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Dear Mira
I am sorry I have to tell you that I can’t come to your house to work on our project as we
have planned before. Unex pected thing happens. My grandma must be hospitalized soon. I’ll tell
you about our plan later


1. Can Arfi come to Mira’s house?

2. Why doesn’t he come to Mira’s house?

b. Write down the differences of two memos below!


Dear Dewi
Nia got an accident today on her way to Rika’s house. Now she is hospitalized at Rumah
Sakit Umum.
What if we visit her today?




For (Mr./Ms.) : Ms.Linda

From (Mr./Ms.) : Ms.Dinda, Managr of PT.Aquarius, Supplier of Mineral Water
Message Subject : Ms.Dina ask Ms.Linda to call her as soon as possible, to
Discuss our joining to mineral water supplier.
(Phone number : 085652137138)
Date : Wednesday, 23rd March 2011
Taken by : Mr.Wahyudi

Memo is a message that is written shortly, clearly, and easy to be understood. Memo can be
said formal when it is used as a formal statement letter, such as a message from a leader to
employee. But it can be said informal when it is used as an informal statement letter, such as a
message that is sent among friends, relatives, or other persons.
There are two kinds of Memo
1. Formal Memo
There are two parts of the form of the formal memo:
a. Head of memo
- Receiver/acceptor
- Sender
- Matter and date
- Signature and name
b. Content

2. Informal Memo
There are two parts of the form of the informal memo:
a. Head of memo b. Content
- Receiver/acceptor - Sender (name)

Examples of short messages / scraps of official and unofficial:


To: Mom

Mom, I borrowed your clutch bag.

The one with black suede colour and two side pockets. I need it for Bima’s birthday
party tonight.
Thank you so much!


To: Human Resource Developments’ staffs

From: Chief of HRD
Matter: Meeting, October 12, 2010

Come to the meeting hall at seven o’ clock on October 12, 2010

Contoh Memo Pribadi atau Tidak Resmi Bahasa Inggris Terbaru
Contoh memo pribadi bahasa Inggris untuk teman
To : Dhila Syahidah
From : Afrilia Wardani
Date : Februari 18, 2015
Subject : Brotherhood gathering

Hi, Dhil, this morning I was at your home. But you had left for swimming. Actually I wanted to call you first
before visiting you, but my handphone was left. I just want to know your decision about our planning to
attend the brotherhood gathering next week. Do you mind telling me about your decision before friday?
So I can book the bus ticket for you. Thanks

Contoh memo pribadi bahasa Inggris dari ibu kepada anaknya

To : Ratna
From : Mom
Date : June 17, 2045
Subject : Keeping the house

Dear Ratna, Today Mom is going home late. I got a calling from the manager to attend the very important
meeting discussing about the company’s financial problem. I guess it spends more time than usual. It
means that I’m going home at night. I hope you can keep the house. Don’t forget to feed Samlawi. Love
you, dear.

Contoh memo tidak resmi untuk penjaga perpustakaan

To : Mr. Budiman, the librarian

From : Irawan
Date : March 19, 2019
Subject : Returning the book

Excuse me, mr. Budiman, I have return the book (Religious Encyclopedia) which I borrowed two days
ago. I put it on your desk. I am so sorry to return it while you are having lunch. Because I am in hurry. I
am going to visit my mother in the hospital. I hope you are having a good lunch. Thanks

Contoh memo tidak resmi untuk menjemput ayah di bandara

To : Raditya
From : Randon
Date : May 17, 2020
Subject : Calling for dad at the airport

Dear my brother, I hope you can pick up Dad at the airport. He left from Surabaya at 5 pm. And I am sure
by the time you pick him up at 7 pm, he will be waiting for you. I have an urgent meeting at my campus.
Don’t be late, brother!. Thanks

Contoh memo pribadi untuk Raisa untuk membayar tarif listrik

To : Raisa
From : Dad
Date : May 17, 2020
Subject : Payment of electricity

Dear my lily. When you wake up, Dad has already gone to Bali for international company meeting. You
sleep so soundly that Dad has no heart to wake you up. Today is the last day of payment of electricity. Dad
has prepared the money on your desk. Pay it after you come home from school. Love you, my lily.

To: Ani Afira, S.kom

From: Lisa Zahra, S.Pd.
Date: January 29th, 2015
Subject: Proposal of International Conference 2015

During the next month on February 7th, we will make a special International Conference, which
will be attended by all the high student from 27 countries. The Conference will discuss about the
International Science Competition in the next year. Please send me proposal about this event as soon
as possible to my room this afternoon.

To: Ahmad Ramdani

From: Usman Abdul Hamid
Date: February 1th, 2015
Subject: Let’s do something for the animals!

I feel sorry for the endangered animals. You know, there used to be many birds near my house, but
now they are significantly reduced in their number. I think it is a result of lack of food because
people have cut down many trees and bushes. Let's do some things for the birds. Let's build a bird
feeder and create a bird bath for them.
Can we do it next Sunday around 8.00 in the morning?

To: All Employees

From: Ahmad Fajar, Head Manager
Date: February 15th, 2015
Subject: Our Company's Anniversary

Next Sunday, we are going to celebrate our company's anniversary. It will be held at 10:00 a.m. on
February 8th, 2014. There will be bazaar and door prizes for the employees. I hope you can attend
this celebration on time.

To: All managers

From: Director
Date: January 31th, 2015
Subject: New Project
You are expected to attend the meeting on 31 January 2015, at 10.00 a.m. We will discuss a new
project. Please come on time.

To: Health & Safety Committee

From: Joe Chan, Chairperson, H&S Ctte
Date: February 17th, 2015
Subject: Room change for next Meeting

The meeting on Saturday, 17 February has been changed to room 201.

To: Dede Nur Zaman

From: Director
Date: February 3th, 2015
Subject: Meeting

Please attend the meeting at the Hotel Jayakarta on Tuesday, 3 February 2015 at 10.00 a.m. on
behalf of the director, Looking forward to your report upon completion of the meeting.

To: All Teachers

From: head Teacher
Date: February 7th, 2015
Subject: National Exam Preparation

Next Wednesday, we will discuss about the national exam preparation, I hope all teachers to be
present on time at 11:00 a.m. in the teacher's room.
To : Raihan Ardilangga
Date : March 27, 2014

Raihan, I need your help to announce all the managers that we are going to take a meeting on
Saturday, March 29. Also, you have to prepare the data of our finance report for this month. It must
be clear before the meeting because the data is included in the meeting and should be presented in
front of all the managers. I will be there on Friday to check your work.

David Sitohang

1. What does the memo talk about?

A. The meeting which will be carried out on March 29

B. The data of finance report
C. A presentation to the all managers
D. Checking the work of Raihan Ardilangga on Friday

2. Why does Raihan need to prepare the finance report?

A. Because the job is his regular work

B. The company hasn’t received the data for this month yet
C. It will be included and presented in the meeting
D. To complete the previous report

3. When does David come back?

A. As soon as possible
B. A day before the meeting
C. On Saturday morning
D. On March 29, 2014
4. See on the first sentence, …. going to take a meeting on Saturday, March 29. The underlined word
is similar with ….
A. Discussion
B. Workshop
C. Division
D. Gathering

5. From the text above, we can say that ….

A. David is Raihan’s staff

B. David works for Raihan
C. Raihan is David’s boss
D. Raihan works for David

1. A
2. C
3. B
4. B
5. D

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