End Semester Examinatlbn Pe-215 Thermal System-Ii: Time:3:00 Hour

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Roll N o . - - -
Total N0 · 0 f pages02
Fourth Semester
Max. Marks:70
Time:3:00 Hour
Note: Attempt Any five Questions. Assume suitable data if missing. All are of equal marks.

Q.l,(a).Why does isothermal compression need minimum work ·and ·adiabatic

. : . . . . .. . .c:,y :-.- :of.. .,_..:
maximum work? How does the volumetric efficien_ a .-

compressor vary with the clearance and the pressure ratio?

(b).A reciprOcating comPressor receives 22 m'/min of air from the atmosphei~ at 100
·kPa, 22°C and compresses it to 1.5 MPa ..Cakulate.the power requirement for the
following compression processes; (i) isentropic, (ii) polytropic, with n=l.3, and (cl
revefSible isothermal. · ·• ·. . . · ·• · ·. •
.. .
0,.2.(a):sketth .in air standard Otto tycie oil P-V and T S diagrams. Derive an expreSSiOii

: ·. : .· for.the efficiency of an Otto cycle in terms of _compression ratio ..

(b),A diesel cvde intakes atmospheric .iirat 2s t and adds 1100kj/kg of enE!rgy. 1{the
maximum pressure is 4.5 MPa, calculate (.i) tHE! ·cut off ratio,(b) the thermal
efficiency and (c) the power output for an air flow of O.lkg/s.

Q.3.(a).What arE! the four processes Which constitute a EiiCSson cycle? ShoW that the
effiCiency Of .in air standard Ericsson C'(c1e ·is less than 1:hat of a ·carnot cyclii
working between the same temperature limits.

·· (b};What is different types of compressors? Explain the difference 6etweeil

reciprocating and centrifugal compressors~

Q.4.(a);Explain the effect of regeneration on the. Performance

. of Gas Turbine
. plant ~.With
. . .

sketches .

. .


. (
(b).Derive the expression of optimum pressure ratio for a Gas Turbine plant ha-ving
compressors efficiency ric and turbine efficiency 'h·
Q.S.(a).A gas-turbine plant operates on the. Brayton cycle between 2s c and ·sso°C. It
produces 850kw of power by compressing air at l00kPa to 900kPa. Calculate the
minimum mass flux of the air.
(b}.Show that the pressure ratio for the maximum efficiency of the air-standard
!3rayton cycle is the square root of the optimum pressure ratio for maximum net
work output from the cycle.
Q.6.(3).Derive a general three-dimensional conduction equation in Cartesian ~o-ordinaies .
for a homogeneous material.

' lbJ.Explairi convective heat transfer ·coefficient with its sigriificance and dimension.
Differentiate between natural convection and forced c~nvection. . .· ..

Q.7.(a).An exterior wall of a house may be approximated.by 30 cm layer of common brick

· ·. · (k:0.75W/m-deg) followed by 10 cm of gypsum plaster (k=O.SW/m-deg).' What
thickness or' iooseiy packed rock wool insulation (k=0.13.SWim-degf should be
added to reduce the heat loss or gain through the wall by 85%.

(b).Define absorptivity, reflectivity, trarismissivity, emissivity, black body, griiy body

and ·stefan-Boltzman law.

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