Mine Ventilation PDF
Mine Ventilation PDF
Mine Ventilation PDF
The flow of air under conditions of natural draft depends upon the un-
equal pressures existing at the bottom of two hypothetical air columns of
similar cross-section area . Although these columns are of equal height
they contain air at different temperatures, and therefore of different density .
It is this that causes the unequal pressures at the bottom of the air columns.
The direction of air flow will be from the high-pressure column to the low-
pressure column, and the volume of air flow will depend upon the magnitude
of the pressure difference and upon the resistance offered to air flow by the
surfaces of the connecting passages .
"" 5 lc.ve:L
/'t-6LtVtL PonM,.
· y·,
6 ltVC.L
_.Jaoo' "~
•I !
!! --
....,. 1 .x·
Fi~ure 1.- Vertical projection of main airways for n.d.p. calculations.
parallel airways; that indicating No. 6 lçvel represents from two to three
parallel airways except from column E to the portal. Air columns E and D
are empty raises and stopes which act as airways; their resistance to air
flow is considered negligible, and ali the air in each column flows in the
same direction . All other !ines represent single airways .
Note . -The average air density of column Dis not the value obtained by
taking the arithmetical average temperature of the air column and using it
in conjunction with the mean barometric pressure . The weighted average
air density is required, and this is obtained by averaging the air density of
severa! vertical sectiQns of the column. The temperature of intake air
changes rapidly in the first few hundred feet from the intake, and less rapidly
thereafter. Because this effect must be taken into account, it is necessary to
obtain a weighted average air density . The average for column D above is
equivalent to 52°F. dry bulb, 5l°F. wet bulb, and 26.12 in . mercur.r,. For
column A, the average density is equivalent to 85°F. dry bulb, 70 F. wet
bulb, and 26.12 in. mercury.
<iLOolfY H~H.C
~ ;;"
;; 1
3LI'iii..L : ~300 ' f" 6 '.; rt '
< ti
4UVCL : 3JOO ' @d'.w7t '
,.; 1
5LCVC L : i!'OO ' ~ 6'.;7t '
1 6A Dtii,.T : ZIOO '~ tO:.JO'
91 1
Z700 '~ t0At0 ' 68 o.,., : l400 ' ~JO ' ,KIO '
r t_6'L~11Ci. Polir.-~. d C D•,r : lSOO ' t!/10' 10 ' Lsoo ' @ tO'AIO
«- .coo ' 4t~ JO'_,,o ·
In this formula it will be noted that, for any one airway, the factors
K, S, and A are constants and that hence P will vary as Q2 • If the constants
are combined and given the value R, then
R = A3 and P = RQ'
If Rt, R2, R 3 , etc., are the resistances of airways, then, if in series, the
total resistance
R = R1 + R, + R + 3
The choice of a value for the friction factor K depends entirely upon the
judgment of the engineer making the ventilation calcularions . Many
writers have discussed the assignment of a proper value for K and a con-
siderable amount of field investigation has been done, but still there is no
value which is directly applicable to all mines . Each mine must be con-
sidered as a separate problem . lt is this uncerrainty of the proper value of
K thar makes ali calculations of this type no more than indicative of what
air flow conditions may be expected, rather than an exact forecast of oper-
ating conditions. lt is this uncertainty that permits us to make such as-
sumptions as were made relative to the air resistance of No . 2 level and of
columns E and D in the paragraph explaining Figure 2.
McElroy, in his Engineering Factors in the Ventilation of Metal Mines,
gives a very comprehensive tabulation of suggested values of K for various
conditions of airway surface and irregularities of area and alignment. If
iris assumed, for the purpose of this problem, that the airways are all in /
igneous rock, have average irregularities of surface, area, and alignment,
ar~ moderately curved a~d slightlr obstructed, then the friction factor K
wtll be 1.65 X 10-8 for atr of denstty 0.075 lb. /cu.ft.
Co~recting this factor for air density at 3,540 feet elevation and average
mine air temperature of 49°F. d.b., 48°F. w . b.,
K = 1. 65 X 10-8 ( O.
0684) = 1. 50 X 10-s
0 .075
( 1) Equivalent Resistance of 6C, 7, and 8 Drifts in Parallel
_1_ = _1_ + _ 1_ + _ 1 _
VR VR&c vR; VR8
J 100 . / 45 . / 100
" 1.5 xw -8( 10') x w -8(6.75 x 1o•) + 100 "
+ 45 " 1.5 1.5 x w -8(9.2 x IO' )
= (2. 48x 10 4
) + (0.948 x 10') + (2.69 x 10 4
) .
= (6.218 x 10')
KS 1.5 X I0-8(16,000) =
2.4 X 10-1o
R = --;:\3· = ( 100) 3
= 9.69 x 10 4
Therefore, R = ( 1.06 X lQ- 10) -Equi valent R of 6A, 6B, and 6C drifts in parallel.
KS _ 1.5 X 10-8(20,000) =
3.0 X 10-10
R = Aa - ( 100)'
45J + 45J
45 45 + 45J 45
" 1.5 x 10' 8
" 1.5 x 10' (.83,700)
(89,100) " 1.5 x 10' (78,300)
8 8
+ 4 96 x 10'
= (0.826 x 10') + (0.850 x 1Q4) + (0.881 x 1Q4) + c4.96 x 10')
= 7.517 x 1Q4
lf Q = 10,000 c.f.m .
p = 12.06 x I0-10 ( 10,000) 2
. = 0.0232 in . water gauge
5 2
If Q = 20,000 c.E.m.
12.06 x 10' 10 ( 20,000) 2 •
P = . = 0.0928 m. water gauge
5 2
p 10
--~ zr JIO 4:0
so 60 rp alo 9P
1 '! VoLUME • 1000• C.
Figure 3.
flow within the mine . At an N.D .P. of0.865 in . w.g ., the flow will be 61,200
c.f.m ., and at an N.D.P. of 2.76 in . w.g . the flow will be approximately
103,000 c.f.m .
Any number of N.D.P . curves can be plotted to satisfy the changing
con di ti ons of mine and surface air . temperatures and barometric pressures
which take place throughout the year. The intersections of these curves
with the mine characteristic indicate the tOtal volume of air that will flow
through the mine.
The volume of air that will flow across the various levels will depend
upon the )R value of each leve!. This, and other aspects of the problem,
will be illustrated in the calculations t0 follow .
Before attempting to solve problems concerning the application of the
fan to the mine, it is advisable to be thoroughly acquainted with the basic
law of fan performance . The laws most commonly used in practical mine
ventilation work are v~ry simple: their function is to ena ble the opera cor
to answer for hi rn self the following questions:
(l) Given a fan's performance curves for air at standard density, what
will be the fan's performance under conditions of mine air density?
( 2) Given a fan's performance curves at one rotation speed, what will
be its performance at sorne other speed?
(3) Given a fan 's performance curves , what will be the performance of
the same type of fan but of a different size?
The following examples illustra te the mathematics involved in answering
these questions .
7 1 711
, / ~S.P. l'mc'c~c eu1ou., ~
"~ '(
çP. V ~Tb A ..
.P ,,. , ,
o•• TY l....Lv
f/ U40 R .P.M.
\ .<O
1~ ~',
~ " ',V' ~D
/ \
- - -
_l', ~..... -.. _
'- ~-
- -
/ ---- -
-:...-, -
li ,- fP ~ Jr'o !Jr.
..c.~~' ~f·oou "/a-n
$JTY ~
' ,! . '
"'' \ .'"'
'- ~::· V.ti' (• 0 ·0681 & TAN PCCO • UO <- '~ ' 1·
- -- --- , "\ \
Vow""E 1 tooo. c."
', ,
'\I l
Figure 4.
Often it is desirable to find out how a given fan will perform when it is
rotated at a speed differing from the available performance curve ~>peed .
The new performance curves are very easily obtained by applying the fol-
lowing laws to the available curves:
( 1) The volume of air produced by the fan .vanes directly as the fan
speed .
( 2) The pressure produced by the fan varies directly as the square of the
fan speed.
(3) The horsepower input to the fan varies directly as the cube of the
fan speed .
Figure 4 shows the P.V. and h. p. curves for the given fan when rota tin~
at a given speed of 1,180 r.p.m . and when rotating at a desired speed of 950
r.p.m. The latter curves are obtained ali follows:
(a) Since volume varies directly as speed, the volumes at 950 r.p .m.
corrc:sponding to selected volume at 1,180 r.p.m. will be 950/1,180 times
the sdc:cted volumes.
20,000 c.f.m. at 1,180 r.p.m. is equi val ent to 20,000 X = 16,100 c. f.m . at 950 r.p .m.
1,1 80
(b) Since pressure varies directly as the square of the fan speed, the
pres~>uresat 950 r .p.m. corresponding to selected pressures at 1,180 r.p.m.
950 2
will be ( ) times the selected pressures.
Thus : 4.28 in. w.g. at 1,180 r.p.m . is equivalent to 4.28 ( {,î~or = 2.78 in . w .g. at 950 r.p.m.
Since 4.28 in . w.g. corresponds to 10,000 c.f.m . at 1,180 r.p.m ., and since
10,000 c.f.m. is equivalent to 8,050 c.f.m. at 950 r .p.m., then one point on
the new P.V. curve will be 8,050 c.f.m ., 2.78 in . w .g . A second point on
the new P.V. curve at 950 r.p.m . will be 16,100 c.f.m. and 3.67 X ( - 950
or 2.38 in. w .g. 1,180
(c) Since horsepower varies directly as the cube of the fan speed, the
horsepower at 950 r.)m. corresponding to selected horsepower at 1,180
950 3
r.p.m. will be ( times the selected horsepowers .
and 28.5 h .p. at 1,180 r.p.m. is equivalent to 28.5 ( 1~Î~or "';' 14.9 h .p. at 950 r.p .m.
0 0 5.025 3 . 26 30 .6 16 .0
10,000 8,050 4 . 28 2 .77 29 .1 15 .2
20,000 16,100 3.67 2 . 38 28 .5 14 9
30,000 24,150 3 . 20 2 .07 28. 1 14 .7
40,d00 32,200 3.00 1.94 29 . 2 15 .2
50,000 40,250 2 .75 1. 78 32 .6 17 .0
60,000 48,300 1. 75 1.13 31.9 16 .7
72,250 58,100 0 0 30 .0 15 . 7
It sometimes happens that the fan in service becortJ.es too small for the
increased output that is required. If the same type of fan is desired, theo
it is possible to determine mathematically the performance characteristics
of other fan sizes, provided performance curves of the fan in use are available.
Fan manufacturers designate by numbers the various sizes of fan produced
in each type group. Such fans are so designed that their essential dimension$
bear a definite relation to the other fans in the same group. Sorne manu-
facturers use numbers, su ch as Size 2, Size 272, Size 3, etc., while others use
wheel diameters, such as 30 in., 48 in., 54 in., etc. Regardless of the method
used to indicate fan size, it is possible, given the performance curves of one
fan, to substitute these size numbers in the following formula:: to construct
the performance curves of any other size of fan of the same type.
For the rurpose of a sample calculation, we will assume that the r.p.m.
of the fano desired size is the same as the r.p.m. of the fan whose character-
istic is given. Once a set of performance curves is made up for the new fan
size, its performance at any desired speed can be easily obtained by the method
already outlined.
Assume that the fan in use is an axial-flow type fan, 48 in. wheel dia-
meter, and has the performance curves illustrated in Figure 4 for 1,180 r.p.m.,
3,200 ft. elevation, and 48°F. air temperature. Assume further that the per-
formance curves of a 54-in. diameter fan .are required.
(a) VoLUME:
10,000 c.f.m. from the 48-in . fan will correspond to 10,000 (~r
= 14,240 c.f.m., from the 54-in. fan .
5.025 in . w.g. produced by the 48-in. fan will correspond to 5.025 (~)'
= 6.36 in . w.g. by the 54-in. fan.
4.28 in. w.g. produced by the 48-in . fan will correspond to 4.28 (~)'
= 5.42 in. w.g. by the 54-in. fan.
30.6 h.p. required by the 48-in. fan will correspond to 30.6 (~)'
= 55.1 h.p. by the 54-in. fan.
29.1 h.p. required by the 48-in. fan will correspond to 29.1
= 52.4 h .p. by the 54-in. fan .
v 48 v 54 p 48 p 54 H .P. 48 H .P. 54
c.f.m. c.f.m. in. water in. water
0 c.f.m. 0 %
10,000 4.28 in. 29.1 h .p. 23.6
20,000 3 .67 28.5 40 .5
30,000 3 .20 28 .1 53 .9
40,000 3 .00 29 .2 64 .8
~0,000 2 .75 32 .6 66 .5
60,000 1.75 31.9 51.9
72,250 0 0
Given the performance curves for a 48-in. fan rotating at 1,180 r.p.m.,
it is required to find the ·new performance which will produce 40,250 c.f.m.
at 1. 78 static pressure.
Using a polyphase duplex or similar slide rule, set 1.78 on the A scale
opposite 40,250 on the C scale. With this setting, move the cursor slowly
un til a set of conditions on the A and C scale are found which lie on the P. V.
curve of the fan at 1,180 r .p.m. This is found to be 50,000 c.f.m. at 2.75 in .
static pressure and is known as the 'point of ra ting'. The required h. p. at
1,180 r.p.m. is seen to be 32.6 h.p.
The fan speed for the new condition of operation is, therefore,
40,250 x 1,180 - 9 0
50,000 - 5 r.p.rn.
The static pressure efficiency of the fan for the required conditions at
950 r. p.m. will be the same as at the 'point of ra ting' and will therefore be
50,000 x 2.75 x 5.2 = 66 501
33,000 x 32.6 . JO
Natural-draft pressure, mine characteristic, and fan performance are
sorne of the problems that have been discussed in the preceding sections of
these calculations . This section will illustrate the integration of these
individual problems into the larger single problem of mechanical mine
ventilation . It will deal primarily with the derivation of fan performance
for a particular mine duty.
rpp .v~·
Ne. 8 LÇVEL. D
Figure 5.- Plan of a section of Nos. 5, 6, 7, and 8 levels.
ücv'N or ~uKfA CC
1/frli~{ . 40.50 '
~o .
. é Lt:V 'rf (IF
.Su~FACE DI.)CifA/f(iC
//'IDI CATC S Nt'GL/6/.Lt
Rc., ,STANCC O J' oPcrr
~T~~C~:LIIQM ~
a .... s,l(.s.so ·
C. UU._---===~~-------J
Method A
In order co make the calculations more easily followed, the airways, as
indicated by the airflow direction arrows in Figure 5, are re-arranged to
show clearly the series and parallel groupings . This is Figure 6. The
method of calculation is as follows : ·
BCDE (1)CD ... 8 fr. by 8 ft. 32ft. 550ft. 17,600 sq.ft. 262,144 ft. 3
( 2)DE . . .
BE .....
.. 7
28 ..
25 ..
250 ..
850 ..
117,650 ..
59,320 ..
AB+ EF ...... 7 28 .. 640 .. 17,920 117,650 ..
7 ..
AF . ........ . 5! 6! ..
.. 24 .. 1,000 .. 24,000
.. 45 ,700 ..
FG ......... . .
HKG ..........
.... 28 ..
28 ..
175 ..
835 ..
.... 117,650 ..
117,650 ..
GL. ......... . . 6 7 26 .. 405 .. 10,530 74,088 ..
-- - - -- - - - ---
K = 1.5 X 10-8
1 1 1 1 .
and R 1, R 2 , R3 , et~ . , in para11el : yR = yR, +V~+ yR, +etc.
Serias R of CD and DE
_ K ( 17,600 +
- 262,144
1 .9 x w-a
= 1.775 x IQ- 9
(7) Total resistance of all air~ays to the passage of air must include the
series resistance of GL. Above GL, the air enters · a network of exhaust
passages whose resistance is negligible.
E = (
5•64 x IQ-10) + 1.5 x74,088
= 2.69 x IQ- 9
Q, P . . . . . . Total air flow and total pressure difference
Qt, P 1 . . . . . . . . Volume and pressure difference related to AF
Q 2, P2 ...... 00 " " " " A)3 plus EF "
Q 4, p, ...... 00 "
Qs, P, ...... 00 "
" " HKG
Q7 , P7 . . . . . . . . " "
" GL "
( 2) Equal Volumes
(1) Qa + Q, = Q,
(2) Q, + Q, = Q.
(3) Q, + Qe = Q = Qr
(3) The next stef is to find expressions for the various pressure differences
by making use o the formula
P = - A inches water gauge
5.2 3
P 4 . . . . . . . .. .. BC .. .. .. 00. Negligible
Total P, ;= 0.0244KQ!
( 4) The next step is to substitute the above values of the pressure differences
in the equations of equal pressures and equal volumes in order to obtain all
the unknown Q's expressed as a value of one unknown Q. For example, in
this problem it is stated that the minimum total air volume is 60,000 c.f.m.,
hence the logical procedure would be to express Q., Q2, Q3, etc., in terms of
Q or Q,. Let us assume further, however, that as well as a minimum total
volume it is necessary that airway 4F have a minimum flow of 10,000 c.f.m .
All the unknown Q's will therefore be expressed in terms of Q 1 • Then,
substituting the value of 10,000 c.f.m . for Q~, ir will be seen whether or nor
rhe total volume Q or Q, is within the limit of 60,000 c.f.m . If it is nor
within the limit of 60,000 c.f.m., rhen one of the limits, either Q1 or Q,,
must be sacrificed to obtain the other.
From the equations of equal pressure differences and equal volumes, the
following equations are obtained:
Q• = 1.01Q,
(4) Since Q 5 = Q, + Q,, theo Q 5 = 2.61Q, (from 2 and 3 abovc)
( 5) Then if 10,000 c.f.m . is assigned to Q1, the other volumes of flow will be:
10,000 c.f.m. Q, 26,100 c.f.m.
16,100 .. Q. 20,150 "
6,000 Q = Q, 46,250
From which it appears rhat borh desired minimum volumes can be obtained.
C6) The pressure difference required to maintain a minimum flow of 60,000
: .f.m. through the mine arca under consideration is calculated as follows:
The total pressure will have two major components: that consisting of
the airway GL, and either of the two main parallel circuits, AFG or HKG.
These latter two parallel circuits must have equal pressure differences be-
:ause, if the p.d. of one was less than the other, air would flow from the
ligh p .d . to the low circuit until both were again balanced.
P1 = 0.0273KQj
0.0273(1.5 x Io)-1(60,000) 2
and this corresponds, within the limits of slide-rule accuracy, to the pressure
difference calculated by method A .
Up-cast air column . ....... . .. .. . 850ft. at air density 0.0678 lb. /cu.ft.
1,250 r .p.m.
56 600
( b) Graphical Solution
The 54-in. fan must produce a pressure difference which will overcome
the resistance to the flow of the total air volume in the common imake
airway plus the resistance of the local circuit of split A . The 48-in. fan will
likewise have to produce a pressure difference suflicient to overcome the
resistance of the co mm on intake airway plus the resistance of i ts local circuit,
split B.
Since no limit has been placed on the volume of air that may be handled,
the fans will be operated at their 'limit-load speeds' (see previous calcula-
tians for definition of 'limit-load speed'). For the 54-in . fan with a 20 h.p .
motor, this is 752 r.p.m. For the 48-in. fan with a 35 h .p. motor, it is ap-
proximately 1,180 r.p.m.
, l<illllFLOI "
',,.,,. ....
48 ~54"F 'r4N3 ll'f 1 ~ARALU L.
LOCATIC rt : .5. (NO 0' M1rif. .
'' ~A . A 1Nn.~w. 4~ FAIYe H4"1l. M
'' A' : • , S4 - .. r.rz •
', .
1', ''
' ..... , ' ' ' -,
~.wr 4l1 FAN P o c.vvl" S4 "ç•
[ :.: ' <8
'S.f .
• 11/JO "
• OTZ •
r-, ........',..
' .... ........'
lt10RPM .
J-'!!. 1-....,__e·
Il PM .
~ '• ,, B
i 1-,..:_~_ ' lOCAL
'' A
' S4'
h -.........' ;(,
' ............
~ ~ONC'
' -.. ..._ P.V.Cu v~. S4 ''FA!f,. ~'-- ,
' <p lz RP.'J·""''
',/ '' ,,,
' ' ,'
\ f Or 8oTH F"AIY
<1. l
v ', ,,
:/ .
AII'F• l
v ~ ''
~)/ '
N \
;; \
'" 1
l . \'Qs-· 40 .50 60
Q.,....... ~
Figure 7.
The fan PV curves at these speeds are plotted on Figure 7. The char-
acteristic of the common intake airway can be calculated by using the basic
formula 2 _ KSQ
p - 5.2A 3
(2) Now place one leg of the dividers upon the PV curve of the 48-in.
fan and move the dividers along the curve until the other leg inter-
sects the PV curve for the local circuit of the 48-in . fan . This inter-
section is at a volume of 34,000 c.f.m.
(3) Since the 48-in. fan will handle 34,000 c.f.m., and the total volume
handled by both fans is 60,000 c.f.m., chen the 54-in . fan will have
to produce 26,000 c.f.m.
(4) Without changing the setting of the dividers, place one leg on the
local circuit curve for the 54-in . fan at the 26,000 c.f.m. point. It
will then be seen that the other leg of the dividers does not fall on
the 54-in . fan characteristic; chus 60,000 c.f.m. cannat be the total
( 5) By repeating this trial-and-error procedure, it will be found chat
64,000 c.f.m. is the total volume chat the fans will handle and chat
the 54-in. fan will produce 33,000 c.f.m. at 2.75 in . w.g. and the 48-in .
fan, 31,000 c.f.m. at 3.15 in. w.g. ·
There is one important matter shawn up by the graphical method chat
is not so plainly evident when a purely mathematical solution is made. It
will be seen in Figure 7 that point A on the 48-in . fan characteristic, the
performance point of the fan when a total of 64,000 c.f.m. passes through
the parallel circuits, occurs in an area of low fan static pressure efficiency
and is, therefore, an undesirable point of performance. ( Static pressure
efficiency at A = 31,000(3.175)(5.2) + 33,000(28 h.p. ) = 55.4 percent.
Moreover, the point occurs in a section of the performance curve which
indicates a relative! y rapid drop in volume for a small increase in pressure.
This, also, is undesirable. But even more serious is the location of the
corresponding point A 1 on the 54-in . fan performance curve. Here it can be
seen that a very slight increase in the static pressure- such as might be
caused by an error in estimating mine resistance, or the effect of an opposing
natural-draft pressure-will cause the fan to operate in the depressed section
of the curve, and the volume output will fluctuate widely. The conclusion
which can be reached is chat these two fans will not opera te satisfactoril y
in parallel under the prevailing conditions .
If the speed of the 54-in. fan is raised to 872 r.p .m. and the speed of the
48-in. fan remains at 1,180 r.p.m., the point B will be the operating point
of the 48-in . fan and the point B1 will be the operating point of the 54-in.
fan. Thus the 48-in. fan will be less efficient chan before and the operating
conditions of the 54-in . fan will be slightly better chan before . Increasing
the resistance of the 54-in. fan local circuit to equal chat of the 48-in. fan
will bring the operating point of the 54-in . fan into the depressed area of its
performance curve.
When two or more fans are to be operated in parallel, each fan should
run in the steeply inclined section of its PV curve. For the 54-in . fan at
752 r.p.m., this would be the section lying between an output of 42,000
c.f.m. and 50,000 c.f.m.; for the 48-in . fan at 1,180 r.p.m . it would be the
section from 52,000 c.f.m. to 60,000 c.f.m .
( c) Mathematical Solution
The fan performances obtained above by graphical methods can be du-
plicated by using mathematical trial-and-error methods. However, the
solution offered here will assume two conditions: the first, that a total
volume of 60,000 c.f.m. is desirable, can be adjusted if the resulting fan per-
formances do not make use of the fan motors available; and the second,
characteristic of this type ofsolution, is that the volume of air flowing in
the two splits shall be such that the pressure differences of the two splits
are equal.
The resistance equation of the common intake airway is, as calculated
for the graphical method,
p = 5.15 X 10-lOQ
The resistance equation of split A, the local circuit of the 54-in . fan, is
p = 1.5 x 8
10- ( 810) 28 Q2 = 5 56 x 10-10Q Z
A 5.2(49) 3 • A
Hence the 54-in. fan will produce 34,600 c.f.m . at 2.52 in . w .g . and the
48-in . fan will produce 25,400 c.f.m . at 2.52 in . w .g.
The next step in the calculations is to find the rotation speed and horse-
power requirements of the two fans in order that they may give the desired
performance. This is done by using the method outlined in section II,
Fan Calculations.
Given performance curves for the 54-in . fan at 752 r .p.m. and for the
48-in . fan at 1,180 r .p .m ., the points of rating are, for the 54-in . fan, 34,600
c.f.m. and 2.52 in. w.g. and 19 h.p. ( this point happens to be on the curve
of the 54-in . fan at 752 r .p.m .), and for the 48-in . fan, 28,800 c.f.m . at 3.25
in . w .g . requiring 28.2 h.p.
. d f h . f . f 25,400( 1,180)
Rotatton spee o t e 48-tn. an wtll there ore be = 1,041 r .p.m .
. . . 28,800(3 .25) 5.2
Fan stattc pressure efftctency wtll be ( ) = 52.3 per cent.
33,000 28.2
. . . 25,400( 2.52) 5.2
Horsepower requtred wtll be 000( ) = 19.1 h .p.
33, 0.523
B ........... . ... 6 ft . by 7~ ft . 225 .. 6,075 91 ,125 8,700
C . . . ..••........
D .... .. . .. ... ...
6 ft.
6 ft .
by 7! ft.
by 7! ft.
445 ..
91 ,125
91 ,125
From the formul a P = _ A,
1.73 = __!_(6.720(8,700) 2 + 6,075(8, 700) + 12,015 ( 40,000)
2 2
) + 24,435(38,000)'
5 2 46,656 91,125 91 ,125 91 ,125
1.18 X 108K
From which , K = 1.47 X lQ-8