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( Transactions, Volume XLV, 1942, pp. 350-378)

Mine Ventilation Calculations

BY W. J. TouGH


T HIS paper offers examples of sorne of the typical calcu!ations which

occur in the ventilation of metal mines . The fi.rst section of the paper
discusses the problems associated with natural-draft pressure; the second
section presents the more common of the calculations concerned with the
operation of mine fans; the third section illustrates the integration of the
individual problems covered by the preceding sections into the larger prob-
lem of determining the operating characteristics of a fan for a particular
mine duty.
There is a very definite limit to the extent to which pure arithmetic can
be successfully applied to the solution of min<; ventilation problems. As
mines advance from the exploration, development, and initial production
stage to the rime when underground workings become exceedinfly complex,
there is a considerable increase in the relative importance o theory and
judgment in the solution of ventilation problems. These calculations
illustrate the application of mathematics to ventilation, but they also in-
elude examples of instances where arithmetic cannot be conveniently ap-
plied, and important estimates, based on judgment compounded of ex-
perience and a knowledge of the theoretical consideration involved, must
be made. The inclusion of such estimates is intended as a guide and a
warning to the reader; a guide in assisting him to recognize and estimate
his own incalculables; and a warning that the solutions must not be blindly
applied to his apparently similar problems. These sample calculations are
intended to assist the reader in applying the theory contained in the standard
texts on metal-mine ventilation. They have been selected from the ventila- _
tion experience of a British Columbia mine.

The flow of air under conditions of natural draft depends upon the un-
equal pressures existing at the bottom of two hypothetical air columns of
similar cross-section area . Although these columns are of equal height
they contain air at different temperatures, and therefore of different density .
It is this that causes the unequal pressures at the bottom of the air columns.
The direction of air flow will be from the high-pressure column to the low-
pressure column, and the volume of air flow will depend upon the magnitude
of the pressure difference and upon the resistance offered to air flow by the
surfaces of the connecting passages .


Figure l is the vertical projecti~n of the main airways of a mine . ln the

Figure, the line indicating No. 2 leve! in reality represents from rwo to four
"""' T:. ----=--
l~· ,..-
.v ~ l L~VC:L
l ltVtL PollTAL ,..,.-.

.1 LH<L ."'
10 '/ ~
•l( c
4 U:VE L l:i

"" 5 lc.ve:L

/'t-6LtVtL PonM,.
· y·,
6 ltVC.L

_.Jaoo' "~
•I !
!! --

....,. 1 .x·
Fi~ure 1.- Vertical projection of main airways for n.d.p. calculations.

parallel airways; that indicating No. 6 lçvel represents from two to three
parallel airways except from column E to the portal. Air columns E and D
are empty raises and stopes which act as airways; their resistance to air
flow is considered negligible, and ali the air in each column flows in the
same direction . All other !ines represent single airways .

(a) Summer Natural-Drajt Ventilation

During spring, summer, and fall months of the year, the portal doors at
No. 6 level are left open and the air flows down column D and out the
portal. That is the course of the main air flow. Nos. 7 and 8levels provide
a 'shunt' system of ventilation from No. 6 level. Air from column D will
start to flow down column C to Nos . 7 and 8 levels, thence to column Band
up to No . 6 level. However, the air entering column C is cooler than the
rock walls of the raise, and the rock in column C is warmer than that in
column B. ( Column B is a very old shaft and column C is a new raise).
The air in column C therefore tends to warm up rapidly and a natural draft
pressure is set up between columns B and C which opposes the main flow .
Summer ventilation of Nos . 7 and 8 levels is therefore likely to be unsatis-
factory .
The air columns mentioned in the introductory paragraph and described
as causing natural-draft air flow are, in the case of summer ventilation,
column A, composed entirely of surface air, and column D, composed en-
tirely of mine air. The pressure-difference causing natural ventilation i~,
calculated as follows :


(feec) (Ib./cu .ft.) (I b./sq.ft.)
D. ... .. . . . . . . . . . 1,050 0 .0677 71 .085
A ..... . ..... . ... 1,050 0 .0629 66 .045
PRESSURE DIFFERENCE = 5.040 Jb. /sq.ft. + 5 . 2 = 0 .97 in. w.g .

Note . -The average air density of column Dis not the value obtained by
taking the arithmetical average temperature of the air column and using it
in conjunction with the mean barometric pressure . The weighted average
air density is required, and this is obtained by averaging the air density of
severa! vertical sectiQns of the column. The temperature of intake air
changes rapidly in the first few hundred feet from the intake, and less rapidly
thereafter. Because this effect must be taken into account, it is necessary to
obtain a weighted average air density . The average for column D above is
equivalent to 52°F. dry bulb, 5l°F. wet bulb, and 26.12 in . mercur.r,. For
column A, the average density is equivalent to 85°F. dry bulb, 70 F. wet
bulb, and 26.12 in. mercury.

(b) Winter Natural-Draft Ventilation

During winter months it is necessary to keep the No . 6level portal doors
closed in order to prevent excessive ice formation . Under this condition,
the air columns supplying motive power for air movements are column F
plus column E and column D. Nos. 7 and 8 levels no longer provide a
'shunt' circuit but become part of the main air system; the natural-draft
pressure .generated by temperature d-ifference between column B and column
C assises the main air flow, and ventilation of these levels is very good .
The ventilating pressure on any level is due to the pressure-difference
betwéen the two vertical air columns above chat level. Thus the pressure
causing air flow on No . 3 level equals the pressure in column F plus that
section of column E from the foot ofF to the floor of No. 3 level, less the
pressure in column D from the surface to the floor of No . 3 level.
The ventilating pressure at No . 6level is obtained as follows :
(feet) (I b./cu .ft.) (I b./sq.ft .)
F .............. 270 0 .0800 21 .600
E .... .. ... . ..... 780 0 .0692 53 .976
-- -- --
SuM.... . .. . ..... 1,050 0 .1492 75 .576
D . ....... . .. . ... 1,050 0 .0677 71 .085
PRESSURE DIFFERENCE= 4 .491Jb./sq .ft . + 5 . 2 = 0 .865 in . w.g.

Note. -Average air densities are obtained as previously described . These

are ~qui valent to :

Column F - 30°F., 25 .74 in . Hg

Column E - 44°F. d.b., 43°F. w.b., 26 .30 in. Hg
Column D - 52°F . d.b. , 51°F. w.b., 26 .12 in . Hg
To calculate the pressure acting upon the ventilation doors at No . 6
portal, the natural-draft pressure which an exhaust fan would have to oppose
were it located near the portal, the equation becomes : Column A minus
column D .

Pressu re at bottom of column A = 1,050 X 0 .080 = 84 .000 lb./sq.ft.

" " " D = 1,050 X 0 .0677 = 71.085 "
PRESSURE-DIFFERENCE= l2 .915lb. /sq.ft. + 5 .2 = 2 .48 in. w .g .

This is ass uming an average surface remperarure of 30°F. below zero .


( See Figures 2 and 3)

The mine characteristic is illustrated by a curve which shows the pres-
sure-volume relarionship of air flow through the mine. For any given
volume of air flow, the graph indicates the required water gauge; similarly,
for any condition of pressure, the graph will show the volume of air rhat
will flow . A characterisri c may be calculated to show the pressure-volume
relarionship for the mine as a whole, or, as in the case of a fan being used
ro venrilare a parricular area of the mine, a characrerisric may becalculared
ro show the pressure-volume relarionship of rhe air course wirhin a portion
of the mine . The following example deals wirh rhe mine as a whol e.

(a) Explanation of Figure 2

This is a diagrammatic sketch of the main airways of. the mine. The
many air passages of columns E and D ( as described in the narural-drafr
calcularions) are represenred by a number of !ines. The rhree parallel drifts
on No . 6 leve) ( a, b, and c) are shawn rhus to aid in undersranding the air
coursing and the calcularions . Lengrh and average dimensions of rhe air-
ways are as shawn on the sketch . No . 2 leve!, like columns E and D , is


<iLOolfY H~H.C
~ ;;"

;; 1
3LI'iii..L : ~300 ' f" 6 '.; rt '
< ti
4UVCL : 3JOO ' @d'.w7t '
,.; 1

5LCVC L : i!'OO ' ~ 6'.;7t '

1 6A Dtii,.T : ZIOO '~ tO:.JO'

91 1
Z700 '~ t0At0 ' 68 o.,., : l400 ' ~JO ' ,KIO '
r t_6'L~11Ci. Polir.-~. d C D•,r : lSOO ' t!/10' 10 ' Lsoo ' @ tO'AIO
«- .coo ' 4t~ JO'_,,o ·

L1 Levet. · e.5QO·~ 6 ·Ji( rt· _j

L 4L~vn I~OO 't!IO'xtO' _j

Figure 2.- Vertical projection of main alrways for mine characteristlc


considered to have no appreciable air resistance because its airways are of

large cross-section, because there are from two to four parallel airways,
and because there are innumerable openings to surface glory-holes directly
above the level. Compared with possible errors in calculating the resistance
of the rest of the mine, No . 2 level and columns E and D are considered to
have negligible resistance . The air coursing is shawn by arrows.

(b) Method of Calculating Mine Resistance to Air Flow

The method of attacking this problem is precisely that of obtaining an
expression for the resistance of a similarly constructed electrical circuit
consisting of co nd uctors connected in both series and parallel. The electrical
anal ogy may be illustrated as follows:
The basic formula in mine ventilation is:
P = }\"' or J\.3
whcrc P = Drop in pressure along che airway- lb./sq.fc.
K = Friction factor
S = Rubbing surface of airway- s9 .fc.
V = Vclocicy of air in airway- fc. /min .
Q = Volume of air io airway-c. f.m .
A = Cross-scccional arca of airway- sq.fc.

In this formula it will be noted that, for any one airway, the factors
K, S, and A are constants and that hence P will vary as Q2 • If the constants
are combined and given the value R, then
R = A3 and P = RQ'

Thus P becomes equivalent to the e.m.f. of an electrical circuit, R IS

equivalent to the resistance, and Q corresponds to the current.

If Rt, R2, R 3 , etc., are the resistances of airways, then, if in series, the
total resistance
R = R1 + R, + R + 3

and if in parallel the total resistance

1 1 1 1
VR. = vR; + vR, + vR, + ···
Since R
chen - =
1 J A
A3 ' yR .1 Ks = A Y'Ks
" A'
The expression A~ K~ is known as the 'pressure potential' of the airway .

Attacking the airway network as one would an electrical network , it

will be necessary to find an expression for the total resistance of No. 8 level,
No . 7 level , and a section of No . 6C drift in parallel . To this will be added
400 feet of No . 6C drift in series to obtain the resistance of 6C. No . 6A, 7B,
and 6C drifts are in parallel, so their total resistance must be calculated . To

this is added 500 feet of 10 ft . by 10 ft . drift in series to obtain the total

resistance of Nos . 6, 7 and 8 levels . Nos . 3, 4, 5, and 6 levels are in parallel .
The total resistance of this circuit, plus 1,700 feet of drift to No. 6 portal in
series, will give the total mine resistance:
(c) Calculations


(feet) (feet) (sq.ft.) (sq .ft .)

3 .. .. .... . .. ····· ·· ··· 3,300 6 ft . by 7! ft . 27 89,100 45

4 .. .. ....... .......... 3,100 6 ft . by 7t ft. 27 83,700 45
s........ ... ...... . . .. 2,900 6 ft . by 7! ft. 27 78,300 45
6 ....... .. .. ... . A... . . 2,500 10 ft . by 10 ft . 40 100,000 100
B ..... 2,400 10ft. by 10 ft . 40 96,000 100
C ..... 2,500 10 ft . by 10 ft . 40 100,000 100
2,700 12ft. by 10 ft . 44 118,800 120
500 10ft. by 10ft. 40 20,000 100
400 10 ft . by 10 ft . 40 16,000 100
7 ......... .. ... ....... 2,500 6 ft . by 7t ft . 27 67,500 45
8 ........ ... ... . ...... 2,300 10 ft . by 10 ft. 40 92,000 100

The choice of a value for the friction factor K depends entirely upon the
judgment of the engineer making the ventilation calcularions . Many
writers have discussed the assignment of a proper value for K and a con-
siderable amount of field investigation has been done, but still there is no
value which is directly applicable to all mines . Each mine must be con-
sidered as a separate problem . lt is this uncerrainty of the proper value of
K thar makes ali calculations of this type no more than indicative of what
air flow conditions may be expected, rather than an exact forecast of oper-
ating conditions. lt is this uncertainty that permits us to make such as-
sumptions as were made relative to the air resistance of No . 2 level and of
columns E and D in the paragraph explaining Figure 2.
McElroy, in his Engineering Factors in the Ventilation of Metal Mines,
gives a very comprehensive tabulation of suggested values of K for various
conditions of airway surface and irregularities of area and alignment. If
iris assumed, for the purpose of this problem, that the airways are all in /
igneous rock, have average irregularities of surface, area, and alignment,
ar~ moderately curved a~d slightlr obstructed, then the friction factor K
wtll be 1.65 X 10-8 for atr of denstty 0.075 lb. /cu.ft.
Co~recting this factor for air density at 3,540 feet elevation and average
mine air temperature of 49°F. d.b., 48°F. w . b.,
K = 1. 65 X 10-8 ( O.
0684) = 1. 50 X 10-s
0 .075
( 1) Equivalent Resistance of 6C, 7, and 8 Drifts in Parallel
_1_ = _1_ + _ 1_ + _ 1 _
VR VR&c vR; VR8

J 100 . / 45 . / 100
" 1.5 xw -8( 10') x w -8(6.75 x 1o•) + 100 "
+ 45 " 1.5 1.5 x w -8(9.2 x IO' )
= (2. 48x 10 4
) + (0.948 x 10') + (2.69 x 10 4
) .

= (6.218 x 10')

T herefore, R = (2.S8 X l0-10) ..._Equivalent R of 6C, 7, and 8 in parallel.

(2) Total Resistance of 6C Drift

Ta the equivalent VR of 6C, 7, and 8 must be added the resistance of 400
feet of 6C drift extending south of the airway leading ta Nos . 7 and 8 levels.
This is in series with the VR already obtained .

KS 1.5 X I0-8(16,000) =
2.4 X 10-1o
R = --;:\3· = ( 100) 3

Thus total R of 6C drift

= (2. 4 X 10-10) + (2. 58 X I0-10) = 4.98 X lQ-10 ..._ R6C

(3) Equivalent Resistance of 6A, 6B, and 6C Drifts in Parallel

1 1 1 1
- = -~
-+- - + VR6c
V R•n
= A 6 A J -A6-A + A 6n ./-A-6
8 + J .,..-::-::~1~:-::--
" KS6A " KSsn " 4.98 X I0-

= 100 . / lOO + 100 . / lOO + 4.48 X 10'

" 1.5x lQ- ( 10 8
1.5 x lQ- (9.6 x 10
) "
8 4

= ( 2.58 x 10 + (2. 63 x 10') + c4.48 x 10')


= 9.69 x 10 4

Therefore, R = ( 1.06 X lQ- 10) -Equi valent R of 6A, 6B, and 6C drifts in parallel.

(4) Total R esistanc• of 6, 7, and 8 Level Drifts

To the above parallel resistance must be added the series resistance of
500 feet of 10 ft . by 10 ft . airway extending south along No. 6 level to
column D.

KS _ 1.5 X 10-8(20,000) =
3.0 X 10-10
R = Aa - ( 100)'

Then total R of 6, 7, and 8 level drifts

= (3.0 X l0-10) + ( 1.06 X 10-10) = 4.06 X 10-10 .._R6, 7, and 8.

(5) Equivalent Resistance of Nos. 3, 4, 5, and 6 Levels in Parallel

1 - 1 1 1 1
vR: - v:Ra + vR. + vif. + vR.
= Aa J Aa +A, J A, +A, J A5 + j_:-=1~-:-:-.1
" KS 3 " KS, " KS , " 4.06 X I0- o

45J + 45J
45 45 + 45J 45
" 1.5 x 10' 8
" 1.5 x 10' (.83,700)
(89,100) " 1.5 x 10' (78,300)
8 8

+ 4 96 x 10'
= (0.826 x 10') + (0.850 x 1Q4) + (0.881 x 1Q4) + c4.96 x 10')
= 7.517 x 1Q4

Then equivalent R of Nos . 3, 4, 5, and 6 levels in parallel

= ( 1.76 X 10-10) +- R3, 4, 5, and 6.

( 6) Total Mine Resistance

To the above parallel resistance of the mine circuit must be added the
series resistance of the airway from column E on No . 6 level to the No. 6
level portal.
KS 1.5 X 10·8(118,800)
R = "'"1\3 = (120)3
= 10.3 x lQ -lO

Then total mine resistance

= (10.3 + 1.76) 10• 10 = 12.06 x 10' 10 - RMI NE

( d) Construction of Mine Characteristic Curve

Having obtained a value of R for the mine as a whole, it is now possible
t0 use the equation P = RQ' to obtain a curve which will represent the
mine characteristic . This is clone by substituring empirical values for Q
and by plotting the resulting values of P on a base of Q.
In mine ventilation work it is customary tO use inches of water as a
measure of pressure rather than the pounds per square foot obtained from the
above equation. Because of this, RQ' will be divided by 5.2 and pressures
plotted in inches of water.
Jf Q = 0 c.f.m.
P = 0 in. w.g.

lf Q = 10,000 c.f.m .
p = 12.06 x I0-10 ( 10,000) 2
. = 0.0232 in . water gauge
5 2
If Q = 20,000 c.E.m.
12.06 x 10' 10 ( 20,000) 2 •
P = . = 0.0928 m. water gauge
5 2

Sirnilarly : Q = 30,000 c.f.rn. P = 0.208 in. w.g .

Q = 40,000 c.f.m. P = 0.371 in . w.g.
Q = 50,000 c.f.m. P = 0.580 in. w.g.
Q = 60,000 c.f.rn . P = 0.835 in . w.g.
Q = 70,000 c.f.rn . P = 1.137 in. w.g.
Q = 80,000 c.f.rn. P = 1.48 in . w.g.
Q = 90,000 c.f.rn. P = 1.88 in. w.g.
Q = 100,000 c.f.rn . P = 2.32 in . w.g.
Q = 110;000 c.f.rn. P = 2.80 in . w.g.

These values of P and Q are plotted to form a curve as in Figure 3. For

the mine in question, this curve is known as the Mine Characteristic.


In Figure 3, the mine characteristic is plotted together with the natural-

draft pressures calculated in Part 1 of these calculations.
Ir will be noted thar the various N .D.P's are represented as straight lines .
This is because the pressure depends entirely upon temperatures and baro-
metric pressures, and consequent air densities, and is not concerned with
the volume of air flowing along the mine airways.
The mine characterisric, on the other hand, is a curve developed from
an equation which shows the pressure required to cause a volume of air to
flow within the mine, and this equation contains the volume factor, Q,
which is raised to the second power.
The point of intersection of the mine characteristic and any N .D .P.
straight-line curve indicates the volume of air thar will flow at the given
N .D .P. Thus, when surface temperatures are 85°F. d .b., and 70°F. w .b.,
and the N .D .P. is consequently 0.97 in . w .g,, a volume of 65,100 c.f.m. will

"n P P 1-JD'F. Su /n, • Trr A i. ·~N>• NP~ 1

"" i
·...., ,., ~1i ·- -
~ 1
~ .Sum~r at,JI4tM'.
,. NI>Pto !D'F. .5-.
'"'· •Co ·r L.
-~ ,·
!" 1 "-tüJP@' 'r..t•. 70'/' ~: ~~~ .5vrfac~ Turrp .

p 10
--~ zr JIO 4:0
so 60 rp alo 9P
1 '! VoLUME • 1000• C.

Figure 3.

flow within the mine . At an N.D .P. of0.865 in . w.g ., the flow will be 61,200
c.f.m ., and at an N.D.P. of 2.76 in . w.g . the flow will be approximately
103,000 c.f.m .
Any number of N.D.P . curves can be plotted to satisfy the changing
con di ti ons of mine and surface air . temperatures and barometric pressures
which take place throughout the year. The intersections of these curves
with the mine characteristic indicate the tOtal volume of air that will flow
through the mine.
The volume of air that will flow across the various levels will depend
upon the )R value of each leve!. This, and other aspects of the problem,
will be illustrated in the calculations t0 follow .


Before attempting to solve problems concerning the application of the
fan to the mine, it is advisable to be thoroughly acquainted with the basic
law of fan performance . The laws most commonly used in practical mine
ventilation work are v~ry simple: their function is to ena ble the opera cor
to answer for hi rn self the following questions:

(l) Given a fan's performance curves for air at standard density, what
will be the fan's performance under conditions of mine air density?
( 2) Given a fan's performance curves at one rotation speed, what will
be its performance at sorne other speed?
(3) Given a fan 's performance curves , what will be the performance of
the same type of fan but of a different size?
The following examples illustra te the mathematics involved in answering
these questions .

A fan's performance can be described by two curves : the first is sorne-

times known as the 'fan characteristic' ( corresponding to the previously
discussed 'mine characteristic') and is the pressure-volume curve of the fan
at a given speed; t-he second is the power curve at the same speed having
the horsepower plotted on a base of volume. Both curves, when issued by
fan manufacmrers, combine t0 show the fan performance in air of stapdard
density. Sometimes a third curve is given- the 'fan efficiency' curve- but
if it is not given it can be easily constructed from the information available
from the other two curves .
The performance curves used in the following examples are those of an
axial flow type of fan having a 'limit-load' characteristic . This fan type is
often preferred in metal mine ventilation because of its low initial cost, low
installation cost, relatively high maximum efficiency, and the non-over-
loading feature. This last feature permits the fan tO operate under ali con-
ditions from zero volume t0 zero pressure without danger of burning out
the fan motor.


Suprose thar iris found desirable ra place a fan at the portal of the No . 6
level o the mine discussed in Section I. The elevation of this fan location
is 3,200 feet and the average temperature of the air handled by the fan is
48°F. d.b ., 47°F. d .b. ( assuming the fan to exhaust the mine air). The
density of this air is 0.0687 lb./cu .ft.
The standard density of air ass umed for the calibration of fans is 0.07495
lb ./cu.ft . (70°F. and 29.92 in . Hg). The relative air densiry at whi ch the
fan will be working is, therefore , 0.0687 + 0.07495, or 0.916 of standard
density .
The fan performance curves supplied by the manufacturer can now be
correcred for air density by applying the following rules:

(l) The air volume does not vary with density .

( 2) The pressure produced by the fan varies directly as the densiry .
(3) The h .p . input to the fan varies directl y as the density .
Figure 4 shows the P.V. and h. p. curves for the given fan when rota ting
at a speed of 1,180 r.p.m. ; the upper curve in each pair indicates the fan
performance in air of standard densiry; the lower curve is obtained as fol-
lows :

7 1 711

, / ~S.P. l'mc'c~c eu1ou., ~

"~ '(
çP. V ~Tb A ..
.P ,,. , ,
o•• TY l....Lv
f/ U40 R .P.M.
\ .<O

1~ ~',
~ " ',V' ~D
/ \

- - -
_l', ~..... -.. _
'- ~-
- -
/ ---- -
-:...-, -
li ,- fP ~ Jr'o !Jr.
..c.~~' ~f·oou "/a-n
$JTY ~

' ,! . '
"'' \ .'"'

'- ~::· V.ti' (• 0 ·0681 & TAN PCCO • UO <- '~ ' 1·


- -- --- , "\ \

/ -- ------- --c;;.::,:·-- "-;.:__·:,-~- ------- ~'

~ V
1~ zlo 3[0

Vow""E 1 tooo. c."
', ,

'\I l

Figure 4.

(a) P. V. Curve at Air Density of 0.0687 lb. /cu .ft.

Multiply the pressures on the standard density P.V. curve, corre5pooding
to selected volumes, by 0.916 and plot the resulting pressures.

Thus at 0 c.f.m., 5.49 in. X 0.916 = 5.025 in.

10,000 c.f.m., 4.67 in. X 0.916 = 4.28 in.
20,000 c.f.m ., 4.00 in. X 0.916 = 3.67 in.
30,000 c.f.m., 3.49 in. X 0.916 = 3.20 in.

( b) H.P . Curve at Air Density of 0.0687 lb./cu.jt.

Thus at 0 c.f.m., 33.4 h .p. X 0.916 = 30.6 h.p .
10,000 c.f.m., 31.8 h.p. X 0.916 = 29.1 h.p .
20,000 c.f.m., 31.15 h.p. X 0.916 = 28.5 h .p.
30,000 c.f.m., 30.7 h.p. X 0.916 = 28.1 h.p.



(c.f. m.) FACTOR

0 ............ . .. 5 . 49 in . 33.4h.p. 0 .916 5 .025 in. 30 .6 h ·!!'·

10,000 .. .... .. ... ..... 4 .67 31.8 0 .916 4 . 28 29.1
20,000 . . .............. 4 .00 31.15 0.916 3 .67 28 .5
30,000 .... .... .. ..... . 3.49 30.7 0 .916 3 . 20 28.1
40,000 ..... .. .... ..... 3.28 31.9 0 . 916 3.00 29 .2
50,000 ..... ..... . ... . . 3.0 35.6 0 . 916 2.75 32 .6
60,000 ..... .... ... ... . 1.91 34 . 8 0 .916 1.75 31.9
72,250 .......... . ... . . 0 32 . 8 0 . 916 0 30 .0

Thi"s curve is constructed in the same manner as the P. V. curve above.


Often it is desirable to find out how a given fan will perform when it is
rotated at a speed differing from the available performance curve ~>peed .
The new performance curves are very easily obtained by applying the fol-
lowing laws to the available curves:

( 1) The volume of air produced by the fan .vanes directly as the fan
speed .
( 2) The pressure produced by the fan varies directly as the square of the
fan speed.
(3) The horsepower input to the fan varies directly as the cube of the
fan speed .

Figure 4 shows the P.V. and h. p. curves for the given fan when rota tin~
at a given speed of 1,180 r.p.m . and when rotating at a desired speed of 950
r.p.m. The latter curves are obtained ali follows:

(a) Since volume varies directly as speed, the volumes at 950 r.p .m.
corrc:sponding to selected volume at 1,180 r.p.m. will be 950/1,180 times
the sdc:cted volumes.

Thes : 10,000 c.f.m. at 1,180 r.p.m. is equivalent to 10,000 X

1~;~ = 8,050 c.f.m. ar 950 r.p.m.

20,000 c.f.m. at 1,180 r.p.m. is equi val ent to 20,000 X = 16,100 c. f.m . at 950 r.p .m.
1,1 80

(b) Since pressure varies directly as the square of the fan speed, the
pres~>uresat 950 r .p.m. corresponding to selected pressures at 1,180 r.p.m.
950 2
will be ( ) times the selected pressures.

Thus : 4.28 in. w.g. at 1,180 r.p.m . is equivalent to 4.28 ( {,î~or = 2.78 in . w .g. at 950 r.p.m.

Since 4.28 in . w.g. corresponds to 10,000 c.f.m . at 1,180 r.p.m ., and since
10,000 c.f.m. is equivalent to 8,050 c.f.m. at 950 r .p.m., then one point on
the new P.V. curve will be 8,050 c.f.m ., 2.78 in . w .g . A second point on

the new P.V. curve at 950 r.p.m . will be 16,100 c.f.m. and 3.67 X ( - 950
or 2.38 in. w .g. 1,180
(c) Since horsepower varies directly as the cube of the fan speed, the
horsepower at 950 r.)m. corresponding to selected horsepower at 1,180
950 3
r.p.m. will be ( times the selected horsepowers .

Thus : 29.1 h .p . at 1,1 80 r.p.m. is equivalent to 29 .1 (

1~î~or = 15.2 h .p. at 950 r.p .m.

and 28.5 h .p. at 1,180 r.p.m. is equivalent to 28.5 ( 1~Î~or "';' 14.9 h .p. at 950 r.p .m.

These points are plotted with their corresponding volumes of 8,050

c.f.m. and 16,100 c.f.m . respectively.


v 1,180 V950 p 1,180 p 950 . H .P 1,180 H .P. 950

c.f.m. c.f.m. in. water in . water

0 0 5.025 3 . 26 30 .6 16 .0
10,000 8,050 4 . 28 2 .77 29 .1 15 .2
20,000 16,100 3.67 2 . 38 28 .5 14 9
30,000 24,150 3 . 20 2 .07 28. 1 14 .7
40,d00 32,200 3.00 1.94 29 . 2 15 .2
50,000 40,250 2 .75 1. 78 32 .6 17 .0
60,000 48,300 1. 75 1.13 31.9 16 .7
72,250 58,100 0 0 30 .0 15 . 7


It sometimes happens that the fan in service becortJ.es too small for the
increased output that is required. If the same type of fan is desired, theo
it is possible to determine mathematically the performance characteristics
of other fan sizes, provided performance curves of the fan in use are available.
Fan manufacturers designate by numbers the various sizes of fan produced
in each type group. Such fans are so designed that their essential dimension$
bear a definite relation to the other fans in the same group. Sorne manu-
facturers use numbers, su ch as Size 2, Size 272, Size 3, etc., while others use
wheel diameters, such as 30 in., 48 in., 54 in., etc. Regardless of the method
used to indicate fan size, it is possible, given the performance curves of one
fan, to substitute these size numbers in the following formula:: to construct
the performance curves of any other size of fan of the same type.

Formula: ( 1) Volume varies as (SizeY X r.p.m.

( 2) Pressure varies as (SizeY X (r.p.m.) 2
(3) Horsepower varies as (Size) 6 X (r.p.m.Y

For the rurpose of a sample calculation, we will assume that the r.p.m.
of the fano desired size is the same as the r.p.m. of the fan whose character-
istic is given. Once a set of performance curves is made up for the new fan
size, its performance at any desired speed can be easily obtained by the method
already outlined.
Assume that the fan in use is an axial-flow type fan, 48 in. wheel dia-
meter, and has the performance curves illustrated in Figure 4 for 1,180 r.p.m.,
3,200 ft. elevation, and 48°F. air temperature. Assume further that the per-
formance curves of a 54-in. diameter fan .are required.

(a) VoLUME:
10,000 c.f.m. from the 48-in . fan will correspond to 10,000 (~r
= 14,240 c.f.m., from the 54-in. fan .

20,000 c.f.m. from the 48-i n. fan will correspond to 20 (~)'

= 28,480 c.f.m., from the 54-in. fan.

5.025 in . w.g. produced by the 48-in. fan will correspond to 5.025 (~)'
= 6.36 in . w.g. by the 54-in. fan.

4.28 in. w.g. produced by the 48-in . fan will correspond to 4.28 (~)'
= 5.42 in. w.g. by the 54-in. fan.
30.6 h.p. required by the 48-in. fan will correspond to 30.6 (~)'
= 55.1 h.p. by the 54-in. fan.

29.1 h.p. required by the 48-in. fan will correspond to 29.1
= 52.4 h .p. by the 54-in. fan .


v 48 v 54 p 48 p 54 H .P. 48 H .P. 54
c.f.m. c.f.m. in. water in. water

0 5 .025 6.36 30.6 55.1

10,000 14,240 4 . 28 5 . 42 29 .1 52 . 4
20,000 28,480 3.67 4.65 28.5 51.4
30,000 42,720 3 .20 4 .05 28 .1 50 .6
40,000 56,960 3 .00 3.80 29 .2 52 .6
50,000 71,200 2. 75 3 . 48 32 .6 58 .7
60,000 85,440 1. 75 2.i22 57 . 5 31.9
72,250 102,880 0 0 30 .0 54 .1

When these tabulated values of V, P, and H.P. are plotted ( together

with many more values taken at short intervals of volume), the performance
curvcs of a 54-in . fan at 1,180 r .p .m. are obtained.


(a) Fan Efficiency

The efficiency curve supplied by the manufacturer is gcncrally based on
total pressure ( the algebraic sum of static pressure and velocity pressure) ,
although the Y-axis of the graph indicates static pressure only.
Given the P. V. and H.P. curves for a fan at any constant speed, tt ts
possible to construct a very useful curve showing static pressure efficiency
throughout the full range of fan performance from zero static pressure to
zero volume. The S .P . efficiency averages about 10 per CC1lt below the T .P.
. _ Volume (S.P.)5.2
S.P . Effi ctency -
33 ,000( h .p.)
The su.tic efficiency curve for the 48-in . fan at 1,180 r .p.m. in Figure 4
is calculated as follows :
. f 10,000 ( 4.28) 5.2 2 at
S. P . Effi ctency at 10,000 c .. m. = , ( . ) = 3.6 yo
33 000 29 1


0 c.f.m. 0 %
10,000 4.28 in. 29.1 h .p. 23.6
20,000 3 .67 28.5 40 .5
30,000 3 .20 28 .1 53 .9
40,000 3 .00 29 .2 64 .8
~0,000 2 .75 32 .6 66 .5
60,000 1.75 31.9 51.9
72,250 0 0

( b) Calculation of Fan Performance for Any Given Set of Conditions

If fan performance curves are available for a single speed and it is found
neccisary to operate the fan under conditions which do not lie on the given
curTes, the new rotation speed , horsepower, and efficiency cao be found as
follows :

Given the performance curves for a 48-in. fan rotating at 1,180 r.p.m.,
it is required to find the ·new performance which will produce 40,250 c.f.m.
at 1. 78 static pressure.
Using a polyphase duplex or similar slide rule, set 1.78 on the A scale
opposite 40,250 on the C scale. With this setting, move the cursor slowly
un til a set of conditions on the A and C scale are found which lie on the P. V.
curve of the fan at 1,180 r .p.m. This is found to be 50,000 c.f.m. at 2.75 in .
static pressure and is known as the 'point of ra ting'. The required h. p. at
1,180 r.p.m. is seen to be 32.6 h.p.
The fan speed for the new condition of operation is, therefore,
40,250 x 1,180 - 9 0
50,000 - 5 r.p.rn.

The static pressure efficiency of the fan for the required conditions at
950 r. p.m. will be the same as at the 'point of ra ting' and will therefore be
50,000 x 2.75 x 5.2 = 66 501
33,000 x 32.6 . JO

The horsepower required will be

40,250 x 1.78 x 5.2
17.0 h.p.
33,000 x 0.665
Given this information, performance curves can be constructed for the
new fan rotation speed as previously outlined.

(c) Limit Load Speeds

lt will be noticed in Figure 4 that the horsepower curve drops on both
sides of its maximum value. A fan having such a horsepower curve is said
to have a 'non-overload characteristic'. That is to say, for any given fan
speed the horsepower requirement will not exceed a definite maximum point,
regardless of whether resistance to air flow rises from zero to complete
volume eut-off. The value of this feature can be realized when consideration
is given to the duty of a fan located at No. 6 level portal ( described in pre-
vious calcula ti ons), where natural-draft pres-sures al one vary from 2.4~ in. w .g.
opposing an exhaust fan to 0.97 in . w.g. aiding the fan, a total range of
3.45 in. w.g.
Just as there is a maximum power load for each fan speed, there is a
maximum fan speed for each load . Given the power curve for the 48-in.
fan at 1,180 r.p.m., it can be seen tha•t the maximum horsepower is 32.75.
Then, the 'limit-load speed' y for any desired motor horsepower, x, is
calculated as follows :
. y'
H.P.x = H.P.1,tso ,
1 1803

For a 35 h.p. rnotor, y = 1 180 3 ~ = 1,209 r.p.m.

' 32.75

For a 30 h.p. mocor, y = 1' 180 3~

32 .75 = 1' 142 r . p .rn .
For a 25 h .p. mocor, y = 1,079 r.p.m.
For a 40 h.p. motor, y = 1,262 r.p.m.

Natural-draft pressure, mine characteristic, and fan performance are
sorne of the problems that have been discussed in the preceding sections of
these calculations . This section will illustrate the integration of these
individual problems into the larger single problem of mechanical mine
ventilation . It will deal primarily with the derivation of fan performance
for a particular mine duty.


For the purpose of illustrating a typical calculation it will be assumed

that it is necessary to instal a fan in the south end of the mine previously
discussed . . Further, be cause discussion relative to the choice of fan location
and volume of ventilating air is beyond the scope of this laper, it will be
assumed that the fan will be placed as shawn in Figure.S an that the desired
volume is a minimum of 60,000 c.f.m. The following calculations are for
the purpose of finding the mine resistance to the flow of the desired air
volume, the natural-draft pressures assisting or opposing the fan, the total
static pressure at which the fan will operate, and, from this, the rotation
speed and brake horsepower of a selected fan.
Airway dimensions and air coursing are as shawn on Figure 6. Figure
5 shows sorne of the detail of the south end mine workings which are out- .
lined in Figure 2. ·

.,.,..,..c. · llA I~C TO Polrt T 'L : l

-- ' < ' t...,...

' \

rpp .v~·



Ne. 8 LÇVEL. D
Figure 5.- Plan of a section of Nos. 5, 6, 7, and 8 levels.

ücv'N or ~uKfA CC
1/frli~{ . 40.50 '

~o .
. é Lt:V 'rf (IF
.Su~FACE DI.)CifA/f(iC
//'IDI CATC S Nt'GL/6/.Lt
Rc., ,STANCC O J' oPcrr

~T~~C~:LIIQM ~
a .... s,l(.s.so ·
C. UU._---===~~-------J

Figure 6.- Arrangement of airways to show series and parallel arouping.

( a) Calculation of Mine Characteristic

As stated earlier in this paper, a P.V. curve can be constructed for a
section of a mine just as easily as for the whole mine. Once the air-coursing
is decided upon, it is possible to calculate the approximate pressure difference
necessary co cause the flow of any desired air volume.
There are two common methods of calculating the mine characteristic;
for the purpose of illustration, both will be used in this problem. The first
method is the one used to obtain the mine characteristic in the first section
of these calculations; the second is the method most favoured by text books
in elementary mine ventilation . The proper use of both methods gives the
same result .

Method A
In order co make the calculations more easily followed, the airways, as
indicated by the airflow direction arrows in Figure 5, are re-arranged to
show clearly the series and parallel groupings . This is Figure 6. The
method of calculation is as follows : ·

Airway BCDE is in parallel with airway BE. The resultant of these

two resistances, plus the series resistances of AB and EF, is in parallel
with airway AF
This resultant, plus the series resistance FG, is in parallel with air-
way HKG .
The resultant of all airways leading to the fan inlet, plus the series
resistance GL, is the total airway resistance to the flow of air in the
circuits shown.



BCDE (1)CD ... 8 fr. by 8 ft. 32ft. 550ft. 17,600 sq.ft. 262,144 ft. 3
( 2)DE . . .
BE .....
.. 7
28 ..
25 ..
250 ..
850 ..
117,650 ..
59,320 ..

AB+ EF ...... 7 28 .. 640 .. 17,920 117,650 ..
7 ..
AF . ........ . 5! 6! ..
.. 24 .. 1,000 .. 24,000
.. 45 ,700 ..
FG ......... . .
HKG ..........
.... 28 ..
28 ..
175 ..
835 ..
.... 117,650 ..
117,650 ..
GL. ......... . . 6 7 26 .. 405 .. 10,530 74,088 ..
-- - - -- - - - ---

K = 1.5 X 10-8

The basic formulais P = K~~' lb. per sq. ft.

From which, p = RQ' where R

= J\3 and vR.
= A" KS ~ /A

1 1 1 1 .
and R 1, R 2 , R3 , et~ . , in para11el : yR = yR, +V~+ yR, +etc.

R, , R,, R3, etc., in series : R = R 1 + Rz + R3 +etc.

(1) Total Series R of BC, CD, and DE

Since BC is composed of a number of airways its resistance, relative to
other airways, is negligible and the calcularion cao be omitted .

Serias R of CD and DE

_ K ( 17,600 +
- 262,144
1 .9 x w-a

(2) Eljuivalent R of BE and BCDE in Parallel

1 ./ 39 ~/ 1
vR. =
11.5 x w -8(21,250) + l1.9 x w-a
= (1.35 x 10') + ( 2.3 x 10') = 3.65 x lQI
Therefore, R = 7.5 X w-•o

(3) To this must be added the series resistances of AB and EF

Th R = (7 5 X w-•o) + 1.5 X lQ-8( 17,920)_
us . 117,650
= ( 7.5 x 10'10) + ( 2.28 x 1Q• 9)
= 3.03 x lQ-&

( 4) Equivalent R of ABCDEF in parallel with AF

_ 1_ 1 ./ 35.75
va = V3 .o3 x w- + 9 35 ·75 " 1.5 x w-8(24,ooo)

= ( 1.126 x 104) + ( 1.82 x 10 4) = 2.946 x 10'

Therefore, R = 1.15 X IQ-9

(5) To this must be added the series resistance of FG

Thus : R = ( 1.15 X IQ-9)+ 1.5 Xlll0;(~,900)

7, 5
( 1.15 x w-•) + (6.25 x IQ- 10)

= 1.775 x IQ- 9

( 6) Equivalent R of ABCDEFG in parallel with HKG

1 1 ./ 49
v&: = VL775 x w-• + 49 " 1.5 x w ·s(23,380)
= (2.83 x 104) + ( 1.83 x 104) = 4.21 x 104
Therefore, R = 5.64 X IQ-10

(7) Total resistance of all air~ays to the passage of air must include the
series resistance of GL. Above GL, the air enters · a network of exhaust
passages whose resistance is negligible.
E = (
5•64 x IQ-10) + 1.5 x74,088

= (5. 64 x IQ- 10) + (2.13 x IQ- 9)

= 2.69 x IQ- 9

(8) Pressure difference required to maintain a flow of 60,000 c.f.m .

Since P = RQ2 -+- 5.2 inches water gauge,
p = 2.69 x IQ- 0(60,000) 2
= 1.86 in. w.g.

If desired, the mine characteristic curve can be plotted, as shown pre-

viously, by substituting values of Q varying from 0 c.f.m. to 70,000 c.f.m.,
or more, in the formula
p = 2.69 x IQ- 9Q2 -+- 5.2
Method B
This second method of obtaining the mine characteristic, the one most
favoured by text books, is perhaps more easily understood than the preceding
calculations, althoug~ it is more lengthy. Its fundamental prin~iple is tha~ ,
where a spltt In the air current ta:kes place, the volume of flow In each split
must be such that the splits have equal pressure differences. The method
consists in obtaining sufficient equations of equal pressures and volumes so
that all unknowns can be calculated.

Q, P . . . . . . Total air flow and total pressure difference
Qt, P 1 . . . . . . . . Volume and pressure difference related to AF
Q 2, P2 ...... 00 " " " " A)3 plus EF "

Qa, P, ..... oo. " " " " BE "

Q 4, p, ...... 00 "

Q6 , P, ...... 00 " " " " FG "

Qs, P, ...... 00 "
" " HKG
Q7 , P7 . . . . . . . . " "
" GL "

On condition of unrestricted air flow along the various passages , the

following equations are true:

(1) Equal Pressure Differences

(1) BCDE = BE, i.e., P, = Pa
( 2) ABCDEF = ABEF = AF, i.e., P, + P, = P, + Pa = P,
i.e., P 2 + P, + P, = P 3 + P, + P, = P, + P, = P&

( 2) Equal Volumes
(1) Qa + Q, = Q,
(2) Q, + Q, = Q.
(3) Q, + Qe = Q = Qr

(3) The next stef is to find expressions for the various pressure differences
by making use o the formula
P = - A inches water gauge
5.2 3




P1 . . . . . . . . .. 00 AF.. ..... 00 K(24,000)Qi + 5.2( 45,700) = 0.101KQi

P 2 ••.•••••• • •• AB+ EF .. . K(17,920)Qi + 5.2( 117,650) = 0.0293KQi

P,. . . . . . . . . . . BE ........ . K( 21,250)Qi + 5.2( 59,320) = 0.069KQi

P 4 . . . . . . . .. .. BC .. .. .. 00. Negligible

CD ......... K( 17,600)Q! + 5.2(262,144) = 0 . 0129KQ~

DE ..... 00.. K(7,000)Q! + 5.2( 117,650) = O.Oll5KQl

Total P, ;= 0.0244KQ!

P, .. .......... FG... ... .. . K( 4,900)Qi + 5.2(117,650) = O.OOBKQ;

Ps ............ HKG ..... 00 K( 23,380)Qi + 5.2(117,650) = 0 . 0383KQ~

P, ....... : . . . . GL . . . . . . . . K( l0,530)Qi + 5.2( 74,088) = 0.0273KQi


( 4) The next step is to substitute the above values of the pressure differences
in the equations of equal pressures and equal volumes in order to obtain all
the unknown Q's expressed as a value of one unknown Q. For example, in
this problem it is stated that the minimum total air volume is 60,000 c.f.m.,
hence the logical procedure would be to express Q., Q2, Q3, etc., in terms of
Q or Q,. Let us assume further, however, that as well as a minimum total
volume it is necessary that airway 4F have a minimum flow of 10,000 c.f.m .
All the unknown Q's will therefore be expressed in terms of Q 1 • Then,
substituting the value of 10,000 c.f.m . for Q~, ir will be seen whether or nor
rhe total volume Q or Q, is within the limit of 60,000 c.f.m . If it is nor
within the limit of 60,000 c.f.m., rhen one of the limits, either Q1 or Q,,
must be sacrificed to obtain the other.
From the equations of equal pressure differences and equal volumes, the
following equations are obtained:

(1) Since Ps = P4, theo 0.069KQi = 0.0244KQ!

from which Qa = 0.595Q,
(2) Since Q 2 = Q, + Q., theo Q, = 1.595Q;

(3) Since P, = P, + P,, theo 0.101KQi = 0.0293KQi + 0.069KQi

Substituting values of Q 3 = 0.595Q, and Q 2 = 1.595Q 4 obtained abovc,

Q• = 1.01Q,
(4) Since Q 5 = Q, + Q,, theo Q 5 = 2.61Q, (from 2 and 3 abovc)

( 5) Since P, = P, + P,, theo 0.0383KQ! = 0.101KQi + O.OOBKQ;

from which, using (4) above, Q 6 = 2.015Q 1

Summarizing these volume relationships, we have, assuming Q1 as unit y,

Q. l.OOOQ, Q. 2.61Q,
Q, l.61Q, Q. 2.015Q.
Qa 0.60Q, Q = Q, 4.625Q,
Q4 l.01Q 1

( 5) Then if 10,000 c.f.m . is assigned to Q1, the other volumes of flow will be:
10,000 c.f.m. Q, 26,100 c.f.m.
16,100 .. Q. 20,150 "
6,000 Q = Q, 46,250

From which it appears rhat borh desired minimum volumes can be obtained.
C6) The pressure difference required to maintain a minimum flow of 60,000
: .f.m. through the mine arca under consideration is calculated as follows:
The total pressure will have two major components: that consisting of
the airway GL, and either of the two main parallel circuits, AFG or HKG.
These latter two parallel circuits must have equal pressure differences be-
:ause, if the p.d. of one was less than the other, air would flow from the
ligh p .d . to the low circuit until both were again balanced.

P1 = 0.0273KQj

0.0273(1.5 x Io)-1(60,000) 2

= 1.475 in. w.g.

If Q1 = 60,000 c.f.m., then Q, = 2.015 X 60,000 26,200 c.f.m .
P, = 0.0383KQ!

= o.o383( L5 x 10-sx 26,2oo)2

~ 0.395 in. w.g.

The total pressure difference which must be maintained by the fan in

order to overcome the mintt resistance to the flow of 60,000 c.f.m . is, there-
P, + P1 = 0.395 + 1.475 = 1.87 in. w.g.

and this corresponds, within the limits of slide-rule accuracy, to the pressure
difference calculated by method A .

( b) Calculation of Natural-Draft Pressure

Since it is necessary that a minimum of 60,000 c.f.m. be circulated by
the fan, then the only natural-draft pressure that need be calculated is the
one that will oppose the direction of desired air flow . A glanee at Figure 5
will show that the surface component of the desirably-downcast air column
will control the direction of air flow. When the surface air is cold, this
component will outweigh the corresponding height of mine air column
(extension of GL to the surface) and so the direction of flow will be in the
desired direction . This has the effect of reducing the total static pressure
which the fan must develop and, in the case of the 48 in. axial flow type fan
previuusly discussed, will result in an air flow in excess of the minimum
allowable .
In the case of summer climatic conditions, the surface component of the
desirably-downcast air column will be outweighed by its corresponding
mine air column component, and the direction of air flow will tend to oppose
the desired direction . Thus the fan must overcome this natural-draft pres-
sure as well as provide the pressure difference required to cause 60,000 c.f.m .
to flow through the mine.
The following assumptions are made (i n actual practice these assumed
data must be carefully measured):
Dawn-cast air column:
(a) Surface componcnt ....... 200ft. at air density 0.0620 lb. /cu.ft.
( b) Mine componcnt . .. ...... 650ft. at air density 0.0682 lb./cu.ft.

Up-cast air column . ....... . .. .. . 850ft. at air density 0.0678 lb. /cu.ft.

Natural-draft pressure....... . = 200(0.0620) + 650(0.0682) - 850(0.0678)

= 0.90 lb./sq.ft.

If this ts multiplied by an assumed air column with cross-section area of

1 sq.ft . and divided by the conversion factor 5.2,
N. D. P. = 0.17 in. w.g.

(c) Total Fan Static Pressure

Components of the total static pressure are:
(l) Pressure difference required for air flow, 1.87 in. w . ~ .
( 2) Natural-draft pressure opposing fan, 0.17 in . w .g .
(3) Allowance for bringing air clown to point A and discharging to sur-
face from point L, both of which passages consist of open stopes, plus a
safety factor in case of error in assumptions, 20 per cent of required pressure
difference, = 0.37 in. w .g.
ToTAL FAN STATIC PRE SSURE = 2.41 in. w.g.

Twenty per cent of the calculated static pressure may be considered a

rather large safety factor but it is justified here for severa! reasons, one of
which is thar a minimum value for the total air volume has been set. If the
resulting air volume is too great it can easily be reduced, but if little or no
safety factor is allowed and the resulting vblume is insufficient for the work
co be clone, then the cost of motor and starting equipment may be lost.

(d) Calculation of Fan Performance

Given thar a volume of 60,000 c.f.m . was required, it has been calculated
tpat the fan must develop a static pressure of 2.41 in . w.g .
At this point in the calculations it is desirable to compare the perform-
ance of severa! fans to find which fan will be most efficient at the required
operating condition and will, at the same rime, require the !east total
expenditure for initial cost, installation, and power. This full discussibn
is, however, beyond the scope of this paper, so the required rotation speed
and horsepower will be calculated for only one fan. The selected fan is the
48 in. axial flow type whose performance curves are shown in Figure 4.
Using a polyphase slide-rule to obtain the 'point of rating ' at 1,180
r.p.m. equivalent to 60,000 c.f.m . at 2.41 in. w .g. ( the method has been
explained in a previous calculation), we find this point to be 56,600 c.f.m.
at 2.15 in. w.g . and 32.5 h .p .

Th e reqmre d fan rotatwn spee d wt'11 be 60,000 ,x 1,180

0 0

1,250 r .p.m.
56 600

The stattc pressuree ffi ctency wt'11 be 56,600(2.15) 5.2

0 0

,000(3 .S) = 59 per cene.

33 2

Th e requtre d h orsepower wt'11 t h eref ore be 60,000(2.41)

0 5.2 h
,000(0.S ) = 38.6 ·P·
33 9


In metal-mine ventilation, it occasionally becomes advisable to operate
two or more fans in parallel. The governing conditions for such an installa-

tion generally include the handling of a large volume of air at a relatively

low pressure. Very often, a fan large enough to handle the desired volume
will have to be operated inefliciently because the mine resistance is below
that for which the fan was designed, and, under such conditions, two fans
operating side by side might prove to be the cheaper and more satisfactory
installation. Again, it may improve the ventilation of the mine if the air
is coursed so that two or more small fans control the ventilation of definite
mine areas, rather than have all the ventilating air pass through one large
fan. In the example cited below, it was found to be cheaper to instal a second
fan than to drive a special airway to connect two sections of the area to be
ventilated in arder that a single fan might be used .
From the above, it can be seen that there are two positions in which fans
may be operated in parallel; either side by side in the same airway, or in
separate airways. The latter installation is the more common and is the one
that will be considered here. Two solutions of the problem are offered : a
graphical method and a mathematical method .

(a) Statement of Problem

Bath fans have a common air source . This is an airway 510 feet long
having a cross-section of 6 ft. by 7 ft.
Split A has a length of 810 feet and an average cross-section of 7 fr. by 7 fr.
Split B has a length of 560 feet and an average cross-section of 57'2 fr.
by 6ft.
Bath fans discharge to surface.
The remaining data relevant to the problem will depend upon the cir-
cumstances of the installation. Thus it might be that a defini te air volume
was required and the problem concerned the size, speed, and horsepower of
the fans that would be necessary. In this case, however, we will assume
that bath fans are available- a 54-in. axial flow type fan and a 48-in. axial
flow type fan-and that a 20 h.p. and 25 h.p. motor are available for the
54-in . fan and a 35 h.f. motor for the 48-in. fan . We wish to know the
volume of air that wil flow along each of the splits. Another local condi-
tion is that the 48-in. fan is already serving split B, so that, to save expense
in altering fan and motor foundations, this fan will remain in its present
location and the 54-in. fan will be placed in split A .

( b) Graphical Solution
The 54-in. fan must produce a pressure difference which will overcome
the resistance to the flow of the total air volume in the common imake
airway plus the resistance of the local circuit of split A . The 48-in. fan will
likewise have to produce a pressure difference suflicient to overcome the
resistance of the co mm on intake airway plus the resistance of i ts local circuit,
split B.
Since no limit has been placed on the volume of air that may be handled,
the fans will be operated at their 'limit-load speeds' (see previous calcula-
tians for definition of 'limit-load speed'). For the 54-in . fan with a 20 h.p .
motor, this is 752 r.p.m. For the 48-in. fan with a 35 h .p. motor, it is ap-
proximately 1,180 r.p.m.

, l<illllFLOI "
',,.,,. ....
48 ~54"F 'r4N3 ll'f 1 ~ARALU L.
LOCATIC rt : .5. (NO 0' M1rif. .
'' ~A . A 1Nn.~w. 4~ FAIYe H4"1l. M
'' A' : • , S4 - .. r.rz •
', .
1', ''
' ..... , ' ' ' -,
~.wr 4l1 FAN P o c.vvl" S4 "ç•
[ :.: ' <8
'S.f .
• 11/JO "
• OTZ •

r-, ........',..
' .... ........'
lt10RPM .
J-'!!. 1-....,__e·
Il PM .

~ '• ,, B
i 1-,..:_~_ ' lOCAL
'' A
' S4'
h -.........' ;(,
' ............
~ ~ONC'
' -.. ..._ P.V.Cu v~. S4 ''FA!f,. ~'-- ,

' <p lz RP.'J·""''
',/ '' ,,,
' ' ,'
\ f Or 8oTH F"AIY

<1. l

v ', ,,
:/ .

AII'F• l

v ~ ''


~)/ '
N \
;; \


__li --~zo ~ '.IME /000> CFM.


'" 1
l . \'Qs-· 40 .50 60
Q.,....... ~

Figure 7.
The fan PV curves at these speeds are plotted on Figure 7. The char-
acteristic of the common intake airway can be calculated by using the basic
formula 2 _ KSQ
p - 5.2A 3

and substituting any value- say 10,000 c.f.m. - for Q.

Then, at 10,000 c.f.m.,
p = 1.5 x 10"8(510) 26(188) . .
_( ) = 0.0515 m. w.g.
5 2 42 3

The PV curve is then plotted by substituting values of Q from zero to

80,000 c.f.m. in the equation
P = o.0515 Co.~)'
This curve is plotted on Figure 7.
The characteristics of the splits A and B are similarly obtained and plotted
on Figure 7.
The merhod of using the fan characreristics in conjunction with the
common circui r and local circuit characteristics is as follows:
(1) Select any total air volume-say 60,000 c.f.m. Using a pair of
dividers, measure the vertical distance from the 60,000 c.f.m. point
on the graph's volume base to the common circuit PV curve.

(2) Now place one leg of the dividers upon the PV curve of the 48-in.
fan and move the dividers along the curve until the other leg inter-
sects the PV curve for the local circuit of the 48-in . fan . This inter-
section is at a volume of 34,000 c.f.m.
(3) Since the 48-in. fan will handle 34,000 c.f.m., and the total volume
handled by both fans is 60,000 c.f.m., chen the 54-in . fan will have
to produce 26,000 c.f.m.
(4) Without changing the setting of the dividers, place one leg on the
local circuit curve for the 54-in . fan at the 26,000 c.f.m. point. It
will then be seen that the other leg of the dividers does not fall on
the 54-in . fan characteristic; chus 60,000 c.f.m. cannat be the total
( 5) By repeating this trial-and-error procedure, it will be found chat
64,000 c.f.m. is the total volume chat the fans will handle and chat
the 54-in. fan will produce 33,000 c.f.m. at 2.75 in . w.g. and the 48-in .
fan, 31,000 c.f.m. at 3.15 in. w.g. ·
There is one important matter shawn up by the graphical method chat
is not so plainly evident when a purely mathematical solution is made. It
will be seen in Figure 7 that point A on the 48-in . fan characteristic, the
performance point of the fan when a total of 64,000 c.f.m. passes through
the parallel circuits, occurs in an area of low fan static pressure efficiency
and is, therefore, an undesirable point of performance. ( Static pressure
efficiency at A = 31,000(3.175)(5.2) + 33,000(28 h.p. ) = 55.4 percent.
Moreover, the point occurs in a section of the performance curve which
indicates a relative! y rapid drop in volume for a small increase in pressure.
This, also, is undesirable. But even more serious is the location of the
corresponding point A 1 on the 54-in . fan performance curve. Here it can be
seen that a very slight increase in the static pressure- such as might be
caused by an error in estimating mine resistance, or the effect of an opposing
natural-draft pressure-will cause the fan to operate in the depressed section
of the curve, and the volume output will fluctuate widely. The conclusion
which can be reached is chat these two fans will not opera te satisfactoril y
in parallel under the prevailing conditions .
If the speed of the 54-in. fan is raised to 872 r.p .m. and the speed of the
48-in. fan remains at 1,180 r.p.m., the point B will be the operating point
of the 48-in . fan and the point B1 will be the operating point of the 54-in.
fan. Thus the 48-in. fan will be less efficient chan before and the operating
conditions of the 54-in . fan will be slightly better chan before . Increasing
the resistance of the 54-in. fan local circuit to equal chat of the 48-in. fan
will bring the operating point of the 54-in . fan into the depressed area of its
performance curve.
When two or more fans are to be operated in parallel, each fan should
run in the steeply inclined section of its PV curve. For the 54-in . fan at
752 r.p.m., this would be the section lying between an output of 42,000
c.f.m. and 50,000 c.f.m.; for the 48-in . fan at 1,180 r.p.m . it would be the
section from 52,000 c.f.m. to 60,000 c.f.m .
( c) Mathematical Solution
The fan performances obtained above by graphical methods can be du-
plicated by using mathematical trial-and-error methods. However, the
solution offered here will assume two conditions: the first, that a total

volume of 60,000 c.f.m. is desirable, can be adjusted if the resulting fan per-
formances do not make use of the fan motors available; and the second,
characteristic of this type ofsolution, is that the volume of air flowing in
the two splits shall be such that the pressure differences of the two splits
are equal.
The resistance equation of the common intake airway is, as calculated
for the graphical method,
p = 5.15 X 10-lOQ

The resistance equation of split A, the local circuit of the 54-in . fan, is
p = 1.5 x 8
10- ( 810) 28 Q2 = 5 56 x 10-10Q Z
A 5.2(49) 3 • A

and for split B,

p = 1.5 X 10-8(560)23 1. 032 X 10 _9Q i
B 5.2( 33) 3

Since PA= PB,

then 5.56 X 1Q· 10 Q ~ = 1.032 X 1Q- 9Qt
QA = 1.36Qu
Since Q = 60,000 c.f.m. and QA + QB = Q,
then 2.36Q 8 = 60,000 c.f.m.
Qu = 25,400 c.f.m.
QA = 34,600 c.f.m.
The resistance to the flow of 60,000 c.f.m . along the common airway is
P = 5.15 X 10-10( 60,000) 2 = 1.85 in. w.g.
The local resistance of the 54-in . fan and the 48-in. fan will be
Pa = 1.032 X 10· 9(25,400) 2 = 0.67 in. w.g. } Ch k
PA = 5.56 X 10' 10(34,600) 2 = 0.67 in. w.g. ec

Hence the 54-in. fan will produce 34,600 c.f.m . at 2.52 in . w .g . and the
48-in . fan will produce 25,400 c.f.m . at 2.52 in . w .g.
The next step in the calculations is to find the rotation speed and horse-
power requirements of the two fans in order that they may give the desired
performance. This is done by using the method outlined in section II,
Fan Calculations.
Given performance curves for the 54-in . fan at 752 r .p.m. and for the
48-in . fan at 1,180 r .p .m ., the points of rating are, for the 54-in . fan, 34,600
c.f.m. and 2.52 in. w.g. and 19 h.p. ( this point happens to be on the curve
of the 54-in . fan at 752 r .p.m .), and for the 48-in . fan, 28,800 c.f.m . at 3.25
in . w .g . requiring 28.2 h.p.
. d f h . f . f 25,400( 1,180)
Rotatton spee o t e 48-tn. an wtll there ore be = 1,041 r .p.m .
. . . 28,800(3 .25) 5.2
Fan stattc pressure efftctency wtll be ( ) = 52.3 per cent.
33,000 28.2
. . . 25,400( 2.52) 5.2
Horsepower requtred wtll be 000( ) = 19.1 h .p.
33, 0.523

Summarizing, to operate the two fans in parallel and produce a total

ventilating volume of 60,000 c.f.m., split A will take 34,600 c.f.m . and will
require the 54-in . fan to rotitte at 752 r.p.m. and use the 20 h.p. motor; split
B will take 25,400 c.f.m. and will require the 48-in. fan to rotate at 1,040
c.f.m. and will use the available 35 h.p. motor. If this is not satisfactory,
the 54-in. fan can be rotated at increased speed to make use of the 25 h.p.
motor and the output of the 48-in. fan correspondingly increased.
The weakness of this mathematical solution lies in the fact thar, since
the calculation and plotting of fan performance curves is unnecessary, it is
not always evident that one or both fans may be required to operate in a very
bad section of its PV curve. This was illustrated in discussing the graphical
method of solution.


Once a fan has been installed and is in operation, it is sometimes possible
to calculate a value for K (a value which may, as in the example below,
include shock and other !osses). For such a calculation, it is desirable thar
the air courses be clearly defined and capable of reasonably accurate measure-
ment, and the air volumes flowing along the various airways must be meas-
ured as accurately as possible. It is well to select a period of the year and rime
of the day when the natural-draft pressure is nil. All thar is further required
are PV and horsepower curves for the fan at the speed of rotation, and, if
possible, a measurement of the horsepower used by the fan .
Assume thar a 48-in . axial flow fan is in service, thar it is rotating at
935 r.p.m., and thar it is handling a volume of 40,000 c.f.m. ( measured) and
the motor is drawing 16.5 h.p . ( measured). According to the PV curve,
the static pressure at 40,000 c.f.m. should be 1.73 in., and the power con-
sumption of 16.5 h .p., less motor efficiency, gives an approximate check on
this point of performance by referring to the fan power curve.
- - - - - - - - ·· ----------



A ...... • . . . . . . . . 6ft. by 6ft. 280ft.

6,720 sq.ft. 46,656
8, 700 c.f.m.

B ........... . ... 6 ft . by 7~ ft . 225 .. 6,075 91 ,125 8,700
C . . . ..••........
D .... .. . .. ... ...
6 ft.
6 ft .
by 7! ft.
by 7! ft.
445 ..
91 ,125
91 ,125

From the formul a P = _ A,
1.73 = __!_(6.720(8,700) 2 + 6,075(8, 700) + 12,015 ( 40,000)
2 2
) + 24,435(38,000)'
5 2 46,656 91,125 91 ,125 91 ,125
1.18 X 108K
From which , K = 1.47 X lQ-8

Considering the inevitable inaccuracies of measurement contained in the

above calculation, and the variations in the operating conditions of this fan
and of other fans used in the mine, the value of K = 1.5 X I0- 8 heretofore
used in general calculation is regarded as satisfactory.

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