Liturgy of The Catholic Apostolic Church (Irvingites)

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%^i 3liturg?


<B^ix ®i\)ine ^^tt^


Ct)e Cii)ttrcit)»
George Barclay, Castle Street, Leicester Square.



The Office for Morning Prater.

The Office for Evening Prayer.
The Forenoon Service.
The Forenoon Service on Wednesday and Friday.
The Afternoon Service.
Additional Prayers for use in the Daily Services.
Occasional Prayers for use, principally, in the
Daily Services.
The Order for the Celebration of the Holy
Eucharist and Administration of the Com-
munion, ON THE LoRd's-DaY.
The Order for the Administration of the Com-
munion ON THE Afternoon of the Lord's-Day.
The Order for the Holy Eucharist and Commu-
nion, ON OTHER Occasions than the Lord's-
€l)t iBf&tt



On the entry of the officiating Ministers^

r\ COME let Tis worship and bow down, let

^^ us kneel before the Lord our Maker. For
He is our God, and we are the people of His

pasture, and the sheep of His hand.

The Invocation.
N the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and
I of the Holy Ghost.
jR. Amen.

The Exhortation.
[The folloivi?ig are given as heads (W topics.]

"Y\7E are all conceived in sin, and shapen in

iniquity; God hath pitied us, and given
His only begotten Son to die for us.


God hatli redeemed us ; but we have lightly

esteemed this redemption.
We have all neglected this great salvation, and
have provoked God to cast us off.

He has called all men to serve and to obey

Him, but they did not like Him to reign over

He has given to us all in our baptism His
Holy Spirit, but we have resisted His motions
within us.
He gave to His Church precepts and ordi-
nances, by which the Body of Christ might be
edified to the perfect Man, the measui-e of the
statm-e of His fulness; but we and our fathers
have despised them, and followed our own imagi-
nations : wherefore confusion has been wrought
in the house of God.

He commanded all Christians to live as brethren,

but we have lived in contention; in unity, but
we have~separated ourselves into many sects, and
no unity is to be seen on the earth. These evils

have been wi'ought even by those who have

thought to do God service, and to benefit the

souls of men.
God is grieved and displeased at the state of
His Chm-ch, and has preserved us unto this day
that we may repent and confess our sin, and

turn unto Him, that our sin may be blotted out,

and that He may still bless us.

For through our Lord Jesus Christ He will

forgive all who repent and turn to Him, con-

fessing their sins.

\_The following is given as a form 0/ Exhortation.]

TTOLY brethren, we are all by nature shapen

in iniquity, condemned by the law of God,
and ignorant of the way of peace. But God hath
given us the light of the knowledge of His glory
in the face of Jesus Christ, who, when He had by
Himself purged our sins, sat down at the right

hand of the IMajesty on high. God hath brought

life and immortality to light by the Gospel, and
hath given unto us the adoption of sons. The
darkness is past, and the true light now shineth.

Yet have we not duly hearkened unto the Word

of this Salvation ; neither have we been steadfast

in the grace of our baptism and the hope of our

calling. We have resisted the motions, and hin-
dered the manifestation, of the Holy Spirit, and
have lightly esteemed the precepts and ordinances
given by our Lord at the first, for our perfecting

as one body. We have wrought defilement and

confusion in the house of God, and have, in diverse
manners, broken the unity of His Church. We

have not served Him with a perfect heart, nor

continued in brotherly love. We have not been
unto all men the living epistle of Christ ; but we
have been ashamed of Him, we have brought re-
proach upon His Name, and we are found entangled
with the world, and overcome of evil. By these

things we have provoked God to cast us off.

Nevertheless unto this hour are we spared.

Our heavenly Father hath borne with the way-

wardness of His childi-en. He doth still regard
us in the pitifulness of His great mercy. He
would raise us out of the low estate into which
we have brought ourselves, and vouchsafe to us,

through the mediation of His Son, an abundant

entrance into His kingdom.
Wherefore let us humbly confess our sins, and
implore His forgiveness ; that, our consciences
being cleansed through the Blood of sprinkling,
we may at this time and henceforward acceptably
serve Him, and worthily magnify His holy Name.

The Confession.
To he repeated by the people after the Minister.

Let us pray.
A LMIGHTY and Most Merciful Father; We
have erred and strayed from Thy ways like
lost sheep. We have followed too much the

devices and desires of our own hearts. We have

offended against Thy holy laws. We have left
undone those things which we ought to have

done ; And we have done those things which we

ought not to have done.
We have been unmindful of the Unity of the
Body of Christ We have resisted and grieved

Thy Holy Spirit We have forgotten, and


lightly esteemed, the ordinances which Thou

didst give at the beginning for the perfecting

of the saints ; The hope of the appearing and
kingdom of Thy Son hath failed among those
who are called by His Name ; We have not
purified ourselves as He is pm-e; And there is

no health in us.

But Thou, Lord, have mercy upon us,

miserable offenders. Spare us, good Lord ; spare

Thou them which confess their faults. Restore

Thou them that are penitent ; According to Thy
promises declared unto mankind in Christ Jesus
our Lord. And grant, most merciful Father,
for His sake ; That we may hereafter live a godly,

righteous, and sober life. To the glory of Thy

holy Name.
^ Amen.


The Absolution.
[Thp follmving is given as a form appropriate.'}

\ LMIGHTY GOD, tlie Father of our Lord

Jesus Christ, who desireth not the death of

a sinner, but rather that he may turn from his

wickedness, and live ; and hath given power and
commandment to His ministers, to declare and
pronounce to His people, being penitent, the
Absolution and Remission of their sins : Have
mercy upon you ; Grant unto you full remission

and forgiveness ; and absolve you from all your

sins, iniquities, and transgressions,
R Amen.
Peace be with you.
R.. Amen.

The Prayer of Dedication.

r\ ALMIGHTY GOD, who by thy holy

^^ Apostle hast called upon us to present
i our bodies unto Thee, a living sacrifice, holy and
acceptable, which is our reasonable service; we
come unto Thee in the Name of Jesus Christ,
and we devote and dedicate ourselves wholly to
Thy service, henceforth to live only to Thy glory.
Thou art our God, and we will praise Thee;
Thou art om* God, we will exalt Thee. We give

thanks unto Thee, Lord, for Thou art good,

and Thy mercy endureth for ever ; and unto the

Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost,
be glory for ever.
R. Amen.
Lord, open Thou our lips.

R. And our mouth shall shew forth Thy praise.

God, make speed to save us.

R Lord, make haste to help us.
Glory be to the Father, and to the Son : and
to the Holy Ghost
R. As it was in the beginning, is now, and
ever shall be : world without end. Amen.

Then shall be reaa the portion of Holy Scripture, as


Then the Creed, commoniy called the Apostles Creed,

shall he rehearsed^ the people following.

T BELIEVE in God the Father Almighty,

Maker of Heaven and Earth :

And in Jesus Christ His only Son our Lord,

Who was conceived by the Holy Ghost, Born of
the Virgin Mary, Suffered under Pontius Pilate,
Was crucified, dead, and buried. He descended |

into Hell ; The third day He rose again from the

dead. He ascended into Heaven, And sitteth on

the right hand of God the Father Almighty;

From thence He shall come to judge the quick

and the dead.
I believe in the Holy Ghost ; The Holy Ca-
tholic Church ; The Communion of Saints ; The
Forgiveness of Sins ; The ResmTection of the
Body,, And the Life everlasting. Amen.
Then shall he said or surcg the folloicing Anthem (Ps. c),
except on those days on which proper anthems are ap'

11 /TAKE a joyful noise unto the Lord, all ye

^^ lands
Serve the Lord with gladness : come before His
presence with singing.
Know ye that the Lord He is God :

It is He that hath made us, and not we oui*-

selves ; we are His people, and the sheep

of His pasture.
Enter into His gates with thanksgiving, and into
His com'ts with praise :

Be thankful unto Him, and bless His Name.

For the Lord is good ; His mercy is everlasting :

And His truth endureth to all generations.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son :

And to the Holy Ghost

As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever
shall be :

World without end. Amen.


Then shall follow the Psalms, in order as appointed ; the

Gloria Patri to he repeated after each Psnlm. At

the dose,

The Lord be with you.

7?. And with thy spirit.

Then shall follow the Supplications^ Prayers^ Intercessions,

and Thanhsgiving,

The Supplications.
r\ GOD the Father, of Heaven : have mercy
^-^ upon us.

i?. Have mercy upon us.

God the Son, Redeemer of the World : have

mercy upon us,

i?. Have mercy upon us.

God the Holy Ghost, proceeding from the

Father and the Son : have mercy upon us.
i?. Have mercy upon us.

Spare us, good Lord, spare Thy people, whom

Thou hast redeemed with Thy most precious

blood, and be not angry with us for ever.

i?> Spare us, good Lord.

From all evil and mischief ; from sin, from the
crafts and assaults of the devil ; fi'om Thy wi'ath,

and from everlasting damnation,

R. Good Lord, deliver us.

From all blindness of heart ; from pride, vain-

glory, and li}'^30crisy ; from envy, hatred, and
malice, and all nncliaritableness,
^' Good Lord, deliver us.
From fornication, and all other deadly sin

and from all the deceits of the world, the flesh,

and the devil,

I^' Good Lord, deliver us.

From lightning, tempest, and earthquake ; from

plague, pestilence, and famine ; from battle and
murder, and from sudden death,
^ Good Lord, deliver us.

From all sedition, privy conspiracy, and rebel-

lion ; from all false doctrine, heresy, and schism
fr'om hardness of heart, and contempt of Thy
Word and Commandment,
^- Good Lord, deliver us.

By the mystery of Thy holy Incarnation ; by

Thy holy Nativity and Circumcision ; by Thy
Bai3tism, Fasting, and Temptation,
^- Good Lord, deliver us.
By Thine Agony and Bloody Sweat ; by Thy
Cross and Passion ; by Thy precious Death and
Bm-ial ; by Thy glorious Resurrection and Ascen-
sion j and by the coming of the Holy Ghost,
^' Good Lord, deliver us.
In all time of om' tribulation ; in all time of

our wealth ; in the hour of death, and in the day

of judgment,

B, Good Lord, deliver us.

We sinners do beseech Thee to hear us, Lord
i?. Son of God, we beseech Thee to hear us.

That it may please Thee to keep us in all time

of temptation and heaviness ; to comfort and

help all the weak-hearted ; to raise up them that
fall ; and finally to beat down Satan under our

R, We beseech Thee to hear us, Lord.

That it may please Thee to succour, help, and
comfort all that are in danger, necessity, and tri-

bulation ;

R, We beseech Thee to hear us, Lord.

That it may please Thee to preserve all that
travel by land or by water, all women labouring of
child, all sick persons, and young children ; and to
shew Thy pity upon all prisoners and captives

R, We beseech Thee to hear us, Lord.

That it may please Thee to defend and provide
for the fatherless children, and widows, and all

that are desolate and oppressed

R. We beseech Thee to hear us, Lord.

That it may please Thee to have mercy upon
all men
R. We beseech Thee to hear us, Lord.

Lamb of God : that takest away tlie sins of the

B. Spare us.
Lamb of God : that takest away the sins of the

world j

B' Grant us Thy peace.

Lamb of God : that takest away the sins of the

^- Have mercy upon us.

Lord, have mercy upon us.

i^. Lord, have mercy upon us.
Christ, have mercy upon us.

B. Christ, have mercy upon us.

Lord, have mercy upon us.

R- Lord, have mercy upon us.

GOD, merciful Father, that despisest not
^^ the sighing of a contrite heart, nor the
desire of such as be sorrowful ; Mercifully assist

our prayers that we make before Thee in all our

troubles and adversities, whensoever they oppress

as ; and graciously hear us, that those evils,

which the craft and subtilty of the devil or man

worketh against us, be brought to nought, and
by the providence of Thy goodness they may be
dispersed; that we Thy servants, being hurt by
no persecutions, may evermore give thanks unto

Thee in Thy holy Church ; through Jesus Christ

our Lord.
R. Lord^ arise^ help us, and deliver us for
Thy Name^s sake.
From our enemies defend us, Christ.

R. Graciously look upon oui' afflictions.

Pitifully behold the sorrows of our hearts.

jR. Mercifully forgive the sins of Thy people.
Favourably with mercy hear our prayers.
R, Son of David, have mercy upon us.

Both now, and ever, vouchsafe to hear us,


R, Graciously hear us, Christ; graciously

hear us, Lord Christ.

The Prayers.
Lord, let Thy mercy be shewed upon us.

jR. As we do put our trust in Thee.

Let us pray.

Py^ayers for the Church.

r\ ALMIGHTY GOD, who hast given apostles,

^-^ prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers,
unto Thy Church, for the perfecting of the saints,

for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of

the body of Christ ; Grant that all those whom

Thou callest to these ministries may labour faith-

fully and effectually in the same, till we all come

in the miity of the faith, and of the knowledge of
the Son of God, unto the measure of the stature
of the fulness of Christ. Grant this. Heavenly
Father, for Jesus Christ's sake, our only Lord
and Saviour.
J^^ Amen.

A LMIGHTY and Everlasting God, by whose

"^^ Spirit the whole body of the Church is

governed and sanctified ; Receive our suppli-

cations and prayers, which we offer before Thee

for the Bishops, Priests, and Deacons, of the Ca-
tholic Church, and for all Thy flock and con-
gregation. Send down, upon us, we beseech
Thee, the manifold gifts of Thy Spirit, and
grant unto us grace so to exercise the same to
Thy glory, that every member of Thy Church
in his vocation and ministry may truly and godly
serve Thee ; through our Lord and Saviour, Jesus
R^ Amen.

A LMIGHTY and Most Merciful Father, we

'^^ bless Thy Holy Name for all Thy servants
departed this life in Thy faith and fear beseech-:

ing Thee that they may rest in Thy peace ; and

that Thou wilt give unto us grace so to follow

their good examples, that we with them may be

partakers of Thy heavenly kingdom. Grant this,

Father, for Jesus Christ^s sake, om* only Me-

diator and Advocate.
R, Amen.

For Kings, and those in authority.

f~\ LORD, our heavenly Father, high and

^-^ mighty. King of kings. Lord of lords, the
only Ruler of princes, who dost from Thy throne
behold all the dwellers upon earth ; Most heartily

we beseech Thee with Thy favour to behold all

Christian kings, princes, and governors ;

especially Thy servant VICTORIA our Most
Gracious Sovereign) : and so replenish them with
the grace of Thy Holy Spirit, that they may
always incline to Thy will and walk in Thy way :

endue them plenteously with Heavenly gifts

grant them in health and wealth long to live;

strengthen them that they may vanquish and
overcome all their enemies ; and, finally, after
this life, they may attain everlasting joy and fe-

licity; through Jesus Christ our Lord.

R, Amen.

For Seasonable Weather.

GOD, our heavenly Father, we beseech Thee
to send us such weather [add m time of

drought, and in this our necessity sucli moderate

rains and showers], that we may receive the fruits

of the earth in due season, to our comfort, and to

Thy honom* through j Jesus Christ our Lord.
i?. Amen.

For the People {on Week-days).

A LMIGHTY and Most Merciful Father, who

hast given unto us the promise of the life

that now is, as well as of that which is to come

We beseech Thee for Thy blessing upon our sub-
stance, and that, having food and raiment, we may
be therewith content, and may pass our days in
peace and quietness. We pray Thee, therefore,
be with Thy servants, who are now going forth
unto their work and labour until the evening;
and comfort their hearts with a due return for
the same. Bestow Thy grace upon all who are
wealthy, that with free heart and hberal hand
they may yield unto the labourer his hire, and
may be bountiful unto the needy ; and do Thou
deliver the poor from oppression, and give unto
them patience and contentment ; for the sake of

Jesus Christ our Lord.

-R. Amen.

Then shall he said the Collect /or the Week, or for the
Day, after ivhich the following.
For Peace.

r\ GOD_, who art the author of peace and lover

of concord^ in knowledge of whom standeth
our eternal life_, whose service is perfect freedom
Defend us Thy humble servants in all assaults of
our enemies ; that we, surely trusting in Tliy de-
fence, may not fear the power of any adversaries ;

through the might of Jesus Christ our Lord.

jR, Amen.

For Protection.

r\ LORD, our heavenly Father, Almighty and

Everlasting God, who hast safely brought
us to the beginning of this day ; Defend us in
the same with Thy mighty power; and grant
that this day we fall into no sin, neither run into
any kind of danger ; but that all our doings may
be ordered, by Thy governance, to do always that
is righteous in Thy sight ; through Jesus Christ
our Lord,
it!. Amen.

The Intercession.
[Thefolluwvcg is given as a proper form.]

A LMIGHTY and Everliving God, we di-aw near

in the name of Thy Son Jesus Christ, oui-
High Priest and Mediator, Avho hath passed into the

Heavens, where He abidetli before Thee, and ever

liveth to make intercession for us. We bring unto
Thee these the supphcations of Thy people, and
the prayers of Thy Church ; and we beseech Thee
that they may come up with acceptance as incense
upon Thine altar, and that Thou wilt be favour-
able unto us, and answer us in peace. We bring
into Thy presence all for whom we have besought
Thee, that they may receive the dew of Thy
blessing, and the outpouring of Thy Holy Spirit.

Revive us, God; revive Thy Church, we be-

seech Thee ; have mercy upon all Thy creatures

of mankind ; gather all who shall be saved into

Thy fold ; bring in the fulness of the Gentiles
accom])lish the number of Thine elect ; vouchsafe
unto Thy Church the ministry of Thine apostles,
prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers; and
unite and carry onward to perfection all Thy
saints. Grant unto Thy servants departed in the
faith rest and joy and peace, in the hope of a
blessed resurrection; and hasten the appearing
and kingdom of our Lord and Saviour Jesus

These things we ask in patient confidence and

joyful hope, being assured that we ask them
according to Thy will; that the voice of Thy
Church is heard by Thee ; that the intercessions

of the Holy Ghost are known unto Thee; and

that the mediation of Thy well-beloved Son, our

Lord and Saviour, doth prevail with Thee.

"V^Tierefore we glorify Thy Name ; we fall down,

we worship, we adore Thy glorious Majesty ; we
praise and magnify Thee, Heavenly Father, with
Thine Eternal Son, and with the Holy Ghost,
One God, world without end.

R, Amen.

The Thanksgiving.
A LMIGHTY GOD, Father of all mercies, we
Thine unworthy servants do give Thee most
humble and hearty thanks for all Thy goodness
and loving-kindness to us, and to all men. We
bless Thee for our creation, preservation, and all

the blessings of this life ; but, above all, for

Thine inestimable love in the redemption of the

world by our Lord Jesus Christ ; for the means
of grace, and for the hope of glory. [Hei'e may
be introduced any other subject for tlmnksgiving.']
And, we beseech Thee, give us that due sense
of all Thy mercies, that our hearts may be uii-

feignedly thankful, and that we may shew forth

Thy praise, not only with our lips, but in om*
lives ; by giving up ourselves to Thy service, and
by walking before Thee in holiness and righteous-

ness all our days, looking for that blessed hope,

and the glorious appearing of the Great God and
our Saviour Jesus Christ ; to whom, with Thee,
and the Holy Ghost, be all honour and glory,
world without end.
R. Amen.

The Lord^s Prayer.

/^UR Father, which art in Heaven, Hallowed
^^ be Thy Name. Thy kingdom come. Thy
will be done in earth, as it is in Heaven. Give
us this day our daily bread. And forgive us
our trespasses, as we forgive them that trespass
against us. And lead us not into temptation ; but
deliver us from evil : for Thine is the kingdom,
the power, and the glory, for ever and ever.

R. Amen.

Then shall follow the Morning Ministry.

Then shall follow the Hymn Benedictus. Luke i.

T> LESSED be the Lord God of Israel

-^ For He hath visited and redeemed His
And hath raised up a mighty salvation for us

In the house of His servant David

As He spake by the mouth of His Holy Prophets :

Which have been since the world began ;


That we should be saved from our enemies :

And from the hand of all that hate us

To perform the mercy promised to om' fore-

fathers :

And to remember His Holy Covenant

To perform the oath which He sware to our fore-
father Abraham :

That He would give us

That we, being delivered out of the hand of our
enemies :

Might serve Him without fear.

In holiness and righteousness before Him :

All the days of our life.

And thou, Child, shalt be called the Prophet of

the Highest
For thou shalt go before the face of the Lord to
prepare His ways
To give knowledge of salvation unto His people :

For the remission of their sins.

Through the tender mercy of our God

Whereby the day-spring from on high hath
visited us

To give light to them that sit in darkness, and

in the shadow of death :

And to guide our feet into the way of peace.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son :

And to the Holy Ghost


As it was in tlie beginnings is now, and ever

shall be :

World without end. Amen.

The Benediction.
rpHE grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love
of God, and the communion of the Holy
Ghost, be with you all evermore.

R. Amen.
Wt)t (BfRtt



On the entry of the officiating Ministers.

f~\ COME let us worship and bow down, let

^-^ us kneel before the Lord our Maker. For
He is our God, and we are the people of His
pasture, and the sheep of His hand.

The Invocation.
TN the Name of the Eather, and of the Son,
and of the Holy Ghost.
R' Amen.

The Exhortation.
[The following are given as heads or topics.']

"YTTE have all sinned against God by actual

transgression of His laws, and doing

things contrary to His known will.

We have just cause to fear lest He take venge-

ance on our sins.
All baptised men have taken vows at their
baptism, which they have broken.
God made His Church one but throughout,;

nothing is now visible but division. The bre-

thren are seen, not living together in unity and
speaking the same thing, but biting and de-
vouring one another. In this state of division
His presence cannot be manifested.
The ordinances, which He did ordain for

bringing the Catholic Church unto perfection,

are set at nought.
Those who bear the name of Christ are not
longing for Him to come again into the world,

to set up His kingdom, and righteousness, and


All the institutions ordained by God for the

blessing of men have been perverted, and so have

failed to produce the end for which He gave
them. Power has been abused; the poor and
the weak have been oppressed, and not protected
rule and authority are in their turn despised
and although men are forbidden to avenge them-
selves, yet they are every where rising against

the offices of kings and priests, and all things

established by God for the guidance of mankind.


There are no means of recovery, but in re-

turning to His ways ; wherefore let us confess

our miserable condition to Almighty God, and
beseech His mercy : for He is merciful and
gracious, and ready to forgive for Christ^ s sake
the sins of all the penitent.

[The folloiciJig is given as a form.']

"OELOYED in the Lord, whosoever abideth in

^ Jesus Christ, bringeth forth much fruit

and had we given all diligence to please God, our

fruit should have remained. But we have not

abounded in every good work ; and the night
Cometh, when no man can work. We have
sinned against the known will of God, and have
just cause to fear lest His judgments overtake us
as the defilers of His Temple.

Instead of believing and speaking the same

thing, and being seen as one body, a habitation of
God through the Spirit, we are distracted by di-

verse winds of doctrine, and are divided into many

sects, which bite and devom^ each other, and are
not capable of recei\ang the full blessing of God,
or attaining to the perfect stature of Christ.

The Church has not longed as a chaste spouse

for the retm-n of the Lord Jesus Christ ; we have

grieved and well-nigh quenched the Holy Ghost,

the earnest of our inlieritance, and have preferred

the institutions of man to those of God. The
fellowship and common hope of the saints that

sleep, have passed from om* remembrance : Israel

after the flesh has not been stirred to jealousy:

and they who should have been the salt of the

earth are themselves become corrupt : darkness
and perplexity prevail : power is abused : au-
thority is despised : fountains of blessing are

dried up through unbelief. Men will no longer

bear the yoke of Christ : and, where the way of
the Lord should be prepared, there are the mani-
fold tokens of apostasy seen, and the voices of
blasphemy heard.
The sins of many generations lie sore upon us,

and have provoked God to consume us in His

anger ;
yet are we still the house of Christ. Al-
though our sins be as scarlet, they shall be white
as snow. God will keep us from the power of
darkness, and visit us with the Day-spring from
on high. Only let us acknowledge om- great
iniquity, that we may be loosed from the chain
of our transgressions by the word of absolution
ministered unto us from Jesus Christ our Lord,
and that our prayers may obtain, through His
intercession, an answer of peace.

The Confession.
[To be repeated hy the people after the Minister.']

Let us pray.

A LMIGHTY and Most Merciful Father, We

-^^ acknowledge and bewail our manifold sins
and wickedness, Wliicli we, from time to time,
and especially in the course of the past day, most
grievously have committed. By thought, w^ord,
and deed, against Thy Divine Majesty, Provoking
most justly Thy ^vrath and indignation against
us. We have broken our vows made unto Thee
in our baptism, ^Vherein we w ere made members
of the body of Thy Son, and partakers of Thy
Holy Spirit ; We have separated ourselves from
one another. Disregarding the unity of Thy Holy
Church ', We have not held fast the hope of the
Coming and Kingdom of our Lord, And w^e have
not purified om'selves as He is pure ; We have
not worthily praised Thee for Thy goodness. Nor
rendered unto Thee the glory due unto Thy Holy
We do earnestly repent, and are heartily sorry
for these om- misdoings. Have mercy upon us
have mercy upon us, most merciful Father ; For
Thy Son our Lord Jesus Christ^s sake. Forgive us
all that is past, and especially the sins of this

day. And grant that we may ever hereafter

serve and please Thee in newness of Kfe, To the

honour and glory of Thy Name ; Through Jesus
Christ our Lord.
Choir, Amen.

The Absolution.
[The following is given as a form appropriate.']

i LMIGHTY GOD, the Father of oui- Lord

^^^ Jesus Christ, who desireth not the death

of a sinner, but rather that he may turn from his

wickedness and live ; and hath given power and
commandment to His ministers, to declare and
pronounce to His people,, being penitent, the
Absolution and Remission of their sins : Have
mercy upon you ; Grant unto you full remission
and forgiveness ; and absolve you from all your
sins, iniquities, and transgressions.
R, Amen.
Peace be with you.
R. Amen.

The Prayer of Dedication.

ALMIGHTY GOD, who by Thy Holy
Apostle hast called upon us to present our
bodies unto Tliee a living sacrifice, holy and
acceptable, which is our reasonable service; we

come unto Thee in the name of Jesus Christ, and

we devote and dedicate ourselves wholly to Thy
service_, henceforth to live only to Thy glory.

Thou art our God, and we will praise Thoe

Thou art our God, we will exalt Thee : we give
thanks unto Thee, Lord, for Thou art good,

and Thy mercy endureth for ever : And unto

the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy
Ghost, be glory for ever.
R> Amen.
Lord, open Thou our lips,

-^' And our mouth shall shew forth Thy praise.

God, make speed to save us.
^' Lord, make haste to help us.
Gloiy be to the Father, and to the Son, and to
the Holy Ghost
i^' As it was in the beginning, is now, and
ever shall be, world without end. Amen.

Then shall he read the portion of Holy Scripture,

as appointed.

Then the Creed, commonly called the Apostles' Creed,

shall be rehearsed^ the people following,

T BELIEVE in God the Father Almighty,

IMaker of Heaven and Earth
And in Jesus Christ His only Son our Lord,
A^Tio was conceived by the Holy Ghost, Born of

the Virgin Mary, Suffered under Pontius Pilate,

Was crucified, dead, and buried, He descended
into Hell ; The third day He rose again from

the dead. He ascended into Heaven, And sitteth

on the right hand of God the Pather Almighty

Prom thence He shall come to judge the quick

and the dead.

I believe in the Holy Ghost; The Holy
Catholic Church; The Communion of Saints;
The Forgiveness of Sins ; The Resurrection of

the Body, And the Life everlasting. Amen.

Then shall he said or sung the following Anthem (from

Ps. xxvi.), except on those days on which proper Anthems
are appointed,

T ORD, I have loved the habitation of Thy house

And the place where Thine honour dwelleth.
Gather not my soul with sinners :

Nor my life with bloody men.

As for me, I will walk in mine integrity

Redeem me, and be merciful unto me.

My foot standeth in an even place :

In the congregations will I bless the Lord.

Glory be to the Pather, and to the Son :

And to the Holy Ghost

As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be
World without end. Amen.

Then shall follow the Psalms, in order as appointed.

The Gloria Patri to be repeated after each Psalm.
At the close,

The Lord be witli you.

R. And with Thy spirit.

Then shall follow the Supplications, Prayers, Intercessions,

and Thanksgiving.

The Supplications.
GOD the Father, of Heaven: have mercy
upon us.

R, Have mercy upon us.

God the Son, Redeemer of the World : have

mercy upon us.

jR, Have mercy upon us.

God the Holy Ghost, proceeding from the

Father and the Son : have mercy upon us.
jR, Have mercy upon us.

Spare us, good Lord, spare Thy people, whom

Thou hast redeemed with Thy most precious

blood, and be not angry mth us for ever.

- R^ Spare us, good Lord.
From all evil and mischief ; from sin, from the
crafts and assaults of the devil ; from Thy wTath,
and from everlasting damnation,
R. Good Lord, deliver us.

From all blindness of heart ; from pride, vain-

glory, and hypocrisy ; from envy, hatred, and
malice, and all micharitableness,
R' Good Lord, deliver us.

From fornication, and all other deadly sin

and from all the deceits of the world, the flesh,
and the devil,

R' Good Lord, deliver us.

From lightning, tempest, and earthquake ; from

plague, pestilence, and famine ; from battle and
murder, and from sudden death,
R' Good Lord, deliver us.
From all sedition, privy conspiracy, and re-
bellion ; from all false doctrine, heresy, and
schism ; from hardness of heart, and contempt of
Thy Word and Commandments,
-Re Good Lord, deliver us.

By the mystery of Thy holy Licarnation ; by

Thy holy Nativity and Circumcision ; by Thy
Baptism, Fasting, and Temptation,
R' Good Lord, deliver us.

By Thine Agony and bloody Sweat ; by Thy

Cross and Passion; by Thy precious Death and
Bm-ial ; by Thy glorious Resurrection and Ascen-
sion j and by the coming of the Holy Ghost,
R' Good Lord, deliver us.

In all time of our tribulation ; in all time of


our wealth ; in the hour of deaths and in the

day of judgment,
R. Good Lord, deliver us.
We sinners do beseech Thee to hear us,
R. Son of God, we beseech Thee to hear us.
That it may please Thee to keep us in all time
of temptation and heaviness ; to comfort and help
all the weak-hearted ; to raise up them that fall

and finally to beat down Satan under our feet

R. We beseech Thee to hear us, Lord.

Tliat it may please Thee to succour, help, and
comfort all that are in danger, necessity, and

R, We beseech Thee to hear us, Lord.

That it may please Thee to preserve all that

travel by land or by water, all w^omen laboui-ing of

child, all sick persons, and young children, and to

shew Thy pity upon all prisoners and captives ;

R, We beseech Thee to hear us, Lord.

That it may please Thee to defend and provide

for the fatherless childi-en, and widows, and all

that are desolate and oppressed ;

R. We beseech Thee to hear us, Lord.

That it may please Thee to have mercy upon
all men
jR. We beseech Thee to hear us, Lord.

Lamb of God : tliat takest away the sins of the

R, Spare us.

Lamb of God : that takest away the sins of the

R, Grant us Thy peace.
Lamb of God : that takest away the sins of the

R. Have mercy upon us.

Lordj have mercy upon us.

R. Lord, have mercy upon us.

Christ, have mercy upon us.

R. Christ, have mercy upon us.

Lord, have mercy upon us.

R. Lord, have mercy upon us.

r\ GOD, merciful Father, that despisest not

^^^ the sighing of a contrite heart, nor the

desire of such as be sorrowful j Mercifully assist

om- prayers that we make before Thee in all our
troubles and adversities, whensoever they oppress

us j and graciously hear us, that those evils,

which the craft and subtilty of the devil or man

worketh against us, be brought to nought, and
by the providence of Thy goodness they may be
dispersed ; that we Thy servants, being hm-t by
no persecutions, may evermore give thanks unto

Thee in Thy holy Church ; through Jesus Christ

our Lord.
R. Lord, arise, help us, and deliver us for

Thy Name's sake.

From our enemies defend us, Christ.

R, Graciously look upon our afflictions.

Pitifully behold the sorrows of our hearts.

R, Mercifully forgive the sins of Thy people.

Favourably with mercy hear our prayers.

K. Son of David, have mercy upon us.

Both now, and ever, vouchsafe to hear us,


R. Graciously hear us, Christ; graciously

hear us, Lord Christ.

The Prayers.
Lord, let Thy mercy lighten upon us.

R. As we do put our trust in Thee.

Let us pray.

Prayers for the Church.

r\ ALMIGHTY GOD, who hast given apostles,

^^ prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers,

unto Thy Church, for the perfecting of the saints,

for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of

the body of Christ ; Grant that all those whom

Thou callest to these ministries may labour faith-

fully and effectually in tlie same, till we all come,

in the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of
the Son of God, unto the measure of the stature
of the fulness of Christ. Grant this, Heavenly
Pather, for Jesus Christ's sake, our only Lord
and Saviour.
R. Amen.

A LMIGHTY and Everlasting God, who alone

"^^ workest great marvels ; Send down upon
all Bishops and Cm^ates, and all congregations
committed to their charge, the healthful Spirit

of Thy Grace : and that they may truly please

Thee, pour upon them the continual dew of Thy

blessing. Grant this, Lord, for the honour of
our Advocate and Mediator, Jesus Christ.
2?. Amen.

4 LjMIGHTY and Most Merciful Eather, we

^-^ bless Thy Holy Name for all Thy servants

departed this life, in Thy faith and fear. And

we beseech Thee that they may rest in Thy peace
and that Thou wilt give unto us grace, so to

follow their good examples, that we with them

may be partakers of Thy heavenly kingdom.
Grant this, Father, for Jesus Christ^ s sake.
R, Amen.

For Kings, and those in authority.

ALMIGHTY and Everlasting God, we are

Thy holy Word that the hearts

taught by
of kings are in Thy rule and governance, and
that Thou dost dispose and turn them as it
seemeth best to Thy Godly wisdom We humbly :

beseech Thee so to dispose and govern the hearts

of all Thy servants (and especially of Thy servant

VICTORIA om- Queen and Governor), that in all

their thoughts, words, and works, they may ever

seek Thy honour and glory, and study to preserve

Thy people, committed to their charge, in wealth,

peace, and godliness. Grant this, Merciful

Father, for Thy dear Son's sake, Jesus Christ

our Lord.
R, Amen.

Then shall he said the Collect for the Week, or for the

Day, after which the following :

For Peace.

whom good
OGOD, from all holy desires, all

counsels, and all just works do proceed;

Give unto Thy servants that peace which the

world cannot give ; that both our hearts may be

set to obey Thy commandments, and also that

by Thee we, being defended from the fear of our


enemies, may pass our time in rest and quiet-

ness ; through the merits of Jesus Christ our
i?o Amen.
For Protection.

T IGHTEN our darkness, we beseech Thee,

Lord ; and, by Thy great mercy, defend us
from all perils and dangers of this night ; for

the love of Thy only Son, our Saviour, Jesus

R^ Amen.

The Intercession.
The form used Mormng may ivow also be used,
in the
adding, after of Thy Church," the words
" prayers
" and all the prayers and supplications of Thy people,
which have been this day made to Thee in Thy holy

\^The following is also given as a proper form.']

\ LMIGHTY and Everliving God, who hast

'^ given unto Thy Son Jesus Christ power
over all flesh, that He should give Eternal Life
to as many as Thou hast given Him ; and hast
raised Him to Thy right hand to be High
Priest over the House of God, and the Angel
and Mediator of the New Covenant, ever pre-
sent with Thy people; In His Name we come

before Thy holy Altar, and make intercession

unto Thee.
Hear, Most Holy Lord God, the suppli-
cations and prayers of Thy people which have
been made to Thee this day in Thy holy Church.
Let our prayers come up before Thee as in-
cense, and the lifting up of our hands be as the

evening sacrifice. Holy Father, keep, through

Thine own Name, those whom Thou hast chosen
in Christ Jesus ; preserve them from the evil

that is in the world ; sanctify them through

Thy truth ; let Thy love be manifested in
them ; fill them with Thy Holy Spirit, that they
may be one in Thee, Father, and in Jesus
Christ Thy Son ;
perfect them in the hope of
His Coming ; Give unto them a full entrance
into His eternal kingdom, and make them par-
takers of His glory.
Come, Lord Jesu, be Thou exalted among
all nations. Let all kings fall down before Thee,
let all nations seiTe Thee. In every place let

incense and a pure offering be offered unto Thy

Name, and let the whole earth be filled with.
Thy glory.

These things we ask, Heavenly Father, in

patient confidence and joyful hope, being assured
that we ask them according to Thy will ; that

the voice of Thy Church is heard by Thee, tha

the intercessions of the Holy Ghost are known
unto Thee, and that the mediation of Thy well-
beloved Son, our Lord and Saviour, doth prevail
with Thee.
A¥herefore we glorify Thy Name, we fall down
before Thy throne, we worship and adore Thy
glorious Majesty ; evermore praising Thee and
saying, " Salvation be unto our God which sitteth
upon the Throne, and unto the Lamb, for ever."

"Blessing, and glory, and wisdom, and thanks-

giving, and honour, and power, and might, be
unto our God for ever and ever."
B.. Amen.

The Thanksgiving.
A LMIGHTY GOD, Father of all mercies, we
"^ Thine unworthy servants do give Thee most
humble and hearty thanks for all Thy goodness
and loving-kindness to us and to all men. We
bless Thee for our creation, preservation, and
all the blessings of this life ; but, above all, for

Thine inestimable love in the redemption of the

world by our Lord Jesus Christ ; for the means
of grace, and for the hope of gloiy. \Here may
he introduced any other subjects for thanksgiving .'\

And, we beseech Thee, give us that due sense of


all Thy mercies, that our hearts may be un-

feignedly thankfiil, and that we may shew forth

Thy praise, not only with our lips but in our

lives ; by giving up ourselves to Thy service, and
by walking before Thee in holiness and righteous-
ness all our days, looking for that blessed hope,
and the glorious appearing of the Great God and
our Saviour Jesus Christ ; to whom, with Thee,
and the Holy Ghost, be all honour and glory,

world without end.

j{^ Amen.

The Lord's Prayer.

/^UR Father, which art in heaven. Hallowed
^-^ be Thy Name. Thy kingdom come. Thy
will be done in earth, as it is in Heaven. Give us
this day our daily bread. And forgive us our

trespasses, as we forgive them that trespass

against us. And lead us not into temptation

but dehver us from evil : for Thine is the king-

dom, the power, and the glory, for ever and


R. Amen.

Then shall follow the Evening Ministry.

E 3

Then shall follow the Hymn Magnificat, or Song of the
Blessed Virgin Mary. Luke i.

M Y soul dotli

And my
magnify the Lord
spirit hath rejoiced in God

Eor He hath regarded :

The lowhness of His handmaiden.

For behold from henceforth :

All generations shall call me Blessed.

For He that is mighty hath magnified me :

And Holy is His Name.

And His mercy is on them that fear Him :

Throughout all generations.

He hath shewed strength with His arm :

He hath scattered the proud in the imagination

of their hearts.

He hath put down the mighty from their


And hath exalted the humble and meek.

He hath filled the hung:ry with good things :

And the rich He hath sent empty away.

He, remembering His mercy :

Hath holpen His servant Israel

As He promised to our forefathers :

Abraham, and his seed for ever.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son :

And to the Holy Ghost :


As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever

shall be :

World without end. Amen.

The Benediction.
rpHE grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love
-^ of God, and the communion of the Holy
Ghost, be with you all evermore.
R. Amen.

The Collect.
\ LMIGHTY GOD, unto whom all hearts are
-^^ open, all desires known, and from whom
no secrets are hid ; Cleanse the thoughts of our
hearts by the inspiration of Thy Holy Spirit

that we may perfectly love Thee, and worthily

magnify Thy holy Name, through Jesus Christ
our Lord.

l{^ Amen.

Tbeti shall follow the Psalms appointed for the day.

After which the Lesson.

llien shoU follow thin Pbayjbb.

A LMIGHTY and Everliving God, we humbly

"^^ beseech Thee to inspire continually the
Universal Church with the Spirit of truth, unity,
and concord : and grant that all they who do
confess Thy holy Name may agree in the truth
of Thy holy Word, and live in unity and godly
love. Give grace, heavenly Father, to all

Bishops and Curates, that they may both by

their Ufe and doctrine set forth Thy true and
hvely Wordj and rightly and duly administer
Thy holy Sacraments. And to all Thy people
give Thy heavenly grace ; that, with meek heart
and due reverence, they may hear and receive
Thy holy Word ; truly serving Thee in holiness

and righteousness all the days of their life. And

we also bless Thy holy Name for all Thy servants

departed this life in Tliy faith and fear ; be-

seeching Thee that they may rest in Thy peace,
and that Thou wilt give unto us grace so to
follow their good examples, that we with them
may be partakers of Thy heavenly Kingdom.
Grant this, Father, for Jesus Christ's sake, our
only Mediator and Advocate.
R. Amen.

Then shall follow the Collect for the Week {if read at
this Service)^ and any Special Prayers appointed for the
Day. After which so many of the follovaing as the time

will permit,

r\ LORD GOD, Holy and Incomprehensible,

who didst command light to shine out of

darkness, who hast given us rest in sleep, and

hast raised us up to glorify and to declare Thy
goodness ; we beseech Thee of Thy great mercy

to accept us who now worsliip before Thee, and

according to our power do give Thee thanks, and
to grant unto us our requests for all things per-

taining to our everlasting salvation. Make us

childi-en of the light and of the day, and heirs of

Thine eternal blessing. Remember, Lord,

according to the greatness of Thy mercies, all

Thy people now with us worshipping before

; all

Thee ; all who are now in need of Thy help by

land, by sea, and in all places of Thy dominion,

and grant unto them all Thy mercy; and grant

that, being preserved in soul and body, we may

glorify with all boldness Thy wonderful and

blessed Name of Father, Son, and Holy Ghost,
now and for evermore.

R Amen.
l~\ LORD, who hast taught us that all our
^-^ doings without charity are nothing worth ;

Send Thy Holy Ghost, and pour into our hearts

that most excellent gift of charity, the very bond

of peace and of all virtues ; without which who-
soever liveth is counted dead before thee. Grant
this, for Thine only Son Jesus Christ^s sake.
7^, Amen.

ALMIGHTY GOD, who alone canst order

the unruly wills and affections of sinful

men ; Grant unto Thy people that they may love

the thing which Thou commandest, and desire
that which Thou dost promise : that so, among
the sundry and manifold changes of the world,
our hearts may surely there be fixed, where true

joys are to be found ; through Jesus Christ our

R Amen.

"pURIFY our reins and our hearts, God, by

the fii-e of Thy Holy Spirit ; that we may
henceforth serve Thee with chaste bodies, and
please Thee with pure minds, through Jesus
Christ our Lord.
R. Amen.

r\ LORD our God, who hast shewn great

^^ mercy to us Thy sinful and unworthy ser-

vants, upon whom Thy holy Name is called

Put us not to shame for our hope in Thy mercy

but grant us. Lord, all these our petitions for

salvation, and count us worthy to love and fear

Thee with all our hearts, and to do in all things

Thy most holy Will. For Thou, God, art

good, and lovest all mankind. And to Thee we
ascribe all glory, to the Father, and to the Son,

and to the Holy Ghost, now and for evermore.

R. Amen.

Any other appropriate Prayers in this hook may be used

in addition to or instead of the above Five Prayers, or
any of them. The Service always concluding with the

\ LMIGHTY GOD, who hast given us grace

"^^ at this time with one accord to make our
common supplications unto Thee ; and dost pro-
mise that, when two or three are gathered to-
gether in Thy Name, Thou wilt grant their
requests : Fulfil now, Lord, the desires and
petitions ofThy servants, as may be most ex-
pedient for them granting us in this world

knowledge of Thy truth, and in the world to

come, life everlasting.

i?. Amen.

rilHE grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love

of God, and the communion of the Holy
Ghost, be with us all evermore.
-R. Amen.

[Note : On the Lord's Day the Service shall be at

Ten o'clock. It shall be the same as set forth

for Morning Prayer down to the Psalms

inclusive ; after which shall follow the Prayers
as above, and the Service shall conclude with
the Gloria Patri and Benediction.]


The Collect.
"PREVENT us, Lord, in all our doings, with
Thy most gracious favour, and further us

with Thy continual help ; that in all our works

begun, continued, and ended in Thee, we may
glorify Thy holy Name, and finally by Thy mercy
attain everlasting life ; through Jesus Christ our

72, Amen.

Then shall follow the Psalms appointed for the day.

After which the Lesson.

Then shall folloit this Litant.

r\ GOD the Father, of Heaven : have mercy
^-^ upon us miserable sinners.
Jl, God the Father, of Heaven : have mercy
upon us miserable sinners.

God the Son, Redeemer of the world : have

mercy upon us miserable sinners.

-R. God tlie Son, Redeemer of the world

have mercy upon us miserable sinners.
God the Holy Ghost_, proceeding from the
Father and the Son : have mercy upon us miser-
able sinners.
K God the Holy Ghost, proceeding from
the Father and the Son : have mercy upon us
miserable sinners.
Remember not, Lord, our offences, nor the
offences of our forefathers ; neither take Thou
vengeance of our sins : spare us, good Lord
spare Thy people, whom Thou hast redeemed
with Thy most precious blood, and be not angry
with us for ever.
R Spare us, good Lord.
From all evil and mischief ; from sin, from the
crafts and assaults of the devil ; from Thy wrath,
and from everlasting damnation,

R Good Lord, deliver us.

From all blindness of heart ; from pride, vain-

glory, and hypocrisy; from envy, hatred, and
malice, and all uncharitableness,
R Good Lord, deliver us.
From fornication, and all other deadly sin;
and from all the deceits of the world, the flesh,
and the devil,

R. Good Lord, deliver us.


From lightning, tempest, and earthquake ; from

plague, pestilence, and famine ; from battle and
murder, and from sudden death,
B Good Lord, deliver us.

From all sedition, privy conspiracy, and rebel-

lion ; from all false doctrine, heresy, and schism
from hardness of heart, and contempt of Thy
Word and Commandments,
R. Good Lord, deliver us.
By the mystery of Thy holy Incarnation ; by
Thy holy Nativity and Circumcision ; by Thy
Baptism, Fasting, and Temptation,
R Good Lord, deliver us.

By Thine Agony and Bloody Sweat ; by Thy

Cross and Passion ; by Thy precious Death and
Burial ; by Thy glorious Resurrection and As-
cension j and by the coming of the Holy Ghost,
R, Good Lord, deliver us.
In all time of our tribulation ; in all time of

our wealth ; in the hour of death, and in the day

of judgment,

R, Good Lord, deliver us.

We sinners do beseech Thee to hear us,

Lord God ; and that it may please Thee to rule

and govern Thy Holy Church imiversal, in the

right way
R. "We beseech Thee to hear us, good Lord.

That it may please Tliee to send down Thy

heavenly Grace upon Apostles, Prophets, Evan-
gelists, Pastors and Teachers, for the perfecting
of the saints, for the work of the ministry, and
for the edifying of the body of Christ
R' We beseech Thee to hear us, good Lord.
That it may please Thee to illuminate all

Bishops, Priests, and Deacons, with true know-

ledge and understanding of Thy Word ; and that
both by their preaching and living they may set

it forth, and shew it accordingly

R' We beseech Thee to hear us, good Lord.
That it may please Thee to bless all Thy
people ;

R' We beseech Thee to hear us, good Lord.

That it may please Thee to keep and strengthen
in the true worshipping of Thee, in righteousness

and holiness of life, all kings, princes, and go-

vernors (especially thy servant VICTORIA, our
most gracious Queen and governor) ;
R' We beseech Thee to hear us, good Lord.
That it may please Thee to rule their hearts in

Thy faith, fear, and love ; and that they may

evermore have affiance in Thee, and ever seek
Thy honom- and glory;
R- We beseech Thee to hear us, good Lord.
That it may please Thee to be their defender

and keeper, giving them tlie victory over all their

R We beseech Thee to hear us, good Lord.
That it may please Thee to bless and keep all

magistrates, judges, and persons in authority;

giving them grace to execute justice, and to

maintain truth
jR. We beseech Thee to hear us, good Lord.
That it may please Thee to give to all nations

unity, peace, and concord ;

a We beseech Thee to hear us, good Lord.

That it may please Thee to give us an heart to

love and di-ead Thee, and diUgently to live after

Thy commandments
R We beseech Thee to hear us, good Lord.
That it may please Thee to give to Thy all

people increase of grace to hear meekly Thy

word, and to receive it with pure affection, and to
bring forth the fruits of the Spirit
R^ We beseech Thee to hear us, good Lord.
That it may please Thee to bring into the
way of truth all such as have erred, and are
R' We beseech Thee to hear us, good Lord.
That it may please Thee to strengthen such
as do stand; and to comfort and help the
weak -hearted ; and to raise up them that


fall ; and finally to beat down Satan under our

^- We beseecli Thee to hear ns^ good Lord.
That it may please Thee to succour, help, and
comfort, all that are in danger, necessity, and
R- We beseech Thee to hear us, good Lord.
That it may please Thee to preserve all that

travel by land or by water, all women labouring of

child, all sick persons, and young children ; and
to shew Thy pity upon all prisoners and captives ;

•^- We beseech Thee to hear us, good Lord.

That it may please Thee to defend and provide
for the fatherless children, and widows, and all

that are desolate and oppressed

^- We beseech Thee to hear us, good Lord.
That it may please Thee to have mercy upon
all men
^^ We beseech Thee to hear us, good Lord.
That it may please Thee to forgive our enemies,

persecutors, and slanderers, and to turn their

^- We beseech Thee to hear us, good Lord,
That it may please Thee to give and preserve
to our use the kindly fruits of the earth, so as

in due time we may enjoy them ;

^" We beseech Thee to hear us, good Lord.


That it may please Thee to give us true re-

pentance j to forgive us all our sins, negligences,

and ignorances ; and to endue us with the grace

of Thy Holy Spirit, to amend our lives according
to Thy Holy Word ;

^' We beseech Thee to hear us, good Lord.

Son of God, we beseech Thee to hear us.
-"• Son of God, we beseech Thee to hear us.

Lamb of God : that takest away the sins of

the world
^» Grant us Thy peace.
Lamb of God : that takest away the sins of

the world
^' Have mercy upon us.

Christ, hear us.

^' Christ, hear us.

Lord, have mercy upon us.

R' Lord, have mercy upon us.

Christ, have mercy upon us.

R, Christ, have mercy upon us.

Lord, have mercy upon us.

-K' Lord, have mercy upon us.

/^UR Father, which art in Heaven, Hallowed

^-^ be Thy Name. Thy kingdom come. Thy
will be done in earth, as it is in Heaven. Give
us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our

trespasses, as we forgive tliem that trespass against

us. And lead us not into temptation; but de-

liver us from evil.

R^ Amen.
Lord, deal not with us after our sins.

R. Neither reward us after our iniquities.

Let us pray.

r\ GOD, merciful Father, that despisest not

^^ the sighing of a contrite heart, nor the

desire of such as be sorrowful ; Mercifully assist

our prayers that we make before Thee in all our
troubles and adversities, whensoever they oppress
us ; and graciously hear us, that those evils, which
the craft and subtilty of the devil or man worketh
against us, be brought to nought, and by the pro-
vidence of Thy goodness they may be dispersed ;
that we Thy servants, being hurt by no persecu-
tions, may evermore give thanks unto Thee in Thy
holy Church ; through Jesus Christ our Lord.
i?. Lord, arise, help us, and deliver us, for
Thy Name's sake.

i~\ GOD, we have heard with our ears, and

our fathers have declared unto us, the noble
works that Thou didst in their days, and in the
old time before them.
-S- Lord, arise, help us, and deliver us, for
thine honour.
From our enemies defend us, Christ.
-R. Graciously look upon our afflictions.

Pitifully behold the sorrows of our hearts.

B.. Mercifully forgive the sins of Thy people.

Favourably with mercy hear our prayers.

K. Son of David, have mercy upon us.

Both now and ever vouchsafe to hear us,

R. Graciously hear us, Christ; graciously

hear us, Lord Christ.

Lord, let Thy mercy be shewed upon us.

-R> As we do put our trust in Thee.

Let us pray.

"XTTE humbly beseech Thee, Father, merci-

* ^ upon our infirmities and
fully to look ;

for the glory of Thy Name turn from us all those

evils that we most righteously have deserved;

and grant that, in all our troubles, we may put

our whole trust and confidence in Thy mercy,
and evermore serve Thee in holiness and pureness
of living, to Thy honour and glory ; through our
only Mediator and Advocate, Jesus Christ, our
-K. Amen.

/~\ GOD, whose nature and property is ever to

^^ have mercy and to forgive, receive our
humble petitions; and though we be tied and
bound with the chain of our sins, yet let the
pitifulness of Thy great mercy loose us; for the
honour of Jesus Christ.
JR' Amen.

A LMIGHTY GOD, who hast given us grace

"^^^ at this time with one accord to make our
common supplications unto Thee ; and dost pro-
mise that, when two or three are gathered to-
gether in Thy Name, Thou wilt grant their

requests : Fulfil now, Lord, the desires and

petitions of Thy servants, as may be most ex-

pedient for them; granting us in this world

knowledge of Thy truth, and in the world to
come, life everlasting.

R. Amen.

npHE grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love

of God, and the communion of the Holy
Ghost, be with us all evermore.
R Amen.

The Collect.
GOD, from whom all holy desires, all good
counsels, and all just works, do proceed;

give unto Thy servants that peace which the

world cannot give ; that both our hearts may be
set to obey Thy commandments, and also that
by Thee we, being defended from the fear of
our enemies, may pass our time in rest and
quietness; through the merits of Jesus Christ
our Saviour.
R, Amen.

TJien shall follow the Psalms appointed. After which

the Lesson.

Then shall follow this Peayeb.

/~\ GOD, the Creator and Preserver of all man-

^-^ kind, we humbly beseech Thee for all sorts

and conditions of men ; that Thou wouldest be

pleased to make Thy ways known unto them.
Thy saving health unto all nations. More espe-
cially we pray for the good estate of the Catholic

Churcli; that it may be so guided and governed

by Thy good Spirit^ that all^ who profess and call

themselves Christians^ may be led into the way

of truth, and hold the faith in unity of spirit^
in the bond of peace, and in righteousness of
life. we commend to Thy fatherly good-

ness all those who are any ways afflicted or

distressed, in mind, body, or estate that it may :

please Thee to comfort and relieve them, accord-

ing to their several necessities ;
giving them
patience under their sufferings, and a happy issue
out of all their afflictions. And this we beg for

Jesus Christ, His sake.

_R, Amen.

A LMIGHTY GOD, the giver of all good gifts,

^^ who
Thy Divine providence hast ap-

pointed divers orders in Thy Church Give Thy ;

grace, we humbly beseech Thee, to all those who

are called to any office and administration in the

same : and so replenish them with the truth of

Thy doctrine, and endue them mth innocency of

life, that they may faithfully serve before Thee,

to the glory of Thy great Name, and the benefit

of Thy holy Church ; through Jesus Christ our


R, Amen.

Then shall he read the Collect /or the Week {if read at
this Service)^ and any Special Prayers appointed for the

Day. After which so many of the following as the

time will permit.

f~\ LORD, govern us, we beseech Thee, by

Thine own Almighty power in all things
be Thou long-suiFering with all of us, and turn
unto us according to our supplications : re-

member Thy tenderness and Thy mercy; visit

us in Thy goodness and grant us by Thy bless-

ing to escape through the remainder of this day

the manifold wiles of the wicked one, and pre-
serve our life from all snares by the grace of Thy
most Holy Spirit. We ask all through the mercy
and pitifulness of Thine only-begotten Son.
R. Amen.

T ORD of all power and might, who art the

--^ author and giver of all good things Graft

in our hearts the love of Thy Name ; increase in

us true religion ; nourish us with all goodness
and of Thy great mercy keep us in the same
through Jesus Christ oui* Lord.
K. Amen.

"X riSIT and cleanse our consciences, we beseech

Thee, Lord; that when Thy Son, our
Lord Jesus Christ, shall come. He may find us

fit and ready for His appearing ; who abideth with

Thee and the Holy Ghost_, one God, world with-
out end.
B. Amen.

/~\ THOU, whom Cherubim and Seraphim con-

^'^ tinually do praise, the Heavens and all the
powers therein Open Thou our mouths that we

may shew forth Thy praise, and tell out the

greatness of Thy holy Name. Grant unto us to
have our portion vsdth them who fear Thee in
truth, and who obey Thy commandments ; for

to Thee is due all gloiy, honour, and worship.

Father, Son, and Holy Ghost; throughout all

H^ Amen.

Any other appropriate Prayers in this Book may he used

in addition tOy or instead of, the above Four Prayers or
any of them ; the Service always concluding with the
following :

A LMIGHTY GOD, who hast given us grace

at this time with one accord to make our
common supplications unto Thee ; and dost pro-
mise, that, when two or three are gathered to-
gether in Thy Name, Thou vsdlt grant their
requests : Fulfil now, Lord, the desires and
petitions of Thy servants, as may be most ex-

pedient for them; granting us in this world

knowledge of Thy truth, and in the world to

come, life everlasting,

ii?. Amen.

rpHE grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love

of God, and the communion of the Holy
Ghost, be with us all evermore.

R, Amen.

[Note : On the Lord''S'Day the Service shall be

at Two o'clock. It shall be the same as at
Morning Prayer down to the Psalms inclu-

sive; after which shall follow the Prayei's as

above, and the Service .shall conclude with the

Gloria Patri and Benediction.]



A Form of Confession.

r\ ALIMIGHTY GOD, wlio art greatly to be

^-^ feared in Thy holiness ; we are ashamed of
our manifold iniquities ; we confess unto Thee
our sin. We offend continually and grievously
in deedj in word, and in thought. Om- fathers

have transgressed against Thee ; and we, om*

children, and om* brethren, do fill up the measure
of their iniquity. Thy people, from generation

to generation, have resisted and turned from Thee.

We have abounded in false doctrine, heresy, and
schism. The priesthood have sinned, and all the
people. We harden our hearts, and are impe-
nitent ; we are proud and rebellious ; we are

high-minded, and refuse to be humbled. We

have rejected Thine ordinances, and have chosen

paths of our own. We have lived in strife and

confusion ; and have not desired peace. We
have loved lies and vanity^ hypocrisy and deceit.

We covet and lust after the things vrhich perish,

and seek not Thy heavenly kingdom. We con-
fess the sin of all Thy people, the members of

Thy One Cathohc Church. We have received

Thy truth with our minds, but have closed oui*
hearts against Thee. We have sat in judgment
on those whom Thou hast set over us, and we
judge not om'selves. We have loved the ways
of disorder in which we have lived, and have
been slow to learn reverence and humility. We
have caused Thy truth to be rejected of the
heathen by om' foolishness and our sin ; and
have brought reproach upon Thy holy Name.
By our hardness of heart and unbelief we have
grieved and quenched Thy Holy Spii'it. We
are a burden unto Thee, hindering Thy purpose
of grace to others ; and we have forsaken our
own mercies.

We confess unto Thee, God, the sin of all

kings, princes, and governors ; the sin of all

ranks and estates of men : from the highest

to the lowest, we have all transgressed against
Thee. And as dwellers in this land, we es-

pecially acknowledge before Thee the sin of


this kingdom and people. For all these our

manifold offences and iniquities we do be-
seech Thy mercy. We have sinned wilfully
and grievously^ yet have pity on us. We have
presumed on Thy long-sufferings yet deal with
us in mercy and in truths and forgive us our
sins ; through Thy Son Jesus Christy our only
i^ Amen.

A Form of Absolution.
A LMIGHTY GOD, the Father of our Lord
Jesus Christ, who hath given you grace at
this time to confess your sins unto Him ; for the

sake of Jesus Christ have mercy upon you, grant

unto you full remission and forgiveness, and ab-
solve you from all your sins, iniquities, and trans-

gressions ; give unto you peace through His

word of pardon pronounced upon you in His
Name; and vouchsafe unto you the inspiration
of His Holy Spirit : that at this time present ye
may offer unto Him true and acceptable worship ;

that for the time to come ye may serve and please

Him in newness of life, in righteousness and true
holiness ; and that at the coming of our Lord
Jesus Christ, ye may be found of Him in peace

unto salvation.

Prayer for Protection.


T?ROM the night early awaketh our soul unto

Thee, God ; for the light of Thy com-
mandments is upon the earth. Teach us to per-
fect righteousness and truth in Thy fear; for

Thee we glorify, who verily art our God. Incline

Thine ear and hear us, and remember, Lord,

each one before Thee, and save them by Thy
power j bless Thy people, and sanctify Tliine in-

heritance ;
grant peace to Thy Church, to the na-

tions, and to all men ; for blessed and magnified

is Thy most holy and glorious Name, of Father,

Son, and Holy Ghost, now and for evermore.

i?. Amen.

T?ROM the night early awaketh our soul unto
^ Thee, God ; for the light of Thy com-
mandments is upon the earth. Teach us, God,
by Thy truth ; by Thy commandments, by Thy
judgments, enlighten the eyes of our minds, lest

we sleep the sleep of death. Remove from our

hearts all darkness ;
give unto us the light of the

Sun of Righteousness, and preserve om* life free

from all snares, by the seal of Thy Holy Spirit.

Direct our footsteps in the way of peace ;


unto us to see tlie morning and the day in joy,

that we may direct our morning prayers unto

Thee, through Jesus Christ our Lord ; for Thine
is the dominion, the power, and the glory, world
without end.
R. Amen.

Prayer for Protection.


\ LMIGHTY GOD, who seest that we have no

^-^ power of ourselves to help ourselves, keep
us both outwardly in om* bodies and inwardly
in our souls ; that we may be defended from
all adversities which may happen to the body,
and from all e^dl thoughts, which may assault

and hm^t the soul ; through Jesus Christ our

i?. Amen.

r\ GOD, Most High, who alone art exalted
^^ having immortality, and dwelling in the
light which no one can approach unto ; Thou
hast made all things by Thy wisdom, separating
between the light and the darkness ; setting the

sun to rule the day, and the moon t© rule the

night. Thou hast given us grace to come before

Thee at this time, to offer unto Thee our evening

song of adoration and praise : grant unto us
peace for the present evening, and coming night
clothe us with the armour of light ; save us from

the fear of the night, and from all the perils of

darkness ;
grant unto us sleep, that our weary-
limbs may be refreshed ; and defend us from all

the malice of the de\il. And, Lord, Giver of

all good things, grant us, while resting on our
beds, to remember Thy Name in the silent

watches of the night ; and, being enlightened

by Thy law, give us with joy to persevere in

glorifying Thy goodness, offering prayers and

supplications to Thy compassion for our fellow
sinners, and for all Thy people which do Thou

grant according to Thy good will towards men ;

and to Thee we ascribe glory, Father, Son, and

Holy Ghost, world without end.
R, Amen.


TX7E give thanks unto Thee, God of our

salvation, that Thou hast crowned om'
lives with mercies; we look unto Thee as the
Sa\iour and benefactor of our souls. Thou hast
given us rest during the past night, and hast

raised us from our beds in strength^ and brouglit

us to the worship of Thine adorable Name
wherefore we worship Thee_, God. Bless us^
and enable us to sing to Thee as we ought with
the understanding, and without ceasing to pray
to Thee, working out, with the help of Thy
Christ, our salvation with fear and trembling.
Remember all who call to Thee in the night
season ; hear them and have mercy upon them,
and cast their invisible and cruel enemy down
under their feet. For Thou art the Prince of
Peace, and Saviour of om' souls ; and to Thee we
ascribe glory, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.
H, Amen.

Introductory Collects.
{At Nine or Three,}

r\ GOD, our refuge and strength, who art the

^^ author of all godliness Be ready, we ; be-

seech Thee, to hear the devout prayers of Thy

Chm'ch : and grant that those things, which we
ask faithfully, we may obtain effectually ; through
Jesus Christ our Lord.

i?. Amen.

T ET Thy merciful ear, Lord, be open to the

^ prayers of Thy humble servants : and that

they may obtain their petitions^ make them to

ask such things as shall please Thee; through
Jesus Christ our Lord.
R' Amen.

For the Church.

(At Nine or Three.)
/~\ LORD, we beseech Thee to keep Thy house-
^^ hold the Church in continual godliness :

that through Thy protection it may be free from

all adversities, and devoutly given to serve Thee in
good works ; to the glory of Thy Name, through
Jesus Christ our Lord.
^- Amen.

r\ LORD, we beseech Thee to keep Thy Chm-ch

^^ and household continually in Thy true re-
ligion, that they, who do lean only upon the
hope of Thy heavenly grace, may evermore be
defended by Thy mighty power; through Jesus
Christ our Lord.
R' Amen.

r\ LORD, we beseech Thee, let Thy continual

^^ pity cleanse and defend Thy Church and ;

because it cannot continue in safety without Thy

succour, preserve it evermore by Thy help and
goodness ; through Jesus Christ our Lord,
-"• Amen.

General Prayers and Collects.

{Which may he used at Nine or Three as convenience


r\ LORD^ pour not out Thine anger upon us,

^^^ neitlier chasten us in Thy hot displeasui'e ;

but, according to Thy mercy, shew that Thou art

the Physician of souls : heal our souls, guide us to
the haven of Thy will, enlighten our hearts in the
knowledge of Thy truth, and grant us to pass the
remainder of this day, and of our whole life, in

peace and without sin ; for Thine is the dominion,

and the power, and the glory, for ever and ever.

i?. Amen.

A LMIGHTY GOD, who shewest to them that

be in error the light of Thy truth, to the

intent that they may return into the way of

righteousness : Grant unto all them that are
admitted into the fellowship of Christ^ s religion,
that they may eschew those things that are con-
trary to their profession, and follow all such
things as are agreeable to the same; through
our Lord Jesus Christ.
i?» Amen.

(\^ Thy great goodness shew unto us,

^^ Lord, we beseech Thee, Thine unspeakable
mercy ; and thereby cleanse and put away from

us all our sins^ and remit unto us the punish-

ment which we have justly deserved for the same;
through Jesus Christ our Lord.
R, Amen.

i~\ LORD, raise up (we pray Thee) Thy power,

and come among us, and with great might
succour us ; that whereas, through our sins and
wickedness, we are sore let and hindered in

running the race which is set before us. Thy

bountiful grace and mercy may speedily help and

deliver us ; through the satisfaction of Thy Son
our Lord Jesus Christ.
R. Amen.

[ 2o these may be added any of the additional prayers

above for Morning and Eveninsr Service."]

Concluding Collects.
(At Nine or Three)

\ LMIGHTY GOD, the Fountain of all wisdom,

I who knowest our necessities before we ask,
and our ignorance in asking, we beseech Thee

to have compassion upon oui* infirmities ; and

those things, which for our unworthiness we dare
not, and for our blindness we cannot ask, vouch-
safe to give us ; for the worthiness of Thy Son,
Jesus Christ our Lord.
R Amen.

A SSIST us mercifully, Lord, in these our

supplications and prayers, and dispose the
way of Thy servants towards the attainment of
everlasting salvation ; that among all the changes
and chances of this mortal life, we may ever be

defended by Thy most gracious and ready help

through Jesus Christ our Lord.
R. Amen.

r\ LORD, we beseech Thee mercifully to hear

^^ us and grant that we, to whom Thou

hast given an hearty desire to pray, may by Thy

mighty aid be defended and comforted in all

dangers and adversities ; through Jesus Christ

our Lord.
R. Amen.

/^ LORD, we beseech Thee mercifully to re-

ceive the prayers of Thy people which call

upon Thee ; and grant that they may both per-

ceive and know what things they ought to do,

and also may have grace and power faithfully

to fulfil the same; through Jesus Christ our


R, Amen.

In Time of Storm or Tempest.

(^Especially in Maritime Places.)

r\ MOST Mighty and Eternal God, who com-

^^^ mandest the winds and seas, and they do
obey Thy voice; in dread of Thy great power,
yet trusting to Thy mercy, we cry unto Thee on
behalf of all those exposed to peril [or, in this
our peril and trouble], through this prevaihng
storm and tempest. We beseech Thee to have
mercy upon us, and spare Thy creatures whom
Thou hast made. Thy people who have
sinned against Thee ; and assuage, we beseech
Thee, this storm. Do Thou bid the winds to
cease, and let there be a calm. Of Thy great
goodness rescue and deliver those who are travel-
ling by land or by water, and especially those [or,

especially us Thine unworthy servants, whom

Thou seest to be] in peril of shipwreck ; and
grant that, being taught by Thy power, and per-
suaded by Thy mercy, they, and we, and all Thy

people, may henceforth serve Thee in pureness of

living and truth, to the glory of Thy holy Name ;

through Jesus Christ our Lord.

R. Amen.

For Fair Weather.

r\ ALMIGHTY Lord God, who, for the sin of
^^^ man, didst once di'own all the world except
eight persons, and afterwards of Thy great mercy
didst promise never to destroy it so again ; We
humbly beseech Thee, that, although we for our
iniquities have worthily deserved a plague of rain
and waters, yet upon our true repentance Thou
wilt send us such weather, as that we may re-

ceive the fruits of the earth in due season ; and

learn both by Thy punishment to amend our
lives, and for Thy clemency to give Thee praise
and glory ; through Jesus Christ om' Lord.
E Amen.

In Time of Dearth.

r\ GOD, heavenly Father, whose gift it is,

that the rain doth fall, the earth is fruit-

ful, beasts increase, and fishes do multiply; Be-

hold, we beseech Thee, the afflictions of Thy
people ; and grant that the scarcity and dearth,
which we do now most justly suffer for our

iniquity, may through Thy goodness be merci-

fully turned mto cheapness and plenty ; for the

love of Jesus Christ our Lord, to whom, with

Thee and the Holy Ghost, be all honour and
glory,now and for ever.

H^ Amen.

Or this.

r\ GOD, merciful Father, who, in the time of

^^ Elisha the prophet, didst suddenly in Sa-
maria turn great scarcity and dearth into plenty
and cheapness ; Have mercy upon us ; that we,

who are now for our sins punished with like

adversity, may likewise find a seasonable relief

Increase the fruits of the earth by Thy heavenly

benediction ; and grant that we, receiving Thy

bountiful liberality, may use the same to Thy

glory, the relief of those that are needy, and our

own comfort ; through Jesus Christ our Lord.

[{ Amen.

In Time of War and Tumults.

r\ ALMIGHTY GOD, King of all kings, and
^^ Governor of all things, whose power no
creature is able to resist, to whom it belongeth
justly to punish sinners, and to be merciful to

them that truly repent ; Save and deliver us, we


humbly beseech Thee, from the hands of our |

enemies ; abate then* pride, assuage their malice,

and confound their devices ; that we, being armed

with Thy defence, may be preserved evermore i

from all perils, to glorify Thee, who art the |

only giver of all victoiy ; through the merits of I

Thy only Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.


R. Amen. |

Prayers before Sermon or Exposition. ;

The Preacher shallcommence with the Invocation, the

people rising. The Prayer may he offered after he has
stated the subject on which he means to give instruc-
tion : it shnvld he foUowpd 'm the Lobd*s Prayer.

r\ LORD JESU CHRIST, who at Thy first

^^ coming didst send Thy messenger to pre-

pare Thy way before Thee : Grant that the minis-
ters and stewards of Thy mysteries may likewise
so prepare and make ready Thy way, by tui'ning

the hearts of the disobedient to the wisdom of

the just, that, at Thy second coming to judge the
world, we may be found an acceptable people in
Thy sight ; who livest and reignest with the
Father and the Holy Spirit, ever One God, world
without end.
R. Amen.

f\ LORD, who lovest all men, Cause the light

^-^ of Thy unchangeable wisdom to shine into

our hearts, and open the eyes of our minds to

the understanding of Thy preached Gospel. Put
into us the fear of Thy blessed commandments,
that, by subduing all fleshly lusts, we may make
progress in spiritual life, both thinking and acting
in all things according to Thy good pleasure. For
Thou art the enlightener of our soul and body,
Christ oar Lord ; and to Thee we ascribe glory
with the Eternal Father, and with Thy most blessed
quickening Spirit, now and for evermore.

H. Amen.
[This last Prayer may also he uaed after Sermon '\

"DLESSED Lord, who hast caused all Holy

-^ Scriptures to be written for our learning

Grant that we may in such mse hear them, read,

mark, learn, and inwardly digest them, that by
patience, and comfort of Thy holy Word, we
may embrace, and ever hold fast, the blessed hope
of everlasting life, which Thou hast given us in

our Saviour Jesus Christ.

R. Amen.

pREVENT us, Lord, in all our doings with

Thy -most gracious favour, and further us

with Thy continual help ; that in all our works,

begun, continued, and ended in Thee, we may
glorify Thy Name, and finally by Thy mercy
attain everlasting life ; through Jesus Christ our
R. Amen.

f\ GOD, who didst teach the hearts of Thy

^^ faithful people, by sending to them the
light of Thy Holy Spirit ; Grant unto us by the
same Spirit to have a right judgment in all

things, and evermore to rejoice in His holy com-

fort ; through Jesus Christ our Saviour, who
liveth and reigneth with Thee in the unity of the

same Spirit, One God, world without end.

R Amen.

r\ ALMIGHTY GOD, who hast instructed Thy

^^ Church with heavenly doctrine, and hast
caused the light of Thy glorious Gospel to shine

into the world ; Give unto us Thy gi'ace, that we

may be no longer like children, tossed about with
every blast of vain doctrine, but may be esta-

blished in Thy most holy truth ; through Jesus

Christ our Lord.

R. Amen.
[This last Prayer may also be used after SermoJi]

TV /TERCIFUL Lord, we beseech Thee to cast

-LtX r^Yiy bright beams of Ught upon Thy
Church; that, being enhghtened by Thy most
holy Word, we may so walk in the light of Thy
truth, that we may at length attain to the light

of everlasting life ; through Jesus Christ our

R, Amen.

A Beneluction, which may he pronounced upon the

Preacher after the Prayer, by one presiding.

rpHE blessing of the Father, and of the Son,

and of the Holy Ghost, be with thee and
rest upon thee. The Lord be in thy heart, and
with thy lips, that thou mayest worthily de-

clare His holy Gospel.

R Amen.

The Ascription of Glory.

At the close uf the Sermon, the Congregation rising.

T T NTO the Father, and unto the Son, and unto


^^ the Holy Ghost, One God, be ascribed in

the Church all honour and glory, might, majesty,

dominion, and blessing, now, henceforth, and for

R. Amen.

Concluding Prayer.
pi RANT, we beseecli Thee, Almighty God, that
the words which we have heard this day
with our outward ears, may through Thy grace
be so grafted inwardly in our hearts, that they
may bring forth in us the fruit of good living, to
the honour and praise of Thy Name ; through
Jesus Christ our Lord.
R. Amen.

[Or one of the two Prayers above set forth.']

€i)t ©rtrr





The Invocation.
"N the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and
of the Holy Ghost.
R. Amen.

The Confession.
A LMIGHTY GOD, om- Heavenly Father, who
admittest Thy people unto such wonderful
Communion, that, partaking by a Divine Mystery

of the Body and Blood of Thy dear Son, they

should dwell in Him, and He in them ; We
unworthy sinners, approaching to Thy presence,
and beholding Thy Divine glory, do abhor our-

selves, and repent in dust and ashes. We have

sinned, we have sinned, we have grievously sinned
against Thee, in thought, in word, and in deed.
Provoking most justly Thy wrath and indignation
against us. We have broken our past vows
We have dishonoured Thy holy Name, and pro-
faned Thy holy Sanctuary.
Yet now, most merciful Father, have mercy
upon us ; For the sake of Jesus Christ, forgive
us all our sins ; Deliver us, by the inspiration of
Thy Holy Spirit, from all uncleanness in spirit

and in flesh ; and give unto us heartily to forgive

others, as w^e beseech Thee to forgive us, and to

serve thee henceforth in newness of life, to the

glory of Thy holy Name, through Jesus Christ

our Lord.
R. Amen.

The Absolution.
[The following is given as a form appropriate]

\ LMIGHTY GOD, who hath given His Son

Jesus Christ to be the Sacrifice and Pro-
pitiation for the sins of the whole world ; Grant

unto you for His sake full remission and for-

giveness ; Absolve you from all your sins ; and
vouchsafe to you His Holy Spirit.

}{ Amen.
Peace be witb you.

K Amen.
Shew us Thy mercy, Lord !

U And grant us Thy salvation.

Lord, hear our prayer !

/?, And let our cry come unto Thee.

Our help standeth in the Name of the Lord
7?, Who made heaven and earth.

Let us pray.

GOD, who, by the blood of Thy dear Son,

hast consecrated unto us a new and living

way into the holiest of all ; Grant unto us, we

beseech Thee, the assurance of Thy mercy, and
sanctify us by Thy Heavenly grace ; that we,
approaching unto Thee with pm'e heart and un-
defiled conscience, may offer unto Thee a sacrifice

in righteousness, and duly celebrate these holy

mysteries to the glory of Thy Name ; through
Jesus Christ our Lord.

R, Amen.
Lord, have mercy upon us.
R. Lord, have mercy upon us.

Christ, have mercy upon us.

R. Christy have mercy upon us.

Lord^ have mercy upon us.
R. Lord, have mercy upon us.

Then shall be said or sung, the Congregation rising,

this Anthem,

Gloria in Excelsis.

f~^ LORY be to God on high, and in earth

peace, good-will towards men. We praise

Thee, we bless Thee, we worship Thee, we glorify

Thee, we give thanks to Thee for Thy great glory,

Lord God, heavenly King, God the Father
Lord, the Only-begotten Son Jesu Christ
Lord God, Lamb of God, Son of the Father,
that takest away the sins of the world, have
mercy upon us. Thou that takest away the sins

of the world, have mercy upon us : Thou that

takest away the sins of the world, receive our

prayer : Thou that sittest at the right hand of

God the Father, have mercy upon us.
For Thou only art holy ; Thou only art the
Lord; Thou only, Christ, with the Holy
Ghost, art most high in the glory of God the
Father, Amen.

The Lord be with you.

R. And with thy spirit.

Let us pray.
Then shall follow the proper Coixect.

Collect /or Christmas- Day, and from thence to the

Secojid Sunday after Christmas.

A LMIGHTY GOD, who hast given us Thy

Only-begotten Son to take our nature upon
Him, and as at this time to be born of a pure

Virgin ; Grant that we, being regenerate, and

made Thy children by adoption and grace, may
daily be renewed by Thy Holy Spirit ; through
the same our Lord Jesus Christ, who liveth and
reigneth with Thee and the same Spirit, ever One
God, world without end.
R. Amen.

Collect /(37- the Second Sunday after Cliristmas, and

from thence to the Sunday before Easter.
f~\ GOD, whose blessed Son was manifested,
^^^ that He might destroy the works of the

devil, and make us the sons of God, and heirs

of Eternal Life ; Grant us, we beseech Thee, that,

having this hope, we may purify ourselves, even

as He is pure that, when
: He shall appear again
with power and great glory, we may be made like
unto Him in His eternal and glorious kingdom

where with Thee, Father, and Thee, Holy

Ghost, He liveth and reigneth, ever One God,
world without end.
^' Amen.

Collect /or the Sunday before Easter.

A LMIGHTY GOD, we beseech Thee graciously

"^ to behold this Thy family, for which our
Lord Jesus Christ was contented to be betrayed,
and given up into the hands of wicked men, and
to suffer death upon the cross, who now liveth

and reigneth with Thee and the Holy Ghost, ever

One God, world without end.
^* Amen.

Collect on Easter- Day. ovd from thence to Ascension.

A LMIGHTY GOD, who through Thine only

"^^ Son Jesus Christ hast overcome death, and
opened unto us the gates of Everlasting Life ; We
humbly beseech Thee, that as, by Thy special

grace preventing us. Thou dost put into our

minds good desires, so by Thy continual help we
may bring the same to good effect ; through
Jesus Christ our Lord, who liveth and reigneth
with Thee and the Holy Ghost, ever One God,
world without end.
^' Amen.

Cctj.j.T.c.T for the Sunday after- Ascension.

f\ GOD, the King of Glory, who hast exalted

^^ Thine only Son Jesus Christ with great
triumph into Thy kingdom in Heaven We be- ;

seech Thee, leave us not comfortless ; but send

to us Thine Holy Ghost to comfort us, and exalt
us unto the same place whither om- Saviour
Christ has gone before, who liveth and reigneth
with Thee and the Holy Ghost, One God, w^orld
without end.
R. Amen.

Collect on Whit -Sunday^ and from thence to Christmas.

r\ ALMIGHTY GOD, who hast sent down

^-^ the Holy Ghost upon Thine Elect, en-
dowing them with His manifold gifts, and knit-
ting them together in one communion and fel-

lowship in the mystical body of Thy Son ; Grant

unto us grace to use all those Thy gifts alway to
Thy honour and glory, and to abound m faith,

hope, and charity, waiting for Thy Son from

Heaven : He shall appear, we with all
That when
Thy may be found of Him in peace, and

by Him may be presented before Thy glorious

presence with exceeding joy, through the same
Jesus Christ our Lord.

R, Amen.

Apdtttonat, Collect to he used in Advent, besides and

ifter the last Collect.

r\ LORD JESU CHRIST, who at Thy first

^^ coming didst send Thy messenger to pre-

pare Thy way before Thee; Grant that the mi-
nisters and stewards of Thy mysteries may Hke-
wise so prepare and make ready Thy way, by
tm-ning the hearts of the disobedient to the
wisdom of the just, that, at Thy second coming
to judge the world, we may be found an accept-
able people in Thy sight, who livest and reignest
with the Father and the Holy Spirit, ever One
God, world without end.
^' Amen.

Then shall follow the Epistle. After which,

R' Thanks be to Thee, God.

Then shall be sung the proper Anthem after the


On the Sundays in Adverti,.

"P^ROP down, ye heavens, your dew from


above :

And let the skies pour down righteousness.

Let the earth open, and let them bring forth
salvation :

And let righteousness spring up together.


Send forth, Lord :

The Lamb, to be the Ruler of the earth ;

From the rock of the wilderness :

Unto the mount of the daughter of Zion.

On the lAth Dt^remb'^r ( fallini: on the lAmVa T)niO.

TTIS going forth is prepared as the morn-

ing :

And He shall come unto us as the latter and

the former rain.
He shall teach us His ways :

And we shall walk in His paths.

And the Redeemer shall come to Zion :

And unto them that turn from transgression in


On the 25th December (or Christmas- Day), happening

on the Lord's- Day, and tm the First Sunday after

QING, ye heavens, for the Lord hath

^ done it

Break forth into singing, forest, and every

tree therein.

For the Lord hath redeemed Jacob :

And glorified himself in Israel.

He hath commanded His covenant for ever :

Holy, and reverend, is His Name.


Also on Christmas- Day the following Hymn.


A PPROACH, all ye faithful, joyful and tri-


come ye, come ye, to Bethlehem :

The New-born there is King and Lord of angels :

come with adoration, come with adoration,

come with adoration and worship the Lord.


True God of God, true Light of Light

Born of a virgin, very man ;

Yea, very God, begotten, and not made.

come with adoration, come with adoration,

come with adoration and worship the Lord.


Sing Hallelujah ! glorious choir of angels

Ye courts of Heaven, be filled with song.

Glory to God, all glory in the highest.
come with adoration, come with adoration,

come with adoration and worship the Lord.


To Thee who on this joyous day wast born,

To Thee be glory, Jesu, Lord,

Word of th' Eternal Father, Word Incarnate.

come with adoration, come with adora-


come with adoration and worship the


On the Second Sunday after Christmas, and from thence

to Passion- Week.

rpHE people which walked in darkness :

Have seen a great light.

They which dwelt in the land of the shadow of

death :

Upon them hath the light shined.

Light is sprung up for the righteous
And gladness for the upright in heart.

On the Second of February {or the Presentation in the

Temph), happening on the Lord''s~Day.

B LESSED is she that believed

For the things which were told her of the

Lord have been fulfilled.

For, behold ! the Desire of all Nations is come

And the temple is filled with His glory
The glory of the Only-begotten of the Father :

Full of grace and truth.


On the Sunday next he/ore Easter.

/^ LORD, our Lord, how excellent is Thy Name

^^ in all the earth :

Who hast set Thy glory above the heavens.

Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings hast
Thou ordained strength
That Thou mightest still the enemy and the
Lord, what is man, that Thou art mindful of
him :

And the son of man, that Thou visitest him ?

Thou hast made him a little lower than the
Thou hast crowned him with glory and honour.

On Easter- Dc(}i

rpHOU knowest my lying down, and mine up-

^ rising

Thou understandest my thoughts afar off.

When I ascend up into heaven. Thou art there
When I make my bed in hell, behold. Thou art
there !

How precious also are Thy thoughts unto me,

How great is sum of them
the !

They are more in number than the sand :

When I awake I am still with Thee.



On Sunday after Easier, and from thence to the

the First
First Sunday in Advent; except the Sunday after As-
cension and Pentecost.

rpHIS is the day which the Lord hath made

We will rejoice and be glad in it.

Blessed be He that cometh in the Name of the

Lord :

We have blessed you out of the house of the Lord.

God is the Lord^ which hath shewed us light
Bind the sacrifice with cords, even to the horns
of the altar.

On tltf Sunday after Ascension- Day.

A WOMAN, when she is in travail, hath sorrow

Because her hour is come
But afterwards she remembereth her anguish no
more :

For joy that a man is born into the world.

And ye now have sorrow :

But I will see you again

And your heart shall rejoice
And your joy no mail taketh from you.

On the Day of Pentecost

T WILL greatly rejoice in the Lord :

My soul shall be joyful in my God
For He hath clothed me with the garments of
salvation :

He hath covered me with the robe of righteous-

As a bridegroom decketh himself with orna-

ments :

And as a bride adorneth herself with her jewels.

Then shall folknv the Hymn Veni Creator Spiritus.

Old Version.
piOME, Holy Ghost, Creator, come.
And visit all the souls of Thine :

Thou hast inspired our hearts with life.

Inspire them now with life divine.

Thou art the Comforter, the gift

Of God most high ; the fire of love,

The everlasting spring of joy.

And holy unction from above.

Thy gifts are manifold ; Thou T\Tit'st

God^s law in every faithful heart

The promise of the Father, Thou
Dost heavenly eloquence impart.

Enlighten om- dark souls, till they

Thy love. Thy heavenly love, embrace ;

And (since we are by nature frail)

Assist us by Thy saving grace.


Drive far from us the mortal foe,

And grant us to have peace within ;

That, with Thy light and guidance blest,

We may escape the snares of sin.

Teach us the Father to confess,

And Son, who from the grave revived,

And, with the Father and the Son,

Thee, Holy Ghost, from both derived.

With Thee, Father, therefore may

The Son, who wa^from death restored.
And Sacred Comforter, One God,
To endless ages be adored.

Another Version.
piOME, Holy Ghost, Creator, come,
^ And visit every soul of Thine :

Fill with Thine own supernal grace

The hearts which Thou hast formed for Thee.

Thou, who art named the Comforter,

The heavenly gift of God most high,

Fountain of Life, refining fire,

Anointing Spirit, Love Divine :

Thou in Thy gifts art manifold

Th' efi'ectual finger of God's hand
The Father's faithful promise Thou,
Touching each lip with eloquence.

Shine fortli before our vision^ Lord,

Into our hearts infuse Thy love,

And with Thine all-enduring strength

The weakness of oui* frame confirm.

Far hence repel the threat 'ning foe,

Thy peace delay not to confer

That following Thee, our guide before.
We may escape all noxious harm.

Grant us by Thee to^pprehend

The Father, and to know the Son
And Thee, the Spirit of them both.
Now and in all times to believe.

Praise to the Father, to the Son,

To Thee be praise. Spirit Divine,

Whose inspiration evermore

With sacred ardour fires the soul.

Then shall he read the Gospel. After which,

H Glory be to Thee, Lord.

After the Gospel shall be preached a Homily ;and after

the Homily shall be rehearsed the following Creed, the
people follonnng,

T BELIEVE in One God, the Father Almighty,

Maker of heaven and earth, and of all things
visible and invisible :

And in One Lord Jesus Christ, the Only-

begotten Son of God, Begotten of His Father
before all worlds, God of God, Light of Light,

Very God of very God, Begotten, not made,

Being of one substance with the Father, By
whom all things were made : Who for us men,
and for our salvation, came down from heaven.
And was incarnate by the Holy Ghost of the
Virgin Mary, And was made man. And was
crucified also for us under Pontius Pilate. He
suffered and was bmied. And the third day He
rose again according to the Scriptures, And as-
cended into Heaven, And sitteth on the right
hand of the Father. And He shall come again
with glory to judge both the quick and the dead :

Whose kingdom shall have no end.

And I believe in the Holy Ghost, The Lord,
and Giver of life. Who proceedeth from the
Father and the Son, Who with the Father and
the Son together is worshipped and glorified.

Who spake by the prophets. And I believe One

Catholic and Apostolic Church ; I acknowledge
One Baptism for the remission of sins ;And I
look for the resurrection of the dead, And the
life of the world to come. Amen.

The7i shall covrmencff the OFFKRTony. after this manner.

TTONOUR the Lord with thy substance^ and

with the first-fruits of all thy increase : so

shall thy barns be filled with plenty, and thy

presses shall burst out with new wine.
Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, and
prove me now herewith, saith the Lord of Hosts,

if I will not open the windows of Heaven, and

pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be
room enough to receive it.

To do good, and to distribute, forget not ; for

with such sacrifices God is well pleased.

The Prayer of Offertory.

/~\ LORD, our Governor, who art King of all

^-^ the earth ; accept, of Thine infinite good-
ness, the tithes and ofi'erings Thy people,

which, in obedience to Thy commandment, in

honom' of Thy name, and with a free will and
we yield and dedicate to Thee and
joyful heart, :

grant unto us Thy blessing, that the same, being

devoted to Thy service, may be used for Thy

glory, and for the welfare of Thy Church and

people, through Jesus Christ our Lord.
f( Amen.

The holy Vessels with, the Bread and Wine shall then he

hrought up, and reverently placed upon the Altar ; while

this is doing, the following Anthem sh(dl he sung.

r\ SEND out Thy light and Thy truth : let

^^^ them lead me :

Let them bring me unto Thy holy hill^ and to

Thy tabernacles.

Then will I go unto the altar of God, unto God

my exceeding joy :

Yea, upon the harp will I praise Thee, God,

my God.
I will offer to Thee the sacrifice of thanksgiving :

And will call upon the name of the Lord.

I will pay my vows unto the Lord

Now in the presence of all His people.
Glory be to the Father, and to the Son :

And to the Holy Ghost

As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever
shall be :

World without end. Amen.

Brethren, pray that our sacrifice may be ac-

ceptable to God the Father Almighty, through

our Lord Jesus Christ.
^. The Lord be with thy spirit. The Lord
accept our sacrifice, and give unto us His blessing.

Let us pray.
A LMIGHTY and Most Merciful Father, we
-^ offer and present unto Thee this bread and

this cup, in token that we are Thine; that all

that we have is Thine; and of Thine only can

we give to Thee. We are. unworthy to offer unto
Thee any sacrifice ;
yet, we beseech Thee, accept

this our duty and service, who desire to honour

Thee, to worship and adore Thy Majesty, and to
acknowledge Thee to be oui* God, and ourselves
Thy servants, as we are most bound. And here
we do present to Thee ourselves, our souls and

bodies ; and dedicate ourselves unto Thy service,

renewing our vows, and engaging henceforth to

obey Thy commandments, to seek Thy will, to

do the things which please Thee, and to avoid

and utterly to eschew the things which Thou
abhorrest. O God, Thou knowest our weakness,
and om* frailty is not hid from Thee ; Have
mercy upon us, and fulfil our vows in us. Send
down Thy Holy Spirit upon us, and let the
flesh, and all its affections and lusts, be de-
stroyed in us, as by a consuming fire ; that we
may henceforth yield ourselves to Thee a living
sacrifice, holy and acceptable, which is our reason-
able service.
Wherefore, Lord, we beseech Thee, vouch-

safe to us at this time Thy heavenly grace,

through this most blessed Sacrament and means

of grace. Have respect unto the faith and
prayers of Thy Church, and impute not to Thy
people their sins, nor the sins of Thy servant

ministering before Thee ; but confirm Thou, and

ratify, and make effectual, the words and acts,
which in Thy Name, in obedience to Thy com-
mandment, and according to Thy will. Thine
ordained Minister shall speak and do. Hear
us. Heavenly Father, for the sake of Jesus Christ

Thy Son, to whom, with Thee and the Holy

Ghost, One God, be all honour and glory, world
without end.
H. Amen.

The Lord be with you.

E, And with thy spirit.

The whole Congregation shall ri6e.

Lift up your hearts.

R. We lift them up unto the Lord.

Let us give thanks unto our Lord God.
R. It is meet and right so to do.

The Preface.
TT is very meet, right, and our bounden duty,
that we should at all times, and in all places,

give thanks unto Thee, Lord, Father Almighty,


Eternal God; who, together with Thy Only-be-

gotten Son and the Holy Ghost, art ONE GOD,
For Thou didst create heaven and earth, and
all things that are therein. Thou gavest unto us
life and being. By Thy providence are the fruits
of the earth preserved to us ; and by Thy
blessing we, and all things living, are nourished
and sustained. Thou openest Thy hand, and
fillest us with plenteousness. Thou hast pre-
served us all our days, and now again Thou
bringest us into Thy presence, satisfied with
Thy mercies, and replenished with Thy good-

ForThy bounties known to us,

all for all

unknown, we give Thee thanks. But chiefly,

that when, through our disobedience, we had

fallen from Thee, and forfeited Thy favour. Thou
didst not suffer us to depart from Thee for ever

Thou hast ransomed us from eternal death, and

given us the joyful hope of everlasting life,

through Jesus Christ ; who being God of God,

Very God of very God, Eternal God, dwelling
with Thee before all time, in glory and blessed-
ness unspeakable, came down from heaven in
perfect love, from perfect Love, and became very
Man for our salvation.

We bless Thee for His holy Incarnation ; for

His life on earth ; for His precious sufferings

and death upon the cross; for His resuiTection
from the dead ; and for His glorious ascension
to Thy right hand.
We bless Thee for the giving of the Holy
Ghost ; for all the sacraments and ordinances
of Thy Church ; and for the most blessed Com-
munion of all Saints, in these holy mysteries,
which now we celebrate. We bless Thee for the

hope of everlasting life, and of the glory which

shall be brought unto us at the coming, and in
the kingdom, of Thy dear Son.
Thee, Mighty God, heavenly King, we mag-
nify and praise. We worship and adore Thy
glorious Name, the Name of the Father, and of
the Son, and of the Holy Ghost ;
joining in the
hymn of Angels, and Archangels, and all the
hosts of heaven, the Cherubim and Seraphim
before Thy Throne, and singing unto Thee,
R. Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God of Sabaoth j

heaven and earth are full of the majesty of Thy


Hosanna in the highest.

Blessed is He that cometh in the Name of

the Lord.
Hosanna in the highest.

Proper Prefaces.
On tht Sundaya in Advent.

— And for tlie most blessed com-

muriion of all saints in tliese holy mysteries.
And at this time^ celebrating the first Advent
of our Lord, and rejoicing therein with joy and
gladness, we bless Thee for the hope of that His
second Coming in glorious majesty : when they
that have kept the word of His patience shall be

received up into His glory, and mortality shall

be swallowed up of life.

On Christmas- Day and the Day of the Circumcision

{happening on the Lord's-Day).

We bless Thee for His holy In-

carnation, who, as on this day [or, as at this

season], was born of the Virgin Mary. Unto us

a Child is born, unto us a Son is given; a

Saviour, which is Christ the Lord. Through

the mystery of the Incarnate Word, Thou hast

shined in upon our souls, and hast given us the

light of the knowledge of Thy glory and of Thy
grace, in the face of Jesus Christ, God visible in
the flesh ; that through Him we may know Thee
and love Thee, who art Invisible. We bless
Thee for His life on earth, &c.

On the Sunday next heforc Easf'"-

And death upon the cross : for

He hath died for us, the just for the unjust ; and
through death hath overcome him that had the
power of death : From His death Life hath
sprung up for us_, and by His stripes we are

healed. We bless Thee also for His resurrection

from, &c.

On Easter -Day.

And for His resurrection from

the dead ; for, as on this day, Thou didst bring

again from the dead that great Shepherd of the

sheep, through the blood of the everlasting

covenant ; that we, being justified thereby, might

have peace with Thee through Him, and abiding
in Thy grace might rejoice in the hope of Thy
glory. We bless Thee also for His glorious
ascension, &c.

On the Sunday after the Ascension,

And for His orlorious ascension to

Thy right hand : Who after His resurrection

shewed Himself alive to His Apostles by many
infallible proofs ; and in their presence was re-

ceived up into heaven, that He might make us

partakers of the Divine natm-e : whence also

He shall come forth; and unto them that look

for Him He shall appear the second time, without

sin, unto salvation.

We bless Thee for the giving of the Holy
Ghost, &c.

On Pentecost or Whit-Sunday.

Giving of the Holy Ghost, the

Comforter ; W\io, as on this day, according to
Thy promise, being sent of Thee and of Thy Son
upon the children of Thine adoption, came down
from heaven, with a sound as of a rushing mighty
wind, and with the likeness of cloven tongues of
fire : Who abideth ever in the Church, dividing
His manifold gifts to every one, according as
He willeth ; Who inspireth the servants of the

Lord, the ministers of His Church, apostles,

prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers ; Who
guideth into all the truth, and bringeth to re-
membrance all things, whatsoever the Lord hath
taught and commanded; Who sanctifieth, and
filleth with joy and gladness, the hearts of all

Thy children, vouchsafing the seal and confirm-

ation of our faith, and the earnest and first-fruits

of our hope. We bless Thee for all the sacra-

ments, &c.

On the First November {being the Commemoration of

All- Saints), happening on thr LnrrFs-Day

Sacraments and ordinances of Thy

Church, and this day with Thy whole Church
throughout the world, we especially give thanks
to Thee for all Thy Saints departed in the faith

for our present fellowship with them, for our

common hope, and for the promise of om- future
joy in the day of the resurrection of the just.
For Thou art to be glorified in the assembly of
Thy saints, and crownest all Thy gifts of grace in

bestowing that crown of glory which fadeth not

away. let the cloud of witnesses, the innu-
merable company of thos6 who have gone before
and entered into rest, be to us for an example of

godly life; and even now may we be refreshed

with their joy : that so with patience we may
run the race which yet remains before us, look-

ing unto Jesus Christ our Lord ; through Whose

blood an entrance is administered abundantly to

all believers into the everlasting kingdom, the

heavenly Jerusalem, the glorious assembly of the

saints ; and by Whom the innumerable company
of angels adore with trembling, and all the

powers of heaven do celebrate Thy majesty.

With them we also praise and magnify Thee,
mighty God, heavenly King. We worship, &c.

Aftpr th,^ Pvv.vwji I'll <fhfi?I kned.

The Lord's Prayer.

/~\UR Father, whidi art in heaven, Hallowed
^^ be Thy Name. Thy kingdom come. Thy
will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. Give us
this day om* daily bread. And forgive us oui*

trespasses, as we forgive them that trespass

against us. And lead us not into temptation j

but deliver us from evil.

E^ Amen.

The Consecration.
T OOK upon us, God, and bless and sanctify
this bread.

In the Name of the Father, and of the Son,

and of the Holy Ghost, we bless this bread;

and beseech Thee, heavenly Father, to send down

Thy Holy Spirit, and make it unto us the Body
of Thy Son, Jesus Christ Who, the same :

night in which He was betrayed, ii^. /^,,.^,,.

Celebrant afwll take the bread into his handrA
bread; and after He had given thanks.
He brake it, [z^^^,^ f,^ shall o>rfd '-/]

and said. Take, eat, THIS IS MY BODY,

which is broken for you this do ye in :

remembrance of me.
[(_ Amen.

T OOK upon us, God, and bless and sanctify

-^ this cup.

In the Name of the Father, and of the Son,

and of the Holy Ghost, we bless this cup ; and
beseech Thee, heavenly Father, to send down Thy
Holy Spirit, and make it unto us the Blood of
Thy Son Jesus Christ ; Who, in like manner
ALSO, [//»"/• I' " - '-'jf : iinyon into

his haiuhP, TOOK the cup after He had supped,

SAYING, This cup is the New Testament in
MY BLOOD : this do ye, as often as ye
drink it, in remembrance of me.
R Amen.

The Prayer of Oblation

(after Consecration).

A LMIGHTY GOD, we. Thy servants, calling

to mind the most blessed sacrifice of Thy

Son ; shewing forth His death, rejoicing in His
resurrection and glorious presence at Thy right

hand, and waiting for the blessed hope of His

appearing and coming again, do present unto
Thee this reasonable and unbloody Sacrifice which
Thou hast instituted in Thy Church ; the holy
bread of Everlasting Life, and the cup of Eternal
Salvation. 'Vi^iereupon do Thou look, and accept
them upon Thine altar, before Thy glorious high

throne in heaven : Have respect unto that Sacri-

fice once offered upon the cross, once for all, for

the sins of the whole world, full, perfect, and

sufficient ; and grant unto us, and unto all Thy
people, the full benefits of the passion of Thy dear
Son, remission of all our sins, and eternal life.

Wliich things, Lord, we seek not for our-

selves apart from Thy Holy Church, among
whom may our lot be for ever in the midst of ;

whom we wait for Thy Salvation and for whom, ;

and for all for whom Thou wouldest be besought,

we offer this our sacrifice, and present to Thee
our prayers, f [Here shall follow any special clause
appointed for me Day or Season.]

R, Amen.

On the Sundays in Advent.

C[ FECI ALLY in this our sacrifice of praise, we

remember and rejoice in that grace of sal-

vation which, by Jesus Christ, hath appeared

unto all men ; and we look forward unto that
blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the
great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ. And,
we beseech Thee, grant that all they who profess

His name, may be delivered from every error, and

may be united in faith and knowledge ; and, being

perfected in holiness and charity, and established


by Thy Spirit with all heavenly gifts, they may be

kept from that hour of temptation which corneth
upon all the earth ; and may be found blameless
and spotless in the day of our Lord Jesus Christ.
^- Amen.

On the 25th December (being Christinas' Day), happemng

on the Lord'' S' Day.

A ND now especially we rejoice to ojffer unto

Thee this sacrifice of praise, remembering
the birth as on this day of Thy Son, our Lord
and Saviour ; and we beseech Thee for the merits

of His sacrifice, that, as He grew up before Thee

from infancy to manhood, and through death
hath arisen to eternal glory at Thy right hand,
so Thou wilt visit Thy Church and people in
their low estate, in this the time of their humility,

and wilt cause them to increase unto the measure

of the stature of His fulness, that they may fill

creation with Thy praise.

Rr Amen.

On the \st January {being the Circurncimm), happening

the Lord" St- Day

T7 SPECIALLY commemorating that, as on this

day, om' Saviom' Jesus Christ first shed

His precious blood for us, submitting to the
bloody rite of circumcision, and making honour-

able thereby Thy holy law, that we might obtain

the adoption of sons, and the true circumcisioti
of the Spirit ; wherein, through His merits, we
beseech Thee, that Thou wilt perfect us.

-R. Anmn.

On the 'M February (being the Presentation)., happening

on the Lord's-Day.

Tj^ SPECIALLY beseeching Thee of Thy good-

"^ ness, that as Thou didst reward Thy holy
servants Simeon and Anna, waiting for the Con-
solation of Israel, with the vision of Thy Christ

so Thou wilt speedily answer the earnest desires

of Thy people, who now wait for the adoption,
even the redemption of the body ; and wilt grant i

unto them, that they may be cleansed from all I

defilement of the old man, and be made meet for |

the inheritance of Thy saints.

R Amen.
On Easter- Day,

TTTE rejoice before Thee, above all, in the re-

surrection, as on this day, of our Saviour

Jesus Christ ; And pray Thee that Thou wilt

fill us with the divine energy of His life, working
in us according to the mighty power whereby
Thou didst raise Him from the dead. |

R Amen. i

On Penfprosf
i~\ THOU, who sanctifiest these gifts by the
coming down of Thy Holy Spirit ; We
beseech Thee by His saving presence to cleanse
our consciences, and by His holy inspiration to
enlighten our souls ; that we, and all Thy flock,

offering up unto Thee these spiritual sacrifices,

acceptable in the Holy Ghost, and celebrating

therein the fulfilment ofThy promise in His
descent as on this day, may rejoice in His com-
fort, and be filled with His peace.
E^ Amen.

On the !.<;/ November {All- Saints' ), happening on the

Lord's- Day,

T? SPECIALLY this day offering the sacrifice

^ of thanksgiving, and rejoicing before Thee
with exceeding joy in the communion of all Thy
saints, living and departed, with whom we wait
for the adoption, even the redemption of our
bodies, when all creation shall be delivered from

the bondage of corruption, into the glorious

liberty ofThy childi'en ; which of Thy mercy,

Lord, do Thou speedily bring to pass, that Thy
purpose may be accomplished in Thy Church, and
that in one Body we may attain unto the glory
of the resurrection in the life to come.

R, Amen.

The Commemoration of the Living.

TJEMEMBER, Lord, we beseech Thee, Thy

Church miUtant here on earth. We pray
Thee, send down Thy heavenly grace upon those

whom Thou hast called to serve Thee as Apostles.

We pray Thee also for Thy Prophets, Evangelists,
and Pastors and Teachers, whom Thou hast called
to labour with Thine Apostles ; and we beseech
Thee, that by Thy fourfold ministry Thou wilt

perfect Thy saints, and edify the body of Thy

Christ. Itiere may be added any special Prayer
for Ministers in the iT^n" /•../// Chnrrh and either

aloud or

TT7E pray Thee for the Angels, to whom, by
Thine Apostles, Thou hast given in charge
Thy Churches, that they may rule them in Thy
holy fear and love; that they may foster the
motions of Thy good Spirit in the hearts of Thy
people, and be swdft to detect the devil and his

devices, and mighty to cast him forth and to bar

him from Thy fold.

R^ Amen.

/n I VE . grace, O heavenly Father, unto all

Elders, and Prophets, and Evangelists, and

Pastors : to all Deacons, Under-Deacons, and

Deaconesses, serving Thee under Thine Angels

that they may fulfil their several ministries, and
bless Thy flock ; and to all Thy people, gathered

under Thine Angels, that they may be holy and

obedient, and may come behind in no gift of Thy
Holy Spirit, waiting for the coming of our Lord |

Jesus Christ.
R, Amen.

"VXTE especially commend unto Thee Thine

Angel before Thee, and the congregation
here assembhng. [Here may be added any special
Petitions for the Church ; also for any other
Church; and these either aloud or secretly.']

R. Amen.

pEMEMBER, also, we beseech Thee, the

Bishops, Priests, and Deacons, of the Ca-
tholic Church, and all baptized people. Uphold
all Bishops in their true place; and grant to
them the willing obedience and ready hearts of
all their clergy, and of the people committed to
their charge. And unto all in any holy office

in Thy Chm-ch, give Thy heavenly grace, and

enable them to fulfil their several duties in Thy
fear, and in purity of heart. And cause Thy
people to grow in grace, in the knowledge of Thy

will, in sound religion, and unto all perfection.

Especially we beseecli Thee for tlie Bishop of this

diocese, and all the clergy and people therein.

[Here may be added any ^ipecial Prayer for the

Diocese or Parish.']
R. Amen.

Here also .fh all follow this Prayer for the low Estate of
O'.e Church.

r\ MERCIFUL GOD, look down upon

^^ Thy desolate heritage, upon Thy
scattered and divided people. Destroy
and put away all schisms and heresies
from Thy Church ; and cleanse Thy Sanc-
tuary from all defilement of superstition,
will-worship, and infidelity. God, Thou
dost rebuild Thy holy altar in the midst
of Thy people, giving Thine Apostles to

minister before Thee, as in the beginning

Thou didst commit this ministry unto
them. Wherefore, we beseech Thee,
strengthen the things which remain, and
are ready to die ; restore Thy health, and
joy, and life; send forth Thine Apostles
to minister the fulness of Thy Gospel ac-
cording to Thy will ; cause Thy people to
seek Thy heavenly strength and comfort

and grant unto Thy Church unity and

peace. Clothe Thy priests with righteous-

ness, and make Thy people joyful with

Thy salvation.

/?, Amen.

"DEGARD with Thy compassion those

-*-^ who are in bitterness because of

their transgressions ;
give unto them true

contrition of heart ; restore unto them the

joy of Thy salvation ; and strengthen and
uphold them with Thy free Spirit.

/^ Amen.

TT AVE mercy upon all who are invaded

-*"- and oppressed of the devil ; or who
have fallen under the possession of e\dl

spirits. Disappoint, we beseech Thee, the

cruel malice of the enemy, and deliver Thy
redeemed from his power,
h. Amen.

TITE pray for all estates of men in Christian

' ' lands ;• for kings, princes, and governors ;

for judges and magistrates ; for nobles and men

of estate and for all the people.
; We beseech
Thee to put Thine honour and majesty on all

who are in authority^ and so to dispose and order

the affairs of all nations_, that righteousness and
truth may prevail that injustice, cruelty, and

fraud may be defeated; and that we may lead

quiet and peaceable lives, in all godliness and
honesty. Especially in this land, we remember
before Thee our gracious Sovereign, [//ere shall

follow prayet's for the Sovereign, the Royal Family

and the realm. ~\

R. Amen.

T)LESS the arms of Christian nations, and do

"^ Thou favour the righteous cause ;
give unto
them peace one with another; take away all

ambition, and wicked lusts, and all that should

endanger or destroy godly concord; save us from
bloodshed and confusion ; and vouchsafe unto
all Christian men to dwell together as brethren,

in unity and peace.

R Amen.

CJTIR up the hearts of Christian parents to

bring up their children in the nm'ture and
admonition of the Lord. May the young be in
such wise prepared to fulfil their calling in this life,

that they may not fail to adorn the doctrine of

God their Saviour in all things.

R. Amen.

CjEND forth the news of Thy salvation unto the

^ ends of the earth ; and turn the hearts of
all Jews, Turks, Infidels, and Heretics, and
fetch them home unto Thy fold.

/^. Amen.

"\ VOUCHSAFE unto us seasonable weather, that

the fruits of the earth may be perfected

and gathered in. Preserve us from famine, and

from pestilence.
H' Amen.

/COMFORT and succour, we beseech Thee, all

who are in trouble, sorrow, need, sickness,

or any other adversity. Grant that Thine Elders

may anoint the sick of Thy flock, and that Thine
Evangelists may stretch forth the hand, that the

sick may be healed, and devils be cast out, in the

Name of the Lord Jesus. \Here- mention may be

made of the case of any iniUvidual, aloud or secretly.^

R. Amen.

A ND especially we commend unto Thee all

"^^ those departing this life ; be prcsent to

them, in Thy mercy and Thy love, in that last

hour when flesh and heart do fail ; defend them,

we beseech Thee, against the assaults of the

devil; and give them such patient hope and
confidence, that they may joyfully commit their
spirits into Thy hands. To Thee, Lord, we

commit them, and pray Thee to have mercy upon
them, and to receive them to Thy rest. [^Here

the case of any individual, aloud or sea'etli/.']

R. Amen.

The Commemoration of the Departed.

A ND now, heavenly Father, we rejoice in the

blessed communion of all Thy saints,

wherein Thou givest us also to have part. We

remember before Thee, and beseech Thee to re-

member, all Thy saints departed in the faith.

We venerate their memories ; We give thanks to

Thee for Thy great grace and many gifts be-

stowed upon them, through whom such benefits

have come to us in the dispensation of Thy
Gospel ; We especially thank Thee, that Thou
didst enable them to abide faithful unto death :

whose faith may we follow, that we may be par-

takers of their joy. And we pray Thee, that of
Thy mercy Thou wilt keep them in rest and
peace, until our common perfecting in bliss in

the day of the glorious Resurrection.


rpHY faithful Patriarchs of old, and all the

*- Prophets Thy servant John the
; Baptist,
Forerunner of the Lord; and all who served
Thee before His coming, we remember.
The Blessed Virgin Mary, unto whom Thou
didst give such faith, and didst so replenish her

with grace, that she should become the mother

of the Lord, we remember and with Thy holy

Angels, and with Thy Church in all generations,
we call her Blessed.
Thy holy Apostles and Prophets, Thine Evan-
gelists and Pastors, who served Thee in the first

i days of Thy Church, we remember and celebrate

before Thee. The holy Bishops, Priests, and
Deacons ; the blessed Martyi's and Confessors
all holy men and women, all who have served
Thee in life, and remained faithful unto death,
we remember and commend to Thee.

We commend unto Thee those, who, in these

last times, have rejoiced in Thy returning grace

unto Thy Church, in the reviving of the ordi-
nances which Thou gavest at the beginning, and
in the manifestations of the gifts of Thy Holy
Spirit. [Here mentum may be mode of any
Miniafer, nloiid or in <:ecret

All our fathers, our brethren, and our children,

we remember, and commend their spirits unto


Thee. [Here mention may be made of any indi-

vidual, aloud 07' secretly,']

R. May they rest in Thy peace, and awake

to a joyful resurrection. Amen.

The Concluding Prayer (before


TJASTEN, God, the time when Thou shalt

send from Thy right hand Him, whom
Thou wilt send; At whose glorious appearing
Thy saints departed shall be raised, and we,
which are alive, shall be caught up to meet Him,
and so shall ever be with Him. Under the veil

of earthly things we have now communion with

Him ; but with unveiled face we shall then
behold Him, rejoicing in His glory, made like
unto Him in His glory ; and by Him, with all

Thy Church, holy and unspotted, shall be pre-

sented before the presence of Thy glory, with

exceeding joy. Hear us, heavenly Father, for

His sake, to whom, with Thee and the Holy
Ghost, One living and true God, be glory for ever

and ever.

Ji. Amen.


/CHRIST, our Passover, is sacrificed for us :

therefore let us keep the feast, not with

the old leaven, neither with the leaven of malice
and wickedness, but with the unleavened bread
^of sincerity and truth.

Let us pray.

"VX7E do not presume to come to this Thy table,

merciful Lord, trusting in our own
righteousness, but Thy manifold and great

mercies. We are not worthy somuch as to 1

gather up the crumbs under Thy table but Thou : I

art the same Lord whose property is always to

have mercy. Grant unto us, therefore, gracious

Lord, so to eat the flesh of Thy dear Son and to

drink His blood, that our sinful bodies may be
made clean by His body, and our souls washed
through His most precious blood, that we may
evermore dwell in Him, and He in us. Thus
judging ourselves and counting ourselves un-
worthy, may we be delivered from Thy most
righteous judgment, and receive of Thy mercy
health both of body and soul, in the communion
of the mystical Body of Thy Christ.
R' Amen.

Lamb of God, that takest away the sins of the

R Have mercy upon us.
Lamb of God, that takest away the sins of the

H Have mercy upon us.
Lamb of God, that takest away the sins of the

R. Grant us Thy peace.

T ORD JESU CHRIST, our God, we beseech

-*-^ Thy promise,
Thee, draw near, according to
from Thy holy habitation, from the throne of
Thy glory. Sanctify us, Thou that sittest at

the right hand of the Father, and yet art in-

visibly present in the midst of us ; and by Thy
mighty hand vouchsafe to impart unto us Thy
most holy body and Thy most precious blood.
7? Amen.

r\ HOLY GHOST, Comforter, Spirit of Truth,

^^^ who art every where present, and fillest all

things. Treasure of Good, Giver of Life ; Visit us,

we beseech Thee, with the fulness of Thy grace.

Thou that hast sanctified these gifts, sanctify us

also, even om- whole body, soul, and spirit, that


we may abide Thy temple and dwelling-place

for ever.

R. Amen.
Holy tliings_, for holy persons.

R There is One Holy^ even One Lord Jesus

Christ, in whom are we to the glory of God the
The peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be
with you all.
R. Amen.

The Celebrant shall first receive the holy Communion in

both khids, and shall administer the same to those as-
sisting ; he shall then proceed luith their help to admi-
nister to the Priests and Deacons : the people shall

afterwards come and receive^ icithin the choir.

And [Note] that in delivering the holy Bread to each com-

municant^ it shall he said to him, " The body of our
Lord Jesus Christ, given for thee," and he shall answer,
" Amen." And on delivering the Cup to each, it shall
be said, " The blood of our Lord Jesus Christ, shed
for thee," atid he shall answer, " Amen."

After the Communion the proper Communion Anthem

shall be sung.

Communion Anthems.
On the S'li.nfUni'^ i7, Ad'ynt.

TVTISDOM hath builded her house :

She hath hewn out her seven pillars.

She crieth, Come, eat of my bread :


And drink of the wine that I have mingled.

Behold, the marriage of the Lamb is near at hand
Let the bride make herself ready.
For blessed are they that sit down :

To eat bread in the kingdom of God.

On the '25th December {Christmas-Day)^ the \d January

{being the day of the Circumcision)^ and the 2d February
{being the day of the Presentation in the Temple)^ if
tJiey shall respectively happen to fall on the Lord' s-T)(ni
filso on the First Srmdnji after Christmas

\ T ORD, now lettest Thou Thy servant depart in

~^ peace
According to Thy word

For mine eyes have seen :

Thy salvation,
Which Thou hast prepared :

Before the face of all people j

A Light to lighten the Gentiles :

And the glory of Thy people Israel.

On the Sunday next befnri' Fastpv

T) URIED with Thee in baptism : Christ,

-D God our
Through Thy resurrection may we attain eternal


And at Thy coming again may we shout with joy :

" Hosanna to the Son of David !

Blessed is He that comctli in the name of the

Lord :

Hosanna in the highest

On Easter- Day.

rpHE bread which we break :

It is the communion of the Body of Christ.
The cup which we bless :

It is the communion of the Blood of Christ.

For Christ, our passover, is sacrificed for us :

Therefore let us keep the feast.

Not with the old leaven :

But with the unleavened bread of sincerity and


On Vie Sunday after Ascension.

TN my Father's house are many mansions :

I go to prepare a place for you.

I will come again, and receive you unto myself
That where I am, there ye may be also.

I will not leave you comfortless :

I will come unto you, and see you again.

And your hearts shall rejoice :

And your joy no man taketh from you.

On Pentecost.

HE flesh profiteth nothing

T It is the Spirit that quickeneth.

The words I speak unto you :

They are Spirit, and they are life.

The kingdom of Heaven :

Is not meat and drink

But righteousness, and peace :

And joy in the Holy Ghost.

On the 1 st Novemher {being the commemoration of All-

Saiyits). if it fall on the LorrVs-Dmj.

CJING unto the Lord a new song :

And His praise in the congregation of saints.
Let Israel rejoice in Him that made him :

Let the children of Zion be joyful in their King.

Let the saints be joyful in glory :

Let them sing aloud upon their beds.

For the Lord taketh pleasure in His people :

He will beautify the meek with salvation.

()7i all other Lord's Days during the year on trhich no

other Anthem '> appointed.

rriHE Lord hath chosen Zion :

He hath desired it for His habitation.
This is my rest for ever :

Here will I dwell, for I have desired it.

I will abundantly bless her provision ;

I will satisfy her poor with bread.

I will clothe her priests with salvation :

And her saints shall shout aloud for joy.


ThKii shall he fdid the propin

Post-Communion Prayer.
/n RANT unto us, we beseech Thee, Lord,
^^ that we may be eternally satisfied with
that fruition of Thy divine glory, which Thou
hast now prefigured unto us by making us par-
takers of Thy precious body and blood, who livest

and reignest with the Father and the Holy Ghost,

One God, world without end.
R. Amen.
Or This.
A L^MIGHTY and Everlasting God, we most
-^^ heartily thank Thee that Thou hast now
vouchsafed to feed us, with the spiritual food of
the most precious body and blood of Thy Son our
Saviour Jesus Christ, assuring us thereby, that
we are very members incorporate in the mystical

body of Thy Son, and heirs through hope of

Thine everlasting kingdom. And we most humbly
beseech Thee, heavenly Father, so to assist us
with Thy grace, that we may continue in that

holy fellowship, and do all such good works as

Thou hast prepared for us to walk in ; Through
Jesus Christ our Lord, to whom, with Thee and
the Holy Ghost, be all honour and glory, world
without end.
/i Amen.

Onthe Feasts, or in the seasons after-named, the respective

Post-Communion Praters following shall he said, in

addition to and after the ordinary Post- Communion


On the Sundays in Advent.

r\ LORD JESU CHRIST our God, who hast

^^ ordained this holy Sacrament to be a con-
tinual memorial of Thy precious death until Thy
coming again ; we humbly beseech Thee, that all

we, who have partaken of these holy mysteries,

may be enabled, through Thy strength and com-
fort, to endm-e steadfastly unto that day, and
to lift up our heads with joy because our re-

demption di'aweth nigh ; Who livest and reignest

with the Father and the Holy Ghost, ever One
God, world without end.
^- Amen.
On the 2Uh December, happening on the Lord's- Day.

pi RANT, Lord, we beseech Thee, that as

^^ Thy Son our Lord Jesus Christ hath, in |

these heavenly mysteries, vouchsafed to become |

our spiritual food and nom-ishment, we, in the

partaking of the same at this time, may be
prepared to celebrate the holy festival of His
birth with thanksgiving and joy in the Holy
Ghost ; through the same our Lord Jesus Christ.
R' Amen.

On the 25th December (being Christmas- Day),

happfning on the Lord's- Day.

r\ ALMIGHTY GOD, who on this holy day

^^ givest us to meditate upon the manifesta-
tion of Thy Son our Lord, under the form, and in

the true nature, of man ; Grant, we beseech Thee,

that, being made partakers through these earthly
creatures of Thy divine and heavenly mysteries, we
may so pass our time in this world, that we may
ever abide in His fellowship and communion in the
world to come, who liveth and reigneth with Thee
and the Holy Ghost, One God, world without end.
R. Amen.

On the \st January {being the Circumcision of Christ),

happening on the Lord's- Dai,

T\ IE give thanks unto Thee, Lord our God,

for these Thy benefits ; and as Thou hast
given us to partake of the flesh and blood of Thy
dear Son, who was circumcised and kept the law,
that we might be received into the free grace
of the Gospel ; Grant, we beseech Thee, that
we may bring forth the fruits of His righteous-
ness in all holiness of heart and spirit ; Through
the same our Lord Jesus Christ, who liveth and
reigneth with Thee and the Holy Ghost, One
God, world without end.
R. Amen.

Ov the IdFehrujary {being the Presentation in the Temple),

happening on the Lorcfs-Day.

f\ LOKD, who didst fulfil tlie expectation of

^^ just Simeon, tliat he should not see death,
before that he saw Thy Christ; Fulfil also unto
us^ we beseech Thee, Thy word of promise in this
blessed Sacrament; that who have par- all we,
taken ofThy communion, may have our part at
the Resurrection in the glory of Thy Saints
Through the same our Lord Jesus Christ, who
liveth and reigneth with Thee and the Holy
Ghost, ever One God, world without end.
R. Amen.
On Easter-Day.
T?ILL us, we beseech Thee, Lord, with the
joy of Thy resurrection ; that, partaking of

Thy most precious body and blood, we may daily

mortify all worldly and corrupt affections and de-

sires ; and according to Thy promise may obtain
eternal life, and be raised up of Thee at the last

day ; who livest and reignest with the Father and

the Holy Ghost, One God, world mthout end.
R. Amen.

On the Sunday after Ascension.

LORD JESU CHRIST, who hast left us

for awhile, giving us the promise that

Thou wilt come again, and receive us to abide

with Thee for ever ; Grant us, through the grace

of Thy sacrament, such communion with Thyself,
that our souls may be continually athirst for that
time, when we shall behold Thee in Thy glory
who livest and reignest with the Father and the
Holy Ghost, One God, world without end.
R. Amen.
On Pejitecust.

r\ ALMIGHTY GOD, who by the giving of

^^ the Holy Ghost hast changed the shadows
of the law into the realities of the body of Christ,

and by the continual operation of the same Thy

quickening Spirit dost give unto Thy Church to

grow and to be profited by Thy grace; We be-

seech Thee, that all we who have partaken of

the flesh and blood of Thy dear Son may be

filled with the blessed communion of the Holy
Ghost, and be endowed with His heavenly gifts
Through the same Jesus Christ our Lord, who,
with Thee and the Holy Ghost, liveth and abideth
One God, world without end.
R. Amen.

On the 1st Novn/iber {All Saint's Day).

GOD, who art the fountain of all holiness,

we beseech Thee for the help of Thy con-


tinual grace ; that, partaking of this Thy holy

table as strangers and pilgrims here on earth,

we may be advanced to partake of the heavenly

feast in the general assembly of all Thy saints in

the day of Thy kingdom : Through Jesus Christ

our Lord.
R. Amen.

After the Post-Communion Prayer, the Hymn Te

Deum Laudamus shall he sung, unless otherivise

Te Deum Laudamus.

TJITE praise Thee, God:

We acknowledge Thee to be the Lord.
All the earth doth worship Thee :

The Father Everlasting.

To Thee all angels cry aloud :

The Heavens and all the powers therein.

To Thee Cherubim and Seraphim :

Continually do cry,
Holy, Holy, Holy:
Lord God of Sabaoth,
Heaven and earth are full

Of the majesty of Thy glory !

The glorious company of the Apostles praise Thee

The goodly fellowship of the Prophets praise
Thee :

The noble army of Martyrs praise Thee :

The Holy Church throughout all the world doth

acknowledge Thee,
The Father of an infinite Majesty; Thine honour-
able, true, and only Son :

Also the Holy Ghost the Comforter.

Thou art the King of Glory, Christ
Thou art the everlasting Son of the Father.
When Thou tookest upon Thee to deliver man :

Thou didst not abhor the Virgin's womb.

When Thou hadst overcome the sharpness of
death :

Thou didst open the Kingdom of Heaven to all


Thou sittest at the right hand of God, in the

glory of the Father :

We believe that Thou shalt come to be our Judge ;

We therefore pray Thee, help Thy servants :

Whom Thou hast redeemed with Thy precious

Make them to be numbered with Thy Saints :

In glory everlasting.
Lord, save Thy people, and bless Thy heritage :

Govern them, and lift them up for ever.

Day by day we magnify Thee :

And we worship Thy name, ever world without


Vouchsafe, Lord, to keep us this day without

sin :

Lord, have mercy upon us, have mercy upon us

Lord, let Thy mercy lighten upon us :

As our trust is in Thee.

Lord, in Thee have I trusted

Let me never be confounded.
Glory be to the Father, and to the Son
And to the Holy Ghost
As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever
shall be
World without end. Amen.

The Benediction.
The follmring r< <'n appropriot" forvi )

rpHE peace of God, which passeth all under-

standing, keep your hearts and minds in
the knowledge and love of God, and of His Son
Jesus Christ, our Lord ; and the blessing of God
Almighty, the Father, the Son, and the Holy
Ghost, be amongst you, and remain with you

R. Amen.

jVJote. The Cebed in the. above Office is set

forth in the form used in the Churches in

the West. The Churches in the East use
the Creed in the form in which it loas left

by the Council of Constantinople. It does

not follow that these two great divisions in
the Christian Church are irreconcilably
opposed on the doctrine involved in that
clause, which the Western Churches affirm^
and which the Eastern Churches abstain
from affirming ; and until a competent
authority shall pronounce thereon, it seems
unreasonable that either form shoidd be
universally imposed.



The Priest shall uncover the holy vessels uppn the altar,
and shall address those present as follows.

T\EAIILY beloved in the Lord,

-^^ Ye see before you the bread wbicb hath
been broken, and the cup which hath been
blessed, in the Church of God, and which, as

the Apostle saith, are the Communion of the

Body and of the Blood of Christ. And Almighty
God, who is full of tenderness towards the ne-
cessities of His creatures, hath ordained this holy

Service, that you, who were hindered from ap-

proaching to His holy Table in the morning, but

who were present in your desires, and in the

unity of the Holy Ghost, as sheep of the fold
of Jesus Christ, and faithful members of this
flock, may now be blessed in partaking of this
heavenly feast, and means of grace.
Remember, I beseech you, the holy act which
hath been wrought in the service of this day.
These creatiu'es of bread and wine, brought up
by His Congregation, have been accepted of
God; and through the operation of the Holy
Ghost, by the Word of God and by prayer, have

been made unto His Church the flesh and blood

of Jesus Christ. And, being thus sanctified,

they have been presented before God, in memo-

rial of that One Sacrifice upon the Cross once
ofiiered by Jesus Christ, full, perfect, and suffi-

cient j for the sake whereof the mercy of God

hath been besought on behalf of all God^s Chm'ch
and people, for you, and for all men, even the
remission of all om* sins, and everlasting life.

Of this Bread and this Cup your brethren

have partaken, feeding on that Flesh, and drink-
ing that Blood ; And now, in the Name of God,
and of our Lord Jesus Christ, and as one with

them in the Communion of the Holy Ghost, I

invite you also to draw near and partake thereof.

And as it becomes us at all times to confess


our sins, and cast ourselves upon the mercy of

God, waiting for His forgiveness, so especially

at this time it becomes us to humble ourselves
before Him, in thus coming into His immediate
presence, and seeking this blessing at His hands.
Wherefore I beseech you to accompany me with
all your heart, making your humble confession
unto Almighty God, meekly kneeling upon your

Then shall follow the CoNrESSiow, set forth in the

Communion Service.

And after it the Absolution.

Then the proper Collect, Epistle, and Gospel.

And afterwards the Creed, those present following. .

Then shall he offered up the folloutJig Prayer.

A LMIGHTY GOD, om- Heavenly Father, who

"^^ hast gathered these Thy servants at this

time into Thy presence, that Thou mayest satisfy

them with Thy mercy Vouchsafe unto them

Thy heavenly grace, through this most blessed

Sacrament and means of grace. And as Thou
hast accepted the offerings and sacrifice of Thy
Church, and hast had respect unto their faith
and prayers, and through the ministry of Thine
ordained servants hast, by Thy Holy Spirit, made
this bread and this cup to be the most precious
Body and Blood of Christ om- Saviom-, given for

remission of sins, and for Eternal Life, feeding

Thy Church and congregation with heavenly
food j So, we beseech Thee, vouchsafe also unto
these Thy servants the same inestimable benefits
that they, being admitted unto the same holy
Communion, may receive remission of their sins,

and may be nourished unto everlasting glory in

the world to come ; Through Jesus Christ om*

Lord, to whom, with Thee and the Holy Ghost,
One God, be glory for ever and ever.
R. Amen.

follow the Administration of the holy Com-

T/i €71 shall

munion, according to the form directed for the Morn-

ing, beginning, '^Christ our Passover," &c., except
that, after the Post-Communion Prayer, the Gloria
Patrt shall be sung.

The following shall be the Benediction.

rpHE blessing of God Almighty, the Father,

the Son, and the Holy Ghost, be with you
7?, Amen.
Cbe ©riser





[Nole. This Service is to be used on the Lord's- Day

also, where the Angel is not present.']

The Service down to the Gloria in Excelsis is to be

the same as on the Lord's-Day,

On the 2oth December, or Christmas- Day, the \st
January, being the Circumcision, the 2d February,
being the Presentation in the Temple, the Thursday
before Easter, Ascension- Day, and All- Saints' -Day,
or when this Service shall be used on the Lord's- Day,

Glory be to God on higli^ &c.

After which, on the above Feasts,


On other occasions the Gloria in Excelsis shall not be

recited, except it be specially ordered. Then shall

The Lord be with you.

^- And with thy spirit.

Let us pray.

Then shall follow the proper Collect, Epistle, Anthem,

and Gospel ; or if none be specially appointed, then
the Collect^ Epistle, and Gospel appointed for the

The Sermon, or Homily, on the Lord's- Day, or on other

occasions when appointed to be preached, shall be
after the Gospel.

The Creed, "-I believe in one God," &c. {commonly

called the jSTicene Creed) on the 24:th
shall be said
December, the 26th December, being Christmas- Day,
the \st January, being the Cii^cumcision, the 2d
February, being the Pi^esentation, Holy Thursday,
Holy Saturday, and Ascension- Day ; and on such
other occasions as it may be specially appointed, but
not otherwise.

The Creed, "Whosoever will be saved," {commonly

called the Creed of St. Athanasitjs) sh^ll be said
on All- Saints' -Day.

The Offertory, Sentences, and Prayer, shall only be

used on the Lord^s-Day, or when specially appointed
to be used. On other days, the Offerings, if any
such shall be made, shall be brought up on the follow-
ing Lord's- Day.

places, give thanks unto Thee, Lord, Father

Ahnighty, Eternal God, who, together with Thy
Only-begotten Son and the Holy Ghost, art one
God and one Lord.

Here shall be introduced the proper FEEFArE appointed

to he used on any Feast or other occasion.

"VITHERErOEE we magnify and praise Thee,

mighty God, heavenly King. We wor-
ship and adore Thy glorious Name; the Name
of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy
Ghost; joining in the hymn of Angels, and
Archangels, and all the hosts of heaven, the
Cherubim and Seraphim before Thy Throne, and
singing unto Thee
R Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God of Sabaoth;
heaven and earth are full of the majesty of Thy

Hosanna in the highest.

Blessed is He that cometh in the name of the

Hosanna in the highest.

Our Father which art in heaven, &c.

/^. Amen.

Look upon us, God, and bless and sanctify

this bread. In the name, &c.
R- Amen.

Look upon uSj God, and bless and sanctify

this cup. In the name, &c.
R Amen.

Almighty God, we Thy servants, &c.

T\ THICK things, Lord, we seek not for

ourselves apart from Thy Holy Church,
among whom may our lot be for ever, in the
midst of whom we wait for Thy salvation, and
for all for whom Thou wouldest be besought,
we offer this our sacrifice, and present to Thee
our prayers. [Here shall follow any Special Corn-
memoration which may be appointed^
R. Amen.

After which, instead of the Prayers in the former Service,

thp fnlloit'inff sJiaJJ hf xatrl

The Commemoration of the Living. !

"TTTE remember before Thee, Thy Church mili-


tant here upon earth.

R, Amen. !

We pray Thee for Thine Apostles, and for the |

Prophets, Evangelists, and Pastors with them.

/?. Amen.
We pray Thee for the Angels of the Churches, i

and for all who serve Thee under them, in the


priesthood and ministry of Thy Church and ;

for all Thy people committed to their care.

/V- Amen.
We commend unto Thee the congregation here
present, whose faith and piety do Thou accept
and increase.

/< Amen.
We pray Thee for the Bishops, Priests, and
Deacons, of the Catholic Church, and for all

baptised people.

E Amen.
We pray Thee to look down in mercy upon
Thy desolate heritage, upon Thy scattered and
divided people ; destroy and put away all schisms
and heresies from Thy Church ; bring back all who
have wandered ; cleanse Thy sanctuary from all de-
filement of superstition, will-worship, and infidelity;
and grant unto Thy Church unity and peace.
fi_ Amen.
We pray Thee for all kings, princes, and go-
vernors, and for all the people ; especially for

Thy servant Queen VICTORIA, for her whole

council, and for all the people of her realm.

/? Amen.
We pray Thee that Thou wilt give peace in
our days.
ft Amen.

We pray Thee for all Jews, Turks, infidels, and

heretics, that Thou wilt turn their hearts.

R. Amen.
We pray Thee for favourable weather, and that
Thou wilt give us the fruits of the earth in due
^ Amen.
We beseech Thee for all who are in trouble,

sorrow, need, sickness, or any other adversity.

R Amen.
We commend unto Thee all departing this life,

and we beseech Thee to receive them to Thy rest.

R Amen.

The Commemoration of the Departed.

We remember before Thee all those departed

in the faith, the Patriarchs and Saints of old.

Thy servant John the Baptist, the Blessed Virgin

Mary, mother of our Lord Jesus Christ, the holy

Apostles and Prophets, the Evangelists and Pas-

tors, the blessed Martyrs and Confessors, and
all Thy who have gone before.
R. May they rest in Thy peace, and awake to

a joyful resurrection. Amen.

After which the Concluding Prayer {before Communion)

as in the former Service.

Hasten the time, Lord, &c.


Then shallfollow the Administration of the Communiony

in the same order as set forth in the former Sei'vice
but the Te Deum when
shall not be sung, except
specially appointed.The Communion Anthem and
Post-Communion Pray eh through the week shall be
those for the preceding Lord's- Day, except when
specially appointed.

The following shall he the Hknkdiction.

npHE blessing of God Almighty, the Father,

the Son, and the Holy Ghost, be with you
all evermore.

R Amen.
Cf)e Citurs?


(Bt^n MMm Offices


C|)e C|)urc|).
George Barclay, Castle Street, Leicester Square.


Proper Services for Holt Days and Seasons.
Forms for Occasional Use in celebrating the Holy
The Churching of Women.
The Order for the Administration of Holt Baptism.
proper ^tvhitt^



The Anthem after the Epistle.

down, ye heavens, your dew from above
let tlie skies pour down rigliteousness.

Let tlie earth open, and let them bring forth sal-

vation :

And let righteousness spring up together.

Send forth, Lord, the Lamb :

To be the ruler of the earth.

From the rock of the wilderness :

Unto the mount of the daughter of Zion.

The Preface.
And for the most blessed
communion of all Saints in these holy mysteries.

And at this time, celebrating the First Advent

of our Lord, and rfejoicing therein with joy and

gladness, we bless Thee for tlie liope of tliat His

Second Coming in glorious Majesty ; when they
that have kept the word of His patience shall be

received up into His glory, and mortality shall be

swallowed up of life.

Thee, Mighty God, &c.

In the Prayer of Oblation

(after Consecration).
And present to Thee our
Specially in this oui' Sacrifice of Praise, we
remember and rejoice in that grace of Salva-

tion, which by Jesus Christ hath appeared unto

all men ; and looking forward unto that blessed
hope, and the glorious appearing of the Great
God and our Saviour Jesus Christ. And, we
beseech Thee, grant that all they who profess His

Name may be delivered from every error, and

may be united in faith and knowledge ; and being
perfected in holiness and charity, and established
by Thy Spirit with all heavenly gifts, they may be
kept from that hour of temptation which cometh
upon all the earth ; and may be found blameless
and spotless in the day of our Lord Jesus Christ.
-K^ Amen.
K-emember, Lord, &c.

The Communion Anthem.

"VITISDOM hath builded her house :

She hath hewn out her seven pillars.

She crieth, Come, eat of my bread :

And drink of the wine which I have mingled.

Behold, the marriage of the Lamb is near :

Let the bride make herself ready :

For blessed are they that sit down :

To eat bread in the Kingdom of God.

Post-Communion Prayer.
r\ LORD JESU CHRIST om- God, who
^^ hast ordained this Holy Sacrament to be
a continual memorial of Thy precious death until
Thy coming again ; we humbly beseech Thee
that all we, who have partaken of these holy
mysteries, may be enabled through Thy strength
and comfort to endure steadfastly unto that day,

and to lift up our heads with joy because our re-

demption draweth nigh ; Who livest and reignest

with the Father and the Holy Ghost, ever One
God, world without end.
R. Amen.

The Anthem after the Creed.
CJURELY His Salvation is nigli them tliat fear

^ Him:
That glory may dwell in our land.
Truth shall spring out of the earth :

And righteousness shall look down from Heaven.

Yea, the Lord shall give that which is good :

And our land shall yield her increase.

Righteousness shall go before Him :

And shall set us in the way of His steps.

Glory, &c.

After the CoLLEcx/or the day^ the following shall be used.

\ LMIGHTY GOD, we beseech Thee, grant

•^^^ unto Thy people grace that they may wait
with vigilance for the Advent of Thy Son, our
Lord ; that when He shall arise from Thy right
hand, to visit the earth in righteousness, and
Thy people with salvation, He may find us not

sleeping in sin, but diligent in Thy service and

rejoicing in Thy praises ; that so we may enter in
with Him unto the marriage of the Lamb j

through His merits, who liveth and reigneth with


Thee and the Holy Ghost, ever One God, world

without end.
R. Amen.


After the Psalm and Chaptek

r\ WISDOM of God, which didst dwell from

^-^ everlasting with the Most High; which
embracest all, from the beginning to the end;
which by Thy power and by Thy gentleness dost
order and dispose all creatures : Come Thou, and
instruct us in the way of understanding.

R. Come, Lord Jesu.

Adonai, Captain of the House of Israel;
Thou which didst appear unto Moses in the fire

of the burning bush ; which gavest the law unto

him in Sinai : Come Thou, and redeem us with
Thine outstretched arm.
-R' Come, Lord Jesu.
Root of Jesse, which standest for an ensign
of the people; before whom kings shall shut
their mouth ; unto whom the nations shall make
their supplications : Come Thou, and deliver us

make no longer tarrying.

R' Come, Lord Jesu.
Key of David, Sceptre of the House of
Israel; whicli openest_, and no man sliuttetlij

which shuttest_, and no man openeth : Come

Thou, and bring forth from the prison-house him
that is bound, that sitteth in darkness, and in
the shadow of death.

Jl^ Come, Lord Jesu.

Day-spring from on high. Brightness of
Eternal Light, Sun of Righteousness : Come
Thou, and shine in upon them that are sitting in

darkness, and in the shadow of death.

j^^ Come, Lord Jesu.

King of all the Earth, Desire of all Nations,
Choice Corner-stone, which makest both one
Come Thou, and save Thy creatures, whom Thou
didst fashion from the dust of the earth.
j(^ Come, Lord Jesu.
Emmanuel, our Lawgiver and our King, the
expectation of all nations, and their Saviour
Come Thou unto our salvation, Lord our
Saviour and our God.
jfj-^ Come, Lord Jesu.
Shepherd of Israel, Lord over the house of
David ; whose goings forth have been of old,

even from everlasting : Come Thou, and feed Thy

people in Thy strength, and rule them in equity

and judgment.
j{^ Come, Lord Jesu.

Then shallfollow at Nine d Clock (unless it he on Wednesday

or Friday^ when the Litany is said), the jirst ordinary
Prayer, and at Three the first two ordinary Prayers, and
then afterwards the folloiving or some of them.

"X 7ISIT and cleanse our consciences, we beseech

Thee, Lord; that when thy Son our
Lord Jesus Christ shall come, He may find us

fit and ready for His appearing ; ^Vho abideth

with Thee in the Unity of the Holy Ghost, One
God, world without end.

H^ Amen.

A LMIGHTY GOD, we beseech Thee grant

unto Thy people grace that they may wait
with vigilance for the Advent of Thy Son our
Lord ; that when He shall arise from Thy right
hand, to visit the earth in righteousness and Thy
people with salvation. He may find us, not sleep-

ing in sin, but diligent in His service and re-

joicing in His praises ; that so we may enter with
Him unto the marriage of the Lamb ; through
His merits, who liveth and reigneth with Thee in
the Unity of the Holy Ghost, world without end.
J{^ Amen.

ALMIGHTY GOD, grant that those neces-

sary works wherein we are engaged, whe-
ther in the afiairs of Thy Church or of this world,,

may not prevail to hinder us ; but that^ at tlie

Appearing and Advent of Thy Son^ we may hasten

with joy to meet Him^ A^Tio liveth and reigneth
with Thee and the Holy Ghost^ ever One God,
world without end.
R' Amen.

n\ RANT unto Thy whole family, Almighty

God, that they being diligent in all just

works, it may be the earnest desire of their hearts

to meet Thy Son our Lord Jesus Christ, when
He Cometh ; that being seated with Him on His
right hand, they may of Thy mercy be blessed in
Thine Eternal Kingdom through the same our

Lord Jesus Christ.

R Amen.

T)E not far, Lord, we beseech Thee, from

~^ those who wait for Thee in truth ; that
when Thy Son our Lord Jesus Christ shall come,
we may be found doing those things which are
well pleasing in Thy sight ; through the same
Jesus Christ our Lord.
R. Amen.

r^ E-ANT, Lord, we beseech Thee, that all those

who are upright in heart may rejoice to be
gathered together in the unity of the faith ; that

when Thy Son our Saviour shall come^ we may

meet him without spot, in the company of all

His saints ; Who liveth and reigneth with Thee

and the Holy Ghost, One God, ever world with-
out end.


Then the final Prayer or Prayers with the Benediction,

as usual.

The Anthem after the Creed.
T 00 K down upon us, Lord, from the habi-
-^ tation of Thy holiness :

Incline Thine ear, and hear us.

Let Thine anger and Thy fury be turned away

from Jerusalem
And from Thy holy mountain.
Forsake us not, Lord :

Neither take away Thy tender mercies from us

for ever.

Make us not ashamed of our hope :

But deal with us in the multitude of Thy tender

Glory, &c.

After the Collect /or the Day, the same Collect shall be
used as in the Morning.

The Anthem after the Creed.
rpHEN Thou spakest in vision unto Thy Holy
One, and saidst
I have laid help upon One that is mighty ; I have
exalted One chosen out of the people.
I have found David my servant
With my holy oil have I anointed Him.
I will make Him my First-born
Higher than the kings of the earth.

His seed also will I make to endure for ever :

And His throne as the days of Heaven.

Gloiy, &c.

After the Collect for the Day^ the same CoUect as is ap'
pointed for the 1December shall be used every day
until Christmas- Day at Morning and Evening Prayer.


The same is to be repeated as is set forth for the l^th De-
cember^ and so on every day until Christmas- Day.
The Anthem after the Creed.
-p EMEMBER, Lord, Thy Covenant with us,

make it not void :

Art not Thou He for whom we have waited ?

Thou, Lord, art our Father, our Redeemer :

Turn Thee yet again Thy for servants^ sake.

God shall come from Teman :

The Holy One from Mount Paran.

His glory shall cover the heavens :

And the earth shall be full of His praise.

Glory, &c.

The Anthem after the Creed.
T we heard of it at Ephratah :

-^ We found it in the trees of the wood.

We will go into His Tabernacles :

We will worship at His footstool.

Arise, Lord, into Thy rest
Thou and the ark of Thy strength.
Let Thy priests be clothed with righteousness
And let Thy saints shout for joy.

Glory, &c.

The Anthem after the Creed.
f\ GOD, our Saviour, remember Thy com-
passions :

And shew unto us the light of Thy tender mer-


Thy words by Thy prophets of old

Fulfil :

Which Thou hast spoken to us again in the last

Reward Thou them which wait for Thee :

That the words of Thy Prophets may be seen to

be true.
Remember, Lord, Thy covenant
That all nations shall acknowledge Thee, and
none else beside Thee.
Glory, &c.


The Anthem after the Creed.
/^UR God shall come, and shall not keep
^^^ silence

A fire shall devour before Him, and it shall be

very tempestuous round about Him.

He shall call to the heavens from above

And to the earthy that He may judge His people.

Gather my saints together unto me :

Those that have made a covenant with me by


And the heavens shall declare His righteousness :

For God is Judge Himself.

Glory, &c.


The Anthem after the Creed.

/~\ H that Thou wouldest rend the heavens, that
^^ Thou wouldest come down :

That the mountains might flow down at Thy

presence. ^

For ear hath not heard, nor eye seen :

What Thou hast prepared for them that wait

for Thee.

Thou meetest him that rejoiceth and worketh

righteousness :

Those that remember Thee in Thy ways.

Behold, Thou art wroth, for we have sinned :

In those is continuance, and we shall be saved.

Glory, &c.

The Anthem after the Creed.
TTEAR, my people, and I will speak :

Israel, and I will testify against tliee

I will not reprove thee for thy sacrifices or thy

burnt offerings :

To have been continually before Me.

Offer unto God thanksgiving :

And pay thy vows unto the Most High j

And call upon Me in the day of trouble :

I will deliver thee, and thou shalt glorify Me.

Glory, &c.

The Anthem after the Creed.
npHE Lord is our lawgiver, the Lord is our
^ king
He will come and save us.

He shall not judge after the sight of His eyes :

Nor reprove after the hearing of His ears.

But with righteousness shall He judge the poor :

And reprove with equity for the meek of the


He shall smite the earth with the rod of His

mouth :

And with the breath of His lips shall He slay the

And righteousness shall be the girdle of His
loins :

And faithfulness the girdle of His reins.

And He shall assemble the outcasts of Israel
And gather together the dispersed of Judah.
Gloiy, &c.

The Anthem after the Creed.

T HE voice of one that crieth in the wilderness :

Prepare ye the way of the Lord,

Make straight in the desert

A highway for our God.

Behold, the Lord God will come with strong
And His arm shall rule for Him ;

Behold, His reward is with Him :

And His work before Him.

Gloiy, &c.

The Anthem after the Creed.
r\ LORD, we have waited for Thy salvation
^^^ Let us never be confounded.
Put off, Jerusalem, the garments of heaviness
And clothe thee with glory and beauty.
For great joy shall come unto thee from the
Holy One :

Even the mercies of His salvation.

Thy righteousness shall go forth as brightness :

And thy salvation as a lamp that burneth.

Glory, &c.


The Anthem after the Creed.
SATISFY us early with Thy mercy :

That we may rejoice and be glad in Thee

all our days.
Make us glad according to the days wherein Thou
hast afflicted us :

And the years wherein we have seen evil.


Let Thy work appear untd Thy servants :

And Thy glory unto their childi'en.

And let the beauty of the Lord our God be
upon us :

Yea, the work of our hands establish Thou it.

Glory, &c.

The Holy Eucharist.

Instead of the Gloria in ExcbIjSjs, the followitig shall
he recited, the people continvinir to hieel.

"pvROP down, ye heavens, your dew from above

--^ let the skies pour down righteousness.
Be not wroth very sore, Lord neither re-;

member our iniquity for ever.

Behold, the city of Thy Holy One is laid
waste. Zion is laid waste, Jerusalem is desolate ;

the house of Thy Holiness, and of Thy Glory,

where our fathers praised Thee.

Ho Drop down, ye heavens, your dew from
above; and let the skies pour down righteous-

We have sinned, Lord, we have altogether

become unclean; we all do fade as a leaf; and
our iniquities, like the wind, have carried us

Thou hast hid Thy face from us, and hast left

us to the consequences of our own iniquity.


R» Drop down, ye heavens^ your dew from

above; and let tlie skies pour down righteous-

Behold^ O Lord^ the affliction of Thy people,

aad send forth Him whom Thou wilt send. Send

forth the Lamb to be the ruler over all the
earth, that He may remove the yoke of our

^ Drop down, ye heavens, your dew from

above; and let the skies pour down righteous-

Comfort the hearts of Thy people, Lord,

and bring near Thy salvation : save us, for Thou
art our God ; the Holy One of Israel, our Re-
i?~ Drop down, ye heavens, your dew from
above ; and let the skies pour down righteous-

ness. Let the earth open, and bring forth sal-

vation, and let righteousness spring up together.

The Lord be with you.
R' And with thy spirit.

The Collect for the Day.

Let us pray.
r\ ALMIGHTY GOD, we beseech Thee, that
^^^ as Thou hast given unto us grace to re-
ceive Thy Son our Lord Jesus Christ, and to

believe on His Name, whose birth we are about to

celebrate ; so Thou wilt -grant us ever to abide

steadfast in Thy faith, and in all good works ; that,

when He cometh again to judge the world, we may

stand before Him with meekness of joy and con-
fidence : who liveth and reigneth with Thee and
the Holy Ghost, One God, world without end.

R, Amen.

The Epistle [Titus, ii. 11-15].

After ivhzch this shall he the Antheivj .

TTIS going forth is prepared as the morning

And He shall come unto us as the latter

and the former rain.

He shall t^ftch us His ways :

And we shall walk in His paths.

And the Redeemer shall come to Zion :

And unto them that turn from transgression in


The Gospel [John, ii. 13-19],

The Preface and Prayer or Oblation and Communion

Anthem shall be as appointed for Advent.

The following shall be the Prayer of Post-Communion.

r^ RANT, Lord, we beseech Thee, that as

Thy Son our Lord Jesus Christ hath in

these heavenly mysteries vouchsafed to become

our spiritual food and nourislimentj we, in the

partaking of tlie same at this time, may be pre-

pared to celebrate the holy festival of His birth,

with thanksgiving and joy in the Holy Ghost

through the same our Lord Jesus Christ.
B. Amen.

The Anthem after the Ckeed shall be the Gloria in

Glory be to God on high, &c.


The Anthem after the Creed.
rpHERE were shepherds abiding in the field :

-^ Keeping watch over their flocks by night.

And, lo ! the angel of the Lord came upon

them :

And the glory of the Lord shone round about

them, and they were sore afraid.


Sing Hallelujali ! glorious choir of angels

Ye courts of Heaven, be filled with song.

Glory to God, all gloiy in the highest.
come with adoration, come with adoration,
come with adoration and worship the Lord.


To Thee who on this joyous day wast bom.

To Thee be glory, Jesu, Lord,
Word of th^ Eternal Father, Word Incarnate.
come with adoration, come with adoration,
come with adoration and worship the Lord.

After the Collect /or the Day, the following Collects

shcdl he used.

A LMIGHTY and Everlasting God, who hast

given unto us to consecrate this day to the
memory of the Incarnation of Thy Word, and of
His birth of the blessed Virgin Mary; Grant
unto all Thy people such fellowship in that
which they do celebrate, that we who have been
redeemed by Thy grace, and received among the
number of Thy children, may abide undoubtingly
in Thine adoption; through the same our Lord
Jesus Christ.
B. Amen.

/^ RANT unto Thy people, we beseech Thee,

Lord, such steadfast confidence of faith,
that we, confessing Thy Only-begotten Son, who
dwelt with Thee in Thy glory from all eternity,
and was born in time, as on this day, of the
blessed Virgin in the truth of our flesh, may be
freed from all adversities in this life present, and
may be received to abiding joys in the life to
come ; through the same Thy Son Jesus Christ
our Lord, who liveth and reigneth with Thee and
the Holy Ghost, One God, world without end.
^ Amen.
At the close of the Service., instead of the Benedictus,
the Magnificat shall he sung.


After the Psalm and Lesson the following Hymn.

TTARK, the glad sound, the Saviour comes.

The Saviour promised long
Let eveiy heart exult with joy.
And every voice be song !

He comes the prisoners to

! release.

In Satan^s bondage held

The gates of brass before Him burst.

The iron fetters yield.


He comes ! from darkening scales of vice

To clear the inward sight

And on tlie eyeballs of tlie blind
To pom' celestial light.

He comes ! the broken hearts to bind^

The bleeding souls to cm-e^

And with the treasm-es of His grace

To enrich the humble poor.

The sacred year has now revolved,

Accepted of the Lord,

WTien God^s high promise is fulfilled,

And, lo ! th' Incarnate Word !

Our glad Hosannahs, Prince of Peace,

Thy welcome shall proclaim

And with th' angelic songs be joined,

To praise Thy glorious Name.

Then after the first ordinary Prayer^ or in the Afternoon

after the first two ordinary Prayers

r\ ALMIGHTY GOD, who by the bn-th of

^^ Thy Holy One into the world as on this
day, didst give Thy true light to dawn upon our
darkness; Grant that as Thou hast given us in
this time present to believe in the mystery of

His Incarnation, and hast made us partakers of

the Divine nature, so in the world to come we

may ever abide with Him in the glory of His

kingdom ; through the same our Lord Jesus

R, Amen.

Then the Collect /or the Day, and the Two Collects
appointed for the Morning Service. After which one
or more of the concluding Prayers.

[Note. If Christmas- Day fall on a Wednesday

or Friday., the Litany shall not he said in
the Forenoon Service., hit the Collects above


After the Gloria in Excelsis,


The Epistle [Hebrews, i. 1-12].

The Anthem after the Epistle.

QING, ye heavens, for the Lord hath done it

Break forth into singing, forest, and

every tree therein.
For the Lord hath redeemed Jacob :

And glorified Himself in Israel.

He hath commanded His covenant for ever :

Holy and reverend is His Name.


And then the Hymn.

Approach, all ye faithful, joyful and triumphant,
&c. 'See the Morning Prayer] .


The Gospel [John, i. 1-14].

The Preface.
One God and one Lord. [Or 07i
the Lord's. Day after "Became very man for our

salvation.'^] We bless Thee for the holy Incar-

nation of Thy Son, who, as on this day, was

born of the Virgin Mary. Unto us a Child is

born, unto us a Son is given, a Saviour, which

is Christ the Lord. Through the mystery of the

Incarnate Word Thou hast shined in upon our
souls, and hast given us the light of the know-
ledge of Thy glory, and of Thy grace, in the
face of Jesus Christ, God visible in the flesh,
that through Him we may know Thee and love
Thee, who art invisible. \_()n the Lord's -Day
" We bless Thee for His life," &c.]

Wherefore we magnify and praise, &c.

In the Prayer of Oblation

(after Consecration).
And present to Thee our prayers.
And now especially we rejoice to offer unto
Thee this sacrifice of praise, remembering the

birth, as on this day, of Thy Son our Lord and

Saviour : and we beseech Thee, for the merits

of His sacrifice, that as He grew up before Thee

from infancy to manhood, and through death

hath arisen to eternal Gloiy at Thy right hand
so Thou wilt visit Thy Church and people in

their low estate, in this the time of their hu-

mility, and wilt cause them to increase unto the

measure of the stature of His fulness, that they

may fill creation with Thy praise.

I\ Amen.

The Communion Anthem.

T ORD, now lettest Thou Thy servant depart in
-^ peace
According to Thy word :

For mine eyes have seen :

Thy salvation,

A^Tiich Thou hast prepared :

Before the face of all people ;

A light to lighten the Gentiles :

And the glory of Thy people Israel.

The Post-Communion Prayer.

(After the ordinary Prayer.)

ALMIGHTY GOD, who on this holy day

givest us to meditate upon the manifesta-

tion of Thy Son our Lord under tlie form and in

the true nature of man ; Grant^ we beseech Thee_,

that, being made partakers, through these earthly

creatures, of Thy divine and heavenly mysteries,

we may so pass our time in this world, that we
may ever abide in His fellowship and communion
in the world to come, who liveth and reigneth with
Thee and the Holy Ghost, One God, world with-
out end.
R> Amen.

The Anthem after the Creed.
T INTO us a Child is born :

^ Unto us a Son is given

And the government shall be upon His shoulders :

Of His government and peace there shall be no

His Name shall be called. Wonderful
Counsellor, The Mighty God,
The Father of the Age to come :

The Prince of Peace.


After the Collect /or the Day, the same Collects shall be
used as in the Morning.

In the celehration of the Eucharist.

Hie Collect {in addition to that for Christmas- Day).

A LMIGHTY GOD, who madest Thy blessed

"^ Son to be circumcised and obedient to the

law for man ; Grant unto us the true Circumcision

of the Spirit : that, our hearts and all our mem-
bers being mortified from all worldly and carnal
lusts, we may in all things obey Thy blessed
will ; through the same Thy Son Jesus Christ
oui' Lord.
H Amen.

The Epistle [Coloss. li. 8-17].

The Anthem after the Epistle, the same as on


The Gospel [Luke, ii. 15-21].

The Preface as on Christmas- Day [substituting the words,

" At this season," />r " On this day"].

In the Prayer of Oblation

(after Consecration).
Present to Thee our prayers :

especially commemorating, that, as on this day,

our Saviour Jesus Christ first shed His precious


blood for us ; submitting to tlie bloody rite of

Circumcision, and making honourable thereby

Thy holy law, that we might obtain the adoption
of sons, and the true circumcision of the Spirit

wherein, through His merits, we beseech Thee

that Thou wilt perfect us.

R, Amen*

The Communion Anthem, as 07i Christmas- Day.

The Post-Communion Prayer

(after the ordinary Prayer).

"\T7E give thanks unto Thee, Lord our God,

for these Thy benefits ; and as Thou hast

given us to partake of the flesh and blood of Thy

dear Son, who was circumcised and kept the law,
that we might be received into the free grace of

the Gospel ; Grant, we beseech Thee, that we

may bring forth the fruits of His righteousness
in all holiness of heart and spirit ; through the
same our Lord Jesus Christ, who liveth and
reigneth with Thee and the Holy Ghost, One
God, world without end.
i?. Amen.

In the celehration of the Eucharist.

The Collect.
A LMIGHTY and Everliving God, we humbly
-^ beseech Thy Majesty, that as Thy Only-
begotten Son was, as on this day, presented in
the temple in substance of our flesh, so we may
be presented unto Thee in Thy heavenly temple,
and may be accepted through His righteousness,
who liveth and reigneth with Thee, in the unity

of the Holy Ghost, One God, world without end.

/?, Amen.

TAe Epistle [Mai. iii- l~o].

The Anthem after the Epistle.

T) LESSED is she that believed :

For the things which were told her of the

Lord have been fulfilled.

For behold, the Desire of all nations is come :

And the temple is filled with His glory ;

The glory of the Only -begotten of the Father :

Full of grace and truth.


The Gospel [Luke, ii. 22-40].

In the Prayer of Oblation

(after Consecration).

And present to Thee our

prayers : especially beseeching of Thy goodness,
that as Thou didst reward Thy holy servants,
Simeon and Anna, waiting for the Consolation of

Israel, with the vision of Thy Christ; so Thou

wilt speedily answer the earnest desires of Thy
people who now wait for the adoption, even the
redemption of the body, and wilt grant unto
them, that they may be cleansed from all defile-

ment of the old man, and be made meet for the

inheritance of Thy saints.

R. Amen.

Tke i'oMMiMON Anthem, us on Chrtstmas-Day.

Lord, now lettest Thou Thy servant, &c.

The Post-Communion Prayer.

r\ LORD, who didst fulfil the expectation of
^^ just Simeon, that he should not see death
before that he saw Thy Christ, fulfil also unto us,
we beseech Thee, Thy word of promise in this

blessed sacrament, that all we who have par-

taken of Thy communion may have our part at

the resurrection in the gloiy of Thy saints


through the same Jesus Christ our Lord, who

Uveth and reigneth with Tliee and the Holy
Ghost, ever One God, world without end.
R. Amen.


In the celebration of the Eucharist.

The Anthem after the Epistle.

in all
our Lord,
the Earth
how excellent
is Thy Name

Who hast set Thy glory above the heavens.

Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings hast
thou ordained strength
That Thou mightest still the enemy and the
Lord, what is man, that Thou art mindful of him :

And the son of man, that thou visitest him ?

For Thou hast made him a little lower than the

Thou hast crowned him with glory and honour.

The Preface.
And death upon the Cross : for

He hath died for us, the just for the imjust.

and througli death liatli overcome him that had
the power of death. Erom His death hfe hath
sprung up for us^ and by His stripes we are

healed. We bless Thee also for His Resurrec-

tiouj &c.

The Communion Anthem.

BUEIED with Thee in baptism, Christ our
Through Thy Resurrection may we attain Eter-

nal life.

And at Thy coming again may we shout with joy

Hosanna to the Son of David !

Blessed is He that cometh in the Name of the

Hosanna in the Highest




After the Collect /or the Day,

A LMIGHTY and Everlasting God, who of Thy

tender mercy towards mankind hast sent
Thy Son our Saviour Jesus Christ to take upon
Him our flesh, and to suffer death upon the

Cross, that all mankind should follow the ex-

ample of His great humility ; Mercifully grant

that we may both follow the example of His

patience, and also be made partakers of His

resurrection ; through the same Jesus Christ our

K- Amen.

/~\ GOD; who for our sakes didst give up Thy

^^ well-beloved Son Jesus Christ, to endure
the shameful death of crucifixion, that we might
be delivered from the power of the devil, and
be cleansed from all unrighteousness ; Grant unto
Thy servants, we beseech Thee, that through His

Cross the body of sin may be destroyed, and that

through the power of His resun-ection we may
henceforth walk in newness of life ; for the
merits of the same Jesus Christ oui; Lord.
B Amen.


After thejirst ordinary Prayer at Nine, and thejirst two
ordinary Prayers at Three, shall follow the Collect
for the Week and the Two Collects above, and also the
Collect set forth below.

Almighty God, we beseech Thee graciously to

behold &c.

Almiglity and Everlasting God, who of Thy

tender &c.
God^ who for oui* sakes didst give up Thy

\ SSIST us mercifully with Thy help, Lord

^^^ God of our salvation; that we may ap-
proach with joy to the meditation of those mighty
acts, whereby Thou hast restored us to Life and
Immortality ; through Jesus Christ our Lord.
R. Amen.


The Services to be as on Monday and Tuesday, except
that in the Forenoon the Litanf shall he said ; and at
each of the Services, instead of the Psalms in course,
portions of Vs. cxix. are to be taken as follows.

Morning Prayer, from v. 1 to 16.

Forenoon, from v. 17 to 40.
Afternoon, from v. 41 to 64.
Evening Prayer, from v. 65 to 88.


The Morning Prayer to be as on the preceding days.

The Psalm to be Ps. c^bi.from v. 89 to 104.



Forenoon, Ps. cxix. from v. 105 to 128.
Afternoon, from v. 129 to 152.

The Prayers as on the preceding days.

After the Afternoon Service shall be celebrated


The Collect.
r\ LORD Jesus Christ, who in Thy last supper
^^ with Thy disciples didst ordain in the
blessed sacrament a perpetual memorial of Thy
passion until Thy coming again ; Grant unto us,
we beseech Thee, such discernment of Thy holy
mysteries, that we may continually receive the

full fruition of Thy redeeming love ; who livest

and reignest with the Father and the Holy

Ghost, One God, world without end.
R' Amen.

The Epistle [1 Cor. xi. 17].

The Anthem after the Epistle.

"DLESS the Lord, my soul:
^-^ And forget not all His benefits :

Who forgiveth all thine iniquities :

'\¥ho healeth all thy diseases;

\ Who satisfieth thy mouth with good things :

So that thy youth is renewed like the eaglets.


The Gospel [Luke, xxiii. 39-62].

The Preface.
One God and One Lord.
For Tliou liast ransomed us from eternal death,
and given us tlie joyful hope of everlasting life

through Jesus Christ, who hath died for us, the

just for the unjust, and through death hath over-
come him that had the power of death. From
His death life hath sprung up for us, and by His
stripes we are healed.

Wherefore we magnify and praise Thee, &c.

In the Prayer of Oblation

(after Consecration).

And present to Thee our

prayers. Especially beseeching our Lord Jesus

Christ, who now abideth before Thee, our High

Priest in the heavens ; that, like as on the day
before He suffered He instituted the memorial of

His marvellous passion, and commanded unto His

disciples the observance of the same Heavenly
rite ; so He will now be pleased to present before

Thy Majesty this and all our sacrifices offered

according to Thy will, and through His own

merits to make them acceptable in Thy sight.

R. Amen.

The Communion Anthem.

TTTITH desire I have desired to eat thiswith you
Before I suffered.
But now I eat thereof no more :

Until it be fulfilled in the kingdom of God.

Peace I leave with you :

My peace I give unto you.

My soul is vexed and sore troubled :

But be not ye troubled, neither be afraid.

The Post-Communion Prayer.

A LMIGHTY GOD, who in the institution of

the Paschal Feast didst command unto Thy

people to eat the same with bitter herbs ; Vouch-
safe unto us, that in commemorating His sacri-

fice, who is the true Paschal Lamb, we may have

such contrition of heart and such sympathy with
His sorrows, that our souls may through Thy
grace be purified and strengthened to go forward
in Thy fear, and in holiness of life ; to the glory

of Thy holy Name, through the same Jesus

Christ our Lord.

R. Amen.

After the Post-Communion Prater shall be concludedy

the holy Bread and Wine, whichfor this purpose shall
have been consecrated, shall be carried to the Sacristy^
and shall be there deposited in a proper place to be

provided for that purpose. While the Ministers are

going and returning, the following Verses shall be

T WILL sing unto the Lord, for He hath

triumphed gloriously :

The horse and his rider hath He thrown into the sea.
The Lord is my strength and song :

He is become my salvation :

He is my God, and I will prepare Him an habitation

My father^s God, and I will exalt Him.
The Lord is a man of war :

Jehovah is His Name.

Sing ye to the Lord :

For He hath triumphed gloriously :

The horse and his rider

Hath He thrown into the sea.

Glory, &c.

When the Ministers have returned, there shall be read

the \Uh, I5tk, \6thy and 17 th Chapters of St. John's

After which, instead of the Te Deum, the following

The Song of Moses.

T WILL sing unto the Lord, for He hath

triumphed gloriously :

The horse and his rider hath He thrown into

the sea.

The Lord my strength and song

is :

He is become my salvation :

He is my God, and I will prepare Him an

habitation ;

My father^s God, and I will exalt Him.

The Lord is a man of war :

Jehovah is His Name.

PharaoVs chariots and his host hath He cast

into the sea :

His chosen captains are di'owned in the Red Sea.

The depths have covered them :

They sank into the bottom as a stone.

Thy right hand, Lord, is become glorious in

Thy right hand, Lord, hath dashed in pieces
the enemy.
And in the greatness of Thine excellence :

Thouhast overthrown them that rose up against me.

Thou sentest forth Thy wrath :

Which consumed them as stubble.

And with the blast of Thy nostrils :

The waters were gathered together ;

The floods stood upright as an heap :

And the depths were congealed in the heart of

the sea.
The enemy said, I will pursue :

I will overtake, I will divide the spoil


My lust shall be satisfied upon them :

I will draw my sword, my hand shall destroy

Thou didst blow with Thy wind, the sea covered
them :

They sank as lead in the mighty waters.

Who is like unto Thee, Lord :

Among the gods ?

Who is like unto Thee, Lord :

Glorious in holiness, fearful in praises, doing

wonders ?

Thou stretchedst out Thy right hand ;

The earth swallowed them.

Thou in Thy mercy hast led forth :

The people which Thou hast redeemed :

Thou hast guided them in Thy strength :

Unto Thy holy habitation.

The people shall hear, and be afraid :

Sorrow shall take hold of the inhabitants of


The dukes of Edom shall be amazed:

Trembhng shall take hold upon the mighty men
of Moab.
All the inhabitants of Canaan shall melt away :

Fear and dread shall fall upon them :

By the greatness of Thine arm :

They shall be as still as a stone


Till Thy people pass over, Lord

Till the people pass over, which Thou hast pur-
Thou shalt bring them in, and plant them :

In the mountain of Thine inheritance.

In the place, Lord, which Thou hast made for

them to dwell in :

In the sanctuary, Lord, which Thy hands have


The Lord shall reign :

For ever and ever.

Sing ye to the Lord, for He hath triumphed

gloriously :

The horse and his rider hath He thrown into the


Glory, &c.

The Benediction.


The Anthem after the Creed.

M X soul is exceeding sorrowful unto death

Tarry ye here and watch ;

For behold the hour is at hand

And the Son of Man is betrayed.

Could ye not watcli one hour ?

Watch and pray that ye be not tempted.

Lo, Judas watcheth, he slumbereth not :

He is at hand ready to betray.

The Psalm cxix. 153-176.

The Collects as in the Morning.

Instead of the Magnificat shall be sung Ps. Ixxxviii.

without the Gloria Patri.

The Anthem after the Creed.

H E was taken from prison and from judgment

And who shall declare His generation ?

For He was cut off out of the land of the living :

For the transgression of my people was He


He hath poured out His soul unto death

And He was numbered with the transgressors
And He bare the sin of many :

And made intercession for the transgressors.

2'he Collects as on the preceding days.
Instead of the Benedictus shall he sung Ps. cii. 1-12.

Hear my prayer, Lord.


The Introductory Collect.
A LMIGHTY and Everlasting God, who, of
^^ Thy tender mercy towards mankind, hast
sent Thy Son, om* Saviour Jesus Christ, to take
upon Him our flesh and to suffer death upon the
Cross, that all mankind should follow the ex-

ample of His great humility; Mercifully grant

that we may both follow the example of His pa-

tience, and also be made partakers of His Resur-

rection ; through the same Jesus Christ our Lord,
it*. Amen.

Then the following Lesson, to he prefaced as under,

fhe Congregation standing.

The Passion of our Lord and Saviour Jesus

Christ, as the same is recorded by St. Matthew
(xxvi. 36, to xxvii. 54).

"Then cometh Jesus with His disciples unto a place

called Gethsemane," to "Truly this was the Son of

When the reading of the Loru's Passion is ended, there

shall follow the subjoined Lessons and Prayers or
Meditations, on the successive events of the Lord's
Passion. And after each Prayer shall follow the
Psalm set forth. But theGloria Patri shall not he
sung except after the last of the Psalms.

The First Lesson [Lamentations, ii. 1-20].

The First Prayer or Meditation.

/~\ LORD Jesu Christ_, tliere was never sorrow
^^ like unto Thy sorrow, wherewith Thou
wast afflicted in the day of the fierce anger of
Almighty God. Thy soul was exceeding sor-

rowful, even unto death. Thy sweat was as

great drops of blood falling upon the ground.

But our sins were the cause of Thy sorrow, and
our guilt weighed Thee down and filled Thy
soul with fear and agony. From all eternity
Thou wast most blessed, abiding with the Father,

in the unity of the Holy Ghost, in glory un-

speakable. For our sakes Thou didst become
man; and in all things Thou wast made like

unto us j that in Thy pure and unspotted heart

Thou mightest have sympathy with us in our
exceeding misery; that Thou mightest taste the
bitterness of sin, endure its burden in Thy most
holy spirit, and yield up Thyself to be over-
shadowed as with an horror of great darkness.

Grant us. Lord, we beseech Thee, to have such

abhorrence of all evil, that we also may have

sympathy mth Thee in Thy sorrow ; make us
watchful, that we may be kept through the hour
of temptation ; and give to us such willingness

of spirit^ strength of hearty and patient quietness,

that we may not shrink from drinking of Thy
cup, nor from being baptized with Thy baptism.
For in Thee is our hope, Christ our God ; and
to Thee, with the Father and the Holy Ghost, we
ascribe glory for ever.
R. Amen.

ne Psalm [ 1-11].

The Second Lesson [Micah, vii. 1-9].

The Second Prayer or IMeditation.

THOU whose delights were in the sons of
men from their creation. Thou captain and
guide of Thy chosen ones, who didst lead Joseph
like a flock Thou camest unto Thine own, and

Thine own received Thee not. Thou didst sepa-

rate Thy disciples to be Thy companions and Thy

friends, and didst open unto them the mysteries

of Thy kingdom, yet by Thine own disciple Thou
wast given up Thou wast betrayed with a kiss.

Thy beloved ones forsook Thee and fled, and he

who followed Thee denied Thee with an oath.
We also, Lord, have been guilty after the
like example ; we have not watched, we have not
followed Thee ; we have dealt untruly, and be-
trayed Thy trust ; we have forsaken Thy cove-
nant of mercy and peace ; we have sought to be

hidden in the world, and have not sought to be
: distinguished among men as Thy disciples. Yet
have mercy upon Thy people. Gather us again,
Lord, and bring us back unto Thyself; and

enable us to confess Thee before men, that,

abiding steadfast unto the end, we may be con-
fessed of Thee in the presence of Thy holy angels,
in the day of Thine appearing.

R. Amen.

The Psalm [Ps. Iv. 12-23].

The Third Lesson [Isaiah» liii. 1-7].

The Third Prayer or Meditation.

q^HOU didst endure, Holy One of God,
-^ Eternal Truth, Thou didst patiently endure

to hearken to the false witness of wicked men

given against Thyself. Thou didst forbear to
answer again or to threaten. Thou didst receive

fi'om the judgment of Thine enemies the sentence

of death, and Thou didst hear it in silence, com-
mitting Thy cause to Him that judgeth right-
eously, that after death Thou mightest obtain
Thy reward from Him.
Grant unto us. Most Merciful Saviour, to be

partakers of the same spirit and grace ; that we

may not seek the honour that cometh from man,
nor count ourselves justified by the judgment of

men ; and when they shall unjustly condemn us

for Thy may we endure with patience And,
sake^ ;

Thou merciful God and Judge Eternal^ before

whose judgment-seat we must all appear, do
Thou save us in that day reckon not against us ;

our iniquities, but blot out all our transgressions

for in Thy mercy is all our hope, and through
Thy sacrifice for us, and in Thy righteousness,
we can alone be justified.

R. Amen.

The PsAXM [Ps. xxxviii.].

The Fourth Lesson [Isaiah, 1.1

The Fourth Prayer or Meditation.

r\ LORD, Eternal Word, who didst speak the
^^^ word, and all things were created, who
didst command, and all things stood fast ; in

whom all things consist and abide in being; of

Thine own will Thou wast given up unto the will

of others. The rude and brutal soldiers scourged

Thee ; they smote, they spat upon Thy sacred

face ; over Thy limbs in derision they threw the

purple robe ; in mockery they placed the reed

Thy hands, and forced the crown of thorns
upon Thy head. Thou King and Lord of all.
Thou wast reviled, but Thou answeredst not
again ; Thou didst suffer, but didst not threaten.

Give unto us, we beseech Thee, the like spirit

of meekness and patience ; let us never be turned

from Thy ways through any mockery or cruelty
of men ; but persevere, as seeing Him who is

invisible, who giveth unto those that endure unto

the end a crown of glory which fadeth not away.

It Amen.

The Psalm [Ps. xl.].

The Fifth Lesson [Daniel, ix. 1-19].

The Fifth Prayer or Meditation.

/CONDEMNED as a malefactor. Lord Jesu,
^^ Lamb of God, Thou didst go forth to the

place of death, bearing Thy cross ; until, fainting

through pain and anguish, they took it from

Thee, and laid it on Thy disciple to bear, not in

pity for Thy suffering, but that Thou mightest be

ready to endure fresh torment. They pierced
Thy hands and Thy feet, they nailed Thee to the
cross. Thou wast lifted up between heaven and
earth, as utterly unworthy, and abhorred and re-

jected of all. Yea, the transgressors with whom

Thou wast numbered, who were crucified with
Thee, they mocked and reviled Thee. All, but

Thy mother and Thy beloved disciple, and the

faithful women with them, looked upon Thee with

hatred and derision. None gave Thee love nor

pity, who wast full of love and pity for all.

O Lord, we behold Thy sufferings, and we
mourn our eyes, our eyes run down with tears
; ;

we weep in the bitterness of our souls for Thou ;

wast wounded for our transgressions. Thou wast

bruised for our iniquities. And above all we
mourn, that although we have been made par-
takers of Thy grace, our sins have pierced Thee

anew we have seemed to count Thy sacrifice a


vain thing; we have forgotten that we were

cleansed from our old sins. They who nailed
Thee to Thy cross, knew not that they crucified
the Lord of Glory, but we have known Thee, and
yet have crucified Thee afresh, and put Thee to

open shame. We have made void Thy mercy,

and have kept back from Thee Thy reward. Yet,
Lord Jesus, let not Thy mercy fail; and, as in
Thine hour of agony Thou didst pray for them
that put Thee to death, so for us also do Thou
intercede. Behold, we wait before Thy Cross, we
adore Thee, Thou that wast crucified. Draw
us unto Thee, conform us to Thine example, and
now and henceforth let us take up our cross, and
follow Thee in this world, looking for our reward
in the regeneration, in the kingdom of Thy glory.
^ Amen.

The Psalm [Ps. xxii. 1-21].

The Sixth Lesson [Daniel, ix. 20-27].

The Sixth Prayer or Meditation.

T7R0M tlie earth rose up the blackness of
darkness, which at mid-day overshadowed
the land of Immanuel, fit emblem of that heavi-

ness which oppressed Thy spirit, Jesus, be-

loved of the Father. This was the hardest trial

of Thy love, that Thou shouldest lose, though

but for a moment, the abiding of His joy, which
had been Thy strength in every former trial.

This was the sufiering above all suffering, which

filled up the cup of sorrow, and set the seal of

perfectness on all Thou hadst endured. For,

when Thou hadst endured this. Thy faith did
straightway scatter the oppression, which passed
from Thy soul, as the darkness from the earth
and then with steadfast confidence Thou gavest
up the ghost, committing Thy spirit unto the
Father. Of a truth Thou art the Son of God.
blessed Jesu, Master and Lord, perfect and
only Saviour, we meekly acknowledge that our
iniquities separated between Thee and Thy God,
and our sins hid His face from Thee.
Lord, in the night season we wait upon Thee,
for Thou hast redeemed us. Our souls watch

for Thee, even as for the morning light; for

with Thee there is mercy, and plenteous redemp-


H Amen.
The FsALM [Ps. cxxx.]

At the close of the Psalm,

Glory, &c.
The Lord be with you.
^- And with Thy spirit.

The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love

of God, and the communion of the Holy Ghost

be with us all.

-^ Amen.

Then shall follow the Order for the Holy Saceament,

after this manner

The Invocation.
TN the Name of the Father, and of the Son,
and of the Holy Ghost.
H. Amen.
[The Confession and Absolution shall not he said.}

Shew us Thy mercy, Lord.

H. And grant us Thy salvation.

Lord, hear my prayer.

Ji And let my cry come unto Thee.

The Lord be with you.

R. And with thy spirit.

Let us pray.

God, who, by the blood of Thy dear Son,

hast consecrated unto us a new and living way
into the Holiest of all; Grant unto us, we be-

seech Thee, the assurance of Thy mercy, and

sanctify us by Thy heavenly grace ; that we,

approaching unto Thee with pure heart and un-

defiled conscience, may offer unto Thee a sacrifice

in righteousness, and duly celebrate these holy

mysteries ; To the glory of Thy Name, through

Jesus Christ our Lord.
R. Amen.

Instead of the "Lord, have mercy upon us," and the

Gloria in Exoei.sts. shall be the folloiving ; the people


prOLY, Holy, Holy, Lord God, Mighty God,

-*"'- mercy upon
Eternal God : have us,

miserable sinners.
H Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God, Mighty God,
Eternal God : have mercy upon us, miser-
able sinners.

my people, what have I done unto thee ?

Wherein have I wearied thee ? Testify against Me.


I have led thee up out of the land of Egypt

And thou hast crucified thy Saviour.
H Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God, Mighty God,
Eternal God : have mercy upon us, miser-
able sinners.

I led thee through the wilderness forty years :

I fed thee with bread from heaven.

I brought thee up into a goodly land :

And thou hast crucified thy Savioui*.

li Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God, Mighty God,
Eternal God : have mercy upon us, miser-
able sinners.

What could have been done more to thee, that I

have not done ?

I planted thee my choicest vine ;

But thou hast brought forth wild grapes ; thou

hast given Me vinegar to drink
Thou hast pierced with a spear the side of thy
R Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God, Mighty God,
Eternal God : have mercy upon us, miser-
able sinners.

For thy sake I scourged Egypt in her first-born

I led thee out of Egypt, and drowned Pharaoh in
the sea.
But thou hast given Me to be scourged :

And hast delivered Me to the rulers of the priests.


B, my people, what have I done unto thee ?

wherein have I wearied thee ? Testify

against Me.
I caused the Red Sea to divide before thee :

And I went before thee in the pillar of cloud.

But my side thou hast laid open with the spear :

And hast led Me to the judgment-hall of Pilate.

N. my people, what have I done unto thee ?

wherein have I wearied thee ? Testify

against Me.
I fed thee with manna in the wilderness :

And gave thee water of salvation, from the rock,

to drink.

But thou hast smitten Me with rods and scourges ;

And hast given Me gall and vinegar to drink.

R. my people, what have I done unto thee ?

wherein have I wearied thee ? Testify

against Me.
For thy sake I smote the kings of Canaan :

And raised thee to royal dignity, and excellence

of power.
But thou hast smitten my head with the reed :

Thou hast crowTied Me with thorns, and lifted Me

up upon the cross.

R. my people, what have I done unto thee ?

wherein have I wearied thee ? Testify

against Me.

The Collect is the same as that appointed for Passion


The Epistlk flfebrcws, x. l-'io].

The x\nthem after the Epistle.

npHOU hast redeemed us from the curse :

With Thme own most precious blood.

Nailed to the cross, pierced with the spear :

Thou hast restored immortality to man.

We celebrate Thee, who died for us :

our Saviour, glory be to Thee.

The Gospel [John, xix. 1-37].

After the Gospel a Sermon shall be preached and the

NiCENE Creed said. After which the holy Sacrament
shall be brought from the place where it had been de-
posited to the altar. While this is doing, the 5lst Psalm
shall be chanted. And at the close, after the holy Sacra-
ment shall have been placed upon the altar, the Gloria
Patri shall be sung. After which,

Brethren, pray that our sacrifice may be accept-

able to God the Father Almighty, through om*
Lord Jesus Christ.
R. Amen.

Let us pray.

Our Father, which art in heaven, &c.

fi. Amen.

A LMIGHTY and Everlasting God, we come

into Thy presence presenting before Thee
the emblems of the passion of Thy Son our
Saviom' Jesus Christ, even the holy bread of
Everlasting Life, and the cup of Eternal Sal-
vation. We commemorate this day His precious
sacrifice and death upon the cross, who now dieth
no more, but abideth for ever, our High Priest

and Advocate, making intercession for us.

Hear Thou therefore the prayers of Thy people,

which we now make unto Thee, casting our-
selves down, as it were, before the Cross, in the
presence of the Crucified One. Have respect
unto His offering on our behalf, count Thou His
blood the propitiation for our sins ; and accept us
and all Thy Church for His sake, not weighing
our merits but pardoning our offences.
i^< Amen.

Tktn shall he said the following Prayers.

r\ ALMIGHTY GOD, who hast purchased

^^ Thy Church unto Thyself with the precious
blood of Thy dear Son, that they might be a holy
and peculiar people to Thy glory ; Hear us, we
beseech Thee, for the whole congregation of the
faithful; that all who believe in Thee in every
place may advance in Thy most holy ways, may

be kept in unity of faith, and in purity of

love toward Thee, and toward each other, and

toward all men, and may be preserved, in peace,

from all the assaults of the devil, the world, and

the flesh : that so, persevering steadfastly in the

same, they may be presented without spot or

wrinkle, holy and unblameable and unreprovable,

in the day of our Lord Jesus Christ.
li Amen.

r\ ALMIGHTY GOD, unto whom the winged

^-^ Cherubim, covered with eyes, continually
give glory ; who didst send Thy wxll-beloved Son

into the world to be the shepherd of Thy flock,

and having taken Him out of the world dost with

Him, according to Thine own will, send forth
Thy servants and apostles unto the Church
Pour down, we humbly beseech Thee, upon all

those who are thus called and sent forth, the

fulness of Thy Heavenly grace, that by them

the abundant blessing of Thy Gospel may be
ministered unto all that are obedient to the faith.

Vouchsafe also Thy grace unto Thy prophets,

evangelists, and pastors and teachers, whom Thou
givest to be fellow-labourers with Thine apostles.
Do Thou continually supply all who are needed for

these holy offices ; and by Thy fourfold ministry


do Thou continually oversee, defend, and perfect

Thy Church. Grant unto Thine apostles the
knowledge of Thy mysteries, and the continual
intimation of Thy mind ; that Thy flock may ever
be guided in Thy light, and according to Thy will
and may Thy word. Thy truth. Thy command-
ments, and Thy consolations, be carried forth unto

all Thy people with faithfulness and diligence.

isfc Amen.

r\ ETERNAL GOD, in whose presence the

Seraphim continually fulfil their ministry ;

who makest Thine angels spirits, and Thy minis-

ters a flame of fire; Grant Thy heavenly grace
unto all angels and chief pastors of the several
churches of Thy saints, that under them Thy
people may be established in Thy truth, and be
defended from all the power and devices of the
devil : And in order that they may teach and
guide those committed to their care, may they
themselves be ever willing and rejoice to receive
Thine apostles, and through them to be taught
and guided by Thee.
K. Amen.

r\ GOD, who hast provided for the service of

^"^ Thy house, and for the necessities of Thy
people, the several orders and degrees of holy

ministry ; Grant unto all who serve in the

priesthood and deaconship of Thy Churchy that
with pure hearts and minds they may minister
at Thine altar, and devote themselves wholly to

the care of Thy flock.

R. Amen.

r\ ALMIGHTY and most Merciful Father, who

^^ hast loved Thine elect with an everlasting
love, and purchased them unto Thyself with the
blood of Thy dear Son ; Favourably regard, we
beseech Thee, Thy flock and congregation, and
confirm them evermore with all spiritual gifts.

And grant, that the whole company of the faith-

ful may abide steadfast in the faith, abounding in

hope, of one heart and of one mind, and filled

w^ith joy and with the Holy Ghost.

R. Amen.

r\ MOST Merciful Father, who hast ordained

^-^ Thy Church to abide in the midst of this

evil world unto the appearing and kingdom of

Thy Son, that the full number of Thine elect
may be gathered out, and brought into Thy
fold ; look down in Thy mercy upon all those
who believe in the Name of Thy Son Jesus
Christ and are not yet joined unto Thy holy

Churcli ; and give unto them, we beseech Thee,

that preparation of the heart, and that answer
of the lips, that with their whole heart they
may believe unto righteousness, and with their

lips they may make confession unto salvation,

and, being born again in the fountain of bap-
tism, they may receive the adoption of Thy

R, Amen.

r\ ALMIGHTY GOD, who didst call out Thy

^^ Church to be one holy body, filled with
Thy divine presence and life, and instructed
in Thine Eternal Truth ; Have mercy upon
all who profess and call themselves Christians
Lead them, we beseech Thee, out of all their

wanderings and divisions, and heal all mu-

tual hatred, variance, and animosities, that they

may all once more be one in Jesus Christ, as

He is one with Thee. Deliver all those who
are deceived by the wiles of the enemy, and
have forsaken the congregation of Thy Church,
or been carried away by the vanity of error,

and restore them of Thy mercy to the unity of

the Truth in the one fold of Jesus Christ, Thy
holy Church.

R, Amen.

r\ MERCIFUL FATHER, the comfort of those

^^^ who are in sorrow, the strength of those

who are oppressed ; Let the cries of the afflicted

enter into Thine ears, we beseech Thee, and do

Thou save them out of all their distresses. Heal
Thou who are sick, relieve all who are
all in

need, and in Thy pity grant Thy consolations to

all who are oppressed with grief.

/?. Amen.

/^ GOD of Abraham, of Isaac, and of Jacob,

^^ Have mercy, we beseech Thee, upon Thine
ancient people, the House of Israel. Deliver
them from their hardness of heart and unbelief
of Thy Gospel; that, their hearts being turned
unto Thee, they may behold Thy glory in the
face of Jesus Christ, and may acknowledge Him
to be their Saviour, whom as on this day their
fathers gave up to be crucified : that so they

may be brought into Thy holy Church, and saved

among the remnant of the true Israel.
R. Amen.

/^ GOD and Father of all the families of the

^^ earth, who wouldest not that any should
perish but that all should come to the knowledge
of the truth; we beseech Thee to have mercy

wpoD. ^MOBt vlio are walking in dbdaiess^ and

bowing down to idc^ Delhrer tlieni, we pray
"" - ?m all the ikteJons of Ac deiil; Irln^
iziow Tnee t^e onlr true God, and JesTis

_ 7. —nt: and imiic ilez: ::»

T> ECETTE, we be^edi Thee, Z:

ndfar tit ^ ^ :


Lr '.'i U.*J- •l^C—. ClC


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^nty and Einliliiis God» irf» '

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soul as the darkness from the earth; and then

with steadfast confidence Thou didst give up
the ghost^ committing Thy spirit unto the Father.
Of a truth Thou art the Son of God.
Blessed Jesu^ Master and Lord^ perfect and
only Saviour^ we meekly acknowledge that our
iniquities separated between Thee and Thy God,
and om' sins hid His face from Thee.
Lord, in the night season we wait upon Thee,
for Thou hast redeemed us. Our souls watch
for Thee, even as for the morning light ; for with

Thee there is mercy and plenteous redemption.

R. Amen.
Then ahall follow the I^itant.

The Anthem after the Creed.
OTAND in awe, and sin not

Commune with your own heart upon your

bed, and be still.

Offer the sacrifices of righteousness :

And put your trust in the Lord.

There be many that say. Who will shew us any
good ?

Lord, lift Thou up the light of Thy countenance

upon us.

I will both lay me down in peace, and sleep :

For Thou, Lord, only makest me dwell in


The Collects as ov the preceding days.

Instead nf the Magwiftoat, Ps. cxliii.

Hear my prayer, Lord, &c.


The Anthem after the Creed.
"VrrHEN Thou hadst humbled Thyself to death
Jesus, Thou Life Immortal,

With the glory of Thy Godhead :

Thou didst shine into the obscure.

Thou didst preach unto the spirits in prison

And smotest hell with deadly wound.

Thou didst spoil principalities and powers :

And shew Thyself triumphant over them.

When Thou didst lead captivity captive
The hosts of heaven saw Thee and adored.
Christ our God, Giver of Life :

Glory be to Thee.

Instead of or after the Collect for Peace, the two


r\ BLESSED Lord Jesu Christ, who for the

^^^ work of our salvation didst condescend to

die for us, and also to be buried ; We beseech

Thee that Thou wilt never forsake Thy mystical
body, the Church ; but wilt so continually vouch-
safe Thy presence unto Thy people, and visit 1

them with the consolations of the Holy Ghost in


the midst of the darkness of this world, that

they may be kept in patient waiting for the glory ;

of the resurrection, when Thou shalt appear


again without sin unto salvation : who livest and '

reignest with the Father and the Holy Ghost,

everOne God, world without end.
R- Amen.

/^ RANT, Lord, we beseech Thee, that as

^-^ Thy Son Jesus Christ, after He had suf-

fered in the flesh for our sins, did preach unto

the spirits in prison ; so also Thy Church may
ever be ready in body and spirit, that by the
preaching of Thy Gospel they may gather unto
Thy holy Name all who shall be obedient unto
the faith ; through the same our Lord Jesus
R. Amen.

After the Psalm and Chapter.

rpHOU wast present as on this day, Christy

with Thy body in the tomb ; with Thy

soul Thou wast seen in hell in the glory of God ;
in Paradise Thou wast with the thief, according
to Thy promise ; and on the throne Thou wast
abiding with the Father and the Holy Ghost,
filling all things, and uncircumscribed of any.
n. Glory be to Thee, Christ.

After the first ordinary Prayer, the Collect /or the Day,
and the Two Collects ffiven for the Morning Service.

The Holy Eucharist.

Instead of the Gloria in Excelsts, shaU he the


A S the hart panteth after the water-brooks :

-^ So panteth my soul after Thee, God.

My soul thirsteth for God, for the li\dng God
When shall I come and appear before God ?

Deep calleth unto deep at the noise of Thy water-

spouts :

All Thy waves and Thy billows are gone over


Yet the Lord will command His loving-kindness

in the day-time :

And in the nighty His song shall be with me,

and my prayer unto the God of my life.

Why art thou cast down, my soul

And why ai*t thou disquieted within me ?

Hope thou in God, for I shall yet praise Him :

Who is the health of my countenance, and my


The Collect.
ALMIGHTY GOD, who by the descent of
our Saviour Jesus Christ into hell, and
His rising again from the dead, hast given as-

surance that the spirits of those who sleep in

Him do abide in joy and felicity ;' Grant unto us,

we beseech Thee, such steadfast faith and lively
hope, that we may purify ourselves as He is pure
and that we with Thy whole redeemed Church
may speedily attain unto the resm-rection from

the dead, when our mortal bodies shall put on

immortality and incorruption, and we shall be
changed into the likeness of His glorious body
who liveth and abideth with Thee and with the
Holy Ghost, One God, world without end.
J^. Amen.

The Epistle [1 Peter, iii. 17].


The Anthem after the Epistle.

T HEARD a voice from heaven, saying

-- Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord
from henceforth :

Yea, saith the Spirit

For they rest from their labom's, and their works
do follow them.
Death, where is thy sting :

Grave, where is thy victory ?

Thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory :

Through our Lord Jesus Christ.

The Gospel [Matt, xxvii. o7 to end].

The Preface.
art One God and One Lord.
We bless Thy mighty power of old,
Thee for

when by Thy rebuke Thou didst dry up the Red

Sea before Thy people Israel, giving unto them
deliverance, and bringing upon their enemies utter

destruction. We praise Thee for Thy mercy, the

glory whereof shineth even from the tomb of Christ

our Saviour : for Thou didst not leave His soul

in hell, neither didst Thou suffer Thy Holy One

to see corruption. In death He was victorious,

and by the Spirit He descended into hell, and

spoiled the principahties and powers of darkness,
making a show of them openly. He hath led

captivity captive, and hatli delivered the souls of

His redeemed, that they should not be holden

for ever of the pains of death.

Wherefore we magnify and praise, &c.

In the Prayer of Oblation

(after Consecration).
And present to Thee our prayers.
Specially in this our sacrifice of praise, re-
membering Thy mercy unto us, in that Thou
didst loosen the pains of death, and didst deliver

the soul of Thy Christ from being holden of it

that Thou didst carry Him through the passage

of the grave, and broughtest Him up again
through the blood of the everlasting Covenant.
And we beseech Thee, that through the same
precious blood. Thou wilt keep the bodies and
souls of Thy saints unto the resurrection of the

just ;
granting unto us to abide in Thy peace,

and in the hope of Thy mercy.

R. Amen.

The Communion Anthem.

QING unto the Lord, ye saints of His :

And give thanks at the remembrance of His


Weeping may endure for a night

But joy Cometh in the morning.


My heart is glad, my glory rejoiceth

My flesh also shall rest in hope :

For Thou wilt not leave my soul in hell

Neither wilt Thou suffer Thy Holy One to see


The Post-Communion Prayer.

/^ RANT, we beseech Thee, most merciful God,
that, through the partaking of Thy holy
sacrament, we may receive such grace of endu-

rance, that we may keep the word of Thy patience

steadfastly unto the end : And that of Thy mercy
we may be kept from that hour of temptation,

which shall come upon all the world; through

Jesus Christ our Lord, who liveth and reigneth
with Thee and the Holy Ghost, ever One God,
world without end.
H, Amen.

After, the Psalm and Chaptek, the same as in the


After the first two ordinary Prayers^ the Collect/o?* the

Day^ and the fivo other Collects appointed for Nine
o'clock, the foiloirins^ :

r\ RANT, Lord, we beseech Thee, that like

as Christ our Lord was raised fi'om the


dead by Thy glory, so we also, who are buried with

Him by baptism into death, may be continually
raised from the death of sin, and walk in newness

of life j through the same our Lord Jesus Christ.

I^» Amen.

A LMIGHTY GOD, who from the tomb of oui-


•^^^ Lord Jesus Christ hast caused the light of I

Eternal Life to shine upon the world ; we beseech :

Thee, that in celebrating this holy season our i

heartsmay be so inflamed with heavenly desires, I

and Thy love may be so shed abroad therein by i

the Holy Ghost, that we may continually seek '

the things which are above, where Christ sitteth !

at Thy right hand ; and that, abiding in purity of !

heart and mind, we may at length attain unto |

Thine everlasting kingdom, there to dwell in the !

glorious light of Thy presence, world without i

end ; through the same Jesus Christ our Lord.

^' Amen.

Anthem after the Creed.
CJING ye to the Lord, for He hath triumphed
^ gloriously

The horse and his rider hath He thrown into the


The Lord my strength and song


He is become my salvation.
He is my God^ and I will prepare Him an
habitation :

My father^s God^ and I will exalt Him.

The Lord shall reign :

For ever and ever.

The Collects skull he i.L<; In the IMobktng SERvirK-

After the Pratek or Dedication, instead of the usual

rpHE Lord is risen indeed. Hallelujah.

Christ is raised from the dead, and dieth no

more. Hallelujah.

Behold, He is alive for evermore :

And hath the keys of hell and of death.


The Anthem after the Creed.

/CHRIST is risen from the dead :

^^ And become the first-fruits of them that


Por since by man came death :

By man came also the resurrection of the dead.


As in Adam all die :

Even so in Christ shall all be made alive.

Death, where is thy sting ?

Grave, where is thy victory ?

The sting of death is sin :

The strength of sin is the law.

But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory
Through our Lord Jesus Christ.


After the Colt-ect /or the Day, the following

A LMIGHTY GOD, who by the resurrection

of Thy well-beloved Son hast brought life

and immortality to light ; We beseech Thee,

that, as Thou hast raised Him from the dead by
Thine own glory, so we also may walk in new-

ness of life, and be planted in the likeness of His

resurrection, who liveth and reigneth vdth Thee

and the Holy Ghost, ever One God, world with-
out end.
R. Amen.

A LMIGHTY GOD, who, through Thine Only-

'*^- begotten Son Jesus Christ, hast overcome
death and opened unto us the gates of ever-
lasting life; We humbly beseech Thee, that as

by Thy special grace preventing us Thou dost


put into our minds good desires, so by Thy

continual help we may bring the same to good

effect ; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who liveth

and reigneth with Thee and the Holy Ghost, ever
One God, world without end.

H, Amen.


The Versides after the Pbayee or Dedication and the

Anthem after the Creed to be as at Morning
After the Psalm, and before the ordinary Prayers^ the

TT7ITNESSING Thy resurrection, Lord Jesus^

" we worship Thee, who art holy, who
alone art without sin. We fall down before

Thee, who wast crucified ; we praise and glorify

Thee, who art risen from the dead. For Thou

art our God, and beside Thee we know no other
and of Thy name alone will we make mention.
Jl, The Lord is risen indeed : Hallelujah.

Draw near, all ye that believe, and let us fall

down together before Him that is risen ; for,

behold, through His cross great joy is come unto

all the world. "WTierefore we bless Thee, Lord,
we celebrate Thy resurrection. For Thou hast
jff 2

endured the cross for us, and abolislied death in


R, The Lord is risen indeed : Hallelujah.

Although Thou wast laid in the grave, Thou
Eternal, yet didst Thou spoil the power of hell.

Thou didst rise victorious, Christ our God,

bringing resurrection to them which had fallen.

In sign whereof Thou didst meet the women

which bore spices to Thy tomb, bidding them,
" All hail ^' and Thou didst appear in the midst

of Thine apostles, and didst say unto them,

" Peace be unto you.'^

H. The Lord is risen indeed : Hallelujah.

Then the first ordinary Prayer; after which the Collect

for the Day, and the two CollecU appointed for Morning

In the Celebration of the Eucharist.

After the " Lord have mercy upon us," and before the
" Glory be to God on high," &c.

npHE Lord is risen indeed :

A Hallelujah.

Christ is raised from the dead, and dieth no more

Behold ! He is alive for evermore :

And hath the keys of hell and of death.


Glory be to God on high, &c.


The Collect.
A LMIGHTY GOD, who through Thine only
"^^ Son Jesus Christ hast overcome death,
and opened unto us the gates of everlasting life

we humbly beseech Thee, that as, by Thy special

grace preventing us. Thou dost put into our

minds good desires, so by Thy continual help
we may bring the same to good effect ; through
Jesus Christ our Lord, who liveth and reigneth
with Thee and the Holy Ghost, ever One God,
world without end.
I{ Amen.

The Anthem after the Epistle.

npHOU knowest my lying down, and mine up-

Thou understandest my thoughts afar off.

When I ascend up into heaven, Thou art there :

When I make my bed in hell, behold. Thou art


How precious also are Thy thoughts unto me,

God :

How great is the sum of them

They are more in number than the sand :

When I awake, I am still with Thee.


The Preface.
- And for His resurrection from
the dead : for_, as on this day, Thou didst bring

again from the dead that Great Shepherd of the

sheep, through the blood of the Everlasting
Covenant ; that we, being justified thereby, might
have peace with Thee through Him, and abiding
in Thy grace might rejoice in hope of Thy glory.
We bless Thee also for His glorious ascension, &c.

In the Prayer of Oblation

(after Consecration).

Present to Thee our prayers.

We rejoice before Thee above all, in the resurrec-

tion as on this day of our Saviour Jesus Christ

and pray Thee that Thou wilt fill us with the

divine energy of His life, working in us accord-
ing to the mighty power, whereby Thou didst
raise Him from the dead.
R, Amen.

The Communion Anthem.

rpHE bread which we break :

It is the Communion of the Body of Christ.

The cup which we bless :

It is the Communion of the Blood of Christ.


For Christ, our passover, is sacrificed for us

Therefore let us keep the feast

Not with the old leaven :

But with the unleavened bread of sincerity and


The Post-Communion Prayer.

T?ILL us, we beseech Thee, Lord, with the
joy of Thy resurrection ; that, partaking of

Thy most precious Body and Blood, we may

daily mortify all worldly and corrupt affections

and desires, and, according to Thy promise, may

obtain eternal life, and be raised up of Thee at

the last day; Who livest and reignest with the

Father and the Holy Ghost, One God, world
without end.
R. Amen.
In the Afternoon and at Evening Prayer the Services
frp as nano.l

After the Ceeed, Psalm xlvii. 1-6.

After the Cotxeot /or the Day the following

BE present, Lord, we beseech Thee, to the

supplications of Thy people who call upon

Thee. And as Thou hast given us to beheve

with steadfast confidence that our Saviour Jesus
Christ is risen from the dead, and is seated
with Thee in Thy majesty, so may we ever be

conscious of His abiding presence with us ac-

cording to His promise unto the end of the
world, who liveth and abideth with Thee, in the
unity of the Holy Ghost, One God, world without

/^, Amen.

f~\ GOD, w^hose blessed Son, in ascending up

^^ on high, did lead captivity captive, and
men grant, we beseech Thee,
receive gifts for ;

that He may bestow upon us also those gifts,

which He vouchsafed unto them which had com-
panied with Him upon earth Through the same :

our Lord Jesus Christ.

H, Amen.

Afti^r fhr PsAi.M i/n/J l,F,ss()\ fhf f'ollowinor ;

r\ KING of Glory, Lord of Hosts, who hast

^^^ ascended up in triumph above the heavens
we beseech Thee, leave us not comfortless; but

send upon us the promise of the Father, even the

Sph-it of Truth.
^- Glory be to Thee, Christ.

When Thou hadst made glad the hearts of

Thy disciples with the promise of the Holy Ghost
when Thou hadst confirmed their souls with Thy
blessing of peace; Thou wast received up into

glory, Christ, our Saviour : for Thou art the

Son of God, the Saviour of the world.

^> Glory be to Thee, Christ.

^yhen Thou hadst fulfilled the economy of our

redemption ; when Thou hadst made one the
things in heaven and the things in earth ; Thou
wast received up into glory, Christ, our God.
In that glory Thou abidest unchangeably, and
proclaimest to all who love thee, " Lo, I am with
you alway, even to the end of the world.^^
R' Hallelujah ! Glory be to Thee, Lord

After the first ordinary Prayer, the Collect/o?- the Day^

and the Two Collects set forth for Mornikg Prayer.

In the Celebration of the Eucharist.

The Collect.
r\ RANT, we beseech Thee, Almighty God, that
like as we do believe Thy Only-Begotten [

Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, to have ascended


into the heavens ; so we may also in heart and

mind thither ascend,, and with Him continually

dwells who liveth and reigneth with Thee and

the Holy Ghost^ One God, world without end.
R. Amen.

The Epistle [Acts, i.


The Anthem after the Epistle.

T I FT up your heads, ye gates ; and be ye

lift up, ye everlasting doors :

And the King of Glory shall come in.

"Wlio is the King of Glory ?

The Lord strong and mighty, the Lord mighty in


Lift up your heads, ye gates ; even lift them

up, ye everlasting doors :

And the King of Glory shall come in.

Who is this King of Glory ?

The Lord of hosts. He is the King of Glory.


The Gospel [Mark xvi. 14 to end].

The Preface.
One God and one Lord.
Especially this day we bless Thee for the
glorious Ascension of our Saviour Christ to Thy

right hand ; Who, after His resurrection, shewed

Himself ahve to His apostles by many infallible

proofs j and in their presence was, as on this

day, received up into heaven, that He might

make us partakers of the Divine natm^e ; whence
also He shall come forth ; and unto them that
look for Him, He shall appear the second time,
^dthout sin, unto salvation.
Wherefore we magnify and praise, &c.

In the Prayer of Oblation

(after Consecration).

To Thee our prayers ; cele-

brating as on this day especially the glorious

Ascension into heaven of Thy Son Jesus Christ
our Lord, and looking forward, in hope, to His
coming again in like manner as He went up.
And we beseech Thee, that Thou wilt in the
mean time comfort us with Thy manifold gifts,

satisfying with Thy joy the desires of oui' souls,

and confirming us unto the day of His appearing.

R, Amen.

The Communion Anthem.

TN my Father^s house are many mansions :

I go to prepare a place for you.

I will come again and receive you unto myself:


That where I am, there ye may be also.

I will not leave you comfortless :

I will come mito you, and see you again.

And your hearts shall rejoice :

And yom* joy no man taketh from you.

The Post-Communion Prayer.

r\ LORD JESU CHRIST, who hast left us
^^ for awhile, giving us the promise that
Thou wilt come again, and receive us to abide
with Thee for ever ; Grant us, through the grace
of Thy sacrament, such communion with Thy-
self, that our souls may be continually athirst

for that time when we shall behold Thee in Thy

glory ; who livest and reignest with the Father
and the Holy Ghost, One God, world without

R^ Amen.

The Afternoon Service as the Forenoon.

At Evening Prayer, the same Collects as at

Morning Prater.



In the Confession.

Those tilings which we ought

not to have done.
We have not used to Thy glory the gifts which
Thou didst bestow, In sending down the Holy
Ghost upon Thy Church. We have not abode
in the grace of Thy Gospel, We have not gone
on unto perfection. But have turned aside like

a deceitful bow. We have broken Thine ordi-

nances ; We have despised Thy holy words spoken
to us by Thy prophets We have disobeyed Thy

commandments delivered to us by Thine apostles.

We have not fulfilled the trust which Thou

didst commit unto us, That we should call unto
the ends of the earth to serve and glorify Thee,
And should gather Thy children scattered abroad.
We have hidden Thy glory from the eyes of Thine
ancient people. We have caused Thy Name to
be blasphemed among the nations of the earth,
And there is no health in us.

But Thou, Lord, have mercy, &c.


A LMIGHTY and Everlasting God, who art
^^ always more ready to hear than we to

pray, and art wont to give more than either we

desire or deserve ; pour down upon us the abun-
dance of Thy mercy; forgiving us those things
whereof our conscience is afraid, and giving us
those good things which we are not worthy to
ask, but through the merits and mediation of
Jesus Christ Thy Son our Lord.
R. Amen.

Then shall he sung Psalm Ixxix.

Then the following Lessons, Peayebs or Meditations,

and PsAr.MS.

The First Lesson [Isaiah 1.].

After the Lesson,

The First Prayer or Meditation [On the

rejecting of Apostles^

r\ LORD, Thou hast nourished and brought

^^ us up as Thy children; but we have re-

belled against Thee. The whole head is indeed

sick, and the whole heart is faint. When Thou
didst send down the Holy Ghost at the first, and
didst dwell in the midst of Thy Church in the

glory of the Divine Spirit, Thine apostles were

endowed with power and wisdom, that they might
order Thine household and skilfully guide Thy
flock ; and all that believed continued steadfastly

in their doctrine and fellowship, and great fear

was upon them all. But we, Lord, have cast

off Thy fear, we have despised Thy rule and
government, we have rejected Thee from being
king : we have forgotten that Thy kingdom was
from above, we have taken up our rest in the

earth, and have brought ourselves under cruel

bondage, into subjection to the rulers of this
world. Through this our sin, the sin of many
generations, we have failed to follow the ways
of Thy kingdom; Thy rule of tenderness and
love hath become unknown ; the power of this
world hath been substituted for it, and the rule

and authority of man hath been intruded into

Thy sanctuary. Lord, Thou knowest our op-
pression and our grief; the kings of the earth
exercise authority over Thy Church, according
to their will ; they cause her spiritual powers to
be employed as instruments for their own ad-
vantage. Thou seest that faith hath failed, and
therefore love hath grown cold. No man re-
ceiveth truth from those whom Thou ordainest,
but each chooseth his own doctrine for himself;

and tlie unity of peace and charity,, tlie unity

of Thy saints in the Holy Ghost, hath been ex-

changed for endless divisions, and for mutual
hatred. The crown hath fallen from our heads ;

woe unto us, that we have sinned. The punish-

ment of our pride hath fallen upon us. Our
fathers have sinned, and we bear their iniquities.

Servants rule over us, and there is none that doth

deliver us out of their hands. Have mercy, have
mercy upon us, most merciful Father; take

pity on our affliction and our grief. Gather

again Thy dispersed unto Thyself; break off the
yoke of our captivity, and let the man of the

earth no more oppress. Restore unto us our

judges as at the first, and our counsellors as
at the beginning. Set our feet at liberty, that
we may run the way of Thy commandments.
jR. Amen.

Psairn Ixxxix.

The Second Lesson [Isaiah v. 1-17].

The Second Prayer or Meditation [On the

loss of the Ordinance.^ of th£ Churdi]

r\ LORD GOD ALMIGHTY, when by the

^'^ outpourings of the Spirit of love and
power the children of Thine adoption were

gathered into Thy fold, and made Thy flock,

Thou didst give precious ministries. Thy perfect

ordinances, for defending Thy beloved ones from

every danger, and for supplying to them all

needful grace and help. In all things Thou

didst provide for their guidance and their pre-

servation. Thou didst give with Thine Apostles

the ministries of Prophets, Evangelists, and Pas-
tors. Thou didst ordain Thine Angels, Priests,

and Pastors, over all Thy

the congregations of
saints. How great is Thy wisdom
how large is !

Thy bounty what more couldest Thou have


done for Thy vineyard which Thou didst not do

in it ? But we have not rendered unto Thee the
fruits which were meet. We have brought forth
wild grapes, grapes of Sodom and clusters of
Gomorrha. And behold the enemy hath broken
into Thy sanctuary, he hath trampled under foot
the defences — he cometh into Thy fold at plea-

sure. Thy fold is broken up. Thy sheep are

scattered. Many are Thy children who seek for
Thy refreshing grace, and return empty; many
are they who wander without a shepherd, having
none to guide or to recover them back ; they
heap unto themselves teachers after their own
mind, and they lay it not to heart that those
who should have taught them are withdi-awn.

This our desolation, Lord, is our sin ; it is the

visitation of Thy hand; because we, and our
Fathers, our Priests, our Prophets, and our Pas-
tors, have transgressed Thy laws, changed Thine
ordinances, and broken Thine everlasting cove-

nant. Yet, Lord, have mercy upon us, for we

are athirst for the living waters. Satisfy us with

Thy mercies, and that soon, that we may rejoice

and be glad in Thee. Thy Spirit and

Send forth

make all things new, and renew Thou the face

of the earth. Build up the walls of Thy Zion,
and visit us with Thy salvation.

R. Amen.

Psalm Ixxx.

The Third Lesson [Hosea, ii.].

The Third Prayer or Meditation [On the

ceasing of the exeidse of the Gifts of

the Holy Ghost].

r\ LORD GOD of mercy and truth, great was

^^ the glory of Thy Church in the day of the
outpouring of the Holy Ghost. The multitude
of them which believed were of one heart and of
one soul. They were filled with joy and with
the Holy Ghost. Thy hand was stretched forth

to heal; the mighty signs and wonders of Thy


power, wrought in tlie name of Jesus, gave wit-

ness to Thy presence ; and the divers gifts of the
Holy Ghost were distributed unto every man
according to His will, that each, according to the
grace given unto him, might exercise the same
for the profit of all. But Thy people have
abused Thy gifts ; they have forgotten Thee
they have taken Thy fair jewels, and made to

themselves images of men. And when Thou

hadst withdi'awn Thyself in anger, they have
forgotten the powers of the world to come, and
have thought only of the wisdom and operations
of man. But Thou hast revived in us, Lord,
the memoiy of Thy former grace; Thou hast
given us to see from whence we have fallen, and
to know that we are poor and miserable, and
blind and naked. [We see not our signs, there is

no prophet left, nor any that can tell us how

long. Thy mighty power is no more put forth
in the midst of Thy people, they have forgotten
their confidence in Thee, and they lay not hold
of Thy strength, nor abide in the power of Thy
life.] Yet Thou abidest faithful. Thou that art

the hope of Thy people in all generations ; Thou

wilt not despise the prayer of the destitute.

Thou art faithful to Thy promise, that Thou art

with Thy Church even unto the end of the


world : Thou liast never withdrawn the gifts

which Thou didst bestow, the earnest of the pro- j

mised inheritance. We beseech Thee, therefore,

Lord, come among us, and with great might
succour us ; renew Thy covenant with Thy Church,
as in the days of her youth, and cause Thy power
and Thy glory to be seen in Thy sanctuary, as in

the days of old.

R. Amen.

Psalm Ixxiv.

Thr Fourth I^esson [Luke xxi. 25-36.]-

The Fourth Prayer or Meditation [Ow the

Chu7'ch hecomtng entangled with the World^ .

r\ GOD, Thou didst make Thy Church to be

^^ a spiritual body, the image of the heavenly
things ; Thou didst impart unto Thine elect the

powers of the world to come, that, in the midst

of this world, they might not be of this world,
but might look for their redemption, and wait
for the Saviour the Lord Jesus Christ, when He
should be revealed from heaven. Thou didst so

illuminate them with Thy grace, that that day

should not overtake them as a thief. Thou didst

fill them with that hope, which was as an anchor

of the soul, sure and steadfast; and having that


hope^ they purified themselves as He is pure.

But Thy people have forsaken their hope^ they

have looked for an inheritance here ; they have

forgotten that Thy kingdom was not of this

world; they have sought to reign without their

Lord, and to possess before His coming the
wealth, and power, and lordship of the earth.

From hence have come wars and fightings, from

hence hath come the shedding of blood, which
in Thy holy Name hath been poured like water
on that earth, which Thy blood had sanctified.
And they who had been purged from their old
sins, have become unholy and unclean. And
now, Lord, Thou art near to come; the time
of visitation, the time of restitution of all things,

draweth near. Thou hast caused the day-star

to arise in our hearts, and awaking from our
sleep we are filled with shame, and confusion,
and fear ; for our eyes are opened to perceive

how low we have fallen, that we are not pre-
pared to meet the Lord, and to render to Him
the account He who may abide
the day of His coming, and who may stand when
He appeareth ? for He shall be as a refiner^s fire

and like fuller^s soap. Yet, Lord, we return to

Thee, who waitest to be gracious, who repentest
Thyself for Thy servants, when Thou seest that

their power is gone. We wait for Thine ap-

pearing ; we look out for the coming of Thy
kingdom ; we long for and desire the approach

of that great day. Purify us, Lord_, we be-

seech Thee, purify Thy people ;
purge away all

our dross, and take away all our tin. Cleanse

us from our iniquities. Restore to us the joy
of Thy salvation, and uphold us with Thy free

Spirit. Send forth, Lord, the divine and

quickening Spirit, and make all things new;
pour upon us the dew of Thy heavenly grace.
Sanctify us, that we may be holiness unto Thee.
Shed abroad Thy love in our hearts. Call upon
Thy Zion to arise from the dust, and bid the
bride to make herself ready.

R. Amen.

Psalm cii. conclv/iijig with the Gloeia Patri.

After the conclusion of the last Psalm, the Litany shall

be repeated. Before the concluding Prayer the fol-

lowing shall he mid:

\ LMIGHTY and Most Merciful Father, we

present unto Thee all these our suppli-
cations and prayers in the name of Jesus Christ ;

and we beseech Thee to fulfil all our petitions

for His sake. We pray Thee to send Thine
Apostles unto Thy children who believe in Thee,

and to raise up Thy Prophets, Evangelists, Pas-

tors, and Teachers ; that Thy way may be pre-
pared, that the hearts of the disobedient may be
turned to the wisdora of the just, and that Thy
people may again be filled wdth joy and with the
Holy Ghost. Stretch forth Thy right hand, and
lay it upon the childi-en of Thine adoption, that
they may come behind in no gift, waiting for the
Lord. Confirm Tliou, stablish, strengthen, and
settle them ; anoint and seal them to be Thine
with that Holy Spirit of promise, which is the
earnest of our inheritance ; and keep them blame-
less and spotless, steadfast in faith, and joyful
through hope, unto the day of our Lord Jesus
Christ ; and unto Him with Thee, heavenly
Father, and the Holy Ghost, the One living and
true God, be glory for ever and ever, world with-

out end.
R. Amen.


After the first two ordinary Frayen shall be said the

four Prayers or Meditations appointed for the Fore-
noon See VICE. After which there may be repeated
any of the ordinary Prayers ; f« rovrlnde as usual.

After the Collect /or the Day^ the following :

\ LMIGHTY GOD, who hast caused tlie hearts

•^^ of Thy people to desire and long for the
kindlings of Thy Holy Spirit ; Grant unto us,

we beseech Thee, to be enriched with His mani-

fold gifts, that, patiently enduring through the

darkness of this world, we may be found shining

forth, like bright and shining lamps fed by divine
grace, in the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ,

when He cometh in His kingdom; who liveth

and abideth with Thee, in the unity of the Holy
Ghost, One God, world without end.

R Amen.


After the Collect for the Day, the following

/"^ OD, who as at this time didst teach the

^^ hearts of Thy faithful people, by the
sending to them the hght of Thy Holy Spirit;
Grant us by the same Spirit to have a right judg-
ment in all things, and evermore to rejoice in

His holy comfort ; through the merits of Christ


Jesus our Saviour, who liveth and reigneth with

Thee, in the unity of the same Spirit, One God,
world without end.
R' Amen.


Afte7' the first ordinary Prayer^ or in the Afternoon the

first two Prayers^ shall follow the Collect /or the Day,
then the Collect appointed for Morning Prayeb, and
then that appointed for Evening Pbater on the Eve of
Pentecost; after ivhich the other Prayers below.

Almighty God, who hast sent down the

Holy Ghost, &c.
God, who as at this time didst teach, &c.
Almighty God, who hast caused the hearts, &c.

r\ GOD, who art the life of them that believe,

^-^ the glory of them that are humble and
lowly, and the blessedness of the righteous
Favourably regard the prayers of Thy humble
servants, and grant that our- souls, which are
athirst after Thy promises, may always be satisfied
out of Thy fulness ; through Jesus Christ our
-ft- Amen.

r\ GOD, who didst as on this day send down

^^ the Holy Ghost upon Thine Apostles and
faithful Disciples,, that He might abide with Thy
Church for ever; Grant unto Thy people, that
theymay receive the answer of that prayer which
Thou didst make for them, and pour down con-
tinually Thine abundant blessing and peace upon
all to whom Thou hast given faith to believe in

Thy Name, who livest and reignest with the

Father and the Holy Ghost, ever One God, world
without end.
[{, Amen.

After which any other Prayers, and the condudiiig

Prayer, as usual.

At the Celebration of the Holt Euchabist,

After the " Glory be to God on high,"

r\ HOLY GHOST, which dwellest in us,

^-^ Who art holy, who art good
Come Thou, and fill the hearts of Thy faithful


And kindle within them the fire of Thy love.


The Anthem after the Epistle.

T WILL greatly rejoice in the Lord :

My soul shall be joyful in my God.

For He liatli clothed me with the garments of

salvation :

He hath covered me with the robe of righteousness;

As a bridegroom decketh himself with ornaments :

And as a bride adorneth herself with her jewels.

Then the Hymn Y Em Creator SpiRiTus,/or which see

the Order for the Celebration of the Eucharist.

The Preface.
Giving of the Holy Ghost, the
Comforter ; who as on this day, according to Thy
promise, being sent of Thee and of Thy Son upon
the children of Thine adoption, came down from
heaven, with a sound as of a rushing mighty
wind, and with the likeness of cloven tongues of
fire : Who abideth ever in the Chui-ch, dividing
His manifold gifts to every one, according as He
willeth j Who inspireth the servants of the Lord,

the ministers of His Church, Apostles, Prophets,

Evangelists, Pastors and Teachers ; '\^Tio guideth
into all the truth, and bringeth to remembrance
all things, whatsoever the Lord hath taught and
commanded ; Who sanctifieth, and fiUeth with joy

and gladness, the hearts of all Thy childi-en,

vouchsafing the seal and confirmation of our

faith, and the earnest and fii-st-fruits of our hope.

We bless Thee for all the sacraments, &c.


In the Oblation (after Consecration).

Present to Thee our prayers.
Thou, who sanctifiest these gifts by the
coming down of Thy Holy Spirit, we beseech
Thee by His saving presence to cleanse our con-

sciences, and by His holy inspiration to enlighten

our souls ; that we, and all Thy flock, ofi"ering up
unto Thee these spiritual sacrifices, acceptable in
the Holy Ghost, and celebrating therein the ful-
filment of Thy promise in His descent as on this

day, may rejoice in His comfort, and be filled

with His peace.

The Communion Anthem.

rpHE flesh profiteth nothing :

It is the Spirit that quickeneth.

The words I speak unto you :

They are Spirit, and they are life.

The kingdom of Heaven :

Is not meat and drink

But righteousness, and peace :

And joy in the Holy Ghost.

The Post-Communion Prayer.

r\ ALMIGHTY GOD, who by the giving of the

Holy Ghost hast changed the shadows of

the old law into the realities of the body of

Christ, and by the continual operation of the

same Thy quickening Spirit dost cause Thy
Church to grow and to be profited by Thy
grace; We beseech Thee, that all we, who have
partaken of the flesh and of the blood of Thy
dear Son, may be filled with the blessed com-
munion of the Holy Ghost, and be endowed
with His heavenly gifts ; through the same Jesus
Christ our Lord, who, with Thee and the Holy
Ghost, liveth and abideth One God, world with-

out end.

R, Amen.



These Servicea to be the ,sn7ne as on ordinary f/ai/s,

except asfolloivs.

The Exhortation.
rpHE hope of Christians in the beginning,
which encouraged and strengthened them
to bear up against the cruel persecutions which
desolated the Church, was, that the Lord Jesus

Christ would speedily return to this earth, and

give rewards unto His faithful servants. For
this they were willing to die, and for this they

lived; and this hope purified them, and made

them meet for the kingdom of Heaven. The hope
of Him who should bruise the serpent's head
consoled Eve, after she had seen the misery which
she had brought upon her posterity. The same
hope comforted the Patriarchs. But we, and all

our brethren, are fallen away from our hope : we

have fallen into the sin of standing still, instead
of going on unto perfection; the sin, which so
easily besets us, and against which we are specially

warned in Holy Scripture. We love not the

suffering creation, which is groaning, waiting for

deliverance : we have not thought of the departed

martyrs, by whose zeal and faithfulness the know-
ledge of God has been handed down to us ; and
who, having fallen asleep, wait for the resmTcction

of their bodies, that they may enter into the joy

and presence of their Lord. Our love to our

Saviour, who longs to hear our cry that He should

come again unto us, and deliver us from all tempta-
tion and trial, hath waxed cold. We have ceased
to feel for the oppressed poor, all over the earth,
who have none to help them, but the Lord. Oh !

we are indeed hard-hearted and selfish, and the


love of God dwelleth not in us ; since^ seeing our

brethren in so much need, we come not to their

aid, and seek not the Lord, in behalf of a world

lying in pain and misery, that He, who alone is

the Saviour of the body as well as of the soul,

would come and wipe away tears from off all

faces. We have indeed been anxious for our

own personal salvation ; but we have lost sight

of the Body of Christ, and forgotten that it

is only as one body, and not as individuals,

that we can be received into gloiy. AYe have
been altogether indifferent to God's glory, and
to God's end and pm-pose, to be accomplished
and brought about by His Church, which He
formed as His instrument to effect His ends.
The Jews have been reviled as unbelievers ; whilst

they have been more steadfast in the faith of the

promises made unto them, than we in those made
unto us.

Yet God hath not shut up His loving-kindnesses

in displeasure, nor forgotten His Covenant for ever.

He still waiteth to be gracious, and is ready to

hearken to the cry of His people, who turn unto
Him with weeping and in true penitence of heart.
Wherefore draw near, and confess your sins unto
Him, in earnest hope of His mercy through Jesus

The Confession.
\ LMIGHTY and everliving God, We confess
^^^ that we are unclean and impure in Thy
sight; That the hope of the speedy coming of
Thy dear Son hath not purified us as He is pure.
For we have been altogether unmindful of that
hope, and indifferent to it. We have rent and
torn asunder the Church of God, which should be

one ; And we have not mom-ned over our schismatic |

ways. We have been careless about the desolation |

of Thy Church, the place where Thine honour i

dwelleth. We have not been mindful of our |

brethren, wno have gone before us. Whose blood |

has watered the Church, Through whose faith I

and zeal Thou hast been able to preserve unto us, !

to this day, the record of all that Thou hast done

for us. We have Thy Spirit
resisted the voice of

in Thy Church, By which Thou wouldst have given

her continual light ; And we have lightly esteemed
the ministries which Thou didst appoint of old,

for spiritual rule and direction of the whole body.

Behold, we return unto Thee our God, from

whose ways we have grievously departed. And
implore Thy pardon for all our folly. Though
our sins be as scarlet. Thou canst make us white
as snow. Our hope is in Thee alone. Forgive
us, we beseech Thee ; Forgive Thy people whom

Thou hast redeemed with Thy most precious

blood j And be not angry with us for ever. Create
in us clean and contrite hearts ; And vouchsafe to
us Thy heavenly grace^ that we turn not again
unto folly. Hear us^ most merciful God^ for

the sake of Jesus Christ.

}{^ Amen.
The Absolution.
A LMIGHTY GOD, our most merciful Father,
who despiseth not the sighing of the contrite
heart, nor the desire of such as be sorrowful ; who
hath given His Only-begotten Son to die for our
sins, and for His sake taketh not vengeance on
sin ; but hath respect unto the blood of the Lamb,
which taketh away the sin of the world; Pardon
and forgive the innumerable offences committed
against His Divine Majesty, and blot out as a
thick cloud the transgressions of His Church, and
remember no more her sins.

Draw nigh, therefore, unto Him in full assurance

of faith in this His mercy,and make known unto
Him all your desires that ye may receive strength

from Him to walk henceforth before Him in all

well-pleasing, to the glory of His most holy Name.

H, Amen.
Peace be with you.

U, Amen.


A LMIGHTY and Everlasting God, wlio art

always more ready to hear, than we to pray,

and art wont to give more than either we desire

or deserve; Pour down upon us the abundance

of Thy mercy ; forgiving us those things whereof
our conscience is afraid, and giving us those good
things, which we are not worthy to ask, but
through the merits and mediation of Jesus Christ,
Thy Son our Lord.
R. Amen.

Then shall folloiv the proper Psalm.

After which the Lesson.

Then the follounng Prayers and Thanksgivings.

TX7E come unto Thee, Lord our God, to

' ' plead before Thee for the fulfilment of
Thy gracious promises : We do not presume to
come, trusting in our own righteousness, but in I

Thy manifold and great goodness. We ask not j

for our sakes, but for Thy holy Name^s sake, for \

the accomplishment of the things Thou hast i

spoken of old. We pray thee now to accomplish |

Thine ancient promise, that the Seed of the |

Woman shall bruise the serpent's head. We


pray Thee to give David, Thine Anointed, to rule

in Thy holy City for ever. We pray Thee to
send Jesus Christ, whom the heavens have re-
ceived and do hold until the times of the restitu-

tion of all things. We pray Thee, that we, Thy

Church and people upon earth, may not see death,
but be caught up to meet the Lord in the air, and
so be ever with Him ; that we may not be un-
clothed, but clothed upon with light and immor-
tality, receiving spiritual bodies. We pray that
Jesus Christ, who is the only King of kings
and Lord of lords, may take unto Himself now
His kingdom, and set up His throne upon the
R Amen.

T) EH OLD, Lord, the ruin of Thy sanctuary,

-^ Thy Church desolate; The place, in which
Thou wouldest manifest Thy holiness and Thy
glory, profaned. See, God, the affliction of Thy
people, and send Him whom Thou wilt send, even

the Lamb who shall be the Ruler, and take off

the yoke of our captivity.

R Amen.

TTEAR Thou the cry of Thy servants, who ciy

unto Thee from beneath the altar; take
Thou vengeance of the blood of Thy martyrs,

whicli has been spilled in the street of the city of

confusion. Thou hast said;, Thou wilt not forget

their work and labour of love for Thee; Thou

wilt reward even a cup of water given to the least

of Thy brethren. Hear Thou the groaning of

Thy whole creation^ for Thou art a God of pity

behold the tears that are shed upon the earth,

and wipe them away from all eyes.

R Amen.

T) E Thou jealous^ Lord, for Thy trutVs sake,

^^ for Thy Holiness' sake; and suffer not the
destroyer any more to destroy in all Thy holy
mountain, any more to vex Thy servants whom
Thou hast redeemed mth Thy most precious
it. Amen.

rPAKE to Thyself, Lord Jesu, Thy great

power, and come again and reign; come
into the midst of Thy people and save us, for
Thou only art our deliverer ; Thou only art the
Saviour of the body as well as of the soul ; bring
with Thee all those who sleep in Thee ; raise Thy
dead saints ; give unto them again their bodies,
for Thou art the Resurrection and the Life. Hide
not Thy face from us any more, we beseech Thee.
R, Amen.

A LMIGHTY GOD, the God of Abraham, the

God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, we
beseech Thee in behalf of Thine ancient people,
the house of Israel ; of whom are the fathers, and
of whom, according to the flesh, did come the
Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. We pray Thee
to look down with pity upon their low estate, suf-

fering long under Thy righteous wrath and indig-

nation. We have added unto their affliction ; we
have looked upon our brother in the day that he
became a stranger ; we have rejoiced over the

children of Judah in the day of their desolation ;

we have spoken proudly in the day of their

distress. But now we turn unto Thee in their

behalf: we beseech Thee, turn their heart unto

Thyself, and take away the veil which is thereon,
and remove the blindness of then' mind ; that they
may look upon Him whom they have pierced, and
mourn for their iniquities. Accomplish for them,
we beseech Thee, all the purposes of mercy and
blessing, which Thou hast yet in store for them ;

give unto them again the land of their inherit-

ance ; build speedily the walls of Jerusalem, and

make it to be the joy of the whole earth.
Hear us, Lord, for Tliy Name^s sake, and
answer us for Thine Honour, through Jesus Christ.
H. Amen.

Then the Collect /or the day.

A LMIGHTY GOD, with whom do live the
spirits of them that depart hence in the
Lord, and with whom the souls of the faithful,
after they are delivered from the burden of the
flesh, are in joy and felicity ; We give Thee hearty
thanks for all our brethren, whom it hath pleased
Thee to deliver out of the miseries of this sinful

world ; beseeching Thee, that it may please Thee,

of Thy gracious goodness, shortly to accomplish
the number of Thine elect, and to hasten Thy
kingdom : that we, with all those that are departed
in the true faith of Thy holy Name, may have our
perfect consummation and bliss, both in body and
soul, in Thine eternal and everlasting glory;
through Jesus Christ our Lord.
H, Amen.

r\ MERCIFUL GOD, the Father of our Lord

V' Jesus Chnst, who is the Resurrection and
the Life ; in whom whosoever believeth shall live,

though he die ; and whosoever liveth, and believeth

in Him, shall not die eternally ; who also hath
taught us, by His holy Apostle Saint Paul, not to
sorrow, as those without hope, for them that sleep
in Him; We meekly beseech Thee, Lord, to

raise us from the death of sin unto the life of


righteousness^ that we may be ready for His

appearing : and grant, that those who shall depart

this life before His coming may rest in Him ; and

that we may all, at the general resm-rection in the

last day, be found acceptable in Thy sight, and

receive that blessing which Thy well-beloved Son
shall then pronounce to all that love and fear Thee,
saying. Come, ye blessed of my Father, receive the
kingdom prepared for you from the beginning of
the Avorld: Grant this, we beseech Thee, most
merciful Father, through Jesus Christ, our Medi-
ator and Redeemer.
R. Amen.

GOD of the spirits of all flesh, God of
^^^ Abraham, of Isaac, and of Jacob; Thou
that rememberest the blood of righteous Abel,
and the blood of all Thy prophets and martyi's
we bless Thy holy Name, and render our unfeigned
thanks to Thee, for all the witnesses to Thy truth
and works, which Thou hast raised up from the
beginning unto this day. We bless Thee for the

fathers, to whom Thou didst give promises, and to

whom Thou didst give gi'ace to believe the same
we thank Thee for the prophets of old, especially

for the greatest of all, the Forerunner of our Lord


we thank Thee for the grace which Thou didst

give unto the Virgin Mary (whom all generations
bless) that she did become the Mother of the Lord
we thank Thee for the apostles, prophets, martyrs,

and confessors of Thy truth ; we thank Thee for

all who have faithfully served Thee in their day

and generation, into the fruit of whose labours
we are entered we thank Thee for all the dead

who rest in Thee, and for all Thy living saints

upon the earth. And we do beseech Thee to
grant unto us here present, that we may imitate
their good example, faithfully serving Thee all

our lives, and being ready at all times to bear

witness for Thee, even unto the death.

Hear us for the sake of Jesus Christ, to whom
with Thee, Father, and the Holy Ghost, One
God, be glory for ever.

ii Amen.

rpHE grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love

of God, and the communion of the Holy
Ghost, be with us all, evermore.

R Amen.
In the Celebratian of the Eucharist

The Collect.
GOD, who art the fountain of all holiness,

grant unto us Thy servants grace so to


follow Thy blessed saints in all virtuous and

godly living, tliat we with them may come to

those unspeakable joys, which Thou hast pre-

pared for them who love Thee; through Jesus
Christ our Lord.

R. Amen.

The Epistle. [I Thess. iv. 18 to v. 10].

The Anthem after the Epistle.

"D LESSED and holy is he :

-^^ That hath part in the first resurrection.

They shall be priests of God and of Christ

And they shall reign with Him upon the earth.

They that be wise :

Shall shine as the brightness of the firmament

And they that turn many to righteousness :

As the stars for ever and ever.


The Gospel [Matt. xxv. 13 to end].

The Creed.
"ITTHOSOEVER will be saved: before all

things it is necessary that he hold the

Catholic Faith.
Which faith except every one do keep whole
and undefiled : without doubt he shall perish


And tlie Catholic Faitli is this : That we wor-

ship one God in Trinity, and Trinity in Unity
Neither confounding the Persons : nor divid-
ing the Substance.
For there is one Person of the Father, another
of the Son : and another of the Holy Ghost.
But the Godhead of the Father, of the Son,
and of the Holy Ghost, is all one : the glory
equal, the majesty co-eternal.

Such as the Father is, such is the Son : and

such is the Holy Ghost.
The Father uncreate, the Son uncreate : and
the Holy Ghost uncreate.
The Father incomprehensible, the Son incom-
prehensible : and the Holy Ghost incompre-

The Father eternal, the Son eternal : and the

Holy Ghost eternal.

And yet they are not three eternals : but one


As also there are not three incomprehensibles,

nor three uncreated : but one uncreated, and one

So likewise the Father is Almighty, the Son
Almighty : and the Holy Ghost Almighty.
And yet they are not three Almighties : but
one Almighty.

So tlie Father is God, the Son is God : and

the Holy Ghost is God.
And yet they are not three Gods : but one
So likewise the Father is Lord, the Son Lord
and the Holy Ghost Lord.
And yet not three Lords : but one Lord.
For like as we are compelled by the Christian
verity : to acknowledge every person by Himself
to beGod and Lord
So are we forbidden by the Catholic Religion
to say, There be three Gods, or three Lords.

The Father is made of none : neither created,

nor begotten.
The Son is of the Father alone : not made, nor
created, but begotten.

The Holy Ghost is of the Father and of the

Son : neither made, nor created, nor begotten, but
So there is one Father, not three Fathers ; one
Son, not three Sons : one Holy Ghost, not three
Holy Ghosts.
And in this Trinity none is afore, or after

other : none is greater, or less than another.

But the whole three Persons are co-eternal

together : and co-equal.

So that in all things, as is aforesaid : the Unity

in Trinity, and tlie Trinity in Unity, is to be

He therefore that will be saved : must thus
think of the Trinity.
Furthermore, it is necessary to everlasting sal-
vation : that he also believe rightly the Incar-
nation of om' Lord Jesus Christ.
For the right Faith is, that we believe and
confess : that our Lord Jesus Christ, the Son
of God, is God and Man.
He is God, of the Substance of the Father,
begotten before the worlds : and He is Man,
of the Substance of His Mother, born in the
Perfect God, and perfect Man : of a reasonable
soul and human flesh subsisting

Equal to the Father, as touching His God-

head ; and inferior to the Father, as touching
his Manhood.
Who although He be God and Man : yet He
is not two, but one Christ.
One, not by conversion of the Godhead into
flesh : but by taking of the Manhood into God.
One altogether; not by confusion of Sub-
stance : but by unity of Person.
For as the reasonable soul and flesh is one
man : so God and Man is one Christ

Who suffered for our salvation : descended into

liell, rose again the third day from the dead.

He ascended into heaven^ He sitteth on the right

hand of the Father, God Almighty : from whence
He shall come to judge the quick and the dead.
At whose coming all men shall rise again with
their bodies : and shall give account for their
own works.
And they that have done good shall go into
life everlasting : and they that have done evil,

into everlasting fire.

This is the Catholic Faith : which except a

man believe faithfully, he cannot be saved.

The Preface.
One God and one Lord
[ or on the Lord's -Day sacraments and ordi-

nances of Thy Church].

And this day, with Thy holy Church through-
out the world, we especially give thanks to Thee
for all Thy saints departed in the faith, for our

present fellowship with them, for our common

hope, and for the promise of our future joy in
the day of the resurrection of the just. For
Thou art to be glorified in the assembly of Thy
saints, and crownest all thy gifts in bestowing
that Crown of glory, which fadeth not away.

let tlie cloud of witnesses, tlie innumerable

company of tliose who have gone before and
entered into rest, be to us for an example of
godly life, and even now may we be refreshed
with their joy; that so with patience we may
run the race which yet remains before us, looking

unto Jesus Christ our Lord; through Whose

blood an entrance is administered abundantly to
all believers into the everlasting kingdom, the

heavenly Jerusalem, the glorious assembly of the

saints ; and by Whom the innumerable company
of angels adore with trembling, and all the
powers of heaven do celebrate Thy majesty.
With them we also magnify and praise Thee,
mighty God, heavenly King. We worship and
adore Thy glorious Name, &c.

In the Prayer of Oblation

(after Consecration).
And present to Thee our
prayers.] Especially this day offering the sacri-

fice of thanksgiving, and rejoicing before Thee with

exceeding joy, in the communion of all Thy saints

living and departed, with whom we wait for the

adoption, even the redemption of our bodies,

when all creation shall be delivered from the

bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty

of Tliy children ; Which of Thy mercy, Lord,

do Thou speedily bring to pass, that Thy purpose
may be accomplished in Thy Church, and that in
one body we may attain unto the glory of the
resurrection in the life to come.

R. Amen.

The Communion Anthem.

OING unto the Lord a new song :

And His praise in the congregation of saints.

Let Israel rejoice in Him that made him :

Let the children of Zion be joyful in their King.

Let the saints be joyful in glory :

Let them sing aloud upon their beds.

For the Lord taketh pleasure in His people :

He will beautify the meek with salvation.

The Post-Communion Prayer.

f\ GOD, who art the fountain of all holiness,
^^ we beseech Thee for the help of Thy con-
tinual grace; that, partaking of this Thy holy
table as strangers and pilgrims here on earth,
we may be advanced to partake of the heavenly
feast in the general assembly of all Thy saints,
in the day of Thy kingdom; through Jesus
Christ our Lord.

H. Amen.

Then sliull he read the Epistles to the Seven Churches^

contained in the 2d and Sd Chapters of the Revelation.

And instead of the Te Deum the following Anthem.

/^ IVE ear, ye heavens, and I will speak :

And hear, Earth, the words of my month.

My doctrine shall drop as the rain :

My speech shall distil as the dew

As the small rain npon the tender herh :

And as the showers upon the grass.

Because I will publish the Name of the Lord :

Ascribe ye gi-eatness unto our God.

He is the Rock, His work is perfect

For all His ways are judgment.

A God of Truth, and without iniquity :

Just and Right is He.

The Lord^s portion is His people :

Jacob is the lot of His inheritance.

For the Lord shall judge His people :

And repent Himself for His servants ;

When he seeth that their power is gone :

And there is none shut up or left.

And He shall say, I lift up my hand to Heaven :

And say, I live for ever.

Rejoice, ye nations, with His people :

For He will avenge the blood of His servants ;

And will render vengeance to His adversaries :


And will be merciful unto His land and to His


Great and marvellous are Thy works :

Lord God Almighty :

Just and true are Thy ways :

Thou King of Saints.

Who shall not fear Thee, Lord, and glorify
Thy Name :

For Thou only art Holy

For all nations shall come, and worship before
For Thy judgments are made manifest.
Glory be to the Father, and to the Son
And to the Holy Ghost
As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever
shall be :

World without end. Amen.

The Benediction.
rilHE peace of God, which passeth all under-
standing, keep your hearts and minds in
the knowledge and love of God, and of His Son
Jesus Christ, our Lord;
And the blessing of God Almighty, the Father,
the Son, and the Holy Ghost, be amongst you
and remain with you always.
R Amen.





After the (tloria in Excei-sis,

Peace be with you.

H. And witli thy spirit.

T^'.e7i shall follow the several Collects, Lessons, and

Psalms subjoined, to be prefaced in this manner

T ET US attend to the reading of the words

written unto the Seven Churches by the
hand of John ; which were signified unto him by

the revelation of Jesus Christ, to shew unto His

servant things which must shortly come to pass.

The First Collect.

Let us pray.
r\ ALMIGHTY GOD, who abhorrest the deeds
^"^ of unrighteousness, and the words fi'om

lying lips ; Grant unto Thy people, we humbly

beseech Thee, such pui-ity of heart, that of Thy
mercy they may ever be defended from false

apostles and deceitful workers, and may also be

enabled joyfully to obey Thee in those whom Thou
choosest and sendest forth unto the blessing of
Thy Church; through Jesus Christ our Lord.
R Amen.

The First Lesson [Kev. ii.


Th.c Pjjat.m [Ps. cxx.].

In my distress I cried, &c.

Glory, &c.

The Second Collect.

Let us pray.
/~\ GOD, the Protector of all that trust m
^^ Thee, without whom nothing is strong,

nothing is holy ; increase and multiply upon us


Thy mercy, that Thou being our ruler and guide,

we may so pass through things temporal, that we
finally lose not the things eternal ; Grant this,

heavenly Father, for Jesus Christ's sake our

R, Amen.

The Second Lesson [Rev. ii. 8-11].

Jlie Psalm [Ps. cxxi.].

1 will lift up mine eyes, &c.

Glory, &c.

The Third Collect.

Let us pray.

OGOD, who wilt not endure iniquity, who

hast mercy upon all who truly repent;

Grant unto us, we beseech Thee, true contrition

of heart and the grace of Thy most Holy Spirit,

that henceforth walking in Thy fear, we may

break off our sins by righteousness, and may be
delivered from every false way by cleaving unto

Thee with a perfect heart, and so of Thy mercy

may attain to know Thee, even as also we are

known of Thee through Jesus Christ

; our Lord.

R. Amen.

The Third Lesson [Rev. ii. 12-17].


The Psalm [Ps. cxxiii.]-

Unto Thee lift I up mine eyes, &c.

Glory, &c.

The Fourth Collect.

Let us pray.


the workings of all spiritual

wickedness, and art smft to deliver Thy


who dost not suffer us

in every time of trial ;

to betempted above that we are able, but makest

us, we be-
a way for us to escape ; Grant unto
all good
seech Thee, to abound in charity and
in faith and
works, and to endure unto the end
patience: that, of Thy merciful providence,

may be kept from the snares of evil spirits and

the seductions of flattering lips, and may be

guided by Thy heavenly light until the


of the resurrection; when, with all Thy samts,

we shall be made partakers of Thy glorious king-

dom; who livest and reignest with the Father
and the Holy Ghost, ever One God, world
out end.
R Amen.

The Fourth Lesson [Rct. ii. 18-29].


The Psalm [Ps. cxxiv.].

If it had not been tlie Lord, who was, &c.

Glory, &c.

The Fifth Collect.

Let us pray.
f\ LOUD, who abhorrest them that turn aside
^^ and forsake Thy righteous ways, but re-
gardest in Thy compassion those that remain
faithful in the time of darkness and perplexity
Forgive, we beseech Thee, the backslidings of
Thy people, and revive the spirits of them that
are contrite. Send down upon us the grace of
watchfulness ; make us to be faithful and to
endure unto the end, that when Thou shalt come
to take account, we may not be found slum-
bering, but ready and waiting for Thine ap-
pearing, who now sittest at the right hand of
the Father, making intercession for us ; to whom,
with Thee and the Holy Ghost, be all honour
and glory, world "without end.
R Amen.
The Fifth Le8Son [Rev. iii. 1-6].

The Psalm [Ps. cxxv.].

They that trust in the Lord shall be as Mount

Zion, &c.
Glory, &c.

The Sixth Collect.

Let us pray.
/^ GOD, who for our sins hast covered Thine
^^ inheritance with the cloud of Thine anger,
and for Thy mercy and for Thy truth's sake hast

again shone in upon the darkness of our hearts

with the effulgence of Thy glory in Jesus Christ ;

God, who hast laid upon His shoulder the key

of Thine house, and restorest unto us those ordi-

nances whereby Thou wiliest to guide Thy flock

Grant unto Thine elect out of all the tribes of

Thy true Israel, the seal and confirmation of Thy

Holy Spirit, pour out upon us His holy unction,
fill us with His consolations, and quicken us
with the hope of the speedy advent of Thy Son
our Lord ; that, being purified by the same hope
even as He is pure, taking up our cross, and
following Him in the path of humiliation whither-
soever He shall lead us, we may at length behold
His face in righteousness, and may receive that

crown of righteousness which fadeth not away.

Hear us for His sake, to whom, with Thee and
the Holy Ghost, be all honour and glory, world
without end.

U. Amen.

The Sixth Lesson [Rev. iii. 7-13].


The Psalm [Ps. cxxvi.].

When the Lord turned again, &c.
Glory, &c.

The Seventh Collect.

Let us pray.
f~\ LORD, raise up (we pray Thee) Thy power
^~^ and come among us, and with great might
succour us ; that whereas, through our sms and
wickedness, we are sore let and hindered in

running the race that is set before us. Thy

bountiful grace and mercy may speedily help
and deliver us ; Through the satisfaction of Thy
Son our Lord, to whom, with Tliee and the Holy
Ghost, be honour and glory, world without end.
R. Amen.

The Seventh Lesson [Rev. iii. 14-22].

The PsALW [Ps. cxxx.].

Out of the depths, &c.

Glory, &c.

Thcji shall follow the Collect /<^7' the Dnn. namely

Let us pray.
r\ ALMIGHTY GOD, who hast builded Thy
^^^ Chui'ch upon the foundation of apostles
and prophets, Jesus Christ Himself being the
chief corner-stone ; Grant unto Thy people, that,

being illuminated through the words of Thy

prophets, and joined together in unity of spirit
through the doctrine, precepts, and ministry of
Thine apostles, we may grow unto an holy temple
in the Lord, and may be builded together for
Thy habitation through the Spirit ; for the merits

of Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour ; To whom,

with Thee and the Holy Ghost, One God, be glory
for ever and ever.

R. Amen.

The Epistle [Heb. xii, 18-29].

"Ye are not come unto the mount" to "a

consuming fire."

The Anthem after the Epistle.

r^ REAT is the Lord, and greatly to be praised :

In the city of our God, in the mountain of

His holiness.
We have thought of Thy loving-kindness, God :

In the midst of Thy temple.

For this God is our God for ever and ever :

He will be our guide even unto death.


The Gospel [John xvii. 1-24].

" Jesus lifted up His eyes to heaven" to " the

foundation of the wol-ld."


In the Offertoey the offerings of the Congregation shall

be hy^ought up and presented.

The Preface.
One God and one Lord.
Thou that didst shine forth in glorious

majesty on the holy mount, delivering the holy

law unto Thine assembled Israel ; Thou that
didst descend in the pillar of fire upon the taber-

nacle in the wilderness, after it had been builded

according to Thy pattern ; That didst fill the
temple with Thy gloiy, when all the furniture
thereof had been brought in and set in order;
Thou that gatherest unto Thyself them that
make a covenant with Thee by sacrifice; Unto
Thee we give glory for our communion in these

holy mysteries, which we celebrate in the midst

of Thine assembled churches : And we bless Thee
for that future hope, when we shall appear before

Thy glorious throne, in the general assembly and

church of the firstborn.
Thee, mighty God, heavenly King, &c.

In the Prayer of Oblation

(after Consecration).

Our prayers.
We off'er and present them in the congrega-
tion of Thy Seven Churched in this city, gathered


into one according to Thy commandment; a

symbol of the unity of Thy holy Church through-
out the world. We beseech Thee^ Lord, that
Thou wilt magnify Thy Name in the midst of
Thy people, and fill them with the joy of Thy
salvation, the comfort of Thy peace, and the
power of the Holy Ghost. May Thine anointing
flow down upon all Thy children, that they may
embrace Thy holy doctrine ; May Thy love be
shed abroad in their hearts, that they may be
edified in the faith ; May Thy manifold grace be
ministered unto them through all the ordinances
of Thine house, that they may be perfect and
entire, wanting nothing ; May they evermore be
confirmed with the seal of Thy life-giving Spirit,

and, being sanctified in theii' whole man, spirit,

and soul, and body, may they be preserved blame-

less unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ
that so they may have part in that glorious change

which shall pass upon all who wait for His ap-
pearing, when this mortal shall put on immor-
tality, and mortality shall be swallowed up of life.

R, Amen.

The Communion Anthem.

rpHE Lord hath chosen Zion :

He hath desired it for His habitation.


This is my rest for ever :

Here will I dwell, for I liave desired it.

I will abundantly bless lier provision :

I will satisfy her poor with bread.

I will also clothe her priests with salvation :

And her saints shall shout aloud for joy.

The Post-Communion Prayer.

r\ ALMIGHTY GOD, who, through the par-
^"^ taking of the body and blood of Christ,
and by the operation of the Holy Ghost, knittest
together all Thy saints to be one holy bread,
and one mystical body, in Christ ; we beseech
Thee through this holy communion to strengthen

us, that we may be enabled evermore to follow

the Lamb whithersoever He goeth, and may give

up ourselves for His body^s sake the Church;
who liveth and reigneth with Thee, and with the
Holy Ghost, ever One God, world without end.
R. Amen.
T'he Hyrnn Te Deum shall he swig before the Bene-
diction, unless specially directed to he omitted.

The Collect.
GOD, who wouldest not the death of a
sinner, but rather that he should tm'n

from his evil ways and live ; We beseech Thee

favourably to regard the prayer of Thy people
who seek Thee with all their heart, and of Thy
mercy remove from them the scourge of Thy
judgments ; through Jesus Christ our Lord.
R. Amen.

For the Epistle [2 Sam. xxiv. 10-25].

" David's heart smote him, after ''
to " and the
plague was stayed from Israel."

The Anthem ArxER the Epistle.

"XTTE are consumed by Thine anger :

And by Thy wrath we are troubled.

Thou hast set our iniquities before Thee :

Our secret sins in the light of Thy countenance.

Heturn, Lord, how long :

And let it repent Thee concerning Thy servants.

satisfy us early with Thy mercy

That we may rejoice and be glad all our days.

Tht Gospel [Matt. viii.

" "
When Jesus was come into Peter's house
to ''
and bare our sicknesses."

In the Prayer of Oblation

(after Consecration).
Our prayers ; especially

in this present time of our necessity, through


this prevailing plague,, we put Thee in mind of

Thy loving-kindnesses unto Thy people in all

time of their affliction. Thou that didst have

respect unto the atonement of Aaron, and didst
stay the plague when it had begun, that didst
accept the sacrifice of David, and didst command
the destroying angel to withhold his hand; Do
Thou now, we beseech Thee, accept our sacrifice
and answer us in mercy ; recover from this sick-
ness those who are afflicted with it; and those
whom Thy goodness hath hitherto preserved from
its invasion, do Thou still protect, that it may
proceed no further.
^- Amen.

The Communion Anthem.

"D LESS the Lord, my soul

And forget not all His benefits.

Who forgiveth all thine iniquities :

Wlio healeth all thy diseases.

Who redeemeth thy life from destruction :

Who crowneth thee with loving -kindness and

tender mercies.
Who satisfieth thy mouth with good things :

So that thy youth is renewed like the eagle's.



The Collect.
God, wlio wouldest not the death of a sinner,
&c. y2.> III uit 1 arm for Tunes of Sickness].

For th' Epistt.r [Gen. viii. 15-221

'^God spake unto Noah, saying, Go forth"

to " day and night shall not cease."

The Anthem after the Epistle.

We are consumed, &c. ^the same as in the Form

fo7' Times of Sickness'] .

The Gospel [Mark viii. J -9].

" In those days the multitude being very

great" to "and He sent them away."

In the Prayer of Oblation

(after Consecration).

Our prayers; humbling

ourselves before Thine altar at this time espe-

cially,because of the threatening of Thy sore

judgment of approaching famine and scarcity,
and imploring Thy mercy and Thy compassions.
Lord, do we put our trust. It is
In Thee,

Thou wlio hast ordained food for man and beast ;

and Thou hast promised that seed-time and har-

vest shall not fail. We remind Thee of Thy
promise ; we beseech Thee accept the sacrifice of

Thy people who for the merits of Thy Son depre-

cate Thy wrath, avert Thy judgment which we
have justly deserved, and restore unto us abun-
dance for Thy mercy^s sake,
ft Amen.

The Communion Anthem.

THE eye of the Lord is upon them that fear

Upon them that hope in His mercy
To deliver their soul from death :

And to keep them alive in famine.

Our heart shall rejoice in Him :

Because we have trusted in His holy Name.

Let Thy mercy, Lord, be upon us :

According as we hope in Thee.

The Post-Communion Prayer.

MERCIFUL GOD, who, in pro\-iding for
the children of Thine adoption this heavenly
food, dost graciously assure and sanctify unto us

the daily provision for our bodily wants; Grant

unto us, we beseech Thee, such faith in Thy

fatherly love and mercy, tliat we may cease to

be careful for the things of this life, and may

wholly be given up to seek after Thy kingdom
and righteousness, committing ourselves to Thy
providence, who knowest whereof we have need.

Hear us for the sake of Jesus Christ.

R, Amen.


The Collect.
/~\ GOD, who art a most strong tower of de-
^^ fence unto all who flee to Thee for suc-

cour ; mercifully look upon our infirmities ; and

in all our dangers and necessities stretch forth

the right hand of Thy power to help and defend

us, for the gloiy of Thy Name, through Jesus
Christ our Lord.
/2. Amen.

The Epistle [James iv. I-IO]

" From whence come wars and" to " shall lift

you up."

The Anthem after the Epistle.

T\ELIVER me from mine enemies, my God

•^-^ Deliver me from them that rise up against me.

Deliver me from the workers of iniquity :

And save me from bloody men.

Give us lielp from trouble :

For vain is the help of man.

Through God we shall do valiantly :

For He it is that shall tread down om' enemies.

The (tospei. [Matt. xiv. 22-33].

"Straightway Jesus constrained His disciples"

to "Thou art the Son of God."

In the Prayer of Oblation

(after Consecration).

Our prayers. Especially be-

seeching Thee to visit us in this our low
estate, and save our country from the power of
our enemies, who threaten to swallow us up.
Deliver us from the arm of violence ;
our lives, our dwellings, and our substance ; and
of Thine infinite mercy give unto us such as-

surance of Thy protection, that amidst the tu-

mults and confusion of war we may be preserved

from fear of evil, in quietness of spirit, and in
inward peace, trusting to Thy loving-kindness
and to Thy continual defence. Give grace unto
the subjects of this realm \_or state] to fulfil their

duty with good courage in Thy holy fear ;


unto them the victory, and in the moment of

triumph may they remember Thy mercy, and
shew mercy : And above all, we beseech Thee,
Thou God of Peace, to restore peace among
the nations ; to pour out a spirit of harmony
and concord among all Christian people, and
to put far away from om* borders the sound
of war.
R' Amen.

The Communion Anthem.

rr^HERE is no king saved by the multitude of
an host
A mighty man is not delivered by much strength.
A horse is a vain thing for safety :

Neither shall he deliver any by his great strength.

Behold, the eye of the Lord is upon them that
fear Him :

Upon them that hope in His mercy.

Let Thy mercy, Lord, be upon us :

According as we hope in Thee.

The Post-Communion Prayer.

r\ ALMIGHTY GOD, in whose hands are all
^-^ the kingdoms of the earth ; who disposest
of all things according to the counsels of Thy
will ; who by Thy rebukes dost chasten us, and

by Thy pardon dost heal us; Extend unto us,

we beseech Thee, the abundance of Thy mercy,

that we may learn by Thy judgments to amend
our lives, and may pass the remainder of our
days, protected by Thy power, in peace and
tranquillity, through Jesus Christ our Lord.
R Amen.


The Collect.
A LMIGHTY and Everlasting God, who art

always more ready to hear than we to

pray, and art wont to give more than either we
desire or deserve ; Pour down upon us the abun-
dance of Thy mercy, forgiving us those things
whereof our conscience is afraid, and giving us
those good things which we are not worthy to
ask, but through the merits and mediation of
Jesus Christ Thy Son our Lord.
A' Amen.

W' Epistle [Philipp. iv. 4-8].

Rejoice in the Lord alway" to " praise, think
on these things."

The Anthem after the Epistle.

'Vr Sickne-

T) LESS the Lord, my soul

-^ And all that is within me bless His holy
Who forgiveth all thine iniquities :

Who healeth all thy diseases ;

Who redeemeth thy life from destruction :

Wlio erowneth thee with loving-kindness and

tender mercies.

Oh Re.sioration of Peace, or Victory.

f^ OD is our refuge and strength

A very present help in trouble.
He maketh wars to cease unto the end of the

earth :

He breaketh the bow, and cutteth the spear in

sunder, He burneth the chariot in the fire.

Be still, and know that I am God :

I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be

exalted in the earth.

The Lord of Hosts is with us

The God of Jacob is om- refuge.

After Sickness or Famine.

T SHALL not die, but live :

-^ And declare the works of the Lord.


The Lord hatli chastened me sore

But He hath not given me over unto death.

Open to me the gates of righteousness :

I will go in to them_, and I will praise the


The (iosPKL [Matt. vii. 7-11].

" Ask, and it shall be given ^^ to " them that

ask Him.^'

In the Prayer of Oblation

(after Consecration).

Our prayers. Rejoicing before

Thee at this time, and offering up the sacrifice

of praise and thanksgiving, in acknowledgment

of Thine exceeding mercy vouchsafed unto our
prayers, in redeeming our souls and bodies
from the calamities which threatened to over-
whelm us.

Here add for Preservation

: in War, or Restoration
of Peace.

TT hath pleased Thee to save us out of the

hands of our enemies ; to preserve the land

of our habitation from the destroying sword [to

restore peace mthin our borders] ; and to give
unto us again the joy of Thy salvation.

For Restoration of Health.

TT hath pleased Thee to stay the pestilence, by

which for our sins we were justly afflicted,

and to restore the voice of joy and health in our


For Restoration of Plenty.

TT hath pleased Thee to avert [oTj to cause to
cease] Thy sore judgment of famine, and
to give unto us plenty of food and sufficient

The Prayer to conclude as follows

A ND we beseech Thee, that we may henceforth

^^ obediently walk in the way of Thy precepts,
and may yield up our bodies and souls a living
sacrifice to Thee, fulfilling the vows which in the
time of our affliction we made to Thee, and which
in this our oblation we solemnly renew.
R. Amen.

The Communion Anthem.

the Lord with :

And let Name together.

us exalt His
I sought the Lord, and He heard me :

And delivered me from all my fears.


The angel of the Lord :

Encampeth round about them that fear Him, and

deUvereth them.
taste and see that the Lord is good :

Blessed is the man that trusteth in Him.



The Woman uiay present herselffur this Thanksgiving at

any service at Nine or at Three ; and it shall he offered

before the concbiding prayer.

The Priest ministering shall say to her,

'nORASMUCH as it hatli pleased Almighty

God, of His goodness, to give you safe
deliverance, and hath preserved you in the great

danger of childbirth; you shall therefore give

hearty thanks unto God, and say ;

Then shall the Priest say the cxvith Psalm

T LOVE the Lord, because He hath heard my

voice and my supplications.

Because He hath inclined His ear unto me,

therefore will I call upon Him as long as I


The sorrows of death compassed me, and the

pains of hell gat hold upon me : I found trouble
and sorrow.

Then called I upon the Name of the Lord :

Lord, I beseech Thee^ deliver my soul.

Gracious is the Lord, and righteous ; yea, our

God is merciful
The Lord preserveth the simple : I was brought
low, and He helped me.
Return unto thy rest, my soul ; for the Lord
hath dealt bountifully with thee.
For Thou hast delivered my soul from death,
mine eyes from tears, and my feet from falling.
I will walk before the Lord in the land of the

I believed, therefore have I spoken : I was

greatly afflicted.

I said in my haste, All men are liars.

What shall I render unto the Lord for all His

benefits toward me ?

I will take the cup of salvation, and call upon

the Name of the Lord.

I will pay my vows unto the Lord, now in the

presence of all His people.
Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death
of His saints.
Lord, truly I am Thy servant; I am Thy
servant, and the son of Thy handmaid : Thou
hast loosed my bonds.
1 will offer to Thee the sacrifice of thanks-

giving, and will call upon the Name of the

I will pay my vows unto the Lord, now in the

presence of all His people

In the courts of the Lord^s house, in the midst
of Thee, Jerusalem. Praise ye the Lord.
Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to
the Holy Ghost
As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever
shall be, world without end. Amen.

Then the Priest shall my

/^ LORD, save this woman Thy servant

^^ a Who putteth her trust in Thee.
Be Thou to her a strong tower,
H From the face of her enemy.
Lord, hear our prayer
R, And let our cry come unto Thee.

Let us pray.

r\ ALMIGHTY GOD, we give Thee humble

^^ thanks for that Thou hast vouchsafed to
deliver this woman, Thy servant, from the great
pain and peril of childbirth : Grant, we beseech
Thee, most merciful Father, that she, through
Thy help, may both faithfully live, and walk

according to Thy will, in this life present;

and also may be partaker of everlasting glory
in the life to come : through Jesus Christ our
Rr Amen.

The Woman should come up tu receive the holy Com"

munion on the next convenient occasion of administra'

And on this, and on all occasions of individual thanks-

givings, persons should he encouraged to make offerings^
as God may enable them^ in testimony of their thankfid-
ness to Him.



On coming into the Churchy the person to be baptized, with

the Sponsors, shallremain near the entrance, or at some

convenient place near the baptistery/ or font.
shall come
Priest, after private prayer at the altar,
down to them. j

previously admitted
If the person to be baptized have been

a Catechumen, the Priest shall commence idth the Ex-

hortation immediately preceding the Confession but ;

as follows:
if otherwise, he shall commence

ALMIGHTY GOD, from whom thou seekest

the gift of faith, and of that eternal hfe

which is the portion of them that beheve, Grant

unto thee all thy desire, and fulfil in thee the

good pleasure of His will.

R. Amen.

T F thon wonldest enter into life_, keep tlie com-

mandments. And this is life eternal, that

thou shouldest know the only true God, and

Jesus Christ, whom He hath sent. And the
true faith is this, that thou worship One God in
Trinity, and Trinity in Unity; neither dividing
the Substance, nor confounding the Persons ; for

there is one Person of the Father, and another of

the Son, and another of the Holy Ghost. But
the Godhead of the Father, of the Son, and of
the Holy Ghost, is all One, the Glory equal, the
Majesty co-eternal.

Let us pray.

A LMIGHTY GOD, most merciful Father, who

wiliest not that any should perish, but that
all should come to the knowledge of the truth
mercifully regard this infant [or, person]; put away
from him all blindness of heart; loose him from
the bonds of death in trespasses and sins; save
him from the dominion and presence of the devil

and make him of the number of Thy children

through the quickening power of Thy Spirit, and
an heir of Thine eternal kingdom ; through
Jesus Christ our Lord.
R. Amen.

Then the Priest shall sny.

npHE Lord Jesus Christ our God, who with

His finger did cast out devils, and came '

into the world to destroy the works of the devil,

Deliver thee from Satan, and from all his works,

and from all his evil power; and cause him to
depart from thee, both now and for ever. The
Lord cast out from thee every evil and unclean
spirit which lurketh within thee; the spirit of I

deceit and guile; the spirit of idolatry and co-

vetousness ; the spirit of falsehood, and of all un-
cleanness ; that the Holy Ghost may take up His
abode and dwell in thee, henceforth and for ever.
R, Amen.

Then signing him on the forehead with the sign

TN the Name of the Father, and of the Son,

and of the Holy Ghost, I sign thee with the

sign of faith, the sign of the Cross of Christ;

and be thou never ashamed of His Cross, but con-

fess the faith of Christ crucified, and continue His
faithful soldier and servant unto thy life's end.
R. Amen.
Let us pray.
A LMIGHTY GOD, the eternal refuge of all
•^^ that call upon Thee, the aid of all that

flee to Thee for succour ; the hfe of them that

beheve ; and the resurrection of the dead ; we
call upon Thee for this infant, that he, coming
to Thy holy baptism_, may receive forgiveness
of his sinSj and Thine everlasting mercy and
grace, by spiritual regeneration. Receive hirrij

O Lord, as Thou hast promised by Thy well-

beloved Son, saying, "Ask and ye shall receive,
seek and ye shall find, knock and it shall be
opened unto you." So give now unto him that
asketh, let him that seeketh find, open the gate
unto him that knocketh, that he may enjoy the
everlasting benediction of Thy heavenly washing,
and may come to the eternal kingdom, which
Thou hast promised; through Jesus Christ our
k. Amen.

Then the. Priest receiving the infant from the Sponsors ^

shall turn towards the altar, and shall repeat the' Creed and the Lord's Prayer.

I believe in God the Father Almighty, &c.

Our Father, which art, &c.

He sJiidl then deliver back the infant to the Sponsoi'S,

and shall say^

The Lord be with you.

R. And Avith thy spirit.

Then the Priest shall return to the choir (the Candidate

for baptiSTTiy with his Sponsors, remaining at the
lower part of the ChvrcK), and he shall proceed as

The Exhortation.
pvEARLY beloved in the Lord,
^-^ We are instructed from God^s Word, and
our own experience doth testify, that all men
are conceived and born in sin, and do of their
own nature incline thereto ; and so are justly

exposed to God^s wrath and indignation. We

learn also, and do believe, that our Lord Jesus
Christ hath offered upon the cross, through His
own sufferings and death for us, a sufficient and
perfect sacrifice for the sins of the whole world

and that He hath instituted in His Church the

sacrament of Baptism, for the remission of sin,

and for spiritual Regeneration by the Holy

Ghost; that whoso believeth, and is baptized,

may, according to His promise, and through the

mercy of God, be saved.
For this cause we are now gathered together,
that this infant [or, person] may through this

holy Sacrament be washed from his sins, and

be made a member of Christ's holy Church unto

eternal salvation; [being assured in our hearts,

that it is not the will of our Father which is


in heaven^ that one of sucli little ones should


And as it becomes us at all times to humble

ourselves before God^ so especially at this time,

when the present goodness and mercy of God, in

making this infant [or, person] a partaker in all
the benefits of the passion of His dear Son, doth
lead us to remember those sins for which He
hath sufi'ered, the just for the unjust and evil.

Wherefore let us confess unto Almighty God the

sinfulness of our nature, and our own unworthi-

ness, that, receiving from Him the assurance of
His mercy and forgiveness, we may with joy and
confidence present and dedicate this infant [or,
person] unto Him, and beseech Him that He
will deliver him out of the kingdom of darkness,
and translate him into the kingdom of His dear


Then shall follow r/its v onkbssion.

Let us pray.

\ LMIGHTY GOD, merciful Father, we hum-

-^^ bly confess before Thee, that we, and all

men, are shapen in iniquity, and conceived in sin

and from the womb we go astray speaking lies.

We do inherit a deceitful and desperately wicked


heart, and, of our own natural propensity and

perverse wills, we do all follow our perverse and

untoward ways. We bewail, and are sorry for,

this our fault and manifest corruption, which is i

a grief and a displeasure to Thy holy Mind,

and which we acknowledge to be our guilt and
shame. Yet have mercy upon us, most merci-
ful Father, for Jesus Christ^ s sake; Vouchsafe
unto us remission of our sins through His
most precious blood, and the continual renewing
of Thy Holy Spirit; that we may henceforth
walk in newness of life, to the glory of Thy

holy Name.
R' Amen.

The Absolution.

A LMIGHTY GOD, the Father of our Lord

Jesus Christ, for His sake have mercy upon
you ;
grant unto you full remission and forgive-
ness, and absolve you from all your sins. And
may the blessing of God Almighty, the Father,

the Son, and the Holy Ghost, be with you all.

R. Amen.

Then shall be read the Lesson, either from Mark, x.

13-16, John, iii. 1-8, or Rom. vi. 1-11.


Aftei^ this they shall proceed to the fotit, and the Priest
shall address the Sponsors as follows :

pvEARLY beloved,
Ye have brought this infant [or, person] into

the Church of God, and do seek for him deliverance

from the power of the devil, the remission of sin,
and the gift of new and spiritual life by the Holy
Ghost, through the Sacrament of Baptism, which
Christ hath ordained for bestowing these benefits.
These God, on His part, will most surely bestow,
for the sake of His Son our Lord Jesus Christ
wherefore, it is my duty in the presence of God,
and before this congregation, to demand of you,

that, in the name of this infant, who cannot

answer on his own behalf, you [or if an adult,
to demand of this person that he] do make that
confession of unfeigned faith, out of a pure con-
science, which Almighty God shall accept and

answer, by vouchsafing His holy Baptism.

I demand therefore.

Dost thou believe that man is of his own na-

ture corrupt and evil, and is guilty before God,

and obnoxious to His just judgments ? And,

Dost thou earnestly desire to be delivered from
this guilt ?

it Such is my faith, and such is my desire.


Art tliou persuaded of the mercy of God

through Jesus Christ, that He willeth not that

any one should perish, but hath sent His Son

to redeem the world; that Jesus Christ hath
died for our sins, the just for the unjust ; and
that He hath ordained this Sacrament of Bap-
tism, as an effectual means for the remission and
washing away of sins, through the blood of Jesus
Christ, and for regenerating and sanctifying by
the Holy Ghost those who are baptized ?

i?. All this I believe.

Dost thou renounce and abhor the devil, and all

his works, and all evil spirits ; the world, and all

its glory and vanities, and all sinful desires of

the flesh ; so that thou wilt not follow, nor be

led by them ?

R. I renounce and abhor them all.

Dost thou believe in God the Father Almighty,

Maker of heaven and earth ?

And in Jesus Christ, His Only-begotten Son,

our Lord ? And that He was conceived by the

Holy Ghost ; born of the Virgin Mary ; that He
sufi'ered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead,

and buried ; that He went down into Hell, and

also did rise again the third day ; that He

ascended into heaven, and sittetli on the right

hand of God the Father Almighty; and from
thence shall come again to judge the quick and
the dead ?

And dost thou believe in the Holy Ghost ; the

holy Catholic Church ; the Communion of Saints

the Remission of sins; the Resurrection of the

body, and the Life everlasting ?

R, All this I steadfastly believe.

Wilt thou be baptized in this faith ?

E, That is my desire.

Dost thou unfeignedly submit thyself wholly

unto the will of Christ, and wilt thou obediently
keep God^s holy will and commandments, and
walk in the same all the days of thy life ?

It I do submit myself, and will obey.

In testimony of these thy good resolutions, I

call upon thee to worship and adore the living

and true God.

Here the iSponsorti with the Candidate shall kneel^

and he, or if an infant the Sponsors in his name,

shall say.

I worship and adore the Father, the Son, and

the Holy Ghost, One living and true God, being

of One substance, power, and majesty ; to whom

be praise and glory. Amen.

Praise and glory be to the Father, and to the

Son, and to the Holy Ghost, One God
A' As it was in the beginning, is now, and
ever shall be, world without end. Amen.

Let us pray.

ALMIGHTY and Everlasting God, who, of

Thy great mercy, didst save Noah and his
family in the ark from perishing by water, and
also didst safely lead the children of Israel Thy
people through the Red Sea, figuring thereby

Thy holy Baptism ; And by the baptism of Thy

well-beloved Son Jesus Christ, in the river Jordan,

didst sanctify water to the mystical washing away

of sin j We beseech Thee, for Thine infinite mer-

cies, that Thou wilt mercifully look upon this

child [or, person] ; Give unto him, that he may be

baptized and washed from all his sins ; that he may
be born again of water, and of the Holy Ghost
that, being delivered from Thy wrath, and sancti-

fied by Thy Holy Spirit, he may be received into

the ark of Christ's Church; and finally, being

steadfast in faith, joyful through hope, and rooted


in charity, he may so pass tlie waves of this

troublesome world, that he may come to the land

of everlasting life, there to reign with Thee, world

without end ; through Jesus Christ our Lord.

R. Amen.

Here the Priest shali rise.

r\ RANT, merciful God, that the old Adam

^^ in this child [or, person] may be so buried,

that the new man may be raised up in him.

Grant that all carnal affections may die in hirrij

and that all things belonging to the Spirit may

live and grow in him.
Grant that he may have power and strength to

have victory, and to triumph, against the Devil,

the World, and the Flesh.
Wherefore, Lord God, we beseech Thee, that,

by Thy mighty power, Thou wilt at this time

detect and expel all power and wickedness of
Satan from the body, soul, and spirit of this

child [or, person] ; and wilt deliver him from

that wicked enemy, and for ever preserve him

from his invasions : That Thou wilt cleanse and

sanctify him at this time in his inward being :

That Thou wilt clothe him with the shining gar-

ment of salvation, the robe of innocency and

righteousness : And that, thus preparing him for

Thy sacred presence, Thou wilt take up Thy

abode in him for ever. Hear us for the sake of

Jesus Christ.
R. Amen.

The Priest shall turn towards the font.

A LMIGHTY and everliving God, whose most

•^ dearly beloved Son Jesus Christ, for the

forgiveness of our sins, did shed out of His most

precious side both water and blood; and gave
commandment to His disciples, that they should

teach all nations, and baptize them In the name

of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy
Ghost ; Regard, we beseech Thee, the supphca-
tions of Thy congregation ; sanctify this water,

and by Thy mighty power and presence make it

effectual, to the mystical washing away of sin,

and to the sanctifying of the spirit of this child

[or^ person] ; and grant that he, being baptized

therein, may through means of the same receive
the fulness of Thy grace, and ever remain in

the number of Thy faithful and elect children ;

through Jesus Christ our Lord.
i?. Amen.

Then the Priest shall receive the Candidate {if an infant,

into his arms), and shall say,

Name this child \or, person]


And having received the Name^ shall baptize hi?n,


N. I baptize thee in tlie Name of the Father,

and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.

R, Amen.

He shall then take the child or person from the font,

and shall go with him up the steps icithin the choir

{folloiced by the Sponsors, who shall abide at the foot

of the steps), and then laying his hand on the child

or person's head shall say,

"\TTE receive this child [or, person] into the

congregation of Christ^s flock hlere lie

may sign him unth the sign of the cross i

and do
bless him in the Name of the Father, and of

the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. And be thou

blessed and kept unto everlasting life.

R. Amen.

Then the Iciest shall return the baptized unto the

Sponsors, and shall go to the proper place in the


Let us pray.
Our Father, which art in heaven, &c.

E. Amen.

X\7E yield Thee hearty thanks, most merciful

^^ Father, that it hath pleased Thee to re-
generate this infant with Thy Holy Spirit, and
to receive him for Thine own child by adoption.

and to incorporate him into Thy holy Church.

And humbly we beseech Thee to grant that he
being dead unto sin, and living unto righteous-

ness, and being buried with Christ in His death,

and risen with Him, may crucify the old man,
and utterly abolish the whole body of sin ; and
that at length, in body and in spirit, he may be
partaker in the glory of the Resurrection, and
with the residue of Thy holy Chm-ch may be an
inheritor of Thine everlasting kingdom, through
Jesus Christ our Lord.
H. Amen.

The officiating Minister shall then charge the baptized,

and the Parents or Sponsors, as to their several duties.
And shall conclude by blessing them.

Then shall follow Psalm xxvii. or Psaljm xxxiv.

8-12, or Psalm cxxviii. roith the Gloria Patri, and

The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, &c.

R. Amen.

It loill be remembered that Parents or Sponsors shoidd

give notice on the Saturday preceding of their desire
to present the child for baptism, and that notice of
the day and hour fixed should be given at the Com-
munion on the Lord's- Day.
Also care should be taken that all persons, who are
called on to give responses, do thoroughly understand
that which they undertake to answer, and that they
do so with a good conscience.

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