Pre-Test Maternal and Child Health Nursing

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1. Structure of the genitalia that separates the internal from the
external genitalia?
2. Organism that causes the acidity of the vagina?
3. Site cut during vasectomy
4. Site cut during tubal ligation
5. Enzyme found in sperm that penetrates the corona radiata and
zone pellucida?
• 1. Which behaviors would be exhibited during the letting-go phase
of maternal role adaptation. Select all that apply.
• A. Emergence of family unit
B. Dependent behaviors
C. Sexual intimacy relationship continuing
D. Defining one’s individual roles
E. Being talkative and excited about becoming a mother
• 2. While making a visit to the home of a postpartum woman 1 week
after birth, the nurse should recognize that the woman would
• A. Express a strong need to review the events and her behavior during
the process of labor and birth.
B. Exhibit a reduced attention span, limiting readiness to learn.
C. Vacillate between the desire to have her own nurturing needs met
and the need to take charge of her own care and that of
her newborn.
D. Have reestablished her role as a spouse or partner.
• 3. Which of the following is the most common kind of placental
adherence seen in pregnant women?
• A. Accreta
B. Placenta previa
C. Percreta
D. Increta
• 4. A 40-year-old woman with a high body mass index (BMI) is 10
weeks pregnant. Which diagnostic tool is appropriate to suggest to
her at this time?
• A. Biophysical profile
B. Amniocentesis
C. Maternal serum alpha-fetoprotein (MSAFP)
D. Transvaginal ultrasound
• 5. A nurse providing care for the antepartum woman should
understand that the contraction stress test (CST):
• A. Sometimes uses vibroacoustic stimulation.
B. Is an invasive test; however, contractions are stimulated.
C. Is considered to have a negative result if no late decelerations are
observed with the contractions.
D. Is more effective than nonstress test (NST) if the membranes have
already been ruptured.
• 6. In the past, factors to determine whether a woman was likely to
have a high-risk pregnancy were evaluated primarily from a medical
point of view. A broader, more comprehensive approach to high-risk
pregnancy has been adopted. There are now four categories based
on threats to the health of the woman and the outcome of
pregnancy. Which of the options listed here is not included as a
• A. Biophysical
B. Psychosocial
C. Geographic
D. Environmental
• 7. A woman who is at 36 weeks of gestation is having a nonstress
test. Which statement indicates her correct understanding of the
• A. “I will need to have a full bladder for the test to be done
B. “I should have my husband drive me home after the test because I
may be nauseated.”
C. “This test will help to determine whether the baby has Down
syndrome or a neural tube defect.”
D. “This test observes for fetal activity and an acceleration of the fetal
heart rate to determine the well-being of the baby.”
• 8. What is an appropriate indicator for performing a contraction
stress test?
• A. Increased fetal movement and small for gestational age
B. Maternal diabetes mellitus and postmaturity
C. Adolescent pregnancy and poor prenatal care
D. History of preterm labor and intrauterine growth restriction
• 9. The nurse sees a woman for the first time when she is 30 weeks
pregnant. The woman has smoked throughout the pregnancy, and
fundal height measurements now are suggestive of growth
restriction in the fetus. In addition to ultrasound to measure fetal
size, what would be another tool useful in confirming the diagnosis?
• A. Doppler blood flow analysis
B. Contraction stress test (CST)
C. Amniocentesis
D. Daily fetal movement counts
• 10. A nurse is providing instruction for an obstetrical patient to
perform a daily fetal movement count (DFMC). Which instructions
could be included in the plan of care? Select all that apply.
• A. The fetal alarm signal is reached when there are no fetal
movements noted for 5 hours.
B. The patient can monitor fetal activity once daily for a 60-minute
period and note activity.
C. Monitor fetal activity two times a day either after meals or before
bed for a period of 2 hours or until 10 fetal movements are noted.
D. Count all fetal movements in a 12-hour period daily until 10 fetal
movements are noted.
• 11. A patient has undergone an amniocentesis for evaluation of fetal
well-being. Which intervention would be included in the nurse’s
plan of care after the procedure? Select all that apply.
• A. Perform ultrasound to determine fetal positioning.
B. Observe the patient for possible uterine contractions.
C. Administer RhoGAM to the patient if she is Rh negative.
D. Perform a mini catheterization to obtain a urine specimen to assess
for bleeding.
• 12. With regard to small-for-gestational-age (SGA) infants and
intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR), nurses should be aware that:
• A. In the first trimester, diseases or abnormalities result in asymmetric
B. Infants with asymmetric IUGR have the potential for normal growth
and development.
C. In asymmetric IUGR, weight is slightly more than SGA, whereas
length and head circumference are somewhat less than SGA.
D. Symmetric IUGR occurs in the later stages of pregnancy.
• 13. A client who delivered by cesarean section 24 hours ago is using
a patient-controlled analgesia (PCA) pump for pain control. Her oral
intake has been ice chips only since surgery. She is now complaining
of nausea and bloating, and states that because she had nothing to
eat, she is too weak to breastfeed her infant. Which nursing
diagnosis has the highest priority?
• A. Altered nutrition, less than body requirements for lactation
B. Alteration in comfort related to nausea and abdominal distention
C. Impaired bowel motility related to pain medication and immobility
D. Fatigue related to cesarean delivery and physical care demands of
• 14. The nurse is teaching care of the newborn to a childbirth
preparation class and describes the need for
administering antibiotic ointment into the eyes of the newborn. An
expectant father asks, “What type of disease causes infections in
babies that can be prevented by using this ointment?” Which
response by the nurse is accurate?
• A. Herpes
B. Trichomonas
C. Gonorrhea
D. Syphilis
• 15. A new mother is having trouble breastfeeding her newborn. The
child is making frantic rooting motions and will not grasp the nipple.
Which intervention should the nurse implement?
• A. Encourage frequent use of a pacifier so that the infant becomes
accustomed to sucking.
B. Hold the infant’s head firmly against the breast until he latches
onto the nipple.
C. Encourage the mother to stop feeding for a few minutes and
comfort the infant.
D. Provide a formula for the infant until he becomes calm, and then
offer the breast again.

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