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Titre : Algorithme de calcul des densités de ferraillage Date : 21/07/2017 Page : 1/11
Responsable : HAELEWYN Jessica Clé : R7.04.05 Révision :

Calculation algorithm of the densities of



One presents the calculation algorithm of the densities of reinforcement of plates and reinforced concrete hulls
established within the order CALC_FERRAILLAGE [U4.81.42]. This algorithm was proposed in 1978 by Alain
Capra and Jean-Francis Maury [bib1].

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Titre : Algorithme de calcul des densités de ferraillage Date : 21/07/2017 Page : 2/11
Responsable : HAELEWYN Jessica Clé : R7.04.05 Révision :

1 General presentation of the method.....................................................................................3
2 Detailed description of the algorithm....................................................................................4
2.1 Original algorithm of Capra and Maury..........................................................................4
2.2 Establishment retained in Code_Aster...........................................................................6
2.2.1 Diagrams stress-strain taken into account............................................................6
2.2.2 Stress analysis to the ELECTED OFFICIAL.........................................................7
2.2.3 Stress analysis with the ELS.................................................................................8
2.2.4 Determination of transverse reinforcement...........................................................9
2.2.5 Algorithm of optimization of the steel section.......................................................9
2.2.6 Summary of the causes of stop of calculation......................................................10 Alarms during calculation to the ELECTED OFFICIAL.............................10 Errors during calculation to the ELS.........................................................10 Errors during the calculation of transverse reinforcement........................10
3 Establishment in Code_Aster................................................................................................11
4 Bibliographical references.................................................................................................... 11
5 Description of the versions of the document........................................................................11

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Titre : Algorithme de calcul des densités de ferraillage Date : 21/07/2017 Page : 3/11
Responsable : HAELEWYN Jessica Clé : R7.04.05 Révision :

1 General presentation of the method

This method [bib1], developed in 1978 by Alain Capra and Jean-Francis Maury (engineers at the
technical Management of Socotec), refers on the matter and constitutes the algorithm generally
established in the computer codes of reinforcement of plates and reinforced concrete hulls.

The method is founded on the principle of the balance of each facet centered at the point of
calculation and whose normal turns in the tangent plan to the average layer. It is about a
postprocessing of a static calculation of a plate or a reinforced concrete hull, led starting from the state
of efforts generalized previously obtained.

For each position of the facet, one carries out a rectangular calculation of section submitted to the
made up inflection and one from of deduced the two sections from reinforcements higher and lower.
These two sections are then readjusted in two sections (by unit of length) along the axis X ( AXS for
the higher tablecloth and AXI for the lower tablecloth) and two sections (by unit of length) along the
axis Y ( AYS for the higher tablecloth and AYI for the lower tablecloth).

One proceeds then, using an adapted algorithm, in search of the optimum for each tablecloth (lower
and higher) corresponding to the value minimum of the sum AXS  AYS (respectively AXI  AYI ).

The article of Capra and Maury also proposes a calculation of transverse reinforcement partly current
of plate, evaluated starting from the equivalent shear stress which is expressed according to the

 T 2ZX T 2ZY 
where = I / m0 represent the arm of lever of the elastic couple of the section and T ZX and T ZY
are the efforts cutting-edges. The section of transverse reinforcement is simply obtained by dividing
this constraint by the acceptable ultimate stress of steel.

This method, at the cost of a cost of calculation a little more extremely than in other methods, in
particular that of Wood (rotation of the facet and research of the optimum) makes it possible to obtain
an optimal steel distribution. The calculation of transverse reinforcement remains, him, enough
summary. In particular, he does not take account of the contribution of the normal effort as the BAEL
requires it.

The stress analysis applied to a section is carried out, out of standard, according to the BAEL91. The
user can however modify the value of the pivots in order to adapt to another regulation.

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Titre : Algorithme de calcul des densités de ferraillage Date : 21/07/2017 Page : 4/11
Responsable : HAELEWYN Jessica Clé : R7.04.05 Révision :

2 Detailed description of the algorithm

The object of this chapter is to describe the method of Capra and Maury in a detailed way and to also
present the technique used to establish this method within Code_Aster as well as the additional
operations necessary to its implementation.

In a very total way, the algorithm used can be schematized in the following way:
• Acquisition of the parameters of configuration (standard of calculation ELS / ELU , values
characteristic of the ultimate stresses for steel and concrete, value of coating etc)
• Acquisition of the characteristics of the elements (thickness, efforts of membrane, bending
• Determination of the lawful constraints according to the type of calculation carried out (
• For each treated element, determination of reinforcement.

This last part, which is the heart of the method of Capra and Maury is presented in the following

2.1 Original algorithm of Capra and Maury

One defines a set of facets, centered at the point of calculation, whose normal turns in the tangent
plan to the average layer. The facet is located by the angle  that its normal with the axis makes
OX reference mark of the element (see figure 2.1-a). The angle  is discretized regularly −90°
with 90° (generally with a step of 10 ° ). Axes Ox and Oy are the axes of the tablecloths of

Figure 2.1-a [bib1]

For each one of these facets, one evaluates the bending moment  M  and the tension of membrane
 N  who apply to it according to the tensors of the efforts using the equations:
M = M xx cos 2  M yy sin 2 −2 M xy sin  cos 
N = N xx cos 2  N yy sin 2 −2 N xy sin  cos 

By a calculation in composed inflection, one can determine the forces of traction FI  and FS 
, perpendicular to the section, which must be balanced by the lower and higher tablecloths of

Resistant efforts in the direction  of the two tablecloths can be evaluated using the expressions
2 2 2 2
FRI = AXI cos AYI sin  and FRS = AXS cos AYS sin  where  represent
the acceptable maximum constraint of steel (identical in the two directions).

Resistance is assured if the resistant effort is higher than the effort applied, which is written:
FI FRI and FS FRS .

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Titre : Algorithme de calcul des densités de ferraillage Date : 21/07/2017 Page : 5/11
Responsable : HAELEWYN Jessica Clé : R7.04.05 Révision :

Thus, EN considering an orthonormal reference mark comprising AXS in X-coordinate and AYS in
ordinate, one has to solve finally for higher reinforcement:
AXS cos2 AYS sin2 ≥FS  / for all the angles  (1)
AXS  AYS minimum.

The inequalities (1) define for each value of  a half space limited by a line of negative slope which
translates a field of validity (figure 2.1-b).

Figure 2.1-b [bib1]

By traversing all the values of  , one obtains the field of validity indicated on the figure 2.1-c,
delimited by the broken line A B C D …

Figure 2.1-c [bib1]

For each point P field of validity, the total section of the reinforcements can be obtained by
projecting the point P in Q on the first bisectrix. The distance OQ represent the value then
 AS  2/2 with AS = AXS AYS .

It is thus noted that the optimum of reinforcement corresponds to the point of the edge A B C D … to
which projection on the first bisectrix is closest to the origin of the axes. The search for this point is
carried out by a method of type “dichotomy”.
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Titre : Algorithme de calcul des densités de ferraillage Date : 21/07/2017 Page : 6/11
Responsable : HAELEWYN Jessica Clé : R7.04.05 Révision :

2.2 Establishment retained in Code_Aster

The establishment selected is a little different in order to optimize the computing time. Moreover,
during the calculation of the section subjected to the composed inflection, one carries out a checking
of nongoing beyond the constraint concrete with the ELS, and of nongoing beyond the deformation of
the concrete to the ELECTED OFFICIAL.

At the conclusion of calculation in composed inflection, one determines the total section of steels
(higher and lower) necessary to the balance of the forces. One thus has a series of triplets ( AS , AI ,
 ) representative of each facet ( AS representing the higher section, AI the lower section and θ
the angle characteristic of the facet).

One then carries out the optimization of reinforcement for the lower section, then higher using the
original algorithm describes below.

It should be noted that all calculations relate to only tended steels. It is not envisaged to be able to
treat compressed steels.

2.2.1 Diagrams stress-strain taken into account

The characteristics of the section are described on the Figure 2.2.1-a. The diagram stress-strain, on
the right of the Figure 2.2.1-a is the simplified rectangular diagram used for the concrete:

Figure 2.2.1-a
In the current establishment, λ=0.8 (see remark in 2.2.2) and η=1 .
The diagram stress-strain used for steel is the diagram with horizontal stage:

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Titre : Algorithme de calcul des densités de ferraillage Date : 21/07/2017 Page : 7/11
Responsable : HAELEWYN Jessica Clé : R7.04.05 Révision :

Figure 2.2.1-b

2.2.2 Stress analysis to the ELECTED OFFICIAL

The stress analysis leads to the determination of FI (lower effort) and FS (higher effort) from M
(bending moments) and N (efforts of membrane).
• For the efforts of membrane  N  , a positive value means tractive effort
• For the moment of inflection  M  , a positive value translates a tensile stress into bottom fibre of
the element. This convention being opposite of that used within Code_Aster, an inversion of sign
is carried out at the beginning of calculation.

The goal of this algorithm is to determine the tractive effort to which each steel bed is subjected, in
order to determine the section of the reinforcements by simple division by the working stress of steel.

Hs=d (distance enters useful steel and the compressed fibre)

The significant height is calculated
and the useful height Hu= −e (distance separating a tablecloth from steel of the medium of the
section from the plate or hull).

One evaluates then the ultimate moment in the reinforced concrete section which steels must take
again and which takes account of the bending moment and the effort of membrane.

If this moment is negative, one is in the situation of an entirely tended section. Calculation is then
particularly simple, each tablecloth taking again the tractive effort which is applied to him.
If not, one establishes the value of the reduced moment μu who, if it is higher than 0.48 conduit with
an impossibility of calculation (no tended steel). In this case, the density of turned over reinforcement
will be equal to -1 for the element.

This value limits 0.48 corresponds to the moment reduces border between the pivot B and the
pivot C, which is equal (for the simplified rectangular diagram) to:
μ BC =λ (1− λ )
Maybe, with λ=0.8 given in the BAEL, μ BC =0.48
This value remains true for calculations in Eurocode 2 if one considers concretes of strength
class lower than C50. For the concretes of higher class, a light difference between the sections
given by the module CALC_FERRAILLAGE and those given by manual calculations can be

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Titre : Algorithme de calcul des densités de ferraillage Date : 21/07/2017 Page : 8/11
Responsable : HAELEWYN Jessica Clé : R7.04.05 Révision :

One evaluates successively the value of the coefficient α= , the constraint concrete and total effort
N G which is subjected the bed more tended.
➔ If this effort is negative, that translated an entirely compressed section for which no steel
section is probably necessary. However, if all the facets are in this case, one can put the
question of a pivot C. In this case, the density of turned over reinforcement will be equal to -1
for the element.
➔ If this effort is indeed positive, one tests the value then of α .
• If α< α AB = , one is on pivot A. the deformation of steel is maximum
( PIV B + PIV A)
ε A=PIV A and the steel section is equal to As= G .
f yd
• If α≥α AB = , one is on the pivot B. the deformation of the concrete is
maximum ε B=PIV B and the steel section is equal to:
NG PIV B (1−α) f yd
✗ As= if ε A= α > that is to say a plastic deformation of steel
f yd Es
NG PIV B (1−α) f yd
✗ or As = if ε A= α ≤ that is to say an elastic strain of steel
E S εA Es

2.2.3 Stress analysis with the ELS

The stress analysis leads to the determination of FI (lower effort) and FS (higher effort) from M
(bending moment) and N (effort of membrane)
• For the efforts of membrane  N  , a positive value means tractive effort
• For the moment of inflection  M  , a positive value translates a tensile stress into bottom fibre of
the element. This convention being opposite of that used within Code_Aster, an inversion of sign
is carried out at the beginning of calculation.

The goal of this algorithm is to determine the tractive effort to which each steel bed is subjected, in
order to determine the section of the reinforcements by simple division by the working stress of steel.

The significant height is calculated Hs=d (distance enters useful steel and the compressed fibre)
and the useful height Hu= −e (a steel tablecloth of the medium of the section of the plate or hull).
One evaluates then the moment of service which steels must take again and which takes account of
the bending moment and the effort of membrane.

If this moment is negative, one is in the situation of an entirely tended section. Calculation is then
particularly simple, each tablecloth taking again the tractive effort which is applied to him.

If not, one calculates, using the method of Newton, the exact position of neutral fibre by solving an
equation of the 3ème degree in α= . Once this one known, one evaluates the value of the
constraint concrete and the effort mentioned in the most tended section. If this effort is negative, that
translated an entirely compressed section for which no steel section is necessary; one then corrects
simply the stress compressive of the concrete. If this effort is indeed positive, one allots it to the
actually tended section.

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Titre : Algorithme de calcul des densités de ferraillage Date : 21/07/2017 Page : 9/11
Responsable : HAELEWYN Jessica Clé : R7.04.05 Révision :

In entirely compressed section, the centre of gravity of the homogeneous section is regarded as
confused with the centre of gravity of the section concrete and thus the maximum constraint of
compression in the concrete is equal to:
−N ∣M ∣
σc , max= + y
h bh³
With y= and I =
2 12
−N h 12 −N 6∣M ∣
That is to say σ c , max= +∣M ∣ = +
bh 2 bh³ bh bh²
A final test is carried out on the compressive stress of the concrete. If this one is beyond the
acceptable limit, an error message is displayed and a positioned indicator.

The sections of reinforcement are finally drawn up by dividing the effort by the working stress of steel.

2.2.4 Determination of transverse reinforcement

The article of Capra and Maury also proposes a calculation of transverse reinforcement partly current
of plate, evaluated starting from the equivalent shear stress which is expressed according to the
√(T 2ZX +T 2ZY )
where z represent the arm of lever of the elastic couple of the section and T ZX and T ZY are the
efforts cutting-edges. The section of transverse reinforcement is simply obtained by dividing this
constraint by the acceptable ultimate stress of steel.
This calculation is to be taken into account only during a calculation to the ELECTED OFFICIAL, i.e.
with constraints ELECTED.

The arm of established lever z=h−2 e is very approximate and does not correspond to the
approximate value 0.9d data by Eurocode 2 and the BAEL.
Moreover, contrary to calculation in Eurocode 2, this calculation fixes the slope of the concrete
rods compressed at 45° and supposes that the executives are right ( α=90° ). The relation
drawn from Eurocode 2 is the following one:
A sw V ed
s z (cot θ+cot α)sin α f ywd
s spacing enters the transverse reinforcements.
α the angle of inclination of the executives, such as: 45 °≤α≤90 °
θ the angle of inclination of the compressed concrete rods, such as: 1≤cot θ≤2.5
f ywd elastic limit of calculation of the reinforcements of shearing action
V ed =√(T ZX +T ZY ) average shearing action taken into account for calculation.
2 2

2.2.5 Algorithm of optimization of the steel section

The algorithm used aims at geometrically searching the optimum of reinforcement in the orthonormal
reference mark comprising AXS in X-coordinate and AYS in ordinate.

The discretization of the rotation of the facet equalizes with 5° , led to a classification of these facets
from 1 to 36.

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Titre : Algorithme de calcul des densités de ferraillage Date : 21/07/2017 Page : 10/11
Responsable : HAELEWYN Jessica Clé : R7.04.05 Révision :

In the orthonormal reference mark used, one positions 3 points, P0 , P1 and P2 . Coordinates of
the point P1 correspond respectively to the steel section of facet 18 (correspondent with a zero value
of  ) and with the steel section of facet 1 (correspondent with a value of  equalize with −π/ 2 ).
The point P0 is located at the same X-coordinate as P1 but with a very large ordinate (thus
defining a practically infinite vertical), and the point P2 is located at the same ordinate as P1 but
with a very large X-coordinate (thus defining horizontal practically infinite).

One then carries out a loop on all the facets of − / 2 with  /2 by excluding the first as well as
the facet corresponding to the zero value from  , facets which were implicitly treated at the time of
the definition of the initial points.

One then determines the points of intersection of the facet of reference with the other segments. In
each case, a comparison of the position of the point representative of the facet treated compared to
the field of validity of the facet of reference makes it possible to determine the orientation of the
segment to take into account for the research of the intersections.

At the conclusion of this treatment, one has the points representative of the polyline defining the total
field of validity.

At the end of the treatment, one carries out a sweeping on the points selected, in order to determine
that whose sum of the coordinates is minimum (minimum nap of the reinforcements). In the event of
identity (with 10−5 near into relative), the facet of smaller number is retained.

2.2.6 Summary of the causes of stop of calculation Alarms during calculation to the ELECTED OFFICIAL

Calculation with the ELECTED OFFICIAL can to emit an alarm if the section is compressed :
• If LE reduced moment μu is higher than 0.48 (the section is thus at the pivot C which is not
treated by the module) on a facet. One turns over a density of -1 in this case.
• If all the facets have compressed steels even the section is not completely compressed. One
turns over a density of -1 for the element in this case.
• If one or more facets have compressed steels even the section is not completely compressed.
One puts the density at 0 on the facet and continuous calculation on the other facet. The
density on the element is thus nonworthless. Errors during calculation to the ELS

Calculation with the ELS can finish in error if:

The compressive stress of the concrete is higher than its acceptable value. Errors during the calculation of transverse reinforcement

The calculation of the transverse reinforcements can finish in error if:

The arm of lever taken into account in the calculation of the shear stress is null or negative (problem
of the value of coating).

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Titre : Algorithme de calcul des densités de ferraillage Date : 21/07/2017 Page : 11/11
Responsable : HAELEWYN Jessica Clé : R7.04.05 Révision :

3 Establishment in Code_Aster
The operator CALC_FERRAILLAGE [U4.81.42] allows to determine the reinforcement of an element or
a set of elements of plates and hulls of the type DKT.
Its setting in œuvre is illustrated by the CAS-tests SSLS134 [V3.03.134] and SSLS135 [V3.03.135].

4 Bibliographical references
[1] Automatic calculation of the optimal reinforcement of the plates and reinforced concrete hulls.
Alain CAPRA and Jean-Francis MAURY Annales of the Technical Institute of the Building industry
and public works, n°367, 12/1978.

5 Description of the versions of the document

Version Aster Author (S)/Organization (S) Description of the modifications
10 P. LANG (INGEROP IES) Initial text

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