BSBADM502 Manage Meetings - Task 2 - Plan and Manage A Meeting (Part A, B & C)

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Australian Learning, Training and Education Centre (ALTEC)

BSBADM502 Manage Meetings



Trainer Name : Pradip Pokhrel

Student Name : Sagar Timsina

Student ID : FFV00088
Evaluation TASK 2: Plan and deal with a Meeting

Section A - Develop a Meeting Plan


1 .Draft of the welcome email (Screenshot is likewise joined beneath)

Subject – Invitation for the conference on Monday 18th April 2018 at 10AM

Dear Team Members,

As a matter of first importance, I would love to salute on every one of you on one more month of
steady development. Having as of late included Adelaide into our towing regions, we have seen our
month to month development surpass our desires. This is all because of collaboration and I need to
offer my most profound thanks towards every one of you.

End route we have gone over with different difficulties. Uniquely when managing clients. That is one
of the principle motivations to assemble this conference too. We as a whole need to gain from every
one of the difficulties the people in this association have confronted. Also, utilizing these difficulties
as a rule, we need to enhance our business position month in month out.

Furthermore, there is another extremely energizing news also. We will present our own special
portable application. This is the other significant reason we needed to have this gathering ASAP! This
new portable application will make the majority of our lives significantly simpler. It enables us to
spread occupations as indicated by all sub-contractual workers areas. It enables us to take pictures of
client’s vehicles when the towing work, securing our situation as a tow truck organization. What's
more, it additionally enables the client to see the improvement of their activity live in the application
dashboard. We trust this is one the real point of reference ever of organization and we are so eager to
demonstrate to you how it functions.

With a specific end goal to examine, we will have this gathering on 29th May 2018 at 9AM in Tow
Cars HQ in Hobart. Every one of the things which we will examine are appended in the plan
underneath. It would be ideal if you leave at any rate strong 4 hours for this gathering. And
furthermore please bring your cell phones and tablets since we will disclose our versatile application
in the gathering and we need every one of you to partake in it.

If it's not too much trouble affirm your participation by answering to this email. Likewise on the off
chance that you have anything to add to the plan, if you don't mind answer with the depiction.

Much obliged and best respects,

Sagar Timsina


AWN Pty Ltd


Calculated and housekeeping prerequisites

The gathering will be hung on the board room of Tow Cars Head Quarters in Hobart, TAS. Members
ought to be exhorted where the washrooms are in the building.

Refreshments ought to be orchestrated as takes after for the 10 individuals going to the gathering –

Breakfast (Serving at 10.00) – Orange juice and Chicken and Avocado toast for every one of the 11

Lunch (Serving at 2.00) – Catered from Subway. Request distinctive sorts of subs.

Assessed cost of the gathering

Assessed cost breakdown as take after

Breakfast - $11 * 11 = $121

Lunch - $14 * 1 = $154

Tea and Snacks = $60

Portable App Demo Platform = $130

Scene related = $60

Add up to Cost = $525

OHS and Privacy

All the protection issues are tended to in the organization security approach.

Part B - Conduct the Meeting

Stage 3 Call meeting to order "Good morning group, as Chairperson of the present gathering, I
might want to assemble this conference to arrange".

Stage 4.Circulate participation sheet "I am going around a participation sheet for this gathering. If
it's not too much trouble compose your name and sign by it."

Stage 5. Welcome all the participants "On benefit of AWN Pty Ltd.’s directorate, I might want to
welcome all of you to this gathering. We can hardly wait to report some energizing new plans for our

Stage 6. State the reason for the meeting “The motivation behind the gathering is triple

1. Discuss the development of the organization

2. Discuss about client related difficulties and what we can gain from them
3. Introduce our new versatile and get a vote"

Stage 7. State required conventions, lawful and moral requirements "There are sure conventions,
legitimate and moral prerequisites which are as per the following,

1. No video or sound chronicle is permitted aside from the official organization accounts.

2. The things we examine here today ought to be dealt with as exceptionally secret."

Stage 8. Read the motivation items “I trust every one of you have the plan with you today. Also, the
things we will talk about are…

Stage 9. Start with the principal thing on the motivation and start discussion “The first plan thing to be
examined is the estimation of our organization. What's more, the accompanying things are

Stage 13 Call for a vote on a pre-characterized motivation item "Now I will call a vote in favour of
the plan thing – new portable application for Tow Cars. If it's not too much trouble put your vote"

Stage 14 Ensure votes meets majority requirements “All the votes according to today have met the
majority prerequisites"

Stage 15 State required conventions and take votes “These are the conventions you have to take after
when voting… … "

Stage 16 Announce results “So we have concocted the outcomes. As we as a whole expected, every
one of you like the Mobile App thought and voted in favour of it. What's more, we will proceed with
the execution inside the coming weeks."

Stage 17 Summarise the gathering continuing and close the meeting "Finally we have arrived at
the finish of our gathering. Much obliged to you everybody for going to"

Marked participation sheet

Voting Result

Part C – Meeting Follow-up


Meeting/Project Name: Tow Cars Growth and Customer Satisfaction Meeting

Date of Meeting: Monday 18/04/2018 Start time: 10.00 AM

Location: Board Room, AWN Pty ltd End time: 02.00 PM

Chair: Sagar Timsina Minute taker: Ishwar

1. Meeting Objective(s)

The reason for the gathering we are going to have is to streamline our administrations and furthermore
to acquaint our new versatile application with our tow truck sub-contractual workers.

We plan to instruct our sub-temporary workers by means of this gathering and our desire is to have a
positive result to our clients through this truly necessary training.

Additionally we will teach our sub-contractual workers on the most proficient method to have a
positive client association and furthermore how to expand our Google and Facebook appraisals
through these positive cooperation’s.

2. Participation

Present Apologies

Sagar , Bikram Surya

Ishwar, Krishna Pradeep

Arun, Bijaya

Philip, Tim


3. Plan, Decisions, Issues

Subject/Discussion notes Discussion drove by

Beginning of the gathering by investigating past gathering minutes

Pip began the gathering by assessing past gathering minutes and reporting the plan for the present

Survey of AWN esteems

Ishwar talked about and helped the qualities to remember AWN Pty Ltd.

For a superior client association

Resham examined how we can enhance our client communications. Talked about the fundamental
strides and additionally other propelled systems to ensure our clients are content without towing

Melbourne/Sydney /Hobart client challenges

The principle temporary workers of each significant city added to the gathering by sharing their
experience on client related challenges.

What would we be able to gain from general client challenges?

In light of the client challenges examined, Pip took a gander at the ways we can gain from those client
challenges and enhance our services.

Instructions to request surveys – Explanation of how online life audits function

Resham examined about the significance of web based life surveys and how to request audits from

Presenting the new Mobile App for AWN

Our IT Manager Hitesh presented our new portable application in the gathering. Every one of the
highlights were exhibited lastly a vote was taken to survey whether it ought to be actualized.

VOTE RESULT = everyone voted YES and App will be executed inside the coming weeks.

Meeting audit, arranging subsequent stages

Sagar and Ishwar expressed gratitude toward everybody for going to the gathering and examined the
following stages to be taken for the organization growth.

4. Activity Items

Action Responsible Due Date

Usage of Mobile App Philip 15 /08/2018

Increment internet based life reviews Sub Contractors on Going

5. Next Meeting

Date: 25/07/2018 Time: 10.00 AM Location: AWN HQ

Objective(s): TBA



The gathering was sorted out by the General Manager – Sagar Timsina and was held in AWN HQ
Board Room in Hobart, TAS on 18th April 2018. All the welcomed colleagues went to the gathering
with no truants. Meeting Agenda was appropriated by email before few days and all the participation
affirmation was reported. Every one of the members were urged to remark or add some other data to
the plan if required.

There were couple of principle purposes for the gathering.

1. Discuss the client challenges looked by the sub-temporary workers

2. Discuss how the organization could build online networking audits

3. Introduce and exhibit the new Mobile App

Opening of the gathering

Sagar respected the colleagues and took the participation. 10 out of 10 took an interest in this
gathering. The past gathering's minutes were talked about and the plan for that day's gathering was
examined too.

Key Processes

1. Main sub-temporary workers in every principle city (Melbourne, Adelaide and Hobart) conveyed
their encounters when it came to client collaborations. Uncommonly the client challenges looked by
them. A great deal of new procedures were recognized in the discourses. The general director outlined
every one of the encounters and examined how and what we could gain from those difficulties and
how we can enhance our client encounter overall.

2. Resham talked about how we can build our web based life surveys. Barely any key procedures were
recognized and these

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