Practice Test MCN

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SITUATION : [ND89] Aling Julia, a 32 year old fish vendor from baranggay matahimik came

to see you at the prenatal clinic. She brought with her all her three children. Maye, 1 year 6
months; Joy, 3 and Dan, 7 years old. She mentioned that she stopped taking oral
contraceptives several months ago and now suspects she is pregnant. She cannot
remember her LMP.

1. Which of the following would be useful in calculating Aling Julia's EDC? [3]

A. Appearance of linea negra

B. First FHT by fetoscope
C. Increase pulse rate
D. Presence of edema

2. Which hormone is necessary for a positive pregnancy test? [1]

A. Progesterone
C. Estrogen
D. Placental Lactogen

3. With this pregnancy, Aling Julia is a [1]

A. P3 G3
B. Primigravida
C. P3 G4
D. P0 G3

4. In explaining the development of her baby, you identified in chronological order of growth
of the fetus as it occurs in pregnancy as [1]

A. Ovum, embryo, zygote, fetus, infant

B. Zygote, ovum, embryo, fetus, infant
C. Ovum, zygote, embryo, fetus, infant
D. Zygote, ovum, fetus, embryo, infant

5. Aling Julia states she is happy to be pregnant. Which behavior is elicited by her during
your assessment that would lead you to think she is stressed? [3]

A. She told you about her drunk husband

B. She states she has very meager income from selling
C. She laughs at every advise you give even when its not funny
D. She has difficulty following instructions

6. When teaching Aling Julia about her pregnancy, you should include personal common
discomforts. Which of the following is an indication for prompt professional supervision? [2]

A. Constipation and hemorrhoids

B. Backache
C. Facial edema
D. frequent urination

7. Which of the following statements would be appropriate for you to include in Aling Julia's
prenatal teaching plan? [1]

A. Exercise is very tiresome, it should be avoided

B. Limit your food intake
C. Smoking has no harmful effect on the growth and development of fetus
D. Avoid unnecessary fatigue, rest periods should be included in you schedule

8. The best advise you can give to Aling Julia regarding prevention of varicosities is [3]

A. Raise the legs while in upright position and put it against the wall several times a day
B. Lay flat for most hours of the day
C. Use garters with nylon stocking
D. Wear support hose
9. In a 32 day menstrual cycle, ovulation usually occurs on the [2]

A. 14th day after menstruation

B. 18th day after menstruation
C. 20th day after menstruation
D. 24th day after menstruation

10. Placenta is the organ that provides exchange of nutrients and waste products between
mother and fetus. This develops by [4]

A. First month
B. Third month
C. Fifth month
D. Seventh month

11. In evaluating the weight gain of Aling Julia, you know the minimum weight gain during
pregnancy is [3]

A. 2 lbs/wk
B. 5 lbs/wk
C. 7 lbs/wk
D. 10 lbs/wk

12. The more accurate method of measuring fundal height is [2]

A. Millimeter
B. Centimeter
C. Inches
D. Fingerbreadths

13. To determine fetal position using Leopold's maneuvers, the first maneuver is to [1]

A. Determine degree of cephalic flexion and engagement

B. Determine part of fetus presenting into pelvis
C. Locate the back,arms and legs
D. Determine what part of fetus is in the fundus

14. Aling julia has encouraged her husband to attend prenatal classes with her. During the
prenatal class, the couple expressed fear of pain during labor and delivery. The use of touch
and soothing voice often promotes comfort to the laboring patient. This physical
intervention is effective because [2]

A. Pain perception is interrupted

B. Gate control fibers are open
C. It distracts the client away from the pain
D. Empathy is communicated by a caring person

15. Which of the following could be considered as a positive sign of pregnancy ? [1]

A. Amenorrhea, nausea, vomiting

B. Frequency of urination
C. Braxton hicks contraction
D. Fetal outline by sonography

SITUATION : [FFC] Maternal and child health is the program of the department of health
created to lessen the death of infants and mother in the philippines. [2]

16. What is the goal of this program?

A. Promote mother and infant health especially during the gravida stage
B. Training of local hilots
C. Direct supervision of midwives during home delivery
D. Health teaching to mother regarding proper newborn care
17. One philosophy of the maternal and child health nursing is [1]

A. All pregnancy experiences are the same for all woman

B. Culture and religious practices have little effect on pregnancy of a woman
C. Pregnancy is a part of the life cycle but provides no meaning
D. The father is as important as the mother

18. In maternal care, the PHN responsibility is [2]

A. To secure all information that would be needing in birth certificate

B. To protect the baby against tetanus neonatorum by immunizing the mother with DPT
C. To reach all pregnant woman
D. To assess nutritional status of existing children

19. This is use when rendering prenatal care in the rural health unit. It serves as a guide in
Identification of risk factors [1]

A. Underfive clinic chart

B. Home based mother's record
C. Client list of mother under prenatal care
D. Target list of woman under TT vaccination

20. The schedule of prenatal visit in the RHU unit is [4]

A. Once from 1st up to 8th month, weekly on the 9th month

B. Twice in 1st and second trimester, weekly on third trimester
C. Once in each trimester, more frequent for those at risk
D. Frequent as possible to determine the presence of FHT each week

SITUATION : Knowledge of the menstrual cycle is important in maternal health nursing. The
following questions pertains to the process of menstruation

21. Menarche occurs during the pubertal period, Which of the following occurs first in the
development of female sex characteristics? [2]

A. Menarche
B. Accelerated Linear Growth
C. Breast development
D. Growth of pubic hair

22. Which gland is responsible for initiating the menstrual cycle? [3]

A. Ovaries
D. Hypothalamus

23. The hormone that stimulates the ovaries to produce estrogen is [1]


24. Which hormone stimulates oocyte maturation? [2]


25. When is the serum estrogen level highest in the menstrual cycle? [4]

A. 3rd day
B. 13th day
C. 14th day
D. End of menstrual cycle

26. To correctly determine the day of ovulation, the nurse must [2]

A. Deduct 14 days at the mid of the cycle

B. Subtract two weeks at cycle's end
C. Add 7 days from mid of the cycle
D. Add 14 days from the end of the cycle

27. The serum progesterone is lowest during what day of the menstrual cycle? [4]

A. 3rd day
B. 13th day
C. 14th day
D. End of menstrual cycle

28. How much blood is loss on the average during menstrual period? [4]

A. Half cup
B. 4 tablespoon
C. 3 ounces
D. 1/3 cup

29. Menstruation occurs because of which following mechanism? [2]

A. Increase level of estrogen and progesterone level

B. Degeneration of the corpus luteum
C. Increase vascularity of the endothelium
D. Surge of hormone progesterone

30. If the menstrual cycle of a woman is 35 day cycle, she will approximately [2]

A. Ovulate on the 21st day with fertile days beginning on the 16th day to the 26th day of
her cycle
B. Ovulate on the 21st day with fertile days beginning on the 16th day to the 21th day of
her cycle
C. Ovulate on the 22st day with fertile days beginning on the 16th day to the 26th day of
her cycle
D. Ovulate on the 22st day with fertile days beginning on the 14th day to the 30th day of
her cycle

SITUATION : Wide knowledge about different diagnostic tests during pregnancy is an

essential arsenal for a nurse to be successful.

31. The Biparietal diameter of a fetus is considered matured if it is atleast [4]

A. 9.8 cm
B. 8.5 cm
C. 7.5 cm
D. 6 cm

32. Quickening is experienced first by multigravida clients. At what week of gestation do

they start to experience quickening? [4]

A. 16th
B. 20th
C. 24th
D. 28th

33. Before the start of a non stress test, The FHR is 120 BPM. The mother ate the snack and
the practitioner noticed an increase from 120 BPM to 135 BPM for 15 seconds. How would
you read the result? [3]

A. Abnormal
B. Non reactive
C. Reactive
D. Inconclusive, needs repeat

34. When should the nurse expect to hear the FHR using a fetoscope? [4]

A. 2nd week
B. 8th week
C. 2nd month
D. 4th month

35. When should the nurse expect to hear FHR using doppler Ultrasound? [4]

A. 8th week
B. 8th month
C. 2nd week
D. 4th month

36. The mother asks, What does it means if her maternal serum alpha feto protein is 35
ng/ml? The nurse should answer [4]

A. It is normal
B. It is not normal
C. 35 ng/ml indicates chromosomal abberation
D. 35 ng/ml indicates neural tube defect

37. Which of the following mothers needs RHOGAM? [1]

A. RH + mother who delivered an RH - fetus

B. RH - mother who delivered an RH + fetus
C. RH + mother who delivered an RH + fetus
D. RH - mother who delivered an RH - fetus

38. Which family planning method is recommended by the department of health more than
any other means of contraception? [4]

A. Fertility Awareness Method

B. Condom
C. Tubal Ligation
D. Abstinence

39. How much booster dose does tetanus toxoid vaccination for pregnant women has? [4]

A. 2
B. 5
C. 3
D. 4

40. Baranggay has 70,000 population. How much nurse is needed to service
this population? [4]

A. 5
B. 7
C. 50
D. 70

SITUATION : [ND2I246] Reproductive health is the exercise of reproductive right with

responsibility. A married couple has the responsibility to reproduce and procreate.

41. Which of the following is ONE of the goals of the reproductive health concept? [3]

A. To achieve healthy sexual development and maturation

B. To prevent specific RH problem through counseling
C. Provide care, treatment and rehabilitation
D. To practice RH as a way of life of every man and woman
42. Which of the following is NOT an element of the reproductive health? [4]

A. Maternal and child health and nutrition

B. Family planning
C. Prevention and management of abortion complication
D. Healthy sexual development and nutrition

43. In the international framework of RH, which one of the following is the ultimate goal?

A. Women's health in reproduction

B. Attainment of optimum health
C. Achievement of women's status
D. Quality of life

44. Which one of the following is a determinant of RH affecting woman's ability to

participate in social affairs? [3]

A. Gender issues
B. Socio-Economic condition
C. Cultural and psychosocial factors
D. Status of women

45. In the philippine RH Framework. which major factor affects RH status? [4]

A. Women's lower level of literacy

B. Health service delivery mechanism
C. Poor living conditions lead to illness
D. Commercial sex workers are exposed to AIDS/STD.

46. Which determinant of reproductive health advocates nutrition for better health
promotion and maintain a healthful life? [4]

A. Socio-Economic conditions
B. Status of women
C. Social and gender issues
D. Biological, Cultural and Psychosocial factors

47. Which of the following is NOT a strategy of RH? [3]

A. Increase and improve contraceptive methods

B. Achieve reproductive intentions
C. Care provision focused on people with RH problems
D. Prevent specific RH problem through information dessemination

48. Which of the following is NOT a goal of RH? [3]

A. Achieve healthy sexual development and maturation

B. Avoid illness/diseases, injuries, disabilities related to sexuality and reproduction
C. Receive appropriate counseling and care of RH problems
D. Strengthen outreach activities and the referral system

49. What is the VISION of the RH? [2]


B. Practice RH as a WAY OF LIFE
C. Prevent specific RH problem
D. Health in the hands of the filipino

SITUATION : [SORANGE19] Baby G, a 6 hours old newborn is admitted to the NICU because
of low APGAR Score. His mother had a prolonged second stage of labor

50. Which of the following is the most important concept associated with all high risk
newborn? [1]
A. Support the high-risk newborn's cardiopulmonary adaptation by maintaining adequate
B. Identify complications with early intervention in the high risk newborn to reduce
morbidity and mortality
C. Assess the high risk newborn for any physical complications that will assist the parent
with bonding
D. Support mother and significant others in their request toward adaptation to the high risk

51. Which of the following would the nurse expect to find in a newborn with birth asphyxia?

A. Hyperoxemia
B. Acidosis
C. Hypocapnia
D. Ketosis

52. When planning and implementing care for the newborn that has been successfully
resuscitated, which of the following would be important to assess? [1]

A. Muscle flaccidity
B. Hypoglycemia
C. Decreased intracranial pressure
D. Spontaneous respiration

SITUATION : [P-I/46] Nurses should be aware of the different reproductive problems.

53. When is the best time to achieve pregnancy? [2]

A. Midway between periods

B. Immediately after menses end
C. 14 days before the next period is expected
D. 14 days after the beginning of the next period

54. A factor in infertility maybe related to the PH of the vaginal canal. A medication that is
ordered to alter the vaginal PH is: [2]

A. Estrogen therapy
B. Sulfur insufflations
C. Lactic acid douches
D. Na HCO3 Douches

55. A diagnostic test used to evaluate fertility is the postcoital test. It is best timed [2]

A. 1 week after ovulation

B. Immediately after menses
C. Just before the next menstrual period
D. Within 1 to 2 days of presumed ovulation

56. A tubal insufflation test is done to determine whether there is a tubal obstruction.
Infertility caused by a defect in the tube is most often related to a [3]

A. Past infection
B. Fibroid Tumor
C. Congenital Anomaly
D. Previous injury to a tube

57. Which test is commonly used to determine the number, motility and activity of sperm is
the [2]

A. Rubin test
B. Huhner test
C. Friedman test
D. Papanicolau test
58. In the female, Evaluation of the pelvic organs of reproduction is accomplished by [2]

A. Biopsy
B. Cystoscopy
C. Culdoscopy
D. Hysterosalpingogram

59. When is the fetal weight gain greatest? [3]

A. 1st trimester
B. 2nd trimester
C. 3rd trimester
D. from 4th week up to 16th week of pregnancy

60. In fetal blood vessel, where is the oxygen content highest? [3]

A. Umbilical artery
B. Ductus Venosus
C. Ductus areteriosus
D. Pulmonary artery

61. The nurse is caring for a woman in labor. The woman is irritable, complains of nausea
and vomits and has heavier show. The membranes rupture. The nurse understands that this
indicates [1]

A. The woman is in transition stage of labor

B. The woman is having a complication and the doctor should be notified
C. Labor is slowing down and the woman may need oxytocin
D. The woman is emotionally distraught and needs assistance in dealing with labor

SITUATION : [J2I246] Katherine, a 32 year old primigravida at 39-40 weeks AOG was
admitted to the labor room due to hypogastric and lumbo-sacral pains. IE revealed a fully
dilated, fully effaced cervix. Station 0.

62. She is immediately transferred to the DR table. Which of the following conditions signify
that delivery is near? [2]

I - A desire to defecate
II - Begins to bear down with uterine contraction
III - Perineum bulges
IV - Uterine contraction occur 2-3 minutes intervals at 50 seconds duration


63. Artificial rupture of the membrane is done. Which of the following nursing diagnoses is
the priority? [2]

A. High risk for infection related to membrane rupture

B. Potential for injury related to prolapse cord
C. Alteration in comfort related to increasing strength of uterine contraction
D. Anxiety related to unfamiliar procedure

64. Katherine complains of severe abdominal pain and back pain during contraction. Which
two of the following measures will be MOST effective in reducing pain? [4]

I - Rubbing the back with a tennis ball

II- Effleurage
IV-Breathing techniques


65. Lumbar epidural anesthesia is administered. Which of the following nursing

responsibilities should be done immediately following procedure? [1]

A. Reposition from side to side

B. Administer oxygen
C. Increase IV fluid as indicated
D. Assess for maternal hypotension

66. Which is NOT the drug of choice for epidural anesthesia? [4]

A. Sensorcaine
B. Xylocaine
C. Ephedrine
D. Marcaine

SITUATION : [SORANGE217] Alpha, a 24 year old G4P3 at full term gestation is brought to
the ER after a gush of fluid passes through here vagina while doing her holiday shopping.

67. She is brought to the triage unit. The FHT is noted to be 114 bpm. Which of the
following actions should the nurse do first? [2]

A. Monitor FHT ever 15 minutes

B. Administer oxygen inhalation
C. Ask the charge nurse to notify the Obstetrician
D. Place her on the left lateral position

68. The nurse checks the perineum of alpha. Which of the following characteristic of the
amniotic fluid would cause an alarm to the nurse? [1]

A. Greenish
B. Scantly
C. Colorless
D. Blood tinged

69. Alpha asks the nurse. "Why do I have to be on complete bed rest? I am not comfortable
in this position." Which of the following response of the nurse is most appropriate? [3]

A. Keeping you on bed rest will prevent possible cord prolapse

B. Completed bed rest will prevent more amniotic fluid to escape
C. You need to save your energy so you will be strong enough to push later
D. Let us ask your obstetrician when she returns to check on you

70. Alpha wants to know how many fetal movements per hour is normal, the correct
response is [4]

A. Twice
B. Thrice
C. Four times
D. 10-12 times

71. Upon examination by the obstetrician, he charted that Alpha is in the early stage of
labor. Which of the following is true in this state? [1]

A. Self-focused
B. Effacement is 100%
C. Last for 2 hours
D. Cervical dilation 1-3 cm

SITUATION : Maternal and child health nursing a core concept of providing health in the
community. Mastery of MCH Nursing is a quality all nurse should possess.
72. When should be the 2nd visit of a pregnant mother to the RHU? [2]

A. Before getting pregnant

B. As early in pregnancy
C. Second trimester
D. Third trimester

73. Which of the following is NOT a standard prenatal physical examination? [1]

A. Neck examination for goiter

B. Examination of the palms of the hands for pallor
C. Edema examination of the face hands, and lower extremeties
D. Examination of the legs for varicosities

74. Which of the following is NOT a basic prenatal service delivery done in the BHS? [2]

A. Oral / Dental check up

B. Laboratory examination
C. Treatment of diseases
D. Iron supplementation

75. How many days and how much dosage will the IRON supplementation be taken? [4]

A. 365 days / 300 mg

B. 210 days / 200 mg
C. 100 days/ 100mg
D. 50 days / 50 mg

76. When should the iron supplementation starts and when should it ends? [4]

A. 5th month of pregnancy to 2nd month post partum

B. 1st month of pregnancy to 5th month post partum
C. As early in pregnancy up to 9th month of pregnancy
D. From 1st trimester up to 6 weeks post partum

77. In malaria infested area, how is chloroquine given to pregnant women? [4]

A. 300 mg / twice a month for 9 months

B. 200 mg / once a week for 5 months
C. 150 mg / twice a week for the duration of pregnancy
D. 100 mg / twice a week for the last trimester of pregnancy

78. Which of the following mothers are qualified for home delivery? [2]

A. Pre term
B. 6th pregnancy
C. Has a history of hemorrhage last pregnancy
D. 2nd pregnancy, Has a history of 20 hours of labor last pregnancy.

79. Which of the following is not included on the 3 Cs of delivery? [2]

A. Clean Surface
B. Clean Hands
C. Clean Equipments
D. Clean Cord

80. Which of the following is unnecessary equipment to be included in the home delivery
kit? [4]

A. Boiled razor blade

B. 70% Isopropyl Alcohol
C. Flashlight
D. Rectal and oral thermometer

SITUATION : [NBLUE166] Pillar is admitted to the hospital with the following signs :
Contractions coming every 10 minutes, lasting 30 seconds and causing little discomfort.
Intact membranes without any bloody shows. Stable vital signs. FHR = 130bpm.
Examination reveals cervix is 3 cm dilated with vertex presenting at minus 1 station.

81. On the basis of the data provided above, You can conclude the pillar is in the [1]

A. In false labor
B. In the active phase of labor
C. In the latent phase of labor
D. In the transitional phase of labor

82. Pitocin drip is started on Pilar. Possible side effects of pitocin administration include all
of the following except [3]

A. Diuresis
B. Hypertension
C. Water intoxication
D. Cerebral hemorrhage

83. The normal range of FHR is approximately [3]

A. 90 to 140 bpm
B. 120 to 160 bpm
C. 100 to 140 bpm
D. 140 to 180 bpm

84. A negative 1 [-1] station means that [1]

A. Fetus is crowning
B. Fetus is floating
C. Fetus is engaged
D. Fetus is at the ischial spine

85. Which of the following is characteristics of false labor [1]

A. Bloody show
B. Contraction that are regular and increase in frequency and duration
C. Contraction are felt in the back and radiates towards the abdomen
D. None of the above

86. Who's Theory of labor pain that states that PAIN in labor is cause by FEAR [4]

A. Bradley
B. Simpson
C. Lamaze
D. Dick-Read

87. Which sign would alert the nurse that Pillar is entering the second stage of labor? [1]

A. Increase frequency and intensity of contraction

B. Perineum bulges and anal orifice dilates
C. Effacement of internal OS is 100%
D. Vulva encircles the largest diameter of presenting part

88. Nursing care during the second stage of labor should include [1]

A. Careful evaluation of prenatal history

B. Coach breathing, Bear down with each contraction and encourage patient.
C. Shave the perineum
D. Administer enema to the patient

SITUATION : [NBLUE170] Baby boy perez was delivered spontaneously following a term
pregnancy. Apgar scores are 8 and 9 respectively. Routine procedures are carried out.

89. When is the APGAR Score taken? [1]

A. Immediately after birth and at 30 minutes after birth
B. At 5 minutes after birth and at 30 minutes after birth
C. At 1 minute after birth and at 5 minutes after birth
D. Immediately after birth and at 5 minutes after birth

90. The best way to position a newboarn during the first week of life is to lay him [3]

A. Prone with head slightly elevated

B. On his back, flat
C. On his side with his head flat on bed
D. On his back with head slightly elevated

91. Baby boy perez has a large sebaceous glands on his nose, chin, and forehead. These are
known as [1]

A. Milia
B. Lanugo
C. Hemangiomas
D. Mongolian spots

92. Baby boy perez must be carefully observed for the first 24 hours for [2]

A. Respiratory distress
B. Duration of cry
C. Frequency of voiding
D. Range in body temperature

93. According to the WHO , when should the mother starts breastfeeding the infant? [4]

A. Within 30 minutes after birth

B. Within 12 hours after birth
C. Within a day after birth
D. After infant's condition stabilizes

94. What is the BEST and most accurate method of measuring the medication dosage for
infants and children? [3]

A. Weight
B. Height
C. Nomogram
D. Weight and Height

95. The first postpartum visit should be done by the mother within [4]

A. 24 hours
B. 3 days
C. a week
D. a month

96. The major cause of maternal mortality in the philippines is [3]

A. Infection
B. Hemorrhage
C. Hypertension
D. Other complications related to labor,delivery and puerperium

97. According to the WHO, what should be the composition of a commercialized Oral
rehydration salt solution? [4]

A. Potassium : 1.5 g. ; Sodium Bicarbonate 2.5g ; Sodium Chloride 3.5g; Glucose 20 g.

A. Potassium : 1.5 g. ; Sodium Bicarbonate 2.5g ; Sodium Chloride 3.5g; Glucose 10 g.
A. Potassium : 2.5 g. ; Sodium Bicarbonate 3.5g ; Sodium Chloride 4.5g; Glucose 20 g.
A. Potassium : 2.5 g. ; Sodium Bicarbonate 3.5g ; Sodium Chloride 4.5g; Glucose 10 g.
98. In preparing ORESOL at home, The correct composition recommnded by the DOH is [4]

A. 1 glass of water, 1 pinch of salt and 2 tsp of sugar

B. 1 glass of water, 2 pinch of salt and 2 tsp of sugar
C. 1 glass of water, 3 pinch of salt and 4 tsp of sugar
D. 1 glass of water, 1 pinch of salt and 1 tsp of sugar

99. Milk code is a law that prohibits milk commercialization or artificial feeding for up to 2
years. Which law provides its legal basis? [4]

A. Senate bill 1044

B. RA 7600
C. Presidential Proclamation 147
D. EO 51

100. A 40 year old mother in her third trimester should avoid [4]

A. Traveling
B. Climbing
C. Smoking
D. Exercising
SITUATION : [ND89] Aling Julia, a 32 year old fish vendor from baranggay matahimik came
to see you at the prenatal clinic. She brought with her all her three children. Maye, 1 year 6
months; Joy, 3 and Dan, 7 years old. She mentioned that she stopped taking oral
contraceptives several months ago and now suspects she is pregnant. She cannot
remember her LMP.

1. Which of the following would be useful in calculating Aling Julia's EDC? [3]

A. Appearance of linea negra

B. First FHT by fetoscope
C. Increase pulse rate
D. Presence of edema

* The answer of some people is A because they say linea negra appears at 2nd trimester.
Appearance of Linea negra is not the same with all women. Some will have it as early as
first trimester while other on the 2nd trimester. It is very subjective and non normative.

However, First FHT by fetoscope is UNIVERSAL and it is arbitrarily accepted that it starts at
the 4th month of gestation. Therefore, If I heard the First FHT by fetoscope, I can say that
Aling Julia's EDC is at 4th month and the EDC will be around 5 months from now.Pulse rate
and Edema will never suggest the estimated date of confinement nor age of gestation.

2. Which hormone is necessary for a positive pregnancy test? [1]

A. Progesterone
C. Estrogen
D. Placental Lactogen

* HCG is responsible for positive pregnancy test. But it is NOT a positive sign of pregnancy.
Only PROBABLE. Purpose of HCG is to maintain the secretion of progestrone by the corpus
luteum. It will deteriorate by 2nd trimester as the placenta resumes its funciton. HCG is also
use to stimulate descend of the testes in case of cryptorchidism or undescended testes.
HCG peaks at 10 weeks then decline for the rest of the pregnancy. Non pregnant females
will have less than 5 mIU/ml and can reach up to 100,000 mIU/ml in pregnant women. By
the way, undescended testes repair is done when the child is 1 year old according to
Lippinncots, the doctor will try to wait baka kasi bumaba pa before they do surgery.

3. With this pregnancy, Aling Julia is a [1]

A. P3 G3
B. Primigravida
C. P3 G4
D. P0 G3

* She has 3 children, so para 3. Since she is pregnant, this is her 4th gravida. Remember
that even if the pregancy is beyond the age of viability [ >7 months ] consider it as PARA
and not GRAVIDA as long as the baby is still inside the uterus. A common error of the old
nurses in a puericulture center where I dutied in is that they count the child inside the
mother's womb as GRAVIDA when it is greater than 7 months! [ kawawang nanay, mali na
ang home based mothers record mo ] I tried to correct it but they still INSISTED. I read
pillitteri thinking that I might be wrong nakakahiya naman... but I was right.

4. In explaining the development of her baby, you identified in chronological order of growth
of the fetus as it occurs in pregnancy as [1]

A. Ovum, embryo, zygote, fetus, infant

B. Zygote, ovum, embryo, fetus, infant
C. Ovum, zygote, embryo, fetus, infant
D. Zygote, ovum, fetus, embryo, infant

* The Ovum is the egg cell from the mother, the sperm will fertilize it to form a zygote. This
usually happens in the AMPULLA or the distal third of the fallopian tube. Hyalorunidase is
secreted by the sperm to dissolve the outer memberane of the ovum. The zygote now
containes 46 chromosomes. 23 from each germ cell. The zygote is now termed as an
embryo once it has been implanted. Implantation takes 3-4 days. When the embryo reach
8th weeks, it is now termed as a FETUS until it has been delivered and then, neonate then

5. Aling Julia states she is happy to be pregnant. Which behavior is elicited by her during
your assessment that would lead you to think she is stressed? [3]

A. She told you about her drunk husband

B. She states she has very meager income from selling
C. She laughs at every advise you give even when its not funny
D. She has difficulty following instructions

* Stressed is manifested in different ways and one of them, is difficulty following

instructions. Telling you that her husband is drunk and has meager income from selling is
not enough for you to conclude she is stressed. Assessment is always based on factual and
specific manifestations. A diagnosis is made from either ACTUAL or POTENTIAL/RISK
problems. A and B are both potential problems, but not actual like D. C is automatically
eliminated first because laughing is not indicative of stress.

6. When teaching Aling Julia about her pregnancy, you should include personal common
discomforts. Which of the following is an indication for prompt professional supervision? [2]

A. Constipation and hemorrhoids

B. Backache
C. Facial edema
D. frequent urination

*Facial edema is NOT NORMAL. Facial edema is one sign of MILD PRE ECLAMPSIA and
prompt professional supervision is needed to lower down the client's blood pressure. Blood
pressure in Mild Pre Eclampsia is around 140/90 and 160/110 in severe. Treatment involves
bed rest, Magnesium sulfate, Hydralazine, Diazoxide and Diazepam [ usually a combination
of Magsul + Apresoline [ Hydralazine ] ] Calcium gluconate is always at the client's bed side
when magnesium toxicity occurs. It works by exchanging Calcium ions for magnesium
ions. A,B and D are all physiologic change in pregnancy that do not need prompt
professional supervision. Frequent urination will disappear as soon as the pressure of the
uterus is released against the bladder and as soon as the client's blood volume has returned
to normal. Backache is a common complaint of women with an OCCIPUT POSTERIOR
presentation due to pressure on the back. Intervention includes pelvic rocking or running a
tennis ball at the client's back. Constipation and hemorrhoids are relieved by increasing fluid
intake and hot sitz bath.

7. Which of the following statements would be appropriate for you to include in Aling Julia's
prenatal teaching plan? [1]

A. Exercise is very tiresome, it should be avoided

B. Limit your food intake
C. Smoking has no harmful effect on the growth and development of fetus
D. Avoid unnecessary fatigue, rest periods should be included in you schedule

* Exercise is not avoided in pregnancy, therfore eliminate A. Food is never limited in

pregnancy. Calories are even increased by around 300 cal a day as well as vitamins and
minerals. Smoking, alcohol and drug use are avoided for the rest of the pregnancy because
of their harmful effects on the growth and development of the fetus. Rest period and
avoiding unecessary fatigue is one of the pillars in health teaching of the pregnant client.

8. The best advise you can give to Aling Julia regarding prevention of varicosities is [3]

A. Raise the legs while in upright position and put it against the wall several times a day
B. Lay flat for most hours of the day
C. Use garters with nylon stocking
D. Wear support hose

* A thigh high stocking or a support hose WORN BEFORE GETTING UP in the morning is
effective in prevention of varicosities. Stocking should have NO GARTERS because it
impedes blood flow, they should be made of COTTON not nylon to allow the skin to breathe.
Lying flat most of the day WILL PREVENT VARICOSITIES but will not be helpful for the
client's overall health and function. Raising the legs and putting it against the wall will still
create pressure in the legs.

9. In a 32 day menstrual cycle, ovulation usually occurs on the [2]

A. 14th day after menstruation

B. 18th day after menstruation
C. 20th day after menstruation
D. 24th day after menstruation

* To get the day of ovulation, A diary is made for around 6 months to determine the
number of days of menstrual cycle [ from onset of mens to the next onset of mens ] and
the average is taken from that cycles. 14 days are subtracted from the total days of the
menstrual cycle. This signifies the ovulation day. A couple would abstain having sex 5 days
before and 5 days after the ovulation day. Therefore, a 32 day cycle minus 14 days equals
18, hence... ovulation occurs at the 18th day.

10. Placenta is the organ that provides exchange of nutrients and waste products between
mother and fetus. This develops by [4]

A. First month
B. Third month
C. Fifth month
D. Seventh month

* The placenta is formed at around 3 months. It is a latin word for PANCAKE because of it's
appearance. It arises from the trophoblast from the chorionic villi and decidua basalis. It
functions as the fetal lungs, kidney, GI tract and an endocrine organ.

11. In evaluating the weight gain of Aling Julia, you know the minimum weight gain during
pregnancy is [3]

A. 2 lbs/wk
B. 5 lbs/wk
C. 7 lbs/wk
D. 10 lbs/wk

* Weight gain should be 1 to 2 lbs per week during the 2nd and 3rd trimester and 3 to 5 lbs
gain during the first trimester for a total of 25-35 lbs recommended weight gain during the
gravida state.

12. The more accurate method of measuring fundal height is [2]

A. Millimeter
B. Centimeter
C. Inches
D. Fingerbreadths

* Fundal height is measured in cm not mm. centimeters is the more accurate method of
measuring fundic height than inches or fingerbreadths.

13. To determine fetal position using Leopold's maneuvers, the first maneuver is to [1]

A. Determine degree of cephalic flexion and engagement

B. Determine part of fetus presenting into pelvis
C. Locate the back,arms and legs
D. Determine what part of fetus is in the fundus

* Leopold's one determines what is it in the fundus. This determines whether the fetal head
or breech is in the fundus. A head is round and hard. Breech is less well defined.

14. Aling julia has encouraged her husband to attend prenatal classes with her. During the
prenatal class, the couple expressed fear of pain during labor and delivery. The use of touch
and soothing voice often promotes comfort to the laboring patient. This physical
intervention is effective because [2]

A. Pain perception is interrupted

B. Gate control fibers are open
C. It distracts the client away from the pain
D. Empathy is communicated by a caring person

* Touch and soothing voice promotes pain distraction. Instead of thinking too much of the
pain in labor, The mother is diverted away from the pain sensation by the use of touch and
voice. Pain perception is not interrupted, pain is still present. When gate control fibers are
open, Pain is felt according to the gate control theory of pain. Although empathy is
communicated by the caring person, this is not the reason why touch and voice promotes
comfort to a laboring patient.

15. Which of the following could be considered as a positive sign of pregnancy ? [1]

A. Amenorrhea, nausea, vomiting

B. Frequency of urination
C. Braxton hicks contraction
D. Fetal outline by sonography

* Fetal outline by sonography or other imaging devices is considered a positive sign of

pregnancy along with the presence of fetal heart rate and movement felt by a qualified
examiner. All those signs with the discoverer's name on them [ chadwick, hegars, braxton
hicks, goodells ] are considered probable and All the physiologic changes brought about by
pregnancy like hyperpigmentation, fatgiue, uterine enlargement, nausea, vomiting, breast
changes, frequent urination are considered presumptive.

Sonographic evidence of the gestational sac is not POSITIVE sign but rather, PROBABLE.

SITUATION : [FFC] Maternal and child health is the program of the department of health
created to lessen the death of infants and mother in the philippines. [2]

16. What is the goal of this program?

A. Promote mother and infant health especially during the gravida stage
B. Training of local hilots
C. Direct supervision of midwives during home delivery
D. Health teaching to mother regarding proper newborn care

* The goal of the MCHN program of the DOH is the PROMOTION AND MAINTENANCE OF
goal, B,C and D are all carried out. Even without the knowledge of the MCHN goal you
SHOULD answer this question correctly. Remember that GOALS are your plans or things you
MUST ATTAIN while STRATEGIES are those that must be done [ ACTIONS ] to attain your

Looking at B,C and D they are all ACTIONS. Only A correctly followed the definition of a

17. One philosophy of the maternal and child health nursing is [1]

A. All pregnancy experiences are the same for all woman

B. Culture and religious practices have little effect on pregnancy of a woman
C. Pregnancy is a part of the life cycle but provides no meaning
D. The father is as important as the mother

* Knowing that not all individuals and pregnancy are the same for all women, you can safely
eliminate letter A. Personal, culture and religious attitudes influence the meaning of
pregnancy and that makes pregnancy unique for each individual. Culture and religious
practice have a great impact on pregnancy, eliminate B. Pregnancy is meaningful to each
individuals, not only the mother but also the father and the family and the father of the
child is as important as the mother. MATERNAL AND CHILD HEALTH IS FAMILY
CENTERED and thid will guide you in correctly answering D.
18. In maternal care, the PHN responsibility is [2]

A. To secure all information that would be needing in birth certificate

B. To protect the baby against tetanus neonatorum by immunizing the mother with DPT
C. To reach all pregnant woman
D. To assess nutritional status of existing children

* The sole objective of the MCHN of the DOH is to REACH ALL PREGNANT WOMEN AND
FULL TERM HEALTH BABY. As not to confuse this with the GOAL of the MCHN, The
OBJECTIVE should answer the GOAL, they are different. GOAL : to promote and maintain
optimum health for women and their newborn HOW? OBJECTIVE : By reaching all pregnant
women to give sufficient care ensuring healthy pregnancy and baby.

19. This is use when rendering prenatal care in the rural health unit. It serves as a guide in
Identification of risk factors [1]

A. Underfive clinic chart

B. Home based mother's record
C. Client list of mother under prenatal care
D. Target list of woman under TT vaccination

* The HBMR is used in rendring prenatal care as guide in identifying risk factors. It contains
health promotion message and information on the danger signs of pregnancy.

20. The schedule of prenatal visit in the RHU unit is [4]

A. Once from 1st up to 8th month, weekly on the 9th month

B. Twice in 1st and second trimester, weekly on third trimester
C. Once in each trimester, more frequent for those at risk
D. Frequent as possible to determine the presence of FHT each week

* Visit to the RHU should be ONCE each trimester and more frequent for those who are high
risks. The visit to the BHS or health center should be ONCE for 1st to 6th months of
pregnancy, TWICE for the 7th to 8th month and weekly during the 9th month. They are
different and are not to be confused with.

SITUATION : Knowledge of the menstrual cycle is important in maternal health nursing. The
following questions pertains to the process of menstruation

21. Menarche occurs during the pubertal period, Which of the following occurs first in the
development of female sex characteristics? [2]

A. Menarche
B. Accelerated Linear Growth
C. Breast development
D. Growth of pubic hair


the beginning of the breast development which is influenced by the increase in estrogen
level during puberty. Adrenarche is the development of axillary and pubic hair due to
androgen stimulation. Menarche is the onset of first menstruation that averagely occurs at
around 12 to 13 years old. Ovulation then occurs last. However, prior to TAMO, Accelerated
LINEAR GROWTH will occur first in GIRLS while WEIGHT INCREASE is the first one to occur
in boys.

22. Which gland is responsible for initiating the menstrual cycle? [3]

A. Ovaries
D. Hypothalamus

* Hypothalamus secretes many different hormones and one of them is the FSHRF or the
PITUITARY GLAND to secrete FSH that will stimulate the ovary to release egg and initiate
the menstrual cycle.

The PPG or the posterior pituitary only secretes two hormones : OXYTOCIN and ADH. It
plays an important factor in labor as well as in the pathophysiology of diabetes insipidus.

23. The hormone that stimulates the ovaries to produce estrogen is [1]


* FSH stimulates the ovaries to secrete estrogen. This hormone is a 3 substance compounds
known as estrone [e1], estradiol [2] and estriol [3] responsible for the development of
female secondary sex characteristics. It also stimulates the OOCYTES to mature. During
pregnancy, Estrogen is secreted by the placenta that stimulates uterine growth to
accomodate the fetus.

24. Which hormone stimulates oocyte maturation? [2]


* Refer to #23

25. When is the serum estrogen level highest in the menstrual cycle? [4]

A. 3rd day
B. 13th day
C. 14th day
D. End of menstrual cycle

* There are only 3 days to remember in terms of hormonal heights during pregnancy. 3,13
and 14. During the 3rd day, Serum estrogen is the lowest. During the 13th day, Serum
estrogen is at it's peak while progestrone is at it's lowest and this signifies that a mature
oocyte is ready for release. At 14th day, Progesterone will surge and this is the reason why
there is a sudden increase of temperature during the ovulation day and sudden drop during
the previous day. This will not stimulate the release of the mature egg or what we call,

26. To correctly determine the day of ovulation, the nurse must [2]

A. Deduct 14 days at the mid of the cycle

B. Subtract two weeks at cycle's end
C. Add 7 days from mid of the cycle
D. Add 14 days from the end of the cycle

* Refer to # 9

Big thanks to marisse for the correction in this number.

27. The serum progesterone is lowest during what day of the menstrual cycle? [4]

A. 3rd day
B. 13th day
C. 14th day
D. End of menstrual cycle

* At 3rd day, The serum estrogen is at it's lowest. At the 13th day, serum estrogen is at it's
peak while progesterone is at it's lowest. At the 13th day of the cycle, An available matured
ovum is ready for fertilization and implantation. The slight sharp drop of temperature occurs
during this time due to the very low progestrone level. The next day, 14th day, The serum
progestrone sharply rises and this causes the release of the matured ovum. Temperature
also rises at this point because of the sudden increase in the progestrone level.

28. How much blood is loss on the average during menstrual period? [4]

A. Half cup
B. 4 tablespoon
C. 3 ounces
D. 1/3 cup

* The average blood loss during pregnancy is 60 cc. A, half cup is equivalent to 120 cc. C, is
equivalent to 90 cc while D, is equivalent to 80 cc. 1 tablespoon is equal to 15 ml. 4
tablespoon is exactly 60 cc.

29. Menstruation occurs because of which following mechanism? [2]

A. Increase level of estrogen and progesterone level

B. Degeneration of the corpus luteum
C. Increase vascularity of the endothelium
D. Surge of hormone progesterone

* Degeneration of the corpus luteum is the cause of menstruation. Menstruation occurs

because of the decrease of both estrogen and progestrone. This is caused by the regression
of the corpus luteum inside the ovary 8 to 10 days in absence of fertilization after an ovum
was released. With the absence of progestrone, the endometrium degenerates and
therefore, vascularity will decrease at approximately 25th day of the cycle which causes the
external manifestation of menstruation.

30. If the menstrual cycle of a woman is 35 day cycle, she will approximately [2]

A. Ovulate on the 21st day with fertile days beginning on the 16th day to the 26th
day of her cycle
B. Ovulate on the 21st day with fertile days beginning on the 16th day to the 21th day of
her cycle
C. Ovulate on the 22st day with fertile days beginning on the 16th day to the 26th day of
her cycle
D. Ovulate on the 22st day with fertile days beginning on the 14th day to the 30th day of
her cycle

* Formula for getting the fertile days and ovulation day is : Number of days of cycle MINUS
14 [ Ovulation day ] Minus 5 Plus 5 [ Possible fertile days ].

Since the client has a 35 day cycle, we subtract 14 days to get the ovulation day which is
21. Minus 5 days is equal to [21 - 5 = 16 ] 16 , Plus 5 days [ 21 + 5 = 26 ] is equal to 26.
Therefore, Client is fertile during the 16th to the 26th day of her cycle. This is the same
principle and formula used in the calendar / rhythm method.

SITUATION : Wide knowledge about different diagnostic tests during pregnancy is an

essential arsenal for a nurse to be successful.

31. The Biparietal diameter of a fetus is considered matured if it is atleast [4]

A. 9.8 cm
B. 8.5 cm
C. 7.5 cm
D. 6 cm

* BPD is considered matured at 8.5 cm and at term when it reaches 9.6 cm.

32. Quickening is experienced first by multigravida clients. At what week of gestation do

they start to experience quickening? [4]
A. 16th
B. 20th
C. 24th
D. 28th

* Multigravid clients experience quickening at around 16 weeks or 4 months. Primigravid

clients experience this 1 month later, at the 5th month or 20th week.

33. Before the start of a non stress test, The FHR is 120 BPM. The mother ate the snack and
the practitioner noticed an increase from 120 BPM to 135 BPM for 15 seconds. How would
you read the result? [3]

A. Abnormal
B. Non reactive
C. Reactive
D. Inconclusive, needs repeat

* Normal non stress test result is REACTIVE. Non stress test is a diagnostic procedure in
which the FHR is compared with the child's movement. A normal result is an increase of 15
BPM sustained for 15 seconds at every fetal movement. The mother is told to eat a light
snack during the procedure while the examiner carefully monitors the FHR. The mother will
tell the examiner that she felt a movement as soon as she feels it while the examiner take
note of the time and the FHR of the fetus.

34. When should the nurse expect to hear the FHR using a fetoscope? [4]

A. 2nd week
B. 8th week
C. 2nd month
D. 4th month

* The FHR is heard at about 4 months using a fetoscope. Remember the word FeFOUR to
relate fetoscope to four.

35. When should the nurse expect to hear FHR using doppler Ultrasound? [4]

A. 8th week
B. 8th month
C. 2nd week
D. 4th month

* The FHR is heard as early as 8th week [ some books, 12 to 14 weeks ] using doppler
ultrasound. Remember the word DOPPLE RATE, [ DOPPLER 8 ] to relate dopple ultrasound
to the number 8.

36. The mother asks, What does it means if her maternal serum alpha feto protein is 35
ng/ml? The nurse should answer [4]

A. It is normal
B. It is not normal
C. 35 ng/ml indicates chromosomal abberation
D. 35 ng/ml indicates neural tube defect

* The normal maternal alpha feto protein is 38-45 ng/ml. Less 38 than this indicates
CHROMOSOMAL ABBERATION [Down,Klinefelters] and more than 45 means NEURAL TUBE
DEFECTS [Spina Bifida]. Remember the word CLINICAL NURSE. C for chromosomal
abberation for <38>N for neural tube defect for >45. C<38>45 Clinic Nurse.

CLINIC NURSE is also an important mnemonics to differentiate COUNTER

TRANSFERENCE from TRANSFERENCE. Counter transference is the special feeling of the
CLINIC NURSE or CLINICIAN to the patient while transference is the development of
personal feelings of the patient to the nurse.

37. Which of the following mothers needs RHOGAM? [1]

A. RH + mother who delivered an RH - fetus
B. RH - mother who delivered an RH + fetus
C. RH + mother who delivered an RH + fetus
D. RH - mother who delivered an RH - fetus

* Rhogam is given to RH - Mothers That delivers an RH + Fetus. Rhogam prevents

ISOIMMUNIZATION or the development of maternal antibodies against the fetal blood due
to RH incompatibility. Once the mother already develops an antibody against the fetus,
Rhogam will not anymore be benificial and the mother is advised no to have anymore
pregnancies. Rhogam is given within 72 hours after delivery.

38. Which family planning method is recommended by the department of health more than
any other means of contraception? [4]

A. Fertility Awareness Method

B. Condom
C. Tubal Ligation
D. Abstinence

* Abstinence is never advocated as a family planning method. Though, It is probably the

BEST METHOD to prevent STD and pregnancy, it is inhumane and supresses the
reproductive rights of the people. It is also unrealistic. FAM is advocated by the DOH more
than any other kind of contraception. It is a combination of symptothermal and billings
method. CALENDAR method is the only method advocated by the catholic church.

39. How much booster dose does tetanus toxoid vaccination for pregnant women has? [4]

A. 2
B. 5
C. 3
D. 4

* TT1 and TT2 are both primary dosages. While TT3 up to TT5 represents the booster

40. Baranggay has 70,000 population. How much nurse is needed to service
this population? [4]

A. 5
B. 7
C. 50
D. 70

* For every 10,000 population , 1 nurse is needed. therefore, a population of 70,000 people
needs a service of 7 nurses.

SITUATION : [ND2I246] Reproductive health is the exercise of reproductive right with

responsibility. A married couple has the responsibility to reproduce and procreate.

41. Which of the following is ONE of the goals of the reproductive health concept? [3]

A. To achieve healthy sexual development and maturation

B. To prevent specific RH problem through counseling
C. Provide care, treatment and rehabilitation
D. To practice RH as a way of life of every man and woman

* EVERY ACHIEVER AVOIDS RECEIVER : Remember this mnemonics and it will guide
you in differentiating which is which from the goals, visions and strategies. If a sentence
begins with these words, it is automatically a GOAL. Usually, The trend in the board is that
they will mix up the vision, strategies and goals to confuse you. D is the only vision of the
RH program. Anything else aside from the vision and goals are more likely strategies.
[ B and C ]

Strategies, even without knowing them or memorizing them can easily be seperated as they
convey ACTIONS and ACTUAL INTERVENTIONS. This is universal and also applies to other
DOH programs. Notice that B and C convey actions and interventions.

42. Which of the following is NOT an element of the reproductive health? [4]

A. Maternal and child health and nutrition

B. Family planning
C. Prevention and management of abortion complication
D. Healthy sexual development and nutrition

* Achieving healthy sexual development and nutrition is a GOAL of the RH. Knowledge of
the elements, goals, strategies and vision of RH are important in answering this question. I
removed the word ACHIEVE to let you know that it is possible for the board of nursing not
to include those keywords [ although it never happened as of yet ].

43. In the international framework of RH, which one of the following is the ultimate goal?

A. Women's health in reproduction

B. Attainment of optimum health
C. Achievement of women's status
D. Quality of life

* Quality of life is the ultimate goal of the RH in the international framework. Way of life is
the ultimate goal of RH in the local framework.

44. Which one of the following is a determinant of RH affecting woman's ability to

participate in social affairs? [3]

A. Gender issues
B. Socio-Economic condition
C. Cultural and psychosocial factors
D. Status of women

* This is an actual board question, Gender issues affects the women participation in the
social affairs. Socio economic condition is the determinant for education, employment,
poverty, nutrition, living condition and family environment. Status of women evolves in
women's rights. Cultural and psychosocial factors refers to the norms, behaviors,
orientation, values and culture. Refer to your DOH manual to read more about this.

45. In the philippine RH Framework. which major factor affects RH status? [4]

A. Women's lower level of literacy

B. Health service delivery mechanism
C. Poor living conditions lead to illness
D. Commercial sex workers are exposed to AIDS/STD.

* Health services delivery mechanism is the major factor that affect RH status. Other factors
are women's behavior, Sanitation and water supply, Employment and working conditions

46. Which determinant of reproductive health advocates nutrition for better health
promotion and maintain a healthful life? [4]

A. Socio-Economic conditions
B. Status of women
C. Social and gender issues
D. Biological, Cultural and Psychosocial factors

* Refer to # 44

47. Which of the following is NOT a strategy of RH? [3]

A. Increase and improve contraceptive methods

B. Achieve reproductive intentions
C. Care provision focused on people with RH problems
D. Prevent specific RH problem through information dessemination

* Refer to #41

48. Which of the following is NOT a goal of RH? [3]

A. Achieve healthy sexual development and maturation

B. Avoid illness/diseases, injuries, disabilities related to sexuality and reproduction
C. Receive appropriate counseling and care of RH problems
D. Strengthen outreach activities and the referral system

* Refer to #41

49. What is the VISION of the RH? [2]


B. Practice RH as a WAY OF LIFE
C. Prevent specific RH problem
D. Health in the hands of the filipino

* Refer to #43

SITUATION : [SORANGE19] Baby G, a 6 hours old newborn is admitted to the NICU because
of low APGAR Score. His mother had a prolonged second stage of labor

50. Which of the following is the most important concept associated with all high risk
newborn? [1]

A. Support the high-risk newborn's cardiopulmonary adaptation by maintaining

adequate airway
B. Identify complications with early intervention in the high risk newborn to reduce
morbidity and mortality
C. Assess the high risk newborn for any physical complications that will assist the parent
with bonding
D. Support mother and significant others in their request toward adaptation to the high risk

* The 3 major and initial and immediate needs of newborns both normal and high risks
are AIR/BREATHING, CIRCULATION and TEMPERATURE. C and D are both eliminated
because they do not address the immediate newborn needs. Identifying complication with
early intervention is important, however, this does not address the IMMEDIATE and MOST
IMPORTANT newborn needs.

51. Which of the following would the nurse expect to find in a newborn with birth asphyxia?

A. Hyperoxemia
B. Acidosis
C. Hypocapnia
D. Ketosis

* Birth Asphyxia is a term used to describe the inability of an infant to maintain an

adequate respiration within 1 minute after birth that leads so acidosis, hypoxia, hypoxemia
and tissue anoxia. This results to Hypercapnia not Hypocapnia due to the increase in
carbonic acid concentration in the fetal circulation because the carbon dioxide fails to get
eliminated from the infant's lungs because of inadequate respiration. Ketosis is the presence
of ketones in the body because of excessive fat metabolism. This is seen in diabetic

52. When planning and implementing care for the newborn that has been successfully
resuscitated, which of the following would be important to assess? [1]

A. Muscle flaccidity
B. Hypoglycemia
C. Decreased intracranial pressure
D. Spontaneous respiration

* There is no need to assess for spontaneous respiration because OF the

word SUCCESSFULLY RESUSCITATED. What is it to assess is the quality and quantity of
respiration. Infants who undergone tremendous physical challenges during birth like
asphyxia, prolonged labor, RDS are all high risk for developing hypoglycemia because of the
severe depletion of glucose stores to sustain the demands of the body during those
demanding times.

SITUATION : [P-I/46] Nurses should be aware of the different reproductive problems.

53. When is the best time to achieve pregnancy? [2]

A. Midway between periods

B. Immediately after menses end
C. 14 days before the next period is expected
D. 14 days after the beginning of the next period

* The best time to achieve pregnancy is during the ovulation period which is about 14 days
before the next period is expected. A Menstrual cycle is defined as the number of days from
the start of the menstruation period, up to the start of another menstrual period. To obtain
the ovulation day, Subtract 14 days from the end of each cycle.

Example, The start of the menstrual flow was July 12, 2006. The next flow was experienced
August 11, 2006. The length of the menstrual cycle is then 30 days [ August 11 minus July
12 ]. We then subtract 14 days from that total length of the cycle and that will give us 16
days [ 30 minus 14 ] Count 16 days from July 12, 2006 and that will give us July 28, 2006
as the day of ovulation. [ July 12 + 16 days ] This is the best time for coitus if the intention
is getting pregnant, worst time if not.

54. A factor in infertility maybe related to the PH of the vaginal canal. A medication that is
ordered to alter the vaginal PH is: [2]

A. Estrogen therapy
B. Sulfur insufflations
C. Lactic acid douches
D. Na HCO3 Douches

* Sperm is innately ALKALINE. Too much acidity is the only PH alteration in the vagina that
can kill sperm cells. Knowing this will direct you to answering letter D. Sodium Bicarbonate
douches will make the vagina less acidic because of it's alkaline property, making the
vagina's environment more conducive and tolerating to the sperm cells. Estrogen therapy
will not alter the PH of the vaginal canal. HRT [ Hormone replacement therapy ] is now
feared by many women because of the high risk in acquiring breast, uterine and cervical
cancer. Research on this was even halted because of the significant risk on the sample
population. Lactic acid douches will make the vagina more acidic, further making the
environment hostile to the alkaline sperm. Sulfur insufflation is a procedure used to treat
vaginal infections. A tube is inserted in the vagina and sulfur is introduced to the body. The
yeasts, fungi and other microorganisms that are sensitive to sulfur are all immediately killed
by it on contact.

55. A diagnostic test used to evaluate fertility is the postcoital test. It is best timed [2]

A. 1 week after ovulation

B. Immediately after menses
C. Just before the next menstrual period
D. Within 1 to 2 days of presumed ovulation

* A poscoital test evaluates both ovulation detection and sperm analysis. When the woman
ovulates [ by using the FAM method or commercial ovulation detection kits, woman should
know she ovulates ] The couple should have coitus and then, the woman will go to the clinic
within 2 to 8 hours after coitus. The woman is put on a lithotomy position. A specimen for
cervical mucus is taken and examined for spinnbarkeit [ ability to stretch 15 cm before
breaking ] and sperm count. Postcoital test is now considered obsolete because a single
sperm and cervical mucus analysis provides more accurate data.
56. A tubal insufflation test is done to determine whether there is a tubal obstruction.
Infertility caused by a defect in the tube is most often related to a [3]

A. Past infection
B. Fibroid Tumor
C. Congenital Anomaly
D. Previous injury to a tube

* PID [ Most common cause of tubal obstruction ] due to untreated gonorrhea, chlamydia or
other infections that leads to chronic salphingitis often leads to scarring of the fallopian tube
thereby causing tubal obstuction. This one of the common cause of infertility, the most
common is Anovulation in female and low sperm count in males. A ruptured appendix,
peritonitis and abdominal surgery that leads to infection and adhesion of the fallopian tube
can also lead to tubal obstruction.

57. Which test is commonly used to determine the number, motility and activity of sperm is
the [2]

A. Rubin test
B. Huhner test
C. Friedman test
D. Papanicolau test

* Huhner test is synonymous to postcoital test. This test evaluates the number, motility and
status of the sperm cells in the cervical mucus. refer to # 55 for more information. Rubin
test is a test to determine the tubal patency by introducing carbon dioxide gas via a cannula
to the client's cervix. The sound is then auscultated in the client's abdomen at the point
where the outer end of the fallopian tube is located, near the fimbriae. Absent of sound
means that the tube is not patent. Friedman test involves a FROG to determine pregnancy
that is why it is also called as FROG TEST. Papanicolaou test [Correct spelling], discovered
by Dr. George Papanicolaou during the 1930's is a cytolgic examination of the epithelial
lining of the cervix. It is important in diagnosis cervical cancer.

58. In the female, Evaluation of the pelvic organs of reproduction is accomplished by [2]

A. Biopsy
B. Cystoscopy
C. Culdoscopy
D. Hysterosalpingogram

* Biopsy is acquiring a sample tissue for cytological examination. Usually done in cancer
grading or detecting atypical, abnormal and neoplastic cells. Cystoscopy is the visualization
of the bladder using a cystoscope. This is inserted via the urethra. TURP or the transurethral
resection of the prostate is frequently done via cystoscopy to remove the need for incision
in resecting the enlarged prostate in BPH. Culdoscopy is the insertion of the culdoscope
through the posterior vaginal wall between the rectum and uterus to visualize the douglas
cul de sac. This is an important landmark because this is the lowest point in the pelvis, fluid
or blood tends to collect in this place. Hysterosalpingogram is the injection of a blue dye, or
any radio opaque material through the cervix under pressure. X ray is then taken to
visualize the pelvic organs. This is done only after menstruation to prevent reflux of the
menstrual discharge up into the fallopian tube and to prevent an accidental irradiation of the
zygote. As usual, as with all other procedures that ends in GRAM, assess for iodine allergy.

59. When is the fetal weight gain greatest? [3]

A. 1st trimester
B. 2nd trimester
C. 3rd trimester
D. from 4th week up to 16th week of pregnancy

* Vital organs are formed during the first trimester, The greatest LENGTH gain occurs
during the second trimester while the greatest weight gain occurs during the last trimester.
This is the time when brown fats starts to be deposited in preparation for the upcoming
60. In fetal blood vessel, where is the oxygen content highest? [3]

A. Umbilical artery
B. Ductus Venosus
C. Ductus areteriosus
D. Pulmonary artery

* Ductus venosus is directly connected to the umbilical vein, Which is directly connected to
the highly oxygenated placenta. This vessel supplies blood to the fetal liver. Umbilical
arteries carries UNOXYGENATED BLOOD, they carry the blood away from the fetal body.
Ductus arteriosus shunts the blood away from the fetal lungs, this carries an oxygenated
blood but not as concentrated as the blood in the ductus venosus who have not yet service
any of the fetal organ for oxygen except the liver. Knowing that the fetal lungs is not yet
functional and expanded will guide you to automatically eliminate the pulmonary artery
which is responsible for carrying UNOXYGENATED BLOOD away from the lungs.

61. The nurse is caring for a woman in labor. The woman is irritable, complains of nausea
and vomits and has heavier show. The membranes rupture. The nurse understands that this
indicates [1]

A. The woman is in transition stage of labor

B. The woman is having a complication and the doctor should be notified
C. Labor is slowing down and the woman may need oxytocin
D. The woman is emotionally distraught and needs assistance in dealing with labor

* The clue to the answer is MEMBRANES RUPTURE. Membranes, as a rule, rupture at full
dilation [ 10 cm ] unless ruptured by amniotomy or ruptured at an earlier time. The last of
the mucus plug from the cervix is also released during the transition phase of labor. We call
that the OPERCULUM as signaled by a HEAVIER SHOW. During the transition phase,
Cervix is dilated at around 8 to 10 cm and contractions reaches their peak of intensity
occuring every 2 to 3 minutes with a 60 to 90 second duration.

At the transition phase, woman also experiences nausea and vomiting with intense pain.
This question is LIFTED from the previous board and the question was patterned EXACTLY
WORD PER WORD from pillitteri.

SITUATION : [J2I246] Katherine, a 32 year old primigravida at 39-40 weeks AOG was
admitted to the labor room due to hypogastric and lumbo-sacral pains. IE revealed a fully
dilated, fully effaced cervix. Station 0.

62. She is immediately transferred to the DR table. Which of the following conditions signify
that delivery is near? [2]

I - A desire to defecate
II - Begins to bear down with uterine contraction
III - Perineum bulges
IV - Uterine contraction occur 2-3 minutes intervals at 50 seconds duration


* Again, lifted word per word from Pillitteri and this is from the NLE. A is the right answer. A
woman near labor experiences desire to defecate because of the pressure of the fetal head
that forces the stool out from the anus. She cannot help but bear down with each of the
contractions and as crowning occurs, The perineum bulges. A woman with a 50 second
contraction is still at the ACTIVE PHASE labor [ 40 to 60 seconds duration, 3 to 5 minutes
interval ] Women who are about to give birth experience 60-90 seconds contraction
occuring at 2-3 minutes interval.

63. Artificial rupture of the membrane is done. Which of the following nursing diagnoses is
the priority? [2]
A. High risk for infection related to membrane rupture
B. Potential for injury related to prolapse cord
C. Alteration in comfort related to increasing strength of uterine contraction
D. Anxiety related to unfamiliar procedure

* Nursing diagnosis is frequently ask. In any case that INFECTION was one of the choices,
remove it as soon as you see it in ALL CASES during the intra and pre operative nursing
care. Infection will only occur after 48 hours of operation or event. B is much more
immediate and more likely to occur than A, and is much more FATAL. Prioritization and
Appropriateness is the key in correctly answering this question. High risk for infection is an
appropriate nursing diagnosis, but as I said, Infection will occur in much later time and not
as immediate as B. Readily remove D and C because physiologic needs of the mother and
fetus take precedence over comfort measures and psychosocial needs.

64. Katherine complains of severe abdominal pain and back pain during contraction. Which
two of the following measures will be MOST effective in reducing pain? [4]

I - Rubbing the back with a tennis ball

II- Effleurage
IV-Breathing techniques


* Remove B. Imagery is not used in severe pain. This is a labor pain and the mother will
never try to imagine a nice and beautiful scenery with you at this point because the pain is
all encompassing and severe during the transition phase of labor. Remove A and C Because
breathing techniques is not a method to ELIMINATE PAIN but a method to reduce anxiety,
improve pushing and prevent rapid expulsion of the fetus during crowning [ By PANTING ]

Back pain is so severe during labor in cases of Posterior presentations [ ROP,LOP,RMP,LSaP,

etc... ] Mother is asked to pull her knees towards her chest and rock her back. [ As in a
rocking chair ] A Tennis ball rubbed at the client's back can relieve the pain due to the
pressure of the presenting part on the posterior part of the birth canal. Also, rubbing a
tennis ball to the client's back OPENS THE LARGE FIBER NERVE GATE. Effleurage or a simple
rotational massage on the abdomen simply relieves the client's pain by opening the large
fiber nerve gate and closing the the small fiber nerve gate. [ Please read about Gate control
theory by Mezack and Wall ].

65. Lumbar epidural anesthesia is administered. Which of the following nursing

responsibilities should be done immediately following procedure? [1]

A. Reposition from side to side

B. Administer oxygen
C. Increase IV fluid as indicated
D. Assess for maternal hypotension

* Hypotension is one of the side effects of an epidural anesthesia. An epidural anesthesia is

injected on the L3 - L4 or L4 - L5 area. The injection lies just above the dura and must not
cross the dura [ spinal anesthesia crosses the dura ]. Nursing intervention revolves in
assesing RR, BP and other vital signs for possible complication and side effects. There is no
need to position the client from side to side, The preferred position during the transition
phase of labor is LITHOTOMY. Oxygen is not specific after administration of an epidural
anesthesia. IV fluid is not increased without doctor's order. AS INDICATED is different

66. Which is NOT the drug of choice for epidural anesthesia? [4]

A. Sensorcaine
B. Xylocaine
C. Ephedrine
D. Marcaine
* A,B and D are all drugs of choice for epidural anesthesia. Ephedrine is the drug use to
reverse the symptom of hypotension caused by epidural anesthesia. It is a
sympathomimetic agent that causes vasoconstriction, bronchodilation [ in asthma ] and can
increase the amount of energy and alertness. Ephedrine is somewhat similar to epinephrine
in terms of action as well as it's adverse effects of urinary retention, tremor,
hypersalivation, dyspnea, tachycardia, hypertension.

SITUATION : [SORANGE217] Alpha, a 24 year old G4P3 at full term gestation is brought to
the ER after a gush of fluid passes through here vagina while doing her holiday shopping.

67. She is brought to the triage unit. The FHT is noted to be 114 bpm. Which of the
following actions should the nurse do first? [2]

A. Monitor FHT ever 15 minutes

B. Administer oxygen inhalation
C. Ask the charge nurse to notify the Obstetrician
D. Place her on the left lateral position

* Remove A. A FHR of 114 bpm is 6 beats below normal. Though monitoring is continuous
and appropriate, This is not your immediate action. B, Oxygen inhalation needs doctor's
order and therefore, is a DEPENDENT nursing action and won't be your first option. Although
administration of oxygen by the nurse is allowed when given at the lowest setting during
emergency situation. C is appropriate, but should not be your IMMEDIATE action. The best
action is to place the client on the LEFT LATERAL POSITION to decrease the pressure in the
inferior vena cava [ by the gravid uterus ] thereby increasing venus return and giving an
adequate perfusion to the fetus. Your next action is to call and notify the obstetrician.
Remember to look for an independent nursing action first before trying to call the physician.

68. The nurse checks the perineum of alpha. Which of the following characteristic of the
amniotic fluid would cause an alarm to the nurse? [1]

A. Greenish
B. Scantly
C. Colorless
D. Blood tinged

* A greenish amniotic fluid heralds fetal distress not unless the fetus is in breech
presentation and pressure is present on the bowel. Other color that a nurse should
thoroughly evaluate are : Tea colored or strong yellow color that indicates hemolytic anemia
, as in RH incompatibility.

69. Alpha asks the nurse. "Why do I have to be on complete bed rest? I am not comfortable
in this position." Which of the following response of the nurse is most appropriate? [3]

A. Keeping you on bed rest will prevent possible cord prolapse

B. Completed bed rest will prevent more amniotic fluid to escape
C. You need to save your energy so you will be strong enough to push later
D. Let us ask your obstetrician when she returns to check on you

* Once the membrane ruptures, as in the situation of alpha, The immediate and most
appropriate nursing diagnosis is risk for injury related to cord prolapse. Keeping the client
on bed rest is one of the best intervention in preventing cord prolapse. Other interventions
are putting the client in a modified T position or Kneed chest position. Once the amniotic
fluid escapes, It is allowed to escape. Although bed rest does saves energy, It is not the
most appropriate response why bed rest is prescribed after membranes have ruptured. Not
answering the client's question now will promote distrust and increase client's anxiety. It
will also make the client think that the nurse is incompetent for not knowing the answer.

70. Alpha wants to know how many fetal movements per hour is normal, the correct
response is [4]

A. Twice
B. Thrice
C. Four times
D. 10-12 times

* According to Sandovsky, To count for the fetal movement, Mother is put on her LEFT SIDE
to decrease placental insufficiency. This is usually done after meals. The mother is asked to
record the number of fetal movements per hour. A fetus moves Twice every 10 minutes and
10 to 12 times times an hour.

In SIA'S Book, She answered this question with letter B. But according to Pillitteri, A
movement fewer than 5 in an hour is to be reported to the health care provider. The Board
examiners uses Pillitteri as their reference and WORD PER WORD, Their question are
answered directly from the Pillitteri book. 10-12 times according to Pillitteri, is the normal
fetal movement per minute.

71. Upon examination by the obstetrician, he charted that Alpha is in the early stage of
labor. Which of the following is true in this state? [1]

A. Self-focused
B. Effacement is 100%
C. Last for 2 hours
D. Cervical dilation 1-3 cm

* The earliest phase of labor is the first stage of labor : latent phase characterized by a
cervical dilation of 0-3 cm, Mild contraction lasting for 20 to 40 seconds. This lasts
approximately 6 hours in primis and 4.5 hours in multis. C is the characteristic of ACTIVE
PHASE of labor, Characterized by a cervical dilation of 4-7 cm and contractions of 40 to 60
seconds. This phase lasts at around 3 hours in primis and 2 hours in multis. Effacement of
100% is a characteristic of the TRANSITION PHASE as well as being self focused.

SITUATION : Maternal and child health nursing a core concept of providing health in the
community. Mastery of MCH Nursing is a quality all nurse should possess.

72. When should be the 2nd visit of a pregnant mother to the RHU? [2]

A. Before getting pregnant

B. As early in pregnancy
C. Second trimester
D. Third trimester

* Visit to the RHU are once every trimester and more frequent for those women at risk. Visit
to the health center is once during the 0-6th month of pregnancy, twice during the 7th-8th
month and weekly at the last trimester.

73. Which of the following is NOT a standard prenatal physical examination? [1]

A. Neck examination for goiter

B. Examination of the palms of the hands for pallor
C. Edema examination of the face hands, and lower extremeties
D. Examination of the legs for varicosities

74. Which of the following is NOT a basic prenatal service delivery done in the BHS? [2]

A. Oral / Dental check up

B. Laboratory examination
C. Treatment of diseases
D. Iron supplementation

* A is done at the RHU not in BHS.

75. How many days and how much dosage will the IRON supplementation be taken? [4]

A. 365 days / 300 mg

B. 210 days / 200 mg
C. 100 days/ 100mg
D. 50 days / 50 mg

* Iron supplementation is taken for 210 days starting at the 5th month of pregnancy up to
2nd month post partum. Dosage can range from 100 to 200 mg.

76. When should the iron supplementation starts and when should it ends? [4]

A. 5th month of pregnancy to 2nd month post partum

B. 1st month of pregnancy to 5th month post partum
C. As early in pregnancy up to 9th month of pregnancy
D. From 1st trimester up to 6 weeks post partum

* Refer to #75

77. In malaria infested area, how is chloroquine given to pregnant women? [4]

A. 300 mg / twice a month for 9 months

B. 200 mg / once a week for 5 months
C. 150 mg / twice a week for the duration of pregnancy
D. 100 mg / twice a week for the last trimester of pregnancy

* Always remember that chloroquine is given twice a week for the whole duration of
pregnancy. This knowledge alone will lead you to correctly identifying letter C.

78. Which of the following mothers are qualified for home delivery? [2]

A. Pre term
B. 6th pregnancy
C. Has a history of hemorrhage last pregnancy
D. 2nd pregnancy, Has a history of 20 hours of labor last pregnancy.

* Knowing that a preterm mother is not qualified for home delivery will help you
eliminate A. History of complications like bleeding, CPD, Eclampsia and diseases like TB,
CVD, Anemia also nulls this qualification. A qualified woman for home delivery should only
had less than 5 pregnancies. More than 5 disqualifies her from home delivery. High risk
length of labor for primigravidas ls more than 24 hours and for multigravidas, it is more
than 12 hours. Knowing this will allow you to choose D.

79. Which of the following is not included on the 3 Cs of delivery? [2]

A. Clean Surface
B. Clean Hands
C. Clean Equipments
D. Clean Cord

* 3 Cs of delivery are CLEAN SURFACE,HANDS AND CORD. " Kinamay ni Cordapya ang
labada gamit ang Surf - Budek "

80. Which of the following is unnecessary equipment to be included in the home delivery
kit? [4]

A. Boiled razor blade

B. 70% Isopropyl Alcohol
C. Flashlight
D. Rectal and oral thermometer

* Home delivery kit should contain the following : Clamps, Scissors, Blade, Antiseptic, Soap
and hand brush, Bp app, Clean towel or cloth and Flashlight.

Optional equipments include : Plastic sheet, Suction bulb, Weighing scale, Ophthalmic
ointment, Nail cutter, Sterile gloves, Rectal and oral thermometers.
SITUATION : [NBLUE166] Pillar is admitted to the hospital with the following signs :
Contractions coming every 10 minutes, lasting 30 seconds and causing little discomfort.
Intact membranes without any bloody shows. Stable vital signs. FHR = 130bpm.
Examination reveals cervix is 3 cm dilated with vertex presenting at minus 1 station.

81. On the basis of the data provided above, You can conclude the pillar is in the [1]

A. In false labor
B. In the active phase of labor
C. In the latent phase of labor
D. In the transitional phase of labor

* Refer to #71

82. Pitocin drip is started on Pilar. Possible side effects of pitocin administration include all
of the following except [3]

A. Diuresis
B. Hypertension
C. Water intoxication
D. Cerebral hemorrhage

* Oxytocin [ Pitocin ] is a synthetic form of hormone naturally released by the PPG. It is

used to augment labor and delivery. Dosage is about 1 to 2 milli units per minute and this
can be doubled until the desired contraction is met. Side effects are Water intoxication,
Diuresis, Hypertonicity of the uterus, Uterine rupture, Precipitated labor, Walang
kamatayang Nausea and Vomiting and Fetal bradycardia. Diuresis occurs because of
water intoxication, The kidney will try to compensate to balance the fluid in the body.

NEVER give pitocin when FHR is below 120. Even without knowing anything about Pitocin, A
cerebral hemorrhage is LETHAL and DAMAGE IS IRREVERSIBLE and if this is a side
effect of a drug, I do not think that FDA or BFAD will approve it.

83. The normal range of FHR is approximately [3]

A. 90 to 140 bpm
B. 120 to 160 bpm
C. 100 to 140 bpm
D. 140 to 180 bpm

* A normal fetal heart rate is 120-160 bpm.

84. A negative 1 [-1] station means that [1]

A. Fetus is crowning
B. Fetus is floating
C. Fetus is engaged
D. Fetus is at the ischial spine

* At the negative station, The fetus is not yet engaged and floating. At 0 station, it means
that the fetus is engaged to the ischial spine. Crowning occurs when the fetus is at the
+3,+4 Station. Stations signifies distance of the presensting part below or above ischial
spine. + denoted below while - denotes above. The number after the sign denotes length in
cm. +1 station therefore means that the presenting part is 1 cm below the ischial spine.

85. Which of the following is characteristics of false labor [1]

A. Bloody show
B. Contraction that are regular and increase in frequency and duration
C. Contraction are felt in the back and radiates towards the abdomen
D. None of the above

* A,B and C are all charactertistics of a true labor. True labor is heralded
by LIGHTENING. This makes the uterus lower and more anterior. This occrs 2 weeks prior
to labor. At the morning of labor, women experiences BURST OF ENERGY because of
adrenaline rush induced by the decrease progestrone secretion of the deteriorating
placenta. The pain in labor is felt at the back and radiates towards the abdomen and
becomes regular, increasing frequency and duration. As the cervix softens and dilates,
The OPERCULUM or the mucus plug is expelled.

False labor is characterized by Irregular uterine contraction that is relieved by walking, Pain
felt at the abdomen and confined there and in the groin, The cervix do not achieve dilation
and Pain that is relieved by sleep and do not increase in intensity and duration.

86. Who's Theory of labor pain that states that PAIN in labor is cause by FEAR [4]

A. Bradley
B. Simpson
C. Lamaze
D. Dick-Read

* Believe it or not, this is an actual board question. Grantley Dick-Read is just one person.
Usually a two name theory means two theorist. He published a book in 1933 "CHILDBIRTH
WITHOUT FEAR". He believes that PAIN in labor is caused by FEAR that causes muscle
tension, thereby halting the blood towards the uterus and causing decreased oxygenation
which causes the PAIN.

1950s French obstetrician, Dr. Ferdinand Lamaze perhaps is the most popular theorist when
it comes to labor. The theory behind Lamaze is that birth is a normal, natural and healthy
event that should occur without unnecessary medical intervention. Rather than resorting to
pain medication, different breathing techniques are used for each stage of labor to control
pain. Fathers are assigned the role of labor coach, and are responsible for monitoring and
adjusting their partner's breathing pattern throughout childbirth.

In 1965, obstetrician Robert A. Bradley, MD wrote "Husband Coached Childbirth." The

Bradley method perhaps is the easiest to remember, BRAD ley necessitates the presence of
the FATHER during labor. Bradley Method views birth as a natural process. This method
also emphasizes the importance of actively involving fathers in the labor process. Fathers
are taught ways to help ease their partner's pain during childbirth through guided relaxation
and slow abdominal breathing.

James Young Simpson is an english doctor and the first to apply anesthesia during labor and
child birth. He uses ETHER to alleviate labor pain. He then discovered the effects of
chloroform as an anesthetic agent. Because of his works, He was recognized by Queen
Victoria because the queen herself uses Simpson's chloroform in alleviating labor pain when
she gave birth to prince leopold.

87. Which sign would alert the nurse that Pillar is entering the second stage of labor? [1]

A. Increase frequency and intensity of contraction

B. Perineum bulges and anal orifice dilates
C. Effacement of internal OS is 100%
D. Vulva encircles the largest diameter of presenting part

* The second stage of labor begins as the cervical internal os is 100% effaced and fully
dilated. It ends after the fetus has been delivered. Crowning, as in letter B and D is too late
of a sign to alert the nurse that Pillar is entering the second stage of labor. A occurs during
the first stage of labor.

88. Nursing care during the second stage of labor should include [1]

A. Careful evaluation of prenatal history

B. Coach breathing, Bear down with each contraction and encourage patient.
C. Shave the perineum
D. Administer enema to the patient

* The second stage of labor begins with a full cervical dilation and effacement and finishes
when the baby is fully delivered. Careful evaluation of prenatal history is done on admission
and check ups and is never done in the second stage of labor. Shaving the perineum and
enema are done during the first stage of labor in preparation for delivery or before labor
begins when client is admitted. Enema is not a routine procedure before delivery, but can be
done to prevent defecation during labor. B is appropriate during the second stage of labor
when the client's contraction is at it's peak and dilation and effacement are at maximum to
help client accomplish the task of giving birth.

SITUATION : [NBLUE170] Baby boy perez was delivered spontaneously following a term
pregnancy. Apgar scores are 8 and 9 respectively. Routine procedures are carried out.

89. When is the APGAR Score taken? [1]

A. Immediately after birth and at 30 minutes after birth

B. At 5 minutes after birth and at 30 minutes after birth
C. At 1 minute after birth and at 5 minutes after birth
D. Immediately after birth and at 5 minutes after birth

* APGAR score taken 1 minute after birth determines the initial status of the newborn while
the 5 minute assessment after birth determines how well the newborn is adjusting to the
extrauterine life.

90. The best way to position a newborn during the first week of life is to lay him [3]

A. Prone with head slightly elevated

B. On his back, flat
C. On his side with his head flat on bed
D. On his back with head slightly elevated

* Sudden infant death syndrome occurs when the fetus is in prone position. Knowing this
will allow you to eliminate A first. During the first week of life, The fetus has an immature
cardiac sphincter and musculature for swallowing, Knowing this will let you
eliminate B and D. Side lying position is the best position for a neonate during the first few
weeks of life. This will decrease the risk of aspiration of secretion.

91. Baby boy perez has a large sebaceous glands on his nose, chin, and forehead. These are
known as [1]

A. Milia
B. Lanugo
C. Hemangiomas
D. Mongolian spots

* Newborn sebaceous glands are sometimes unopened or plugged. They are called MILIA.
They will disappear once the gland opens at around 2 weeks after delivery. They are
characterized by a pinpoint white papule. Lanugo is the fine hair that covers the newborn. It
disappears starting 2 weeks after birth. A premature infant has more lanugo than a post
mature infant. Hemangiomas are vascular tumors of the skin. Mongolian spots are patches
that are gray in color and are often found in sacrum or buttocks. They disappear as the child
grows older.

92. Baby boy perez must be carefully observed for the first 24 hours for [2]

A. Respiratory distress
B. Duration of cry
C. Frequency of voiding
D. Range in body temperature

* Range in body temperature needs to be observed and carefully monitored for the first 24
hours after delivery. A newborn has an inadequate and immature temperature regulating
mechanism. RDS is observed immediately after delivery, not in a continuous 24 hour
observation. Once the fetus establish a normal breathing pattern it is not anymore of a
concern. RDS occurs when the Surfactants are absent or insufficient. The adequacy of these
surfactants is measured by the L:S ratio [ Lecithin : Spingomyelin ] An L:S ratio of 2:1 is
considered, mature and adequate to sustain fetal lung expansion and ventilation. Therefore,
A child born without RDS is unlikely to have RDS in 24 hours.
Another thing that is carefully observed during the first 24 hours is the meconium. Absent of
meconium during the first 24 hours after birth warrants further investigation by the
attending physician.

93. According to the WHO , when should the mother starts breastfeeding the infant? [4]

A. Within 30 minutes after birth

B. Within 12 hours after birth
C. Within a day after birth
D. After infant's condition stabilizes

* According to the world health organization, The mother should start breastfeeding her
infant within 30 minutes after birth.

94. What is the BEST and most accurate method of measuring the medication dosage for
infants and children? [3]

A. Weight
B. Height
C. Nomogram
D. Weight and Height

* A nomogram is the most accurate method for measuring medication dosage for infants
and children. It estimates the body surface area by drawing a line in the first column [
child's height ] towards the third column [ child's weight ]. The point in which it crosses the
middle column [ BSA ] is the child's surface area.

95. The first postpartum visit should be done by the mother within [4]

A. 24 hours
B. 3 days
C. a week
D. a month

* Mother should visit the health facility 4 weeks to 6 weeks after delivery. The first post
partum visit by the birth attendant is done within 24 hours after delivery, the next visit will
be at 1 week after delivery and the third visit is done 2 to 4 weeks after delivery.

96. The major cause of maternal mortality in the philippines is [3]

A. Infection
B. Hemorrhage
C. Hypertension
D. Other complications related to labor,delivery and puerperium

* Refer to the latest survey of FHSIS in the DOH website.

97. According to the WHO, what should be the composition of a commercialized Oral
rehydration salt solution? [4]

A. Potassium : 1.5 g. ; Sodium Bicarbonate 2.5g ; Sodium Chloride 3.5g; Glucose

20 g.
A. Potassium : 1.5 g. ; Sodium Bicarbonate 2.5g ; Sodium Chloride 3.5g; Glucose 10 g.
A. Potassium : 2.5 g. ; Sodium Bicarbonate 3.5g ; Sodium Chloride 4.5g; Glucose 20 g.
A. Potassium : 2.5 g. ; Sodium Bicarbonate 3.5g ; Sodium Chloride 4.5g; Glucose 10 g.

* This is the WHO ORESOL formula for the commercialized ORS. Remember PA BCG Which
GLUCOSE [ G ]. The numbers are easy to remember because they are just increased by
1.0 g increment starting from 1.5. Glucose however is at 20 g. So the MNEMONIC is PA BCG
1.5 2.5 3.5 20. This is the mnemonic I use and it is easy to remember that way. It is
original by the way.

98. In preparing ORESOL at home, The correct composition recommnded by the DOH is [4]
A. 1 glass of water, 1 pinch of salt and 2 tsp of sugar
B. 1 glass of water, 2 pinch of salt and 2 tsp of sugar
C. 1 glass of water, 3 pinch of salt and 4 tsp of sugar
D. 1 glass of water, 1 pinch of salt and 1 tsp of sugar

99. Milk code is a law that prohibits milk commercialization or artificial feeding for up to 2
years. Which law provides its legal basis? [4]

A. Senate bill 1044

B. RA 7600
C. Presidential Proclamation 147
D. EO 51

* Executive order # 51 prohibits milk commercialization or artificial feeding up to 2 years.

That is why the milk commercials in the country has " BREAST MILK IS STILL BEST FOR
BABIES UP TO 2 YEARS " After their presentation in accordance with EO 51. RA 7600 is
the ROOMING IN / BREAST FEEDING ACT which requires the heatlh professionals to bring
the baby to the mother for breastfeeding as early as possible. Senate bill # 1044 was
created to implement RA 7600. Presidential Proclamation # 147 made WEDNESDAY as the
national immunization day.

100. A 40 year old mother in her third trimester should avoid [4]

A. Traveling
B. Climbing
C. Smoking
D. Exercising

* Mother's are not prohibited to travel, climb or exercise. If long travels are expected,
Mother should have a 30 minute rest period for every 2 hours of travel [ LIPPINCOTT ].
Climbing is a very vague term used by the board examiners though I assume they are
referring to climbing a flight of stairs. Anyhow, SMOKING is detrimental for both mother
and child no question about it and so is ALCOHOL. In thousands of questions I answered, it
never fails that HANDWASHING, AVOID SMOKING, AVOID ALCOHOL are always the
answer. It still depends on the question so THINK.

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