Agreement & Disagreement

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Berikut ini alternatif kata setuju dan tidak setuju yang bisa pilih:

Setuju (agreement):
I agree with…
I am with you then…
I think I agree…
Of course I want…etc.
Tidak setuju (disagreement)
I disagree with…
I don’t think so that…
Of course it is not… etc.
Untuk aplikasinya akan tersaji dalam contoh dialog di bawah:

1. In Rena’s bed room (di kamar Rena)

Rena: “What do you think with this boy?”#showing the photograpgh of the cool
guy (bagaimana menurutmu cowok ini? #menunjukkan foto dari cowok cool)
Lina: “Ehm..he is too young!” (ehmm..terlalu muda)
Rena: “How about this?” (bagaimana dengan ini?)
Lina: “He is too high I think” (terlalu tinggi)
Rena: “Aha… and this? He is so cute and good looking, isn’t he? How?” (ahaa… dan ini? Dia
sangat imut dan tampan bukan? Gimana?)
Luna: “I agree with you. But do you know him?” (aku setuju denganmu. Tapi apakah kau tau
Rena: “Sure I know, I had knew him since we were seven.” (tentu aku tau. Aku kenal dia sejak
kami berumur tujuh tahun)
Luna: “Good for you,” (bagus kalau begitu)

2. At library (di perpustakaan)

Rose: “It was cool to know he was chosen as leader in our class!”(sungguh sangat keren tau dia
terpilih sebagai ketua di kelas kita)
Marion: “I’m with you. He is so smart, polite and of course he is kind to everyone” (aku setuju.
Dia pandai, sopan dan tentu baik hati ke semua orang)
Rose: “But I really wonder, can he solve the problems in our class? As you know, many
teachers gave up to handle it. So sad!” (tapi aku penasaran, dapatkah dia menyelesaikan
permasalahan di kelas kita? Banyak guru yang menyerah untuk menanganinya. Menyedihkan!)
Marion: “I’m sure he can. Trust me!” (aku yakin dia bisa. Percayalah!)
Rose: “Hope so,” (kuharap)

3. at the coast of beach (di pinggiran pantai)

Drake: “It is such a hot day, are you thirsty honey?” (hari yang panas, apakah kau haus sayang?)
Mione: “Not really, but wanna get some fresh thing?” (tidak begitu, mau cari sesuatu yang
Drake: “Like?”#tease gazing (seperti?#tatapan menggoda)
Mione: “I know what you think drake, don’t tease me! hahaha (aku tau apa yang kau pikirkan
drake, jangan menggodaku!hahaha)
Drake: “I want a glass of oranges juice and enjoy this wonderful scenery with you,
#smile. (aku mau segelas orange jus dan menikmati pemandangan yang indah ini denganmu)
Mione: “Ok, I think I agree with those ideas. Let’s get it!” (oke, aku setuju dengan idemu. Ayo!)
Drake: “Slow down baby!” (sabar sayang)

Agreement Disagreement
I agree I disagree
I think so I don’t think so
I absolutely agree you are right, but ______
You are absolutely right I wouldn’t say that
I am with you Do you think so?
That’s what I easy thinking I have a different opinion with you
I am of the same opinion I doubt with that.

Contoh Conversation Expression Of Agreement And

Andrew : What do you think about math?
apa yang kamu fikirkan tentang
Actually, it is very easy to learn. Do you
Caterine :
think so?
sebenarnya, itu sangat mudah untuk
: dipelajari. Apakah kamu berfikiran yang
I don’t think so. I have troubles when I
Andrew :
study about it. I always get bad score.
saya tidak sependapat. Saya memiliki
masalah ketika saya belajar
tentangnya.Saya selalu memperoleh nilai
yang buruk.
If you will get good score, you have to
Caterine :
practice exercise everyday.
jika kamu ingin memperoleh nilai baik,
: kamu harus mengerjakan latihan setiap
I am with you. But I do not have friends to
Andrew :
discuss together.
Aku sependapat. Tetapi saya tidak punya
: teman-teman untuk berdiskusi bersama
You can join with me if you want to learn
Caroline : about it. Please come to my house if you
have free time to learn math.
kamu bisa bergabung dengan ku jika
kamu ingin belajar tentang nya. Silahkan
datang ke rumahku jika kamu memiliki
waktu luang untuk belajar matematika.
Okey, I agree. By the way. My friends say
Andrew : that they can learn math without practice
the questions.
baiklah, saya setuju. Omong-omong.
: Temanku bilang bahwa mereka bisa
belajar matematika tanpa latihan soal.
That’s true. But not all of people can do it.
Caroline : Practice is more important, than
remember of pattern.
Itu benar, tetapi tidak semua orang bisa
: melakukannya. Latihan adalah lebih
penting dari pada mengihafal rumus.
Andrew : You are absolutely right
saya sungguh setuju.

Contoh Ungkapan Pesetujuan (Agreement)

 Absolutely.
 Exactly.
 I think so.
 I suppose so.
 There is no doubt about it.
 I agree entirely.
 I totally agree.
 I agree with you.
 I simply must agree with that.
 I absolutely agree.
 I completely agree.
 I have the same opinion.
 I am of the same opinion.
 That is exactly the same as I think
 That’s true.
 You’re right.
 You are absolutely right.

Contoh Ungkapan tidak setu (Disagreement)

 I don’t agree.
 I totally disagree.
 I completely disagree.
 I don’t guess so.
 I am sorry, but I disagree with you.
 I am afraid, I can’t agree with your opinion.
 I doubt with that.
 Your opinion was in complete contradiction to..
 I have a different opinion with you.
 I am of different opinion.
 I cannot agree with your idea.
 I don’t think so.
 That is not true.
 That is not always true.
 I am not so sure about that.
sumber :

Contoh Percakapan

Disagree :
John: Hey what do u think about this movie?
Zedo: I think this movie is really good.
John: I don’t think so. This movie is so boring that I sleep while watch it. The plot is flat and there is
not any suspense in the story. I like watching film but this time I disagree with you

Agree :
Ati: Hey, Look at my new Ring , isn’t it cool??
Bis: Yeah, I absolutely agree with you, your ring is so cool. It perfectly matches with your finger. It
must be a very expensive ring.
Vocabularies Expression of Agreement and Disagreement
Adj. = adjective / kata sifat
v. = verb/ kata kerja
n. = noun / kata benda
advrb. = adverb / keterangan

deliberate = bermusyawarah v.
Concern = perhatian, masalah, urusan n.
head = menuju v.
Vacation = liburan n.
come up = muncul v.
vote for = memberi suara v.
disagree = tidak setuju v.
Option = pilihan n.
suggest = menyarankan v.
Exciting = menyenangkan adj.
Jungle = hutan n.
In the middle of = di tengah advrb.
Intensity = intensitas n.
Lately = belakangan ini advrb.
Explore = menjelajahi v.
Costly = mahal adj.
pick = memilih v.

Basic Sentences Expression of Agreement and Disagreement

Ungkapan setuju dan tidak setuju

• I agree = saya setuju

• I agree with you = saya setuju dengan Anda
• I couldn’t agree with you more = saya sangat setuju dengan Anda
• That’s so sure = Benar sekali
• Abesolutely! = Benar sekali!
• You’re absolutely right! = Anda benar sekali!
• That’s exactly what I think = Hal itu tepat seperti yang saya pikirkan
• Exactly! = Tepat sekali!
• I’m afraid I agree with him = Saya rasa saya setuju dengan dia
• I have to side with you on this one = Saya harus berpihak pada Anda untuk yang
satu ini
• No doubt about it = Tidak ada keraguan mengenai hal itu
• Tell me about it! (Bahasa Slang, bermakna setuju)
• I guess so, I suppose so = Saya kira begitu (Setuju tapi tidak terlalu yakin)
• I was going to say that = Saya tadi ingin bilang begitu
• I am with you = Saya sependapat dengan Anda

Ungkapan tidak setuju

• I don’t think so = Saya rasa tidak…

• No way! = Tidak setuju! (Ungkapan tidak setuju yang kuat)
• I’m afraid I disagree with that = Saya rasa saya tidak setuju dengan hal itu
• I totally disagree = Saya sangat tidak setuju
• I beg to differ = Saya ingin berpendapat berbeda
• I’d say the exact opposite = Saya ingin berpendapat sebaliknya (Ungkapan tidak
setuju yang kuat)
• That’s not always true = Itu tak selalu benar
• Not necessarily = Itu tidak penting
• That’s not always the case = itu bukan selalu masalahnya
• No, I’m not sure about that = Tidak, saya tidak yakin dengan hal itu

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