web server puts forward the requirements of access and SQL Server database data communication, but
database, Web server receives the client request, will be the OleDbConnection class have no way to make use of the
request into SQL grammar, and to the database server, SQL Server database of some new characteristics, therefore,
database server get request, verify its legitimacy, and data not recommended OleDbConnection class to access SQL
processing, and then will process after the results back to the Server database, and only used for the visit to EXCELUsing
Web server, Web server will get all the results can be the Template
transformed into and become an HTML document form,
transmitted to the client browser to friendly Web page V. SYSTEM IMPLEMENTATION
display form. Due to the need to query the database,
involving dynamic web programming, therefore, the system A. The Database System Design
USES the technology powerful, scalability and customizable
sex are very good based on server ASP.NET as a software In the school educational administration system, there
development tools. This model system centralized have been quite a number of data, such as students' basic
deployment in the server, so the data for centralized storage information, and class information and professional
management more real-time and security, unity and integrity. information, school (department) information and so on, to
B. System Client add some auxiliary for data transfer in the middle of the table,
can easily realize the data conversion.
Relative to the C/S structure "fat" client, which are
needed in the end users on a computer installed on the Existing database table and the corresponding field as
operation of the corresponding software, and B/S structure follows:
is to belong to a typical "thin" client, B/S structure of the
system does not need to install the client software, the client Students' basic information table: Jw_xsxx (student id,
only need to run browser software open the corresponding name, gender, id number, class number, password,
dynamic link pages can. Namely, the need for the thousands authority...)
of the student, as long as the network terminal have browser The class information table: Jw_bj (class number,
can easily finish the work. Based on B/S structure model of professional number, name of the class, grade, at the
the client is very simple, can choose different technology campus...)
and architecture, also facilitate between heterogeneous Professional information table: Jw_zy (professional
system more convenient integration and integration, and number, professional name, department number, level...)
system scalability is very good. School (department) information table: Jw_yx
(departments’ number, department name...)
C. System Server Students score: Jw_xscj (student id, semester, course code,
Because the system adopts B/S mode operation, the the result......)
system required for the operation of all software is installed Because most data ready, to reduce the data redundancy,
in the server, most or all of the major business logic in the the system needs additional tables and fields are as follows:
server. For high concurrent (several thousand to tens of Enter oneself for an examination subjects table:
thousands of concurrent users above) application, also Bm_km (course code, course name, start time and end
facilitate use server cluster. System development once in time, cost standard...)
place, can realize different personnel, from different places, The list: Bm_md (student id, course code, semester)
with different access methods (such as LAN, WAN,
B. System Interface
Internet/Intranet, etc.) access and manipulate a common
database; Can effectively protect data platform and The whole system, mainly divided into two parts, one is
management access, server database is also very safe. the students to use the online application interface, and
Therefore, the system upgrade or maintenance also need to another part is for the dean's office is responsible for grade
update the server software can, greatly simplifying the client examination management teacher use management interface.
computer load, reduce the system maintenance and upgrade In the student online application interface, students through
cost and workload, lower overall cost. the educational administration inquiry system of notification
address links, into the system of "grade examination online
registration" [6] function, as shown in figure 1 shows, the

Published by Atlantis Press, Paris, France.

© the authors
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Computer Science and Electronics Engineering (ICCSEE 2013)

vast number of students information also automatically read In the above code, the back part using the bottom
to the registration system, students only need to recognize OLEDB interface, the purpose is to ensure that read access
the relevant information and correct, then the subject from to the database data, even if the server system not installed
the drop-down list on the right side (figure 2) selection for EXCEL software, ASP.NET application also support import
the registration of subjects, click on the "Register" button and export standard EXCEL format file. Through the
register. SqlConnection and OleDbConnection object connection, the
following code inside can use the standard SQL statement to
realize all kinds of add, delete, modify, and inquires the
operation, etc.
Generate standard for data exchange EXCEL document
before, we need to advance in accordance with the
prescribed level examination system into data format to
EXCEL file Settings, and will EXCEL file save as HTML
document type. Will EXCEL document save as HTML file
Figure 2. Application subject
type, the default character set is GB - 2312, to ensure that
the output file there is no messy code appear, and specify
In the provision of the time, students can also click the the output filename, we need to control in the code inside:
" " icon behind "Registered Subject" to cancel the
course, in this function inside, students can also see the
Response.ContentEncoding =
timely enter oneself for an examination should pay the
relevant expenses.
Response.ContentType ="application/"
In the management interface (figure. 3), the administrator
teacher can easily to add, delete or edit the exam course, at
the same time can also check the students' information, and
the registration data and some other basic data (eg.the
classroom, teachers' information, etc.) derived generation <html xmlns:o="urn:schemas-microsoft-
intermediate EXCEL documents, etc. com:office:office"
C. Key codes xmlns="">
Because the original educational administration <head>
management system database is to use MS SQL [8] Server <meta http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html;
database, and the provisions of the grade examination charset=gb2312">
management system needs to use the standard EXCEL file <meta name=ProgId content=Excel.Sheet>
as reported data, therefore, in the system design inside, use <meta name=Generator content="Microsoft Excel 12">
ASP.Net through ADO.NET SqlConnection class access ……
SQL Server database, read related data to create standard
EXCEL documents become the key to all the work, its core
code is as follows:
The Grade Exam Management System proposed in this
<%@ Import Namespace="System.Data"%> paper has advantages such as simple in client requirement,
<%@ Import Namespace="System.Data.SqlClient"%> which need the necessary basic Network configuration, with
<%@ Import Namespace="System.Data.OleDb" %> the vast majority of installation and maintenance work to be
Dim Conn as SqlConnection dealt with the server. The System installation and
Dim SourceIP As String maintenance is convenience, high in safety with proper
applicability. Due to the ADO.NET mature technology,
resource sharing realization is easy, which can fully use the
Conn=New SqlConnection ("Server="& SourceIP
existing educational administration system resources,
&";UID=sa;PWD=sa;Database=jwdb") therefore greatly simplify the data entry work and the work
Dim strConn As OleDbConnection flow, And at the same time, completed the decrease of the
strConn =New intermediate links the probability of error. All the work has
OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; greatly improved the work efficiency of college educational
Data Source=C:/www/input_excel.xls;Extended administration department, with actual verification, the
Properties=Excel 8.0; ") system is proved to be acceptable.

Published by Atlantis Press, Paris, France.

© the authors
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Computer Science and Electronics Engineering (ICCSEE 2013)

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Figure 1. Grade examination online application interface

Figure 3. The management interface

Published by Atlantis Press, Paris, France.

© the authors

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