Jimmy Co VS Ca

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G.R. No.

124922 June 22, 1998  CA reversed = issue is negligence not delay and it is due to fortuitous events
JIMMY CO, doing business under the name & style DRAGON METAL
CORPORATION, respondents. Whether a repair shop (respondent) can be held liable for the loss of a customer's
vehicle while the same is in its custody for repair or other job services?
 July 18, 1990 petitioner entrusted his Nissan pick-up car 1988 model to private
respondent which is engaged in the sale, distribution and repair of motor  YES. The respondent can be held liable
vehiclesfor the following job repair services and supply of parts  It is a not defense for a repair shop of motor vehicles to escape liability simply
o Bleed injection pump and all nozzles; because the damage or loss of a thing lawfully placed in its possession was due
o Adjust valve tappet; to carnapping
o Change oil and filter;
 The fact that a thing was unlawfully and forcefully taken from another's rightful
o Open up and service four wheel brakes, clean and adjust;
possession, as in cases of carnapping, does not automatically give rise to a
o Lubricate accelerator linkages;
fortuitous event.
o Replace aircon belt; and
 To be considered as such, carnapping entails more than the mere forceful
taking of another's property. It must be proved and established that the event
 respondent undertook to return the vehicle, fully serviced and supplied in
was an act of God or was done solely by third parties and that neither the
accordance with the job contract
claimant nor the person alleged to be negligent has any participation.
 petitioner paid in full the repair bill in the amount of P1,397.00
 A police report of an alleged crime, to which only private respondent is privy,
 respondent issued to him a gate pass for the release of the vehicle on said date, does not suffice to establish the carnapping
BUT petitioner could not release the vehicle as its battery was weak and was
 Even assuming arguendo that carnapping was duly established as a fortuitous
not yet replaced
event, still private respondent cannot escape liability. Article 1165 of the New
 petitioner then bought a new battery nearby and delivered it to private Civil Code makes an obligor who is guilty of delay responsible even for a
respondent for installation on the same day fortuitous event until he has effected the delivery.
 However, the battery was not installed and the delivery of the car was  In this case, private respondent was already in delay as it was supposed to
rescheduled three (3) days later. deliver petitioner's car three (3) days before it was lost. Petitioner's
 When petitioner sought to reclaim his car, he was told that it was carnapped agreement to the rescheduled delivery does not defeat his claim as private
earlier that morning while being road-tested by private respondent's employee respondent had already breached its obligation. Moreover, such accession
along Pedro Gil and Perez Streets in Paco, Manila cannot be construed as waiver of petitioner's right to hold private respondent
 Thus, petitioner filed a suit for damages against private respondent anchoring liable because the car was unusable and thus, petitioner had no option but to
his claim on the latter's alleged negligence leave it.
 respondent contended that it has no liability because the car was lost as result  It must likewise be emphasized that pursuant to Articles 1174 and 1262 of the
of a fortuitous event — the carnapping New Civil Code, liability attaches even if the loss was due to a fortuitous event if
 During pre-trial, the parties agreed on the cost of the car when it was bought "the nature of the obligation requires the assumption of risk
2.5 years ago, the cost of the parts and repairs and the present value of the car  Having taken custody of the vehicle private respondent is obliged not only to
 They also agree that the sole issue for trial was who between the parties shall repair the vehicle but must also provide the customer with some form of
bear the loss of the vehicle which necessitates the resolution of whether security for his property over which he loses immediate control.
respondent was indeed negligent  WHEREFORE, premises considered, the decision of the Court Appeals is
 After trial, the court found respondent guilty of delay in the performance of its REVERSED and SET ASIDE and the decision of the court a quo is REINSTATED.
obligation and held it liable to petitioner for the value of the lost vehicle and its
accessories plus interest and attorney's fees

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