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SOLVED EXAMPLES 1, Two sources of intensities 41 and Tare used in an interference experiment. Obtain the intensities at points cher the waves fom too sources superimpose with a phase ference of) (i) © and (ii) x Sol, The resultant intensity at a point in the region of superposition is given by 1 = ak + ah + mazes 8. “The above equation may also be written in terms of intensity as under: I = 1+h+ 2hlgcosd where 1, = @andl, (9 Given 8 = 0; 1, = AI and J, therefore, by substituting these values of I, and J, and 8 in the above equation, we get I = al+I+ 2VaTT cost AD+ 1+ 41= 91. (i 8= Fil, =A and, =1 Substituting the above values in the expression for intensity, rs aere DAT Teosy = 41 +140 51 (ii) 8 =m; 1, = AT and 1, therefore, I = AT+1+ 24TLcosn = 5I- l= 1. 2. Two slits in Young’s interference experiment have width in the ratio 1 : 25. Find the ratio of intensity at the maxima and minima in the interference pattern Sol. The intensity is proportional to the slit width. Therefore, hod E73 oS nao or a.i or a, = 54, Jom _ (tate) (art)? — Trin (ay~ an) (44505) 36a 36 9 Now = + "teed ET ota 1 3 The pth diene ben Se inrrng mye a pnt on te scree © ofa ent Find the ratio of he ntesiy at tis point to at atthe centre of bright fringe Sol, The inert at any pont is given by T= b+ ad + 2a, 00s 8, Here, a, = a= 4 (ay), Therefore, Te P+ a+ 2ateos 8, or 1 = 2a (1 + c0s 8), At the centre, phase difference 8 = 0 2 Ty * 2 (1+ 008.0) = 22 (14 1) = 42 a At the point, where the path difference is F pase citerece = 2% Therefore, Two coherent sources of tensity ati B interfere, Prove hatin the interfrence patter, Tes ~ Eoin Teele = ip Sel. Let and Izbe the intensities and, and be the corresponding amplitudes ofthe to hola Bake . a =a, a 7 Baan Be a (402) (aay)? (+0) +(6, a) 10. Fringes are produced with monochromatic light of wavelength 1 5450 A. A thin plate of gl: (4 = 15) is then placed normally in the path of one of he interfering beams and the ental ofthe fringe system is found to move int the position previously occupied by the third bright b {fromthe centre. Caleulate the thickness ofthe glass plate ‘Sol The thickness of the glass plate in terms of the number of fringe shift is given by & relation (2 mm, Given: nm = 3; p= 15 and A = 5450 x 10 m, mh 3x5450x107" ** wey 059) = 0,00000327 m. = 0.00827 mm 1, When a thin shect of transparent material of thickness 6.3 * 10-* om és introduced in the = of one of he interfering beams, the central fringe shifts to a positon occupied by the sixth br fringe. If = 5460 A, find the refrective index of the shel Sol. Given: f= 63 * 104 cm.= 63 * 10° m A= 5460 A = 5460 © 10? m,n = 6. Using the relation, (ji 1)¢ = mi pea 6546010" 3x10 12. On placing a thin shet of mica of thickness 1.2 * 10% emt im the path of oe ofthe int beams in abiprism experiment, itis found tht the central bright band sii distance the width ofa bright. Calculate the refacive index of mica [= 6 * 10° cl Sol. Given: t = 12% 10% em= 12% 10% m A= 6x 10% em=6*107 mae o. +1 a 152, Using the relation x, = (AI) or n= 1)F= nd mh, _ 1x6x107 eaptceei elo 15, A beam of light consisting of tvo wavelengths 6500 A and 5200 A i used to obtain interference ‘fringes in @ Young's double sit experiment (@ Find the distance of the third bright fringe om the seen from the central maximum for the sawelength 6500 A. (i) What isthe lect distance from the central maximum when the bright fringes due o both the wavelengths coincide ? ‘The distance betcen the slits is 2 mm ad the distance between the plane ofthe slits and the screen i¢ 120 om. Ei kaamcrme Sot. () The position of the mh maxima is given by Drak. oT ofl) Here 2. = 6500 A= 65 « 10° cm; 2d = 2mm = 0.2 cm, a D = 120cmandn=3 x, = POXSXOS IO 107 om, 02 (ii) The condition for least distance when the bright fringes due to two wavelengths coincide is that the difference between their order of fringe width should be 1. 4 Pada 5 Pine @ Here 2, = 6500 A = 65 x 10 cm; 4y= 5200 A = 5.2 x 10° Hence fom equation (2), hy = (n+ Why a nx 65% 105 = (n+1) «52% 105 or 65m = 520452 or 13. = 52 ane, Substituting the value of 1 in equation (1), we get x, = Dit _ 120x4x65x10° WT og. OR 0.156 cm. 16a) A two sit Young's experiment is done with monochromatic light of wavelength 6000 A. The slits are 2 mm apart and the fringes are observed on a screen placed 10 cm: azoay from the slits and itis found thatthe interference pattern shifts by 5 mm, when a transparent plat of thickness 0.5 ‘mim is introduced in the path of one of the rays. What is the refractive index of the transparent plate? Sol. The shift of interference fringes is given by sax = Bute a Here, D = 10 cm, 24 = 2 mm = 0.2 cm, = 05 mm = 0.05 om and AX = 5 mun = 0.5 em, AX2d _ 05x02 WD = “Dr > oxo5s 02m = 12 16.(b) In a double slit interference pattern at @ point, 10th order maximum is obseroed for light of wavelength 7000 A. What order will be visible, if the source of light is replaced by light of wavelength 5000 A. (UPTU, B.Tech I Sem.,2001) Sol. The condition of maxima in interference fringes is given by Path difference = mh 0) where 7 O23 an 1649 164) 1610) Path difference = 10 7000 x 10% 2 For light of wavelength 5000 A, Path difference = 1 * 5000 x 10% °) Equating equations (2) and (3) for path difference at the same point, 11 5000 » 10 = 10 x 7000 « 10-4 _ 1ox7m0x0 000107 — n ence the 1th order of maximum wil be cbeerved Too coherent sources of monocramatic light of tocelength 6000 A produce an interference patron screen hep ata distance of mete from th. The distance beeen fo coseatce bright fringes om the sce i 0.5 mm. Find the distance beeen the ta caren sources (UPTU, B.Tech I Sem, 2008) Sol. The fringe-width (a) is given by oD Ce marta oh dala ldelleh wee a Bola osunlstd eb dla ton 7 eit eee. 100% 600010 ay = HEBD soy Fl etal Oe de gstecigal LSE Pop ony erent pemipnshotianat see tent mettre fad tei emma ae er famines mani ee oaaandteiaeee ya) a Dra. Xe Xn an OS a eee, X, = 10.0 mm = 1.0 em; 24 = 0.2 mm = 0.02 em, » = 4, and D = 1m = 100 em. Substituting the value in equation (1), we get Loxoa2 4100 = 5000 A, 1m Young's double sit experiment, thesis are 05 mm apart and the interference is observed on 1 screen placed at distance of 100 cr frm the slits, I is found tat the Lith Bright fringe is ‘at distance of 835 mom rom the fourth derk fringe from He centre of interference pattern, Find the wavelength of light =5*105 am Sol. The position of nth bright fringe from the centre of the central fringe is given by Q = Aa (8) 9) Dad, ae “The finge- width (0) i given by - bil Md ‘Therefore, from equations (1) and (2), xo no Here, for Tih bright fing, n= 11 * Xie Similarly the position of nth dark finge is given by Gaeta x, = ENP ner n= 012.3. i Gp ee ee ea Nea For dth dark fringe, n = 3; Therefore 7 yo 5e Itis given thatthe distance between the 1th and sth dark fringe is 8895 mm or 018835 am 7 y-% + (110-20) = So 5 088352 Hence Bo = 0985 or w= 8 7 © = 017 om ‘The wavelength (2) is given from equation (2) as, eat aes “031780005 100 16.g) In Fresnel’s biprism experiment with a source of light of wavelength 5890 A, a thin mica she of refractive index 1.6 is placed normally in the path of one of the interfering beams and the cent of bright fringe is shifted to a position of third bright fringe from the centre, Calculate #1 thickness of mica sheet. Sol. When a mica sheet of thickness t is introduced in the path of one of the interferin beams, then (t= nh nh . i eH Given, n = 3 = 1.6 and & = 5890 A= 3x5.89x10> t= (6-1) 5890 x 10-* cm = 5890 A. 589 * 10° cm, (ii) The condition for thin film to appear bright in reflected light is given by a 2 feos r= n= 1) 5 (2~1)x58%3x10 2 or p= 5893x10 2x 2x12 = 1.0375 * 107 m = 1.0875 x 10+ mm. 19, A thin film of soap solution is illuminated by white light at an angle of incidence, i = sin-® or 2 * 142 * t cos r= 1087.5 x 10 m i Cpe oe : 4 to wavelength 6.1 ¥ 10m and 6.0 x 107 m, The refractive index for soap solution is Calculate the thickness of the film. 7 4 7 Sol. Given w= 55, = 6.1% 107 m and A = 6.0 * 107 m, ‘As given, the two dark consecutive fringes are overlapping for the wavelength 2, and dg respectively. Then mm, = (+1), or X61 107 = (n #1) x6 * 107 A, = nx 107 +6 «107 or 61m * 107 ~ 6n x 107% 6 x 107 6x107 og “ "* oaxi0? Further = ont . 3 sinr = $5 = 3 w 06, Hence cosr = Vizsinr = V1-(6? VG = 08, Also 2p feos r= hy thy 606.1107 en a4(4)08 = 1.72 « 10% m = 1.72 x 107 mm. ENGINEERING Proics Newton's rings are obsered normally in reflected light of wavelength 6000 A. The diame of 10th dar ring is 0.50 cm. Find the radius of curvature of the lens and thicknes of the fi Sol. The diameter of nth dark ring is given by D2 = 4 nRi © Here, D, = 0.50-cm, 2 = 60004 = 6000 x 10-* om and = 10, DE __050%050 B= Gan ~ Beoxe000x10* = 796 ‘The thickness # of the film corresponding to nth ring is given by ob DE aw ee ee 050x050 7 = SO 3 5 04cm, In Newton's ring experiment, the diameter of 4th and 12th dark rings are 04 em and 0.7 er respectively. Find the diameter of 20th dark ring. Sol. The difference of (n + p)th and nth dark ring is given by D3, — D2 = 4pRa cl Here, (n + p) = 12 and m= 4, Diy = 07 om and D, = 0.4 cm Di-D} = 4x 8% RA oe and DADE = 4% 16* Ri cl Dividing equation (8) by (2), we get Dp-Di _ 4x16 Da-Di ~ 4x8 Djp-D} = Di ~Di) or D3= 2Dh-D} = 20.7 = (0.4)? = 0.98 - 0.16 = 0.82 Dy = ORE = 0.9 em. 30 In a Newton's rng experiment th vslngth of light wedi 6 100m and the diference Of square of dlaneters of sucesso ings are O:125 en. What oil happen to is quanti if (9) The snclngth of light is changed 19 45% 105 om (G) The tigi of erate index 1.33 is introduced been the lene andthe glee pate. (Gd The rads of rota of cone urfice ofthe pa comex ls i ube Sol In Newton's rings, the ference of square of diameter for nth and (t+ )h ring is given by i, pt = eRe # Here, for sucesive rings p= 1 Dh, -pz = A a (0 Wan ight of wavelength is change to then a, -pe = @ Dividing equation @ by equation (), we have Diip~De Di,=DE ” % 2,-p2 = & wh,-vd o Da,-D =F Ohy Dd Here, = 6 10 cm; X= 45 10% cm and Diyy—DE = 0325 em? 45x08 6x10" b2,-D2 = * 0125 = 00997 en? (i When a liquid of refractive index wis introduced, then aR, pa,-p2 iy 6) Dividing equation (3) by equation (1), we have t-Pe Dip=DE We * Pete Pe Here, w 1, w= 1.33 and D3,,—DE = 0.125 nee ee or Djly-DE = zyq * 0125 = 0.094 (i) When the radius of curvature of plano-convex lens is changed from to R’ then 2 pa = AR pg,-p2 - B& «) s “) Dividing equation (8) by equation (I), we get Ditg Dw Dib? or Dire 6) Here 2R Roe _ py Dyly D3 = E(Dhey Da) = 2 * 0125 = 0.250 em? SOLVED EXAMPLES 1. A light of waolength 6000 A falls normally ona straight sit of width 0.10 mr Calculate the total angular width ofthe central maximum and aso the liner width as observed on screen pled 1 metre ay. Sol. The condition for central maximum is esinO = i where is the angular haf with. Given A = 6.0 x 10° cm} a = 0.10 mm = 0.01 cm 60x10 O01 Since is very small then sin © = 6 therefore ‘Therefore sin@ = = 60x 109, 8 = 6 x 10° radians, ‘The angular width of the central maximum is = 20 = 26 «109* 12 « 10 radians. Let Y is the linear half width of central maximum on the screen placed at a distance 4 = 10 metres = 100 em. ‘Then Y= od or Y = 6 * 10 * 100 = 06 om, ‘Therefore, the linear width of the central maximum on the screen’ =2Y = 2*06+12¢m, 2, A single slit of width 0.14 mm is illuminated normally by monochromatic light and diffraction bans are observed on a screen 2m azoay. Ifthe centre ofthe second dark band is 1.6 cm from the riddle of the central bright band, deduce the wavelength of light Sol. In a diffraction pattern due to a single slit, minima is given by esin @ = md, }014 cm; d = 2m = 200 cm and m = 2; and ¥ = 1.6 em. Given e= 114 mm ‘Therefore sino Since @ is very small, so sin @ = @ 2 Hence = aa: a Mee Further 0-5 Q 0.014 2002 = 5600 x 10 cm = 5600 A Light of wavelength 5000 A is incident normally on asngle sit. The central maximum spreads ‘out at 30° on both sides of the direction of the incident light. Calculate the width of the slit Sol. The direction of minima in Fraunhofer diffraction due to single slit is given by a= ime or 5 esin@=2 mm a) where m= 1,23, ‘Therefore, the angular spread of the central maximum on either side of the incident light is, sino = * @ (or n= 1, the position of first minima). Given: @ = 30%; and 2» 5000 A » 5000 x 10° em Hence, substituting in equation (2), we have an gg = OUI = = 05104 _ 05x10 3in30 05 or = 10%cm. Therefore, the width of the sit is 10 cm. |. In Fraunhofer diffraction due toa single sit, the sereen is placed 2 m away from the sit. Ifthe slit width is 0.2 mm and the first minima lies 5 mm on either side of the central maxima, find ‘the wavelength of incident light Sol. The direction of minima is given by esin @ = + mh where m=1, 2,3.. For first minima, m = 1, therefore oneal hens © & Hin cons 02} nan ae o- i (1) . oa "dian AL) Fas 1a gen ae where Y is the position of first minima from the central maxima and d isthe distance of screen from the slit. : Here Y = 05.m and d= 200 em From equations (1) and (), we have A, 05 002 ~ 200 or ae = 5 10% em = 3000 A. ‘Therefore, the wavelength of incident light is $000 A. A single sit is illuminated by light composed of tro wavelengths, 4 ond Ay One obseroes that ‘due to Fraunhofer direction, the ist minima obtained for A, coincides with be second difracton minima of i, What isthe relation betwen 2, and 2? 05002 0 (UPTU, B.Tech. 11 Sem, 2003) Sol. In Fraunhofer diffraction due to single slit the directions of minima is given by esin@ = £mh For wavelength 2, the postion of first minima (m = 1) is ein 8 = 2, ~) Simiary, for wavelength 2 the position of second minima (r= 2) is sin 8, = 2 2 It is given that the direction of fist minima (0,) due to A, coincides with the second ‘minima due to Ay ie, 6, = 0, ‘Therefore from equations (1) esin8 = hy : % A tors offal tenth 10cm forms Frau Afton pater of «singe at of with 105 cm ts fs plane he nent Uight contains oo coon yan A tun that the furth minimun comesonding fo and he fh mini corenpndng Wo cera te sare pon 05 om from te cota makina. Pn the sls of ade Son Frounofer dracon patter the dition of minima i given by esinO = tm where m= 1,23, ‘The direction of fourth minima (m = 4) for wavelength A is given by esin ®, = 4, a Similarly the direction of fith minima (m = 5) for wavelength 2 i given by esin ® = Sh @ Itis given that the direction of fourth minima for, and fifth minima for % are the same, ie, 0, = 8-8. ‘Therefor, from equations (1) and (2) sind = 44, = 5h, 8) ley be the linear distance of fourth minima for or ith minima forty and fb the Focal length ofthe lens, then 4x00 %10-* 43. 6000%10-% ame OS 32104 em, 4 21. A grating is made of 200 wires per em. placed at equal distances apart. The diameter of each wire is 0.025 mm. Calculate the angle ofdifracton forthe third order spectrum and aso find the absent spectra, if any. The wavelength of ight used is 6000 A Sol, The grating equation for principal maxima i, (e+) sin = nh “ 1 Given: m= 3, R= 6000 x 10% em, (¢ + d) = 355 = 0.005 cm. sin = = 3 « 200 « 6000 » 10° = 0.096 2 © = sin! (1036) = 24" Further, the width of the wire, d = 0.025 mm = 0.0025 cm. The width of the slit, € = (€+ 4) ~d = (0.005 ~ 0.0025) = 0.0025 em. 4 The order of absent spectrum = by where m= 423 a n= OE ren Here, m = 1 is considered because the higher values of m result the order of absent spectrum more than the given order 3. 22, A difracion grating produces an angular separation of 0.01 radian Between to wavelengths obseroed at at angle of 30" Ifthe mean alu ofthe waneength is 5000 A and the pectrumt is obseroed im the second onder, calculate the diference in the (wo woavelengts. Sol. The grating equation for principal maxima is (e+ d)sin@ = mh A) Dierenatng both sides a en.) Wack Awe gt saome® on cr dcne® na i ” Graces @) Subtiting the valu of (+ rom eg. 1) ln eg. we ge nih O° we ame . a A= Root 88 @) Given: A = 5000 A; cot @ = cot 30 = 1.732, 9 = 0.01 radian, a = 5000 x 1.732 « 0.01 A or D. = 866A. A aifraction grating having 4000 lines per inch is used at normal incidence. Calcalate the dispersive power ofthe grating in the second order spectrum inthe 5000 A wbevlength region. Sol. The grating equation is (e+ d)sin@ = mh a Differentiating eqn. (1) wart. A, we have « +A cose 2 =n Hence, the dispersive power (2) is given by ® loa "Cade ro) Here, n= 2, (04) = Gas, he 5000 x 10 em, 2500010 «4000 _ ; oa cos @ = insin?e = JIMOT6 = JOBi = as17 do | 254000 _ 8000 @ ~ “oai7 ~ asi I. How many orders willbe observed by « grating having 4000 lines per cm, iii illuminated normally by light of tocelength in the ange 5000 A to 7500 A. Sol. The maximum order visible with grating is 724 end Yam = 4 0) 1 1 Given, 4 = Gh s hence hee OE @) A 3 1 i For 2 = 5000 A= 5105 cm tae = GaERIO® <8 1 and for 4 = 7500 A = 75 10° cn, imax ~ $000K7 5x10 Therefore, the observed orders range between 3 to 5, SOLVED EXAMPLES 1. Ifthe plane of vibration ofthe incident beam makes an angle of 30° with the optic axis, compare the intensities of ordinary and extraordinary rays. Sol. The intensity of ordinary xays is given by 1, = @ sin? = @ sint3o° = ‘The intensity of extraordinary ray is given by Ig = os? 0 = iP cos? 30° = 3 7 Hence jf = 94 /# =, fence ‘I, 4/4 * 2. A my of light is incident om the surface of a glass plate of refractive index 1.732 at the polarising ‘angle. Calculate the angle of refraction of the ray Sol. According to Brewster's law he tani, or 1732 = tani or i = tan"® (1.732) = 60° Since the angle between j, and r is 90%; when the ray is incident at polarising angle; then itr = 90°, r=90 90 - 60 = 30° 3. Ata certain temperature, the critical angle of water for fotal internal reflection is 48° fora certain ‘wavelength. What is the polarising angle and the angle of refraction for light incident on water at an polarising angle? (Given: sin 48° = 0.7431), Sol. The refractive index is related with critical angle (¢) by the relation From Brewster's law, u = tani, or 1345 = tan ori, = tan" (1.345) = 53° 27. If r be the angle of refraction, we have itr = 90° orr = 90-1, = 90 ~ 53° 22” = 96° 38°. 44. Calculate the thickness ofa half wave plate of quartz fora wavelength of 5000 A. Here p= 1.553 and y= 1544. Sol. For a half plate of positive erystal, a Fe ues) 5x 10° em; 4, = 1553 and yw, = 1544 2 § 5 . g > sx10% 5x10 * 3x0009 * 18x10? = 278 «103 om. 5. Find the thickness ofa quarter wave plate when the wavelength of light is 5890 A. y,~ 1.553 a a, 1544 Sol. The thickness of the quarter wave plate of positive crystal is given by a p< (ue-He) 5.890 x 10° cm; p= 1.553 and 4, = 1.544. 5890%10__ 5890x107 Given, = 5890 A * = qaga3-154) 4x0.009 5.890107 = SET = 1636 « 10° om. 336x107 5. Calculate the thickness of a doubly refracting plate capable of producing a path difference of between extraordinary and ordinary waves { 2 = 5890 A; u,= 1.53 and jt, = 1.54]. Sol. For producing a path difference +, the condition is given by w-we= * ae Ateneo) 5890x10° _ 589010" 50158-153) ~~ 4x01 or t 5890x107 ——— 109 cm. pep? 717 * 10

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